
Eucalyptus oil inside. Medicinal properties and rules for using eucalyptus oil for health and beauty

Has a wide spectrum of action. It is used in aromatherapy to restore energy balance and relieve fatigue, in the treatment of a dozen diseases, cosmetology and perfumery. Perhaps, eucalyptus oil is one of the few whose healing power is recognized by both official medicine and folk healers. Once it was impossible to buy eucalyptus ether, and the inhabitants of several continents did not know about the existence of such a tree. But the natives of Australia and Tasmania, the homeland of eucalyptus, used the leaves of the tree to heal scratches, wounds, bites, and also as a seasoning for their dishes.

Over time, eucalyptus "migrated" to countries such as Spain, Portugal, the United States and the use of oil became possible all over the world. By the way, today in the pharmacy you can find ethers that are made both in Europe and in Australia. True, the price of the last oil will be somewhat higher. Since in Spain and the USA eucalyptus is grown specifically for the production of oil, and in Australia the tree is still called the “diamond of the forests” and is carefully protected. Why is eucalyptus oil so amazing and what medicinal properties should be taken into account?

From the common cold to malaria - what oil cures

To understand why the eucalyptus is called the "tree of life" you need to look inside each leaf. Ether is extracted by steam distillation from several types of wood - most often from the globular eucalyptus. So, in the composition of the oil, you can find about 40 components, among which there are organic acids, flavonoids, and tannins.

It is important! It seems that eucalyptus oil will be able to overcome any problem. However, its use should be approached carefully and carefully. Ether is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure, as well as people suffering from epilepsy. The use of pomace inside should be carried out after the recommendation of a doctor.

What else is amazing about oil? Its ability to fight malaria. Of course, in our latitudes, this action of the ether does not have such a large-scale significance, but in countries where an epidemic is raging, eucalyptus forests minimize the likelihood of the appearance of malaria insects, because the tree drains the soil well.

And, by the way, based on this action, we can conclude that eucalyptus oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property. Given that the price of ether is available to everyone, the oil can be used for preventive purposes, for example, to restore strength, strengthen immunity, and the nervous system. It is also worth buying a jar of extract for cosmetic procedures - ether is added to tonics, masks, hair products, day creams.

Five rules of application

It is important! Before you start taking (internally or externally), test for the presence of allergic reactions. Take eucalyptus oil (4-5 drops) and dilute with water (20 ml is enough), apply on the elbow. If after 8 hours no redness or rash is found, the ether can be safely used.

1. Internal use of the oil should begin with a minimum of 2 drops of ether - they are diluted in 100 ml of pure water. Further, depending on the disease, the number of drops and application increases. The instruction does not recommend starting the course with a maximum dosage of 7 drops.

2. Inhalations using ether are carried out as follows: 15 drops of oil are added to 230 ml of water. The procedure is carried out twice a day. The instruction says that the best time for inhalation is in the evening.

3. For rinsing the throat and mouth, 10-15 drops per 200-250 ml of water, respectively, are enough. If angina or infectious diseases are being treated, rinses should be repeated three times a day, and the full course will be 5 days. To do this, just buy a jar of extract in 30 ml.

4. For the treatment of diseases of the genital organs of an inflammatory nature or for the preparation of lotions, 15 drops of oil are taken, which are diluted in 200 ml of water.

5.Massage procedures, therapeutic baths will require less pomace - 10 is enough. For cosmetic procedures, a minimum application is recommended. The instruction says that it is best to add oil to ready-made creams, hair products and tonics.

It is important! An interesting fact - studies have shown that the combined use of eucalyptus extract, lavender, rosemary, cedar oil enhances the effect of each.

You can buy a jar of each ester at the pharmacy and keep it on hand. Lemongrass extract is also worth buying - it has antiseptic properties. The complex use of oils is indicated for viral infections and, of course, for the preparation of home cosmetics.

We use eucalyptus for a cold

Most often, eucalyptus oil is used for the common cold. In this case, it is possible to carry out both washing and inhalation or rubbing. Since the main healing properties of the ether are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, you can get rid of the common cold with eucalyptus in 5 days.

  • Washing the sinuses is carried out as follows: a dessert spoon of sea salt and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil are diluted in a glass of warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure in the morning and after 19:00.
  • You can get rid of a runny nose with the help of inhalations in 8-10 days - 15 drops added to 250 ml of hot water will eliminate the symptoms. Babies should carry out more "gentle" inhalations - put a few drops on a handkerchief and let the child breathe.

You can apply a few drops of eucalyptus to the sinuses - this solution will help get rid of a runny nose in 4 days. True, young children should not apply the extract in its pure form.

