
Sagittarius financial horoscope for the year. Zodiac horoscope for Sagittarius man and woman

This year, Lady Luck may smile on Sagittarius. The 2016 career and financial horoscope heralds a successful year, with Sagittarius having excellent opportunities to build a strong foundation for the future. A period of career advancement, professional growth and business success awaits you. Good chances will appear and long-awaited changes for the better will occur. Financial circumstances will also change positively.

Until September 9, 2016, Jupiter, called the planet of great happiness in astrology, is in the career house of Sagittarius. The beneficial influence of Jupiter will bring opportunities for business development, climbing the career ladder and great achievements. You will have enough strength and courage to set high goals and achieve them. Moreover, expect improvements in relations with superiors and authorities, growth in personal authority and recognition. This transit happens once every 12 years, make the most of it!

During the period from September 2016 to October 2017, Jupiter is located in the house of friendship and social relations of Sagittarius. In this position, the planet promises you popularity, support in social activities, followers and allies, benefits through friends.

The horoscope advises you to pay attention to the fact that in 2016 Saturn, the planet of duty and responsibility, still remains in Sagittarius. To take advantage of all the benefits Jupiter generously offers, you need hard work and perseverance. Saturn loves seriousness and consistency, but punishes rash decisions and attempts to evade responsibility. At the same time, Saturn is an unsurpassed strategist. His wise guidance will tell you how to set goals, calculate your resources, plan steps that will lead you to success. And be sure to use common sense.

In March - May and August - September 2016, Mars, the planet of action and initiative, will make its contribution, which will also transit through the sign Sagittarius. You will have additional energy for great achievements at work and in business. On the other hand, the planetary influence is contradictory; tense situations in the work team and in relations with business partners, stress and conflicts cannot be ruled out.

In April and May 2016, things become a little more complicated as Mercury is in a retrograde cycle in the Sagittarius house of work. The period is suitable for analyzing your actions, assessing the pros and cons, and clarifying future career and financial plans.

Regarding finances, 2016 offers Sagittarius good opportunities to increase their income. The harmonious relationship between Jupiter in the house of career and Pluto in the house of money hints at a generous period. Maybe Sagittarius will think about opening their own business or changing their sources of funds.

Last year brought a lot of good and not so good events to Sagittarius. You have stood up with dignity and passed all the tests of strength, but in 2016 you will be required to concentrate all your strength as much as possible. And if everything is done correctly, then representatives of this sign have a great chance of success.

January will bring Sagittarius a lot of communication with family and friends. The stars do not advise avoiding this, because such conversations not only help you get to know your loved ones better, but also make your life brighter and richer.

New horizons will appear in February, you have been dreaming about them for a long time. And here the mental strength that you have accumulated with your loved ones will be very useful to you; thanks to them, you can easily climb the career ladder.

At first, you will think that you have too much work, but a little time will pass and it will become clear that new acquaintances and this invaluable experience are of great benefit to you.

In March, it is better for Sagittarius to slow down and get plenty of rest, otherwise health problems may arise. At this time, it is worth taking time to prevent diseases or undergo a medical examination.

April will give you romance, new acquaintances and flirting, and a high probability of renewing old relationships. A few days before the end of May, you can easily fill in the gaps in your professional activities.

In May, Sagittarius should start thinking about plans for the future. This is when you will best understand what to expect and what changes are possible in your career and personal life. Try to mentally imagine what you would like to get from life.

July is favorable for putting your affairs in order. Pay off your debts, sort out everything that has accumulated at work and put it in order, because the moment has come that we call “somehow later.” After all, in order to move forward, you need to discard the unnecessary and then, closer to the middle of summer, all your endeavors will be successful and things will begin to move up. In 2016, this sign will be accompanied by luck in everything they undertake.

Those who have long dreamed of a more interesting job will receive several good offers from management, and if you complete them successfully, you can expect a promotion. Your dream job may be on the horizon, but the most important thing is to take action. This year also promises good luck in the love sphere. You should have been thinking about your own home for a long time.

