
Falsification of world history as an attempt to change the modern world order. The falsification of world history has been carried out for several centuries

Public opinion polls conducted by VTsIOM in the 1990s showed that during this period, collective ideas about the past occupied an increasingly significant place in the identity of Russians. At the same time, such a component as “antiquity, antiquity” was of greatest importance, firstly, for people under 40 years of age with a high level of education, and secondly, for those who were oriented towards democracy and reforms. This was also matched by an exaggerated craving for the “small homeland,” which was far ahead in its importance in the self-awareness of Russians of such indicators as “our land” and “the state in which I live.”

Obviously, many people were frightened by the bloodthirsty image of Bolshevik Russia painted for several years by the media. In the national republics, the image of imperial Russia, which had its own crimes on its record, was even less attractive, and much was written about them in the 1990s, for example, in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the republics of the North Caucasus. In such a situation, it seemed quite natural for many people to want to distance themselves from all these crimes and injustices. This goal can be achieved in two ways: firstly, by appealing to a more ancient past, which was not perceived so painfully and which could be given a heroic appearance, and secondly, by focusing on the “small homeland”, which made it possible to avoid direct identification with the activities of the Russian state . The first led to the creation of romanticized, idealized images of antiquity, and the second led to the flourishing of local history.

The idea of ​​the importance of school history education in the process of legitimizing state power now seems trivial. At the same time, without clarifying the features of the ideological landscape of Ukraine, the place of school textbooks in the structure of the ideological market and the definition of concepts, the topic of the image of Russia in Ukrainian school history textbooks turns into only a set of grievances, mutual accusations of falsification, ingratitude, betrayal, separatism, chauvinism, and thus loses all practical significance. However, in order not to avoid the stated problem, we can only outline certain initial positions without discussing them in detail. Are school history textbooks a segment of the ideological market? Is the state a monopolist in this market? How effective is this monopoly, if it exists? What are the goals and objectives of coding the historical consciousness of schoolchildren? What are the similarities and what are the differences in the forms and methods of conquering the ideological market by the ruling circles in the USSR and in independent Ukraine? Is the current state of affairs compatible with the proclaimed democratic values? If we are talking about the image of Russia, then what kind of Russia are we talking about - the Moscow state, Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, the RSFSR or the current Russian Federation? Is it possible to identify the modern Russian Federation as Russia without Ukraine and outside Ukraine?

There is an opinion that the history of Russia and Russians was deliberately distorted.

Why was the history of Russia written in the 17th century by the Germans, and the greatest Russian academician and historian Lomonosov was sentenced to death? And who was interested in the theft of Mikhail Lomonosov's scientific library and the destruction of his numerous manuscripts?

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov fell into disgrace because of his disagreements with German scientists who formed the backbone of the Academy of Sciences in the 18th century. Under Empress Anna Ioannovna, a stream of foreigners poured into Russia. Starting from 1725, when the Russian Academy was created, and until 1841, the foundation of Russian history was remade by the following “benefactors” of the Russian people who arrived from Europe and spoke little Russian, but quickly became experts in Russian history.

Recently, the “Russian theme” has become very relevant, actively used in the political sphere. The press and television are full of speeches on this topic, usually muddy and contradictory. Some say that the Russian people do not exist at all, who consider only Orthodox Christians to be Russians, who include in this concept everyone who speaks Russian, etc. Meanwhile, science has already given a completely definite answer to this question. The scientific data below is a terrible secret. Formally, this data is not classified, since it was obtained by American scientists outside the field of defense research, and was even published in some places, but the conspiracy of silence organized around it is unprecedented. The atomic project at its initial stage cannot even be compared, then some things still leaked into the press, and in this case, nothing at all.

What is this terrible secret, the mention of which is a worldwide taboo?

A number of prominent scientists in Russia and abroad question the generally accepted version of the history of the world.

In this book you will get acquainted with numerous factual materials that reveal a striking picture - it turns out that most of the discoveries in the field of archeology and geology, which indicate that man did not descend from apes at all, and has been on Earth for a very long time, were hushed up and hidden from the public. The version about the origin of man from ape was based on fabricated evidence, which, despite this, was exhibited in the largest museums in the world for decades.

Upon a thorough study of the facts and evidence of the use of high technology in the creation of the pyramids, it becomes obvious that these ancient monuments were not created as history presents. And, most likely, they were created, at least with the participation of other Races - just as Traditions and Legends say. The studied similarities in methods suggest that in South America, Egypt, the Middle East and India, they were built by representatives of the same culture. Once upon a time, apparently, it was a huge Country - the same Babylon, which is equally mentioned in the Bible and ... the Bonpo tradition!

In the past, presumably - during the Renaissance in the West and during the Great Troubles in Russia, the largest forgery in the history of mankind took place. The previous history of the world was withdrawn and destroyed and a new, false picture was compiled, which placed people in the narrow framework of ignorance both in relation to their own nature and in the knowledge of their place in the Universe.

Exactly four hundred thirty years ago happened greatest battle Christian civilization, which determined the future of the Eurasian continent, if not the entire planet, for many, many centuries to come. Almost 200 thousand people fought in a bloody six-day battle, with their courage and dedication proving the right to exist for many peoples at once. More than 100 thousand people paid with their lives to resolve this dispute, and it is only thanks to the victory of our ancestors that we now live in the world that we are accustomed to seeing around us. In this battle, not just the fate of Rus' and the countries of Europe was decided - it was about the fate of the entire European civilization. But ask any educated person: what does he know about the battle that took place in 1572? And practically no one except professional historians will be able to answer you a word. Why? Because this victory was won by the “wrong” ruler, the “wrong” army and the “wrong” people. Four centuries have already passed since this victory was simply prohibited.

While independently studying northern languages, I caught one characteristic pattern that eludes anyone who is still at the very beginning of the path of studying northern languages: from edition to edition, words with a Russian root base are gradually removed from all dictionaries... and replaced by words with a Latin root base ... Official linguistics insists that, they say, the Veneti who lived in Scandinavia, who in ancient times formed a single cultural and linguistic community with the Slavs, were closer in language to the Latins. This may be partly true, I don’t dare to argue with the luminaries of linguistics. But the fact that in the modern Newspeak of the Norwegian language (nyno(r)shk), composed of hundreds of local dialects, “Russian” words are carefully removed is a fact... And if this cannot be done for some reason: there is only one argument - these words have not a “Russian” root basis, but… an “Indo-European” one. Or - which is completely out of the ordinary - they (words) in these hundred dialects were somehow borrowed from Russian... Curious, in some way? By word of mouth? If we take into account the very complex geophysical location of this country and the peculiarities of the landscape, then we can assume that the inhabitants who inhabited it a thousand years ago were undisputed innovators in terms of mass communication and... put Russian words into circulation... well, as is done through the same television , Internet or radio, finally.

The state of modern historical science has become especially clear this year - 2012 was declared by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev as the “Year of Russian History.” As of July 15, 2012 (exactly six months have passed) no results of this Year have been presented to the public. Not one of the specialized history institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences has issued either to the Russian people or to the Russian president any work, the results of which in any way shed light on at least some controversial aspects of Russian history.

And there are many such moments. Suffice it to say that we “officially” know nothing from the history of our people, which clearly took place before the 9th – 10th centuries AD. “Official” historical science to this day forces us to teach our children on historical materials formed back in the 18th and 19th centuries. And this despite the fact that such materials were openly concocted by individuals who in those years took an openly criminal position towards Russia. We specifically do not name any historical names here, because this article is intended for historians, who, of course, must independently recognize the characters described in it.

Is history a science? It would seem that the answer is known. Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC, is called the father of history. Is Augustine the Blessed considered the founder of Christian philosophy of history?

After the “founding fathers,” thousands and thousands of historians worked diligently for centuries in the fertile field of history. They created both history and philosophy of history, they founded many historical disciplines, identified and substantiated numerous historical periods. In France, already in 1701, academic historians were part of the French Academy of Inscriptions and Beaux-Letters, which had 95 full members, 40 of whom were foreign subjects. History, which became a university discipline in the 19th century, as a science, was and is taught today in many educational institutions all over the world by thousands of specialists, teachers, associate professors and professors. All of them constitute a large and powerful army of official historical science.
And this powerful army cannot and does not want to agree with statements similar to those made by Alexey Kungurov in his article. Meanwhile, criticism of official history and chronology goes back many centuries. It began almost when, in the precise words of A. Kungurov, “...Europeans began to compose their great past...”. It is about this, about the falsification of European history and its chronology, that I would like to tell the reader.

