
How to be a wizard. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature at home in real life How to become a real wizard in real life

It is not so difficult to become a sorceress on your own in real life. Many people want to have supernatural abilities, but so far they have not become wizards. And all because they do not know the main secrets of magic, which we will share with you.

Who are wizards? They are good wizards. Who use their abilities for good. They are ready to make contact with people and help them in every possible way. If you feel that your calling is to help those who are in trouble, then you have every chance to become a good wizard.

In order to be a sorceress, you need to know a lot. You have to not only figure out how to eliminate the negative impact, but also how to direct it in order to better choose a rite that can help a person.

You definitely need to learn to be well versed in herbs, to make infusions and potions that can help the sick and suffering.

You need to have the gift of persuasion. After all, if a person is not convinced that any black witchcraft can be dispelled, he is unlikely to recover.

In addition, you need to arm yourself with special attributes. But no, this is not a magic wand, these are real items that will help you in your endeavors:

  • a notebook (write down all the recipes for decoctions, potions, ways to remove damage and the evil eye, interpretation of dreams - absolutely everything);
  • magical stones-talismans. You must be able to defend yourself. You can choose the right talisman stone according to the horoscope or simply evaluate what qualities they have and choose the one that you like the most;
  • a mandatory attribute of a wizard - small glass jars. In them you will infuse potions. They should be of several colors: green, red, blue, yellow, and matte (white);
  • amulets (you choose them yourself. It can be any thing that gives you confidence and fills you with strength);
  • your home should always have a complete set of herbs that may be needed for rituals. Usually it is dried carnation, geranium, calendula, jasmine, lily, St. John's wort, thistle, Ivan da Marya, nettle, sedge, wormwood, turtle dove and others. A detailed list of herbs is given with each potion;
  • mirror. This magical weapon can be used in the fight against evil forces.

Other than that, remember, you have nothing to fear. You are on the side of good, which means that it will protect you and help you. The truth will still be on your side, and you will be able to defeat any evil. If you start doubting yourself, then all the magic will disappear.

Is it possible to become a wizard in real life

Of course yes. But only the person whose soul is bright and pure will be able to do this. A dishonest, deceitful and envious person will never become a real magician. Indeed, in order to work miracles, the blessing of higher powers is necessary.

It is possible to embark on this path even without initiation. In this case, it is not required. In order to do good, it is not necessary to warn anyone about it in advance.

But any person who decides to do magic needs to ask for strength and endurance. For these, you can turn to the angels or the forces of nature. In order to ask for strength from them, it is necessary to conduct a special ceremony for calling angels. Enlisting the support of the forces of nature is much easier.

To perform the ritual, you will need:

  • find a special place (it can be a forest glade, a bank of a reservoir - it all depends on which spirits you will turn to);
  • white long cape;
  • ritual knife with a white handle;
  • 5 candles;
  • gift to the spirits.

Appeal to the spirits of the forest

If you decide to turn to the forest spirits and ask them for support in your endeavors, then go to the sunniest and most pretty clearing, place five candles around you, and become the center of this design yourself. Put the knife on the ground, light all the candles clockwise with your right hand and say:

Spirits of the forest, come to me (name). I rely on you, I ask for protection and help. Bless me for good undertakings, fill me with wisdom and strength, grant me confidence and fearlessness. Give me a sword to fight evil sorcerers. Protect the eyes of the evil one from adversity.

After that, the spirits should come to you. When you feel that they have gathered at the place of the ceremony, raise your hands up and say:

I called you to become witnesses of the fact that I promise not to cause harm and pain, not to carry anger and hatred in my heart, to protect the weak and infirm, to help those who ask and those in need.

After that, feel how threads of positive energy begin to appear from the forest surrounding you, which entangles you and nourishes you. When the transfer of the energy flow is completed, thank the spirits for coming to your aid and leave your gift in the clearing.

The most commonly used bell. So you can contact your patrons. For their subsequent call, you will just need to ring the same bell, and the spirits will come to your aid.

Ritual with water spirits

The spirits of water are very powerful and are able to bestow great power on those who believe in them and who worship them.

