
Compressor inhaler Med2000 P2 (Dog). Storage and carrying bag

Compressor inhaler MED 2000 Dog– this is a product that converts medications into an aerosol, inhaled by a person and acting directly on lesions (inflammation). Inhalation therapy used in the treatment of various viral infections respiratory diseases such as: ARVI, bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, pneumonia, allergies, pneumonia, etc.

The inhaler has 3 operating modes, in which the particle size of the inhaled aerosol is different. This is possible thanks to the presence of three different pistons: piston A– 5-10 microns, piston B– 3-5 microns, piston C- 1-3 microns, they affect the upper, middle, lower respiratory tract, respectively.

Using a nasal cannula, it is possible to spray an aerosol in the area of ​​the nasal septum, as well as directly affect inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.

Compressor inhaler MED 2000 Dog It has a convenient handle with which it can be carried, the bottom of the device does not slip on the surface, which gives it stability, and there is also a convenient bag for transportation and storage.

The inhaler has the shape of a dog, which makes it as easy as possible to carry out procedures with children, since the device does not scare them and the procedure itself can be turned into exciting game. The device also has a minimal noise level, which is also important when carrying out procedures with children.

The device can be used not only in medical institutions, but also in a home environment. By using the device at home, you not only save time spent on going to the clinic, but also protect your child from re-infection. The kit includes a mask for adults, so the inhalation procedure can be performed on people of any age category. The device comes with instructions that describe how to carry out the procedures, cleaning the device after use, and storage. The maximum period of continuous operation should not exceed 30 minutes, followed by a break of at least 30 minutes.

For inhalation it is possible to use not only medicines, but also essential oils, but not 100% concentration, as well as decoctions and infusions medicinal plants. Before using the product, consult a doctor.

Technical characteristics of the compressor inhaler MED 2000 Dog:

  • AC power supply, V – 220;
  • network frequency, Hz – 5;
  • power consumption, W – 160;
  • current consumption, A – 0.7;
  • particle spraying rate, ml/min 0.25.
  • noise level at a distance of 50 cm, dB – 54;
  • nebulizer volume, ml – 7;
  • pressure, Kpa – 250;
  • overall dimensions, cm - 18×12.5×18.8;
  • product weight, kg – 1.5;
  • working mode – 30 minutes, 30 minutes break.

Product contents:

Compressor inhaler, adult mask, children's mask, nasal cannula, 5 pcs. replaceable filters, connecting silicone tube, three pistons A, B, C, bag for transportation and storage, instruction manual.

Manufacturer Italy, China.

Known for many centuries, the inhalation method has proven its effectiveness in the fight against diseases respiratory tract. It allows you to deliver the healing substance directly to the site of inflammation without severe inconvenience for the patient. The procedure itself consists of inhaling steam, a solution of water and a medicine. But, y this method there are some treatments negative aspects and contraindications.

Indications for use

The main area of ​​application of inhalations are diseases of the respiratory tract, such as:

  • Colds and flu.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Chronic bronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Angina.
  • All kinds of viral infections.


Since during classical inhalation the patient needs to bend over the heated composition with his whole face, corresponding inconveniences appear. In addition, for some diseases, classical inhalation is contraindicated, otherwise complications may arise. Problems for which inhalation is undesirable include:

  • Tendency to bleeding of the respiratory tract.
  • Purulent sore throat.
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  • Acute forms of respiratory diseases.

The danger lies in the fact that the patient's head is forced to remain for some time in conditions elevated temperature and humidity, and at this time blood pressure increases.

A way out of this situation could be to use compressor inhaler Med2000.

Equipment and technical characteristics

When purchased, the standard inhaler kit includes:

  • Compressor.
  • Bag.
  • Nebulizer with piston.
  • Working tube.
  • Set of 2 masks and 2 attachments.
  • Filter.
  • Pistons for medicines.

Portable nebulizer florence med2000 has the following technical characteristics:

  • Dimensions – 11.6/22/18.2 cm.
  • Power supply – 220-240 V.
  • The noise level is up to 40 dB.
  • Recommended continuous operation time is 30 minutes.
  • Maximum productivity – 0.25 ml/min.
  • Number of operating modes – 3.
  • The volume of the medicine container is 7 ml.
  • Weight – 1.7 kg.
  • Body color – white, blue.

