
Headache. What to do if your head hurts

Headaches can often be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers and lifestyle changes, such as resting more often and drinking more fluids per day.

However, it is best to see a doctor if the headache does not go away after taking over-the-counter painkillers, or if they are so frequent and painful that they interfere with the person's daily duties or even force them to leave work.

Types of headache

Tension headache

Tension headache is one of the most common types of headaches that we tend to think of as "normal" headaches that usually don't bother us. Tension headache is pain that affects both sides of the head, with a sensation as if the head were tightly tied with a tape.

A tension headache is usually not severe enough to interfere with a person's daily activities. It usually lasts from 30 minutes to several hours, but may not go away for several days.

The exact cause of tension-type headache is unknown, but it can often be attributed to stress, poor posture, irregular eating, and dehydration.

Tension headaches are usually easily relieved with common painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. Lifestyle changes, such as getting regular sleep, reducing stress levels, and drinking a healthy diet can also help with tension headaches.


Migraine is less common than tension headache. Migraine headache is severe, throbbing, felt in the forehead or on one side of the head. Some people may have other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sound or light.

A migraine is usually worse than a tension headache, so it often interferes with a person's daily life. Migraines usually last at least a few hours, and in some cases, several days, forcing the person to spend this time in bed.

Most people successfully manage migraine symptoms with over-the-counter medications. But if the migraine is severe, prescription-only drugs may be needed. They can relieve the symptoms of a migraine and prevent its occurrence.

cluster headache

Cluster headache is a rare type of headache that recurs for a month or two at certain times of the year.

The headache of a cluster headache is extremely severe, causes pain around one eye, and is often accompanied by other symptoms (watery or reddened eyes, nasal congestion, or a runny nose).

Medications do not relieve the symptoms of cluster headache, but a doctor can suggest treatments that can reduce the pain and prevent recurrences.

Cervicogenic headache

Cervicogenic headache is what is called referred pain, which means that it is felt in the head, but its cause is in the cervical spine. The cause of cervicogenic headache is always a problem with the cervical spine.

Often the cause of cervicogenic headache is associated with excessive stress on the neck. Cervical headache can occur due to osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondylosis, etc. whiplash injury to the neck. Bony structures (eg, facet joints) as well as soft tissues of the neck (eg, muscles) may also play a role in cervicogenic headache.

Cervicogenic headache is an aching pain that often radiates to the neck and the area between the shoulder blades. Pain in cervicogenic headache can also be felt in the forehead, back of the head, and temple, despite the fact that the problem is in the cervical spine.

Pain in cervicogenic headache often begins after a sudden movement of the head, for example, after sneezing. In addition to headache and neck pain, cervicogenic headache may present with symptoms such as neck stiffness, pain in one or both arms, and migraine-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, hypersensitivity to sound or light (cervical migraine).

Most problems in the cervical spine are diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a study that allows you to get high-quality detailed images of not only bone, but also soft tissues of the spine (muscles, ligaments, nerves, intervertebral discs) in several projections. In addition, when diagnosing the cause of cervicogenic headache, nerve conduction studies can be used to determine whether there is damage to the nervous tissue and, if so, how much it is.

Treatment options for cervicogenic headache vary depending on the cause. Often these are standard methods of treating problems with the cervical spine, for example, horizontal traction (traction) of the spine, therapeutic exercises, various types of therapeutic massages, taking painkillers and hirudotherapy. In rare cases, surgery may be considered.

Headache caused by pain medications and other medications

Sometimes a headache can be a side effect of taking a certain medication. Frequent headaches can be the result of taking painkillers too often.

A headache caused by drug abuse usually resolves within a few weeks after the person stops taking the drug that causes it, although sometimes this is preceded by several days of worsening headache.

Headaches caused by hormonal imbalances

Headaches in women are often caused by hormones, for example, many women notice a headache associated with menstruation. Hormonal birth control, menopause, and pregnancy can also potentially cause headaches.

Reducing psychological stress, improving sleep and eating patterns can help manage menstrual headaches.