To conduct a ceremony on the shore of a reservoir, take with you all the same attributes as in the previous ritual and go to the designated place. It is advisable to wait until dusk and choose a site where you will be hidden from prying eyes.

Place all five candles on the same line on the shore (so that they are as close to the water as possible, but the waves do not extinguish them), and go knee-deep into the water yourself. Take a knife in your right hand and dip its blade into the water. Tell:

I cry out to you, water spirits. Come to me (name), respond to my request! Be merciful!

If the spirits come, then circles will begin to appear around the knife blade. If this does not happen, complete the ritual and do not turn to the water element anymore. These spirits do not want to be your patrons. But if they answered your call, then say:

Oh spirits of the waters! You have come to my call! Help me, give peace and confidence, fill my heart with kindness and love, as water fills every empty vessel. Protect me, as I will protect the afflicted. Protect from evil forces, as I will protect the weak. Show mercy and generosity, become my patrons and guards.

After that, a large energy drop should rise from the surface of the water, which will form a dense cocoon around you. He will protect you from adversity and protect you in difficult times.

In addition, with the help of this cocoon, you can draw energy from your new patrons. When the energy cocoon becomes very dense, thank the spirits for their attention and leave them something to remember. Usually some kind of decoration is thrown into the water.

Turning into a sorceress at home

But if a person does not have the opportunity to conduct an initiation ritual in nature? How then to be? As mentioned earlier, you can do without this ritual.

It is in order to become a witch or turn into a magician, you must definitely go through a special rite. Wizards do not have this rule.

But if you are unable to enlist the support of nature outside the premises, then you can do it at home. First of all, you will need a symbol of wildlife - a plant. You can choose it any way you like.

If you want, buy what suits you according to the horoscope, or what you just like, or appreciate the magical properties of indoor plants and stop at the one whose properties you like the most.

When the plant is purchased, bringing it into the home for the first time, say:

Now this is your home, where you will work miracles and help people.

A plant is not just a decorative item. This is your assistant and protector, a living amulet. If you have a pet, make sure that it does not harm the plant (for example, cats are very fond of biting and chewing succulent leaves).

Let the plant get used to the house a little, let it stand for several days in one place. Come to him every day. Talk, charge with your energy. If within 1 month the plant does not die, but rather grows, this means that the atmosphere in the room suits it, and it is ready to help you.

You need to take some water (if necessary, with fertilizers) for the conduct of the ritual. An important note - it is desirable that the plant is thermophilic, and it can be placed in the sun. Water the plant with the words:

Just as I water you with water and you grow, so the magic power increases with me.
As the sun shines on you, so I am filled with light and love.
Be my guardian, my protector, let me do good and help people.

After these words, you should tie up the stem of the plant with green and white ribbons. They will symbolize fertility and purity of thoughts. As the plant grows and gets stronger, your own strength will increase, and you will be able to do more good deeds.

How to become a sorceress using a simple spell

This method was invented for those who are not eager to enlist the support of the forces of nature and wish to independently follow the path of learning magic. Remember, this road to knowledge and accumulation of strength is itself long and difficult.

And this does not mean at all that in the end you will be a stronger, more experienced or more powerful wizard than those who used the help of magical mentors.

A conspiracy for a sorceress for three candles

There are several ways to become a sorceress using powerful spells.

For the first ritual, you need to stay in the house all alone and light three candles at exactly midnight. They need to be placed at an equal distance from each other and say:

As the flame of a candle burns, so my strength flares up.
As wax melts from the flame, so my enemies will disappear,
As the flame trembles in the wind, so will my enemies tremble.
May strength be with me, may wisdom be with me,
May I have enough endurance to go through this path and become closer to the Light. Amen.

After pronouncing these words, you need to blow out each of the candles in turn, from left to right. After that, go to bed, and the next morning you can start mastering the necessary skills.

A simple spell to turn into a sorceress

There is another simple spell that will help you turn into a sorceress. This ritual is very simple. You need to go out to a deserted place late at night. It is desirable that it be a wasteland where there is a lot of wind. Let your hair down and stand so that the wind permeates your entire body. Tell:

Let the wind pierce my body, so it will be filled with strength.
May goodness and strength come with me to bestow good on people.
May the power to work miracles come:
heal, unite hearts, resist evil spirits, protect from the evil eye. Amen.