Operating principle

The main difference between the Med2000 portable nebulizer and conventional inhalers is the method of spraying inhaled steam. The compressor, like the ultrasonic one, does not heat up; the liquid is supplied to a special filter, in which the compressor creates high blood pressure, as a result, the liquid is converted into a fine mist.

The removable piston system allows you to control the size of inhaled particles. Thanks to this, the medicine reaches the deepest and most difficult to reach areas of the patient’s lungs. A set of three pistons makes it possible to change the particle size from 0.5 to 10 micrometers.

Some diseases do not require small inhaled particles, since they fly past the inflamed area without particularly stopping. In such cases, a piston with large holes is used.

Instructions for use

  • Insert the nebulizer plug into a socket with a voltage of 220 V.
  • Choose a piston depending on the purpose of use and the medicine used.
  • Place the medicinal mixture in a special container located at the bottom.
  • Need to rotate top part device for hermetic closure.
  • Insert a silicone tube with a respiratory mask into the special groove.
  • The device is turned on and off by pressing the On and Off buttons located on the body.
  • The procedures can be performed in any convenient position. It is necessary that the mask fits tightly to the face; after each deep exhalation it is better to take a short pause.
  • You can change the intensity of air supply using the power regulator.
  • After using the nebulizer, you should thoroughly clean it and put it in your bag.

What drugs can be used

The presence of replaceable nozzles with different diameters of through holes allows for use in treatment wide range funds, including:

  • Antibiotics and antiseptics.
  • Alkaline and saline solutions.
  • Herbal medicines and essential oils.
  • Immunomodulators and mucolytics.

Important! If essential oils are used, you need to install the most permeable piston. It is difficult to spray the oil into droplets that are too small, so they can clog the filter, making the procedure useless.


The first thing to remember is to carefully remove used medications and clean the inhaler components. Various substances contained in medications may begin to react with each other or cause an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to protect the device from moisture and strong mechanical impact.

Rules for caring for the device


  • It is worth performing the procedure after each use.
  • The inhaler must not be connected to the mains.
  • The mask, tube, mouthpieces and parts that had direct contact with medications should be immersed in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and drops of liquid antibacterial soap.
  • Next, you need to remove the soap solution with regular running water.
  • All accessories must be thoroughly dried.


The only part that becomes unusable over time is the filter. If the compressor nebulizer is used frequently, it must be replaced after 6 months. It is also possible to restore the old one by thoroughly cleaning it in a soap solution or in a vacuum chamber using ultrasound.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO positive qualities Nebulizer Med 2000 include:

  • There are no restrictions on the use of medications, which cannot be said about ultrasound models.
  • Italian quality of medical equipment.
  • Large selection of inhalers and body colors. For yourself you can buy a standard Florence model, and for a child penguin nebulizer, turtle or cat.
  • Various operating modes allow for procedures of different directions and intensity.
  • Continuous operation.
  • Portable.

Negative qualities:

  • Makes noise.
  • The price of more than 3,000 rubles will make buyers lighten their wallets.

Bottom line

The price of this inhaler can fluctuate around 2500-4000 rubles. There are various nebulizers that differ in design and equipment, such as children's inhaler penguin, florence and cat. A big plus is the wide range of children's models that will delight children and distract them from their illness with a smiling penguin.

Hi all! It’s early morning here, but I can’t stand it anymore and I want to talk about what everyone and every family really needs to have. This is a home inhaler or nebulizer, it would be more correct to say! A long time ago I read information in social networks about the nebulizer for home use, I saw advertisements on TV, but I always said to myself: “this is complete nonsense, a waste of money!” And so it always is. Once I had a conversation with my mother about this topic, we discussed these same nebulizers and inhalers and forgot.

And then, yesterday, a parcel arrived in my mail, not by email, but by Russian post office, saying that the package was delivered to you and paid for. The weather is terrible, I don’t feel like going, but there’s nowhere to go, interest got the better of me. So I come to the Russian post office, take the parcel and in complete bewilderment what it is and from whom I am going home. Arriving home, with great impatience, I opened it and just to make you think, I was amazed (sorry for the word, but it’s really true), there is a nebulizer. That's what, and I couldn't even imagine or even think about this. So I started unpacking it, reading the instructions and asking myself: “Who bought it and sent it to me? Who was not too lazy to spend money on such nonsense?” Okay, so I think I have an inhaler, I have snot, I’ll try it in action. Yes, I completely forgot! Do you know the difference between a nebulizer and an inhaler? And the fact that the nebulizer, in the process of action, splits drops of water and medicine into molecules that better enter the body and undergo treatment at the cellular level. So, I thought and thought and after searching on the Internet I could come up with something to use for inhalation using this very nebulizer. She poured the solution exactly as per the instructions, placed the nebulizer on the table, sat down in front of it and pressed her face to the mask. To be honest, I sat and enjoyed the very subtle and pleasant aroma of pine needles, I sat for about 5 minutes. I chose pine oil drops, since I only had oil drops at home, and this nebulizer is suitable for both aqueous and oil solutions. Followed the instructions. I turned off the miracle machine, which works silently, and I thought, what will happen next?! Sorry for the details, but the result was not long in coming: everything was moving in my nose, as if someone was living there and there was terrible snot, so I blew my nose and went to bed wondering what would happen in the morning! I slept like a baby all night, and now I’m up and breathing through my nose! Breathing! I never remember this! I always got up in the morning with stuffed nose. In general, there is no end to my joy! Guys, don't skimp! If you have problems with the respiratory tract, give yourself a nebulizer! This is a really necessary thing! And as it turned out, my mother gave it to me!

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review


Have a nice day!

Anyone who has small children regularly experiences colds, and especially often after they start taking them to kindergarten. My family is no exception; for the first time my son (one year and eight years old) got sick the day after his first visit to the kindergarten. The treatment took a very long time, the cough lasted for a month, and in the end I had to use antibiotics. Without even going to the kindergarten for a month, my son fell ill again, he had a rare dry cough, at first they treated him with syrups - it didn’t help, a week later we went to an appointment and it turned out that he had obstructive bronchitis. For treatment, I was prescribed three days of inhalations: saline solution + Lazolvan, saline solution + Berodual, and if this does not help, then I will have to switch to antibiotics.

We already had a nebulizer (my mother gave it to me), but it was lying idle. To be honest, I didn’t think that it could be the main means of treatment; I was distrustful of the doctor’s recommendations, but began to strictly follow them.

First, a little about the types of inhalers, they are:

Steam inhalers

ultrasonic inhalers

Compressor inhalers

Electronic mesh inhalers

The last three are combined into one group and are called nebulizers.

Nebulizers break medicinal solutions on the smallest particles, which allows the medicine to penetrate to the lower respiratory tract.

Steam inhalers Suitable for treating only the upper respiratory tract (the same as breathing steam over boiled potatoes).

Mesh inhaler s are considered the most effective, because allow the use of a very wide range of medications without having a destructive effect on them, unlike ultrasound. Their main disadvantage is the high price.

Ultrasonic nebulizers- compact and silent, but as I mentioned above, ultrasound can destroy medicines: mucolytics and antibiotics.

Compression inhalers They have similar characteristics to ultrasonic ones, do not destroy medications, but are more voluminous and quite noisy.

I didn’t choose my nebulizer, my Mom gave it to me, it cost about 4500 rub.

The kit includes:

- Bag for storage and carrying

- Nebulizer P1 "Cat" body with compressor

- Nebulizer chamber

consists of two parts: in bottom part a piston is inserted and the medicine is poured in and the top is closed. There is a valve on the top to regulate the air flow.

- 3 pistons:

Piston "A" - prevention and treatment upper section respiratory tract

piston "B" - treatment of the tracheal-bronchial tract

Piston "C" - treatment of deep parts of the respiratory tract

- Connecting tube

one end is connected to the nebulizer body, the other to the bottom of the nebulizer chamber

- Masks for children and adults

- Mouthpiece (for throat)

- Nasal cannulas

- Replacement filters (5 pieces)

Assembly: China

5 year warranty

On the third day of daily (4 times a day) inhalations, we went to an appointment, the doctor listened to us and said that the wheezing in the lungs had completely gone away!!! I did not expect such a result. The cough still remained a little, and in three more days we cleared it up with inhalations of just saline solution.

Undoubtedly, we would not have achieved such a result simply by inhalation with saline solution, but our case was difficult and strong drugs were necessary. But the fact that they worked quickly and effectively is the merit of the nebulizer.

Perhaps we don’t have the best nebulizer, maybe others work faster, quieter, etc., but I am completely satisfied with it. It makes noise... for some this is a minus, my children don't care. My three-month-old daughter, who was infected by her son, also took inhalations on the advice of her pediatrician, and it helped.