
How to connect letters while reading. What to do if the child stubbornly calls syllables letter by letter? How to make your child's education more productive

However, experts in the field of pedagogy do not recommend loading a baby in this way at this age, because a two-year-old already has something to comprehend. At this time, socialization and communication skills should be formed, without which in the future it will be difficult for a child to find his place in society.

Parents may object: after all, children recognize the letters in the pictures very well! Indeed, it is. Kids 2-3 years old remember well and recognize graphic images of letters, but regard them only as pictures.

But to correlate a letter with a sound, to combine two letter pictures into a syllable are too difficult tasks for a child of early preschool age. It is too early to learn to read at 2-3 years old.

Signs that your child is ready to start learning

The first rule regarding the timing of learning such a skill as reading says that this process must begin when the baby is already:

  • speaks well
  • does not miss or “swallow” sounds,
  • successfully copes with the difficult to pronounce "r",
  • does not lisp and does not whistle.

If the baby begins to learn to read before these problems are eliminated, in the future he may have problems not only with reading itself, but also with writing: rearranging sounds and letters, skipping sounds during speaking and letters when writing words.

Another condition for successful literacy education is that the child has developed skills of analysis and synthesis. It is they who will help the baby figure out that he sees not just an image, but a letter that corresponds to a certain sound. And also to understand that two letters form a syllable that can be pronounced.

As a rule, a child masters these skills by the age of 5. It was at this time that experienced teachers recommend starting to master the skill of reading by syllables.

In addition, you should engage in reading with your child when he is ready for it, that is, he can focus on one thing for 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, science will not go for the future, and the kid will not like learning at all.

Preparatory stage: mastering letters and sounds

Another condition, without which reading by syllables, and even more fluent, is simply impossible, is the child's knowledge of all letters and sounds. It is important that the child understands which image corresponds to a particular sound.

That is why learning to read should begin with the study of literacy. To do this, you can use any children's book with large letters.

But still, it is better to purchase a primer: this is a manual that has been proven over the years, contributing to the gradual mastery of the skill. Here are letters, sounds, and interesting pictures on the topic. The training will be both productive and interesting.

Vowel Mastery

As a rule, the sound-letter composition of the language begins to be studied with the vowels A, O, E, U, Y, I. The child remembers how these letters look and how the corresponding sounds are pronounced. Show your baby how well the vowels are sung. Following the simple vowels, you can study the iotated ones, making all 10 sounds in pairs: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, E - E, plus another pair of Y - I.

In this combination, the child will quickly master the vowel sounds. You should not delve into phonetics and explain to the child that iotated vowels denote two sounds, and even more so, you do not need to use the term itself in class. It is enough just to study the letters and sounds themselves. The theory will be explained to children in detail at school.

Learning consonants

Having dealt with the "singing" vowels, you can move on to consonants. Usually, sonorants are first studied - L, M, N, P and sonorous sounds. Then you can begin to master deaf consonants using the same method as when studying vowels - combining letters (sounds) into pairs: B - P, Z - C and so on.

After that, it is the turn of unpaired hissing and Y. The “silent” letters - b and b - are introduced last.

An important point: when showing the letters to the child for the first time, do not pronounce their names, but sounds, that is, not “be”, but “b”, not “en”, but “n”. So it will be easier for the baby to correlate the sound and the letter. Otherwise, the five-year plan may confuse the name of the letter and the sound and give out the mysterious “enoes” instead of the simple and understandable “nose”.

We start to read in syllables

Sonor + A

Learning to read syllables follows from the simplest examples. As a rule, at the first stages, syllables are mastered that begin with sonorants and end in A: MA, LA, RA, and so on. At this stage, it is important to explain to the baby that while reading a syllable, one sound seems to be attracted to another, the sounds must be pronounced together.

Using the combination “sonor + vowel”, you can visually show the merging of sounds by chanting the syllable: “mmmmaaaa”. Even more clearly, the essence of the connection of sounds can be demonstrated by the example of a combination of two vowels: AU, UA.

Of course, such a combination is not a syllable, but using it at this stage will help the child understand how one sound gradually, seamlessly passes into another.

