
Grandaxin how it works. Grandaxin: application, instructions, reviews


In the modern world, under the influence of an abundance of stress, many people can no longer independently control their psychological state, therefore they are forced to resort to the use of sedatives. Familiarize yourself with the information about Grandaxin, a drug from this group of drugs. Information about its action and the price of tablets may be useful to you.

Grandaxin - instruction

This medicine belongs to the group of tranquilizers - drugs that tend to relieve anxieties and fears. The effect of the use of these tablets received a lot of positive feedback from patients. Even considering this, it is still impossible to make a decision on your own to take a course of Grandaxin - the instructions for using the drug say that it should be dispensed by prescription.

This condition is logical: although today there are many factors in the world around us that can unbalance the nervous system, but the uncontrolled intake of drugs with a psychotropic effect carries many serious and sometimes unforeseen risks. For this reason, only a doctor should determine how to take Grandaxin for each individual patient.

The action of Grandaxin

According to the annotation to the drug, the active component of the tablets is tofisopam. This substance belongs to the group of daytime anxiolytics, which determines the nature of the action of Grandaxin. This medicine produces a sedative effect, but at the same time it also has disinhibitory, energizing, activating properties. The combination of these qualities allows the use of the drug in the treatment of a wide range of health disorders.

Grandaxin tablets - indications for use

The instructions for the drug established a list of disorders for the treatment of which it is recommended to use this remedy. According to this document, the sedative Grandaxin is indicated for use in:

  • neurosis-like states (anxiety, apathy, decreased activity and motivation, depressed mood) and neuroses;
  • premenstrual syndrome, menopause;
  • cardialgia;
  • neurogenic muscular atrophies;
  • neuromuscular diseases - myopathy, myasthenia gravis;
  • withdrawal syndrome from alcohol abuse;
  • as part of complex therapy for bulimia.

There is another type of disease in which Grandaxin is indicated - the instructions for use indicate that the drug can be used for vegetative disorders. Patients note that this medicine helps well to stop panic attacks, interruptions in breathing and fainting - one of the most painful symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia.

You need to know that the use of Grandaxin in such cases is not the only way to treat. In the course of therapy, the doctor may prescribe analogues of this strong tranquilizer, i.e. drugs with a similar mechanism of action. Among the names of such drugs are Alprazol, Afobazol, Adaptol, Glycine, Corvalol, etc. It is interesting that Grandaxin has many analogues, but there are no synonyms (drugs with the same active ingredient). For this reason, the patient should describe in detail the symptoms experienced by the doctor so that he selects the drug that is most effective in terms of its effect on the body.

How to take Grandaxin

The course of treatment with this drug should be selected only by a doctor. When writing a prescription, the doctor will prescribe the dosage of Grandaxin necessary to relieve symptoms, taking into account individual tolerance. The specialist will also take into account the compatibility of the drug with other drugs used - this will exclude various risks while using different drugs by a person.

Often, patients are prescribed 1-2 tablets (50-100 mg) up to 3 times a day. You need to drink them after meals. The maximum allowable daily dose is 300 mg of the active substance, the last tablet should be drunk before 16 hours. How long you can take Grandaxin without a break - is within the competence of the doctor, he controls that the medicine has the desired effect and there is no addiction. The doctor also takes into account the peculiarities of the use of Grandaxin by the elderly, patients who have abnormalities in the functioning of the liver or kidneys - the instruction says about the caution of using the drug in these cases.

Grandaxin - side effects

Like almost every drug, this drug has a number of side effects. Why is it important to take them into account when prescribing Grandaxin - side effects can practically neutralize the positive effect of the drug on a person's well-being. According to reviews, during the course of treatment with this drug, such undesirable manifestations are not uncommon:

  • headache, psychomotor agitation, insomnia;
  • difficulty in breathing;
  • muscle tension and pain;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, gas formation, constipation;
  • skin itching, exanthema, etc.

The price of Grandaxin

The cost of this drug will vary slightly depending on how a person decides to purchase it. So, it is convenient to buy a medicine in an online store - order it from the catalog, you can also buy it in a regular pharmacy. The price of Grandaxin, according to most of the announced offers, varies from 345 to 455 rubles for a package of 20 tablets, and a package of 60 tablets is sold for 745-975 rubles.

Important: the price of the original drug cannot be much lower than the average cost of Grandaxin. When choosing where to buy pills, one must take into account that they are not only sold inexpensively, but also purchased in a trusted place. People who need this medicine that affects the nervous system need to take a responsible approach to such a purchase so that instead of the expected benefits from the course of treatment, they do not cause significant harm to their health and well-being.

Video: Grandaxin is prescribed for what


Julia, 47 years old These pills were attributed to my husband - after a series of career failures, his nerves were completely naughty. They have already bought the medicine, and he read somewhere that Grandaxin can affect potency - and you shouldn’t drink them in any! Although I found information that such an influence was not noted, this is not an argument for him. I had to go to the doctor - to ask for an acceptable analogue.
Valentina, 39 years old I have antidepressants in my home first aid kit - it’s easier for me to drink medicine than to ask someone to help me figure out my problems and fears. Last fall I drank the indicated tranquilizer strictly according to the doctor's instructions. Pros: my mood improved, I forgot what it is to be nervous. Cons: a feeling of slight inhibition, rather big price.
Elena, 27 years old In my youth, I finished playing with losing weight so that I had to undergo a course of treatment so as not to die. Grandaxin was also prescribed by a doctor according to the prescription, the remedy was regularly taken according to the instructions, it helped well. Now I'm expecting a baby, my nerves are naughty. I thought again about these pills, but even though there are no contraindications at my gestational age, I’ll still wait to drink them.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia causes a lot of inconvenience. This disease is accompanied by headaches, can lead to fainting and heart failure. Patients often complain of increased sweating, shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Grandaxin with VSD will help relieve these negative symptoms and improve the patient's condition.

How does VSD manifest itself?

VVD develops against the background of chronic or acute diseases. You should be alert if the following symptoms appear:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bloating, nausea, increased gas, diarrhea;
  • changes in breathing, a feeling of lack of air, more rapid breathing, which causes hyperventilation of the lungs;
  • pain in the heart, tachycardia, high blood pressure;
  • violation of thermoregulation, increased sweating;
  • sexual dysfunction, manifested in painful menstruation and lack of orgasm.

