
Gromov Mikhail Mikhailovich hero of the USSR. Gromov, Mikhail Mikhailovich

Before the war, he tested almost all types of aircraft. Aviation records brought world fame to the pilot. Mikhail Gromov made several flights that were unique for his time. From September 10 to 12, 1934, on an ANT-25 plane, he flew 12,500 kilometers in 75 hours along a closed route without landing. During the war, he commanded a division and air armies


Born on February 24, 1899 in Tver, he had both noble (on his father’s side) and peasant roots in his social origin. He spent his childhood and youth in Kaluga, Rzhev, a military town near Moscow. As an extremely gifted person, he early showed a variety of abilities, including in music and drawing. After high school, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, but ultimately chose the profession of test pilot.

Who was

After graduating from the Moscow Flight School in 1918, he remained there as an instructor pilot. In 1924-1930 - on flight test work at the Air Force Research Institute, then 11 years of work at TsAGI, from March to August 1941 - head of the Flight Research Institute. He tested many famous aircraft and performed a number of long-distance flights across Europe, China and Japan. He was actively involved in sports (running and gymnastics), being among the first weightlifters in the Red Army, he promoted sports, and in 1923 he became the USSR champion in weightlifting (heavy weight). By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - brigade commander. In the post-war period (1946-1949) - deputy commander of Long-Range Aviation, then for 6 years he was head of the Flight Service Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Administration. Since 1955, Colonel General of Aviation Gromov has been in reserve.

What is he famous for?

On September 10-12, 1934, on an ANT-25 aircraft (together with A.I. Filin and I.T. Spirin) he made a record flight in terms of range and duration along a closed route, covering 12,411 km in 75 hours. For courage and heroism demonstrated during this flight, test pilot Gromov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (medal No. 8), and the crew members were awarded the Order of Lenin. In 1937, on the ANT-25 (with A.B. Yumashev and S.A. Danilin) ​​he made a non-stop flight Moscow - North Pole - San Jacinto (California, USA), setting two world aviation records for flight range. For this flight, the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) awarded the pilots and navigator the Henri de Lavaux medal for the best achievement of 1937.

Battle sites

During the war, he commanded an air division, the Kalinin Front Air Force, transformed into the 3rd Air Army, and then the 1st Air Army. Since the summer of 1944 - head of the Main Directorate for combat training of front-line aviation of the KA Air Force.

Cases of manifestation of the highest degree of heroism

The flight in July 1937 from Moscow via the North Pole to America lasted almost three days. Gromov made a huge contribution to the popularization of our aviation in the USA and throughout the world.

Circumstances of death

State awards

The Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded the Orders of Lenin (four times), the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, the Red Banner (four times), Suvorov, 2nd degree, and the October Revolution. He is a Knight of the French Legion of Honor. Streets in Moscow, Sevastopol, Dnepropetrovsk and other cities are named in honor of Mikhail Gromov. The Flight Research Institute in Zhukovsky bears the name of the famous pilot. The supersonic strategic missile-carrying bomber of the Russian Air Force Tu-160 and the Il-96-300 passenger aircraft of the Russian airline Aeroflot are named after Gromov.

Gromov Mikhail Mikhailovich – test pilot of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute.

Born on February 11 (23), 1899 in the city of Tver. Russian. He spent his childhood and youth in the cities of Kaluga and Rzhev (now the Tver region), and the village of Losinoostrovsky (now within the boundaries of Moscow). In 1916 he graduated from the Moscow Real School, and in 1916-1917 he studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU). In June 1917 he graduated from aviation theoretical courses at the Moscow Higher Technical School.

In the Russian Imperial Army since June 1917. Studied at the Moscow Flight School.

In the Red Army since February 1918. In June 1918 he graduated from the Moscow Flight School, and until 1919 he was an instructor pilot there.