Eucalyptus heals curls

Using eucalyptus ether for hair will allow you to get rid of several problems at once - loss, loss of shine, split ends. This is because eucalyptus contains organic acids, amyl alcohol and tannins - it is they who will "protect" each curl. The oil is used for hair in different ways, for example:

  • In the form of a conditioner. If there is increased greasiness after washing your hair, prepare a simple rinse - add 5 drops of ether to a bowl of water and rinse your curls.
  • In the form of aroma combing. Eucalyptus oil will add shine to the strands and restore their structure if the teeth of a wooden comb are soaked with ether. Comb the curls for several minutes, starting from the roots and leading to the very tips.
  • In the form of a component in masks. If you need a hair product that will prevent hair loss, use this mask recipe: take two parts of rosemary and thyme oil, one part of eucalyptus ether. Add a spoonful of St. John's wort tincture and apply the mixture to the curls. Such a mask should “live” on the hair for 20 minutes. You can wash it off with shampoo.

Eucalyptus extract can always be kept at hand, because it is enough to buy one jar of 10 ml, and it will become an assistant both in the treatment of diseases and for cosmetic procedures. The price of a small bottle will be 100-150 rubles, and you can buy it at a pharmacy in every city. Eucalyptus oil is distinguished by its versatility and incredible spectrum of action.

Instructions for use:

Eucalyptus oil is a complex antiseptic and expectorant.

pharmachologic effect

Eucalyptus oil is obtained from the leaves of various eucalyptus species. It contains in its composition essential oil, flavonoids, organic acids, tannins and bitter substances, wax, resins. The therapeutic effect of the drug is determined by the combination of the action of the constituent substances.

According to the instructions Eucalyptus oil has a pronounced antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral effect. It is known that up to 70% of staphylococci die when spraying this essential oil. It is a reliable way to disinfect indoor air, and acts as a prophylactic against the risk of contracting respiratory viral infections.

According to scientists, Eucalyptus oil improves immunity by acting on lymphocytes - cells of the immune system. It helps in reducing the factors of nonspecific defense of the body and in secondary immunodeficiencies. There is information about the possibility of oil to prevent cancer.

The anti-inflammatory effect is realized in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system (baths with the agent). Helps oil to cope with pain and swelling in arthritis.

Topical application of Eucalyptus oil is effective in the treatment of a number of gynecological diseases - cervical erosion, thrush, it normalizes the alkaline balance of the vagina.

Additionally, this remedy has antispasmodic, diuretic, analgesic, antipyretic, wound healing effects.

With a cold, Eucalyptus oil eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose, cough, and nasal congestion. It eliminates inflammation and congestion in the airways. Apply oil for these purposes in the form of steam inhalation. Inhalation of vapors improves blood oxygen saturation, eliminates headaches from fatigue and a sedentary lifestyle, and relaxes muscles after exercise.

It is known about the ability of oil from eucalyptus leaves to influence a person's emotions, improving mood. It activates the body, eliminates fatigue, drowsiness, enhances concentration.

Release form of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is produced in bottles of 10, 15 and 25 ml.

Indications for the use of eucalyptus oil

This tool is used in the treatment of infectious and colds - laryngitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, tuberculosis. Locally used for cervical erosion, in the complex treatment of arthritis, thrush, cystitis, urethritis, insect bites, skin inflammatory diseases - boils, acne, herpes. The remedy relieves pain with myalgia, neuralgia, bruises.


According to the instructions, Eucalyptus oil is not used in case of bronchial asthma, whooping cough, hypersensitivity to the drug, and atrophic processes of the mucous membranes.

Instructions for use Eucalyptus oil

For colds, Eucalyptus oil is inhaled by inhalation using a steam inhaler. 2-3 drops are enough for one procedure, they are repeated 2-3 times a day. Do not use inhalation oil with an ultrasonic nebulizer.

According to the instructions Eucalyptus bath oil is used in the amount of 2 - 4 drops.

For external use, the drug is applied to clean skin 2-3 times a day. Do not apply oil to damaged and bleeding skin surface.

Side effects

Eucalyptus oil can cause allergic reactions. When inhaled in young children or persons with an allergic predisposition, bronchospasm may occur.

properties of eucalyptus oil

The drug considered in this article is of natural origin. It can be called simply a storehouse of unique opportunities. What are the properties of eucalyptus extract, which requires only a few drops to get the expected therapeutic result.

  1. Suppression of vital activity and reproduction of viruses.
  2. Stopping and disinsection of pathogenic bacteria. It is statistically confirmed that a few drops of the sprayed preparation are enough for about seventy percent of staphylococci to be destroyed. What makes it an excellent disinfectant for humidifying living or working premises.
  3. Regression of inflammatory processes.
  4. Elimination of the simplest microorganisms that are the causative agents of many diseases.
  5. Destruction of strains of pathogenic fungi.
  6. Increases the immune forces of the body, directly affecting the lymphocytes.