VSD classification

Depending on which organ system the disease affects, there are several types of VVD:

  1. Cardiac VVD - characterized by pain in the left side of the chest, tachycardia;
  2. Thermoregulatory VSD - a violation of heat transfer, body temperature is constantly changing;
  3. Respiratory VVD - there are symptoms similar to asthma, constant shortness of breath;
  4. Urogenital VVD - the appearance of pain during urination in the absence of organ pathology;
  5. Dysdynamic VVD - blood flow disturbances, drops and sudden pressure surges;
  6. Dyspeptic VVD - disorders of the digestive tract, diarrhea, vomiting;
  7. Psychoneurological VVD - characterized by anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, sensitivity to weather changes.

Causes of VVD

VVD can cause malfunction of any organ. The appearance of most diseases is associated with a violation of vascular tone.

The most common causes of the development of VSD are:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases;
  2. Endocrine system disorders;
  3. Allergic diseases;
  4. Violation of the intestinal microflora;
  5. Pathology of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts;
  6. Gastritis, colitis, ulcers;
  7. Osteochondrosis;
  8. Bad habits;
  9. Sedentary lifestyle.

Treatment of VSD with Grandaxin

People diagnosed with VVD are characterized by increased anxiety, depression, they are prone to panic attacks. To treat this condition, patients are prescribed tranquilizers.

Tranquilizers have a sedative effect in VVD. They support the normal well-being of the patient, helping him to cope with mental disorders. However, they have one significant drawback - tranquilizers are addictive in VVD. In medical practice today, a more gentle drug is used - Grandaxin.

Grandaxin is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer. The active ingredient is tofisopam. Of the excipients, Grandaxin contains magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, gelatin, talc, cellulose, starch.

The drug Grandaxin for VVD is produced in the form of white tablets. One tablet contains 50 mg of the active substance.

Reasons why you should choose Grandaxin for treatment

Taking the drug Grandaxin does not cause dependence in VVD, does not show anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects. This is its advantage when compared with other benzodiazepines.

Grandaxin does not affect the ability to concentrate, does not have a hypnotic effect, it can be safely used in the daytime.

Features of administration and dosage

Grandaxin with VVD should be taken 1-3 times a day, 1-2 tablets. The maximum allowable daily dose of Grandaxin is 30 mg. To make the tablet work faster, it is placed under the tongue.

Since the drug Grandaxin is excreted by the kidneys, patients with renal insufficiency reduce the dosage by 2 times.

Elderly people are more sensitive to benzodiazepines, so they are prescribed 150-300 mg of Grandaxin per day.

The use of Grandaxin with cyclosporine, sirolimus, tacrolimus is not allowed, since it contributes to their accumulation in the blood.

Simultaneous reception of Grandaxin with antidepressants, analgesics and antihistamines enhances the sedative effect of tofisopam.

In the treatment of VSD with Grandaxin, the use of alcohol, barbiturates and antiepileptic drugs is contraindicated, since they more intensively remove tofisopam from the body, as a result of which its content in the blood decreases, and the therapeutic effect decreases.

Use the drug Grandaxin with mexidol should be careful, because it enhances the effect of benzodiazepine.

Antifungal agents slow down the metabolism of tofisopam, as a result of which the amount of Grandaxin in the blood increases. A similar effect is exerted by β-blockers, disulfiram, cimetidine and omeprazole.

The drug Grandaxin can be used in conjunction with many drugs other than those described above. Grandaxin and glycine are compatible, so they are often prescribed together. The drug is often prescribed in combination with antipsychotics to suppress psychosis.

What does an overdose of the drug lead to?

Symptoms of an overdose of Grandaxin are rare. Their appearance is possible after taking 50-120 mg of tofisopam per kilogram of weight. This condition is characterized by depressed breathing, confused consciousness, epileptic seizure, coma.

Indications for the use of Grandaxin

Indications for the use of Grandaxin are as follows:

  • depression;
  • neuroses;
  • stress;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • myasthenia, myopathy;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • withdrawal syndrome.

Side effects

Subject to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, the side effects of Grandaxin are practically non-existent.

Patients had anorexia, nausea, and increased flatulence. In rare cases, jaundice may develop. The use of the drug Grandaxin can cause confusion, insomnia, increased irritability.

Possible manifestation of allergic reactions: itching, exanthema.

If any side effects appear, you should stop using Grandaxin.


It is better to refuse the use of Grandaxin in such cases:

  1. First trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Breastfeeding.
  3. Galactose intolerance.
  4. Respiratory failure, when normal blood composition is not maintained.
  5. Apnea syndrome (stopping breathing during sleep).
  6. High level of aggression.
  7. Severe depression.
  8. Sensitivity to one of the components of the drug.
  9. chronic psychosis.
  10. Obsessive states.
  11. Phobias.

With caution, Grandaxin is prescribed for brain damage, the development of acute respiratory failure, epilepsy, angle-closure glaucoma.

And suffocation - hundreds of people face all these conditions every day.

Cases of vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) are observed in different age groups. Violation is accompanied not only by the symptoms listed above, but also by many other unpleasant conditions.

Grandaxin in VVD is one of the drugs that neurologists often prescribe during exacerbations, as well as to maintain the nervous system.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!


The main active ingredient of the drug is tofisopam. One tablet of Grandaxin contains 50 mg of the active ingredient.


  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • gelatin;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose monohydrate.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug belongs to the group of tranquilizers, is a benzodiazepine derivative. The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating various forms of vegetative disorders. Grandaxin also has psychostimulant activity. The remedy is prescribed to patients suffering from myasthenia gravis and myopathy.

The drug does not cause mental or physical dependence, after a course of treatment there is no withdrawal syndrome. The medicine belongs to daytime anxiolytics (sedatives).

Rather quickly and almost completely absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. Two hours later, the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood occurs.

The half-life is six to eight hours. More than half of the incoming substance (about 60%) is excreted in the urine, the rest - during defecation.

Indications for use

The main indication for admission is a state that is accompanied by emotional overstrain and moderate fear. The remedy is taken for disorders accompanied by autonomic disorders and apathy.

In addition, the drug is taken:

  • in conditions accompanied by reduced activity;
  • obsessive experiences;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • in the menopause;
  • with post-traumatic stress disorders;
  • disturbed psycho-emotional adaptation;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • myopathy;
  • chronic alcoholism.

The ingestion of any drug does not mean that the mental state will immediately improve, consciousness will clear up, and thoughts will normalize. In a healthy person, the function of the cerebral cortex is inextricably linked with the functional state of the subcortical regions.

In people suffering from VVD, the situation is different: with the development of a disorder, the subcortical sections cannot cope with their function - the self-preservation of the body under various conditions. Because of this, the indications for taking Grandaxin are determined by the state of consciousness where thoughts are formed.

How much to drink Grandaxin with VVD is a question that falls under the competence of a doctor. The dosage is prescribed individually, depending on the patient's condition.

Usually prescribed one to two tablets up to three times a day, and one tablet can be taken to maintain the condition.