Participant in the Civil War: in November 1919 - pilot of the 29th reconnaissance squadron (Eastern Front). He took part in battles with the troops of A.V. Kolchak, but soon ended up in the hospital due to illness. In May-November 1920 - pilot of the 2nd aviation unit of the Priural sector of the internal security forces. He made combat reconnaissance missions and scattered leaflets and appeals.

From 1921 - instructor pilot at the Moscow Aviation School, in 1922-1924 - head of the combat use department of the 1st Higher Aviation School of Pilots (Moscow), in May-July 1924 - instructor pilot and squad leader at the Higher Military Aviation School of Air Shooting and bombing (the city of Serpukhov, now in the Moscow region).

In 1924-1930 - test pilot of the Scientific Experimental Aerodrome (since 1926 - Air Force Scientific Testing Institute). He took to the skies and tested many types of aircraft - U-2 (Po-2), I-4, I-3, ANT-9, ANT-7 (R-6), ANT-10 (R-7) and others . On June 23, 1927, while testing the I-1 fighter for a spin, he performed a forced parachute jump from an airplane for the first time in the country. Made a number of long-distance flights:

From June 10 to July 13, 1925, on a P-1 plane with flight mechanic E.V. Rodzevich, he took part in a group flight from Moscow to Beijing (a distance of 6,476 km was covered in 52 hours of flight time). From August 30 to September 2, 1925, he flew from Beijing to Tokyo on a P-1 plane with flight mechanic E.V. Rodzevich.

On August 31 - September 2, 1926, on an ANT-3 Proletary aircraft with flight mechanic E.V. Rodzevich, he made a circular flight Moscow - Koenigsberg - Berlin - Paris - Rome - Vienna - Warsaw - Moscow (7,150 km were covered in 34 hours 15 minutes flight time).

July 10 - August 8, 1929 on an ANT-9 "Wings of the Soviets" aircraft with flight mechanic V.P. Rusakov made a circular flight Moscow - Berlin - Paris - Rome - Marseille - Nevers - London - Paris - Berlin - Warsaw - Moscow (distance traveled 9.037 km in 53 hours of flight time). Since April 1930 - in reserve.

In 1930-1941 - test pilot and commander of the air squad of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. He took to the skies and tested many aircraft - ANT-13 (I-8), ANT-6 (TB-3), ANT-14, ANT-25, ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky", ANT-35, ANT-42 (Pe-8), BOK-15 and many others.

On September 12-15, 1934, on an ANT-25 aircraft (co-pilot - A.I. Filin, navigator - I.T. Spirin) made a long flight, during which a record range and flight duration of the aircraft was achieved - 12,411 km in 75 hours.

For the courage and heroism shown during this flight, by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of September 28, 1934 Gromov Mikhail Mikhailovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin. After the establishment of the special distinction on November 4, 1939, M.M. Gromov was awarded the Gold Star medal No. 8.

Again in the army in November 1936. On July 12-14, 1937, on an ANT-25 aircraft, he made a non-stop flight (co-pilot - A.B. Yumashev, navigator - S.A. Danilin) ​​along the route Moscow - North Pole - San Jacinto (USA) with a length of 10.148 km in a straight line (flight time - 62 hours 17 minutes), during which 3 world aviation flight range records were set (1 of which is absolute).

In 1940-1941 - head of the Scientific and Technical Group of the People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry of the USSR, in March-August 1941 - head of the Flight Research Institute (the village of Stakhanovo, now the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region).

In August-December 1941, he was on a government trip to the United States regarding the acquisition of American aircraft.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in December 1941 - February 1942 - commander of the 31st mixed aviation division (Kalinin Front), in February-May 1942 - commander of the Kalinin Front Air Force, in May 1942 - May 1943 - commander of the 3rd Air Army (Kalinin front), in May 1943 - June 1944 - commander of the 1st Air Army (Western and 3rd Belorussian Fronts). Units under his command participated in the defensive operation in the area of ​​the city of Bely, in the Rzhev-Sychevsk, Velikoluksk, Demyansk, Oryol, Spas-Demensk, Smolensk and Vitebsk operations.