This also includes the ability to:

  1. Liquefy sputum and activate exudate expectoration.
  2. Manifestation of analgesic characteristics of local action.
  3. Calming effect on the components of the nervous system.
  4. The ability to prevent the progression of oxygen starvation.
  5. At high doses of application, an irritating effect of a local nature is observed, at low dosages, on the contrary, a distracting, calming effect.
  6. There are some factors that allow us to talk about the prevention of malignant neoplasms. But it is not yet possible to unequivocally confirm this fact.
  7. The use shows antispasmodic and diuretic characteristics, high wound healing effect.
  8. After heavy physical exertion, it has a relaxing effect on the human muscular system.
  9. It also has a positive effect on the emotional background of people, improving mood and suppressing the manifestations of neuralgia. A person loses drowsiness, fatigue disappears, the work of the brain is activated.

Benefits of eucalyptus oil

When you smell eucalyptus for the first time, you catch the coniferous component of the aroma, but this plant does not belong to coniferous plants, it belongs to the myrtle family. The wide-ranging properties of this plant allow it to be used in many areas: from cosmetology and medicine to household chemicals. The benefits of the remedy are indisputable and huge: these are cough drops based on it; and wearable or household deodorants; refreshing oral cavity, chewing gum; and drugs of wide systemic use.

Back in the days of contact combat, the Australian Aborigines used the leaves of this plant to heal stab wounds, even rather severe wounds.

Mostly, to obtain eucalyptus extract, the leaves of the spherical eucalyptus are used, it is most effective in the treatment of diseases caused by pathogenic viruses and pathogenic bacteria. But other varieties of this tree are also great. For example, the lemon subspecies of eucalyptus is more effective in healing burns and wounds, and in treating skin damage.

The specificity of the extract of eucalyptus makes it difficult to select other smells combined with it. The most acceptable combination is considered to be the combined use of eucalyptus oil with flavored substances that have a pronounced manifestation of terpenes. In this light, the tandem of eucalyptus with such extracts is considered acceptable: lemon, orange, lavender, rosewood extract, bigardium, geranium, cedar, military olive, petitgrain, vetiver and rosemary.

The use of eucalyptus extract, both as an independent fragrance and in combination with other odors, greatly affects the emotional sphere of a person. After a hard day at work, such aromas make it possible to quickly recover emotionally, to recover from an unpleasant stressful situation. Allow to activate the body's immune reserves. The impact of this aroma activates the work of the brain, stimulating mental activity, sharpening thinking. Work productivity increases significantly.

Eucalyptus extract is the fragrance of intellectuals. Such aromatherapy perfectly relieves fatigue, normalizes sleep, and eliminates apathy.

Application of eucalyptus oil

The area of ​​use of essential oils is quite extensive. In the life of a modern person, it is quite problematic to find an area in which they are not applied. The substance obtained from eucalyptus leaves is also widely demanded. The most active use of eucalyptus oil is observed in the field of medicine. Due to its numerous medicinal properties, it is effectively used in relief therapy for colds and infectious lesions of both the upper and lower organs of the respiratory system. Its use shows excellent healing results in case of damage to skin surfaces obtained in various ways: burns, injuries, cuts, including ulcers or erosion, which are indicators of a dermatological disease. The use of eucalyptus extract is also effective in gynecology, for example, with cervical erosion. It is also actively used in dentistry for the relief of inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity, as well as for infection of the mucous membrane, for example, with stomatitis.

Eucalyptus with a good result is also used as an antipyretic (rubbing with an extract), as well as inhalation of its vapors makes it possible to restore breathing, stop coughing attacks, remove the mucus collected in the lung tissues as efficiently as possible, preventing congestion.

This substance is a good pain reliever, which is enough to apply a small layer on the problem area to relieve pain symptoms: a couple of drops applied and rubbed with a slight movement into the skin of the temporal part are enough to get rid of the headache.

This flavored substance is also used for prophylactic purposes. By “fumigating” the premises with it, one can achieve a fairly good sanitation of it, thanks to the high antiviral and antimicrobial characteristics of this product. This is especially true during the period of peak illness of the population with influenza or other viral diseases.

The remedy has also found its application in cosmetology, although its demand in this area is not as large as in medicine. In this area, its high efficiency in the fight against inflammatory processes and infectious lesions of the skin is mainly used. Mostly, this is the relief and removal of furunculosis, manifestations of acne, herpes. In case of minor frostbite or burns, it can be used for resuscitation and restoration of the skin.

In cosmetology, it is also used as a bleaching agent, as well as for deodorizing the body. It is also effective in the treatment of alopecia (problems with increased hair loss), as well as in case of dandruff.