After reading the words, turn around and go home.

It is possible to become a sorceress on your own in the modern world. But remember, the magic will depend not on what kind of initiation ritual you went through (and whether you went through at all), but on how ready you are to help people.

1. If the sun appeared behind the clouds - the sorceress says "SO"! The smallest success or share of success should be thanked and cheered up like this. So the sorceress has an accelerator and a catalyst.

2. The sorceress ignores and misses complaints, problems, bad news. The sorceress is not up to it! If someone tries to load the sorceress with her whining, she simply says " Get out, dummy"! And turns his attention to something more constructive.

3. If the sorceress really wants something, she immediately imagines emotions that she will feel when she gets what she wants. She mentally plunges into the future, where the desire has already been fulfilled, and catches all the sounds, all the colors, all the thoughts and sensations in this state.

4. The sorceress lets go of fears, fears are for losers! The sorceress is lucky!

5. The sorceress knows she'll be lucky if she was unlucky, then she was lucky in something else (for example, she didn’t catch the bus, she was late for work, but she met her friend on the next bus, and the boss also came later).

6. If 2 or 3 unpleasant moments happened in the morning, the Sorceress does not generalize and does not predict “well, a bad day!” Vice versa, now it will definitely carry immensely, because the share of troubles has already passed, and see the previous paragraph.

7. The sorceress smiles all around!

8. Enchantress knows she can do it. She simply believes in her World, and that all options are ready for her. It remains for her to choose, and she makes the choice by formulating desires and performing rituals.

9. The sorceress formulates clearly, without hesitation.

10. The sorceress is not shy of other people, stiffness is for losers! She smiles at everyone, performing the ritual, she laughs, and she does not care what skeptics and bigots think of her!

11. The sorceress does not blame anyone for anything. She is not to blame, and no one is to blame. If something happened, then it will lead to something. And everything always leads to good, because the sorceress is lucky :).

12 . The sorceress has a lot of talents! She writes poetry, draws, sings, dances, and it does not matter at all what happens, the main talent is an exciting process! The sorceress does not seek praise and expert evaluation, she just creates when she's in the mood!

13. Where an ordinary person just walks or sits, a sorceress does her magic! An ordinary person thinks the same caring or empty thoughts every day, but a sorceress - mentally creates his own world. He gives flowers to people he sees, grows bouquets of dandelions on the heads of harmful (only at first glance) bores, and also does many stupid things, raising his mood and energy.

14. Sorceresses communicate with sorceresses, exchange positive, rituals, successful and funny stories, arrange joint walks and field trips.

15. Enchantments are endless... can become anyone! They can make a great discovery! Can find sincere and true love! And why not YES? And why would I? Who said you can't?!

16. Witches love what they do and do what they love.

17. A sorceress doesn't end her studies at 17 or 20, wizard is always learning! She learns from life examples, she explores new areas or improves in one chosen one. Enchantress never stops achieved in knowledge and skills.

18. The sorceress never stops there. The life of a sorceress is one of movement and growth. While ordinary people go with the flow, complaining about oncoming stones, the sorceress directs the course of her life where she needs to.

19. The sorceress does not try to copy someone else's success, because someone succeeded, she chooses her own path, their own goals.

20. In a boring company or environment, the sorceress does not go out, does not feel sad, but instead lights up and turns everything around into a fun farce!

21. Enchantress NOT postponing for tomorrow or next year, she is not too lazy to conjure a bit today!

22. Sorceresses know how to take risks and try something new, unknown, because it's so interesting! And if you do not try anything risky, then you will turn into a turtle.

23. Accidents are not accidental. Any randomness is natural.

24. Difficulties for the sorceress are hardening, an interesting task, a challenge. Sorceresses never give up, they look for open doors and vents in any walls, and if there is a fence, then ways to climb over it!

25. The sorceress has an awareness of her values ​​and priorities. She does not pursue fashion or what everyone has, but chooses exactly what she needs.

26. The sorceress lives in harmony, does not dwell on money or awards, titles or labels. Money for a sorceress is a means of fulfilling specific desires, and not an end in itself. The list of achievements is not the main thing, the main thing is happiness from a favorite thing, from pleasant moments, a wealth of emotions.

27. The sorceress is always kind to other people, helps with pleasure, without demanding anything in return.

28. The sorceress does not judge or condemn other people and their actions. She knows that everyone has their own past, their own experience, their own goals, their own ways. "Not like me" does NOT mean "wrong" to a sorceress.

29. The sorceress has a treasure map. At least in my head.

30. The sorceress loves change, is able to live in different conditions, change her habits. The sorceress does not cling to her things or to people, she simply rejoices in that and those who are nearby now.

31. The sorceress loves her body. She moves, takes care of her figure, monitors her lifestyle.

32. The sorceress does NOT seek solace and pleasure in gluttony, smoking, alcohol, etc. She knows how to have fun and be happy.

33. Enchantress boldly refuses those who try to hang their stereotypes on her. He also acts with all sorts of prejudices and negative examples. He loves the number 13, and when a black cat crosses the road - makes a wish!

34. The sorceress does not limit herself to too "practical and realistic" plans, she always orders and gets more than what ordinary people might believe.

35. The sorceress does not make excuses, does not ramble on the past, does not feel sad for too long. The past for her is a lesson and a passed stage, All attention is on the present and the future.

36. The sorceress knows how to be distracted from everything and focus on something important right now.

37. The sorceress plays different roles in life, plays on different stages (at work, in the family, with friends, alone with herself). She always knows that she - hostess these roles, not a slave.

38. The sorceress loves to find new, original solutions, effective ways, she loves to invent her own ways more than to stomp along the beaten paths.

39. The sorceress is interested in creativity and beauty, loves to listen to music, watch interesting movies, go to theaters or exhibitions. In creativity, the sorceress finds energy and expands her worldview.

40. A sorceress is a person of thought and deed. And not just thoughts or only deeds.

41. In any weather, the sorceress finds her charm, rejoices at the golden autumn leaf fall, and the stormy powerful wind, and the sparkling snow, and the hot sun. The sorceress lives in harmony with nature, knows how to find beauty in everything that happens around her.

42. The sorceress knows how to look at everything with humor, and at herself - with self-irony. In general, she is a cheerful young lady, loves jokes, tells jokes, makes fun of her friends, and never takes offense at jokes addressed to her!

The world of magic is beautiful and amazing. And we can join it, because each of us is born with certain magical skills. You just need to be able to wake them up. Let's try to figure out how to become a sorceress for real.

There are various ways to become a sorceress.

Method 1

Before proceeding with the magic ritual, choose what kind of sorceress or fairy you want to become. Each of them is responsible only for a certain force: water, fire, earth, air, wildlife, plants, love, etc.

And now on the most ordinary piece of paper write your desire. Don't forget to indicate what kind of witch you want to become. Drink a glass of clean water. Ideally, it should be spring water, but ordinary purified water will do just fine. After that, throw the leaf out the window so that it flies as far as possible. It is necessary to carry out the ritual before going to bed. Immediately after that, go to bed and fall asleep. And when you wake up in the morning, you will already be a fairy.

Method 2

For the next ritual, you will need a bowl of water, a mirror, a candle, and a piece of paper. It will be nice if the bowl is clay, and the water is spring. Paper will also need not simple, but colored. Its color should symbolize the power that the sorceress patronizes. If it is fire - red, the sun - yellow, the element of water - blue.

Cut out the symbol of the sorceress from colored paper (flame, sun, droplet, etc.). And now its edges have gently fallen off with a candle. Work carefully, because fire can cause a fire. Now dip a piece of paper into the water and reflect it in the mirror. Then look into it yourself and repeat "I am a sorceress" three times. Try to predict the weather the next day. If the prediction comes true, then you are a fairy.

Method 3

If the first two methods did not bring results, do not despair, but try this method. Ask your mother for an empty bottle of perfume or toilet water. It is possible that you already have a suitable one in your treasury. Take it and start preparing the magic potion. Pour exactly three pinches of sugar and salt into it, as well as some spice: cinnamon stick, cloves, orange peel. You have to like the flavor of the ingredients. If there is an essential oil, you can add it, but only 1-2 drops. This will strengthen the potion.

Now put our magic mixture on the windowsill and wait exactly 2 weeks. And now, every day before going to bed, sprinkle yourself with magical perfume and mentally imagine how you become a real sorceress. It won't be long before your wish comes true.

And if your brother or friend wants to become a wizard, then the information for him is located in the article.

Many of them featured fairies, wizards, sorceresses and magicians who possessed knowledge and abilities inaccessible to ordinary people and could perform breathtaking miracles.

Which of us did not dream in childhood to find ourselves in their place in order to decide the fate of the main characters of the fairy tale?

I dreamed.

Years have passed, we have matured, but it turns out that many of us still think how to become a wizard.

No, if you understand correctly that magic in the modern world is not about spells, potions and various magical attributes, but the ability to achieve your goals, as if by magic, and help people who are less fortunate than you.

People are really interested in how to become a wizard

I was surprised to see how many people ask Google for advice on how to become a wizard.

At first I thought that this was what kids who read the Harry Potter stories were interested in, and then I came across an amazing site where step-by-step instructions were prepared for adults who want to become wizards.

Some talented writer, in all seriousness, convinces that anyone who sincerely desires it and who acquires magical attributes, ranging from amulets to a notebook in which you will write spells, can become a wizard.

It is impossible to acquire the gift of magic, - the creative copywriter who wrote this article convinces readers, - without going through the ritual of initiation.

You can become a wizard if:

  • find a place in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir with the right energy;
  • dress in a specially tailored white long cloak with a hood;
  • light 5 candles around you;
  • put a special ritual knife with a long blade and a white handle in front of you (thank God, they don’t recommend cutting themselves or anyone with this knife);
  • give something to the spirits (what you need to give for some reason is not specified) and, when you feel that they are listening to you attentively (!), turn to them with a request to give you the ability to create magic.

Okay, the humorous pause is over, I propose to move on to more serious things.

After all, you want to become a real wizard, and not a disguised jester, right?

If you stop being a dull skeptic, you will understand that magic is all around us.

The change of seasons, the beautiful pre-dawn sky, the bright stars, the life-giving summer rain, the smile of a child, the selfless love of a pet - I can list endless things that prove to me that real life is full of magic.

If you want to not only admire marvelous divas, but also create them, then here are some general tips for you on how to become a wizard:

    Change your attitude towards life.

    Are money, fame, clothes, iPhones and other rubbish really such important things?

    A real wizard would not agree with you.

    Constantly train your mind and body.

    So you can prepare for any life trials and not give in even to the most powerful enemy.

    Become the best in your business.

    Then all the acquaintances will say about you: “Oh, he is a real magician, he sewed an amazing dress for me / fixed a laptop beyond repair / cured my mother, who was abandoned by other doctors.”

    Have you met in fairy tales a whining, eternally dissatisfied wizard? No!

    They are real optimists who believe in the power of goodness and a happy ending to even the most complicated fairy tale.

    Give more than you receive.

    A magician is a selfless person who is ready to do good in unlimited quantities, and be content with little.

Knowing the 7 Laws of the Nature of the Universe will help you become a wizard

In my articles, I often advise you to cooperate with the Universe: ask it for what you really need, give thanks for what you have already given, send positive signals, etc.

I myself do this and I am convinced that sometimes you need to replace skepticism with faith, then it is easier to achieve what you want.

If you want to become a wizard, remember that the Universe lives according to its own laws.

If you want to become a magician, you must know the 7 Laws of the Nature of the Universe:

    The law of vibration.

    Nothing in the universe is static, everything vibrates and moves.

    Your thoughts and desires can attract the vibrational correspondence of what you want, therefore, otherwise it is useless to think how to become a magician.

    The law of relativity.

    You can't judge a situation until you compare it to something.

    For example, it is foolish to be upset that you cannot buy the 17th pair of shoes when there are people without legs.

    The law of polarity.

    Everything has its opposite: light - darkness, sun - moon, heat - cold, youth - old age, etc.

    That is why there are good people and there are bad people.

    Choose for yourself what to become, but remember that wizards are fighting on the side of good.

    maturation law.

    Everything in this world needs time to mature and form.

    If you haven’t gotten what you want yet, don’t stop trying and don’t despair, you just need to wait a bit for your dream to mature in the Universe.

    Causal law.

    There is a reason for any act you have done (both bad and good), but it should be understood that any evil done will return to you a hundredfold, just like good, that's why wizards.

    The law of rhythm.

    The cycle of our existence is inevitable.

    Just as day follows night, the black stripe in your life will be replaced by white.

    Law of transformation.

    Your thoughts release energy, the more you think about what you want, the faster this energy is converted in the Universe into what you want.

Becoming a wizard means getting what you want

Have you met people who succeed in everything in life, as if by a wave of a magic wand?

The more I got to know these people, the more I realized that they achieve success not through magic, but through hard work.

They did not wait for the magician, that they themselves turned into a magician, which helps her only for themselves, but also for others.

If you want to become a wizard, follow their example:

  1. Move confidently towards your goal.
  2. Build a career in a profession whose task is to help people.
  3. Earn enough to take care of yourself, your loved ones, and the poor.
  4. Generously share advice on how you managed to achieve such heights, teach beginner wizards.
  5. Leave behind a good legacy that will be useful to posterity.

Interesting thoughts about

who are wizards and what is true magic in the video:

Doing good deeds can easily become a wizard

It is foolish to try to become a wizard and not want to do good deeds.

Well, where did you see such defective wizards?

Our world is sometimes too cruel, too indifferent to other people's troubles, too artificial.

It is within the power of every wizard to change that.

To become a wizard, you need to do, albeit small, but good deeds:

  1. Donate money to charity.
  2. Work in some fund that helps children, the elderly, the poor, homeless animals, solves environmental problems, etc.
  3. Go on a charitable mission to poor countries.
  4. Volunteer in an orphanage, hospice, nursing home.
  5. Make at least one homeless animal happy by taking it into your home.
  6. Become a blood donor.
  7. Establish a charitable foundation or become an organizer of projects to raise funds for a noble cause, etc.

People find different answers to the question: How to become a wizard?».

Someone sits and waits until his magical abilities wake up in him, and someone daily performs a small miracle that changes our lives for the better.

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Many of us, in childhood, probably envied the possibilities of Genie, the Golden Fish, the good Fairy from Cinderella and other wizards. Who did not think: "Oh, I would be a sorceress ...". And now your childhood wishes can become a reality. We will tell you the most proven ways to become a real sorceress in real life. But it should be remembered that these recipes will only help if you have a kind soul and good intentions.

So, let's start with the fastest way to become a real sorceress. This method is valid only three times a year: Halloween, New Year and Malanka. The first thing to do is to buy a beautiful dress with a golden coating, a fabulous hat and build a magic wand. Of course, the latter can be bought at a supermarket or a fancy dress store, but that wand will be ordinary, mass consumption, and we need a special one to become a real sorceress. Particular attention should be paid to magical makeup. Use plenty of powder and glittery shadows. For more confidence, you can also stock up on magical gold dust, which can be purchased at the stationery store. After the image is completed, you can go to the place of accumulation of the greatest forces of magic these days (festival, masquerade, concert). Believe me, no one will doubt that you are a real sorceress.

If you wait too long for favorable days, then there are proven ways to become a real sorceress in real life right now. This is a recipe with the preparation of a magical decoction and the pronunciation of a special spell. For a magical drink, you need to collect spring water at dawn. If you live in a large city, then bottled water will do, but you need to buy it in the morning.

The prepared water must be boiled and cooled, after pouring into a glass. Then add a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. But the last ingredient must be added by saying the spell: “Abra, dabra, kadabra! I'm becoming a sorceress!"

If the drink began to hiss, foam and boil, then you have become a real sorceress in real life. To reinforce the result, the drug should be drunk while it has not yet ceased to hiss. Do not be afraid, this is an absolutely proven recipe.

Now you are a real sorceress, but in order not to lose your gift, you need to do good deeds every day, but so that no one guesses about your abilities.