In 1944-1946 - Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of Front-line Aviation of the Air Force, in 1946-1949 - Deputy Commander of Long-Range Aviation.

In May 1949 - July 1955 - head of the Directorate (from November 1954 - department) of the flight service of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry. Since August 1955, Colonel General of Aviation M.M. Gromov has been in reserve.

In 1959-1961 - Chairman of the USSR Weightlifting Federation. He supervised the preparation and performance of the USSR weightlifting team at the XVII Olympics in Rome in 1960.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st and 2nd convocations (1937-1950).

Colonel General of Aviation (1944), Honored Pilot of the USSR (07/17/1925), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (02/24/1969), Professor (1937). Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin (28.09.1934; 21.02.1945; 25.02.1969; 23.02.1984), Order of the October Revolution (23.02.1979), 4 Orders of the Red Banner (17.07.1925; 1.09.1937; 3.11.19) 44; 24.06. 1948), Order of Suvorov 2nd degree (30.08.1943), Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (23.11.1942), 3 Orders of the Red Star (27.10.1932; 17.08.1933; 28.10.1967), medal “For Labor Valor” "(09/16/1960), other medals, the French Order of the Legion of Honor, commander degree (1945), and other foreign awards. Awarded the de Lavaux medal (FAI, 1937).

A bust of M.M. Gromov was installed on the territory of the Flight Research Institute, which bears his name. A square in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region, as well as streets in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Tver and Zlatoust (Chelyabinsk region) are also named after him. The lyceum in Zhukovsky and a school in Kyiv bear the name of M.M. Gromov. In Moscow, memorial plaques are installed on the house in which he lived, and in Zhukovsky on the building in which he worked.

Note: The documents contain an erroneous date of birth - February 24, 1899, which arose due to an incorrect translation of the old style to the new one.

For those who want to fly and work better. M., 1958;
Through all my life. M., 1986;
About the flying profession. M., 1993;
On earth and in the sky. Zhukovsky, 1999;
On earth and in the sky. 2nd edition, add. and corr. Moscow, 2005;
On earth and in the sky. 3rd edition. M, 2011;
For those who want to fly and work better. 2nd edition. M., 2012.

Military ranks:
Colonel (11.1936)
Brigade commander (02.22.1938)
Major General of Aviation (05/03/1942)
Lieutenant General of Aviation (04/30/1943)
Colonel General of Aviation (08/19/1944)

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Date of death:

A place of death:


Type of army:

Years of service:

Colonel General of the USSR Air Force


The Great Patriotic War

Study and career


The Great Patriotic War

After the war

Interesting Facts


(February 24, 1899 - January 22, 1985) - Soviet pilot and military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union, professor, colonel general of aviation.


Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov was born on February 24, 1899 in Tver. He spent his childhood and youth in Kaluga, Rzhev, and the village of Losinoostrovsky (Raevo manor, now within the boundaries of Moscow).

According to his autobiography, which was published in the early 70s. The 20th century was extremely difficult due to censorship (the author called this process “going through torment”), Mikhail Gromov had both noble and peasant roots in his social origin. Father, Mikhail Konstantinovich Gromov, came from a family of noble intelligentsia. As an extremely gifted person, he early showed a variety of abilities, including in music and drawing. After high school, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University and then served as a military doctor.

Mother, Lyubov Ignatievna Andreeva, came from an illiterate peasant family; when she grew up, she ran away from home to St. Petersburg to get an education. There she completed obstetric courses, returned to Tver and met Mikhail Konstantinovich Gromov. Soon they secretly got married. Their marriage was “unequal” and the relatives of M. Gromov’s father, having learned about it, were forced to reject this marriage.