Sonorant + other vowels

Having dealt with the combination of sonorant and vowel A, you can attach a new vowel to the same consonants. Then you can also replace consonants - with other voiced or deaf ones: ZhI, KO, SA. Having understood the principle of adding sounds, in the future the little reader will be able to independently pronounce and compose syllables.

Some techniques suggest already at this stage to try to read words consisting of syllables familiar to him: “mother”, “milk”. If the baby succeeds, you can finish the lesson by reading the phrase from the old Soviet primer: "Mow, scythe, while the dew."

If the training is not too easy for the child, you should not yet load him with reading words and phrases.

Mastering more complex syllables

Traditionally, closed syllables (that is, ending in a consonant) are considered more complex: AM, OK, EX. You can study them by comparing them with already familiar open ones: MA - AM, KO - OK. So the child will understand that the same letters and sounds can be combined into syllables that are different not only in spelling, but also in pronunciation.

When closed syllables are mastered, you can move on to three-letter combinations: constructions “consonant + vowel + consonant”. For example: CAT, NOSE, VOL.

A more complex option is a three-letter syllable, where two consonants go in a row: TRA, PLI, STO. The study of three-letter syllables prepares the child for reading words.

Let's move on to reading words and sentences

Reading words from open two-letter syllables

Of course, there will be small pauses between parts of the word, there is nothing wrong with that. However, you need to make sure that the pause is not too long, otherwise the word will turn into just syllables.

Learning more difficult words

Then you can practice reading the three-letter words of the “consonant + vowel + consonant” construction: “mouth”, “sleep”, “world”. Explain to your child that these words are nothing but complex syllables that you have already practiced reading together before.

The next stage involves reading phonetically complex words with two consonants in a row: “table”, “stove”, “grass”, as well as with Y, b and b.

Features of learning to read syllables and words

It is worth saying that today there are a lot of methods for teaching reading. Their authors distribute the material in different ways.

The proposed sequence of teaching a child to read in warehouses can offer the following alternative: having mastered simple syllables with one vowel, for example, with A, you can start reading more complex syllables with the same sound, and then try to add words (for example, "fun", "parade").

Then you should go the same way with other vowels, and then try to read whole sentences in syllables, for example: “Mom washed the frame.” Syllables and words with Й, Ь and Ъ traditionally remain at the end of the learning period.

It is important that the common point of all modern methods is to consolidate the material in a playful way. The game is the most important element of learning today, especially when it comes to preschool children.

How to make your child's education more productive?

Basic moments

So, when teaching a child to read by syllables, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. We repeat: the letters should be called as sounds: “m”, not “em”, “k”, not “ka”.
  2. Make sure that the child pronounces the syllables correctly, and correct mistakes immediately to avoid remembering incorrect options.
  3. Do not overload the baby with unnecessary information, in particular phonetic terms, as well as sound-letter analysis. For example, do not go into detail about the fact that some letters in certain positions in a word represent two sounds.
  4. Turning to the reading of words, provide the child with the text in the book with their correct spelling, without hyphens, which make it difficult to understand the whole word.

Student interest is the key to success

Try to make classes interesting for the child, spend them in a playful way. Only in this case, you can hope for a result.

Reading is a complex science, and visualization is indispensable here. Use bright pictures, cards with letters to form syllables and syllables to form words, present information in the form of mini-crossword puzzles.

Together with your child, illustrate what you read, use board games and figurative tools (classic examples: a syllabic train or a caterpillar), turn on online learning games and videos for your child on a computer or tablet - in general, diversify and supplement the learning process with everything your heart desires.

There is only one goal: a steady interest in the child's activities. A bored student practically does not perceive information.

Every parent can teach a child to read in syllables. To do this, you do not need a pedagogical education, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the manuals, which today are in a large assortment, take an interest in the main methods, choose the one you like and follow the advice of the author.

And if you make mastering this necessary skill also exciting, you can be sure that your kid will go to the first grade already knowing how to read at least syllable by syllable.

You will need

  • - cubes with letters;
  • - split alphabet;
  • - plasticine;
  • - a computer with a text editor and a voice simulator;
  • - an album for drawing;
  • - felt-tip pens or colored pencils.