In August you will have to work hard, as the number of your work responsibilities will increase. As a reward, Sagittarius will receive strengthened family relationships. And free representatives of this sign have every chance to find their happiness this month, just don’t forget to look around more often.

During the autumn period, hidden talents will be revealed and you will work much more productively. Stick to this pace until winter and a good financial reward awaits you in December. And don’t forget to share your personal experiences with your loved ones.

Sagittarius man - horoscope for 2016

The Year of the Monkey promises to be very favorable for men. There will always be a lot of things that need to be done, but the efforts spent will not be in vain and you will receive a promotion at work or a financial bonus. The most important thing: do not give up under any circumstances.

January will pass calmly for you, you can start making plans for the next year and in February you can begin to implement them. At the same time, you should save your strength, since in March there is a chance that it will run out and you will be overtaken by the blues. Look for salvation among your family members.

Despite the fact that spring will fly by with work worries, don’t forget about yourself: watch what you eat, sign up for the gym. Try to rest actively, such rest will have a positive effect on your health, because towards the end of summer, Sagittarius will have many work tasks that must be solved in order to move up the career ladder.

In the fall, try to listen to your body and not overwork. Don’t forget about personal relationships; at the end of November it is better not to argue and look for compromise solutions. Lonely Sagittarius may find their destiny at the beginning of winter. And from mid-December it’s time to relax and start preparing for the New Year.

Sagittarius woman - horoscope for 2016

The whole of 2016 will fly by with family concerns. The beginning of the year will bring a lot of trouble, because you will have to spend a lot of energy and effort on the New Year holidays. But in February the pace will slow down significantly and you will have time to do work. But be very careful when working with documents.

In the spring, a Sagittarius woman will experience a sudden emotional outburst associated with her loved one. Long-forgotten feelings will awaken. At the end of spring, you will want to relax, at this time it is better to put everything aside and go on a trip, not necessarily far, you can even go to your native land.

For single Sagittarius women, the beginning of summer will bring long-awaited happiness. July promises to be calm. During this period, it is good to spend time with your family and friends.

In the fall, it will be time to think about your health; there is a possibility of respiratory diseases. Try to play sports and devote time to physical fitness. At the end of autumn, the stars promise a new surge in labor activity, which will continue until the end of the year. Having successfully completed all your tasks, you can safely celebrate the New Year.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Sagittarius

This year, Sagittarius will be very amorous, even married couples will feel all the intensity of feelings, as in the first months of dating.

Sagittarians who were born in this decade will feel the full power of new feelings in the spring. The spring months will give them many romantic adventures. Just don’t be shy or excessively modest, take the initiative into your own hands, just don’t overdo it. Try to be confident and sincere at the same time. As a result, a romantic relationship may develop into a friendship, but this will only benefit you.

2016 will give these people many romantic encounters, primarily for single Sagittarius. Already in the spring, fate will give you a meeting with a man who will be older than you and well-off. This year, family Sagittarius will be able to buy a new home or make repairs. And traveling together will have a good effect on your relationship and strengthen it.

Sagittarius born in this decade may experience nostalgia for past relationships. There is no need to make futile plans; it is better to boldly move forward. In the summer, be sure to take a vacation and during this time you will meet a very interesting person. But the time has come for the relationships of Family Sagittarius to undergo a strength test. The reason for this will be the work of the other half, but do not give up and try to support your partner.

Business horoscope

This year Sagittarius will need to show all their talents and only then can they count on success.

1st decade (November 23 – December 2)

You shouldn’t go beyond your responsibilities, it’s better to follow work regulations, be self-confident and sociable - this is the key to success and financial well-being. You can enroll in courses to expand your professional skills or study a related specialty.

2nd decade (December 3 – December 12)

Those born during this period want their professionalism to be properly appreciated at work. There may be a desire to change positions or move forward in your career. In new endeavors, you are guaranteed success, but still, do not rush; think carefully about leaving your old job.

3rd decade (December 13 – December 21)

Sagittarius born in the 3rd decade can expect work conflicts. Therefore, if possible, avoid tense situations and definitely do not take sides. Only then will your nerves and strength be saved. There is good news: mid-spring can bring easy money. You may win the lottery or become the winner of some competition. And in December, an expensive and valuable gift awaits you.

Family horoscope

In 2016, the stars advise you to rearrange the furniture in your home to add new energy.

1 decade

Sagittarius born during this period will receive a lot of communication with loved ones. Not everything this year will go smoothly and easily, but such communication is of great importance to you. At the end of summer, there will be more work, and while doing it, try not to forget about your family: visit your parents, play with your children.

2nd decade

It's time to pay more attention to your loved ones and yourself, update your wardrobe, and start arranging your home. In the second half of the year, try to take more care of your partner. Let him solve the accumulated problems on his own, and you will only support him.

3rd decade

In 2016, the stars advise you to solve household problems that have accumulated recently. But solve them gradually. Maybe you need to renovate or change the decor in your home. But do not stretch out the execution time and you will be able to please yourself and your loved ones. It is better to throw away all unnecessary things without hesitation.

Health horoscope

Sagittarius' motto this year: enjoy life and everything will work out for you.

1 decade

In the first half of the year you will have a lot of health-related worries. Eliminate alcohol and cigarettes, pay a lot of attention to your diet. It is especially recommended to consume foods high in calcium, this way you can strengthen your bones, which are at risk this year.

2nd decade

Sagittarians born during this period may feel overworked. Try not to waste a lot of physical and mental strength, avoid hypothermia. Go to the doctor and do moderate exercise.

3rd decade

If you have problems with the endocrine system or have stomach problems, schedule a visit to the doctor or go to a sanatorium. Such problems can arise due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Try to rest more, you can change your image and regularly visit beauty salons.

Sagittarius, don’t sing sad songs, rather sing “touching military marches.” Remember how in the film “I Am Your Aunt” - “Play us a military march, but louder. “But I don’t know, I don’t know touching military marches!!!”

Sagittarius horoscope for 2016 work, career, business and study. In principle, studying is the same work, and is in almost the same area of ​​interest, so we do not separate these concepts in our horoscopes on the website

So for those who are still studying, instead of the word work, insert the word study in our horoscopes.

Sagittarius horoscope for 2016 work, career, business and study.

In the professional sphere of Sagittarius, 2016 will be much more positive than in other areas. Although your professional sphere will be no less stressful. So the best thing Sagittarius can do in 2016 is to sing at work all year! After all, when you are sad, you “hum” or hum something... Implicitly understanding that your singing is worse than your problems. But don’t sing sad songs, rather sing “touching military marches.” Remember how in the film “I am your aunt” - “Play for us military march, yes, louder. “But I don’t know, I don’t know touching military marches!!!” So learn a couple of touching marches, it will cheer you up, or, as a last resort, put on your phone the touching “Imperial March” from the movie Star Wars, it will cheer up not only you, but also your colleagues or subordinates (if you have any) ).

The fact is that, as the career horoscope for Sagittarius for 2016 next year shows, in order to achieve something or at least preserve what you already have, you need to be serious careerists and tireless workaholics. And Sagittarians have always had problems with “workaholism.” Usually your work fervor lasts until about 12 o'clock, and it's hard for you to even last until the lunch break. Therefore, try to force yourself and spur yourself on, even with touching marches, even with coffee and cookies, otherwise others will do it. Either your bosses, or your clients, or your competitors, who will take away from you what could have belonged to you. If you don’t have the energy or mood to work, then at least create the appearance of work. And you don’t need to answer your boss’s questions or comments: “I’m not lazy at all! I just enjoy watching others work... Well, I can’t deprive myself of such a small pleasure if pleasures in my personal life are becoming less and less frequent?!”

As we already said in the first part of the horoscope, the first half of 2016 will pass relatively calmly for you. Pay attention to March and April 2016.

The career horoscope for March 2016 persistently advises you to pay more attention to new ideas, programs and projects. But, being carried away by new methods of promotion and hanging noodles on the ears of partners, colleagues, bosses and clients, still do not neglect your current affairs, no matter how boring and obsolete they may seem to you. Moreover, most likely, you can easily receive unexpected rewards from old projects and tasks. Maybe it will be a bonus, or maybe just praise from your superiors, in any case you will be pleased. And it is doubly pleasant to receive pleasure from work. Yes, and Sagittarians know for sure that it is better to make love with love than to make love with difficulty, and in March 2016 you simply won’t be able to do it any other way.

As we have already said, this period from March 25 to April 28 will be the most successful for Sagittarius in 2016!

Starting from June 30, 2016 until December 19, the period of “collecting stones” will begin in the professional sphere of Sagittarius. That is, if you have “scattered the stones” correctly before this time, then already on June 30 you can plan your vacation and relaxation. If you scattered them incorrectly, then there is a chance that they will fly towards you, and you will have to dodge and defend from them. But, in any case, during these six months, Sagittarius needs to be attentive and nimble. You know, in our country any driver must be able to do two things - to dodge potholes and to dodge those who dodge potholes. This is exactly what Sagittarius will be doing in the second half of 2016. Moreover, regardless of whether you know how to drive a car or not. Your task is not only to dodge pitfalls, problems, questions and obstacles, but also not to collide with those who, just like you, dodge.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius Finance.

In the financial sphere, 2016 for Sagittarius can also be divided into two halves. The spring of 2016 for many Sagittarius will look like a “crappy” car. You know that situation when pigeons have “decorated” the windshield so much that you’re scared to go outside - no matter how much money you shower! And you go out, and you have a car, but somehow you don’t have much money. In fact, doves tell you “windows of opportunity,” and Sagittarius will definitely have them in the first half of 2016. In the second half of 2016, the situation will be similar to just a “crap car,” but without “windows of opportunity.” So try to keep your car, wallet and thoughts clean during this time. At this time, you should think less about money and think more about life, about yourself, about your career, about friends. Try to relax and live in the second half of 2016, using money to a minimum. And then the Red Fire Monkey can and will throw you a couple of bright and joyful rays in your wallet.

But, in any case, in public, try to be more confident and independent, and not like the flight attendant who tried to reassure the passengers, but it was difficult for her to hide the parachute in the folds of her uniform. Make a calm face and your reaction to unexpected expenses, and then, chances are, you won’t need a parachute and the passengers around you will calm down.

2016 will provide representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius with the opportunity to take actions according to a program that they have formed themselves, sometimes they will use information sent from above. It is worth highlighting that 2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius will become the strongest swing in the sphere of society. To put it more clearly, you will have to completely reconsider the list of people with whom you communicate. During this period of time, representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius will simply be forced to part with some people, despite the fact that this may be a sad parting. Representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are in great need of social communication, since thanks to this communication they develop in all directions, which allows them to be successful. And initially you will get rid of those people who have become useless to you, that is, those people in whom you have lost interest and do not see the point in communicating. New acquaintances will soon apply for this place that you vacate. And as a result of new acquaintances, you will have the opportunity to take action that you were deprived of before.

In general, 2016 will be a fruitful year for representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign; good luck and luck will always accompany them. But as they say, everything is never so smooth, it may happen that you experience one negative moment, that is, a new person will appear who will make every effort to prevent you from realizing your plans. The most unpleasant moment in this whole story is that this person will not seek personal benefit for himself. And therefore, you will not immediately be able to understand what kind of person he is, and at what moments he will begin to interfere with you. Probably, fate will decide to play on Sagittarius for their responsiveness and give them poor, unhappy relatives, or a friend in need of care. And because of the demand for special attention to yourself, you will begin to be distracted from your affairs and constantly reassure your whining friend, and this will also affect your emotional state. If you cannot find a reason to refuse attention to such a person, then try to have as little contact with him as possible, but in general, representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign should treat themselves with special care, and never forget that if If each of us were constantly tormented by thoughts of remorse, we would all become bitter.