The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Also, the reception of funds is prohibited in the following cases:

  • with respiratory failure in decompensated form;
  • psychosis and psychopathy, accompanied by severe psychomotor agitation;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of Grandaxin with VVD

Adverse reactions from taking Grandaxin:

It should be noted that the drug adversely affects the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.

Treatment with myasthenia gravis should be carried out under close medical supervision.

Alcohol compatibility

Doctors warn that Grandaxin should not be taken with alcohol. The reason lies not only in the danger of developing adverse reactions, which, when taking an anxiolytic, can manifest themselves in the form of insomnia, headache, confusion and irritability.

If the patient suffers from liver disease, side effects may be more pronounced and appear much more often.

Grandaxin has a special effect on those who like to drink, that is, it causes more vivid side reactions. The action of the effects is enhanced by ethanol. This must be taken into account if this remedy is prescribed by a neurologist.

Grandaxin eliminates anxiety, and alcohol, reducing the effectiveness of medications, neutralizes this effect. For this reason, Grandaxin and alcohol cannot be combined.

Moreover, when they are used together, the load on the liver increases. After 6-8 hours, the medicine enters the liver, from where it is excreted in the processed form with urine and feces. Alcohol is excreted in the same way, i.e., a double burden falls on the organ.

The unpredictability of the joint intake of a tranquilizer and alcohol is also explained by the fact that in people suffering from alcoholism, the work of all organs is disrupted. Therefore, it is impossible to predict how the body will behave when combining the drug with ethanol.

Similar drugs

Drugs that have a similar effect:

  • is a selective non-benzodizepine tranquilizer;
  • does not cause addiction and adverse reactions in the form of weakness or drowsiness;
  • gently affects the central nervous system without depressing it;
  • the drug launches a natural compensatory-protective mechanism that allows the body to more easily cope with stress.
  • refers to anxiolytics;
  • reduces emotional overstrain, eliminates anxiety and anxiety;
  • does not weaken intellectual activity, does not reduce physical activity;
  • does not cause drowsiness.
  • is a combination drug with a sedative effect;
  • It is used for headaches associated with nervous tension, irritability, anxiety, fear, migraine, sleep disorders, VVD and in menopause.
  • a drug that has an antidepressant, anti-anxiety and anti-asthenic effect;
  • the drug regulates the activity of the S100 protein, as a result of which metabolic processes and mechanisms of activation and inhibition of the central nervous system are normalized;
  • the agent improves the functional state of the central nervous system, increases concentration and memory, provides resistance to stress, hypoxia and intoxication;
  • does not cause drowsiness.
  • a modern drug developed by Russian scientists;
  • the components of the drug provide a natural disclosure of the hidden capabilities of the brain, increases mental activity, improves memory, relieves psycho-emotional overstrain, helps to deal with stressful situations.
Atarax Assign to relieve anxiety, reduce psychomotor agitation, eliminate internal stress, relieve irritability in neurological and mental disorders, alcoholism.

Prof. G.M. Dyukov

Grandaxin is a representative of a group of drugs belonging to the class of benzodiazepine tranquilizers. The term "tranquilizer" comes from the Latin word "tranquillo", which means to calm. Tranquilizers are defined as "drugs that suppress or are able to reduce the severity of anxiety, anxiety, fear and emotional tension" . However, the range of their action is much wider, so tranquilizers are used in almost all areas of medicine: in the treatment of psycho-vegetative and somatic disorders, in surgical practice for premedication and anesthesia, in gynecology for the treatment of menopause and premenstrual syndrome, with adaptation disorders in case of stress, etc. Tranquilizers are used by healthy people in stressful situations, patients with a variety of emotional disorders, patients with chronic somatic diseases to relieve anxiety and improve the quality of life. Currently, more than 50 drugs - derivatives of benzodiazepines - are actively used in medical practice.

Numerous experimental studies have shown that the pharmacological action of benzodiazepines is carried out through benzodiazepine receptors (BDR). Benzodiazepine receptors, together with GABAergic receptors and chloride channels, form a receptor complex. GABA is a common inhibitory neurotransmitter. Benzodiazepine binds to the benzodiazepine receptor, increases the affinity of GABA for the receptor, releases GABA, which leads to an increase in the frequency of opening of chloride channels and. accordingly, an increase in the flow of chlorine into the neuron, as a result of which hyperpolarization of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons occurs and the process of inhibition develops, i.e., the suppression of neuronal activity.

Since all tranquilizers at the final stage use a nonspecific inhibitory mediator - GABA as the main active substance, this causes a wide range of inhibitory effects - both on the emotional sphere (reduction of anxiety, fear, tension), and on other motor, sensory and autonomic systems of the body ( muscle relaxation, relief of convulsions and spasms, analgesic and vegetostabilizing effects).

The drug Grandaxin (tofizopam) also belongs to the group of benzodiazepine tranquilizers. It first appeared in the mid-seventies as a new original drug of the Hungarian company "EGIS", subsequently 2 more drugs of the same group were synthesized - girisopam, nerisopam, but they did not find application in clinical practice.

The main feature of this group of drugs is the location of the nitrogen group. While traditional benzodiazepines have the nitrogen group in the 1-4 position, the above drugs have it in the 2-3 position, which is why they are usually referred to as 2-3 benzodiazepines.

These drugs have unique and specific features. In animal experiments, it has been established that tofisopam does not bind in the CNS to either 1-4 benzodiazepine or GBMK receptors, but potentiates the binding of other benzodiazepines to MDD.

It has been shown that the binding sites of tofisopam are localized exclusively on the basal ganglia. It is assumed that 2-3 benzodiazepines mainly bind to the projections of striatal neurons. Tofisopam also has mixed features as both dopamine agonists and antagonists.

Currently, the following clinical effects of benzodiazepines are distinguished:

  1. Anti-anxiety or anxiolytic;
  2. Sedative (soothing);
  3. Hypnotic (hypnotic);
  4. Antiphobic (anti-insurance);
  5. Muscle relaxant;
  6. Vegetostabilizing;
  7. Anticonvulsant (anticonvulsant);
  8. Antiparoxysmal.

Among tranquilizers, it is possible to distinguish groups of drugs with less specific effects and with a more targeted (selective) action.

Often, especially in outpatient practice, it is necessary to relieve anxiety and anxiety without causing significant sedation. In these cases, daytime tranquilizers are used - drugs that do not cause daytime sleepiness. Grandaxin is an anxiolytic without a sedative-hypnotic effect, does not interfere with the performance of psychomotor and intellectual activity, but at the same time has a slight stimulating effect.