Found a tool for its niche in everyday life. It turned out to be an excellent repellent, therefore it is quite in demand and is accepted in almost every product manufactured by the industry for insect control (it has repellent properties). In everyday life, you can use it as a room deodorizing smell.

If clothing is contaminated with resin extract (for example, pine branches), the preparation in question is effective in cleaning such contamination.

Eucalyptus oil inhalations

Inhalations, in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases that affect the organs of the human respiratory system, have a number of advantages over other methods of treatment. First of all, such a procedure has a local effect, and also, due to the direct effect on the focus of the pathology, the therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment manifests itself much faster. Flavored vapors in the process of inhalation with eucalyptus extract can accelerate the removal of mucus from the respiratory tissues, protecting the respiratory organs from dangerous congestion.

But before proceeding with the procedure, it is advisable to check the patient's body for sensitivity to eucalyptus oil by doing the test specified above. If there is no reaction, you can start treatment.

How to carry out inhalation? If the house has a special apparatus or a visit to the physical room is scheduled at the nearest clinic, then the problem is solved. But if there are no such conditions, then at home you can get by with improvised means. To do this, boil water in a kettle or saucepan. After boiling, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to boiling water, bow your head over the saucepan and cover yourself with a blanket or towel from above, making a semblance of a bath. Inhale the scented vapors for at least 10 minutes.

The process can be slightly modernized. Twist a funnel from thick cardboard or other suitable material, cover the pan with a large diameter, and breathe through a smaller hole, inhaling through your mouth or nose, which is more necessary.

Eucalyptus oil for colds

A runny nose is a rather unpleasant symptom that brings a lot of discomfort and you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. For this purpose, the eucalyptus extract from the common cold is perfect. The phytoncides contained in the product do an excellent job with microbes, viruses and pathogenic flora that “occupy” our body. It is on the ethers that the main responsibility for the treatment lies.

Aromadendren and phellandren, which are part of the ether, are converted into ozone, a powerful bactericidal medicine, by chemical changes when in contact with oxygen. Therefore, the use of this agent in inhalations, instillations and washings of the nasal sinuses allows you to effectively deal with inflammatory and infectious diseases that affect the tissues of the nasal cavity.

To enhance the effectiveness of the solution, you can prepare the following mixture:

  1. Take a glass of warm water.
  2. Sprinkle in half a tablespoon of sea salt. This component can be replaced with a decoction of chamomile, taken twice as much by volume.
  3. Here also introduce a tablespoon of chlorophyllipt - this drug can be found in any pharmacy.
  4. Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus extract.

Rinse the sinuses with the resulting composition three times throughout the day. Such therapy is considered the most effective for rhinitis of any severity. Mostly, complications of such treatment were not recorded.

Aromatherapy is also suitable in such a situation, using which it is necessary to breathe in the vapors of the product, slightly warmed up in a water bath, for several minutes before going to bed. It will be enough to do a similar procedure for four to five days.

Eucalyptus hair oil

Another niche for the effective use of a natural product is the ability to use it for hair. The main problems that the extract from this plant will help to solve are split ends, weak hair follicles, dull shine, weak growth, and generally lifeless, unattractive hair. Washing your head with the product will perfectly relieve unpleasant symptoms in case of dandruff (the process of rapid death of epidermal cells) or itching of the scalp.

It is enough to add five drops of the product to the shampoo to get the necessary effectiveness. The constant use of such an enriched shampoo will strengthen the hair cascade, make it bright, shiny, naturally healthy, remove dandruff and itching.

The same effect can be achieved by using a few drops of the product when rubbing it into the hairline, massaging it in parallel for about twenty minutes. Massaging movements should be careful and soft, not aggressive. This procedure will improve blood circulation, and enrich the cells of the epidermis with oxygen.

Masks that combine several different essential oils are also great. For example, together with eucalyptus, they are perfectly combined with an extract of tea tree, olive or almond tree.

Here are some recipes for masks that are suitable for oily hair types:

  1. Introduce two drops of the product into the vessel, four drops of rosemary and thyme oils. Stir and add an infusion or decoction of St. John's wort and oak bark.
  2. The following composition shows high efficiency in restoring the vitality of hair: take a couple of drops of different varieties of products (lemon and spherical), introduce five milliliters of jojoba and sasanqua aroma oils into them. Stir and add five drops each of bay and rosemary oils.

It is necessary to store the prepared composition in a dark glass bottle and in a cool place (the bottle can be wrapped with opaque paper). First, the healing composition is rubbed into the scalp with smooth movements, then the comb is dispersed along the entire length of the hair. Cellophane is put on the head, and a warm hat is put on top. The mask is kept on the head for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. It is advisable to do this procedure once or twice a week, with a strong loss it is allowed once every two days. The duration of therapy is about a month. Treatment, if necessary, can be repeated after a two-week break.