Study and career

  • In 1916-1917 he studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School
  • In 1917 he graduated from aviation theoretical courses at the Moscow Higher Technical School
  • Since 1917 in the army
  • In 1918 he graduated from the Moscow Flight School and remained there as an instructor pilot.
  • In 1924-1930 - on flight test work at the Air Force Research Institute
  • February 22, 1938 - brigade commander
  • In 1930-1941 - at TsAGI
  • From March to August 1941 - head of the Flight Research Institute.


He tested many famous aircraft. Performed a number of long-haul flights across Europe, China and Japan.

On September 10-12, 1934, on an ANT-25 aircraft (co-pilot - A. I. Filin, navigator - I. T. Spirin) he made a record flight in terms of range and duration along a closed route - 12,411 km in 75 hours.

For the courage and heroism shown during this flight, test pilot Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on September 28, 1934, and A. I. Filin and I. T. Spirin were awarded the Order of Lenin.

In 1937, on the ANT-25 (co-pilot - A. B. Yumashev, navigator - S. A. Danilin) ​​made a non-stop flight Moscow - North Pole - San Jacinto (USA), setting 2 world aviation flight range records. For this flight, Gromov M.M. was awarded the Order of Lenin, and Yumashev A.B. and Danilin S.A. were awarded the titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) awarded the pilots and navigator the Henri de Lavaux Medal for the best achievement of 1937.

The Great Patriotic War

  • December 1941 - February 1942 - commander of the 31st mixed air division (Kalinin Front)
  • February - May 1942 - Commander of the Air Force of the Kalinin Front
  • May 3, 1942 - Major General of Aviation
  • May 1942 - May 1943 - Commander of the 3rd Air Army
  • April 30, 1943 - Lieutenant General of Aviation
  • May 1943 - June 1944 - Commander of the 1st Air Army
  • August 19, 1944 - Colonel General of Aviation
  • 1944-1946 - Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of Front-line Aviation of the Air Force.

After the war

  • 1946-1949 - Deputy Commander of Long-Range Aviation
  • 1949-1955 - Head of the Flight Service Directorate of the MAP
  • Since 1955, Colonel General of Aviation Gromov has been in the reserve.
  • 1959-1961 - Chairman of the USSR Weightlifting Federation

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st convocation (1937-1946).


  • Honored Pilot of the USSR (1925)
  • Hero of the Soviet Union (1934)
  • Professor (1937)
  • Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969)


  • Gold Star medal of Hero of the Soviet Union No. 8
  • 4 Orders of Lenin
  • Order of the October Revolution
  • 4 Orders of the Red Banner
  • Order of Suvorov 2nd degree
  • Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree
  • 3 Orders of the Red Star
  • Medal de Lavaux (FAI)
  • Soviet medals and foreign awards


Streets in Tver, Moscow (Gromova Street), Sevastopol, Yekaterinburg, Vitebsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Chelyabinsk, a square in Zhukovsky, Moscow region, a Tu-160 plane (crashed in 2003), an Il-96 plane are named after M. M. Gromov -300 of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines. The Flight Research Institute bears the name of the famous pilot.

The pioneer squad of school No. 64 in Sverdlovsk was named after M. M. Gromov. And also secondary school No. 227 in the city of Kyiv is named after M. M. Gromov

Gromov’s name is mentioned in the song “Combat Stalinskaya”


  • Through all my life - M.: Young Guard, 1986
  • About the flying profession - M., 1993
  • On earth and in the sky. - Zhukovsky. "Printing Yard", 1999

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov test pilot USSR, honored pilot USSR With 1925 of the year , Hero of the Soviet Union With 1934 of the year ! One of the most famous pilots 1930s years ! WORLDWIDE fame Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov received, in 1920-1930s years, having completed several RECORD LONG LONG NON-STOP flights all over to the globe, included in history Total Peace! He FIRST V USSR made a jump from PARACHUTE V 1927 year ( see article "Gleb Evgenievich Kotelnikov"). True, it should be noted that he was FORCED apply parachute. In one of test airplane flights I-1 not came out corkscrew, And Gromov had to forced jump with by parachute. IN 1937 year July 14th together with Andrey Borisovich Yumashev And Sergei Alekseevich Danilin committed nonstop flight to America through North Pole, having installed on this flight World distance record flight 10,148 km as the crow flies! Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov carried out tests large quantity new Soviet airplanes. They were planes Design Bureau A.N. Tupolev at TsAGI ( see article "Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev").

Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov was born February 24, 1899 year in Tver. Family Gromov was poor noblewoman family. Father, Mikhail Konstantinovich came from noble intelligentsia. He graduated Tverskaya high school, then graduated University of Moscow By medical specialties. Mother, Lyubov Ignatievna came from illiterate peasant family and graduated obstetric courses. Parents Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov met on medical field. Marriage Mikhail Konstantinovich And Lyubov Ignatievna turned out to be unequal that's why my father's parents are in this marriage rejected. IN Tver family Gromov didn't live long and moved to Rzhev. Their home is in Rzhev was at a high right shore Volga close to center cities .

After graduation Voskresensky Real School of Thunders entered Moscow Higher Technical School on aviation Theoretical courses N.E. Zhukovsky(see article "Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky") and in 1917 year finishes them. Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov Since childhood I dreamed of becoming A PILOT. When learning to fly, he instructor came from Tver, Boris Konstantinovich Welling, who was one of pioneers of distant flights in our country. Having acquired the necessary experience flying business, Gromov he becomes instructor. Then goes to test work and becomes main test pilot Design Bureau of A.N. Tupolev. Before the war Gromov experienced 25 types aircraft, including first Soviet passenger airplane ANT-9.

IN 1926 year Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov carried out distant sensational flight by Europe by plane ANT-3 along the route Moscow, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw behind 34 hours! It has become new World record ! IN 1934 year now already all-metal monoplane ANT-25 designs A.N.Tupoleva made a flight on CLOSED CURVE to a distance 12 411 km! This flight was non-stop and lasted 75 hours! On this flight there was beaten World record range flight ! After this flight Gromov received Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union! First rank Hero of the Soviet Union got 7 pilots saving the Chelyuskinites. Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov became 8th holder of this title . Further, Gromov haunted by the range record flight in a straight line, which belonged then to the French. For beating French record and was selected route flying through North Pole V America.

IN 1937 year the crew started Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov V America through North Pole should have happened with Moscow Region airfield Shchelkovo by plane ANT-25. Commander the crew was Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov, co-pilot was Andrey Borisovich Yumashev, navigator crew Sergei Alekseevich Danilin. At first the takeoff was planned, almost straightaway, through half an hour after the crew took off V.P.Chkalova ( see article "Valery Pavlovich Chkalov"). However, later the departure was postponed on month. The following happened. When the crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov arrived at the airfield for DEPARTURE, then he discovered that on his plane ENGINE REMOVED, and the crew Chkalova already Flew away.

Eat assumption, what happened on political reasons. The fact is that the crew members Chkalova had worker-peasant origin were members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, on board Chkalovsky the plane featured the inscription "Stalin's route". Accordingly, all this promoted favor leader. And the crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov such data NOT possessed. Gromov And Yumashev had noble origin, and Danilin's mother came from a wealthy background merchant families. Crew Gromova was completely all over NON-PARTY. Moreover, there is ASSUMPTION, what if the crew Chkalova set a world record range IN A STRAIGHT then flight Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov at all would not have taken place.

It is also necessary to mention here that 1937 the year was the year mass repressions of the Soviet people, peak genocide of one's own people. As a matter of fact Stalin it didn't matter at all foreign opinion states However, he still understood that records should not belong only one NKVD, so to speak only for propaganda and need them dilute achievements of a different kind. Moreover, one cannot ignore the fact that then the level development technology did not guarantee safe flight according to this route, That's why necessary was prepared for this route 2 crews. Crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov had the necessary flight preparation for such dangerous And little-explored route. Considering preparation crew Gromova, departure, although late, but still took place. Moreover, for ANCHORINGS this route behind you, ONE flying along it, NOT ENOUGH. Crew flight Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov was already aimed specifically at AVIATION achievement, on RANGE RECORD flight DIRECTLY WITHOUT intermediate LANDING.

There was another one cause, on which this flight might not have happened. To review this causes necessary note on course of events, BEFORE, famous flight . IN 1933 year August 10th from the seaport Murmansk went on a hike Northern sea ​​route ORDINARY MOTOR SHIP with some reinforced fastening sides, "Chelyuskin." Through six months his CRUSHED BY ICE on the way to Beringov the strait, not reaching "pure water" only about 2 nautical miles (3 704 meters). Chelyuskinites managed to land on ice. Two month polar pilots were taken out shipwrecked to the mainland.

After saving everyone polar explorers, in honor of this event in Moscow passed holiday parade and a gala reception! Was invited to the reception Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov! There he is unexpectedly I felt bad. Despite this, despite next day Gromov took part in military air parade, held in honor of salvation Chelyuskintsev. He flew the plane "Maksim Gorky". It so happened that after the performance at the air parade Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov ends up in hospital with severe stomach bleeding. Perhaps this one diagnosis And saved to him life. The point is that if Gromov didn't hit hospital, hospital then he would surely hit behind the helm of the Maxim Gorky on May 18, 1935 year, which that day suffered crash ( see article "Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev").

Crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov refused to take it with me on a flight through North Pole inflatable boat, Part warm clothes, Part food supply, hunting rifles and some other things equipment and saved money on this 250 kg weight, and 1 kg fuel additionally This range increase flight ANT-25 on 3 km! IN 1937 year July 12th V 3 hours 21 minutes By Moscow time crew Gromova TOOK UP! On this flight the crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov had to overcome CLOUDY, FOG And ICING. The most dangerous phenomenon was, of course, icing. The point is that the plane ANT-25 Not was equipped with a system anti-icing.

Also another very serious test for the crew on this flight it became that ANT-25 cabin is NOT airtight. Therefore, on top over 5,500 meters the crew used for breathing OXYGEN cylinders, and oxygen had to SAVE. Through 62 hours ANT-25 crossed USA With North on South and went to the border with Mexico. Then the crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov asked Moscow permission fly over Mexico and commit landing V Panama. Answer Stalin was like that : « Sit in USA, we don't need savages ». Over time search acceptable places For landings there was such a place defined. They turned out to be desert pasture near the place San Jacildo, close to Los Angeles in state California.

After almost 50 years Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov remembered : « Haven't passed any 10 minutes we saw incredible quantity people flows along the path to our plane, to us. fallen to the ground aviation glove was torn into small pieces and everyone who can started divide between themselves. Then master realized. He surrounded airplane rope, did entrance gate And took for that entrance fee, to get close to the plane and have a look. Then master brought a lot bubbles, asked us to drain remaining fuel, started pouring them and sell these bubbles ». Behind 62 hours 17 minutes ANT-25 flew by 10 148 km, if you count STRAIGHT! New World record set International Aviation Federation (FAI)!

Crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov stayed in USA almost month. During this time they visited several cities and everywhere they were greeted with great WITH DELIGHT And GENUINE FRIENDLY!

Separately worth mentioning visit crew Hollywood. Americans named co-pilot Andrey Yumashev the most beautiful a man Northern hemispheres ! Film producers wanted to persuade him act V American cinema. Later Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov told us that we accepted that is, it acted as Mistresses of Hollywood, 9 year old movie star Shirley Temple. She talked to us like an adult receiving guests in his home! She even was I know, what we installed aviation distance record flight, although most likely didn't understand what it is ! The top crew stay Gromova V America was a meeting with the president USA, Franklin Delano Roosevelt! On a private jet Roosevelt the crew arrived at Washington. At the reception Secretary of State K. Hell said : « Which beautiful young people. you are the one with your flight done more to bring peoples closer together USSR And USA, than we are diplomats could do within 10 years ». IN 1937 year August 23rd crew Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov came back home. IN Moscow on Belarusian happened at the station gala meeting crew ! For this flight Gromov must would be be definitely rewarded Hero Star Twice, but in This moment assign a title Hero Twice, and even more so Three times there was more NOT ACCEPTED! Yumashev And Danilin during this flight there were awarded ranks Hero of the Soviet Union first time !

