
How to hide Yandex direct ads. Preparing to disable Yandex Direct

Website owners try to make money on their own Internet resources with the help of ad units. Sometimes promotional messages can be helpful to visitors. Unfortunately, in most cases, advertising is aggressive and only gets in the way. Sometimes there is a transfer to a third-party resource.

Many users are interested in how to disable ads in the Yandex browser and whether it can be done. There are several ways in which the problem that has arisen is solved. You need to analyze each method, and then choose the most suitable one. This is necessary in order to avoid the removal of extensions or programs in the future.

How to get rid of ads

  • browser settings;
  • Installing extensions;
  • Special programs.

Each of the methods will allow you to enjoy surfing the Internet without ads. It should be noted that each method has both advantages and disadvantages. Before using a particular method, it is necessary to carefully study it.

Browser ad blocking

Many users do not know how to remove ads in Yandex browser by changing settings. If everything is done according to the instructions, even beginners should not have any difficulties. First you need to open the menu located in the upper right corner, and then select "settings".

When the settings page opens, go to the "Add-ons" tab.

After a second, a window will open with all the built-in extensions. You need to find the "Security" section, then turn on "Flash Data Lock" and "Antishock". To do this, just click once on the on / off button.

After enabling these extensions, most of the advertising messages will be blocked. Unfortunately, such a setting is fraught for Yandex browser with the fact that the user will not be able to view flash animation and video. You should think before enabling such settings.

Blocking ads with add-ons

Get rid of annoying ads, perhaps with the help of add-ons. The best solution is to install the Adblock Plus add-on. It is recommended that you log into the Google store first. After that, the address "" is entered in the web browser. On the page that opens, enter the name of the plugin in the search bar.

When the desired browser extension is found, you should click on the "Install" button. After that, the add-on will be downloaded and installed.

In the event that you use the Adblock Plus plugin that blocks ads, then it is best to disable the “Flash Banner and Video Blocker” in the add-ons. It is possible that both extensions failed.

Another popular add-on that allows you to remove aggressive ads and banners is the Flash Block add-on. The principle of search and installation is identical to the installation of Adblock. Some users use several add-ons at once, since blocking ads in Yandex is sometimes not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Using Third Party Programs

Sometimes users are interested in how to disable pop-up ads in Yandex using specialized programs. There are a large number of applications that can get rid of advertising messages.

Banners are removed using Adguard. The program is downloaded from the official website. First you need to go to the main page of the resource. To do this, enter the address "" in the browser. When the web page opens, you need to click the "mouse" once on the download button.

The next step will open a page describing the features of the utility, and then the download will begin. After downloading, the file must be run following the instructions of the installer.

Another popular application is Malwarebytes Antimalware. This utility belongs to anti-virus programs, but one of the protective functions of which is blocking ads on websites. The "anti-adware" application can be downloaded from the "" website. On the main page, you need to click on the "Free Download" button.

After a few minutes, the application will download to your computer. It remains only to run the downloaded exe file to proceed with the installation. When the installation is completed, ads will be blocked.

How to remove ads from social networks

Users often encounter ads on social networks such as Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki. At the same time, sometimes extensions and antiviruses do not cope with the task. It should be noted that the appearance of advertising messages and banners anywhere on the page indicates the presence of a virus.

In most cases, an extension is installed in the Yandex web navigator with some program, which “slips” advertising onto the social page. networks. In this case, only disabling the annoying extension will help. Of course, it is difficult to immediately understand what add-on adds ads to the pages. It is recommended to turn off all add-ons one by one.

After each shutdown, you must open the social network page, after updating it. This is done by pressing Ctrl+F5. When the desired add-on is found, you just need to remove it. At the same time, at the time of deletion, you need to put a tick in front of the inscription: "Report a violation."


Users who are faced with the appearance of advertising on the pages of websites should use one of the above methods. An extension or application, blocking banners and commercials, will not only save the user from annoying messages, but also speed up page loading.

Surely, the ever-increasing volume of advertising on sites on the Internet annoys not only me, but also many other users. What to do if you are overcome by pop-ups, flashing messages and colorful banners that do not allow you to concentrate on reading any article? Needless to say, advertising can be of an “intimate” nature and lead to sites not intended for children, and not only adults can be at the computer!

As part of the current topic, we will consider ways to block banners and pay special attention to the so-called "contextual advertising", which is about Most of all ads shown.

Leaders in contextual advertising are Yandex and Google with their Direct and AdSense programs, respectively. Most of the Runet sites use these two affiliate programs and earn from the number of ad impressions and clicks on them.

The principle of operation of these systems is simple - the issuance of advertisements and links to other sites that are similar in theme to the visited page. Site owners themselves set the number of ad units - usually from two to four. But there is more. And some webmasters, in addition to these blocks, also add several links with banners from themselves, turning their resource into a kind of billboard.

Today I will share a simple but very effective method of dealing with this disgrace. :)

So, let's get down to business.