An excellent preventive result can be obtained by combing the hair daily with a comb with frequent teeth, on which a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil are applied. Leave it like this for 30 minutes, wrapping your head in cellophane and a warm towel, then wash your hair well.

The reward for all your efforts will be beautiful healthy hair!

Eucalyptus oil in the nose

In addition to the above inhalations, with a runny nose and swelling of the nasal passages, it is effective to instill into the nose or lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with an ointment based on it. Here are some acceptable and effective formulations, but it should be noted that the relief of rhinitis is a troublesome and lengthy business, and in order to reduce the duration of therapy, one cannot do without an integrated approach to treatment.

  1. We prepare such a composition: melt two tablespoons of petroleum jelly in a water bath and introduce aroma oils in drops: eucalyptus and tea tree - five each, three is enough mint. Mix thoroughly and lubricate the nasal passages two to three times a day.
  2. You can also use a natural concentrated product, it is enough to instill one or two drops in the morning and before bedtime, so as not to leave any chance for infection to develop.
  3. Aerosol sprays with a diluted agent are also effective. For 20 drops of the product in question and the same amount of tea tree extract, take 100 g of vodka. Everything is mixed and sprayed indoors every two hours.

Eucalyptus oil for colds

Outside, cold and damp is the best time for colds and infectious epidemics. In this difficult period for our body, this remedy can become a faithful assistant and protector, for a cold it is both therapy and prevention, activation of the body's defenses.

In this situation, an extract from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree will be effective in any form.

  1. Sanitation of living and working premises with the help of irrigation and aroma lamps using eucalyptus oil.
  2. Instillation, washing and lubrication of the nasal passages.
  3. Inhalations, which can be carried out both separately in the oral and nasal cavities, and together. For this, various nozzles are used.
  4. With a strong cough, rubbing is practiced. The ointment is applied to the chest or back and, gently massaging, rubbed into the skin. This procedure improves breathing, accelerates the outflow of mucus from the lungs.
  5. Hot baths are pleasant and useful, in the water of which 6-8 drops of eucalyptus oil are added. Spend five to seven minutes in them and the effectiveness of therapy is ensured.

Eucalyptus oil for cough

Cough is a concomitant symptom of almost every cold that affects the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, the remedy is used for coughing in the same way as for the cold itself in general. It can be rubbing, inhalation, baths using this essential extract. The esters of the eucalyptus tree warm the tissues, thin the mucus and activate its excretion, cleansing the lungs and bronchi.

Such procedures allow you to minimize irritation of the mucous membrane, which allows you to eliminate coughing fits.

Eucalyptus oil for children

Small children suffer from colds, perhaps much more often than adults, but a remedy for children in the treatment of colds can be used no earlier than when they reach the age of two. Such a medicine is given inside to babies only as prescribed by the attending doctor and the daily dosage should not exceed one drop. So that the baby does not refuse the medicine, it is better to mix it with a small amount of honey and give it to drink with warm tea.

Another method of therapy is to moisten several swabs of cotton or gauze in the extract and disperse them around the room where the little man sleeps or plays.

Inhalations are also good, but keeping a fidget in one place for 10 minutes is quite difficult. In this case, a hot bath is suitable, it is enough to drop just a few drops of eucalyptus oil into the water and its vapors will do their job.

Bath with eucalyptus oil

Therapeutic baths have been very popular with people since ancient times. Occupied its niche in therapy and bath with eucalyptus extract. The options in this case are quite diverse:

  1. Basic - add six to eight drops of aromatic product into hot water and soak for about 7 minutes, breathing in vapors. Such a procedure will calm the "loose" nerves, improve breathing, and reduce abnormal temperature.
  2. You can, along with the agent, introduce 200-300 g of sea salt, which will activate the body's defenses, as well as sanitize the entire skin.
  3. If you are worried about muscle and joint pain, often pestering migraines, a basic bath with the addition of 3-4 drops of rosemary extract will be effective.
  1. The water temperature should be between 38 - 40 o C.
  2. The duration of the procedure is 15 - 20 minutes.
  3. One treatment course - 10 - 15 baths.
  4. After the procedure, it is advisable to drink tea with a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey - this will consolidate the success and increase efficiency.
  5. It is better to take a bath in the evening, then lie down in a warm bed and have a good rest.