Ilya Glazunov’s programmatic canvas “Eternal Russia,” which crowds of Muscovites and visitors once flocked to see, was originally called “One Hundred Centuries.” The period is counted from the supposed exodus of the ancient Aryans from their ancestral home, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the primary ethnolinguistic community and the emergence of independent peoples and languages ​​(previously the language was common). The symbol of the former Ancestral Home - the polar World Mountain, placed in the upper left corner, opens the visual range of Glazunov's composition.

But is it really a hundred centuries? Or is the long journey and thorny history of the Slavic-Russian tribes and other peoples of the earth not exhausted by ten thousand years? After all, Mikhailo Lomonosov named a completely different date, far beyond the boundaries of the most daring fantasy. Four hundred thousand years (more precisely, 399,000) - this is the result obtained by the Russian genius. And he relied on the calculations of Babylonian astronomers and the testimony of the Egyptians, recorded by ancient historians. It was then that one of the most severe planetary catastrophes in terms of its consequences occurred: according to Lomonosov, the earth’s axis shifted, the location of the poles changed, and ultimately, as described by Plato in the dialogue “Politician,” the Sun, which had previously risen in the west (!), began to rise in the east. According to Herodotus, this happened twice.

In the “Tale of Bygone Years” reconstructed by modern scientists, supposedly belonging to the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, Monk Nestor, the first real date is 852 AD. (or in accordance with the Old Russian chronology - 6360 years “from the Creation of the world”). That year, a powerful Russian fleet appeared at the walls of Constantinople, which was recorded in the Byzantine chronicles, and from there it entered the Russian chronicles. The next, truly significant, date - 862 - is associated with the calling of Rurik and his brothers to reign. It was from that time that it was customary for a long time to count down Russian history: in 1862, the so-called 1000th anniversary of Russia was even celebrated, on the occasion of which an impressive monument was erected in Veliky Novgorod, designed by the sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin, which became almost a symbol of Russian statehood and monarchism.

Generations of Russian people were brought up on textbooks and multi-volume publications on the History of Russia by Schletser, Karamzin, Solovyov, Polyakov, Kostomarov, Ilovaisky, Klyuchevsky, Pokrovsky, Tarle, Likhachev and the like. Since these authors created entire schools and tens of thousands of people repeat the ideological cliches and characteristics of the characters in History that they created, then everything that is written by these Interpreters of History and repeated tens of thousands of times is perceived as the immutable Truth. But this is far from true. An analysis of the works of representatives of this cohort of historians allows us to conclude that many of the facts and assessments presented by these “interpreters” of Russian History as Truth have not been proven. V.L. spoke out in a deadly caustic manner about this feature of the works of the “interpreters” of History. Yanin:

“Such assessments, repeated many times in different works, seem to have been justified by someone and not subject to doubt, while a study of the literature on the issue reveals that in reality the evidence never existed” (Yanin, 1990, p. 8).

Almost all of the authors listed were under the strong influence (if not the dictate) of the democratic and Masonic trends fashionable in their times, which were inherently hostile to the Russian Idea. There were other reasons for these authors, which we will consider in this chapter, to distort Russian History. As will be shown below, this “substitution of concepts” and direct falsification of Russian History has been going on for more than 1000 years.

The connection between the times of the History of modern Russia and the Middle Ages was subjected to an even more fierce “attack” by interpreters of History hostile to us. Colossal resources have been spent on breaking this link of time. This “attention” is explained by the special importance of the medieval history of Russia for understanding the current stage of the struggle between Russian and Jewish ideas.

It was in the Middle Ages, after a centuries-long break, that the Jewish idea found its own state, the Khazar Kaganate, which immediately put the Idea into practice, turning the tribes living between the Urals and the Dnieper into powerless slaves. There was no more terrible yoke than this in the history of mankind. For the first time, genocide of the indigenous population was carried out on such a massive scale. Everyone who could even think about resistance (tribal leaders, warriors, priests, kulaks) was completely destroyed. The Jews, who lived in fortified settlements on the territory of the Kaganate under the protection of hired guards and their own national army, were proclaimed a superior race, to which everything was allowed in relation to the Slavs, “subhumans,” “second-class people.”

Already in the very name of the Antiquity era there is a direct allusion to the most important role of the Slavic ethnos in those distant times, for “Antiquity” is difficult to translate otherwise than: “the era of the Ants.” But the Antas, according to most ancient and modern historians, are Slavs. Perhaps the name given to the era after the works of ancient art and crafts reflects the fact that throughout the then Mediterranean, slaves were artisans, and most of the slaves were Slavs (Antes). Unfortunately, this is no more than a hint, although regardless of this assumption, Yegor Klassen provides many facts indicating the wide participation of the Slavic ethnic group in the formation of ancient culture. In particular, he cited dozens of inscriptions on ancient tombstones and sculptures (6th century BC – 5th century AD) in languages ​​“unknown” to Europeans. It turned out that these were inscriptions made in the ancient Slavic language with Latin letters. And now we write our return addresses in Russia on letters to Europe in the same way. But modern Historiography, written by professional interpreters of history, conceals a deaf silence about the ancient history of our ancestors, the genesis of the Russian Idea and the Russian people, which took place precisely at this time. We will talk about the reasons for such silence, and even direct falsification of our history, in this chapter.

The Romanov dynasty had “its own interest” in falsifying History.

Most of the most famous historians of that time, listed in the introduction to this chapter (Schletser, Karamzin, Solovyov, Ilovaisky, Kostomarov, Klyuchevskoy) were professionals. their well-being, like that of any professional, directly depended on those in power, who had their own ideas about what the people needed to know and what they should better forget about. Let us remember once again that all these historians “created” and edited Russian History during the reign of the Romanov dynasty.

History, describing the events of the twentieth century seventy years ago, claims that the Second World War began on September 1, 1939 as a result of the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany. What was the reason for choosing this date? The main reason for taking this date as a starting point was the fact that it was then, for the first time since the end of the First World War, that hostilities began again in Europe. Another argument was the elementary convenience of calculating the duration of wartime. If we count the period from the date of entry into Poland until the date of Japan’s surrender, which occurred in early September 1945, then the duration of the Second Imperialist War was limited to six years. However, the start of the countdown to the resumption of armed conflict in Europe does not seem entirely logical. In this case, the Eurocentrism inherent in Soviet historical science comes to the fore.

In recent years, the concept of “falsification of history” has become particularly widespread in our country. Of course, at first glance this phrase seems incomprehensible. How can facts that have already taken place be distorted? But, nevertheless, rewriting history is a phenomenon that takes place in modern society and has its roots in the distant past. The very first examples of documents in which history was falsified have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt.

Methods and techniques

Authors whose works reflect the distortion and falsification of history, as a rule, do not indicate the sources of their “factual” judgments. Only sometimes do such works provide references to various publications that either do not exist at all or are clearly not related to the topic of the publication.

What can be said about this method is that it is not so much a forgery of what is known as an addition to it. In other words, this is not a falsification of history, but ordinary myth-making.

More in a subtle way falsification of primary sources serves as a distortion of existing facts. Sometimes the falsification of world history becomes possible on the basis of “sensational” archaeological discoveries. Sometimes authors make references to previously unknown documents. These could be “unpublished” chronicle materials, diaries, memoirs, etc. In such cases, only a special examination can reveal a forgery, which the interested party either does not conduct, or the results obtained by it also falsify.

One of the methods of distorting history is the one-sided selection of certain facts and their arbitrary interpretation. As a result, connections are built that were absent in reality. It is simply impossible to call the conclusions drawn on the basis of the resulting picture true. With this method of falsifying history, certain events or documents described actually took place. However, the researchers draw their conclusions with a purposeful and gross violation of all methodological foundations. The purpose of such publications may be to justify a certain historical character. Those sources that give negative information about him are simply ignored or their hostility, and therefore falsity, is noted. At the same time, documents that indicate the presence of positive facts are used as a basis and are not criticized.