Browser add-on to block ads

First of all, in the browser you usually use, install the “Adblock Plus” or “uBlock” add-on (for more advanced ones). Even without additional configuration, they will block a lot of ads on most of the sites you visit.

If your choice is "Adblock Plus" - find the "Allow some non-intrusive ads" option in its settings and disable it, otherwise it will skip some ad networks. Detailed information about the Adblock Plus extension can be found on the developers website:

For the updated uBlock or its base version uBlock Origin, help documentation is available on the sites along with their source code.

P.S.: Sometimes on pages with blocked ads there are calls from the creators of the site: “Please disable Adblock, support our project! ;(” And they put a sad, sad emoticon. :) It's up to you - if the site deserves it, you can disable the blocker on it, because this is done by simply clicking the extension icon on the toolbar. Some worthy sites can be added to the exception (white list). In any case, whether to show ads or not is up to you!

We block contextual advertising

Next, we have to deal with the ones mentioned at the beginning of the article “ Yandex Direct" and " Google adsense”.

The domain is responsible for Yandex Direct Google's server may change from time to time and look like Instead of pagead2, something else is sometimes found, but "" is always present at the end.

Since we now know the addresses of the servers that need to be blacklisted, we will need a program or browser add-on that will stop all attempts to connect to these nodes. There are actually many options, I will give only the main ones:
- local proxy server (for example, Proxomitron);
- firewall (firewall) with the ability to block addresses in part of the domain name;
- browser extension (Adblock, uBlock or similar) - our solution!;
- intermediate DNS server, like SkyDNS or Yandex DNS services
- through editing the system file localhost.

Now we open our program or plugin and create rules that prohibit access to resources:*^

Over the millennia of the development of commodity-market relations between people, sellers have come up with just a few ways to tell about their product: a bright sign, heralds and a specific offer to a potential buyer. With the development of printing houses and newspapers, another possibility emerged - printed ads. These several methods existed literally until recently, when the media and The realms of instant communication around the world have not reached their apogee in our twentieth century.I century. And then there was it - advertising. A word I hate. foreign to our language. Growling, intrusive, reeking of some kind of medical term, reminiscent of a foreign body in a healthy body.
One of my personal features is absolute immunity to any kind of advertising tricks: posters, videos, booklets, phone calls and acoustic space clogging. If I need some thing or service, I do my best to study the subject of my future purchase, choose the right one and look for the best seller. Fortunately, for this now there are all the possibilities of our century overflowing with information. If I DO NOT NEED a thing, it is USELESS for me to suck it in! I don't understand what advertising is? How do people fall for it, and for what reasons is it a "engine of commerce", "life-giving force of the Internet" and "demand stimulator"?? The engine of greed of sellers, violence against the psyche of the masses and a stimulant of misleading, IMHO!
The most parasitic phenomenon of the virtual space, sticking to many programs, browsers and sites, is YANDEX DIRECT. Not only does this rubbish monitor your actions and requests, Yandex also offers for YEARS those services and goods that you have already forgotten about purchasing. By settingad block+ and adding the addresses of sites to block, found by search query, I made sure that I rejoiced early. Malicious, sticky, and even discrediting ads stubbornly crawled out in the “feed” of the Yandex mailbox in the browser, and sometimes appeared on different sites. After a little digging into the contents of the mailbox page, I found the same nasty beast and neutralized it! I hope the following infa will be useful to you. So, getting rid of pp-ads:

  1. Downloadingad block+ (which, by the way, is now also developed for smartphones) at the link: , we type it into the browser.

  2. We create filters and write off all these addresses (along with Google advertising))): (the main animal!)
You can register without https - it will work.

  1. We go into your router and create filters there with the same addresses, i.e. Yes, we will have a “double perimeter” of protection.

We use and rejoice!

Perhaps the most annoying thing about browsing the internet is the ads. No wonder such a huge number of ad blockers for different browsers were made. But there is a separate type of advertising that makes its way even through them. Yes, and some blockers began to replace advertising with their own, but this is not the point.

What is Yandex.Direct?

Sometimes you can notice that after searching for certain products, advertising often begins to offer these same products at better prices. This is targeted advertising that focuses on requests coming from the corresponding address. And if I have a browser installed on a PC that cuts it off, then I didn’t put it on the phone. On my phone, I rarely search or search for entertainment.

Disabling ads

It took about an hour. It was a trial and error method, which either blocked access to mail or replaced advertising. Unfortunately, not all blockers behave honestly. And you should start with a list of those that do their job 100%.

So, the choice of the add-on is made, but it has not yet been trained to cut off unnecessary ads. The question of how to disable Yandex direct in the Yandex browser is still open. Now we clearly follow the instructions that I will draw up using the example of the last blocker from the list. Based on this experience, you can easily deal with any other that allows you to remove ads.


So, the application is installed, but as you can see, it does not remove ads yet. He just doesn't understand and doesn't know how.

First of all, you need to open the settings of the application itself. This is done by right-clicking on the add-on icon. It is located in the upper right corner of the window.

After clicking on "Settings", a window with the configuration of this add-on will open in front of us. In it, we select the “Add your own filters” tab and already in it we add the following content:

  • In the first field we enter:;
  • Then just click "Add Filter".

It is this address that is the supplier. After adding it to the number of filterable ads miraculously disappeared, as you can see in the following image.

Thus, we figured out how to eliminate unnecessary targeted ads in the browser. If you know the server that needs to be eliminated, then any advertisement can be eliminated in the same way. One of the funny advantages of this blocker turned out to be that it picked up the installed filter in its installation package and, when added on the next device, already had in the list of unwanted servers.

How to disable Yandex Direct - delete or earn

Hi friends! My article today will be more about some technical tricks than our usual topics about making money on the Internet. I am sure that the topic that I will raise today will be of interest to many of you.

After reading this article, you, firstly, will finally be able to make some technical settings that will allow you personally to make more comfortable surfing the sites, and secondly, you will get the opportunity to gain fame among your friends as a “shaman” , or a hero-savior, helping them do certain tricks (which I will teach), and your other halves (quite possibly!) Will give you a hot kiss in gratitude!

So, we meet - the topic of our conversation is how to disable Yandex Direct.

What is Derikt anyway?

Despite the ever-increasing offers regarding the possibility of acquiring increasingly high-speed connection packages from different Internet providers, our presence and travel on the Internet, for some reason, does not become so noticeably more comfortable. The reason here is clear as daylight - with an increase in the number of Internet users, the “economy” of the virtual world grows and develops, following demand, and more advertising appears on sites.

Naturally, this leads to a longer loading of the Internet pages that we visit, due to the appearance of additional traffic (in addition to the main one), and also slows down the response of the site due to constant requests to third-party servers that interact with ad units.

One of the most frequently encountered advertising giants in the vastness of the RU-net is the division of our beloved Yandex - Yandex Direct. This service is a simple tool for placing advertising, called "contextual", on the pages of Yandex itself, or on the network of its partner sites.

Yandex Direct is a well-established business model capable of reaching a multi-million target audience, allowing its creators to own one of the largest and most successful businesses in the world. Everything here is based on advertising. Showing it to potential customers of the customer is the main source of income for service holders. And this income, believe me, is very impressive!

One of the "secrets" of the company's success is the actual effectiveness of the promotion of Direct's clients' products, as well as the speed in achieving tangible results for the enterprise.

But advertising doesn't make money for us, does it? This means that we, absolutely free and independent users of the World Wide Web, have a completely legal right (moral, at least) to a firm “No!” all sorts of attempts to litter our use of the “worldwide storehouse of knowledge” with advertising that does not interest us.

And once and for all, disable these banners that are constantly “hanging” on sites and distracting attention from the main content, flickering, twitching, and making sounds. To do this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Literally in a matter of seconds, you can easily and simply say goodbye to the imposed Yandex Direct advertising product.

How to remove Derikt

To begin with, you basically need to make sure that the ad units shown specifically to you on the page belong to Yandex.Direct. You can do this by simply looking at the ad unit itself, and if you see the inscription “Yandex Direct” there, then you got it! It's clear?

Further, seeing the enemy in person, we take decisive action. To disable this ad, you need to know the main thing, and this (tsssss!) - you must, by all means, block any network address that would begin with Because it is from this third-party Direct server that all “communication” of advertising scripts with the end user takes place.

This is done in different ways. First, you can add this address to your firewall settings, or to the network traffic filter rules of the browser you are using.
Secondly, you can do this right away in the proxy server filter (if there is one, of course), and you will save the entire local network from Yandex Direct advertising.

There is also, in my opinion, a wonderful extension for Internet browsers called Adblock Plus , which will easily help you disable annoying ads, no matter if you work in Chrome, Mozilla, or Opera. Suitable even for Android devices. Just add the already mentioned address to the extension filter, and it will “clean up” your surfing on its own, in the background.

Just enter* in your chosen ad blocking method (which will mean your desire to block all addresses that start with and live happily ever after!

How to earn not bad "grandmothers" on Direct

But since we have touched on the topic today that Yandex Direct, in principle, is indeed a very effective service in matters of promotion and promotion of advertising products, and also tries to be the best in everything for its customers, I think it would not be out of place to mention to you that that there are ways to make money on this very contextual advertising offered by Direct.

You will learn how to do this if you get to know the chicken. From the proposed course, you will learn how to easily and quickly be able to make an effective and profitable advertising campaign. Get the perfect method to attract customers, buyers. You can learn how to attract visitors to your own site, or act as a highly paid "mercenary" for the sites of other owners. Your choice!

Download video course for free ===>>>

Today we touched on the topic of concern to everyone about the possibility of disabling contextual advertising from Yandex Direct. I hope I was useful to you in my advice, and you will be happy to use my "chips". All the best to you!

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanov