
Golitsynsky 7th edition English grammar.

GDZ in English for grades 5-9 Golitsinsky is a workbook that includes a set of ready-made exercises from the textbook of the same name, compiled by an authoritative scientist-methodologist of the Russian Federation - Golitsinsky Yu.B.

English language guide Galitsinsky - independent study of grammar

There are cases when parents have an insufficient level of English proficiency, and the student did not understand in class how to use this or that rule.

There is a solution - a workbook in English for grades 5-9 Golitsinsky. A collection of ready-made homework assignments will be useful for parents who want to monitor the progress of their children, as well as for students who want to independently understand the practice of using English grammar.

Our website is equipped with a convenient intelligent search function: just enter the task number or part of the condition for it into the search bar - and the system will display a list from which you can select the appropriate option.

The advantages of using our site are obvious:

  1. Intelligent search helps to effectively save time;
  2. The versatility of the resource lies in the possibility of using it from any electronic gadget - PC, laptop, tablet;
  3. Availability of current versions of solvers corresponding to textbooks. Used in secondary schools.

Textbook 7th edition 2011 Golitsinsky Yu.B. - GDZ and English grammar for schoolchildren

In Russian secondary schools, when studying grammar in grades 5-9, they use the textbook by Yu.B. Golitsinsky. The workbook provided on the site is compiled from its 4th edition, released in 2003.

The book also includes a workshop with explanations that are aimed at strengthening students' language skills. The book includes sections such as:

  • Characteristics of articles and their use;
  • Basic properties of parts of speech and their placement in a sentence;
  • Verb and its tenses in active and passive voice.

The textbook will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for people who independently study English language.

If the exercise is performed according to the book by Golitsinsky Yu.B. earlier or later edition, you can use smart search.

Our site will help students achieve success in the practical mastery of English grammar and help them prepare for the final assessment.


SCHOOL No. 320







YEAR 2014


English is a complex academic subject, but at the same time socially significant: it is both a means of communication, an instrument of cognition, and the basis for the harmonious development of students. At the middle stage of education, knowledge is systematized with the subsequent development of speech and language skills, and, consequently, the development of students’ communicative competence.

The course “Grammar Practicum in English” aims to structuredly review the main sections of English grammar before writing the final test in English for the seventh grade and solves the following problems:

develop interest in English as an academic subject;

  • expand and deepen the program lexical and grammatical material;
  • train students to understand grammatical rules and perform test tasks;
  • awaken students' needs for independent work on knowledge foreign language and over your speech;
  • improve the general language development of younger schoolchildren.

The course “Grammar Practicum in English” consists of 10 lessons, consisting of two main sections: a brief repetition of grammar rules and the test itself. At the end of the course you are asked to take a final test.

The course lasts two weeks.

Training is carried out remotely through communication via e-mail.

The teacher sends assignments by email indicating the date the answer was sent, students complete the test, send the answers to the teacher, and the teacher, after checking, sends the graded work and his recommendations to the students.

Advantages of the distance learning course “English Grammar Workshop”


Completing the tasks of each lesson takes 15-20 minutes

The ability to quickly repeat the main sections of English grammar

Students complete testing electronically, which saves time for both students and teachers

Assignments are completed at a time convenient for students in a comfortable environment

No test execution time limit

If a situation of misunderstanding of a topic arises, students can directly ask the teacher a question asking for a more detailed explanation

Distance learning course program

“Grammar workshop in English”

for seventh grade students

The course is based on the textbook New Opportunities Russian Edition, Pre-Intermediate

Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska

Pearson Longman, 2010 and EOR

(10 lessons)


Test No.

Numerals, adjectives, adverbs, comparisons

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Modal Verbs




Complex object

The final test

Lesson 1 Articles (definite, indefinite), nouns (singular, plural), possessives, pronouns

Indefinite article

a (an - before words starting with a vowel) comes from the numeral one and means one of many, some, any.

I am a student. I am a student (One of many).
This is an apple. This Apple (one of many).

