
Elevit substitute. Elevit Pronatal: before, during and after pregnancy

In the modern world, a person does not always manage to take care of his proper diet, which is why there is often a shortage of certain vitamins and microelements that a person needs so much. A balanced diet is especially important for women who are planning to have a baby or are already pregnant. With the help of food products alone, it is not always possible to satisfy the body's needs for a sufficient amount of biologically active components. Specially designed vitamin and mineral complexes, which are intended for pregnant women, come to the rescue. One of these complexes is the drug "Elevit Prenatal", the composition of which meets the needs of the body of the mother and the unborn child.

General description of the drug

Swiss pharmacists from F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd." A truly unique composition of "Elevit" was developed in her laboratories. The drug is based on biologically active substances of vitamin nature, micro and macro elements, the content of which is clearly balanced in accordance with the needs of the woman's body during pregnancy and lactation. Its effectiveness has been proven in numerous clinical studies, and its safety has been confirmed by 15 years of use by pregnant women in many European countries.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets coated with a grayish-yellow shell, oblong in shape, with a biconvex surface. One side contains a score that allows you to break the tablet in half, and the other is engraved with "ROCHE". Due to the coating, this dosage form has practically no odor inherent in the individual components that make up the "Elevit". Tablets are packaged in blisters No. 10 and No. 20, the pack contains 30 or 100 pieces.

The composition of the drug

Tablets of the Elevit vitamin-mineral complex have a complex structure, the composition of which includes twelve different vitamin substances, four essential macroelements and three important microelements. The amount of active ingredients is adjusted to the optimal dosages of these substances, which are necessary for a balanced diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, the content, in addition to iron ions, is given in the tablet a little lower than it is recommended to use in order to exclude their excess in the woman's body.

The composition of "Elevit" for pregnant women is not only active ingredients. To form the tablet and its shell, additional substances are used that bind the individual components, give it strength and at the same time provide the necessary solubility, stability of the dosage unit during the specified shelf life.

Vitamin components of the drug

The composition of Elevit Pronatal vitamins includes water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamin components. Three of the fat-soluble vitamins are:

  • retinol palmate, known as vitamin A, at 1.9802 mg;
  • cholecalciferol or vitamin D, it contains 0.0125 mg;
  • tocopherol acetate or vitamin E, the content of which is 15 mg.

Of the composition of "Elevit" includes nine vitamin substances. First of all, these are B vitamins. These include:

  • thiamine mononitrate or vitamin B 1, its amount is 1.6 mg;
  • riboflavin or vitamin B 2, its amount is 1.8 mg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride or vitamin B 6, its amount is 2.6 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin or vitamin B 12, its amount is 0.004 mg;
  • calcium pantothenate or vitamin B 5, its amount is 10 mg;
  • folic acid or vitamin B c, its amount is 0.8 mg.

The rest of the vitamins "Elevit Pronatal" is presented:

  • ascorbic acid or vitamin C, in the amount of 100 mg;
  • biotin or vitamin H, in the amount of 0.2 mg;
  • nicotinamide or vitamin PP, in the amount of 0.2 mg.

Mineral and microelement composition

Vitamins are only part of the active components of the complex complex "Elevit Pronatal", the composition of the drug includes mineral elements important for the body, which are needed in large and small quantities. These include: iron (60 mg), phosphorus (125 mg), calcium (125 mg), manganese (1 mg), zinc (7.5 mg), copper (1 mg).

Auxiliary components

Only vitamin and mineral components without auxiliary components cannot be formed into tablets of the drug "Elevit". The composition, of course, includes substances that are neutral for the body, which perform auxiliary functions for creating a tablet core. These include:

  • lactose monohydrate, gelatin, ethylcellulose, acting as tablet fillers;
  • mannitol, which regulates taste;
  • polyethylene glycol 6000 and 400, used as a lubricant;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone (K 90 and K30), microcrystalline cellulose as a binder,
  • glyceryl distearate.

Hypromelose, talc, ethyl cellulose, polyethylene glycol 6000, iron oxide are used to make the shell of tablets. Due to the last component, the shell turns yellowish.

Does the product contain iodine?

For pregnant women who have thyroid disorders, it is very important to take iodine-containing drugs, strictly following the dosage. Therefore, when choosing a vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant women, it is very important to find a drug that does not contain iodine.

In the Elevit complex, the composition does not provide for iodine, but the main elements and vitamin substances are present. It is this remedy that can be perfectly combined with prescribed iodine-containing drugs.

For those pregnant women who have everything in order with the work of the thyroid gland, gynecologists prescribe vitamins for pregnant women "Elevit". The composition of this complex is supplemented with iodine with the help of preparations that contain this element. Usually they use the means "Iodomarin", "Potassium iodide", "Iodide".