Other causes of headache

Headaches can also occur for a number of other reasons, including:

  • drinking too much alcohol;
  • head injury or concussion;
  • colds, flu;
  • problems with the temporomandibular joints;
  • sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • sleep apnea syndrome - a condition in which the walls of the throat relax and narrow during sleep, interfering with the normal process of breathing.

More serious causes of headache

In the vast majority of cases, a headache is not a sign of a serious problem. However, in rare cases, a headache can be a symptom of a stroke, meningitis, or a brain tumor.

The following signs and symptoms should alert you and prompt you to seek medical attention as soon as possible:

  • The headache comes on suddenly and is very severe, such as you have never experienced before;
  • The headache does not go away, but only intensifies with time;
  • Headache appears after a severe head injury;
  • Headache comes on suddenly, after coughing, sneezing, laughing, changing positions, or exercising;
  • You have symptoms that may indicate problems with the brain or nervous system, including weakness, slurred speech, impaired consciousness, memory loss, and drowsiness;
  • You have symptoms such as high fever, rash, jaw pain when chewing, vision problems, scalp pain, and redness in one or both eyes.

What to do?

If you often have a headache, you need the help of a doctor.

Pain in the head is a sign of a violation in the functioning of cerebral circulation. This type of pain is most common in medical practice. This is not only an unpleasant consequence caused by a provocative external or internal factor, but also a possible symptom of a disease in the human body. The first step is to determine the causes of regular headaches, this will help you choose a way to deal with them.

A persistent headache must have a cause, which can be caused by:

  • stressful situation;
  • lack or excess of sleep;
  • eye strain;
  • hormonal failure;
  • long-term use of drugs;
  • overweight;
  • head injury;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • chronic fatigue.

stressful situations

Although minor stress does not harm the body, being in a state of constant stress and tension leads to daily headaches and insomnia.

Sleep deprivation or excess

Healthy sleep restores the physical and psychological state of the body as a whole. With a lack of sleep or, conversely, with an excess of sleep, pain in the head can occur, which over time can become regular. For normal functioning and the absence of unpleasant consequences, a person needs to sleep for 6-7 hours during the day.

Eye strain

When working with papers or at a computer monitor for a long time, with improperly selected glasses or not too bright lighting in the room, overstrain of the eye muscles occurs, which can provoke severe pain in the head.

Hormonal disbalance

Changes in hormone levels can be the reason why your head hurts every day. Such changes in the hormonal background most often occur in women during the menstrual and premenstrual period, during menopause or menopause, as well as pregnancy.

Taking medication

Long-term use of medications can also cause daily headaches, such as when taking painkillers. It can also be a signal that some medicine prescribed by a doctor is not suitable for you, and daily headaches are just a side effect that can be eliminated by replacing the drug with an analogue.


If you have a headache every day with excess weight, this is a sign of the body about a possible disease.

Head injury

Head pain from a traumatic brain injury can last 2-8 weeks. If the attacks do not stop after, you should consult a doctor in connection with chronic post-traumatic headache.

Alcohol consumption

A certain dose of an alcoholic drink or a poor tolerance for alcohol can lead to discomfort.

Possible consequences

Regular pain in the head is in itself a consequence that can occur if the treatment of the disease is started, it can also be a signal from the body about the appearance of health problems. In addition, pain can develop into a serious illness - migraine, if you do not take action to get rid of pain. The consequences of daily headaches can also be:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • prostration,
  • vomit,
  • depression,
  • insomnia,
  • temperature, etc.

Headache is a possible symptom

Daily headaches vary in strength and frequency throughout the day, and may be the body's signal of an illness. In addition, headache may also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, blackouts, vomiting, etc.
List of possible diseases with a similar symptom:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological disease;
  • osteochondrosis in the cervical region;
  • meningitis;
  • intoxication;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • atherosclerosis.

You should also not forget that the most common cause of headaches that occur daily in a person can be fatigue, overexertion, etc.