Sagittarius love horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of 2016, you will begin to worry about the affairs of your loved ones, and a conflict will begin with your neighbors and with your significant other. They will be too demanding of you, and this may lead you to an emotional breakdown. You will try to solve all problems and find a middle ground in the relationship. You will take care of household chores and complete the tasks you have started. You might even do some renovations. Children will bring you special joy; every day they will delight you with success. You will only get pleasure from doing household chores. The family will become your guardian angel. At the beginning of the year, you will have the opportunity to communicate with your close friends. But you will spend most of your time with children. You will have to choose between family and acquaintances, but naturally your choice will fall on your loved ones, since this is the most important thing in your life.

In mid-2016, most of the time will also be spent solving problems that arise for relatives. You will be asked to help, and you cannot refuse. During this period, everything will be just as wonderful for children as at the beginning of the year. You don’t have to worry about them, but only be happy. You will seriously address the problems of your relatives. And because of this, you will spend more time away from home. Make as much effort as possible to convince relatives not to make a mistake. As a result of constantly spending time with your family, your family relationships will sharply deteriorate. Your significant other will put the question bluntly, that is, either family or divorce. Try to explain everything, and you will be heard, you will definitely be understood. You should not make hasty decisions right away, as they may not be correctable later. Of course, this period in personal relationships will be very difficult for you to bear; you will lose trust and understanding. They will also stop understanding and trusting you. If you really value your family, try to preserve your relationship, otherwise a serious crack will simply destroy your marriage. The best way out for you will be, as previously said, a frank conversation. This is the first step you can take. Invite your loved one to dinner at a restaurant, remember your honeymoon, and your other half will not remain indifferent and cold. You can also invite your loved one to watch your favorite movie at the cinema, arrange entertainment for the children and you don’t have to go somewhere to do this. You can perfectly relax at home, showing a little imagination. You will see how quickly and imperceptibly your relationship will regain its former love and understanding.

The end of 2016 will also be a busy period for you. You will communicate a lot with friends, you will have a trip with your family to distant relatives. There you can have a wonderful rest, and you shouldn’t skimp, because you know that your financial situation allows you to make your vacation unforgettable not only for yourself, but also for your family. Also, at the end of 2016, you may meet a person with whom you have known for a very long time. If you have problems, try to resolve everything peacefully, so as not to ruin family relationships again. You shouldn’t tell anyone about this, and keep your mouth shut yourself, don’t tempt fate. Avoid people who spread gossip, they can greatly affect your family relationships.

As for single representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign, you will meet your soul mate in mid-2016. Some of you will see your destiny in this person and will not want to part again. And for some Sagittarius, such a meeting can simply become a hobby and be fleeting. In any case, 2016 for representatives of the zodiac sign will play a huge role in personal relationships; for some it may be a break in the family, while others, on the contrary, will find their happiness. But in general, 2016 promises lovers a sea of ​​pleasant sensations, positivity, affection, love and good nature!

Sagittarius career in 2016

In 2016, representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign will also have to endure many changes in the professional sphere. At the beginning of the year, you will still experience negative energy that remains from last year, but closer to the middle of the year, a good and positive period will come and this will happen because you will decide to pour out your soul about your problems to your loved ones. Your soul will be filled only with positive and bright thoughts that will help you start working with new strength. Your new attitude will be so strong that you will be able to achieve success in a short time. Everything you do during this period will seem like backbreaking work, and you will think that support was given to you from above, but this is not so, you will help yourself, thanks to your reflections and searches. Therefore, try to always listen to your inner voice. Your plans, which you have been nurturing for a long time, are already ready for you to implement. Representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign will achieve their greatest success at the end of 2016; this will be a real achievement in the professional sphere.