The muscle relaxant effect of most tranquilizers is inextricably linked with their anti-anxiety effect, but often it causes an undesirable feeling of relaxation, lethargy, which can cause significant difficulties in the outpatient treatment of a working patient. In these cases, a drug with an anxiolytic effect, but without a muscle relaxant effect, is relevant. Grandaxin does not cause a muscle relaxant effect, and therefore it may well be used in patients who continue to perform their professional duties.

All tranquilizers also have a vegetative-stabilizing effect. It is believed that in tofisopam (Grandaxin) it is expressed to the greatest extent. Tofisopam has been shown to be particularly effective against autonomic disorders accompanying anxiety.

Unlike conventional benzodiazepines (1,4-benzodiazepines), Tofisopam does not have anticonvulsant or antitremor effects.

When using tranquilizers, especially the benzo-diazepine series, doctors often encounter negative reactions that are characteristic of this group of drugs. These include:

  1. Hypersedation or "behavioral toxicity";
  2. Habituation and dependence;
  3. Phenomena of cancellation and return.

Hypersedation or "behavioral toxicity"- characteristic side effects of tranquilizers. They are manifested by daytime sleepiness, muscle relaxation, lethargy, non-systemic dizziness, psychomotor retardation, decreased reaction speed and concentration. All of the above leads to a decrease in activity, difficulties in managing transport and difficulties in performing their professional duties. In the elderly (especially with cerebrovascular insufficiency), this can be manifested by impaired coordination of movements, ataxia, disorientation, and even confusion.

Habituation and addiction. One of the most difficult problems in the use of tranquilizers is physical and psychological dependence up to the formation of substance abuse. However, these side effects are significantly dependent on the dose, duration of administration, and withdrawal strategy. The risk of addiction increases in persons prone to alcohol abuse, spontaneous increase in drug doses, with prolonged and continuous use.

Phenomena of Cancellation and Recoil occur with a sharp decrease in the concentration of the drug in the blood as a result of a dose reduction or its abrupt cancellation. Clinically, the withdrawal syndrome is manifested by an increase in anxiety, irritability, insomnia, weakness, headaches, muscle twitching and pain, tremor, sweating, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, impaired perception, depersonalization, derealization, and sometimes confusion.

The most adequate way to prevent such phenomena is considered to be a gradual reduction in doses of the drug at the end of treatment.

Tofisopam compares favorably with most benzodiazepine drugs in regards to these negative properties. Tofisopam does not cause sedation at normal doses, and does not induce sleep even at subtoxic doses. Tofisopam has very low toxicity and few side effects. The appointment of tofisopam does not lead to either physical or mental dependence. After repeated appointments of the drug, the development of tolerance to it is not observed. With the use of tofisopam, no withdrawal syndrome was noted.

Clinical use of tranquilizers

A wide range of pharmacological effects of tranquilizers has led to their use in clinical practice.

  1. Anxiety disorders

    Tranquilizing or anxiolytic properties of drugs in this group, first of all, have found their application in the treatment of anxiety disorders, both permanent and paroxysmal in nature. Permanent anxiety disorders in general somatic practice usually proceed as psychovegetative syndromes. In this context, the rapid relief of anxiety and its vegetative accompaniment improves the quality of life and returns the patient to optimism regarding the prognosis of the disease.

    It should be noted the widespread use of tranquilizers for paroxysmal anxiety ("panic attacks") (PA), i.e. "vegetative crises" or panic disorders (PR). The use of tranquilizers in panic disorders is advisable as: a) an aid to accelerate the clinical effect, since the own anti-panic effect of antidepressants is delayed; b) for the correction of anxiety and panic disorders, the strengthening of which is provoked by the start of taking AD; c) in cases where the dose of the antidepressant is insufficient, and its increase is limited by side effects.

    The use of Grandaxin in these situations is justified both in terms of its anxiolytic and vegetostabilizing effects. The absence of sedative, muscle relaxant effects makes it possible to carry out treatment on an outpatient basis without disturbing the patient's usual daily routine (without stopping professional activities, driving a car, etc.). It cannot be ruled out that some dopaminergic effect of Grandaxin determines its activating effect and contributes to a certain behavioral correction. It is no coincidence that 2-3 benzodiazepine preparations are sometimes referred to as atypical antipsychotics. In the case of panic disorders, these properties of Grandaxin may be useful for the relief of secondary disorders, in particular, agoraphobic, hysterical and hypochondriacal syndromes.

  2. Premenstrual syndrome

    The deterioration of the mental and physical condition of a woman before menstruation is described as early as the time of Hippocrates. This condition in medical practice is referred to as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), "premenstrual tension syndrome" or "Premenstrual dysphoric disorder." In a pronounced form, this syndrome occurs in 8% - 25% of women of reproductive age.

    According to DSM-IV, the following clinical criteria are used to distinguish PMS:

    1. At least 5 symptoms from the list below (one symptom must be from the first 4)
      • Depressed mood, hopelessness, self-blame;
      • Tension, anxiety;
      • Severe mood lability with bouts of tearfulness;
      • Irritability, anger, conflict;
      • Decreased interest in life;
      • Difficulty concentrating;
      • fatigue, lack of energy, daytime sleepiness;
      • Changes in appetite with overeating;
      • Hypersomnia or insomnia;
      • Uncontrollable overflowing with emotions;
      • Somatic symptoms (tension and pain in the mammary glands, a feeling of swelling and weight gain, headaches, joint and muscle pain).
    2. Symptoms appear in the luteal phase, are absent within a week after menstruation, remit during the follicular phase.
    3. Symptoms impede learning, professional activities, disrupt social activity and interpersonal relationships.
    4. The symptoms are not exacerbation of another psychiatric disorder (major depression, panic disorder, dysthymia, or personality disorder).
    5. Symptoms appear for at least 2 consecutive menstrual cycles.

    The pathogenesis of PMS is still not fully understood. There is a genetic predisposition. which increases under the influence of various factors. Important in PMS are neurotransmitter factors, as well as changes in other modulators of behavior and mood: prostaglandins, enkephalins, etc. The leading role is played by hormonal fluctuations in the menstrual cycle. Today, a close connection between sex hormones and brain activity has already been proven. It is known that sex hormones can affect CNS neurons by affecting neuronal excitability and synaptic characteristics; through these effects, they affect excitability, mood, and sleep. It has been shown that the activity of such neurotransmitter systems as adrenergic, dopaminergic, GABAergic, cholinergic and serotonin are regulated by sex hormones. It has been established that the activating role of estrogens is associated with an increase in the sensitivity of receptors to neurotransmitters in estrogen-sensitive neurons, which leads to an antidepressant effect. In the premenstrual period, i.e. period of reduced estrogen levels, emotional-affective disorders are most often noted. Several therapeutic tactics are used to treat PMS:

    1. With mild variants of the syndrome, psychotherapy (auto-training, meditation, relaxation), physiogenic methods of treatment (phototherapy, sleep deprivation, massage, balneotherapy), symptomatic therapy (analgesics, diuretics, tranquilizers) are used.
    2. With severe flow options:
      a) hormonal drugs that suppress ovulation: gonadotropin-releasing factor (GRF) agonists or danazol, high doses of estrogens;
      b) antidepressants (AD) that affect the metabolism of serotonin in the brain: selective blockers and serotonin reuptake stimulants (SSRIs) and (SSOSS).