Drug analogues

The pharmaceutical market is saturated with various analogues of the Elevita complex. Preparations "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", "Multi-tabs Perinatal", "Gendevit", "Complivit "Mama", "Pregnacare" can be used by pregnant women to improve the diet.

If we compare the composition of "Elevit" and "Vitrum", then they contain the same vitamins, but in different concentrations. But their mineral compositions are different. The Vitrum complex contains compounds of iodine, molybdenum, magnesium, selenium, chromium, which are not found in the Elevit preparation. Vitamin-mineral complex "Multi-tabs Perinatal" differs from "Elevit" in the presence of iodine, selenium, magnesium, chromium. The drug "Gendevit" is a multivitamin, which does not contain minerals. In the complex "Complivit" Mom "", unlike "Elevit", there is no biotin, but magnesium, iodine, selenium, chromium are present. The drug "Pregnacare" in its composition does not contain biotin, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, but includes iodine and magnesium.

The main role of the vitamin components of the drug

Before starting to take vitamins for pregnant women, every woman would like to know what effect each of its active components has on her body and child. Complicated in the preparation "Elevit" composition, instructions for use describe in detail how each vitamin and mineral works, which generally determines the pharmacotherapeutic effect of this complex.

Compounds of vitamin A and biotin are involved in the formation of lipid, protein, mucopolysaccharide molecules, maintain a healthy state of the skin and mucous membranes, and improve the functioning of the visual organs.

Thiamine mononitrate regulates the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves nervous processes, promotes hematopoiesis and blood circulation. Takes part in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, controls water-salt metabolism.

Riboflavin is involved in the formation of erythrocyte cells and immunoglobulins, has a positive effect on the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Smoothes the harmful effects of toxic substances on the respiratory system. Favors the proper formation of the embryo and its further growth.

Participates in metabolic processes, reducing the level of cholesterol and other fats in plasma. Without this vitamin, the normal activity of the central and peripheral departments in the nervous system is simply impossible. Improves the contractility of the heart muscle and enhances the process of hematopoiesis. Favorably affects the composition of bones, chewing apparatus.

Cyanocobalamin, like the previous vitamin, is involved in hematopoiesis and the regulation of the proper functioning of all parts of the nervous system. Increases cellular gas exchange of oxygen in conditions of its low content in the body, promotes sound sleep.

Ascorbic acid promotes the formation of bone and dental tissues, makes the vascular wall stronger. With the help of this vitamin, the resistance of the human body to pathogens of infectious diseases improves, it converts calcium and iron into a digestible form in the body.

Cholecalciferol is a regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus ions in the digestive system and their timely deposition in the tissues of bones and teeth. This prevents the development of diseases associated with softening of bone and dental tissue. Serves as a prevention of rickets in children.

It enhances blood circulation, participates in tissue repair, is needed for the synthesis of chorionic hormone, the proper formation of the placenta, normal blood clotting and the formation of red blood cells, prevents the development of anemia due to the strengthening of the capillary wall. Takes part in the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin.

Folic acid affects hematopoiesis, prevents the development of anemia, is needed for fertilization and bearing a child. It has a positive effect on the development of cells of the nervous system of the embryo. Prevents the development of defects in the neural tube, anencephaly and vertebral splitting of the embryo, labor activity ahead of time. Reduces postpartum depression.

With the participation of nicotinamide, adrenal hormones are synthesized, immunoglobulins are formed, other vitamin substances are better absorbed. The metabolism of fats and the oxidation and reduction processes are accelerated.

Regulates the metabolic processes of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, participates in the formation of amino acid residues, cholesterol, histamines, hemoglobin compounds and acetylcholine molecules.

What is used for

As can be seen from the function of the components that make up Elevit, for pregnant and lactating women, this drug is indicated for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in case of vitamin and microelement deficiencies, anemia associated with iron deficiency, to prevent preeclampsia.

It is very important for women to take this complex in preparation for pregnancy, so that conception occurs, to eliminate the causes of miscarriage and developmental defects of the unborn child.

How to take

One tablet of the drug should be taken per day after eating, other medicines are taken only after 120 minutes.

Pregnancy is an exciting time in the life of any woman. Experiences about the condition itself are complemented by concerns for the health and development of the child. However, today, expectant mothers can be calm. The composition of Elevit Pronatal includes everything necessary for the growth and development of a healthy strong baby.

The composition of vitamins and minerals Elevit Pronatal

Multivitamins are available in packs that contain 30 or 100 tablets. Each blister contains 10 tablets.

During pregnancy, the intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body is of particular importance. All life processes associated with normal metabolism occur with the participation of these auxiliary elements. During the period of bearing a child, hypovitaminosis may occur, as the load on the female body increases.