Definite article

the comes from the demonstrative pronoun that . Often translated into wordsthis, this, this, these. Used before nouns in both singular and plural.

Articles are not used:

  1. If any noun is used in its most general meaning.

Crime is a probe in most big cities.Crime as such, and not any specific crime.
Life has changed a lot in the last two years.Life as such, in general.

  1. Before proper names:.

England, Russia, London, Mr.Johnson, Tuscany.

However, before surnames used in the plural to designate members of the same family, the definite article is used.

The Johnsons. Johnson family.

  1. Before the names of seasons, months and days of the week..

He always goes the South in summer. English classes are on Monday.

Plural of nouns

The main way to form the plural of nouns is to add an ending-s or -es to the singular form of a noun.

a bag - bags
a cat - cats
a rose - roses

a glass - glasses
a fox - foxes
a watch - watches
a bush - bushes

Nouns ending in -y with a preceding consonant form the plural by adding the ending-es, with -y changing to -i. For example, a dictionary - dictiona ries.

But: a boy - boys, a day - days (there is a vowel before -y). Some nouns ending in-f, -fe , form the plural by changing-f to -v and adding the ending-es.

a half - halves
a wolf - wolves
a wife - wives

But: roof - roofs, safe - safes.

A number of nouns form their plural form in a special way.

units h.

pl. h.




Formed by adding "s to the singular form of a noun and " to the plural form.

the student's room - student's room

Ann's book - Anya's book

the students" room - students' room

girls" books - books by girls

absolute form

my - my
your - yours, yours
his - him
her - her
its - his, her
our - ours
their - theirs

mine - mine
his - him
hers - her
its - his, her
ours - ours
yours - yours, yours
theirs - theirs

Pronouns this (this) and that (that) have plural forms, respectively: these (these) and those (those).

Test 1

I. Circle the correct item.

1 What is your favorite color?

A am B is C are

2 We from Australia.

A am not B isn't C aren't

3 are they from Spain?

A Am B Is C Are

4 are my friends.

A I B He C They

5 It's goldfish.

A a B an C

6 "is she?"

"Mrs Smith."

A How In What With Who

7 "is this?"

"A parrot."

A Who In What With It

8 name is Helen.

A His B Her C Our

9 She has got five

A puppy In puppies With puppy's

10 This is the cat.

A girl's B girls C girl

11 There's a cat the garden.

A under B on C in

12 That is the ball.

A child В children С children's

13 She can swim but


A can В can"t С can not

14 do you like bananas?

A Does B Do C Doesn't

15 He the bus to work every day.

A catches B catch C don't catch

16 "Do Mary and her family live here?"
"No, they"

A does B doesn't C don't

17 "Is this pencil?"

"No, this isn't my pencil."

A his B her C your

18 He starts work 9:00 in the


A at B in C on

19 His birthday is November.

A on B in C at

20 got a car?

A He has B Has he C He hasn't

Lesson 2 Numerals, adjectives, adverbs, comparisons

0 - zero, o, naught,
1 - one,
2 - two,
3 - three,
4 - four,
7 - seven,
9 - nine,

10 - ten,

11 - eleven,
12 - twelve
13 - thirteen,
14 - fourteen,
15 - fifteen,
16 - sixteen
17 - seventeen,
18 - eighteen,
19 - nineteen,
20 - twenty,

30 - thirty,
40 - forty,
50 - fifty,
60 - sixty,
70 - seventy,
80 - eighty,
90 - ninety,

100 - a/one hundred,
200 - two hundred,
300 - three hundred, …

1,000 - a / one thousand;
8,000 - eight thousand;
200,000 - two hundred thousand; ...

1,000,000 - a / one million;
6,000,000 - six million;

121 - one hundred and twenty one (books);

7,006 - seven thousand and six.

first - first,
second - second,
third - third, then ordinal numbers are formed from cardinal numbers by adding a suffix-th .

fourth - fourth,
fifth - fifth,
sixth - sixth,
seventh - seventh,
eighth - eighth,
ninth - ninth,
tenth - tenth.