    The effectiveness of therapy with hormonal drugs, in particular, GRF agonists, is quite high, however, the resulting decrease in gonadal function in itself can lead to somatic complications - osteoporosis and disorders of the cardiovascular system. In addition, hormone therapy often causes psychological resistance in women, and they prefer to suffer from recurring PMS symptoms. than taking hormones.

    Given all this, in recent years, in the treatment of PMS, drugs have been used that reduce emotional-affective and motivational disorders and secondarily affect the occurrence of autonomic and metabolic-endocrine-metabolic disorders.

    Solovieva A. D. et al. in 2001 investigated the effectiveness of Grandaxin in 18 women with PMS, using it for 8 weeks at a dose of 100 mg (50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the afternoon). The effectiveness of the drug was quite high. All 18 patients noted a positive effect of treatment with Grandaxin, 12 of them had a good effect, 6 were satisfactory.

    After treatment, the women's sleep significantly improved, personal anxiety and depression decreased. improved quality of life. It should also be noted that Granlaxin was also effective in relation to specific hormone-related symptoms of PMS, such as swelling, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands and pain in the lower abdomen, which once again confirms the close relationship between brain structures and sex hormones.

  3. Psychovegetative disorders .

    Artemenko A.R. et al. studied the effectiveness of Grandaxin in 30 patients with psycho-vegetative disorders, a group of 20 healthy subjects served as a control. The most frequent clinical symptoms in the studied patients were asthenic manifestations (100%). emotional disorders (98%), sleep disorders (93%), headaches (93%), blood pressure lability (90%), hyperhidrosis (86%), acrocyanosis (83%), myofascial syndromes at different levels (80%) , cardialgia (73%), hyperventilation disorders (62%). The study was conducted using modern clinical, psychological and electrophysiological methods. As a result of a 4-week intake of Grandaxin at a dose of 100 mg (50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the afternoon), clear positive changes in the condition were revealed in patients. Thus, 50% had a very good effect, 43 had a good effect, and 7% had a treatment that was ineffective.

    After a 4-week treatment, fatigue significantly decreased in patients, the severity of emotional disorders, sleep and appetite disorders decreased; manifestations of Raynaud's phenomenon and sweating decreased, non-infectious subfebrile condition completely regressed, headaches, hyperventilation manifestations, fluctuations in blood pressure, cardialgia and gastrointestinal dysfunction decreased. During treatment with Grandaxin, the total score on the vegetative questionnaire significantly decreased from 64.7 points to 39.5 points.

    As a result of treatment, the indicator of emotional tension significantly decreased, the quality of life improved, and the indicator of subjective assessment of health disorders (VAS) decreased.

    Conducted physiological studies (heart rate variability and cardiotests) showed that after treatment, the activity of the parasympathetic link of regulation at rest increased and sympathetic reactivity increased. Thus, along with the clinical improvement, the effect of grandaxin included psycho-physiological changes, bringing the parameters of patients closer to the pattern of healthy subjects. A fairly stable effect of the drug was found: a follow-up study showed the stability of positive changes for 2 months.

    Thus, the authors have shown that Granlaxin can be used as monotherapy for mild and moderate manifestations of RVS. Therapeutic doses of Grandaxin are well tolerated by patients, practically do not lead to side effects. Granlaxin deserves wider application in clinical practice, not only as a well-known daytime tranquilizer, but also as a highly effective vegetative corrector.

  4. Tension headaches .

    Among the variety of different types of headaches, the leading place belongs to tension headaches - HDN - (80%), which are found in 32-64% of the population. According to the International Classification of Headache, HDN is characterized by episodes lasting at least 30 minutes; pressing, constricting, constricting and monotonous nature of GB; bilateral localization; mild or moderate intensity of GB, not aggravated by daily physical activity; the presence of light-sound intolerance, nausea and lack of appetite at the height of GB. In this form, episodic TTH (ETHT) is isolated, i.e. less than 15 days per month, and chronic TTH (CHTH) - more than 15 days per month. It has been shown that anxiety disorders are more common in episodic TTH, and depressive disorders, often accompanied by an abuse factor, are observed in chronic TTH. It is known that in most cases, episodic HT eventually transforms into chronic TH, so the issues of ETTH therapy are topical. In 2000 A.M. Wayne and M.V. Ryabus conducted a comparative study of the effectiveness of Grandaxin in the treatment of episodic HDN. 15 patients with EGB and 15 patients with CHB were studied. Within 4 weeks, patients of both groups received 100 mg of Grandaxin per day (50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the afternoon). Before and after treatment, the patients underwent psychological and electrophysiological (electromyogram of the muscles of the oral pole and trapezius muscles) study. Patients demonstrated high efficiency of therapy with Grandaxin - headaches stopped in 80% of patients. In this group, patients completely refused to take analgesic drugs. Significantly and significantly decreased the severity of vegetative disorders, asthenia and dyssomnia. Indicators of reactive and personal anxiety decreased, indicators of quality of life improved, the impact of pain on the lives of patients significantly decreased (according to the comprehensive pain questionnaire). The amplitude of activity of the muscles of the oral pole also significantly decreased.

    Based on the study, the authors believe that it is advisable to treat episodic tension headaches with Grandaxin, especially in cases where they are accompanied by anxiety, autonomic and asthenic disorders, and there is no abuse factor.

  5. Somatic functional disorders.

    Separate studies have been conducted to study the effectiveness of Grandaxin in somatic disorders. So, Kato R. et al. showed that in a patient with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, Grandaxin reduced the frequency of seizures and eliminated the subjective symptoms of arrhythmia. It was found that the drug affects the heart rate variability, increasing it along with an increase in the contribution of high-frequency components and a decrease in the LF \ NF index, i.e. restores vegetative balance. The literature provides data on the beneficial effect of Grandaxin on coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand.

    Osipenko M.F. et al. used tofisopam in 43 patients with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and found that the drug improves not only psycho-emotional and autonomic disorders in patients, but also corrects bowel function, in particular, improves intestinal passage in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Thus, Grandaxin (tofisopam), being a derivative of benzodiazepine, has both anxiolytic effects typical of this group of drugs and a number of unique properties: it does not have sedative, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects, does not potentiate the effect of alcohol, does not impair attention, does not cause addiction and dependencies. Grandaxin has an undoubted vegetostabilizing effect. Such qualities predetermined the widespread use of Grandaxin in outpatient practice: in the treatment of psychovegetative disorders, including in the case of stress reactions; with functional disorders of various somatic systems; if necessary, treatment without interruption from professional activities, in elderly patients with somatic and cognitive disorders.


  1. Artemenko A.R. and Oknin V. Yu. Grandaksin in the treatment of psychovegetative disorders / Treatment of nervous diseases. - 2001. - Volume 2. - No. 1 pp. 24-27
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The trade name Grandaxin is a drug based on tofisopam. This is the main active ingredient that is part of the drug. Grandaxin belongs to the category of tranquilizers and has an anxiolytic effect. With the help of this remedy, the feeling of anxiety, unmotivated fear, spontaneous anxiety, and nervous tension are eliminated. Grandaxin also helps those women who, during menopause and even before it, are addicted to alcoholic beverages.

The main difference between the drug and analogues from its group is that tofisopam does not have a hypnotic and anticonvulsant effect.

When this drug is taken orally, muscle relaxation does not occur, on the contrary, the activity of the nervous system is moderately activated, which is especially convenient for use in the daytime. Due to its mild effect on a woman, Grandaxin in menopause can be prescribed for a long time.

The drug reaches its highest concentration a couple of hours after admission: at this time, the highest content of this drug is detected in the blood. From the gastrointestinal tract, tofisopam easily penetrates into the blood, and accumulation in the body does not occur. About seventy percent of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, and the rest is removed along with the feces. The half-life of the drug is about eight hours. Patients are often concerned about the question: how long can I take Grandaxin? Since the active substance does not accumulate, the drug is prescribed for menopause for a sufficiently long period, because addiction as such does not occur. Also, there is no drug withdrawal syndrome, when negative symptoms rapidly return in the very first hours or days after stopping the drug.

The drug is very convenient to take - it is available in tablet form, each tablet contains 50 mg of tofisopam. Also, the Grandaxin tablet contains fairly standard components: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, potato starch, lactose monohydrate and others.

Allergy to tofisopam and the components of this drug is quite rare.

This is especially important for menopausal women, as allergic reactions can only get worse.

Externally, the tablets are round in shape, slightly flattened on the sides, the color of the drug is from white to grayish. One package contains either 20 or 60 tablets in blisters.

When to use the drug?

The main indication for the appointment of Grandaxin is neuroses of various origins, including neuroses with menopause. The drug is recommended for the following disorders:

  • fears;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • nervous tension;
  • panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • alcohol syndrome;
  • irritability;
  • indifference to what is happening, apathy;
  • lethargy, emotional decline;
  • post-stress disorder of adaptation;
  • cases of psychopathy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • climacteric neuroses;
  • neurotic states provoked by other pathologies.

The wide possibilities of Grandaxin made it possible to conduct diverse observations of patients during menopause and evaluate its effect on the body.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Contraindications to the use of the drug are quite small. The use of the agent is limited in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the agent. Also, the use of Grandaxin is not recommended for those who have severe disorders:

  1. aggressive states;
  2. deep depression;
  3. excessive excitement, both motor and emotional;
  4. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. apnea;
  6. liver failure;
  7. pathology of the excretory system;
  8. taking medications that are incompatible with tofisopam (cephalosporins, some contraceptive drugs);
  9. impaired absorption of glucose and galactose;
  10. atherosclerosis;
  11. epilepsy;
  12. various organic lesions of the brain;
  13. distress syndrome;
  14. closed-angle glaucoma.

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor assesses the condition of the woman, carefully examines the history and makes tests.

The appointment of the drug is carried out after studying all the characteristics of the patient, her metabolism and possible deviations in the state of health, which occur quite often during menopause.

Side effects of the drug and overdose

Since tofisopam is a rather specific remedy, it, like any tranquilizers, is not without side effects. Considering that contraindications to Grandaxin are insignificant, then negative manifestations are most often associated with a violation of the rules for taking the medication. Possible side effects may include the following:

  • Headache.
  • The appearance of irritability.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Excessive nervous excitability.
  • The appearance of confusion.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Dyspeptic disorders.
  • Feeling of dryness in the mouth.
  • Respiratory depression.
  • Muscle tension, pain.
  • The classic manifestations of allergies are itching, rash, hives.

When the first side effects from taking the drug appear, it is canceled and replaced with an analogue.

An overdose of the drug is manifested by violations of the central nervous system. Since women during menopause are especially vulnerable to various kinds of external influences, an overdose can provoke such serious disorders as confusion, breathing problems, vomiting and coma. Since the drug does not accumulate in the body, such manifestations can occur when a large dose of tofisopam is taken simultaneously (more than 50 mg per 1 kilogram of weight). In order for the absorption of the drug to pass slowly, activated charcoal is prescribed. And in terminal states - the introduction of dopamine, norepinephrine and artificial ventilation of the lungs. Do not try to induce vomiting with an overdose of Grandaxin, because if the activity of the central nervous system is disturbed, this can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, when the first symptoms of intoxication occur, an ambulance should be called.

Features of taking the drug

It is worth noting that there is no addiction to the drug: it does not affect the reaction rate and attention, so female drivers can take it without fear. To avoid insomnia, it is best to take the tablets in the morning. How long to take the drug - the specialist will prescribe based on the testimony of the patient. However, menopause is not a reason to change standard prescriptions, and even vice versa: the doctor can even prolong the use of the medication if necessary.

On average, the daily dose of the drug is 1-2 tablets.

The maximum prescribed dose per day is 300 mg, that is, you can take 6 tablets, but such doses are prescribed only for severe neuroses of menopausal origin in women. Taking the drug is not associated with eating, so Grandaxin can be taken even in the morning, before meals, but doctors still advise taking the medication with juice or eating a light breakfast to avoid nausea. If the course of menopause is complicated by alcohol syndrome, tofisopam is prescribed for a long time - for about a month and a half.

Some women note: I forget to take a pill and drink two pieces the next day. This is highly undesirable and even dangerous. If it is impossible to take a pill in the morning, it is worth delaying taking it, and not drinking a double dose the next day.

The use of Grandaxin excludes the simultaneous intake of alcoholic beverages and other tranquilizers. This can provoke negative consequences and severe reactions of the body: fainting, breath holding, serious allergic reactions. If a woman drank alcoholic beverages, the medication enhances their toxic effect on the liver, and the effectiveness of Grandaxin is significantly reduced.

Enhance the action of Grandaxin antifungal drugs such as Itraconazole and Ketoconazole.

The presence of nervous disorders in women during menopause requires immediate treatment. They should not be ignored, as they can provoke both somatic pathologies and psychological problems. Grandaxin is the mildest drug that can be prescribed at the initial stage of the manifestation of neurosis in menopause.

Useful video on this topic:

How long can Grandaxin be taken?

Grandaxin for how long can I drink?

How long can I take Grandaxin without a break?

How much can you take grandaxin?

how long can you take grandaxin?

Treatment with grandaxin is prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient's condition, the clinical form of the disease and individual sensitivity to the drug. For example, I was prescribed to take the drug for a month, one tablet in the morning and in the evening. Pills have many contraindications, side effects. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with them. In addition, taking these pills, you gain weight well.

Grandaxin was prescribed to my husband by a doctor when his parental home burned down and he fell into depression. He said that this drug, unlike any phenozepam, acts gently and is not addictive, and does not interfere with driving a car. .

My husband first took grandaxin twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, then only in the morning, for about a month. Then, when the depression passed and the husband began to smile, we completely canceled it.

But everyone has their own health and individual characteristics of the body, so it is better not to self-medicate (although the drug is sold without a prescription), or cancel it immediately if you feel discomfort. Grandaxin, like any medicine, has contraindications. It is a symptomatic remedy that is not intended for continuous use.

Good afternoon. The drug "Grandaxin" is used for people who have emotional overstrain and moderate fear. The drug is prescribed for the following human problems:

If we talk about the possible timing of its admission, then there are none. Since each disease is individual and each person needs his own treatment, the term falls under the competence of the attending physician. If the doctor prescribed Grandaxin for you, but did not indicate the period of admission, it is better to go to him again and clarify how much you need to take this drug. And of course, do not prescribe this drug yourself, all through a doctor.

The drug Grandaxin is indicated for taking with emotional overstrain, moderate fear and apathy, it is included in the group of tranquilizers.

Quite often, it is prescribed by neurologists during an exacerbation, and that is why the doctor should determine the time and amount of the drug taken.

But it should be remembered that while taking Grandaxin, you can not drink alcoholic beverages, the drug combined with ethanol enhances all side effects.


The drug Grandaxin

Forms of release and composition

Application instruction of Grandaksin

Indications for use

  • Neuroses (as well as neurosis-like states), accompanied by various fears, anxiety, nervous tension, or, conversely, apathy, lethargy, indifference to the environment.
  • Violation of psychological adaptation due to stress.
  • Reaction to stress in the form of depression with elements of psychopathy.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Increased nervous excitability in menopause.
  • Pain in the heart of various origins.
  • Hangover (withdrawal) syndrome in chronic alcoholism.
  • Neurotic disorders in myopathy, myasthenia gravis, muscle atrophy (i.e., in cases where tranquilizers that relax muscles are contraindicated).


  • Increased individual sensitivity to the drug or to one of its components;
  • neurotic states with severe aggression, excessive emotional and motor excitement or with deep depression;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • cessation of breathing during sleep (having ever taken place before);
  • simultaneous use with drugs such as cephalosporins, Sirolimus, Tacrolimus;
  • malabsorption of galactose and glucose, congenital lactase deficiency, galactose intolerance.

Caution should be used when Grandaxin:

  • epilepsy;
  • severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • other organic lesions of the brain;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • history of acute respiratory failure;
  • chronic RDS syndrome (respiratory distress syndrome) in the stage of decompensation.

Side effects

  • From the CNS- headaches, sleep disturbances, increased nervous excitability, irritability. Perhaps the development of confusion. In patients with epilepsy, there is an increase in seizures.
  • From the digestive tract- loss of appetite, feeling of dry mouth, nausea, flatulence (increased flatulence in the intestines), constipation. Rarely, but there is the development of congestive jaundice.
  • From the side of the respiratory system- respiratory depression.
  • From the side of the musculoskeletal system- muscle pain, tension of various muscle groups.
  • Allergic reactions: skin itching, various skin rashes (including scarlet fever).

Treatment with Grandaxin

Grandaxin is taken with or without food. The drug is not addictive, mental and physical dependence. There is no withdrawal syndrome. The drug does not reduce the speed of reaction and concentration, so there are no professional restrictions during treatment with Grandaxin. To prevent sleep disorders (falling asleep), it is recommended to take the drug no later than hours.

The doctor selects the dose of Grandaxin for the patient individually, depending on the clinical indications, the severity of the condition and the patient's sensitivity to the drug.

Instructions for use of Grandaxin: pharmacological action, indications for use, contraindications, dosage - video

Grandaxin for children

Alcohol compatibility

Grandaxin or Afobazol?

drug interaction

  • Metoclopramide enhances the absorption of Grandaxin, and therefore its action comes faster.
  • Grandaxin increases the concentration in the blood of Cyclosporine, Sirolimus, Tacrolimus with simultaneous use, so these drugs are not used together.
  • Grandaxin enhances the effect of drugs that suppress the function of the central nervous system (painkillers, antidepressants, general anesthesia, hypnotics, antipsychotics and sedatives), up to respiratory depression.
  • Amplifiers (inducers) of the production of liver enzymes (barbiturates, nicotine, antiepileptic drugs, alcohol) cause a decrease in blood concentration and a weakening of the action of Grandaxin.
  • Antifungal drugs (Itraconazole, Ketoconazole) slow down the transformation of Grandaxin in the liver and increase the concentration of the drug in the blood.
  • The therapeutic effect of Grandaxin can be enhanced by some antihypertensive drugs (calcium channel blockers, Clonidine).
  • Grandaxin may increase the concentration of Digoxin in the blood.
  • Benzodiazepines (including Grandaxin) may alter the anticoagulant effect of Warfarin.
  • Antacids may have an inhibitory effect on the absorption of Grandaxin.
  • Long-term simultaneous administration of Disulfiram can inhibit the transformation (metabolism) of Grandaxin.
  • Omeprazole, Cimetidine, tableted contraceptives reduce the intensity of Grandaxin's transformations.

Grandaksin's analogs

Reviews about the drug

The price of the drug in Russia and Ukraine


Hello. For several months now I have difficulty breathing, not enough air.

Hello. I had a lack of air, it was not possible to sleep.

hello. please tell me how to use grandaxin?, 1 tablet.

Hello, Doctor! Elena is addressing you. I am 39 years old. I live in the village. AT.

I'm 43 years old. I have headaches, sometimes redness of the left eye, nervousness.

Good afternoon. For the third day the temperature is kept, 5, no symptoms.

Nokki and me

The drug Grandaxin (tofizopam) also belongs to the group of benzodiazepine tranquilizers. Unlike many drugs in this group, Grandaxin does not have hypnotic, anticonvulsant, muscle-relaxing effects. How to take Grandaxin? The use of Grandaxin in these situations is justified both in terms of its anxiolytic and vegetostabilizing effects.

In these cases, a drug with an anxiolytic effect, but without a muscle relaxant effect, is relevant. Grandaxin does not cause a muscle relaxant effect, and therefore it may well be used in patients who continue to perform their professional duties. It is believed that in tofisopam (Grandaxin) it is expressed to the greatest extent.

All 18 patients noted a positive effect of treatment with Grandaxin, 12 of them had a good effect, 6 were satisfactory. As a result of a 4-week intake of Grandaxin at a dose of 100 mg (50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the afternoon), clear positive changes in the condition were revealed in patients. Patients demonstrated high efficiency of therapy with Grandaxin - headaches stopped in 80% of patients.

Separate studies have been conducted to study the effectiveness of Grandaxin in somatic disorders. Grandaxin has an undoubted vegetostabilizing effect. Marina, you can start taking Grandaxin, but remember that self-medication must be responsible. Elena, I can’t promise, but Grandaxin in your case is worth a try.

Masha, Grandaxin can cause a "withdrawal syndrome." Probably, your doctor found it necessary to prescribe the drug Grandaxin. Sorry, but: I don’t understand anything, it turns out that Grandaxin can be drunk, even if there is no indication for it.

Each Grandaxin tablet contains 92 mg of lactose. Patients should be advised to refrain from drinking alcohol during the course of treatment with Grandaxin. In patients with epilepsy, Grandaxin may cause seizures. The simultaneous use of Grandaxin with warfarin should be avoided. Even with prolonged treatment with Grandaxin, addiction to the drug does not develop; there is no dependence syndrome or withdrawal syndrome.

Grandaxin is taken with or without food. The drug is not addictive, mental and physical dependence. The purpose of the appointment of Grandaxin is to relieve the patient of tension, depression, fears. But, according to patients, Grandaxin has many side effects, Afobazol has fewer of them. Metoclopramide enhances the absorption of Grandaxin, and therefore its action comes faster. Grandaxin increases the concentration in the blood of Cyclosporine, Sirolimus, Tacrolimus with simultaneous use, so these drugs are not used together.

Treatment with Grandaxin

These drugs have unique and specific features. Among tranquilizers, it is possible to distinguish groups of drugs with less specific effects and with a more targeted (selective) action.

In these cases, daytime tranquilizers are used - drugs that do not cause daytime sleepiness. Unlike conventional benzodiazepines (1,4-benzodiazepines), Tofisopam does not have anticonvulsant or antitremor effects. When using tranquilizers, especially the benzo-diazepine series, doctors often encounter negative reactions that are characteristic of this group of drugs.

Grandaxin or Afobazol?

All of the above leads to a decrease in activity, difficulties in managing transport and difficulties in performing their professional duties. One of the most difficult problems in the use of tranquilizers is physical and psychological dependence up to the formation of substance abuse. However, these side effects are significantly dependent on the dose, duration of administration, and withdrawal strategy.

Grandaksin's analogs

Tofisopam compares favorably with most benzodiazepine drugs in regards to these negative properties. Tofisopam does not cause sedation at normal doses, and does not induce sleep even at subtoxic doses. Who prescribed grandaxin for you? How many times did you drink?

Private psychotherapist for anxiety

But the anxiety subsided, as I began regular communication with a man, and I expressed everything that was in my heart

Grandaxin is a "daytime tranquilizer" that blocks benzodiazepine receptors without a pronounced hypnotic effect. Therefore, addiction to it rarely develops, but anyway it is not recommended to drink for more than a month in a row.

Grandaxin does not cause physical dependence.

And psychological dependence can arise from anything.

Therefore, yes, psychotherapy is shown to you

Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Psychiatrist

I like how the side shows

How do you determine that it is physical?

Feelings in the body

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

I take a pill. After a couple of hours, I have a nervous excitability of the body (shaking) I want to show more physical activity, also brain

Feelings in the body

The line between physical and psychological dependence is often conditional. The main criterion is the presence of a withdrawal syndrome.

I took Grandaxin, there was no dependence. Yes, and the doctor prescribed it as a safe drug in this regard. Perhaps your addiction is far-fetched?

I have a nervous excitability of the body (shaking) I want to show more physical activity, also brain

more like a side effect

From the state it gives

At what dose is this effect?

And if this is not there, and it’s like this all the time, then I feel bad

Also often dependent on negative emotions

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

How can psychotherapy help? passed

Yes, it's a bad thing. Treatment of all addictions - complete withdrawal of the drug, the appointment of symptomatic drugs + psychotherapy.

It looks like you have an extreme degree of sensitivity to psychotropic drugs. What is your height, weight and age?

Psychotherapy helps to improve the functioning of the brain, the production of neurotransmitters, and often normalizes the work of the whole organism.

I only feel negative

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

I read about neurotransmitters that antidepressants and tranquilizers, on the contrary, make things worse

And how to work with a neurotransmitter if I do not feel positive emotions? I feel physically, no way

I lost sensitivity to life, events, and people

I only feel negative

And when it's calm, I feel bad, but it cuts my chest

I'm not sure about "make it worse". But the absence of positive emotions is most often a purely psychological situation that requires understanding and elaboration.

But I don't feel

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

And if you drink grandaxin half a tablet 3 times a week or a tablet, but constantly?

Something you feel in your relationship with a man. I think that's where you need to "dig"!

And often there is no desire for life either

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

Question for doctors. And what does addiction depend on? I here accept Diazepam, as "ambulance". It feels like after a glass of wine. Feels slightly drunk. Relaxation in the muscles, mood improves, stress resistance increases. I like this state, but "breaking" does not occur, I can safely refuse it. Is it due to some physiological characteristics of the body?

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

And I like it when my brain activity is increased and the sensations in my body

And I don't get them without pills

The smaller the dose - the faster you can "wean".

Something you feel in your relationship with a man. I think that's where you need to "dig"!

How long ago did it start? What do you attribute these symptoms to?

Although this happened from the age of 17, I went into communication, but I didn’t manage to develop professionally and still haven’t succeeded

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

I don't want to get used to it. Like condition

🙂 So, of course! But someday, you still have to. The sooner the better!

Psychotherapist, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist

But probably it will not make sense to contact you via Skype or is there?

There are plenty of options! Especially among tablets. But "cross" dependencies develop much faster. When switching from alcohol to sedatives, from sedatives to barbiturates, and so on, so on, so on.

But I want to work out many issues separately