Sagittarius finances in 2016

If you combine professional success and financial situation, then we can say that at the beginning of 2016, the material well-being of representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign will not be very good. You will spend a lot of money and will not have time to cover expenses, and this will make you give up a little on your planned purchases and desires. Do not be upset, such a financial situation will not last long at all and, in general, will not be able to affect your further material well-being, since in general 2016 portends a stable financial situation for you. But the question is this, you should be careful about spending your money. Try to make purchases necessary, and not just for beauty, that is, you should not just waste money. Don’t get involved in things that make you doubtful, don’t waste your money, give up shopping for a while, and under no circumstances gamble for money, don’t go to a casino, or take out debt. If you adhere to these rules, you will improve your financial situation a hundredfold. But you shouldn’t allow yourself weaknesses, because as a result you will owe for them for a very long time, and why do you need this!

Thanks to your perseverance, in the middle of the year you will begin to change for the better. You will be able to discover a new source of income, which means your financial situation will rapidly improve. It is worth noting that during this time only luck will accompany you. Try to make every effort to have time to conclude all the contracts that you have planned. In addition to implementing old plans, you will find an even more profitable business that will increase your profits.

In mid-2016, your financial situation will improve so much that people will envy you. You will be offered a new position, you will be in charge of serious resources, and for a moment you will feel confused; you will not know how to manage the amount offered. And if you think carefully, you will definitely remember that in the very recent past you did not have enough money to implement the simplest project. But if you really think about it, what will you do with this money that seems to have fallen like manna from heaven? Luck cannot be considered luck if you let the money take its course and do not back it up for any profitable business; in the end, this money will simply dissolve, and you will not notice in which direction it went. Basically, until the end of 2016 you will have to rack your brains to solve this problem. It is necessary to take such a decision with particular seriousness, since your entire future depends on the correct decision made.

There will be no significant changes in your financial situation at the end of 2016; you will firmly stand in your position and develop more and more. And you will constantly torment yourself with only one question: “What to do next?” You will be a little distrustful of everything that is happening, but you better calm down and believe in everything that is happening, luck and success have become the most important hobby in your life.

Sagittarius health in 2016

2016 will be unpredictable for the Sagittarius zodiac sign in the area of ​​health. Try to avoid stress, as the first half of the year requires special attention. Take care of your health! In 2016, you will experience a major emotional breakdown, which will lead you to poor health. Headache and insomnia will accompany you for several days. Try to get more rest, go out into the fresh air, start eating right. The headache will go away quickly and healthy sleep will be restored if you calmly perceive any situation. Do not be nervous, as a weakened nervous system will cause the entire body to suffer. Give up your suspiciousness, it will not bring you anything good and will have a bad effect on your future well-being.

In mid-2016, your liver may become worse; avoid alcoholic beverages completely and do not eat smoked or fatty foods. Take less medicine, as they contain a lot of chemicals, which will also have a harmful effect on your health.

The end of 2016 will be more favorable to Sagittarius, health will improve. You will feel cheerful and confident. But remember that calmness and sound mind come first. Since representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are very emotional people, and sometimes you should hide your emotions as deeply as possible so as not to harm your health!

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius man

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius will be able to improve their financial situation at the beginning of 2016. At the beginning of spring, a lucky star will shine above you, try not to miss this time. In May, be careful with gambling and risky financial transactions; the stars even recommend giving up them.

There is a high probability of finding new influential partners and reliable friends in 2016. They will help you realize some of your projects and ideas.

Try to spend your summer in exotic places. Your insatiable thirst for adventure can lure you to the other side of the planet, trust your desires. The experience gained on this trip will definitely be useful to you.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius woman

In February, many representatives of this zodiac sign will change their city of residence or buy a new living space. It is better to start major repairs at the end of spring.