Eucalyptus flea oil

Eucalyptus oil inside

It is worth using a natural antibiotic very carefully, especially if you need to take the remedy inside. There are a number of prohibitions and recommendations that should not be neglected:

  • Do not combine it with other homeopathic remedies.
  • Do not take during pregnancy, lactation and children under 2 years of age.
  • A sensitivity test is required before prescribing.
  • One-time inject the extract inside no more than two drops three times a day.
  • It is better to drink liquid with sourness (tea with a slice of lemon), preferably with honey or a piece of bread.

Eucalyptus oil treatment

The amazing properties of this natural product are used in many areas of human life. Multifaceted and treatment with eucalyptus extract:

The extract has also found its use in gynecology. Due to the tandem of the anti-erosion properties of this plant product and the ability to quickly eliminate inflammatory processes, douches with a solution based on eucalyptus extract can stop various endometritis and adnexitis (inflammatory processes affecting the uterus and appendages of a woman), block the progression of thrush, destroying the pathogenic flora that provokes its development. The use of this product of nature is equally effective for the acute phase of the disease and for its chronic course.

Essential eucalyptus oil

Australia and Tasmania are considered the birthplace of this exotic tree for us, where the healing properties of the leaves of the plant were known and used by the natives for a long time. But getting the product in the form of an oily liquid began relatively recently. Essential eucalyptus oil is a transparent product obtained by steam distillation, followed by vapor condensation, which makes it possible to obtain the medicinal product of interest from the available distillate. This processing method is called hydrodistillation. The raw material for obtaining the extract are young shoots and leaves of fast-growing species of eucalyptus: rod-shaped, lemon, ashen and spherical. Having processed a ton of raw material, you can get about three to five kilograms of an essential product.

The liquid turns out to be easily mobile, colorless, or slightly colored in a yellow tint. This product has a fairly characteristic and easily recognizable odor.

To date, about forty different components have been recognized in the composition of the essential oils of this "tree of life", as it is called by local natives. And it is to them that the remedy owes its unique healing properties. The basis of the product is cineole, which occupies approximately 60-80% of all components. It is she who dictates the main therapeutic characteristics of the drug. In addition, the product contains flavanoids, aldehydes, various tannic chemical compounds, organic acids.

Today, the peoples of many countries located in the tropics and subtropics use the leaves of this plant in their cuisine as a seasoning. In many countries, this plant is specially cultivated for medicinal purposes or used in park design. By planting it in a swampy area, the population solves two problems at once: draining the land and destroying the malarial mosquito, a carrier of a dangerous disease.

The use of eucalyptus oil in medicine and cosmetology is due to its chemical composition and properties that it possesses. The pleasant aroma and healing effect made eucalyptus oil extremely popular.

The magical power of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus belongs to the myrtle family, an evergreen plant whose leaves and wood are rich in essential oils, tannins, and organic acids.

Eucalyptus has:

  1. Antiseptic action, it is used to disinfect wound surfaces;
  2. Antibacterial action - eucalyptus is considered to be a natural antibiotic;
  3. Antiviral effect, due to which it is widely used for the treatment of colds;
  4. With a calming effect, aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil stabilizes the state of the nervous system, relieves stress;
  5. Antifungal and healing effect, used to treat certain gynecological diseases;
  6. The ability to lower blood glucose levels;
  7. Whitening and regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, thanks to which it is popular in cosmetology;
  8. Regenerating and stimulating effect, added to hair products.

In addition, midges do not like the aroma of eucalyptus and therefore an aroma lamp or plates with eucalyptus can be used for natural protection.

Composition of eucalyptus oil

To obtain essential oil, eucalyptus leaves are processed and steam sublimated. To obtain 4-5 kg ​​of natural essential oil, it takes about a ton of fresh leaves.

The composition of the oil is complex, it includes about 40 different substances. Among them:

  • terpene cineole, which has an expectorant and antiseptic effect;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • tannins

Application of eucalyptus oil

Depending on the intended purpose, eucalyptus oil can be used in several ways:

  • cold (using a nebulizer) and hot (steam) inhalations with the addition of 1-2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • massage with special products or adding oil to a regular massage cream;
  • aromatherapy using an aroma lamp disinfects the air, spreads a pleasant smell, calms the nerves;
  • baths with eucalyptus oil are useful for the nervous and muscular system, skin;
  • skin compresses (whitening, healing, disinfecting);
  • rinsing to eliminate problems of the oral cavity.