1/2 - a half
1/3 - a/one third
3/4 - three quarters
2/9 - two ninths
0.25 - zero/nought point two five
2.456 - two point four five six
7.089 - seven point o eight nine
.7 - point seven.

Adverbs and adjectives

(mostly adverbs of manner of action) have degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative, which are formed in the same way as the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Positive degree



1. Monosyllabic adverbs and adverbs early.

fast - quickly
soon - soon
early - early

faster - faster
sooner - sooner
earlier - earlier

(the) fastest - fastest
(the) soonest - most likely
(the) earliest - first of all

2. Adverbs formed from adjectives using the suffix - ly.

clearly - clearly

more clearly - clearer
less clearly - less clear

(the) most clearly - most clearly
(the) least clearly - least clear

3. Adverbs well - good, badly - bad, much - a lot, little - few, far - form degrees of comparison far from other roots.

well - good
badly - bad
much - a lot
little - little
far - far

better - better
worse - worse
more - more
less - less
farther - further
further - further

(the) best - best
(the) worst - worst of all
(the) most - most of all
(the) least - least of all
(the) farthest - farthest
(the) furthest - farthest

Test 2

I Choose the right word

1. It is (correct, correctly).

2. Spell the word (correct, correctly).

3. You know it (good, well).

4. Of course it is (good, well).

5. It is (cold, coldly) in the room.

6. Don’t look so (cold, coldly) at me.

7. It is (easy, easily).

8. I can do it (easy, easily).

9. It is (warm, warmly) today.

10. He always greets us (warm, warmly).

II Complete the mini-dialogues with expressions

- Excuse me,Are you Mr. Smith? ________________
- How was the flight? ________________
- How do you like our city? ________________
- And how do you like our weather? ________________
- ______________ In Britain the weather is rainy!
- What is the weather like in Russia? _______________.
- How long are you going to stay here? _______________
- ______________ I am going to stay in the Hotel.
- What are you going to visit? ________________
- What are your plans? ________________
- When are you going to leave? ________________
- Was it your first visit to Moscow? ________________

Lesson 3 Active Voice

Times table. Active voice



circumstance of time



I, we
you, they
he, she, it


usually, sometimes, every day, often, rarely


Ed or
II f. wrong verb


last year 3 years ago


I, we

will ask

next year in 3 years





now, at present




yesterday from 5 till 6


will be


tomorrow from 5 till 6





just, ever, never, yet, already,
today, this year for, since



by 3 o"clock yesterday


will have


by 3 o'clock tomorrow

Test 3

Open the brackets using verbs in one of the following tenses: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

1. We ______________________(to go) on a tramp last Sunday. 2. ________your brother _________(to go) to the country with us next Sunday?

3. Granny ________________________(not to cook) dinner now. 4. We ______________(to cook) our meals on a fire last summer. 5. My sister______________ (to wash) the dishes every morning. 6. When__________ you __________________(to go) to school? 7. What ____you __________(to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow? 8. ______you _________(to invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer?

9. How ________you _________(to help) your sister last summer? 10. I _______________(to send) a letter to my friend tomorrow. 11. Every morning on the way to school I ___________(to meet) my friends.

12. My friend __________(to go) to the library every Wednesday. 13. He_________________(not to go) to the country yesterday. 14. Why _______you__________ (to go) to the shop yesterday? 15. We_________________ (to grow) next tomatoes summer. 16. What _______you ________________(to do) now?

17. He _______________________(to sleep) now.

18. Where _________your father___________ (to work) last year? 19. You __________________(to go) to the south next summer! 20. He ______________(not to watch) TV yesterday

Lesson 4 Passive Voice

The active and passive voices in English coincide with the meaning of the corresponding voices in Russian. A verb in Active Voice shows that the action is performed by the person or thing expressed by the subject.

He often asks questions. He often asks questions.

A verb in the Passive Voice means that the action is directed towards the object or person expressed by the subject.

He is often asked questions. He is often asked questions.

Forms of the passive voice are formed using the verb to be in the appropriate form and Participle II of the semantic verb.





he (she)
we (you, they)

am asked
is asked
are asked

I (he, she)
we (you, they)

was asked
were asked

I (we)
he (she, you, they)

will be asked


he (she)
we (you, they)

am being asked
is being asked
are being asked

I (he, she)
we (you, they)

was being asked
were being asked


I, we, you, they
he (she)

have been asked
has been asked

I (he, she, we, you, they)

had been asked

I, we he, she, you, they

will have been asked

Test 4

I Open the brackets using the verbs in Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog ​​tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17. His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 19. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

II Open the brackets, choosing the required form of the verb.

1. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room. 2. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift. 3. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs. 4. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 5. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel. 6. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the Russian Museum. 7. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau. 8. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs.

Lesson 5 Modal Verbs

Can, could

This modal verb has two forms: can - for the present tense, could - for the past. It is used:

  1. To express the possibility or ability to perform an action. In this meaning it is translated as “to be able”, “to be able to”.

She can speak English well but she can"t write it at all. She can (can ) speaks English well, but cannot write at all.

  1. To express permission to perform an action (in interrogative and affirmative sentences).

Can we go home? Can we go?
Yes, you can go.

  1. Yes, you can go.

To express a prohibition to perform an action, expressed by an infinitive (only in negative sentences). You can't speak at the lessons. Talk in class

  1. it is forbidden .

To express a request (in interrogative sentences). Can (could) you give me your dictionary?

You won't give

should I have my dictionary?

The form could is used for more polite address. to be able to Combination to be able + infinitive with particle

is a synonym for the modal verb can (see paragraph 1) to express the possibility or ability to perform an action.
He is able to help you.

He can help you.

He was able to help you. He was able to help you. He will be able to help you. He will be able to help you. May, might

  1. This modal verb has two forms:

- for the present tense,

  1. might

- for the past. The verb may is used to express:

  1. Permissions in affirmative and interrogative sentences.

You may go. You can go.

May I help you? Let me help you.

  1. Prohibitions in negative sentences.

You may not come here. Don't you dare come here. Assumptions, uncertainties in affirmative and negative sentences. It may rain today. Maybe

  1. It will be rain today.

The verb might is used:

In subordinate clauses in accordance with the rule of tense agreement.

She said that he might take her book.

  1. She said he

can take her book.

  1. To indicate the probability of an action occurring.

He might come.

  1. Maybe he will come.

must The verb must is used:

  1. To express obligation, the need to perform an action in the present or future.

I must go. I have to go.

To express prohibition in a negative sentence.

You mustn't do it. You can't do this.

  1. To express the probability of some action or assumption.
  1. He must have read this book.
  1. I help you. I"m not busy now and I think I know how to repair your car.
  1. Don't argue with me, son! You____________do it right now!
  1. I"m sorry, I __________talk to you right now. I am in a hurry.
  1. Listen to me, boys! You it "s very hot! _________touch it,
  2. The rules in our school are very strict. We_______ study hard and always be on time

for our lessons.

  1. You_________________have a visa to Germany. You only need a passport.

Lesson 6 Questions

Word order in a general question

Semantic verb
or linking verb


Other members of the sentence


your brother

in London?



a student?

If a modal verb appears in a general question, it takes first place.

Can you swim?You can swim?

Word order in a special question

Question word

Main verb or linking verb


Other members of the sentence



your sister




your brother

If a modal verb occurs in a special question, it takes place after the question word.

Where can I buy a newspaper?Where can I buy a newspaper?

Question words and phrases in English:

Word order in questions to the subject
(or its definition).

When asking a question about the subject or its definition, the direct word order is maintained.

Question word (in place of the subject)


Other members of the sentence






this book?

Test 6

1. Ask general questions and give short answers.

  • Does it often rain in September?
  • Yes, it does. (It often rains in September.)

1- …………………………………………………… December?

  • Yes, (It usually snows in December.)
  1. -
  • Yes, (It is raining.)
  1. - ………………..yesterday?
  • Yes, (It was cold yesterday.)
  1. - ……………….two days ago?
  • Yes, (It rained two days ago.)
  1. - ……………….tomorrow?
  • Yes, (It will rain tomorrow.)
  1. - ………………. in Anapa?
  • Yes, (It sometimes snows in Anapa.)
  1. - ……………… August?
  • Yes, (It is usually dry in August.)
  1. -
  • Yes, ………………(It will snow.)
  1. - last week?
  • Yes, ………(It often snowed last week.)
  1. -
  • Yes, …………..(It is snowing.)

Lesson 7 Conditions

Type I conditional sentences

The condition contained in the conditional clause is considered by the speaker as a really assumed fact relating to the present, past or future tenses.
If the weatheris nice,we"ll gofor a walk.If the weather is good, we will go for a walk.

Conditional sentences type II

The condition contained in the conditional clause is considered improbable by the speaker. To express the low probability of an action occurring in the present or future tenses, the predicate of the main sentence is used in the form of the subjunctive moodshould / would + Indefinite Infinitive without to, and the predicate of the subordinate clause is in the form of the subjunctive mood, similar toPast Indefiniteor were for all persons from the verbto be.

If hewerefree, hewould doit.IfwouldHewas free, HewouldThisdid.
If wepaid more attentionto grammar, weshould knowthe better language.IfwouldWepaidWe pay more attention to grammarif only they knewthe language is better.

Conditional sentences of type III.

The condition contained in the conditional subordinate clause is considered by the speaker as unrealizable, since it relates topasttime. The predicate of the main sentence is used in the subjunctive formshould / would + Perfect Infinitive, and the predicate of the subordinate clause is in the form of the subjunctive mood, similar toPast Perfect.

Ishould not have been lateyesterday, if my watchhad been right. II wouldn't be lateyesterday ifwouldmy watchwalkedRight.

Conjunctions of conditional clauses.

if- If;in case- if;suppose (that)- Let's pretend that;on condition (that)- provided that;provided (that)- provided that;unless- if not;but for- if not.

Test 7

Translate from Russian into English

  1. If I like something there, I'll buy it.
  2. As soon as you call me, I will come.
  3. If the money runs out, we'll have to sell your car.
  4. If we have extra money, we can buy a new car.
  5. I would leave today if I could.
  6. If you were on vacation, we could go somewhere.
  7. If I were you, I would quit.
  8. If he had been invited, he still would not have come.
  9. It's a pity that I don't have a gun.
  10. I would like it to be warmer tomorrow.
  11. It's a pity I didn't know she was sick.
  12. Hope you come back soon.

Lesson 8 Participles

Participle forms





being asked


having asked

having been asked

Participle I Indefinitedenotes an action simultaneous with the action of the predicate verb.

While translatingdifficult texts we use a dictionary.Translatingdifficult texts, we use a dictionary.

Participle I Perfectdenotes an action preceding the action expressed by the predicate verb.

Having readthe book I returned it to the library.After readingbook, I returned it to the library.

Test 8

Translate into Russian, paying attention to the participles.

1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump woman standing at the window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers. 7. Hearing the sounds of music we stopped talking 8. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

Lesson 9 Complex Object

This construction consists of a noun in the general case or a pronoun in the objective case and an infinitive.

Usually translated into Russian by an additional clause.

He wantsthe book to be returnedtomorrow.He wants,to return the bookTomorrow.

Test 9

Choose the correct option

I saw her entering the room.
I saw her enter the room.
I saw her to enter the room.

Many people found him to be innocent.
Many people found him innocent.
Many people found him to be innocent.

When came nearer I heard somebody playing the piano.
When came nearer I heard somebody play the piano.
When came nearer I heard somebody to play the piano.

Do you want to make me some tea?
Do you want me to make you some tea?
Do you want some tea made for you?
Do you want me to make you some tea?

They watched him getting off the bus and crossing the road.
They watched him get off the bus and cross the road.
They watched him to get off the bus and cross the road.

I don't consider him to be an honest man.
I don't consider him an honest man.
I don't consider him to be an honest man.

He expected us to come on Sunday.
He expected us to come on Sunday.
He expected that we would come on Sunday.

Would you like them to change their mind?
Would you like them to change their mind?
Would you like to change their mind?

They expect themselves to be invited.
They expect to be invited.
They expect that they will be invited.
They expect they will be invited.

Lesson 10 The final test

1. Form a new word: :goal:

A. ball; B. ground; C. keeper; D. case.

2. Complete the sentence.

A. wrestling; B. chess; C. baseball; D. boxing.

3. Weight training, karate, aerobics are all: sports.

A. team; B. outdoor; C. indoor; D. interesting.

4. Do you: karate?; B. play; C. go; D. like;

5. This is my brother Tom and that`s his wife Betty with: children.

A. our; B. your; C. their; D.her.

6. Which sentence conveys the meaning of the Russian sentence?

I saw dolphins jumping into the water.

A. I saw dolphins jump in the water.

B. I saw dolphins to jump in the water.

C. I watch dolphins jump in the water.

D. I watch dolphins to jump in the water.

7. What is the capital of USA?

A. Washington, D.C.; B. Washington; C. Los Angeles; D. New York.

8. Where is the USA?

A. In North America; B. In South America; C. In Africa; D. In Europe.

9. Which state in the USA is closest to Russia?

A. California; B. Montana; C. Alaska; D.Florida.

10. Complete the rule of conduct at school.

You: be late for school.

A. can; B.can`t; C. should; D.must.

Choose the correct answer.

11. The first jeans: by Levi Strauss.

A. was made; B. were made; C. be made; D. made.

12. The name "jeans" : to them after sailors from Genoa.

A.give; B. given; C. was given; B. were given.

13. Many US cars are made in: .

A. Chicago; B. Detroit; C. New York; D. Los Angeles.

14. The: river is the greatest river in the USA.

A. Neva; B. Mississippi; C. Avon; D. Colorado.

15. Give advice to a friend.

You: do regular exercise..

A.must; B. should; C.can`t; D.can.

16. Select what you want.

I don`t play ping pong. - : do I. I find it boring.

A.So; B. Neither; C. Will; D.Can.

Say what you did/didn't do before. Complete the sentence using the verbs in brackets in the required form. Write down only words in your answer.

George (17 use to live): in the country but now he lives in a town.

Melen (18 use to listen) : to pop but now she enjoys jazz concerts.

Tell me what you would do in the other person's place. Write down only words in your answers.

If I were you, :(19 join) a sports club.

If I were you, :(20 not ask) your father to repair your bike.

Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the correct form.

21. Four school friends (sing) : together since 1976.

22. My sister (write) : New Year cards for half an hour.

Ask a question about the proposal. Start with the words given in brackets.

23. I have been playing the violin for two years. (How long:?)

Choose the correct adjective. In response, write down only the word.

24. Horror movies are exciting/excited.

English grammar. 7th grade. A book for parents. Barashkova E.A.

M.: 2018 - 240 p.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation). The collection contains 270 grammatical exercises that ensure the assimilation and consolidation of the rules of grammar, which are studied in the 7th grade. The nature of the exercises allows them to be completed as quickly as possible, which saves students time and effort and helps them achieve a good knowledge of grammar in a short time. For students of schools with in-depth study of the English language, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges studying the language using the textbook O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva "English: VII grade".

Format: pdf

Size: 26 MB


§ 1. Plural of nouns 7
§ 2. Nouns used only in the singular 9
§ 3. Nouns used only in the plural 12
§ 4. Possessive case of nouns 13
§ 5. Degrees of comparison of adjectives 14
§ 6. Adverbs 17
§ 7. Personal pronouns 21
§ 8. Possessive pronouns 23
§ 9. Reflexive pronouns 25
§ 10. Demonstrative pronouns 27
§ 11. Relative pronouns who and which 28
§ 12. Interrogative pronouns Who and which 29
§ 13. Pronouns some, any, no, something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody, every, everything, everybody 31
§ 14. Features of the use of the words never, ON, nothing, nobody 34
§ 15. a lot of, many, much 36
§ 16. little and few 38
§ 17. a little and a few 39
§ 18. lessenfewer 40
§ 19. Pronoun one 41
§ 20. Article 42
§ 21. Numerals 57
§ 22. Words hundred, thousand, million 59
§ 23. Time system 60
§ 24. Verb forms 61
§ 25. Present Continuous. Present continuous tense 65
§ 26. Present Simple. Present indefinite tense 69
§ 27. Features of the use of the verb like 72
§ 28. Past Continuous. Past continuous tense 73
§ 29. Past Simple. Past indefinite tense 76
§ 30. turnover used to 78
§ 31. Present Perfect. Present perfect tense 80
§ 32. Present Perfect Continuous. Present perfect continuous tense 85
§ 33. Past Perfect. Past perfect tense 88
§ 34. Ways of expressing the future tense 91
§ 35. turnover be going to 94
§ 36. Future Simple. Future indefinite tense 96
§ 37. Subordinate clauses of time and conditions 98
§ 38. Future Continuous. Future continuous tense 99
§ 39. Future Perfect. Future perfect tense 101
§ 40. Future Perfect Continuous. Future perfect continuous tense 103
§ 41. Future in the Past. Future tense in past 105
§ 42. Passive voice 106
§ 43. Modal verbs 111
§ 44. Modal verb SZP and its equivalent be able to from
§ 45. The verb must and its equivalent have to 114
§ 46. Construction There is / There are lie
§ 47. Difficulties in using the verbs rain and SnOW 123
§ 48. Use of the phrase it takes 125
§ 49. Types of questions 127
§ 50. General issues. Word order in interrogative sentence 128
§ 51. Alternative questions 130
§ 52. Separation issues 131
§ 53. Special issues 134
§ 54. Questions to the subject 136
§ 55. Answers to the question to the subject 138
§ 56. Negative sentences 139
§ 57. Short answer 140
§ 58. Complex addition. Complex Object 143
§ 59. Peculiarities of translating sentences like “And I too...” 147
§ 60. The use of conjunctions neither ... POG (neither ... nor) and either ... or (or ... or) 149
§ 61. Features of the use of the words tOO, dlSO and either 151
§ 62. Indirect speech 152
§ 63. Verbs Say and tell 155
§ 64. Coordination of times 157
§ 65. Requests and orders in indirect speech 161
§ 66. Special questions in indirect speech 163
§ 67. General questions in indirect speech 164
§ 68. Additional subordinate clauses, subordinate conditions and subordinate clauses of time 165
§ 69. Some cases of using the subjunctive mood 167
Keys to exercises from the collection 169
Keys to test work 221
Applications 231

Dear moms and dads!
This book was written especially for you.
Its task is to simply and clearly present the basic grammatical material that your children will become familiar with this year.
Your children have been studying English grammar for six years now. Here is the sixth book for parents, in it we included not only the material that your children will study this year, but also partly those grammatical structures that were covered earlier, but still continue to present a certain difficulty.
As in the first five books, before each section we draw your attention to typical errors, demonstrate the correct version, and give simple explanations and recommendations for practicing this grammatical phenomenon.
In essence, this book is a commentary on the COLLECTION OF EXERCISES. In the collection we offer exercises for each lesson of the basic textbook. It is advisable to perform them regularly and in the sequence in which they are given. This will ensure strong memorization of the material and make it easier for children to master the grammatical structure of the English language.
Our kit can also be used as a reference material in cases where a certain grammatical structure is difficult. Before each exercise in the collection there is a link to a paragraph in the reference book.