In the first half of the year, the younger generation will delight you with their successes; it is worth paying attention to the development of their talents. In July, try not to indulge all the whims of your children, otherwise you risk raising him to be a domestic tyrant.

In the middle and end of autumn 2016, the horoscope recommends spending more time communicating with children, pay attention to what company they spend time with. At this time, your child really needs support.

For the Sagittarius woman, the horoscope for 2016 promises big changes. You will finally see the results of your labors. This year will bring big profits and big expenses. Beware of frivolous spending. Important decisions will be made in February. In general, in the first half of the year, the Sagittarius woman may be drawn into conflicts, not only at work, but also in the family. Be discreet.

The year is eventful, fate will provide many opportunities. A Sagittarius woman needs to decide what exactly she needs. Don't be afraid to take on new things and experiment, but do it thoughtfully.

Love horoscope

The love horoscope for the Sagittarius woman for 2016 is encouraging. The year will be rich in adventure and romance. Some Sagittarius women will realize that they have met their soulmate, but they do not want to rush into getting married. The desire to be the leader in a couple will lead to long-term scandals. Try to pull yourself together in time.

In the summer, the love horoscope for 2016 promises a storm of emotions and romance for a Sagittarius woman. The stars advise you to forget all misunderstandings and spend this time with your soulmate. Summer is a turning point in relationships.

For married women of the Sagittarius sign, everything will be stable. But do not forget to solve problems within the family together with your spouse, this will help avoid omissions and quarrels. A stable financial situation can save you from some conflicts. Astrologers advise spending more time with your family and listening to their opinions.

Family horoscope

The Year of the Monkey for the Sagittarius woman will begin with the solution of the housing issue. This could be moving, buying or selling an apartment, or possibly a major renovation. The stars recommend doing repairs in the spring, otherwise it may take you a long time.

Children will inspire you, try to give them maximum attention. But you shouldn’t constantly indulge them in everything, they can grow up to be selfish and tyrants.

Money is not the most important thing for a Sagittarius woman, but their family idyll depends on their financial condition - this needs to be taken into account. And yet, the year is not favorable for marriage.

Financial horoscope

Financially, everything will be stable for the Sagittarius woman. She will constantly look for new sources of income. A favorable period for investing money in new projects. If you act tough and purposeful, you will make a good profit. Some instability may occur from March to July. This is due to the fact that, in your opinion, there will not be enough money.

The stars advise you to calm down; a large sum in the bank will still not bring satisfaction. In the middle of the year, the Sagittarius woman will have a desire to spend well. When it comes to purchasing, don’t listen to anyone, make the decision yourself, and with a cool head.


Already at the beginning of the year, the Sagittarius woman will receive a long-awaited proposal. Perhaps this is a business trip to another city or abroad. Don't doubt your abilities, agree. This trip will bring a lot of positive emotions and new acquaintances.

For those who do not receive a business trip offer, you should engage in advanced training: take courses or enroll in a higher education institution. But, even if you don’t need this, due to life circumstances, improve yourself in your profile at work.

This will allow you in the future not only to rise in your career, but also to get a high-paying job that you have dreamed of for so long.


The horoscope for 2016 advises the Sagittarius woman to pay more attention to her health. You will look good no matter what your illness. The Sagittarius woman is used to hiding her problems and not showing weakness. Particular attention should be paid to diet.

You should avoid eating less fatty foods and generally avoid eating at night. Wrong nutrition will lead to problems with the stomach, liver and pancreas. Depression and nervous breakdowns can land you in a hospital bed. If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor. Try not to be treated with medications alone, give the body the opportunity to heal itself. Rest more, walk and drink clean water.

In general, the year is quite good for the Sagittarius woman. If you want, you can achieve great success at work. Everything will be smooth in the family, you will feel your own satisfaction. But you need to pay due attention to your health, otherwise the consequences cannot be avoided.

Other Zodiac Signs: