
Why do you dream of helping in a dream? Why do you dream about help according to the dream book?

In reality, it often happens that someone needs our support, and we often need help. Why do you dream about such a plot? The dream book interprets this from different points of view, and the predictions depend on whether you helped someone in need, or whether you needed help.

The French dream book interprets what a person dreams of helping a person mean as a negative sign. In reality, you will become a participant in a lawsuit, which will not turn out very well for you. It is not recommended for anyone to get involved in ambiguous situations in the near future - it is better to remain an outside observer.

Why do you dream if a man helps? If a woman was helped in a dream by her legal husband, then in real life she will commit an act after which her husband’s attitude towards her will become unfair and biased.

For a man, getting help in a dream from his friend is a good sign. You must not doubt the correctness of the decisions you have made; now fortune itself is leading you by the hand, and any step towards achieving your goal will bring more than expected.

Why do you dream about a friend’s help? If in reality this friend has helped you out more than once in difficult situations, then the dream book advises: now you should not rely on him. Managing your life is only under your control, and by entrusting it to someone else, you risk staying away from real fateful actions.

The dream book interprets what the dream book means as support from the other world. Such a plot in a dream is especially favorable when in reality you have a difficult situation from which you cannot find a way out. A person who loves you, even after death, can change their fate, you just have to ask.

According to the explanatory dream book, seeing help in a dream is an unfavorable symbol. Any good deed that you do soon will be perceived incorrectly, you will not receive the gratitude you deserve.

Who did the request for help come from?

If a loved one needs help in real life, then his subconscious will call you for help in a dream. If during a dream you clearly know who needs support, hurry to provide it in reality. This interpretation of the dream book is especially true for close relatives.

If you yourself had to ask for help in a dream, but now you do not feel the need for it, then the dream book does not exclude the possibility that very soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation. If in a dream no one responded to the dreamer’s cries, then in reality there will be no one to wait for help from.

The dream book warns that you have an unfulfilled promise if a deceased person asks for help in a dream. Remember what you owed to this person during your lifetime, and if it is possible to do it, then do not hesitate for a second - it will be credited to you.

Screaming for help in a dream is an ambiguous symbol, and it all depends on whether you were helped in the end or not. In the first case, friends will always be there, and circumstances will be very favorable, bringing financial profit. In the second, if no one responded to the screams, then your health will deteriorate.

The dream book of Simon Kananita advises taking care of your property and physical strength if you had to help someone. Most likely, the person close to you will turn out to be a traitor, a hypocrite who is next to you for the sake of a profitable scam.

Having heard a distinct cry for help in a dream, listen carefully to see if the voice of the person asking is familiar to you? If you know exactly who the voice belongs to, then the dream book predicts that in reality someone needs you more than ever.

If in a dream a helping hand is extended to you to pull you out of the abyss, then in reality, under any difficult circumstances, you can rely on your true friends. If you managed to see which hand was extended to you, then know: the right one is a man who will support you, and the left one is a woman.

Dream interpretation help

Life in society develops in such a way that we often need support or help, or we ourselves provide it to other people. Often we may dream like this.

Why do you dream about help? Dream interpreters will consider this vision from the perspective of whether you yourself provided support or whether they came to your aid.

Dreams about help

If in your dreams you shouted loudly for help, then the prediction will be quite varied. If you responded to the call, it means that life will soon get better, luck will smile on you. Often such a dream promises timely support from friends who will be able to significantly improve your life.

Loud screams lead to nothing? In difficult times, you will find yourself alone.

Help is at hand

Dreaming of a friend's support

According to the dream book, help from a representative of the stronger sex will be viewed differently for men and women. If a man receives help from his friend, this is considered a very good sign. Now is the best moment for you. Whatever you have in mind, everything will turn out even better than you dreamed.

There is an opinion that if a friend has helped you out more than once in reality, then now it is better not to rely on his support. The situation will develop in such a way that you should rely on your own strength. A friend will offer services - refuse, otherwise you will miss your chance.

If a woman says that my husband saved me in a dream, then in reality she will make an irreparable mistake, and the opinion of her other half will change forever. No matter how hard the dreamer tries, she will not be able to regain her husband’s favor.

What does it mean if a dead person comes to me and is ready to support me? The dreamer will be provided with the support of otherworldly forces. If you dreamed about something like this when you have a difficult situation in life, then dream books say that everything will be resolved soon. The deceased was dear to you during his lifetime - he helps you from the other world.

An intelligent dream book believes that seeing help in a dream is unfavorable. You will do good to a person, but you will be misunderstood, it will turn into evil for you.

I dreamed of helping a close relative

In reality, everything is fine with you, but in a dream you begged for help? Soon the situation will not be in your favor. It’s bad if no one came to help, which means in reality you will be left without support.

You helped another person

Why do you dream of helping a loved one in a dream? In real life, a relative needs help; his subconscious thus asks you for support. If in a dream you clearly saw who exactly asked you for support, try to provide it. Maybe the relative is afraid to ask you, he doesn’t want to seem intrusive.

To see in a dream a deceased grandmother, grandfather, or another person who is begging you for a favor - you still have obligations to this person in life. Think, have all the promises been fulfilled?

Give or receive support in a dream

There is a statement that when you come to the aid of another person in a dream, you will soon have to be disappointed in your loved one. In fact, his friendship is built on his own benefit.

Opinions of dream interpreters

Why do you dream about help being given to you or provided by you? Interpreters will be happy to provide their opinions on this matter.

Female interpreter

In night vision, do you immediately fulfill a request? Then the dream book believes that you have been given a real opportunity to occupy a high social position.

To receive support from people in a dream means that you have surrounded yourself with loyal people who are happy to make an effort to improve your life. Circumstances will be favorable, don’t miss your chance.

French interpreter

This source negatively views any visions that will be associated with calls for help. It doesn’t matter whether you provided the person with a favor or asked for it yourself.

They save you - you will fall out of favor with your superiors, quarrel with your friends.

You came to the rescue - expect a lawsuit.

Come to the rescue in a dream

Interpreter of the medium Hasse

Receive support in night vision - you will act according to your conscience, people will appreciate your actions.

Provide it yourself - be careful, they want to use you for their own selfish purposes.

Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Before you start deciphering your night vision, try to remember the smallest details of what you dreamed.

The dreamer must remember whether I provided support or whether strangers rushed to help. It is important what the dreamer’s situation is at a given moment in time in real life:

  • get support in a dream - circumstances will be in your favor;
  • provide it yourself - some event can significantly change all your plans;
  • in reality you have difficulties - the dream is a sign that you should not give up, you should fight, and everything will definitely work out.

Interpreter from A to Z

Receive charitable help in a dream

In a dream, you hear a call for help, recognize a familiar voice - you risk getting sick, and trouble in the family may also happen. Trouble can also happen to the person who called you. It’s good if you heard who it belongs to, a guy or a girl.

Receive charitable help in a dream - your affairs will go in the best possible way, this period will be quite long. True, the dream book clarifies that for this you will have to work hard.

I dream that I am helping a sick person - a change for the better will soon take place in the family.

If you dreamed about calling an ambulance, you will be disappointed in love.

Interpretation of sleep from a psychological point of view

Whatever form of help you dream of, have a backup option. In a difficult situation, you should not panic; it’s better to think it over calmly, and you will understand how to proceed.

Possible separation from your significant other

The interpreter of Sigmund Freud believes that, perhaps, everything is fine with your soulmate, but you already have several options for replacing him.

It is worth remembering that this cannot continue for long. If you value your family, you should give up backup options.

A few more predictions

According to the dream book, calling for help in a dream is negative. You will find yourself in a rather unpleasant situation.

To get out of it, you will need real help from influential people. Don't be arrogant, accept any offer.

If you tried to scream, but could not make a sound, you will not be able to cope with the circumstances.

According to the dream book, the guy or girl who calls for help in your night vision is a sign of impending troubles.

To cope with them, you will need all your composure.

To see in a dream a helping hand that pulls you out of the abyss - you have true friends, they will always come to the rescue. In this case, the right hand represents a man, and the left – a woman.


What actions did you perform in relation to help in your dream?

I dreamed that you were helping me get up▼

Why do you dream of helping someone get up? The dream indicates altruism, the willingness to sacrifice oneself. But the people you've pulled out of difficult situations are increasingly frustrating you.

Dream about refusing help▼

I had a dream of refusing help - in some way a prophetic dream. In reality, you will have to find yourself in a difficult situation, and no one will be eager to provide assistance. You will need to rely only on yourself.

Offer help in your sleep▼

Offering help according to Felomena’s dream book means providing help in vain in reality. Your purely altruistic thoughts will be misunderstood, and gratitude for what you have done will not be expected.

Who was helped in their sleep?

Help a person in a dream▼

Dreaming about helping someone is not the best sign; in reality you will have to find yourself in proceedings, possibly judicial ones, the outcome of which will not please you. It is better not to test or accept suspicious offers.

From whom did you receive help in your sleep?

Get help from a man in a dream▼

Helped you in a dream - if the object of the dream is, in reality his attitude towards you will worsen, underestimation and bias will appear. The reason for the provocations that caused these changes should be looked for within yourself.

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Did you dream about Help, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Help in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that my good friend called me to run after him, at first I doubted whether to do this or not, but I ran... he climbed onto the roof of the second floor balcony. (his friend said that he had a fight with some girl and ran away). At that time, the roof of the second floor balcony collapsed and he was on the 2nd floor balcony, an aunt from the 3rd floor noticed this and sprayed him with water from a hose so that he would leave. he jumped off the balcony, came up to me and we hugged tightly, while I calmed him down... what does this mean?

    • Such dream events most likely indicate that you will undertake to participate in an activity that will require significant effort from you.

      I dreamed that a man I didn’t know was losing consciousness on the street. I quickly ran up and supported him so that he wouldn’t hit himself. Then she laid him on the ground (there was ice on the ground) and covered him with a blanket. And all the time I was worried that it was cold for him to lie on the ice, and I didn’t have the strength to lift him, and it took him a long time to regain consciousness. And there was a bathtub nearby, into which I began to draw hot water for this man.

      • The fact that you had such a dream most likely means that you will have to take on extra responsibility.

        It was like this... I see a girl I know at night and realizing that she is a drug addict... I help her and take her home... the next day in the same place I meet a guy, I think that this is the girl whom I helped yesterday. and so, he asks me to move away and that he wants to talk to me. At this moment I think that he wants to thank me for yesterday, and he takes me into the room and attacks me... trying to inject me with drugs... what does this mean?

        My friend had to come up with a name for the clan (in the game, in real life) and I dreamed that I came up with the name of the clan and said it to myself, so that I would wake up and write it down, the idea was great, my friend liked the name. But in the dream there was a feeling as if it was not me who was saying this, but a person who was living in the dream instead of me. What does it mean? Thank you in advance.

        from Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed of a girl whom I really like (even more than just like). she is in the water, someone (a guy or some kind of man) is trying to drown her or playing with her maliciously, she even drowns in the water, not allowing her to even stick her head out of the water. I see it all. She calls me by name several times, asking for help: “Vanya, help, help.” I’m standing probably 10 meters from her, not in the water, on land. For some reason I don’t go to help her, but I want to (but still don’t go). My father is standing nearby, he hears all this, he also looks at me, I also looked at him. I looked at it...looked at it, but still didn’t help. Then somehow this plot ended.
        What could this mean? The girl in question is rarely seen in dreams. In fact, she works in our department, I see her, but not often, I don’t even communicate often, although I really want to.
        Thanks for the help!

        From 31 to today, January 3, I had 3 dreams in 3 nights, in all my dreams my best friend (with whom I am in love) meets. In the first dream, I helped her throw cigarettes on Eva, she doesn’t smoke, in the second dream, I don’t remember, I just remember that she was there. in the third dream she had a boyfriend and forced her not to communicate with me

        hello, I constantly dream of a big dog attacking me, today it didn’t have time to bite, I woke up, men were walking in a dream, I asked them for help holding the dog, I held it by the fur on its back, but they passed by, one Muslim stopped to help , but he looked indifferent

        A pond has been dug in the city, my late mother and I are swimming, the water is muddy, turtles are swimming nearby, and then a shark suddenly attacks my mother, I roar and rush to the hospital, asking for help in the offices, but no one helps. I run to see what’s wrong with her - there are a few scratches, but I don’t calm down and run back to the hospital, they tell me to wait at the office, the doctor will come now. And then I meet a woman in a white blouse, she says that she understands who I am and praises me for wearing a white shirt.

        I dreamed of acquaintances. A husband and wife sleep on one bed, and their children, a boy and a girl, sleep on the other. They were shivering from the cold and loudly shouting “Ira, Irochka, Irina”! I covered them with warm blankets and a blanket. This is where the dream ended.

        At first I blinked, I didn’t pay attention, I looked at the Ural pilmeni, then someone crawled under the blanket and I saw a handsome guy: black hair, a blue checkered shirt and black jeans, he sat down next to me, I asked who it was, he answered Max and asked what I helped, I asked how to help, he smiled, and that was all.

        I dreamed of an adult woman who wanted to explain to me the situation with her son and daughter-in-law, while hinting at asking me for help or advice, and it seems her daughter-in-law is some kind of relative of mine, maybe my sister. the dream was interrupted without finishing the conversation between us.

        I dreamed that I was sitting at work, doing my business, and suddenly my boss wrote that he needed help. I was about to go and ask, and then messages came one after another with the text help, help, help, help. And in a dream I feel that he needs help not for work, but as if something bad happened to him, like a cry for help. Horrible dream. Usually my dreams come true, but I hope I just dreamed this one.

        To carry out some kind of event, a girl (a colleague from a previous job) tells me on the phone that all hope is for my brother so that we can help her. But then afterwards we talk at this event and she says that everything worked out.
        P.S. This girl Aselya Dosanova has a husband and son, and at the same time I feel that I am not indifferent to her.

        A group of friends was gathering in a cottage outside the city. And when moving from one cottage to another, one of the guests began to follow me. I felt that he wanted to hurt me. She fled for her life. In the end, we managed to catch him and pin him to the ground. She shouted to those passing on the street calling for help, but no one came. Only after a long time did 3 guys passing by help to lift him, tie him up and take him to the police station.

        I dreamed that my ex-best friend was asking me for help. Not very long ago (a month) ago, we had a fight. We didn’t communicate anymore.
        She asked for lemonade as I remember. I poured her lemonade, which I made myself.

        the guy jumped from a parachute and his canopy did not open. in the dream he fell very slowly and other people caught him. his head was broken, I ran for help and brought a doctor. in the dream the guy remained in serious condition, but did not die

        I dreamed that I was running around the hostel (I live in it) and trying to find something or someone, but to no avail, in the end I meet my classmate, with whom I recently had a fight and do not communicate, and I ask him for help, he agrees and quickly leads me to what I was looking for

        The dream was like this: I have a guy who I really like, his friends came to meet me and said that Danil had problems, I saw that he was standing with some left guys, as soon as it dawned on me that I needed to run, I ran when I ran up, he showed me his their hands were covered in blood, please help me decipher this dream, I’m very worried

        Backstory: we corresponded for a while, met when I was in the city, then I left, the correspondence continued for some time, then on VK I saw a photo with another young man, as it turned out they were dating, although she promised to wait))
        Now I have a dream: it seems as if she is calling me and in tears says that her boyfriend left her, asks for advice why, what is wrong with her, I explained everything to her - told her how arrogant she is and she needs to be simpler))
        Then he came to the station, met some man there, it seemed like he was her relative, bought a ticket to the city where the girl was from and went.

        I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend fell and asked for my hand to get up, asked for forgiveness that he was dating someone else, tried to explain himself, but I did not listen to him and ran away, then I regretted that I ran away and decided to find him, but it was too late... .. he left

        it seemed as if someone was moving inside the sofa and trying to crawl out, but couldn’t since I was lying on it. This someone was supposedly the size of a cat or a small dog and I began to ask for help, but no one provided it and I woke up in fear.

        I dreamed of a child asking for help in these words (help or sometimes mom said help). There are people around me and I ask you to listen to the child’s words, but no one can help me. and the main thing is that the child is on the ceiling under the tiles and asks for help from there, and even asks for help in different places (this is at school and at my grandmother’s house), but I can’t help anyway and no one can either This makes me very scared. after that everyone began to lay candles and flowers, as if to the statue of God. I took the salt and wanted to sprinkle it on the small window where the photos and postcards were, and some person told me it was better to take it over there to the statue, but when I took the salt out of my pocket, the head was pink and alive in my hands, and I understand I am conscious that it is a candle, but the eyes of the head are blinking. I placed it near the statue and woke up.

        Hello! I saw in a dream that the person I liked in my life for more than a year was asking for help. I rarely see him in my dreams and mostly he is silent, just like me. In real life, he looked at me for a very long period, but never dared to speak. What does this mean? I will be grateful for your help)

        I dreamed of my ex-girlfriend who asked for help. Just a day or two days before, I told her that until she changes, I don’t want to communicate with her. After that, we didn’t communicate with her. In a dream, she said that Olga was her ex-friend, she scored her arrow, I found it difficult in response and I don’t even remember what I said, I remember exactly that I didn’t refuse her, most likely, I said I’ll think about it or I don’t know, but she wasn’t the only one standing there, my classmates were also there, well, with whom she usually walked. Then I met some boys there, 8 years old, they were 18 years old, I thought of calling them to the switch for help, after all, it’s easy for me to find a language with people, but I didn’t tell them anything in advance. I say you can only leave at 8, they why, yes, yes. Well, something like this. I’m thinking, if in this dream they want to tell me that she has problems, then I will definitely try to help.

        In a dream, my front tooth broke in half. I was upset because... in a dream, I realized that I had no money to go to the dentist. Then I took the train, when I arrived at the station where I need to get off, I saw my boyfriend on the platform (I met him 10 years ago). I was afraid that while I was leaving the carriage, he would leave!!! But we met... he found out about the tooth and said that he would help me get it done (take me to the doctor)!

        I dreamed that I was in an apartment with my daughter and my beloved man. He is in the next room, he has guests - friends, my daughter and I are talking in the kitchen. She is holding a king cobra in her hands that is purple for some reason, she bought it. The snake is friendly. I notice a huge cockroach. He moves in leaps and bounds, crawls up the riser, falls on the table and starts moving towards me, I scream in horror and call my man, but he is in no hurry to help. He doesn’t refuse, but he feels like he’s saying “wait, now.” This is the second time I have dreamed about such a delay in help. And this is the second time I’ve seen snakes, the first time they belonged to my mother.

        I dreamed that I was running in a nightgown after a bus, but it drove away and a stranger helped me catch up with him, paid for the fare (a blond man with blue eyes and with a notebook containing samples of cake decorations) paid for the fare on another bus and at the end of something kissed me, but clearly understood that she was married...
        And then I was already with my husband and in my arms I was holding a small beautiful boy, who for some reason was given to us...

        I saw a man. he was dark. in a black T-shirt, and on the T-shirt are military shoulder straps. he asked me to hem his shoulder straps. I saw a friend in my dream, she asked me to hem them for him.. when I went, she shouted after me. Later, you don’t know how to hem them yourself.. but this man and I went and I began to carefully unpick these shoulder straps for him with scissors. ... then I woke up.

        Good afternoon. dreamed on the night of June 21-22, according to the horoscope sign - Capricorn. Dream: “We came to the market with our children and father-in-law, as if in Moscow, for some reason I walked through the gates of a mesh fence into a huge building. The huge hall of the building resembled a stock exchange, dimly lit. There were 5 tables at which seers sat, both men aged 35-40 years and women. Men in suits. Huge queues of people who wanted to ask the seers for help were lined up at the seers’ tables. I didn’t have time to stand in lines, because... Grandfather and children were waiting outside, but I really needed to ask them a question. She knew the Seers by name. I went from one seer to another without a queue, and saw that they were charging 1,250 rubles for their services, which I didn’t have, and I had to ask the question and get an answer/help. And they told me - why are you standing there, you are just like us, go there... they pointed to the stairs to the second floor. I got up and opened the door, and found myself in an elevator that took me to a high-rise floor, but in the middle of the building. Coming out of the opened elevator door, I found myself in an apartment on the threshold of a bedroom room (the apartment is modernly furnished and I know this apartment - this is my apartment!! - where from?). And then horror seizes me, because... I know that I’m lying on the bed with my husband under a soft pink blanket, but only in a past life (i.e. I see myself from the side of my present self), and I know that a murder is about to happen - so I don’t want to relive this horror again once. It feels like early morning. My husband and I are getting ready to go to work. Because I couldn’t leave the threshold where I was standing, so I decided to see what I looked like. A mulatto type of Spanish woman, thin, blond with rich hair, husband and three-year-old son. I still had to see my son’s bloody body in a dream. (let me remind you that in the dream my children were waiting for me on the street, this is about a child and husband from a previous life - as I understand it, reincarnation). Afterwards, from the same building, I went down the emergency fire exit of the street, an iron staircase, along with other seers, who for some reason had finished their night work. Again I tried to ask them my question, to which I received the answer that I saw everything myself. In fact, I don’t remember at all and don’t even know what question I wanted to ask them.” Tatyana, please, interpret my dream, I’m still shocked by what I saw! Thank you in advance.

        in one dream I was with twins, or rather fourteen red-haired girls, and I wanted to help one of them, but her sisters asked me not to help, fearing that it would get worse, at moments they kissed me. The second dream was that I was driving somewhere with my brothers and on the road my grandmother was lighting candles, as if she had changed the dead, she stopped us and asked us to take a candle and I began to insist because I thought that I would help her with this

        Hello Tatiana! Five years ago my little sister was killed (she was 21 years old). Today I dreamed of her with fractures, crying, asking for help. I took her in my arms, felt sorry for her, calmed her down and also cried. How can I help her now? My mother and I go to church and pray for her. I feel guilty and my soul is unbearable...

        I was walking along the road. And I fell because I was dizzy. Men walked behind me and said get up, but I couldn’t. I extended my hand and asked to help me get up, but one of them looked at me so unpleasantly and said something. But no one helped. They all passed by.

        I’m standing in the corridor on my floor next to the elevator, suddenly I see my friend and classmate Lisa, who is wet or something like that asking me for help, then we get into the elevator and go somewhere, at that moment I woke up

        Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that some woman asked for help to take a boy into my family, who seemed to be Indian, but his father was American or Russian, either sitting or drinking, without teeth, looking like a boy. A little boy looks at me with his blue and very beautiful eyes, my family stepped aside, and the woman continues to say that this boy needs me, my family, he will disappear in the orphanage. And I stood there, confused, and they slowly walked away, and the boy looked back at me, and they walked off into the darkness along the street. And then I see snow everywhere and my car is trying to slide, but I take it and easily use my hands to straighten it back into the parking lot. Then I woke up.

        At first, I watched a sports game (something like bandy, but not quite that). Foreigners were playing, and every minute their ball flew in my direction, but did not hit me.
        Then I helped them serve one ball.
        Part 2.
        I ended up in a sporting goods store, where the guy started paying attention to me, asking for my number and all that. At the end I asked him to kiss him on the cheek and I did it.
        As I left the store, the man asked me for help, I told him to wait.
        After 5 minutes, my friend helped him, and then I joined when she couldn’t do it. This is where I woke up.

        Hello Tatiana! I have an ex-best friend. We haven't communicated for like six months. Today I dreamed that she sprained her ankle, and I started to help her, but she didn’t seem to say anything. What does it mean?

        I want to repay a debt to an old, distant friend from my student years, while people are chasing me. They are not after money, and not after me, but after everyone. I ran away from them. I met a friend (to whom I owed money) in the hostel, at first I didn’t want to approach him, but just to observe. I wanted to leave. I couldn’t resist, I came up, shook hands, asked if he remembered me, he replied that he did. I forgot to say, I always had a briefcase full of money at hand all the time. I wanted to give all the money, but I changed my mind. I want to take him to the market for groceries, but before that to the canteen, because it seemed to me that he was hungry. I thought that I would give some of the money, it would still be a lot for him. The dream ends!

        Hello. My name is Vladimir, I am 28 years old. I often (maybe once or twice a week, maybe a month) have dreams (mostly strange or scary dreams), to which I wake up at about 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning, fall asleep at about 24 o’clock or at 1 night. Today I dreamed about this one, from which I woke up at 3 o’clock in the morning. I am writing literally from the strong feelings that he left and which torment me so much:
        In a dream, I seemed to be courting a short girl with glasses, when suddenly various troubles happened, I spilled water on her, cold in my opinion, and more than once, then hot, I almost scalded her, spilled her on the floor , and the last time I was so upset that I burst into tears and asked her for help. She said that I and, in my opinion, she surrounded themselves with “dead people,” I don’t remember exactly how she said it. Then suddenly people appeared from somewhere, we held hands, I took it with my right hand. They said something, I think more than once. And then she says sharply: “We are looking for...” or “Looking for...”, I don’t remember “... white places...” or “.. white place...”. After which I began to spontaneously search, then I felt that something was wrong, everything was dark, black everywhere, pieces of different tints with slightly light places. And I will probably never forget the feeling of waking up now, it was very scary when I realized that I was looking at my wall in the room, I ran and suddenly turned on the light. And now I’m on your site, writing for the first time, forgive me if something was formulated or conveyed to you in such a form. Please figure out what the meaning is. Thank you.

        Hello, I dreamed of a ghost. I was printing some pictures on the printer and some guy’s face was printed, I went to show my parents, but they said that I did it myself and then I printed it again and this guy on a piece of paper began to close his eyes and cry. Then he said: help me. But I got scared and wanted to wake up and woke up. It was 4:30-5:00 am. Then I fell asleep and never dreamed of anything else.

        I had a very strange dream, I dreamed that I was raped and I lay in the snow without outer clothing, I lay there for a long time. Then my friend and her boyfriend walked by, that is, my ex-boyfriend, they picked me up and carried me into the entrance, and put me on the stairs. The ex-boyfriend took off his jacket and put it on me, my friend started to get jealous and told him to take me home and come to her, but he didn’t come to her and stayed with me while I was sleeping. While I was sleeping, he kissed me, I felt it and smiled in my sleep, he stayed the night and in the morning when I woke up he was still sleeping, I went up to him, kissed him and said thank you. He woke up abruptly and we started kissing. Then he left my friend and suggested we meet again.

        the brother of one man called me, but on the phone I heard the voice of not my brother, but that very man, he drove up behind me and his friend took me by the hair and put me in the car, that same man swung at me, but at that time, somehow... then a little girl ran in “with the words mom, don’t leave me, don’t abandon me, help me” and this man wanted to push me away, but in fact it turned out that he hit the girl and she fell (and we both cried) and I woke up

        Hello Tatiana! The content of my dream was approximately as follows: I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend (we broke up a long time ago and practically do not communicate). In a dream, he tells me that his best friend had an accident (something with his health) and I must somehow help my former MCH so that he, in turn, helps his friend. I remember that he either called me to go to some place, or asked for some thing, for some reason he mentioned a passport. He was very alarmed, spoke quickly, emotionally and confusingly, he hurried me very much, said that he needed my help very urgently. In general, the general feeling was that there was some kind of anxiety and danger.

        Hello. I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend, with whom I broke up more than a week ago, decided to help me prepare an event in which I was supposed to dance. And he helped me out a lot, because without him I would not have been able to prepare properly. In the dream, I was very surprised by his help (although in real life I would also be surprised).

        Hello. For the fifth day now I have been dreaming the same dream. There is a field, there is a big tree and a tall man, but I can’t see his face, he shakes his hands and asks for help. This dream occurs at the same time and I always wake up at 03:45.

        Some guy tried to rape me. The room looked like some kind of warehouse.
        I'm trying to free myself. and suddenly I see an ex-boyfriend, he came to the man who was pestering him, he wanted to make a deal with him. I started screaming and asking him for help, but he said that how would he stop him, he still needed a relationship with this guy. But then he helped a little. And for some reason there was a chessboard nearby and I grabbed this board and started beating this guy.

        I was shot at with bullet wounds, people are coming, I ask for help, and everyone is walking by and no one notices, I get up and what is white, is it snow, or is the bag all stained, I ask you to call an ambulance and wake up

        At first I dreamed that a woman was sitting at my house and said that she could not have children and I should help her
        I saw my boyfriend in a dream
        He left somewhere and a girlfriend appeared and we went out into the street, met some friends and got into the car, they drove out onto the road and violently turned the car and then we drove, we drove and suddenly turned again the car flew into the fence, I had something wrong with my hand and that’s all

        I dreamed that I was sitting in a room, and it was dark, I was sitting there on a chair and looking out the window... So I was sitting and I heard someone’s voice (like a woman’s) clearly speaking from afar Vika help me, and so on several times. I mean I got up, I looked around, it was dark and I didn’t see anyone, but I heard a voice..., I even woke up, and there was this voice in my ears...

        I was in a house that was unfamiliar to me, but in a dream it was mine... my daughter and I go there and I begin to experience an eerie feeling and fear. I try to lock the door but none of them lock. Then the feeling of fear grows, I find the keys and begin to close myself off, calm sets in, but then the door is opened and the door is open and many men come in whom I seem to know and they are very aggressive

        I dreamed of God and he asked for a place, and said that help there is drought everywhere, and then in the same dream I dreamed of a demon, he said you are not who your family doesn’t like you, And then I don’t remember it was a long time ago

        I dreamed that a man was chasing me, he wanted to rape me. I run to my old house (in which I lived for 23 years, since my birth). On the neighbors side, the house is in ruins. I ran into the house from the ruined side. Running up to our apartment through the ruins, knowing that there was no one in the house, I began to ask the house for help to protect me from the rapist. The rapist did not find me and disappeared.

        Hello! I dream about my ex-boyfriend, I broke up with him 18 years ago, and now I periodically dream about him and ask for help from me... standing among the ruins... then we walk with him along the path.. and the fear inside is that I will lose him again.. and the other day I dreamed about his mother, asked to help him... found out that his mother died 5 years ago

        I dreamed that I was standing in my yard, and I saw my ex passing by, in general, we saw each other and went to him, and the fact is that I have a brother and we were sitting and he went somewhere with a friend, they weren’t very for a long time, my parents started to worry, so I went up to my ex and he said to me: by the way, I know where your brother is up there, they want to arrest him, so I start running in that direction, then I understand that I can’t do it alone, I call him, he comes up and I hug him and ask him to please help, he smiles and agrees. Then we go upstairs to that place, or rather we run, I see my brother and something is happening there, but that’s not the point, and so we return, my brother and a friend are standing waiting for me so that we can go to visit this friend, I go up to my ex and we We hug, he gives me cigarettes and puts them in my jacket, I say, why? I have. He says, okay, give it here, then you’ll give me more. I said okay. And so he says okay, bye, see you later.
        (Ps Sorry if I'm illiterate)

        An old granny of fair skin in a white scarf and a light blue jacket fell at my feet (she hugged my legs) and I seemed to be afraid of her, and at that moment I was thinking about the gypsies who ask for money, and I was afraid of her just like the gypsies. Like she She also spent money, then scolded me, then she disappears and I see my dear aunt (she is alive) looking at me with an angry look, and it’s like I don’t understand why they are angry with me.

        First, I dreamed of my cousin, how his daughter was again capricious and did not want to sleep, and his wife was trying to persuade her to listen to her father. We don’t have a very good relationship in life with his wife. Then they are interrupted by the grandmother’s cough, he runs to her, his wife makes an incision on the chest and begins to operate on something, and then I also start coughing and the same thing happens to me and they find a hair inside, supposedly it was bothering me. After the successful operation, we all express gratitude to her and our family treats her differently because she saved us.

        In a dream, I was in class (although I’m now 24 years old) with a school friend and asked her to ask her mother to talk to the geometry teacher and she would study with me, since I don’t understand her at all. The classmate said that she also wants study geometry. Then I found her mother and asked for help, to which she refused me with the words, you are already one of the leaders in the class, in terms of academic performance.

        Hello, I was walking down the street, a boy of 5-6 years old asked for financial help, I asked what he needed it for, he began to tell me that he had nothing to eat at home, his dad constantly drinks and “Stinks”, and his mother just doesn’t come home, she asked the boy to sit there where he was sitting in the snow, and she quickly ran to collect food and clothes for him, then she woke up

        I dreamed that I was standing in the classroom near the blackboard, my friend was sitting at her desk and looking at me. I turn my head to the left and see next to me the guy I’m in love with. then I see that he begins to fall, loses strength and cannot stand, I catch him and do not let him fall, he began to fall, and so on several times and each time I helped him not to fall. and the girl who was sitting at the desk and had no intention of helping, just sat and smiled sweetly

        Good afternoon
        I had 2 dreams in one night, and I remember them well
        The first one was when my ex-boyfriend called me. He got into an accident and asked me for help, so that I would call an ambulance and a tow truck.

        The second is that I came to the exam and forgot my documents and that’s why I wasn’t allowed in. But I tried to somehow get out of the situation, I was very worried and cried. Everyone helped me and told me that I could make it.

        I noticed that the girl in the bright blue sweater was clearly feeling bad, I had a feeling that I had to help her. I was a little disturbed by the crowd of people who were trying to take photos and videos of the incident. But I pushed through them. Another person and I covered her from the cameras.

        I was sitting at home with an open balcony, my child went to the balcony (he is a year old) and I don’t know what happened, I heard a scream, I came and his left arm was torn off, I grabbed him and found his hand in the freezer, a bag of frozen corn and put it to his hand and ran to my family I asked my parents to call an ambulance, they refused me and, turning around, I found myself in a completely different place, I went into some bar and asked to call an ambulance, but they forced me to buy something, in exchange for the call, I bought bread and paid with a card, but they didn’t give me any help I ran out into the street, it became even darker, there were three men standing nearby, I ran up to them and began to beg them to call an ambulance or call a taxi, they tried to call me a taxi, but the man’s phone did not respond to calls, they asked me to show what happened, I showed the child he was without a hand, unconscious, I started to get hysterical and I just ran along an empty road surrounded by bushes where there was no one or anything, emptiness and darkness could be seen in the distance, and at that moment I woke up.

        I was at school, we were doing some cool work, my class teacher was there, my ex-boyfriend (I think that’s what it’s all about, because I started dreaming about him quite often, although more than a year had passed since our breakup) and two of his friends. I was invited to some kind of event, and I needed to finish my work as quickly as possible, I was assigned to fasten and fold large covers with an inconvenient lock, I perfectly understood that I could handle it myself, but for some reason I asked Mikhail (former) to help me with this, when I approached him, he was surprised, but he didn’t show it, I don’t remember what he said, but it looked like approval. After he helped me, there were a lot of clothes and things around me, I didn’t know what to wear, at first I liked that when I changed clothes, a lot of men’s gazes fell on me, including his. But one of his friends began to touch me with his hands and look at me closely, and then I came to my senses that I had my beloved boyfriend Dima, that I needed to run, I was tired of all this. The dream ended, but I never returned from class.

        The dream was that my friends were walking around me, then my friend got thirsty and started freaking out, and only I had the money, only I could buy water, some time passed and she started asking for help.

        This dream really worries me. Today I dreamed that my mother and sister came to me and said that my grandmother’s sister gave me a lot of financial assistance. In reality, I do not maintain any contact with my mother and sister. I haven’t seen or heard from my grandmother’s sister for 15 years...

        I remember that I was swimming in one quarry and I was scared for a reason, I know this quarry, at the age of 8 I almost drowned in it. I was swimming and my friends were there, but they were all afraid to swim in it, and I went for a swim to show that it was not scary. Then I started to drown and some woman pulled me out, as soon as I got out of the water I immediately found myself on the street and walked next to her, she was carrying heavy bags, but it was clear that she was not having a hard time, we talked to her and she let me down me to some entrance, and really asked me to help her son. I've been dreaming about her for the second night now, I don't know why

        Hello! Today I had a dream that I was going to attend an event (the event was being held by a large car dealer) with my best friend by invitation. I call a friend to arrange a meeting time, since time is already running out and it turns out that my friend is still busy at work until 17.00 (at this time the friend is unemployed). I immediately check the invitation and it turns out that it has already expired for several days. But, the door opens and my friend (a man holding a good position in the same car dealership) comes in and tells me not to be upset. Gives me a new invitation. The dream was in warm colors. I called a friend and agreed on a meeting time to go to the event.

        I dreamed of a pack0y husband that I was looking at the newspaper and there it was black and white and there were three gr0bs on the right side, there were 0n and those gr0bs I don’t know who, suddenly 0n 0lived and began to spin around, got up and left, and then the guy came to his place and lay down

        Hello! In general terms, I dream that I am walking through my educational institution (up the stairs), our psychologist is following me, touching my shoulder and saying, “I can help you,” but I was somehow dubious about this. I don’t remember the rest of the dream... Only this picture is etched in my memory. Thank you.

        in a dream I dreamed of my bedroom, in an instant the light went out and there was complete darkness and an unknown force began to lift me up to the ceiling, I don’t know why I started asking the Virgin Mary for help, I began to say prayers although I don’t know them, after a second I had a very bright bluish glow began to disperse from the chest and I saw the face of a woman, I don’t remember what she said, the next second I found myself high above the house, in the darkness there was only the outline of the house where I live, a sudden flash of very bright light from all the windows of the house seemed there the sun dispelled all the darkness and I woke up.

        I dreamed that I was at the dacha of a classmate with whom I don’t communicate and my friend and I were talking about ordinary topics and then he said that he would go throw out the trash but there was a lot of it and I decided to help him

        Hello. I dreamed that I was walking near the tracks at night. There were 3 trains standing there. I passed one calmly, but when the second one started to pass, it moved. And it drove so that it surrounded me. I found myself under this train. And so I hear a man’s voice “You can do it! Don’t be afraid! I’m with you!” And I got out from under the train.

        Hello Tatyana, my boyfriend disappeared, and that same night I had a dream that he called me in the middle of the night and said that he needed help, that he was now in a mental hospital, and then I woke up. on the second day he dreamed again and said that he had problems now.

        I dreamed that a guy I didn’t know was asking me to help him. His soul moved into the body of my friend. He asks to give something back or return it or take it (I don’t remember) from some girl. He said something about a dog. These two guys are alive and well. Why did I have this dream?

        I dreamed that I left the room into the corridor, and my ex-boyfriend was sitting there, I chased him away and he said that he felt very bad, had problems and that I would help him. that only I can help

        Hello. On Friday evening I had a fight with my girlfriend. After which I dreamed that I was walking through the streets looking for her, but I couldn’t find her. Then I find myself at home and her best friend calls me and asks: “Are you driving today?”, I answered no, but after that I went somewhere. (her friend often called me and asked this in reality, to go for a ride). I never saw her or her friend in a dream. Please explain.

        I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with whom I had already established relationships in life. So this is the essence of the dream: he is helping me with some kind of project. Help please, I really want to know what this means...

        A work colleague invited me and my son to her home (I don’t communicate with her much and have never been to her house). The house was large, many rooms. The rooms were cleaned, and the garbage was in the corners, sometimes in buckets, sometimes in some boxes. It was noticeable that she was preparing for some kind of holiday, but did not have time to take out the trash. Then she asked my son to help her put the pies from the oven into some large white pan. There were a lot of pies. I saw a small mirror in one room and wondered why there was such a small mirror in such a big house! Then her guests came, but she did not let me and my son go, she asked us to stay. Guests: young men, women, beautifully dressed. There was a “bride ransom” game going on and I was asked to put on the bride’s outfit so that the groom could guess his bride, and since I was wearing jeans, I had to take them off, and then I noticed that shaggy, red hair had grown on my knees. But I still did what they asked and put on the shoes. The groom realized that I was not his bride. Everyone had fun. I asked my colleague why you have dark rooms, and she immediately took my son and me to the other side of the house, where it was light, sunny and there were flowers growing there. And then we went home. We walked along the fence. The fence was on the left side.

        In my first dream that night, I dreamed that I was sitting with a group of people in an apartment and some man wanted to kill my friend. But I woke up.
        Secondly, it’s like there’s a big truck on the road next to me, it falls into a small cliff and my dad helps me pull it out of there and it works.
        thirdly, in some building I’m running away from a drug addict, a black shepherd appears and plays with me, the drug addict has disappeared somewhere.

        I dreamed that my close friend, with whom we stopped communicating, was asking for help, and I was stealing a car from my parents to go and help her, and I just couldn’t get to my friend!!! At the same time, I have no rights.

        Everything happened during training, my canoe sailed far enough, I started crying, one guy I liked came up and asked what happened, and the second one took my hand and helped

        At night I couldn’t get home, since the path to it lay through a clearing, and the clearing was filled with water and holes. I couldn’t jump over the pit and a guy I knew extended his hand and helped me cross.

        I dreamed that I was looking for a guy and saw how they tied him up as a joke (slightly), I saw how they did it, but didn’t show that I knew (I was surprised), we smiled. Then I help remove the ropes. Then we see the ship, it stopped, but no one came out. After that, I began to hug in turn the guy I helped and the one who was also nearby (I don’t remember him). I only remember the one I helped, because... I have a little sympathy for him. What could this mean?

        Hello! My name is Ruslan.
        This morning I had a dream:
        I was standing on the roof of a private house (the house was unfamiliar to me), suddenly I saw an ice hole below and decided to jump there (from the roof), the ice hole was quite deep, although it seemed small from above, I swam to the very bottom, the water was quite clear and I was looking for something at the bottom, suddenly I saw a girl floating past me, the girl had red hair and a slightly dark green dress (I didn’t know the girl), I didn’t understand whether she was dead or alive. The next stage was that I was already inside this house and there was already another girl there (this girl was also not familiar to me, of course I don’t remember her clearly), she was sitting and was upset that she had broken the vase given to her (the vase was decorative, the shades were white-brown) I decided to glue it, after I glued it, I decided to remove the traces of glue, as I removed it, I did not see any signs of splitting, the vase was intact, suddenly the girl who I saw at the bottom of the hole appeared from behind the door on the left, she was in that dress, the dress looked like it was from the 19th century (neat, not wrinkled) and she was wearing a pendant, quite large in the shape of a drop, the color of the pendant was bright purple, the girl said “help me” I got scared and immediately woke up ( the girl was very pretty :)).

        Hello! I was in a large room and it seems I was sitting on my laptop, and someone came in, a man I knew….. He offered help (I didn’t get any kind of service), I was straightforward and immediately answered who asked for help…. He insisted….. I woke up to the doorbell……
        I got up and couldn’t understand, can you help me decipher?

        I had a dream about my classmate (I already graduated from school this year). I don’t remember the dream very much, but I remember moments. My close friend left me alone in a difficult situation, and he came and helped me, and then looked at me and smiled, then left. I’m very bad at understanding dreams, I hope you can help. But tell me about his relationship with me
        I can, he constantly called me ugly, and sometimes when he was asked about falling in love, he said: “not my type.” But there were also moments in my life when he somehow treated me tenderly.

        In the yard of my house, in a duck pen, a not very large lion attacked me; he bit my hand, it didn’t hurt, but I got scared and loudly called my husband for help; in this dream there was another big animal, I don’t remember who I saw the dream for the second time in a row. for two months, for the first time in the same pen, I tried to fight him off with the same gate and could not take a step back to close it further

        I dream about my ex-boyfriend. But we haven’t talked to him for a long time. Since he went back to his ex-girlfriend. And I dreamed that I went out for a walk. And I saw him with a friend, and came up. I started asking “how are you, how are you doing personally, what’s new?” ", he replied that he was quarreling with the girl. Then I had a dream that I was with friends. And we came to some place, and my friends were playing the game “Twister” there, and I wanted to go for a walk, and my ex followed me, which is a dream. He needed help. And I helped him. He was grateful. And in the end we made up and started communicating again.

        In a dream, I dreamed about the girlfriend of a friend’s best friend who had been gone for more than a year; I liked his girlfriend, but I didn’t think about her for 3-4 years, and then I dreamed about her and asked for help, asked to live with me, my mother was against it in the dream, although when we talked, she had no desire for anything this dream

        Hello, I dreamed that a pretty girl asked me to help her, I helped, then as a sign of gratitude she took her car to her store, I don’t remember then. But here’s what I remember: the time of year is summer, it’s lunch time somewhere, she in the store she managed to introduce me to her grandmother, as I understand it, she is also in the trade. So what does this dream mean? Tell me, I will be very grateful.

        My dream begins with the fact that I was at home and watching Ivangai on the computer, then I found myself in some yellow metro, it was very large, I had a backpack. I walked along the metro and suddenly I saw some kind of large transparent ball, there was a big flying car in it, and in this ball stood Ivangay and Maryana Ro, they were repairing the car, I went into the ball and there Vanya said this is my subscriber, I say yes, I subscribe to Maryana too We finished the car. Vanya and Maryana climbed into the car and I took a sneaky photo. This is where my dream ends

        I dreamed that I was in a shooting zone, a person close to me was wounded and asked me to come and help him, he was in the building. When I go to help him, I see the shooter and some other people (some of them are wounded or killed, others, like me, are coming to help). The man who shot went out into the street and starts shooting at people approaching the building, I see this and run away to hide behind a car, but he manages to wound my leg.
        In the end, I understand that I myself was wounded, but I still think about how to get into the room with a loved one and deliver help, but unfortunately I still don’t know what happened next because I woke up

        Hello Tatyana, my name is Olga.
        I often have prophetic dreams. This night I woke up from anxiety and fear, screaming. I saw my old house where I lived as a child, I was alone and the girl knocked in a dream, it was night. The girl had short hair and blond hair, looked scared and somewhat dirty. She asked for help. I immediately wanted to go out, but something scared me; as soon as I began to move away from the window, I saw a movement in the bushes. I thought it was a trap, that someone wanted to harm us both, and began to call the police. The girl began to wail and cry in fear, and I also became scared. I woke up screaming.

        In the dream, I was helping my vocal teacher. We were on stage rehearsing. And suddenly she fell into the hole (middle). There were other people there too. I quickly picked her up and carried her in my arms to the car. It was dark.

        Hello, Tatyana. I would be glad if you help me and explain my dream. If anything, I’m 16 years old. I had a dream in which I was sitting at a desk with my classmate and friend (although in life I’m sitting with my best friend, whom is also my classmate, but in the dream everything looked exactly like this). I don’t remember the exact picture, but I remember this moment: I needed paper because we had to write something down, but I didn’t have any paper at hand. At this moment, my classmate (and at the same time the guy who I liked before (somewhere more than 1 year ago)) throws me this piece of paper. The sheet turns out to be on my map, but I don’t quite understand how it turned out that way. I I asked my friend, and she nodded her head and seemed to point at my classmate. He (at that moment) was sitting and was a little worried (it seemed so to me). When we met our eyes, I pointed to a piece of paper and very quietly thanked him. He nodded vaguely in response and continued communicating with his friends. This is the situation.

        I dreamed that at school I met a boy whom I really liked and when I left school after school I slipped and fell. This boy saw this and helped me get up.

        I've been sick for the last few days and last night my nose was stuffy, I went to bed. I hardly slept, and the dream did not always continue until I fell asleep. I saw a friend in a car, we haven’t seen each other for a very long time, he offered to take me to Barnaul. We arrived, I got up to pack my things. When I started looking for something to put in my nose (in my dream it was also stuffy) I looked into the medicine, but either I was confused or something, I saw a jar of drops, but I couldn’t take it, others were always in my hands jars are empty. Because of this, I gave it up because a friend was standing on the street waiting for me. I went out and for some reason called him by the name of my boyfriend and he responded, although he was a completely different person...

        I dreamed that my friend and I found ourselves in a difficult and dangerous situation. I decided to call my friend, give the alarm, tell him about the danger, so that he could help somehow. At first he said that he was on his way, but since he does not live in my city, I said that it would take a lot of time, in the end he just made a black joke and I hung up.

        I left my sister’s and was walking to the bus stop. It became dark. I went God knows somewhere. A building or something. There was a puddle of dirt in the yard. The man told me I had a long way to go. I asked him to take me. I agreed. Then I ended up at home. There were a lot of guests at home. It’s not clear what happened. Whether it was a holiday or a funeral. There was a mother there who is no longer alive. Then I went to the barn and found a lot of eggs. I couldn’t fit into my T-shirt. I wanted to put it back. Half of it broke.

        I was walking down the street and ended up at the market, there I saw my sister and her friend, but in life they are not friends, they bought things with her child, with her friend’s child, they are familiar to me from the Instagram network, I played with a boy, he is 2-3 years old, we spoke two languages, and then they brought a book with tasks and we completed them, the tasks were mathematical and no one present understood except me. I helped and completed the tasks. This is where the dream ended

        I dreamed that I was walking through some building. I came there with friends, but I didn’t find them there. After some time, I realize that my jacket in which the phone was missing has disappeared. Strangers started looking for him. As a result, in return for help, I will have to help too. I no longer saw my friends in my dreams.

        I dreamed that my house and not only was located near some river. There were men on both sides of the river, the first one who saw me off helped me do this, and the second man on the other side who took me by the hand did not let me fall. I was able to somehow climb up thanks to him.
        For some reason there is soybean in my yard at home, I’m looking at this river.

        And the previous dream...although it was several years ago, I remember it clearly and remember it. I go to the cemetery, there are long-dead people next to me. They walk side by side, sit next to each other, and I often pass someone’s graves.

        Please tell me why and what is all this for?!
        Thank you in advance

        I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend, he looked like he was not happy to see me, we were in some room, he had some kind of test done and I offered him help, i.e. check it (test).

        I ran away from the bee, but it still bit me. Then a tall man came and asked me to clean up. For some reason I hugged him, but he didn’t react at all. I swept the room and removed the crumbs from the bed. There were a lot of them under the pillow and they were very difficult to remove, but I still removed them.

        I dreamed that I was with a girl, we were walking with you, a Mercedes car was flying near my school, at normal speed it flew into an edge or a wall, I don’t remember exactly, I told the girl, wait, I’ll go and see what people I’m getting into the car for some reason, there a girl of about 20 sat in the passenger seat and I said, what’s wrong with you? She says please, please take me home, I beg you, and in the end I looked and my girlfriend was not there, I started the car, I think I’ll help, I started driving this car, and I woke up

        The dream was like this. I was running down the street from the zombie apocalypse. There were also zombies on the porch of my house, they saw me, ran at me, bit me and my skin began to turn green. I also began to sneak into the house, but the door to the entrance was closed. And then one zombie asked me: why do you have one arm like a human? I said: I’m still half a zombie and half a human, and after these words my hand also turned green. That man began to sneak into the house. Then he and I moved away from the door, and pointed to the window and said that this was his apartment. But this apartment was my neighbor's in real life. I asked him: is this really your apartment? My neighbor lives there! He looked at me strangely and went out onto the porch. Then all the zombies dispersed somewhere, and either a bowl or a plate appeared on the porch, I don’t remember exactly. And there was fire, I said blow! And the fire grew larger and did not go away. And I walked through the door, I became a man, and then I looked back, the zombies opened the door halfway. I closed it. I started going up to the second floor (I live there). And children ran out of my apartment, and some of them were my friends. But when all the children left, it was not my apartment, it was either a school or a kindergarten. In the dream there were 6-9 friends. Then I approached my best friend, called him by name, but in a questioning tone, and he said no. We looked at each other for 4-9 seconds. And then I went to my (apartment), looked, maybe there were more of my friends here, and yes, they were there! They were glad that everything had stopped. I went into the apartment, there were desks, chairs, 2 windows and several steps. I sat down in front of the desk, leaned against the wall, and started crying. Then a woman came up and asked: Boy, are you okay? And after these words I woke up with tears in my eyes. Help me, I'm afraid that something bad will happen to me or my friends. I am 11 years old. And the most interesting thing is that I’m in another city, but I dreamed of the city in which I live, but the places have been slightly altered. And at the beginning, I hid something with someone, and we went to the entrance. And then it begins that I wrote to you first.

        I am very afraid of heights, and I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were on a ladder that was shaking and I was very afraid and soon we finally went down, but the penultimate step was missing and I almost fell from the ledge on which the ladder stood, and then we were on kitchen and he offered to help me.

        I found myself in some club. Where there were a lot of half-dressed women. I was wearing a red dress that showed my buttocks at the back. She took off her dress and saw herself in the mirror with an ugly, sagging breast and butt, with loose hair. Men began to appear there. I went to the shower and washed myself. And then I saw two girls. One is my friend, and the other is a friend whom I haven’t seen for 8 years. I decided to help my friend leave here, it seemed that the friend replaced her here. We left together. And then I ended up in the camp. I quarreled with my mother. She was a counselor. And it’s somehow muddy further.

In life, we often help our friends, family and even ordinary passers-by. At the same time, we may find ourselves in a difficult situation, and then we go to ask for support from loved ones.

But why do we dream about the help that we give to someone, or that someone provides to us? The dream book interprets help in different ways, and the characteristics depend on a number of conditions.

You are in the role of a rescuer

The dream in which you were asked for help can be interpreted in different ways. Remember who you helped in your dream:

  • To a friend
  • To a relative
  • To a stranger
  • To the dead man

When he turns to you for support, perhaps the dream may well be prophetic. He really needs your support, so it wouldn't hurt to call or meet with him.

Providing support to a relative in a dream means changes in the family. Your help will probably be really useful. But don’t be alarmed, the changes promise to be joyful - engagement, wedding and even replenishment.

If a stranger starts calling you and you decide to help him, get ready for a new acquaintance. But be careful with this person, his goals may not be entirely noble and kind. There is a chance that your new friend will try to take advantage of you. Be careful and don't let yourself be fooled.

In the next world

A dream in which you have to provide help received an extremely deep and serious interpretation.

Such a dream may mean that you still have some kind of debt. A request to help a deceased person in a dream is a kind of call that you did not do what you promised. If you still have the opportunity to finish the abandoned task, try not to put it off, it will become easier for both you and your loved one.

Also helping the deceased means good changes in life. Our deceased relatives will never wish us harm and will not ask for help in vain, therefore, when supporting a deceased loved one in a dream, pay attention to the details. Words or actions in your dreams can be a hint as to which area these changes will affect.


You may also have a dream in which you only hear a cry begging for help. In this case, try to listen to this one, perhaps it is familiar to you? And if you recognize him, contact this person as soon as possible. He probably really needs you.

Help you

Naturally, the meaning of a dream in which you need help also depends on who you ask for it from.


A dream in which you have to call, most often promises new acquaintances. If a woman is helped by a stranger in a dream, perhaps she will soon meet her fate. But if a woman is already married, soon a new turn will take place in family life, a revival of faded feelings and passions.

If a man had to ask for support from a stranger, the dream promises him a slight dizzying hobby. The romance will most likely be short-lived, but very passionate, and the woman is unlikely to ever leave his memory and thoughts.

Receiving help in a dream by turning to a stranger means a quick improvement in the state of affairs. Even if you are now on the verge of despair, hold on - very soon everything will get better, and gradually you will come to real success.

Friendly help

When you had to call your best friend, and he immediately comes to help, you can be calm. The dream means that just during this period of life you cannot doubt your actions and decisions; luck is now on your side. Move boldly towards your goal, every step you take will bring success.

There is another meaning of the dream in which I had to ask for help. There is no doubt that your friend in life will always support you in a difficult moment, but when this happens in a dream, it is better not to contact him in the near future. During this period, it is better to act on your own - by relying on friends, you risk missing your chance.

A dream in which you clearly see an outstretched helping hand when you yourself find yourself on the edge of an abyss has a favorable interpretation. In reality, you can be one hundred percent confident in your friends.

You don’t even have to ask them - in the most difficult situations they will be there. And when you need support, you can get it at any time. Moreover, if your hand is left, expect support from a friend, and if your hand is right, expect support from a friend.

Help from a dead person

If you had to call for help, turning to a deceased relative, this is a good sign. Such a dream is especially important when in reality something is bothering you or you are unable to deal with a really difficult task. Your loved one will help you in the same way as he managed to help you out in the dream.

When in a dream you are forced to call for help or someone turns to you for it, you should treat him carefully. Perhaps this is a very important sign that will help you navigate future actions.

With the help of a dream book, you can easily find out why you dream about help. But try not to miss the fact that dreams do not always mean something, so when faced with an unpleasant interpretation, do not take it too seriously. Author: Ksenia Maisova

If you dream of a call for help (for example, you dreamed that a weak old woman was asking to be taken across the road) - be vigilant, you can be deceived under the guise of a request, and your compassion can be used for unseemly purposes. Getting help from a friend in a dream means failure; you will be deceived in your feelings. To rush to a friend in trouble - such a dream says that this person will soon be very useful to you. If in a dream you ask your late old father or late mother for help, consider this as a call for sanity.

For a woman to receive help from a man she knows in reality and offer money in gratitude - the dream is evidence that there are bad rumors about her, which she can refute or aggravate with her behavior. If she accepted the help of a stranger in a dream, then in reality a prosperous period of life awaits her. If a young man helped a girl in a dream, then in reality he will meet his chosen one.

Modern Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you hear cries for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, it foretells an illness or an accident with the person who called you. Receiving charitable help in a dream, being in need, foretells lasting success in business, which will come after several years of hard work and vain expectations.

If in a dream you call for help and do not receive it, in real life you will remain alone and helpless in a difficult situation; if you receive help, in reality you will realize your guilt and apologize to the one to whom you inflicted an undeserved insult or insult in a fit of anger.

A dream where you provide assistance to people in trouble or sick people means that there will be a sharp turn for the better in your family relationships. Calling an ambulance in a dream means disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dream in which the sleeper provides help - in reality, some dishonest person wants to use the sleeper in a bad business, fraudulently involving him in it. If you received gratitude for helping another person in a dream, expect ingratitude in reality. If you receive a refusal to offer your help, in reality you will be pushed away for your narcissism and tendency to manipulate for selfish purposes. Receiving help from friends in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will act judiciously and decently. The sleeper refuses help - there is a risk in the future, for fear of trampling pride, of missing a good chance.

Family Dream Book

Help in a dream is a symbol of support or protection from life’s adversities. Receiving material support from a charitable organization in a dream portends you success in business, which you will achieve with the help of partners who will help you out in difficult times. Providing help or support to someone in a dream (people, companies, charitable organizations) means that you will face troubles and disputes over property or inheritance. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will be able to achieve success in the business you have started, unless envious people interfere with you.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of a woman’s friendly help, then you should worry about a nearby competitor who has managed to gain your trust. If a woman, on the contrary, interferes or interferes, feel free to take advice from women and expect success. A dream where a man helped you foreshadows serious disagreements in a couple. It may seem that your lover underestimates your physical and intellectual abilities. Think about your significant other's words: you probably misunderstood your partner and jumped to conclusions.

Freud's Dream Book

Any evidence of assistance in a dream, regardless of whether you provide it or it is provided to you, symbolizes the presence of a backup option in your personal life. This means that even if you have a seemingly good relationship with your sexual partner, you have the right candidate to replace him. This situation inevitably leaves its mark on your relationship and it cannot last very long.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Receive someone's help or support: a sign that circumstances will favor you in the near future. If in reality you experience any difficulties: the dream tells you that you should not give up, and soon your affairs will improve. Helping someone yourself in a dream: a sign that some extraneous events may soon disrupt your plans.

Chinese Dream Book

Someone helping you climb the wall is happiness. If you help your father operate a boat or a ship, you will get a promotion in the service. If you help a person go to prison, there will be wealth and happiness. Using a rocker to carry manure means great happiness and benefit.

French Dream Interpretation

If in a dream someone helps you, this means that in reality you may fall out of favor. Helping someone yourself in a dream means a lawsuit.