Instructions for use of the drug says that it includes 12 essential vitamins, as well as several auxiliary trace elements and minerals.

  1. Retinol (Vitamin A). Affects the formation of the skeleton, the development of normal vision. It is important for the skin, as it participates in the construction of epithelial cells. Signs of vitamin deficiency - dry skin, brittle hair, eye pain in bright light, dry eyes.
  2. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). During pregnancy, the need for this vitamin is very high. It plays a decisive role in cellular metabolism, improves the absorption of iron. Its deficiency tends to cause bleeding and inflammation of the gums.
  3. Thiamine (Vitamin B1). Takes an active part in carbohydrate metabolism. The lack of an element usually leads to disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system and nervous disorders.
  4. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2). Regulates growth processes, improves vision.
  5. Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP). Affects the metabolism and functioning of the pancreas. Lack of nicotinic acid can cause dementia.
  6. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6). Necessary for the metabolism of fats and proteins, as well as the normal formation of enzymes. Prevents the development of anemia. Deficiency in pregnant women is manifested by convulsions, dermatitis.
  7. Folic acid. It is very important during fetal development, as it provides the growth process, participates in the formation of the neural tube. Regulates hematopoiesis. The lack of this element causes a delay in the development of the fetus.
  8. Cobalamin (Vitamin B12). It influences the formation and activity of the nervous system, controls the level of blood pressure. It plays an important role in the development of the child's brain. Vitamin deficiency is manifested by increased fatigue, drowsiness, muscle numbness.
  9. Colecalciferol (Vitamin D). Promotes the formation of the skeleton, bone mineralization. Takes part in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency leads to calcium deficiency. Manifested by insomnia, irritability, tooth decay.
  10. Tocopherol (Vitamin E). It has an effect on the development of the muscular system, and also contributes to the accumulation of other vitamins in the body. Prevents the formation of blood clots. This vitamin, along with folic acid, is essential in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. together, they support the hormonal background, prevent the threat of miscarriage.
  11. Vitamin K. Participates in the process of blood clotting. Deficiency increases the tendency to bleed.
  12. Biotin. Helps maintain normal blood glucose levels. Participates in the development of the immune system, bone marrow and nervous system. Signs of deficiency are anemia, dry skin, dermatitis.

Minerals and trace elements:

  1. Calcium. The main building element responsible for the mineralization of bones and teeth.
  2. Iron. It is part of hemoglobin. Responsible for the transport of oxygen to all organs. It is very important to prevent its deficiency in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. This can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus. Iron deficiency also causes anemia.
  3. Phosphorus. Necessary for the formation of the skeleton of the baby. Involved in energy production and transmission of nerve signals. Deficiency leads to joint pain, softening of bones, muscle pain.
  4. Copper. Participates in the formation of hemoglobin, connective tissue, the formation of endocrine glands. Deficiency can lead to a violation of the formation of the skeletal system in the fetus, developmental delay.
  5. Zinc. It plays an important role in the formation of immunity, hematopoiesis. Zinc deficiency causes the development of severe pathologies in the fetus - hydrocephalus, curvature of the spine.
  6. Magnesium. This element plays an important role in the formation of the nervous system, controls metabolism, controls blood sugar levels, protects a pregnant woman from stress, helps to cope with insomnia and relieves uterine tone. Mineral deficiency leads to severe disorders in the development of the child.
  7. Iodine. A very important element, the amount of which is sharply reduced in the body of a pregnant woman. This is due to the need to constantly supply the developing embryo with thyroid hormones. Iodine is important for the normal course of all metabolic processes, including energy metabolism, the functioning of the musculoskeletal structure and nervous activity.
  8. Manganese. Participates in hematopoiesis, the formation of the respiratory system. The disadvantage is dangerous growth retardation of the child.

When appointed

Taking vitamins for pregnant women is a prerequisite for the successful course of pregnancy and the full development of the fetus. They are used to prevent hypovitaminosis before pregnancy, as well as during intrauterine embryo formation and during breastfeeding.

Method of application, dosage for pregnant women

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal are very easy to use. Just one tablet a day is enough to make up for all the missing substances. They are taken at the same time as meals or immediately after. The drug is necessary during the entire period of pregnancy and lactation. For proper preparation and prevention of deviations before a planned pregnancy, Elevit Pronatal is taken 30 days before conception.

drug interaction

Vitamins should not be taken simultaneously with enterosorbents. They disrupt the absorption of vitamins. If the intake of sorbents is necessary, drink them an hour before taking vitamins.

Barbiturates, antipsychotics impair the absorption of folic acid and B vitamins.

Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Elevit is a multivitamin preparation containing macro- and microelements.

pharmachologic effect

Elevit is a complex of the most important micro and macro elements. Elevit contains 4 minerals, 12 vitamins, 3 trace elements, the complex of which is the optimal dosage of the most important elements for lactating and pregnant women. All minerals, excluding iron, are presented in Elevit in doses below those recommended.

Elevit provides a woman's body with those substances that contribute to the course of a normal pregnancy, making up for the lack of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

Vitamin A or retinol, which is part of Elevit, is involved in the synthesis of lipids, proteins, mucopolysaccharides, ensuring the normal functioning of the mucous membranes, skin and organs of vision.

Vitamin B or thiamine contributes to the normalization of the activity of the heart and is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B 2 or riboflavin is involved in the processes of tissue regeneration, including skin cells.

Vitamin B 5 or calcium pantothenate contained in Elevit regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body.

Vitamin B 9 or folic acid has a stimulating effect on erythropoiesis.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is involved in maintaining the function and structure of teeth, bones and gums, influencing erythropoiesis and contributing to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin is also involved in erythropoiesis and ensures the normal functioning of the NS.

B vitamins in general affect the formation of various enzymes that regulate metabolic processes, and also help eliminate attacks of vomiting and nausea during toxicosis in pregnant women.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is involved in the oxidation of active substances, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting and the formation of steroid hormones, increasing immunity.

Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol contained in Elevit maintains the balance of phosphorus and calcium. Its deficiency leads to the formation of rickets.

Vitamin E or tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, increasing blood clotting. Takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and proteins. Vitamin deficiency can lead to early miscarriages.

Vitamin H or biotin promotes protein absorption.

Vitamin PP or nicotinamide is involved in the transport of hydrogen and phosphate.

Calcium is the main element of bone tissue, is involved in blood clotting, normalizes heart function and iron absorption.

Magnesium is involved in protein synthesis, forms bone and muscle tissue.

Iron carries oxygen, preventing the development of anemia in pregnant women.

Phosphorus is involved in the formation of teeth and bones.

Manganese is involved in bone mineralization processes.

Copper regulates the process of iron metabolism and the function of red blood cells.

Zinc is involved in the normal formation of the skeleton of the fetus, tissue regeneration, being part of a number of hormones, including insulin. Reduces the risk of intrauterine anomalies.

Composition of Elevit

According to reviews of Elevit, the drug completely compensates for the lack of vitamins and other useful elements. One tablet of Elevit contains:

Vitamin A - 3600 IU;

Vitamin D3 - 500 IU;

Vitamin E - 15 mg;

Vitamin C - 100 mg;

Folic acid - 0.8 mg;

Vitamin B1 - 1.6 mg;

Vitamin B2 - 1.8 mg;

Vitamin B6 - 2.6 mg;

Vitamin B12 - 4 mcg;

Nicotinamide - 19 mg;

Calcium pantothenate - 10 mg;

Calcium - 125 mg;

Magnesium - 100 mg;

Phosphorus - 125 mg;

Release form

According to the instructions for Elevit, the drug is available in the form of oblong tablets, the color of which is close to grayish yellow. On the one hand, there is a risk of breaking. The smell is practically absent.

Elevit tablets are packed in a blister of 10 or 20 pieces each. The carton pack contains 3, 10 (for 10 tablets) or 5 blisters (for 20 pieces).

Indications for use Elevit

Numerous reviews of Elevit note the effectiveness of the drug in the prevention and treatment of beriberi, hypovitaminosis and lack of trace elements and a number of minerals during and after pregnancy, during lactation.


The drug, according to the instructions for Elevit, is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the composition;
  • with hypervitaminosis of vitamin A and / or vitamin D, the drug should not be taken for a long time;
  • with an increased content of calcium in the blood or its excretion in the urine;
  • with violations of the absorption of iron.

The duration of the use of Elevit, as well as the need for admission, is determined solely by the doctor. Women in the periods before and after pregnancy, after childbirth and during breastfeeding should take 1 tablet of Elevit once a day with a small amount of water.

Side effects of Elevit

Elevit and analogues of the drug with a similar content and concentration of vitamins and trace elements are generally well tolerated. In rare cases, constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may occur, but even if they are present, it is not recommended to cancel the drug.

An allergy may occur.


Drug analogues

Preparations similar to Elevit in composition and concentration of active substances include:

  • Additive Multivitamins;
  • Berocca Plus;
  • Bio-Max;
  • Vitrum Prenatal forte;
  • Duovit;
  • Complivit;
  • Complivit Trimestrum (1,2 or 3);
  • Lavita and others.

Storage conditions

Elevit: prices in online pharmacies

Elevit Feeding capsules 30 pcs.

Elevit Planning and first trimester tablets 30 pcs.

Elevit Planning and first trimester tablets p.p.o. 1155 mg 30 pcs.

Elevit Pronatal film-coated tablets 30 pcs.

Reviews Elevit Pronatal

Elevit Pronatal tablets p.p.o. 30 pcs.

Elevit Feeding capsules 60 pcs.

Elevit Feeding capsules 1259.5 mg 30 pcs.

Elevit Feeding capsules 1259.5 mg 60 pcs.

Elevit Pronatal tablets p.p.o. 100 pieces.

Elevit Pronatal film-coated tablets 100 pcs.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Elevit Pronatal - instructions for use, analogues, reviews, price

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal

Elevit Pronatal is a complex preparation, which includes not only 12 types of vitamins, but also 4 minerals and 3 microelements important for the body. The unique composition and dosage of the components are selected based on the needs of the female body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Vitamin A- participates in the formation of proteins, fats and mucopolysaccharides; improves the condition of mucous membranes and skin; contributes to the normal function of the organ of vision.
  • Vitamin B 1- is necessary for the normal function of the heart; normalizes the functions of the peripheral and central nervous system; takes part in the metabolism (proteins, carbohydrates, water-salt and fat metabolism), in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Vitamin B 2- participates in hematopoiesis (formation of red blood cells), the formation of antibodies; promotes the process of restoration of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and skin regeneration; neutralizes the action of toxins on the respiratory mucosa; necessary for the normal development and growth of the fetus.
  • Vitamin B 6- participates in metabolic processes; reduces the level of fats and cholesterol in the blood; stimulates blood formation; improves the contractility of the heart muscle; has a beneficial effect on the structure of teeth and bones; necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B 12- participates in hematopoiesis; ensures the normal activity of the nervous system; increases the exchange of oxygen in cells during hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Release forms

Instructions for use Elevit

Indications for use


  • Hypersensitivity and intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamin A;
  • vitamin D hypervitaminosis;
  • increased levels of calcium in the blood;
  • malabsorption of iron or calcium;
  • liver and kidney failure.

Side effects

Treatment with Elevit

How to take Elevit?
The drug is taken on the recommendation of a doctor inside after 15-20 minutes. after meals, with a little water. When using the drug, urine staining in yellow color may appear.

Dosage of Elevit
The usual daily dose of Elevit Pronatal is 1 tablet per day.

If the dose of the drug is exceeded, the development of hypervitaminosis is possible, the manifestations of which are headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation. If they occur, you should stop taking vitamins and consult a doctor.

drug interaction

  • Calcium and iron in the composition of the drug Elevit Pronatal reduce the absorption of fluoroquinolone derivatives and antibiotics from the tetracycline group.
  • Ascorbic acid contained in the preparation enhances both the action and the development of side reactions of sulfanilamide preparations.
  • Preparations containing magnesium, calcium and aluminum, cholestyramine reduce the absorption of iron, which is part of Elevit.
  • The simultaneous appointment of Elevit and diuretic drugs of the thiazide group increases the level of calcium in the blood.
  • While taking Elevit, you should not take other mineral or vitamin preparations.
  • An interval of 2 hours should be observed between taking Elevit and other drugs if several drugs are prescribed at the same time.

Elevit's analogs

  • Vitrum Prenatal;
  • Perfectil;
  • Supramin;
  • Revalid;
  • Multi-tabs Perinatal;
  • Complivit "Mom";
  • Multiproduct for pregnant women;
  • Pregnavit;
  • Gendevit.

Reviews about the drug

There are many positive reviews about Elevit (from women who took Elevit in preparation for pregnancy - 100%, and from those who used the drug during pregnancy - 98%). Negative feedback about this multivitamin remedy not found on the Internet, despite the rather high cost of the drug - it is rated by the authors of the reviews as "expensive".

Many women who used Elevit during a previous pregnancy, evaluating the effectiveness of the drug, began to take it during a subsequent pregnancy. Everyone notes the good tolerance of Elevit Pronatal vitamins.

Elevit: types, composition of vitamins and minerals, instructions for use, analogues

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Analogues, reviews and composition of "Elevit"

In the modern world, a person does not always manage to take care of his proper diet, which is why there is often a shortage of certain vitamins and microelements that a person needs so much. A balanced diet is especially important for women who are planning to have a baby or are already pregnant. With the help of food products alone, it is not always possible to satisfy the body's needs for a sufficient amount of biologically active components. Specially designed vitamin and mineral complexes, which are intended for pregnant women, come to the rescue. One of these complexes is the drug "Elevit Prenatal", the composition of which meets the needs of the body of the mother and the unborn child.

General description of the drug

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets coated with a grayish-yellow shell, oblong in shape, with a biconvex surface. One side contains a score that allows you to break the tablet in half, and the other is engraved with "ROCHE". Due to the coating, this dosage form has practically no odor inherent in the individual components that make up the "Elevit". Tablets are packaged in blisters No. 10 and No. 20, the pack contains 30 or 100 pieces.

The composition of the drug

Tablets of the Elevit vitamin-mineral complex have a complex structure, the composition of which includes twelve different vitamin substances, four essential macroelements and three important microelements. The amount of active ingredients is adjusted to the optimal dosages of these substances, which are necessary for a balanced diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, the content of minerals, except for iron ions, is given in the tablet a little lower than recommended to use in order to exclude their excess in the woman's body.

The composition of "Elevit" for pregnant women is not only active ingredients. To form the tablet and its shell, additional substances are used that bind the individual components, give it strength and at the same time provide the necessary solubility, stability of the dosage unit during the specified shelf life.

Vitamin components of the drug

The composition of Elevit Pronatal vitamins includes water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamin components. Three of the fat-soluble vitamins are:

  • retinol palmate, known as vitamin A, at 1.9802 mg;
  • cholecalciferol or vitamin D, it contains 0.0125 mg;
  • tocopherol acetate or vitamin E, the content of which is 15 mg.

Of the water-soluble vitamins, nine vitamin substances are included in the composition of Elevit. First of all, these are B vitamins. These include:

  • thiamine mononitrate or vitamin B 1, its amount is 1.6 mg;
  • riboflavin or vitamin B 2, its amount is 1.8 mg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride or vitamin B 6, its amount is 2.6 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin or vitamin B 12, its amount is 0.004 mg;
  • calcium pantothenate or vitamin B 5, its amount is 10 mg;
  • folic acid or vitamin B c, its amount is 0.8 mg.

The rest of the vitamins "Elevit Pronatal" is presented:

  • ascorbic acid or vitamin C, in the amount of 100 mg;
  • biotin or vitamin H, in the amount of 0.2 mg;
  • nicotinamide or vitamin PP, in the amount of 0.2 mg.

Mineral and microelement composition

Vitamins are only part of the active components of the complex complex "Elevit Pronatal", the composition of the drug includes mineral elements important for the body, which are needed in large and small quantities. These include: iron (60 mg), phosphorus (125 mg), calcium (125 mg), manganese (1 mg), zinc (7.5 mg), copper (1 mg).

Auxiliary components

Only vitamin and mineral components without auxiliary components cannot be formed into tablets of the drug "Elevit". The composition, of course, includes substances that are neutral for the body, which perform auxiliary functions for creating a tablet core. These include:

  • lactose monohydrate, gelatin, ethylcellulose, acting as tablet fillers;
  • mannitol, which regulates taste;
  • polyethylene glycol 6000 and 400, magnesium stearate is used as a lubricant;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone (K 90 and K30), microcrystalline cellulose as a binder,
  • glyceryl distearate.

Hypromelose, talc, ethyl cellulose, polyethylene glycol 6000, titanium dioxide, iron oxide are used for the manufacture of tablet shells. Due to the last component, the shell turns yellowish.

Does the product contain iodine?

For pregnant women who have thyroid disorders, it is very important to take iodine-containing drugs, strictly following the dosage. Therefore, when choosing a vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant women, it is very important to find a drug that does not contain iodine.

In the Elevit complex, the composition does not provide for iodine, but the main elements and vitamin substances are present. It is this remedy that can be perfectly combined with prescribed iodine-containing drugs.

For those pregnant women who have everything in order with the work of the thyroid gland, gynecologists prescribe vitamins for pregnant women "Elevit". The composition of this complex is supplemented with iodine with the help of preparations that contain this element. Usually they use the means "Iodomarin", "Potassium iodide", "Iodide".

Drug analogues

The pharmaceutical market is saturated with various analogues of the Elevita complex. Preparations "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", "Multi-tabs Perinatal", "Gendevit", "Complivit "Mama", "Pregnacare" can be used by pregnant women to improve the diet.

If we compare the composition of "Elevit" and "Vitrum", then they contain the same vitamins, but in different concentrations. But their mineral compositions are different. The Vitrum complex contains compounds of iodine, molybdenum, magnesium, selenium, chromium, which are not found in the Elevit preparation. Vitamin-mineral complex "Multi-tabs Perinatal" differs from "Elevit" in the presence of iodine, selenium, magnesium, chromium. The drug "Gendevit" is a multivitamin, which does not contain minerals. In the complex "Complivit" Mom "", unlike "Elevit", there is no biotin, but magnesium, iodine, selenium, chromium are present. The drug "Pregnacare" in its composition does not contain biotin, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, but includes iodine and magnesium.

The main role of the vitamin components of the drug

Before starting to take vitamins for pregnant women, every woman would like to know what effect each of its active components has on her body and child. Complicated in the preparation "Elevit" composition, instructions for use describe in detail how each vitamin and mineral works, which generally determines the pharmacotherapeutic effect of this complex.

Compounds of vitamin A and biotin are involved in the formation of lipid, protein, mucopolysaccharide molecules, maintain a healthy state of the skin and mucous membranes, and improve the functioning of the visual organs.

Thiamine mononitrate regulates the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves nervous processes, promotes hematopoiesis and blood circulation. Takes part in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, controls water-salt metabolism.

Riboflavin is involved in the formation of erythrocyte cells and immunoglobulins, has a positive effect on the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Smoothes the harmful effects of toxic substances on the respiratory system. Favors the proper formation of the embryo and its further growth.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride is involved in metabolic processes, reducing the level of cholesterol and other fats in plasma. Without this vitamin, the normal activity of the central and peripheral departments in the nervous system is simply impossible. Improves the contractility of the heart muscle and enhances the process of hematopoiesis. Favorably affects the composition of bones, chewing apparatus.

Ascorbic acid promotes the formation of bone and dental tissues, makes the vascular wall stronger. With the help of this vitamin, the resistance of the human body to pathogens of infectious diseases improves, it converts calcium and iron into a digestible form in the body.

Cholecalciferol is a regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus ions in the digestive system and their timely deposition in the tissues of bones and teeth. This prevents the development of diseases associated with softening of bone and dental tissue. Serves as a prevention of rickets in children.

Tocopherol acetate enhances blood circulation, participates in tissue repair, is needed for the synthesis of chorionic hormone, the proper formation of the placenta, normal blood clotting and the formation of red blood cells, and prevents the development of anemia due to the strengthening of the capillary wall. Takes part in the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin.

Folic acid affects hematopoiesis, prevents the development of anemia, is needed for fertilization and bearing a child. It has a positive effect on the development of cells of the nervous system of the embryo. Prevents the development of defects in the neural tube, anencephaly and vertebral splitting of the embryo, labor activity ahead of time. Reduces postpartum depression.

With the participation of nicotinamide, adrenal hormones are synthesized, immunoglobulins are formed, other vitamin substances are better absorbed. The metabolism of fats and the oxidation and reduction processes are accelerated.

Calcium pantothenate regulates the metabolic processes of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, participates in the formation of amino acid residues, cholesterol, histamines, hemoglobin compounds and acetylcholine molecules.

What is used for

As can be seen from the function of the components that make up Elevit, for pregnant and lactating women, this drug is indicated for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in case of vitamin and microelement deficiencies, anemia associated with iron deficiency, to prevent preeclampsia.

It is very important for women to take this complex in preparation for pregnancy, so that conception occurs, to eliminate the causes of miscarriage and developmental defects of the unborn child.

How to take

One tablet of the drug should be taken per day after eating, other medicines are taken only after 120 minutes.

The composition is balanced in the Elevit complex, the drug receives mostly positive reviews. The presence of important trace elements and vitamins, especially folic acid and tocopherol, helps to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Adverse reactions are extremely rare.

The disadvantage of this tool is its high cost, but the result justifies all the costs.

Every woman wants the best for her child, so with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. To supplement the missing trace elements, women are prescribed vitamin complexes. One of them is Elevit Pronatal for pregnant women.

Unfortunately, the ecology in our time is such that useful substances in products become less and less every decade. In addition, not every person is able to eat every day, for example, 5 kg of apples or 2 kg of celery, in order to replenish the reserves of his body and the body of an unborn baby with enough iron and other minerals. In such cases, vitamins designed for pregnant women come to the rescue. A little more about Elevit Pronatal: instructions for use during pregnancy and before it, and how to replace the drug.

Composition of 1 tablet Elevit Pronatal:

  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Microelements.
  • Excipients.

Vitamins include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Nicotinamide
  • Biotin
  • Calcium pantothenate

Biotin, nicotinamide (vitamin PP) and calcium pantothenate are the most important components of vitamin compounds and practically the only substances involved in the processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the human body.

Trace elements and minerals include:
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Other substances:
  • Lactose monohydrate.
  • Sucrose.
  • Soybean oil.

This complex of multivitamins contains a daily dose of substances that are very necessary for a pregnant woman. Very often it is prescribed for the following symptoms in pregnant women:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Dizziness.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Impotence.
  • Sudden mood swings.
  • Destruction of teeth.
  • Other symptoms of toxicosis of pregnant women.

Usually, these symptoms are attributed to the phenomena of beriberi, so taking Elevit during pregnancy is highly justified.

Very often, pregnant women notice a decrease in the above symptoms while taking the drug.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal are produced in compliance with exact norms and dosages, so an overdose of this drug is completely excluded.

This complex of multivitamins has the following positive effect on the body of the expectant mother:

  • Reducing the risk of congenital malformations of the fetal nervous system.
  • Reducing the symptoms of toxicosis.
  • Timely fetal growth.
  • Decreased tone of the uterus.
  • Reduces the risk of contracting viral diseases.
  • Correct formation of the structure of the skeleton of the fetus.
  • Reducing the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.

In addition, vitamin E, which is present in the composition of the drug, prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the expectant mother.

The drug is prescribed to women who have a lack of minerals and vitamins not only during pregnancy, but also lactation (breastfeeding), as well as during the planning of the desired pregnancy in order to accumulate in the body a sufficient amount of the necessary substances during the initial stage of the formation of the fetus.

The medicine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to one of the elements.
  • Too much vitamin A or D.
  • Problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Problems with the absorption of iron, calcium.

The medicine is used 1 tablet every day 15-20 minutes after a meal, always drinking water.

It is advisable to drink tablets 3 months before pregnancy, during gestation and lactation.

Side effects from the use of this medication have not been found. The exception is very rare cases of such effects as short-term constipation or an allergic rash that occurs as a possible reaction to one of the constituent substances of the drug.

It is not desirable to use together with other multivitamin-mineral drugs.

It is not desirable to use it together with tetracycline (this substance interferes with the full absorption of iron, which is present in the composition of Elevit Pronatal). The break between the use of two drugs should be at least two hours.

In case of an overdose of vitamins A or D (nausea, vomiting or severe constipation), stop using the complex and talk to your doctor.

An overdose of other elements that make up the complex is unlikely.

Tablets are stored in a dry place with a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Cost in pharmacies (30 and 100 tablets)

In different pharmacies of the city you can find tablets at different prices, and the difference in price for 30 and 100 tablets is very significant.

Price for 30 tablets

The cost of a package of 30 tablets ranges from 620 to 850 rubles. At the same time, the cost of one tablet varies from 21 to 28 rubles.

Price for 100 tablets Elevit Pronatal

The cost of a package of 100 tablets ranges from 1500 to 2300 rubles, while one tablet costs from 15 to 23 rubles.

It is worth noting that it is much more profitable to purchase a large package.

Analogs are cheaper than Elevit Pronatal

Elevit Pronatal is the only drug that has a composition with this set of multivitamins and minerals for pregnant women. However, some prenatal vitamins from other manufacturers have a similar composition:

  • Compliments mom.
  • Vitrum Prenatal.
  • Centrum.
  • Pregnacare capsules.
  • Materna.
  • Mom's health alphabet.

Elevit Pronatal is a complex of vitamins and minerals to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies during pregnancy planning, during pregnancy and lactation.

It is also used to prevent the development of anemia associated with iron and folic acid deficiency, as well as to reduce nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.

Contains 12 essential vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 trace elements. The amount of vitamins corresponds to the doses recommended for the diet of pregnant and lactating women. The amount of minerals contained in Elevit Pronatal is below the recommended doses, with the exception of iron.

To reduce the risk of neural tube defects and other congenital malformations of the fetus, taking the drug is recommended at least 1 month before the planned conception.

Vitamins and minerals in the composition of Elevit Pronatal:

  • vitamin A (retinol palmitate) - 3600 IU (international units);
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate) - 1.6 mg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1.8 mg;
  • vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) - 10 mg;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 2.6 mg;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 0.8 mg;
  • vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 4 mcg;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 100 mg;
  • vitamin D (cholecalciferol) - 500 IU;
  • vitamin E (dl-a-tocopherol acetate) - 15 mg;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinamide) - 19 mg;
  • vitamin B7 (biotin) - 0.2 mg.
  • pantothenate and calcium phosphate - 125 mg;
  • phosphorus - 125 mg;
  • magnesium stearate and phosphate - 100 mg;
  • ferrous fumarate - 60 mg;
  • zinc sulfate - 7.5 mg;
  • copper sulfate - 1 mg;
  • manganese sulfate - 1 mg.

The vitamin-mineral complex contains precisely those elements that ensure the course of a normal pregnancy. Pharmacological action is due to the properties of the elements that make up the composition.

Indications for use

What helps Elevit Pronatal? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Prevention and treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies during planning and during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

Can be used to prevent hypovitaminosis.

Instructions for use Elevit Pronatal, dosage

The drug is taken orally during meals, washed down with clean water.

If you need to take other drugs, observe an interval of about 2 hours.

Side effects

The instruction warns of the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Elevit Pronatal:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders (constipation) that do not require discontinuation of the drug;
  • Allergic reactions.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Elevit Pronatal in the following cases:

  • Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Hypervitaminosis of vitamin A and / or D;
  • Impaired kidney function;
  • Violation of the utilization of calcium or iron.


There are no data on overdose in the instructions.

Elevit Pronatal analogues, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Elevit Pronatal with an analogue of the active substance - these are drugs.