The main types of pain

  1. Stress, pressure drops, active mental work and overstrain most often lead to regular pain in the temples. This also leads to a running migraine and prolonged use of drugs, to which the body can become addicted.
  2. If your head hurts every day in the neck area, this may be a sign of high blood pressure, a disease of the cervical spine (for example, osteochondrosis) or a strong load on this area, as well as a sign of a neurological disease.
  3. In the frontal part of the head, pain can occur due to written work or a long stay at the computer, when in a noisy or crowded place, due to visual strain. Pain in the frontal part can also be a signal for a number of diseases, such as:
    1. neoplasms or vascular diseases of the brain,
    2. mental illness,
    3. chronic intoxication (infectious or toxic) and others.
  1. The reason why pain can occur in the morning and even persist all day is lack of sleep or, conversely, too much sleep. In the latter case (and during daytime sleep every day), pain occurs due to an increase in the influx of a special fluid - cerebrospinal fluid, which washes the brain.
  2. If nausea or dizziness has been added to your problem, in the first case this may be due to high or low blood pressure, obesity or intoxication of the body.
    In the second case, dizziness and fainting are added with severe injuries, with cerebral edema, or with a severe migraine attack.
  3. Weakness in the form of tingling of the fingers and toes or their numbness, as well as a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head, can be a sign of a serious illness, such as:
    1. meningitis,
    2. infection of the tissues of the brain or spinal cord,
    3. arthritis, etc.
  1. The temperature is usually added for colds and infectious diseases, for meningitis and during the menstrual cycle.
  2. Throbbing pain is associated with:
    1. vegetative diseases,
    2. tumors
    3. with mastocytosis,
    4. drinking alcohol or due to stressful situations.
  1. Pressive pain is a more common type of pain, usually due to overexertion or too long work, but it can also be a symptom of a brain abscess, encephalitis and other diseases.

What to do for headaches

First of all, you need to consult a doctor if your head hurts every day for a long time, so self-medication is recommended only in the initial period. Depending on the type of pain and its strength, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, which may include:

  • general and clinical analysis of blood;
  • ultrasound dopplerography (otherwise ultrasound) of the vessels of the cervical and head;
  • MRI of the cervical region, brain, and back;
  • electroencephalography (otherwise EGG);
  • lipidogram;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist, psychologist or other specialists.

It is important to find out the nature of the pain and identify the cause of their occurrence, and then get rid of it. Pills (analgesics and painkillers) only temporarily reduce the headache, and therefore are not a solution to the problem.

To get rid of most types of headaches, you can usually do the following:

  • taking a shower or a warm bath;
  • a walk in the fresh air;
  • massage of the head, temples or neck;
  • physical warm-up of the shoulders and neck;
  • warm milk with a little honey or hot tea with valerian, lemon balm, motherwort and other herbs with a calming effect.
  • breathe fresh air more often (walk and ventilate the room where you are);
  • avoid noise and harsh sounds as much as possible;
  • observe a strict sleep regimen - sleep 6-7 hours a day;
  • avoid odors and strong tastes;
  • apply a cold compress to the forehead;
  • use aromatherapy with lemon, lavender, rose and other oils;
  • include more vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • in cold weather, use a hat;
  • avoid stress and anxiety;
  • use a deep breathing exercise that involves the abdominal muscles;
  • doctors advise sleeping in a room with good ventilation and an average temperature;
  • repeat eye exercises daily;
  • drink enough liquid throughout the day;
  • relax the muscles of the shoulders and neck with a massage;
  • take a vacation if possible;
  • turn on the TV or computer as rarely as possible;
  • plan rest and working hours.

Head pain prevention

Preventive actions are also important in getting rid of headaches in order to avoid their recurrence.

Some practical tips on how to avoid headaches:

  1. do not slouch, do not lean on the armrests of the chairs, this causes the muscles of the neck, shoulders and head to strain;
  2. it is not recommended to make the chin a fulcrum (for example, press it to the chest);

Aching headache is a common problem that worries people of all ages. The reasons may be: overwork, vascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system. Painkillers are often used for aching headaches. However, in a chronic course, the problem requires complex treatment.

Causes of aching headaches

Various problems in the human body lead to aching pain in the head (cephalgia). The main ones are:

  1. Overexertion of the muscles of the face.
  2. Osteochondrosis, myogelosis.
  3. High or low blood pressure.
  4. Trigeminal or occipital neuralgia.
  5. Allergic processes or reaction to products, pungent odors.
  6. Psychological stress.
  7. vascular disorders.
  8. Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses, inner ear.
  9. Taking certain medications.
  10. Weather change.
  11. Intoxication (alcohol, drugs).
  12. Hormonal diseases and pregnancy.

Physical stress and osteochondrosis

Physical tension occurs when the muscles of the face are tense for a long time. Mimic muscles compress the nerves and blood vessels, which is why painful sensations arise.

Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic process that provokes neck muscle tension (myogelosis). In addition to tense muscles, pathological formations, such as hernias, osteophytes, put pressure on the nerve plexuses and blood vessels. Compression of the arteries leads to a lack of oxygen in the brain, which in many cases provokes unpleasant symptoms.

intracranial hypertension

Increased pressure of cerebral fluid in the ventricles of the brain, liquorodynamic disorders, often cause cephalalgia. This syndrome can occur when kidney function is impaired, craniocerebral trauma, pathologies in the structure of blood vessels or the brain cavities themselves, through which cerebrospinal fluid circulates. Intracranial hypertension is manifested by nausea or vomiting, and sometimes convulsive seizures.


Intolerance to certain foods and substances in the air can cause migraines. It is characterized by excruciating pains, usually localized in one half of the head. Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It is preceded by a specific aura.


What is happening in the moment in the head? With migraine cephalgia, the vessels dilate under the influence of biologically active substances. Migraine provocateurs are often ripe cheeses, fish (especially mackerel), seafood, chewing gum with Aspartame sweetener, red wine. The reasons may also be allergies to pollen, dust, pungent odors.

Nervous tension, neuralgia

Trigeminal and occipital neuralgia can also lead to unpleasant symptoms. Inflammation of the nerves provoked can be hypothermia, a herpes infection.

Psychological stress is a provocateur of cephalalgia. Anxiety, anger, or fear release stress hormones such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. These substances, being in small doses of blood, provoke vasospasm, from which oxygen saturation of the brain suffers. The result is aching cephalgia.

Hypertension and vascular problems

The main cause of cephalalgia is problems with arteries, veins, capillaries, which are caused by a disorder in the functions of the autonomic nervous system. Neurocirculatory dystonia in the presence of provoking factors (a sharp change in weather, stuffy atmosphere, lack of sleep) can cause discomfort.

It's no secret what causes discomfort in the head. But these symptoms are only a small part of the manifestations of this disease. Essential hypertension and symptomatic hypertension become the causes of encephalopathy with the development of organic disorders of blood vessels and brain tissue. The walls of blood vessels supplying the brain are impregnated with blood plasma proteins and lose their elasticity.

Inflammatory processes

Colds, as well as inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, sinusitis) lead to heaviness in the head. The accumulation of purulent exudate in the mastoid process of the temporal bone (mastoiditis), problems with teeth and gums (periodontitis) can cause aching cephalalgia. After recovery, the discomfort disappears.


If the head aches, then the problem may be in the medications taken. Provocateurs are drugs such as:

  1. dopamine agonists.
  2. Oral contraceptives.
  3. Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Medicines for migraine.
  5. Cardiac nitrates: Nitroglycerin, Sodium nitroprusside, Isosorbide mono- and dinitrate.

Dopamine agonists such as Bromocriptine (Dostinex), Mastodinone act on receptors in the hypothalamus like the hormone dopamine, which dilates blood vessels. This can trigger a migraine.

Oral contraceptives containing analogues of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone can also cause migraines, exacerbation of sensitivity to allergens.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Paracetamol, Citramon, Aspirin, can cause overuse pain, as they are often taken for migraine and can cause it to worsen. Such drugs can cause small hemorrhages of the capillaries of the brain.

The action of anti-migraine agents, triptan derivatives, ergotamine, cause narrowing of pathologically dilated vessels. However, in case of an overdose, they can cause severe spasm, the consequence of this is spastic cephalalgia.

Antianginal drugs used to treat angina attacks sometimes cause migraine-like symptoms by dilating the arteries.

Find out why it appears and how to fix it.

Read why it appears: the main causes and treatment.

What to do if heavy metals appear.

Diagnosis and treatment

Chronic aching pain is a serious symptom of disorders in the body, a reason for contacting a neurologist.

Examinations to be completed:

  1. Ultrasound of the brain (more informative than CT and MRI).
  2. Rheoencephalogram - checking the condition of arteries, veins, capillaries of various calibers.
  3. Electroencephalogram.
  4. General analysis of blood, urine.

Treatment is prescribed by a neurologist after a detailed examination. For spasms, apply: Cavinton, Stugeron (Cinnarizine), (Nicergoline). These drugs are contraindicated in migraine, cluster pain.

With migraines, they take Sumatriptan, ergotamines. Dosage must be accurate to avoid spasm. Taking migraine vasodilators, such as Cavinton, Cinnarizine, worsens symptoms, so they are contraindicated.

Headache is a common symptom of a non-specific nature, which manifests itself in the form of pain of a different nature in the head area, often radiating to the neck. It is impossible to ignore such a pathological process, since it can be a sign of the development of a life-threatening disease. It should be noted that any ailment can provoke such a condition, in the pathogenesis of which there is an effect on the pain receptors of the human body. The periodic and short occurrence of such a symptom is not always a reason to see a doctor, while frequent headaches require immediate medical attention.


Headaches can be caused by:

  • spasm of arterial vessels;
  • hypoxia;
  • (observed in the back of the head);
  • excessive tension of the muscles of the head and neck;
  • the development of certain pathological processes that affect the nerve endings;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • starvation;
  • , nervous strain;
  • trauma;
  • hypokinesia;
  • chronic pathologies of the sinuses -,.

In addition, a headache is often observed during pregnancy, which is due to changes in the functioning of the body and an increase in the load on some systems.

It should be noted that these are far from all etiological factors in which cephalgia is observed. In any case, if a person is concerned about frequent headaches, you should consult a doctor, and not take medications on your own. It is likely that this symptom is one of the signs of the clinical picture of a certain ailment. Ignoring this factor can lead not only to the development of complications, but also to death.

We should not forget that a headache is possible from overexertion, overwork or lack of sleep. In this case, you should simply review your regimen and make the appropriate adjustments. Otherwise, the development of concomitant diseases is possible.


According to the international classification of ICD-10, headache is divided, depending on the etiology, into two groups:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The primary group includes the following subspecies:

  • tension headache (neuralgia of the occipital type, overstrain of the neck muscles, psychosomatics);
  • various types (in this case, nausea joins);
  • cluster headache or cluster headache.

The secondary types of cephalalgia include those that are the result of a certain pathological process or mechanical impact (impact, trauma). In general, the following factors can be distinguished:

  • post-traumatic cephalgia or trauma of the cervical spine;
  • vascular pathologies in the head and neck;
  • intracranial pathologies;
  • long-term use of certain medications or abrupt withdrawal of medications;
  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • symptomatic, which are caused by diseases of the respiratory tract, oral cavity (for example, a strong one can provoke a headache in the temples and radiate to the eyes and ears).

In such cases, only a doctor should prescribe treatment, taking into account not only the general clinical picture, but also the pathogenesis of the underlying disease.


Additional signs of the clinical picture will depend on the etiology of the disease that provoked this symptom. However, it should be said that each type of cephalalgia has its own characteristic features. In general, the following symptoms can be distinguished:

  • general weakness;
  • irritability;
  • deterioration or complete.

The most common tension headache, which has the following characteristics:

  • noted in the forehead, occiput and temporal areas;
  • is aching in nature, there is a feeling of constriction of the forehead with a hoop;
  • discomfort is long lasting.

In addition to these signs, tension headache may have such additional symptoms that are caused by the person's condition:

  • irritability;
  • nervous tension;

Cluster headache is most common in men. The clinical picture in this case is as follows:

  • one-sided nature of the pain (headache in the forehead or temple, often radiates to the neck);
  • the short nature of the pain - no more than 5 minutes;
  • attacks 5-6 times a day.

It should be noted that such attacks can be so strong that pain shock can develop. These headache symptoms require immediate medical attention.

Often there are attacks of migraine pain. In this case, the following clinical picture is observed:

  • throbbing pain in the head;
  • pain duration up to 72 hours;
  • , sometimes with bouts of vomiting;
  • intolerance to light and loud sounds;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

In some cases, the head in the back of the head may hurt. It should be noted that clinicians have determined the manifestation of such a localization site with.

The general clinical picture may be supplemented by specific signs, depending on what exactly caused the development of such a symptom.


Diagnostic measures will depend on the general condition of the patient and the alleged etiological factor. First of all, a detailed physical examination is carried out with the clarification of the general anamnesis. In general, the diagnostic program may include the following laboratory and instrumental methods of examination:

  • x-ray studies.

Additional diagnostic methods will depend on the localization of GB, the general clinical picture and the patient's history.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, after an accurate diagnosis and identification of the etiology of the development of this pathological process. Unauthorized use of drugs in the event that a headache every day is strictly not recommended. This can lead not only to the development of serious complications, but also to a blurred clinical picture, which will complicate further diagnosis and may lead to ineffective treatment.


Headache treatment depends not only on the underlying ailment, but also on its localization. So, a headache during pregnancy involves a minimum of medication, as this can harm the health of the child.

Traditional pain relievers can only be used for occasional headaches from tension, fatigue, and similar factors. In all other cases, it is the root cause that needs to be eliminated, and not the symptom itself.

Headache in the back of the head may indicate high blood pressure. In this case, the doctor may prescribe drugs to stabilize the blood pressure.

In general, the treatment program is based on the following aspects:

  • if the back of the head hurts, use antihypertensive drugs and drugs to normalize the tone of arterial vessels. Also, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy procedures;
  • medicines for migraine headaches are prescribed strictly individually, as well as for tension headaches;
  • if the back of the head and the temporal region hurt, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect can be used;
  • with a headache that is caused, Carbamazepine and its analogues are prescribed.

A list of headache pills, dosage, regimen and duration of their intake can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Unauthorized taking of drugs, in this case, is unacceptable, as this can lead to serious consequences.

Paracetamol is used for short-term headache relief. For more intense headache attacks, No-shpa can be used.

How to get rid of a headache can only be said by a doctor after an examination and an accurate diagnosis. As for non-traditional methods of treatment, folk remedies for headaches can be used, but only as an addition to the main course of treatment or as a preventive measure.


Since severe cephalalgia is not an independent disease, but a nonspecific symptom, there are no specific methods of prevention. However, to prevent ailments in the clinical picture of which there is this symptom, the following should be put into practice:

  • complete and timely nutrition;
  • exclusion of bad habits, including alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  • timely and complete treatment of all ailments;
  • systematic preventive examination by specialized medical specialists;
  • avoidance of stress, nervous strain and similar psychological disorders.

In addition, self-treatment should not be started, as this is fraught with serious consequences, and death is no exception.

If you have symptoms of the above diseases and persistent headache, you should immediately seek medical help.

One of the most common complaints among patients visiting a doctor is a severe headache. There is not a single person who has not encountered this symptomatology at least once in his life. There are practically no diseases that are not accompanied by unpleasant spasms, pulsating or aching.

Many people are used to ignoring migraine attacks, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, even death. Therefore, with a severe headache, you need to take the appropriate drugs, if your health does not improve, call the SMP team.

Classification of the pathological condition

Severe pain and spasms in the head can be both primary and secondary. In the first situation, the symptoms take the main place in the disease, in the second case they are signs of another pathology.

Primary headache:

  1. Bundle spasms.
  2. Migraine attacks.
  3. Pain, the so-called tension.
  4. Spasms unrelated to pathologies of brain structures.

A very strong and sharp headache is formed as a result of exposure to pain receptors. A similar process can be observed in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, depending on the provoking factors.

Secondary severe pains and throbbing in the head:

  • vascular diseases;
  • received injuries;
  • intracranial pathologies, not of vascular origin;
  • the use of chemicals or the rejection of them;
  • inflammatory process in the body;
  • improper metabolism;
  • pathologies of cranial, facial structures: cervical, eyes, teeth, skull.

If the patient is interested in how to relieve a severe headache, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination and, based on the results, determine the causes of migraine attacks and recommend appropriate therapy.

Origin of the pathological condition

Before you start taking medication to eliminate a severe throbbing headache, you need to establish the causes of such an attack. This is the only way to choose an effective drug that can help get rid of unpleasant, annoying discomfort.

Primary causes of severe headache:

  1. Colds of an infectious nature: tonsillitis, influenza, sinusitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Most often, attacks are observed in the morning hours. Treatment of the underlying pathology will help get rid of spasms.
  2. Migraine. The pathological condition occurs suddenly, regardless of age. Most often, pain occurs in the left or right side of the head and is accompanied by additional symptoms: a feeling of nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and an incomprehensible reaction to sharp sounds.
  3. Pathologies of a dental nature. Localization of spasms - the upper part of the head (frontal).
  4. Organic diseases of the "gray matter", malignant and benign neoplasms.
  5. Vascular diseases: atherosclerosis, vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension. As well as pathologies of the spinal column: osteochondrosis of the cervical region.
  6. Eye diseases: glaucoma, intraocular pressure. The patient may suddenly lose consciousness. Incorrectly selected glasses for glasses can provoke such a condition.
  7. Injuries to the head, spinal column. Even after intensive care, severe pain is often disturbed, the localization of which is different. A person can be prone to migraines for a short time or throughout life. Therefore, even with a small injury, it is necessary to undergo an examination.
  8. Stressful situations, mental, physical or mental strain. This is the most common reason why very strong spasms occur, since a person is not able to distribute the load more rationally.
  9. Inadequate diet: lack of vitamin B, Fe, as well as oversaturation of the body with alcohol, histamines, caffeine. Lack of sleep, lack of activity, oxygen starvation.
  10. Temperature fluctuations, changes in climatic conditions.
  11. Poisoning the body with harmful substances, a hangover.

These are the most common reasons why a person may have throbbing pain, regardless of his age. It is not recommended to take all the medicines in a row, this will not only aggravate the patient's condition, but also distort the clinical picture.

One of the causes of the pathological condition

Diagnostic technique of pathology

If the patient is constantly worried about severe headaches for a long period of time, then you should consult a doctor and establish the cause of this condition.

To determine the origin of migraine attacks, it is prescribed:

  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance angiography;
  • pressure control;
  • laboratory tests.

With headaches, it is recommended to undergo an additional examination by an ophthalmologist, since with the help of equipment it is possible to detect the presence of disorders in the fundus. This will determine the cause of migraine attacks. In some situations, you will need to consult other doctors of narrow specialties.

When Medical Assistance Is Needed

The strongest migraine attack should not be ignored, but it is better to call the SMP team. The patient needs to seek medical attention if the following symptoms are present:

  1. The head hurts very much, despite the fact that the person has not complained about this condition before.
  2. If, in addition to severe spasms, there is stiffness of the neck, fever.
  3. When all family members complain of unpleasant discomfort, especially in winter, there is a danger of carbon monoxide (gas) poisoning.
  4. With severe incomprehensible spasms.
  5. If the patient has already been diagnosed with migraine and home treatment has not yielded any results.

Each acute pain in the head should not be left unattended by physicians. Early diagnosis of the disease, including neoplasms localized on one side of the brain, can be completely cured, which cannot be done when the disease has already acquired an advanced form.

It is necessary to urgently call the ambulance brigade in the following situations:

  • if the attack occurred suddenly and began to gradually intensify;
  • excruciating pulsation appeared after TBI;
  • sharp pain with impaired visual function, weakness and numbness of the limbs;
  • cramps are accompanied by fever (without symptoms of a cold);
  • any headache of unknown origin.

With a sudden increase in pressure, the risk of developing hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke increases. Therefore, in case of poor health, unbearable spasms, it is necessary to call the SMP and drink the antihypertensive drug previously prescribed to the patient by the doctor (“Captopril” under the tongue).

pain syndrome in migraine

Such a pathological condition is the primary form of the disease, which occurs independently, regardless of concomitant ailments. The symptoms of migraine are typical, so diagnosing the pathology is quite simple - by the nature of pulsating spasms.

The development of an attack can provoke the following factors:

  1. The use of products with tyramine.
  2. Physical stress.
  3. Dishormonal pathologies.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. Oral hormonal preparations.

Migraine is always intense, the headache is rated by patients as severe or moderate. Most often, one side of the head pulsates, sensitivity to sounds, bright light, smells increases, and nausea appears. The duration of the attack is from 4 hours to 3 days.

What to do if a patient has a migraine attack, the attending physician should say, since simple drugs for headaches in this case will not have any effect, as a result of which the patient's condition may worsen.

Provoking factor

Cerebral sudden bleeding

In case of rupture of blood vessels or injury, a person does not immediately realize that unpleasant discomfort threatens him with a serious danger.

To the complex signs of hemorrhage, doctors include symptoms such as:

  • unbearable pain in the head, gradually increasing;
  • violation of visual functions before their loss;
  • speech change;
  • disorientation in space, impaired motor functions;
  • sudden vomiting, nausea.

It is dangerous for the patient to think for a long time about how to get rid of unbearable discomfort. To save the health and life of the patient in such a situation, only urgent prompt assistance will help.

Pain syndrome with pressure

A very severe headache that appears suddenly at night or after waking up may indicate a hypertensive crisis. This condition is caused by an increase in the amount of cerebrospinal substance and is provoked by a lying position, poor venous circulation.

The main symptoms are:

  1. Reduction in the intensity of spasms during the day.
  2. The place of their localization is on the left or right side of the head.
  3. Increasing cephalgia.
  4. The pain is bursting or pressing in nature.
  5. Vomiting, nausea may occur.

High blood pressure is one of the signs of cerebral bleeding, tumors and other diseases that require immediate examination. More informative diagnostic methods are MRI. Based on symptoms and electroencephalography alone, it is difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis.

An increase in blood pressure could be a sign of cerebral bleeding.

Tumors and pain syndrome

In some patients, unbearable headache is observed against the background of the development of malignant neoplasms. In the early stages, as a rule, the disease practically does not make itself felt, only slight dizziness may appear, followed by disorientation and loss of coordination.

To the developing symptoms of cancerous tumors, doctors include:

  • sudden headache after waking up, accompanied by vomiting, nausea;
  • gradual increase in pathological symptoms;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • convulsions turning into epileptic seizures.

The neoplasm, gradually increasing in size, contributes to an increase in symptoms, which worsens the general well-being of the patient. It is necessary to treat such pain syndrome taking into account the form and stage of the disease.

Comprehensive complete therapy

How to relieve acute spasms, every person who has experienced such a pathological condition at least once in his life knows. The method of treatment itself can be either medical or conventional, based on the use of physiotherapy.

traditional medicines

Pulsating spasms are most often relieved with conventional medications designed to quickly eliminate pain.

The main drugs prescribed by the doctor:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Russian Aspirin.
  2. Antispasmodic drugs eliminate tension, relieve spasms - "No-shpa", "Papaverine".
  3. For pain accompanied by high blood pressure - "Analgin".
  4. For quick relief, a single dose of Pentalgin or Novigan is shown.

With an intolerable headache, drugs are prescribed against vasoconstriction and edema of the "gray matter". In order to timely cope with the underlying disease that provokes the development of a pathological condition, it is necessary to tell your doctor about your feelings and symptoms.

Essential Medications

Alternative Therapy Method

You can get rid of a painful condition not only with the help of medications, but also with other methods of treatment.

Alternative methodology includes:

  • local and general massage. During the procedure, certain points are affected, which helps to improve blood circulation, relax muscle mass;
  • balneological treatment - therapy with water, the right temperature. This includes gymnastics on the water;
  • acupuncture - the introduction of needles into vital points for this procedure.

With sudden migraine attacks, drugs are taken to relieve painful spasms to quickly eliminate them. Alternative treatment is used for long-term therapy and prevention of subsequent pathological conditions.

A severe headache comes on suddenly and can be long-lasting or short-term. Depending on its intensity, certain drugs are taken to alleviate the pathological condition. With systematically recurring attacks, a comprehensive examination should be performed.