IN 1920s years V.P.Chkalov was a student Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov. Later Gromov this is how he spoke about his student: " He Chkalov flew a bit rude But brave was crazy! He was reckless driver! I knew that he will sooner or later will break. As I knew that I never I won't break! I have style was another!" One day Gromova asked who he was ideal? He replied : « Nobody, me influenced himself if I was part of a team, the influence came from me, not at me Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov strived for self-improvement and in sky and on earth!!! One of Soviet actresses, whose name is kept silent, after returning from front, where she performed with concert and meetings with Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov said : « There was in front of me Prince of Wales!"

IN 1941 year since Martha By August Gromov becomes first boss flight research Institute. Thanks to approach which Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov carried out tests aircraft, any seeming before this the adventure was becoming absolutely clear system testing and fine-tuning this or that type of airplane.

During Thunder Wars became military leader. He first received the position of commander air force forces Kalininsky front. He also took part in the liberation Rzhev, in which it took place Part his childhood. Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov commanded the famous aviation regiment "Normandy-Niemen". Under his leadership were 3rd And 1st Air Army. In fact Gromov DID NOT WANT study MILITARY affairs And be a military man. He actually said that war - This human pathology and with it to humanity need to finish. On front he sometimes brought to rage superior bosses, when being aviation general, came to commanders not by car, but by KONE, and careful and until it shines polished! By truth saying the military did not like Gromov, yes and he treated To the military is cool. One day I.S.Konev even said : “Gromov, yes you are not a military man! This is due to the fact that Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov commanded 2 air armies and didn't have NO RECOVERY.

After the war Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov before 1955 years worked directly in aviation, But NOT V army, and in aviation industry. In the process of working in aviation industry he didn't find it mutual language with the then minister aviation industry Pyotr Vasilievich Dementiev. The fact is that Dementyev, and the leadership of the country did not attach any importance then MUST values QUALITY aircraft being created they just drove quantity. A Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov was the only one Who OBJECTED to Dementiev. Especially Mikhail Mikhailovich tried to defend test pilots. He tried tune work aviation industry and even demand in order to did not have no AVRALOV, but she was walking PLANNED, THOUGHT OUT Job.

As a result, first Gromov was demoted in office, then he had to quit from aviation in general, besides, he started Problems With heart. At that moment Gromov tore connections with exes colleagues and even tried forget about aviation. At this time he didn't support those for whom he is so a lot of did not A.N.Tupolev, neither S.P. Korolev, in pulling out which from the Gromov camps was directly involved participation, no management TsAGI. Although this was partly due to the fact that Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov, no one did not tell, in which position he turned out to be. He turned a little older 50 years, health has improved, and he SECRETLY from all of us DREAMED O non-stop around the world the flight I was thinking about Chkalov.

At that time Gromov lived on his own with his family dacha. By next door stood with him Baidukov's dacha, their areas were separated only low fence and they are often with each other see you through this fence. Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov tried repeatedly withdraw Baidukova on talk About, who is it after all, just before the flight of the crew Gromova WITHDRAWAL from an airplane MOTOR, Who gave this order? Before no one man about it didn't let it slip! But Baidukov Always was leaving from conversation about this theme. He said : « Well, you know is it worth it have a conversation on this topic. It's all already like that It’s been a long time!” After care from aviation Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov did a lot public work. He twice was elected Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In recent years he has worked in Council of War Veterans, Chairman whom he came with first the day of establishment of the organization before last day his life - January 22, 1985 of the year.

Glory always gets it FIRST! This was the case with V. Chkalov and with Yu. Gagarin, but contribution to aviation history those who walked next not at all not less! Names in aviation Valeria Chkalov, Georgy Baidukov, Alexander Belyakov, Mikhail Gromov, Andrey Yumashev And Sergei Danilin will always stand NEAR. Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov lived very rich life. He walked repeatedly the edge of the abyss, but he always came out winner of all the troubles ! Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov was NOT SUBJECT TO no TO AUTHORITIES, EXCEPT laws AVIATION!!!

(02/24/1899-01/22/1985) - famous Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (No. 8, 1934), holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor, Colonel General of Aviation (1944), professor (1937). Participant in the Civil War. From 1931 he was chief pilot of TsAGI, then of the A. N. Tupolev Design Bureau.
In 1940-1941 - Head of LII. During the Great Patriotic War, he was commander of an air division, commander of the front air forces, and commander of the air armies.
Since 1944 - Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of Front-line Aviation, in 1946-1949 - Deputy. commander of Long-Range Aviation, then (until 1955) in a leadership position at MAP. Made flights: along a closed extended route (together with A.I. Filin, 1934), Moscow-North Pole-San Jacinto in the USA (together with S.A. Danilin and A.B. Yumashev, 1937), etc. Gromov - one of the first Soviet pilots to receive an FAI award - the A. de Lavaux medal (1937). Author of the book “Through Life.” The Flight Research Institute was named after him.
Gromov, Mikhail Mikhailovich Rod. 1899, d. 1985. Soviet pilot.
In 1934 he set a world record for flight range (over 12 thousand km), together with A. Yumashev and S. Danilin in 1937 he made a non-stop flight Moscow - North Pole - USA. Hero of the Soviet Union (1934), since 1944 Colonel General of Aviation.
Gromov, Mikhail Mikhailovich (24.2.1899-22.1.1985). Test pilot.
Born on February 24, 1899 in the city of Tver. Russian.
He spent his childhood and youth in Kaluga, Rzhev, and the village of Losinoostrovsky (now within the boundaries of Moscow).
In 1916-1917 he studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School, and in 1917 he graduated from aviation theoretical courses at the Moscow Higher Technical School. In the army since 1917. In 1918 he graduated from the Moscow Flight School and remained there as an instructor pilot.
In 1924-1930 - at flight test work at the Air Force Research Institute, in 1930-1941 - at TsAGI. He tested many famous aircraft.
Performed a number of long-haul flights across Europe, China and Japan. On September 10-12, 1934, on an ANT-25 aircraft (co-pilot - A. I. Filin, navigator - I. T. Spirin) he made a record flight in terms of range and duration along a closed route - 12,411 km in 75 hours. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov on September 28, 1934 for completing the flight and displaying courage and heroism.
In 1937, the ANT-25 made a non-stop flight from Moscow to the North Pole to San Jacinto (USA), setting 2 world aviation flight range records.
From March to August 1941 - head of the Flight Research Institute.
Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in December 1941 - February 1942 - commander of the 31st mixed air division (Kalinin Front); commander of the Kalinin Front Air Force (February-May 1942); commander of the 3rd (May 1942 - May 1943) and 1st Air Armies (May 1943 - June 1944). In 1944-1946 - Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training of Front-line Aviation of the Air Force. After the war in 1946-1949 - deputy commander of Long-Range Aviation.
In 1949-1955 - Head of the Flight Service Directorate of the MAP. Since 1955, Colonel General of Aviation Gromov has been in reserve.
In 1959-1961 - Chairman of the USSR Weightlifting Federation. Lived in Moscow.
Died on January 22, 1985. Buried in Moscow, at the Novodevichy cemetery.
Honored Pilot of the USSR (1925), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969), Professor (1937). Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov 2nd degree, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, 3 Orders of the Red Star, medals, foreign awards.
Awarded the Medal de Lavaux (FAI) (1937). A street in Moscow and a square in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, are named after him.