There is one more special technique, which in essence can be placed between the methods described above. It lies in the author’s presentation of a real, but at the same time, truncated quotation. It omits places that are in clear contradiction with the conclusions necessary for the mythologist.

Goals and motives

Why is history falsified? The goals and motives of the authors who write publications that distort the events that took place can be very diverse. They relate to the ideological or political sphere, affect commercial interests, etc. But in general, the falsification of the history of the world pursues goals that can be combined in two groups. The first of them includes socio-political motives (gepolitical, political and ideological). Most of them are closely related to anti-state propaganda.

The second group of goals includes commercial and personal-psychological motives. Their list includes: the desire to gain fame and assert oneself, as well as to become famous in a short time, giving society a “sensation” that can overturn all existing ideas about the past. The dominant factor in this case is, as a rule, the material interests of the authors, who earn good money by publishing large print runs of their works. Sometimes the motives that prompted the distortion historical facts, can be explained by the desire for revenge on individual opponents. Sometimes such publications are aimed at belittling the role of government representatives.

Historical heritage of Russia

A similar problem exists in our country. At the same time, falsification national history is considered as anti-Russian propaganda. Often, publications distorting the events that took place are published in countries both near and far abroad. They have a direct connection with the current material and political interests of various forces and contribute to the justification of material and territorial claims against the Russian Federation.

The problem of falsifying history and countering such facts is very relevant. After all, it affects the state interests of Russia and damages the social memory of the country’s citizens. And this fact has been repeatedly emphasized by the leadership of our state. In order to promptly respond to such challenges, a special commission has even been created under the President of Russia, whose task is to counter any attempts to falsify history that harm state interests.

Main directions

Unfortunately, in modern times, the falsification of Russian history has begun to take on quite impressive proportions. At the same time, authors who explore and describe the past boldly cross all ideological barriers in their publications, and also grossly break moral and ethical standards. The reader is literally bombarded with a stream of misinformation, which is simply impossible for an ordinary person to understand. What are the main directions of falsification of history?


These historical falsifications have migrated to us from past centuries. The authors of such articles argue that the Russians are aggressors and they pose a constant threat to all civilized humanity. In addition, such publications also characterize our people as dark barbarians, drunkards, savages, etc.


These falsifications are picked up by our intelligentsia and transplanted onto domestic soil. Such a distortion of history gives rise to a complex of self-abasement and national inferiority. After all, according to him, everything is fine in Russia, but people do not know how to live culturally. This supposedly forces people to repent for their past. But in front of whom? Foreigners become judges, that is, those ideological enemies who organized such sabotage.

At first glance, these directions of distortion of historical facts seem antagonistic. However, both of them fit perfectly into the anti-Russian and anti-Russian mainstream. Anyone who is trying to denigrate our history perfectly uses both tools at the same time, despite their obvious opposition. Thus, when relying on communist arguments, tsarist Russia is humiliated. At the same time, in order to denigrate the Soviet Union, the arguments of the most rabid critics of the idea of ​​communism are used.

Distortion of the activities of key figures

Another direction in which the history of Russia is falsified is criticism directed against various prominent personalities.

Thus, distortion of facts can often be found in works about St. Vladimir the Baptist, St. Andrei Bogolyubsky, St. Alexander Nevsky, etc. There is even a certain pattern. The greater the contribution this or that figure made to the development of the country, the more persistently and aggressively they try to denigrate him.

Distortion of events in Russian history

This is one of the most favorite areas of mythologists trying to slander our country. And here special priority belongs to the events of the Great Patriotic War. It's quite simple to explain. In order to belittle Russia, these authors are trying to cross out and obscure the most grandiose and brilliant feat of our state, which, without any doubt, saved the entire civilized world. The period from 1941 to 1945 provides a large field of activity for such mythologists.

Thus, the most distorted moments of the war are statements that:

  • The USSR was preparing for an attack on Germany;
  • the Soviet and Nazi systems are identical, and the victory of the people occurred contrary to the wishes of Stalin;
  • the role of the Soviet-German front is not so great, and Europe owes its liberation from the fascist yoke to its allies;
  • Soviet soldiers who accomplished feats are not heroes at all, while traitors, SS men, etc. are praised;
  • the losses of the two warring sides are clearly exaggerated by politicians, and the number of victims of the peoples of the USSR and Germany is much less;
  • not so much high level was the art of war Soviet commanders, and the country won only due to huge losses and sacrifices.

What is the purpose of falsifying the history of the war? In this way, the “cleansers” of facts that have already happened are trying to ground down and grind down the war itself and nullify the feat of the Soviet people. However, the whole truth of this terrible tragedy of the 20th century lies in the great spirit of patriotism and the desire of ordinary people to achieve victory at any cost. This was the most defining element of the life of the army and the people of that time.

Theories that counterbalance Westernism

Currently, many of the most amazing versions of the development of the social system in Russia have appeared. One of them is Eurasianism. It denies the existence of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, and these mythologists elevate the Horde khans to the level of Russian tsars. This direction announces the symbiosis of Asian peoples and Rus'. On the one hand, these theories are friendly for our country.

After all, they call on both peoples to jointly resist common slanderers and enemies. However, upon closer examination, such versions are a clear analogue of Westernism, only in reverse. Indeed, in this case, the role of the great Russian people, which supposedly should be subordinate to the East, is belittled.

Neopagan falsification

This is a new direction of distortion of historical facts, which at first glance seems pro-Russian and patriotic. During its development, works are allegedly discovered that testify to the primordial wisdom of the Slavs, their ancient traditions and civilizations. However, they also contain the problem of falsifying Russian history. After all, such theories are in fact extremely dangerous and destructive. They are aimed at undermining true Russian and Orthodox traditions.

Historical terrorism

This rather new direction sets itself the goal of exploding the very foundations of historical science. The most striking example of this is the theory that was created by a group led by mathematician, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. T. Fomenko. This work examines issues of a radical revision of world history.

The scientific community rejected this theory, explaining that it contradicts established facts. Opponents of the “New Chronology” included historians and archaeologists, mathematicians and linguists, astronomers and physicists, as well as scientists representing other sciences.

Introduction of historical forgeries

At the present stage, this process has its own characteristics. Thus, the impact is carried out in a massive way and is clearly purposeful. The most dangerous forgeries for the state have solid sources of funding and are published in huge quantities. These, in particular, include the works of Rezun, who wrote under the pseudonym “Suvorov,” as well as Fomenko.

In addition, today the most important source of dissemination of articles about the falsification of history is the Internet. Almost every person has access to it, which contributes to the massive impact of counterfeits.

Unfortunately, the funding of fundamental historical science does not allow it to provide tangible resistance to emerging works that are in conflict with the events that actually happened. Academic works are also published in small editions.

Sometimes some Russian historians are also captured by falsifications. They accept Soviet, anti-Soviet or Western theories. To confirm this, one can recall one of the school history textbooks, in which claims were made that the turning point of World War II was the battle of the American army with the Japanese at Midway Atoll, and not the Battle of Stalingrad.

What do counterfeiters' attacks lead to? They are aimed at accustoming Russian people to the idea that they do not have a glorious and great past, and that the achievements of their ancestors are not worth being proud of. The younger generation is turning away from their native history. And such work has its depressing results. After all, the overwhelming majority of modern youth are not interested in history. In this way, Russia is trying to destroy the past and erase the former power from its memory. And therein lies a great danger for the country. After all, when a people is separated from their cultural and spiritual roots, they simply perish as a nation.

Distortion of history is a major theme in modern information warfare. On the eve of the celebration of the 68th anniversary of the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, rabid lies are again gaining momentum, the purpose of which is to nullify the unprecedented feat of our soldiers. Attempts to revise the results of World War II are being carried out at the highest level.

The bigger the lie, the sooner they will believe it.

J. Goebbels.

Distortion of history is a major theme in modern information warfare. On the eve of the celebration of the 68th anniversary of the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, rabid lies are again gaining momentum, the purpose of which is to nullify the unprecedented feat of our soldiers. Attempts to revise the results of World War II are being carried out at the highest level. On July 3, 2009, the European Parliament adopted a resolution “On the reunification of a divided Europe,” according to which August 23, the day of signing the non-aggression treaty between the USSR and Germany (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), is proposed to be considered a day of remembrance of “the victims of Nazism and Stalinism.”

As if there were no attempts by the USSR to enter into an alliance with Great Britain and France, which they abandoned, pushing Hitler to aggression in the East. As if Russia, as a result of the forced pact, did not receive additional time to prepare for the inevitable war and additional space 300 km from the transfer of the state border. Denying the obvious, inventing the most incredible explanations for long-known facts, is the favorite style of falsifiers of any level.

Their goal is the same: to fill the heads of ill-informed people with ersatz trash about how Stalin was preparing an attack on Germany, but nothing came of it, which is why he did not ride a dashing horse across Red Square, but sprinkled ashes on his head on the platform of the mausoleum, until Americans successfully solved their geopolitical problems in Europe.

"Holier than the Pope"

Surprisingly, such nonsense is spread not only by Western “historians” and their fugitive followers. Our compatriots also voluptuously mock the shrines of their people. Moreover, if Western “historians” are only trying to share responsibility for the outbreak of World War II between Germany and Russia, then our biased “experts,” burdened by personal frustrations and the archetypal acquisitiveness of Western grants, go even further, blaming Russia exclusively for the outbreak of the war.

The “icebreaker” man V. Rezun, a former Chekist defector who brazenly appropriated the glorious surname “Suvorov,” writes a lot about the “so-called Great Patriotic War.” He is echoed by other pseudo-sufferers of historical truth - G. Popov, K. Alexandrov, B. Sokolov, I. Chubais, D. Winter, etc. Referring to “a number of scientists,” and in fact, echoing the “genius” of fascist propaganda Goebbels, they accuse the USSR in preparing an attack on Germany, they are trying to belittle the importance of the Soviet-German front in the defeat of fascism and the liberation of Europe from the Nazi yoke.

A look from the inside

The interpretation of historical events always depends on point of view. You can juggle facts and figures for a long time. When the flow of facts dries up, it is easy to refer to “closed archives.” The inconsistency of the attempts of falsifiers of the history of the Great Patriotic War becomes obvious if we consider historical events in the context of the properties of the mental unconscious. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan convincingly shows that the eight-dimensional matrix of the mental unconscious works not only at the level of the individual, but also at the level of states.

The given properties of the collective psyche underlie the mentality of the people, determining their picture of the world and ways of interacting with it. The contrast between the urethral-muscular mentality of Russia and the skin mentality of Europe explains many of the “miracles” of our common history. The victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War is a victory in the struggle of worldviews (mentalities). It convincingly testifies to the superiority of mercy over cruelty, selflessness over egocentrism, natural bestowal over the archetypal desire to appropriate someone else's, the spiritual feat of incorporating the desires and aspirations of all humanity over the sick sound idea of ​​world domination.

Everything for victory

By falsifying the facts in their own interests, falsifiers of the history of the Great Patriotic War argue that the cost of the USSR’s victory was so great that this victory can be considered a “Pyrrhic” victory, that is, a defeat. The prudence of the Western mentality, the desire to set a price for everything and avoid unpredictability in any way does not allow skinny individualists to accept the urethral system of values, when for the sake of preserving the whole, not something, but everything is sacrificed. If we're talking about about preserving the integrity of the country, “we are not behind the price.” This has never satisfied our enemies.

The idea of ​​the identity of the Soviet social system and Nazi ideology, communism and fascism stuck in my teeth. This nonsense, designed to be completely dense, has even penetrated textbooks (“History of Russia. 20th century: 1939-2007”, “Astrel” and “AST” in 2009, edited by A. B. Zubov), where in the very title Chapter “Soviet-Nazi War” has already concluded the position of the authors: two dictators, two totalitarian regimes fought for world domination! The fact that world domination was needed by only one person - the mentally ill and anally frustrated moral degenerate Hitler, the fact that the Soviet side honestly complied with the terms of the peace treaty with Germany is simply kept silent. Silence is a powerful weapon of falsification, as is appealing to unimportant facts while ignoring essential ones.

The Myth of the Geneva Convention

You can often hear the myth about Stalin’s failure to sign the Hague Convention and the Geneva “Agreement on the Treatment of Prisoners of War,” they say, that’s why the Nazis treated our captives this way. According to statistics, only 13% of Germans did not return to their homeland from Soviet captivity; 58% of prisoners died in fascist dungeons. Is the reason for such a terrible difference in the unsigned contract? Of course not.

The Hague Convention on the Laws of Land War was signed by Tsarist Russia, as well as by the Kaiser’s Germany, back in 1907. By the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of June 4, 1918, it was announced that “ international conventions and the agreements relating to the Red Cross recognized by Russia before October 1915 are recognized and will be respected by the Russian Soviet Government, which retains all rights and prerogatives based on these conventions and agreements.”

And although in 1929 the USSR did not join the Geneva Convention “On the Treatment of Prisoners of War” (we were against the division of prisoners of war according to nationality), already in 1931 the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR announced the USSR's accession to the 1929 convention, about which the German government the moment of the beginning of the war could not have been unknown. The myth that the USSR was outside the rules provided for by the Geneva Convention, which means that anything could be done with Soviet prisoners of war, is nothing more than a “canard” of fascist propaganda, zealously supported by falsifiers of all stripes.

Moreover, all countries that signed the Geneva Convention, including Germany, accepted the responsibility to treat prisoners humanely, regardless of whether their countries signed the convention or not. Another thing is that long before the start of the war, German fascism set itself the goal of the complete destruction and enslavement of “racially inferior” peoples. By clearing living space for the “Aryan” nation in this way, the fascists placed themselves outside the law.

How could this happen on the basis of the skin mentality of the Germans with their love of law and order? How could an entire nation “go crazy”? System-vector psychology helps answer this question.

When the sick sound dominates

The sick idea of ​​a superman, in whose service millions of untermensch “subhumans” should be placed, found strong support in the frustrated large part of the German population, which felt the strongest resentment towards life. A person who is deadlocked in grievances always wants to “even out the square,” and it is better if this happens at the expense of those who are guilty of injustices towards him. The culprits were found - Untermensch, primarily Jews and Slavs, communists. They were the focus of both the anal desire of individual unfulfilled citizens and the skin desire for revenge of the entire German nation after the Treaty of Versailles, which was predatory for Germany.

The urethral-muscular mentality is truly inaccessible to the skin's understanding. There is restriction in the skin - but the urethra does not see boundaries, in the skin there is discipline - but the urethra is willful, there is no skin ambition in it, which is perceived by the skin mentality as laziness or indifference. The urethral-muscular mentality of Russia opposes European skin individualism, the desire to rebuild the whole world from itself and for itself, with natural bestowal and conciliarity, the primacy of the collective “we” over “I” - the last letter in the Russian alphabet.

The humility and long-suffering of peasant, muscular Russia are deceptive. In a state of war, the Russians slowly but inevitably mobilize and become invincible, as the muscular army takes on the properties of urethral commanders. An army of urethral leaders arises, invincible by skin regular units. This is how it was under Alexander Nevsky, this was the answer to Karl of Sweden, this is how we fought in the Patriotic War of 1812, and in the Civil War, and in the First Imperialist War. This mechanism was repeated during the Great Patriotic War against Hitler's fascism. The mentality of the people is a stable formation, reinforced by the properties of the mental unconscious.

Show me how to die for my country

By the time the War began, the USSR remained 66% a peasant country. The response of the muscular people to the invasion of their borders by the deeply alien, high-tech, well-functioning military machine of Hitler’s Germany was an internal, irresistible desire to defend their land at all costs from strangers who were taking away their daily bread, the opportunity to live and work on their land. In such a situation, the exploits of individual urethral heroes immediately became widespread. And this is not only and not so much a matter of propaganda and not at all a matter of coercion, as the liars from the “alternative history” of the Great Patriotic War are trying to prove. The mass heroism of the Soviet people was an internal response of the muscular psychic unconscious to a clear example of the urethral sacrifice of one’s life for the sake of preserving the lives of all.

The first feat, which later received the name Alexander Matrosov, which due to circumstances became known earlier, was accomplished by the political instructor of the tank company Alexander Pankratov already at the end of the summer of 1941. Political instructor Pankratov covered the enemy firing point with his body, “buying” from the enemy with his life a few seconds for the unit to advance and a dozen lives of fellow soldiers. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, 403 soldiers repeated the feat of Pankratov-Matrosov, and these are only officially known facts.

“There are known cases when, under the impression of one feat that had just been accomplished, a second and a third were performed in the same battle... Thus, in one of the battles with the Nazis, Sergeant Ivan Gerasimenko, privates Alexander Krasilov and Leonty Cheremnov covered the enemy’s existing machine gun embrasures. Group feats were performed by Soviet soldiers P.L. Gutchenko and A.L. Pekalchuk, I.G. Voilokov and A.D. Strokov, N.P. Zhuikov and F.N. Mazilin, N.A. Vilkov and P. I. Ilyichev.”

On the very first day of the war, June 22, 1941, the flight commander of the 62nd Fighter Aviation Regiment, Senior Lieutenant Pyotr Chirkin, sent his burning plane into a cluster of German tanks. On June 27, 1941, on the second day after the death of Nikolai Gastello, the commander of the 21st bomber wing, Lieutenant Dmitry Tarasov, in the Lvov region, hit a motorized convoy of invaders with his burning car. On June 29, 1941, on the territory of Belarus, the deputy squadron commander of the 128th Bomber Aviation Regiment, Senior Lieutenant Isaac Preisen, blew up his bomber in a large fascist tank column. On July 4, 1941, Captain Lev Mikhailov rammed his burning plane into German tanks. There are known cases when in one combat mission a bomber group carried out two or three air-ground fire rams.

Examples of mass heroism in the Great Patriotic War can be given endlessly. During the defense of Moscow and Leningrad, in the battles on the Volga and the Kursk Bulge, during the liberation of the countries of Eastern Europe, in battles with Japanese militarists, people of different nationalities, religions, social origins and education, united into a single Soviet people, without hesitation, sacrificed their lives for the sake of peace in earth. But it is precisely the exploits of the first days of the war that clearly illustrate the complete failure of attempts to attribute the heroism of the Soviet people to propaganda and coercion. Even if he wanted to, “bloody Stalinism” would not have had time to either force or fool him - this was the first, natural, unconscious reaction of people to an attempt to take away their home, homeland, and country.


The deheroization of Soviet soldiers is accompanied by the praise of traitors to the motherland and attempts to revise the decisions of the Nuremberg trials. Analysis of many individual facts of falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War goes far beyond the scope of this article. Thanks to the systematic psychoanalysis of Yuri Burlan, one can easily see the falsity of any fabrications and their true purpose, no matter how the desire for “objectivity” the falsifiers hide behind.

The purpose of falsifying Russian history is the desire to divide our people along fictitious national and/or religious lines. The enemies of our country would like to see us repent of non-existent sins, because it is so easy to make very specific territorial and material claims for this matter. The goal of the modern information war against Russia is to destroy the urethral mentality of our people, destroy their values, turn them into a slave herd, obediently consuming low-grade goods of someone else's overproduction.

Each individual fake is not worth a penny and is easily refuted by facts. Penetrating into textbooks and the media, falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War can cause irreparable harm to the younger generation, and this is its main danger for the future of the country. Systematic psychoanalysis shows that, in addition to specific historical facts that can be manipulated, ignored or silenced, there is a basic structure of the psyche that explains the impossibility of certain events in reality, no matter how beautifully and convincingly they are presented for the sake of someone’s immediate benefit.


1) Vasiliev N. M. The Great Patriotic War under the pen of falsifiers. Collection RUSO - Be careful, history, M., 2011.

2) Georgi N. The Great Patriotic War: the greatest feats of the war. Evening Kharkov, April 27, 2005

3) Matvienko Yu. A. Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War. Part 2. IAP “Geopolitika”, 2011.

4) Frolov M.I., Kutuzov V.A., Ilyin E.V., Vasilik Vladimir, deacon. Collective report on international conference“The Second World War and the Great Patriotic War in history textbooks of the CIS countries and the EU: problems, approaches, interpretations”, April 8-9 at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI).

5) Shchutsky S. Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Gastello. Minsk, 1952.

Proofreader: Natalya Konovalova

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Falsification. This disease appeared along with history itself; it manifested itself both in Russia and in the world in all periods, under all rulers and regimes. But at the end of the progressive twentieth century and now in the enlightened 21st century, it has become aggressive, vulgarly arrogant, far from the truth. Of course, the basic thing here is the struggle of ideologies and political preferences. But to a large extent, this is due to the good trend toward openness of archives, massive publication of documents, and an expanding array of memories of participants in the events.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Director of the Institute of CIS Countries Konstantin Fedorovich Zatulin rightly noted that “today the falsification of history is on a grand scale, it is of a rabid, impudent nature, it is inspired by the fact that new, independent states that are trying to find their own understanding of history and very often go wrong in these attempts, ready to retroactively count as heroes of their liberation individuals whom it is difficult to be proud of.”

Under the President of the Russian Federation, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2009, a Commission was created to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia. The main tasks of the Commission are: generalization and analysis of information about the falsification of historical facts and events aimed at belittling the international prestige of Russia, and the preparation of relevant reports to the President of the Russian Federation; developing a strategy to counter attempts to falsify historical facts and events undertaken in order to harm the interests of our country; preparation of proposals for the implementation of measures aimed at countering attempts to falsify historical facts and events that are detrimental to the interests of Russia; consideration of proposals and coordination of the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation and organizations on the issues of countering attempts to falsify historical facts and events to the detriment of the interests of Russia; developing recommendations for an adequate response to attempts to falsify historical facts and events to the detriment of Russia’s interests and to neutralize their possible negative consequences.

No one doubts the need to counteract falsification; on the contrary, it is strongly encouraged. But the substantive side of its activities is understood differently; quite a lot of contradictory information has been expressed in the media, especially on the Internet. In this regard, I will give a large quotation in which S. E. Narochnitskaya, as a member of this Commission, interpreted its goal this way: “In general, the Commission’s task is not to develop directives - it does not have a mandate for this, and engage in “inventory” of problems and mobilization of resources - research, information, which could help convey historical truth and true knowledge on a particular topic, on which a lot of distortions and conjectures have arisen and are being circulated.

Let's say now it's the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. There is television, there is radio, there are public speeches, lectures, books and thick magazines are published in which this topic is actively discussed. How reasonable scientific research and documentary sources do these information resources disseminate judgments? Are good books and analyzes accessible to the general reader and viewer in the true sense of the word? Where can they get acquainted with serious literature or programs in which the facts themselves or archival data would debunk various kinds of myths?.. The Commission itself cannot resist or oppose anyone - this would be a gross violation of freedom of speech, and indeed its intentions and powers doesn't have those. But to stimulate in society, in the academic and creative environment, a serious, detailed response to all kinds of falsifications, to mobilize information resources for this - this is where the Commission can help. The task is more than relevant, because not only in historiography, but also in the official policies of a number of states, history is used as a powerful ideological tool to form the most disgusting image of Russia - as an enemy of the whole world and a demon of world history.”

The falsification of the history of our Russia is not a modern manifestation. Back in the 17th century. Catherine I the Great far-sightedly remarked: “There is no people about which so many lies and slander have been invented as about the Russian people.” Falsifications, lies and distortions of history sometimes border on racism, chauvinism, and Nazism. It is advisable to remember that the Soviet Information Bureau published scientifically based materials “Falsifiers of History.”

For example, we can refer to a publication that exposed a collection of reports and various entries from the diaries of Hitler’s diplomatic officials published by the State Department of the United States of America in collaboration with the British and French Ministries of Foreign Affairs, providing this collection with the mysterious title “Nazi-Soviet relations 1939–1941.” » .

The falsification of historical facts can be combated, first of all, by professional source analysis, the involvement and discovery of new documents. Emotions, namely they overwhelmed those who agreed and disagreed, the prosecution and the defense together with the chairman of the court session that lasted half a year on the fifth television channel of the historical talk show “The Court of Time” is a bad and unacceptable method in the search for historical truth. History requires a conceptual approach. At the same time, historian Igor Shumeiko, author of the bestseller “The Second World War,” which went through several editions. Reboot,” applying precisely the conceptual approach to understanding the falsification of history, argues that today the struggle against falsifications, for the truth of history, has actually moved into the sphere of interpretations and interpretations of facts.

Quite rightly noted. The Commission for counteracting attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia, mentioned for the first time under the President of the Russian Federation, includes 28 people: the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - the chairman of the Commission, the deputy chairmen of the Commission - the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the assistant to the Head of the Presidential Administration, the executive secretary of the Commission - the head Department of the Presidential Administration for domestic policy, members of the Commission - Head of the Presidential Office for Interregional and Cultural Relations with foreign countries, Deputy Head of the Presidential Office for Foreign Policy, Head of the Presidential Reference Office, Deputy Ministers of Justice, Culture, Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Director of the Ministry Department regional development(Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation), Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Education (Rosoobrazovanie, under the Ministry of Education and Science), Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka), Deputy Director Federal service for technical and export control (FSTEC of Russia), he is also the executive secretary of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets, head of the Federal Archive Agency (Rosarkhiv), deputy head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications (Rospechat), deputy head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs ( Rosmolodezh), Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, Head of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and also, in agreement with the relevant structures, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States and relations with compatriots, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Director of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute general history RAS, Chairman of the Commission on Interethnic Relations and Freedom of Conscience of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, President of the Foundation for the Study of Historical Perspectives.

As you can see, the composition of the commission is more like an administrative structure. I agree that the Presidential Commission against falsifications of history lacks a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church. First of all, due to huge role The Russian Orthodox Church in the entire life of Russia and its people, as well as compatriots abroad, and taking into account the ongoing falsification of church history. To a large extent, due to the fact that the former Patriarch Alexy II and the current Patriarch Kirill are the smartest people, in their sermons and in numerous addresses to the people they always rely on deep, reliable historical knowledge.

Although the creation of the Commission to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia caused a contradictory attitude among part of the public, including the scientific community, and me, I still don’t think about any kind of dictate, imposing unambiguity in the coverage of events and phenomena of the country’s history ( as was the case during the preparation of the “Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)”). But “hot heads,” and Russia has never lacked them, can spoil any good deed. In the post-decree period, one fact is still known - a letter from the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES "DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL AND PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES 119991 GSP-1, Moscow B-334 Leninsky Prospekt, 82-a, 938-17-63, fax 938-18-44 No. 14100-1255/119 06/23/09

To the heads of institutions of the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences In accordance with the protocol decision of the Bureau of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences “On the tasks of the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences in connection with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2009, No. 549 “On the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of interests of Russia" we ask you to provide the Department with information:

1 An annotated list of historical and cultural falsifications in areas corresponding to the main activities of the institute (indicating the main sources, persons or organizations that form and disseminate the falsification; the potential danger of this falsification to the interests of Russia; preliminary proposals for measures to scientifically refute the falsification).

2 Information about the activities of scientists at your institute to expose falsifications and historical and cultural concepts that are detrimental to the interests of Russia.

3 Contact person or list of researchers to participate in the work of the OIPhN RAS Commission on the analysis of historical and cultural falsifications detrimental to the interests of Russia (with telephone numbers and email address). Please send information to the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences by June 26, 2009. Sincerely, Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Head of the History Section of the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician V. A. Tishkov 50 51 . One cannot help but be alarmed that, following the federal commission, their own independent commissions began to be created in the regions. According to the press service of the governor of the Kurgan region, on July 30, 2009, the governor signed a Decree on the formation of a working group to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russian interests in the Trans-Ural region.

According to the governor's order, the main tasks are to review materials on the history of Russia and refute false information. The working group is headed by the Deputy Governor - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Kurgan Region. The provincial commission to combat fraud includes heads of structural divisions of the regional government, scientists, professors, and representatives of public organizations. It was established that working group will meet quarterly.

No matter how much you overdo it, especially since borscht is a favorite dish. The majority of Russians support the fight against the falsification of history. The data from an initiative all-Russian poll by VTsIOM, conducted shortly after the creation of the Russian Commission on June 6-7, 2009, is indicative. 1,600 people were surveyed in 140 settlements in 42 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - regions, territories and republics of Russia. The statistical error did not exceed 3.4%. According to the survey, 41% of respondents knew about the creation of a Commission to counter attempts to falsify history, with 10% “well aware” of it, and 31% had heard of it. The greatest awareness was shown by Muscovites (49%), highly educated respondents (54%) and Democratic supporters (72%). At the same time, more than half of the respondents heard about this measure for the first time from the interviewer (57%). The majority of those aware of the creation of the Commission (78%) positively assessed this step of the President of the Russian Federation, considering it a timely measure. This opinion was held by residents of all settlements (80–82%), but least often in Moscow and St. Petersburg (58%). This measure was approved by supporters of United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (85% and 81%, respectively). Only 10% of respondents believed that the Commission was an instrument of political struggle that would lead to restrictions on freedom of speech and would interfere with the work of historians. The share of such respondents is twice as high among Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents (20%) and LDPR supporters (20%). 13% found it difficult to answer.

Survey participants believe that, first of all, the Great Patriotic War (34%) needs protection from falsification and distortion of history. Other historical events were indicated less frequently: the October Revolution (6%), Civil War, modern wars (Chechen, conflict in South Ossetia), history of the USSR and the years of Soviet power (3% each), repressions of the 30s, famine in Ukraine, perestroika and personalities of leaders (2% each), Afghan war

, execution of the royal family and the reign of Nicholas II (1% each).

This opinion should be kept in mind, but you can approach your friend in a different way. Of course, it is impossible to do without “authoritative professional historians” in separating falsification from truth, authenticity, but, as it seems to me, the Commission should attract specialists to in-depth argumentation of emerging historical issues, to promote this very research work and promotion of its results. Don’t make noise, don’t demonstrate yourself as the all-knowing ultimate truth, as happened at the “Judgment of Time,” but delve into the archives, recheck your memory, and resort to the most important method in this case - content analysis. And this will in no way “result in direct violations of the Constitution, which guarantees our citizens freedom of opinion.”

On the contrary, scientific research and documented material will help citizens form their opinions and adhere to them. But if the Commission is limited to historical scientists, then it will “drown” in contradictory assessments and is unlikely to come to a consensus. And why only historians? One Internet site is called “The Commission against Falsification of History promises not to rewrite books and not to teach scientists.” An indicative wish or hint. The design of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation can suggest, on the one hand, liberalization in the field of historical research, on the other, the possibility of authoritarianism and a kind of “freeze” in this area. The second position is viewed more.

The name itself prompts such considerations:“Commission to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia”, from here it is logical to see the admissibility of attempts to falsify history “in the interests of Russia”, although this is only an editorial balancing act, a matter of casuistry or sophistry. Meetings of the Commission were held on August 28, 2009, January 19 and September 7, 2010. 57 At the last meeting, reports were heard from the head of the Federal Archival Agency; Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, Executive Secretary of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets; Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists.

The discussion was attended by the director of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the director of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the rector of the state educational institution "Moscow State Institute international relations(University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation", President of the Foundation for the Study of Historical Perspectives, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relations with Compatriots, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations, Chairman of the Commission on Interethnic Relations and Freedom of Conscience of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, senior assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.

As we see, administrative issues were considered, but judging by the published information, there was no direct talk about the scientific aspects of the fight against falsifications of history, at least the public is not informed about this. It should be said that state or public structures on issues of history have been created in many countries. They fight falsifications in their understanding and themselves create the conditions for falsifications in the direction they desire. These are the “Commission of Historians under the President of Latvia” (there is an Advisor to the President of Latvia on the Commission of Historians 59), “State Commission of Investigation of the Repressive Policy of Occupation Forces in Estonia”, “Center for Genocide and Resistance” in Lithuania 60 and others.

The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory was created on May 31, 2006 as central authority executive power with special status. Its main tasks are: increasing public attention to the history of Ukraine, ensuring a comprehensive study of the stages of the struggle for the restoration of the statehood of Ukraine in the 20th century and implementing measures to perpetuate the memory of participants in the national liberation struggle, victims of famines and political repressions. The Regulations on the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory were approved by Government Decree No. 927 of July 5, 2006. According to the Regulations, the Institute organizes the implementation of legislative acts on issues within its competence, monitors their implementation, summarizes the practice of applying legislation, and develops proposals for its improvement and, in the prescribed manner, submits them for consideration by the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In addition, the Institute issues orders, organizes and controls their implementation, and, if necessary, together with other executive authorities, develops and adopts joint regulations. The Institute is headed by a chairman who is appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers on the proposal of the Prime Minister. To discuss the most important areas of the Institute’s activities and coordinated resolution of issues within its competence, the Institute creates a board consisting of the chairman, heads of structural divisions, representatives of factions and committees of the Verkhovna Rada, scientific and educational institutions and other persons interested in its activities. The activities of the Institute, according to regulations, are aimed primarily at popularizing objective and fair history in Ukraine and the world.

To fulfill this goal, the Institute prepares educational museum exhibitions, promotes the formation of museum and library collections, holds scientific conferences, seminars, meetings and carries out publishing activities on the problems of restoration and preservation of national memory, promotes the creation and development of public, in particular youth, patriotic organizations. The main purpose of the Institute of National Memory is the formation of national consciousness among citizens of Ukraine.

The Lviv Center for Insurgency Research is also known. In Poland, in accordance with the decision of the parliament, the Institute of National Remembrance has been operating for two decades. It acquired properties not typical of a scientific institution and turned into a kind of “political police.” The Institute initiates legal cases accusing people of collaborating with “communist intelligence services”; its employees act as prosecutors in trials.

The Institute of National Remembrance - the Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People (INP) - is a state historical and archival institution engaged in studying the activities of the state security agencies of Poland in the period 1944–1990, as well as the security agencies of the Third Reich and the USSR in order to investigate crimes against Polish citizens during this period, as well as the implementation of lustration procedures. The INP was created in accordance with the Law on the Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People of December 18, 1998.

In accordance with the Law, the functions of the INP include: accounting, accumulation, storage, processing, publication, ensuring safety and access to documents government agencies security of Poland for the period from July 22, 1944 to July 31, 1990, as well as the security authorities of the Third Reich and the USSR regarding crimes committed against persons of Polish nationality or Polish citizens of other nationalities in the period from September 1, 1939 to July 31 1990 Nazi, communist and other crimes constituting crimes against peace, humanity or war crimes; other repressions for political reasons carried out by officials of the Polish investigative bodies, justice or persons acting on their instructions investigation of these crimes, protection of personal data of persons affected by documents collected in the INP archive, educational activities. By the Law of the Polish Republic of March 15, 2007, the Institute of National Remembrance is entrusted with the implementation of lustration procedures in relation to Polish citizens subject to the lustration law. The IPP includes: the board, the president, the Main Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People (part of the IPP as the main investigative body), the Bureau of Issuance and Archiving of Documents, the Bureau of Public Education, the Lustration Bureau, 11 departments of the IPP located in cities, which are residences appellate courts, 7 representative departments. The Chairman of the IPP is elected by the Seimas for a five-year term.

At the end of September 2007, the publication of lists of citizens who collaborated with the state security agencies of the People's Republic of Poland began on the INP website.

A similar institute operates in Romania; Its tasks include collecting and studying documents and publishing them on the evolution of the communist regime. With the same name and similar goals, the Institute of National Remembrance was created in Slovakia. The neo-Nazi I. Petransky was appointed “chief historian” there, who believes that “the crimes of the Nazis have already been sufficiently condemned, but the crimes of the communists need to be dealt with much more closely.” In Latvia, there is a commission of historians under the president of the country, which includes the assistant to the president (note) on historical issues. In this country, the Institute of Foreign Membership has been established, whose task is to provide officials with theses for “occupation” rhetoric and present the topic of “crimes against humanity in Latvia during the period of Soviet and Nazi occupation” in the international arena. A Center for Documentation of the Consequences of Totalitarianism was also created under the Bureau for the Protection of the Constitution (propaganda of the theme of “atrocities of the NKVD-KGB”, concealment of connections between the leadership of the Latvian special services and the fascist Abwehr and SD).

In Latvia, where literally every armor counts, the reconstruction and development of the “Museum of Occupation”, equating the Nazis with liberating soldiers, is financed from the funds of the State Real Estate enterprise. The museum covers the period of the country's history from 1940 to 1991, focusing on Stalin's repressions. The exhibition is divided into three stages: “The first year of Soviet occupation (1940–1941)”, “Occupation by Nazi Germany (1941–1944)”, “Post-war Soviet occupation (1944–1991)”. Portraits of Stalin and Hitler hang nearby. The museum's holdings contain about 30 thousand documents; traveling exhibitions are organized: for educational schools - “Latvia in 1939–1991: from occupation to freedom”, for the European Parliament - “Latvia returns to Europe”, for the USA - “Latvia returns to freedom” world". The museum is an anti-Russian ideological center. In defiance of the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign, the “For Latvian Latvia” campaign was held at the “Museum of Occupation”; instead of the “St. George’s Ribbon” - a symbol of victory over fascism, red-white-red ribbons were distributed in the colors of the Latvian flag.

In Lithuania, similar activities are carried out by the Center for Genocide and Resistance, which is a department under the Cabinet of Ministers, its director is approved by the Seimas on the proposal of the Prime Minister. Just like in the Polish Institute of National Remembrance, the Lithuanian Center has a department of special investigations. In Estonia, the period of “Soviet occupation” is investigated by the Estonian International Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against Humanity under the President of the Republic, the Center for Research on the Soviet Period, the Estonian Bureau of the Register of the Repressed, the KistlerRitso Foundation, as well as the State Commission for the Investigation of the Repressive Policies of the Occupation Forces. This commission prepared the “White Paper on the losses inflicted on the people of Estonia by the occupations,” which served as the basis for a large-scale anti-Russian campaign, as well as for putting forward demands for Russia to “redress the damage caused by the occupation.”

In May 2008, the Foundation for Investigating Communist Crimes began operating in Estonia. In the Republic of Moldova, the leadership initiated the creation of a commission to study and evaluate the totalitarian communist regime, the purpose of which is to present communist crime on a par with Nazism. Georgian President M. N. Saakashvili announced the creation in the near future of a Commission to establish the historical truth and facts of Russia’s 200-year policy towards Georgia.

The commission will be headed by Cambridge University doctoral student Vasil Rukhadze and expert Tornike Sharashenidze. Politicians cross all boundaries of what is permitted and disregard the beliefs of their fellow citizens and the world public opinion. This is clearly seen in the example of S. Bandera. Many Ukrainian political parties and public organizations spoke out against the glorification of Nazism in his person, representatives of the public in Slovakia called it a provocation, condemnation was expressed in the office of the President of Poland, the largest Jewish human rights organization "Simon Wiesenthal Center" expressed indignation at the decree on Bandera, signed on the day when the world commemorated those killed during the Holocaust. Even the European Parliament recommended that the Ukrainian leadership reconsider the decision to award the title of Hero of Ukraine to Bandera.

Naturally, the new, fourth President of Ukraine, Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovych, canceled this shameful act. In terms of our research, what is of interest is not just V. Yushchenko’s misunderstanding of the absurdity of defending his decree, defending his actions, but also the methods that he used. In a statement, the leader of “Our Ukraine” V. Yushchenko said that the decision of the Donetsk District Administrative Court on the illegality of awarding the title of Hero to Stepan Bandera indicates the government’s course towards confrontation in society; he called on the new President V. Yanukovych to understand his responsibility and take measures to prevent a revision decisions on honoring Ukrainian heroes. Yushchenko believes that such “provocative technologies” are especially cynical on the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War (in fact, Yushchenko himself is clearly provocatively cynical). “The replication of imperial clichés serves exclusively to split, and not to unite, society; the real heroism, complexity and tragedy of the Ukrainian fate in the 20th century are hidden behind false pomp.”

According to Yushchenko, for millions of Ukrainians Bandera was and remains a hero. “Decades of repression and Soviet propaganda efforts could not prevent this popular recognition. The disclosure of archives and the work of historians help wider circles of society understand the role of this personality - Stepan Bandera entered the top three of the national rating “Great Ukrainians.” “The authorities are trying to hide behind a judicial decision... A decision on an essentially political issue, adopted on formal grounds, once again demonstrates the problem of Ukrainian justice. We have another example of the involvement of the judicial system in the political struggle. But no legal casuistry can mislead society and will not relieve the current government of responsibility for taking such a step. This decision was pre-programmed by the commitments made in Moscow.” Yushchenko switched to direct blackmail and psychological pressure on the new president of Ukraine.

V. Yushchenko relies on the president’s duty to rally society around national interests, despite current political calculations or the ambitions of neighbors.

“I urge President Viktor Yanukovych to realize his responsibility and take all opportunities provided by law to prevent a revision of decisions to honor Ukrainian heroes.” V. Yushchenko called on national democratic political forces and all patriots to take an active public position in defense of “real history and all the heroes who fought for a free, conciliar and independent Ukrainian state.” What persistence in defense of an anti-hero, a traitor to the interests of the Ukrainian and Soviet peoples! In France there is a law on historians, the so-called historical law.

There is a company of French historians. French President Nicolas Sarkozy 80 believes that it is necessary to pursue a certain policy in the field of developing history: “We need a history that we should be proud of. Stop repenting for the fact that France behaved wrongly in this or that issue: in Algeria, extraditing Jews during the Holocaust, and so on. Stop repenting" 81. How necessary these words are in relation to the development of Russian history! In the “Vis-a-vis with the world” program, the director of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Oganovich Chubaryan cited interesting facts: in order to stop the attempts of the French Ministry of Education to remove from textbooks everything that discredits French colonialism, it took a special decision of the Senate, and at the meeting The Council of Europe in Istanbul distributed a document of as many as 20 pages, recommending exactly how certain events in European history should be interpreted.

In the modern perspective of the history of independent states - former union republics of the Soviet Union, issues of sovereignty have acquired an exceptional meaning, far exceeding real independence - economic and political. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), at its 18th annual session on July 3, 2009, adopted a resolution that fully equalized the responsibility of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in unleashing World War II. Among other things, it states: “In the twentieth century, European countries experienced two powerful totalitarian regimes, Nazi and Stalin, which brought with them genocide, violations of human rights and freedoms, war crimes and crimes against humanity.” The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly expressed “deep concern about the glorification of totalitarian regimes, including public demonstrations commemorating the Nazi or Stalinist past, as well as the possible spread and strengthening of various extremist movements and groups” 85 .

Thus, anti-fascists are equated to the fascists who stopped the death conveyor belt in Auschwitz - to the architects of Auschwitz. In April 2010, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution “On the need for international condemnation of crimes committed by totalitarian communist regimes,” which actually equates fascism and communism. The European Parliament called on Russia to enter into dialogue with the “democratic countries” of Eastern Europe on the problems of the history of the twentieth century. The attempts being made to put Soviet power on the same level and equalize it with Nazi Germany are not being made for the sake of establishing historical truth, but just the opposite. In the current situation, the efforts of Russian diasporas could become an obstacle to falsifying history.

In June 2010, the International Youth Forum “Youth against the falsification of the history of the Second World War and the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices” was held in Riga, which was held on the initiative of the International Association of Youth Organizations of Russian Compatriots (MAMORS), the Moscow House of Compatriots and with the support of the Government Commission for the Affairs of Compatriots Abroad (PKDSR), the Moscow Government, the Russian Embassy in Latvia, the Moscow Cultural and Business Center - “House of Moscow” in Riga, public organization“9” and the Multinational Cultural Center for Children and Youth in Riga. The forum received a greeting from the Chairman of the Presidium of the International Council of Russian Compatriots, Count P. P. Sheremetev: “Your bright aspirations to search for the truth evoke a feeling of respect and gratitude. I am confident that the honor and dignity of your great-grandfathers and grandfathers - the heroes who saved the world from the “brown plague”, as well as the baton of historical memory passed on by the older generation, will be preserved.”

The Forum participants heard a report “Youth against the falsification of the history of the Second World War”, as well as presentations by experts from the field on the topics: “On the falsification of the history of Latvia: causes, content, methods of counteraction” (V. I. Gushchin, director of the Baltic Center for Historical and Social political studies, Latvia), “Estonia in the Second World War: historical retrospection and futurological reconstruction” (I. Nikiforov, journalist, historian, political scientist, Estonia), “Information war against youth, falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War” (N. Sokolov, Lithuania), etc. There was a round table “What can young people do to combat the falsification of history?”

The discussion was devoted to a comprehensive discussion of the problems of falsifying the history of the Second World War, identifying the main directions of misinformation of the younger generation of modern society, identifying the reasons for distorting the meaning of the events of the war period, and developing arguments for exposing falsifiers of history. An important result of the Forum was the intensification of the efforts of young compatriots abroad in the fight against manifestations in political circles and in modern society, including among young people, the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices, cases of xenophobia and intolerance. As part of the Forum, a trip to Salaspils took place - a death camp in the territory of Latvia occupied by the Nazis during the Second World War, intended for the mass extermination of people. For the forum participants, who are 15–18 years old, the trip to Salaspils caused emotional shock/

It must be admitted that there were always enough people who wanted to correct it, in this sense the call: “Leave it to the historians” is very relevant today.

Politics should not play opportunistic games with historical science. As the ancient philosopher said: “You can refute any word with a word, but how can you refute life?” Note that, according to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, falsification (Late Latin falsificatio, from falsifico - I fake) is called: 1) malicious, deliberate distortion of data, a deliberately incorrect interpretation of something. 2) changing the type or properties of objects for personal gain; fake. Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia contains the following definition: falsification or rewriting of history - a deliberate distortion of historical events.

Free Russian Encyclopedia "Tradition": falsification of history - deliberate or accidental changes in the description of historical events, historical falsifications 90. Site "Science": Falsification of history - a false description of historical events for the sake of a preconceived idea; the goals and motives of historical falsifications can be very diverse: to secure for one or another people the historical right to a certain territory, to substantiate the legitimacy of the ruling dynasty, to substantiate the succession of the state in relation to one or another historical predecessor, to “ennoble” the process of ethnogenesis, etc.

Falsification is a deliberate distortion of historical events or historical myth-making, when facts that did not occur appear in historical work.

The purposes of falsification are varied: ideological, political, opportunistic. At the same time, distortions and falsifications may be unconscious due to a lack of sources, the low professional level of the researcher, the inertia of a certain historical school with established stereotypes, biases, and much more. But these factors cannot justify distortions in the coverage of history or some phenomenon.

Turning to scientific tools will help minimize the flaws that are inevitable in historical science; the study of any historical plot requires a multifactorial approach; various facts and phenomena must be recruited - only in this case can distortions be avoided. The most well-known are all kinds of distortions of quoted or retold texts. An illustrative example is the distortion of V.I. Lenin’s thoughts about the possibility of a cook’s participation in government. In the work “Will the Bolsheviks Maintain State Power?” he wrote: “We are not utopians. We know that any unskilled worker and any cook are not capable of immediately taking over the government of the state.

Let millions die, but we will remake the world!” I use the NTV screensaver - “You won’t believe it!” This idea of ​​V.I. Lenin is conveyed by a well-known person in society (by the way, a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of the interests of Russia), the very self-respecting Natalya Alekseevna Narochnitskaya in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Nedelya on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the October Revolution. “My father, who survived all periods of repression, recalled that Lenin’s time was worse than Stalin’s. Under Lenin, they not only shot, but also called Alexander Nevsky a class enemy, Napoleon a liberator, Tchaikovsky a wimp, Chekhov a whiner, and Tolstoy a landowner acting like a fool in Christ...” From the same source. No comments.

Today in the world, Russia is no exception, everything is talented and grossly falsified - culture and science, art and literature, morality and ethics, medicines and products.