What can and should be treated with eucalyptus oil:

  • to soothe a cotton ball, drop 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and apply to the tooth that is bothering;
  • treatment of wounds and abrasions: stir 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in 1 tsp. vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, almond or other). 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Add oils to the strained infusion, moisten a gauze cloth with the resulting product and apply to the damaged surface. Compresses are done 2-3 times a day, such lotions help with ulcers and furunculosis;
  • for wound healing, a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil are mixed with pork fat and lubricated with the skin;
  • with rhinitis, sinusitis, it is recommended to wash the nasal cavity with an aqueous solution of chlorophyllipt with the addition of 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • helps with muscle pain and spasms trituration oil: 2 tbsp. l. base oils add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil. Rub into the skin with massage movements;
  • for carrying out 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil are added to 0.5 liters of hot water. To enhance the effect, you can add ½ tsp. soda and 1 tsp. salt. Breathe over the steam for 5-7 minutes, covering your head with a towel;
  • with varicose veins, a mixture of eucalyptus and lemon balm oils, mixed in equal proportions, is rubbed into the skin of the legs.

Eucalyptus oil is added to shampoos (, against hair loss) - 1 drop per single serving for washing, in face and hand creams. It is not necessary to add oil to the cream tank, it is better to mix the oil daily with a cream that will be applied directly to the skin.


At the first application, you should make sure that eucalyptus oil does not provoke allergies, apply 1 drop on the wrist or elbow skin and wait 6-10 hours. People who are prone to respiratory allergic reactions should be treated with great caution when using eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus essential oil has the appearance of a clear or yellowish liquid with a characteristic resinous-tart aroma reminiscent of the smell of pine needles, although the plant itself belongs to the myrtle family, not conifers. Eucalyptus oil has a lot of therapeutic properties that are effectively used in traditional and official medicine, in the cosmetology field and in the production of household chemicals.

Eucalyptus is an evergreen plant native to Tasmania and Australia. Local natives call it the “tree of life” and “diamond of the forests”, its healing properties are still used today in the treatment of infectious diseases, to accelerate the healing process of wounds, in order to relieve fatigue and pain relief, and also as a seasoning for culinary masterpieces.

Today, eucalyptus grows in many subtropical and tropical countries. Especially for the production of essential oil, eucalyptus is grown in California, Spain, and Portugal.

Application of eucalyptus oil.
The properties of eucalyptus essential oil have found their wide application in the treatment of coughs and colds. It is an integral component in the production of cough drops and other products intended for the treatment and prevention of viral and catarrhal diseases, as well as to alleviate conditions. The complex antiviral and bactericidal effect of the oil helps to cleanse the mucous membranes and normalize secretion, as well as fight the further reproduction and spread of viruses. It is especially good to use eucalyptus oil as a rub, it improves breathing, reduces cough, fights hoarseness and high fever, removes phlegm, relieves fever.

Eucalyptus oil also strengthens the immune system, fights headaches and other types of pain (sprains, arthritis, etc.), and reduces swelling.

In the field of gynecology, its properties have also found application, the oil has an anti-erosive effect, eliminates inflammation in chronic and acute forms, normalizes the acid balance, stops the development of thrush and herpes. It is also used in the treatment of endometritis and inflammation in the uterus and appendages, as well as in cystitis and urethritis. The oil gives a good effect in the treatment of prostatitis.

In industry, essential eucalyptus oil is used in the production of men's deodorants, household chemicals. The aroma of the oil serves as an excellent remedy against various insects. By spraying it in the air, you can not only get rid of insects, but also improve the atmosphere in the room, relieve tension and smooth out conflict situations, and improve your own emotional state.

Eucalyptus oil is used as an integral component of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-burn and wound healing agents. In combination with other undiluted essential oils, eucalyptus oil neutralizes their effect, which is very convenient when trying oils you do not know. To prevent accidental burns, add two drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the oil blend you want to experience.

Due to the ability to lower blood sugar levels, eucalyptus oil is important to use in diabetes. Also, the oil effectively helps to relieve inflammation from insect bites, relieve pain from radiculitis, neuralgia, bruises, and is a prevention of pediculosis.

Eucalyptus has a detrimental effect on streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, dysentery bacillus and typhoid fever, inhibits the growth of anaerobic and purulent pathogens, Trichomonas.

Treatment with eucalyptus essential oil, recipes.
In the treatment of various diseases and in order to prevent their development, eucalyptus essential oil is used in the form of rubbing, inhalation, baths, massage, spraying (in a room, office and other premises), and sometimes inside when prescribed by a doctor.

Eucalyptus oil baths can help alleviate and reduce the symptoms of a cold by adding seven drops of the oil to a bath of warm water and sitting for ten minutes.

For the prevention of influenza, SARS and other diseases associated with colds, it is recommended to spray eucalyptus essential oil using an aroma lamp. You can also simply add four drops of oil to a glass of hot water and place it on a radiator to speed up the evaporation process. Inhalation of the aroma of eucalyptus stimulates the respiration and nutrition of cells.

Inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil will help get rid of a runny nose, cough and sore throat: add four drops of oil to 200 ml of hot water, cover with a towel on top, inhale the steam for eight to ten minutes.

For diseases of the oral cavity, inflammation of the gums, toothache and sore throat, rinsing with a solution of eucalyptus oil helps well (four drops of oil per glass of warm water).

With a toothache, it is good to apply a cotton swab soaked in eucalyptus oil to the affected area for ten minutes.

From muscle and joint pain, massage and rubbing with eucalyptus oil on the affected area help. For this purpose, a mixture should be prepared: enrich 50 ml of any vegetable oil (almond, olive, sesame) with five drops of essential oil. This mixture is also suitable for this: for 50 ml of vegetable oil, take a drop of thyme, two drops of cloves, three drops of eucalyptus and four drops of juniper.

A bath with eucalyptus oil will also relieve back pain, muscle pain after physical exertion, cramps: fill the bath with water at a temperature of 40-42 ° C, pour in 30 ml of oil and sit for ten minutes. You do not need to wipe yourself after the procedure, you need to rub the skin with your hands, making a light self-massage of the affected area. After that, you need to lie down under a warm blanket for half an hour.

Baths and compresses with eucalyptus oil perfectly heal wounds, treat burns and frostbite.

Rubbing the chest when coughing: Enrich two tablespoons of sunflower oil with four drops of eucalyptus oil, two drops of tea tree and a drop of cloves. After rubbing, you should lie down for twenty minutes, well wrapped in a warm blanket.

A mixture for the prevention of varicose veins: combine four drops of eucalyptus and lemon balm oils, wash your feet, then make a roller and, sitting comfortably, put it under your feet (the higher, the better). Rub the resulting mixture with gentle circular, non-pressing movements in the direction from the bottom up.

Compresses for burns: add 30 ml of eucalyptus oil to half a glass of boiling water and let cool. Moisten gauze in a warm mixture and apply to the affected area. Do the procedure as often as possible.

With bleeding ulcers: 30 g of young nettle leaves (you can take pharmaceutical grass) brew a glass of boiling water and insist for twenty minutes. Strain the finished infusion and mix with 10 ml of eucalyptus oil. Soak a gauze pad in the resulting mixture and apply to the affected area.

For the same purpose, you can use another recipe: make an infusion of oak bark and combine it with a mixture of eucalyptus, sea buckthorn and lavender oils, taken in 15 ml, and egg yolk. The mixture is insisted for a day, after which it can be used in the form of lotions. Prepare an infusion of oak bark as follows: brew 30 g of oak bark with a glass of boiling water, leave for fifteen minutes and strain.

For the healing of purulent wounds: melt 10 g of lard and mix with 15 ml of eucalyptus oil. Use the composition chilled.

The use of eucalyptus essential oil in cosmetology, for skin, hands, nails and hair.
In the dermatological and cosmetological field, eucalyptus essential oil is also widely used, in particular for its deodorizing, regenerating, antiseptic, antibacterial properties. It has a good whitening effect (lightens freckles and age spots), is used in the treatment of herpes, acne and furunculosis, serves as an excellent remedy for dandruff and hair loss.

Eucalyptus oil is mainly used to care for oily and problematic skin that is prone to inflammation. It is recommended to enrich ready-made care products with eucalyptus essential oil: seven drops of the essential component are enough for 5 ml of your cream.

You can add it not only to creams, but also to cleansers and tonics. Oil is an excellent means of preventing and treating fungal infections of the nails. To do this, it is good to add it to hand baths.

The oil strengthens the hair follicles, prevents hair loss, treats dandruff, so it is recommended to add it to the shampoo every time you wash (five to seven drops are enough for a single use). And you can combine it with vegetable oil (almond, burdock, etc.) and rub it into the scalp half an hour before washing (take seven drops of essential oil for 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil).

To heal microtraumas on the skin of the hands, rub a mixture of ordinary hand cream with three drops of oil.

In cosmetology, it is recommended to use eucalyptus oil for acne as part of a tonic. If the skin is prone to inflammation and has a greasy structure, add 7-10 drops of eucalyptus oil to 5 ml of face cream, and lubricate the face before going to bed for two weeks. Eucalyptus essential oil is indispensable for strengthening hair, as well as against dandruff, for this, 5 drops of oil are added to 10 ml of shampoo and applied to the scalp with rubbing movements.

Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus oil.

  • Individual intolerance to oil.
  • Simultaneous reception with homeopathic preparations.
  • Atrophy of the respiratory mucosa.
  • Children's age (up to two years, due to the threat of developing bronchospasm).
  • The presence of bronchial asthma, whooping cough.
  • Pregnancy (up to 4 months).
When applying essential oil to the skin, sometimes there is a slight burning sensation, tingling, slight redness, which quickly disappears. This reaction is natural. With frequent and prolonged inhalations, dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system may occur.