Explain to the child what sounds are in Russian speech. Explain the difference between vowels and consonants. Vowels can be pulled and sung, consonants are pronounced briefly, they cannot be stretched, but they can be voiced and deaf, hissing and whistling. If classes are carried out in a playful way, the child will very quickly remember everything that the snake is “shhhh”, and this head is called hissing, and the fabulous Nightingale the Robber makes a whistling sound “sss”.

Learn to compose and draw word patterns. This can also be done in the form of a game. For example, invite him to come up with a cipher that only you can understand. Designate vowels with one conditional icon, and consonants with another. Then it will be possible to mark soft consonants, hissing, whistling and others in the models.

Show your child how the same letter sometimes stands for different sounds. For example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word or before a deaf one can be stunned, instead of the one that is written, another. Some consonants are not heard at all when reading, they “hide” among others.

Start teaching your child to add, which begin with vowels. Choose the ones that make sense to him. Select the appropriate pictures and sign the necessary syllables under them. For example, a baby eats porridge and says "am". The circus dog is about to jump through the hoop, and the trainer at the same time says: “up!”. You can write letters in syllables not side by side, but at some distance, and connect them with an arc. Invite your student to draw the vowel and at the same time draw a finger in an arc, and then briefly pronounce the consonant.

Gradually move on to other types of syllables. First, take those that are written with only two letters - “ma”, “pa”, “tu”, etc. Show what happens if you add one more of the same to a simple syllable or supplement it with another letter. From the syllable “pa” you can get the word “dad” understandable to the baby, and if you add the letter “r”, you will also get a whole word that reads like “steam”.

Syllables consisting of several consonants require some attention. Even if your student reads already simple syllables quite smartly, he may not immediately realize that two consonants must be pronounced in a row. Invite him to read the letters separately, and then divide the word so that the child understands what fragments it consists of. For example, in the word “rook”, suggest first reading “g”, then the already understandable syllable “ra” and finish reading again with one letter “h”. Then show other reading options - “gra-ch” and “g-rach”. Do the same with all the other words that are not very familiar to the young reader.

At the same time, teach your child to add words from cubes, a split alphabet. You can sculpt letters from plasticine or cut out from colored paper. On plasticine, it can be shown that letters can be molded together and the sounds indicated by them can be pronounced together. Words are best folded on a limited plane. For example, it can be a long board. It allows the preschooler to concentrate better. Have your child put the letters in the order they want. Read what he did. Alternate this exercise with "writing by pattern", that is, with the folding of syllables and words from the alphabet.

Use computer programs - for example, a voice simulator. Type a simple text) (it is possible at first from several syllables) and run the simulator. Then invite your student to do the same procedure. This exercise will surely arouse his interest, and he will get the imitator to read something meaningful.

After the preschooler learns to read syllables, he can only understand that you can read several syllables in a row. He even did this already when you read words from repeated syllables. Explain to him that syllables can be very different. Show with an example how you can divide a long word into simpler fragments. Children usually overcome this stage of learning to read quite quickly.

It is usually quite easy for a child to learn the letters of the alphabet, but when it comes to reading the syllables, problems arise. How to teach a child syllables to arouse his interest in reading? For this, there is a special technique, following which you can quickly figure out how to teach a child syllables, and then reading words. But first, you should find out what age is best for starting reading lessons.

At what age is it time to teach a child to read by syllables?

The optimal time for teaching a child to read is the age after 5 years. By this time, the baby's thinking, memory and attentiveness are already quite well developed, so learning will be more effective. Is it worth teaching a child to read at an earlier age and how to teach a child to syllables or to read words if he is only 2 or 3 years old?

Some parents strive to teach their child to read as early as possible. After all, after 2 years, he knows how to memorize information, which means that he can be taught the letters of the alphabet. But if you want to start learning at such an early age, you need to conduct it in an unobtrusive playful way, do not require quick results from the child and devote as much time to the lessons as it will be interesting for him to do it.

If your child is passionate about learning the basics of reading, there is nothing wrong with teaching him to read at an early age. But it is important to keep in mind that if a child learns to read by the age of 3 or 4, it will be necessary to regularly reinforce his knowledge, and do it in such a way that the baby does not lose interest. Otherwise, by the time he enters school, he will forget everything, and training will begin anew.

How to teach a child to read syllables?

Learning to read should begin with learning the alphabet. It is best to learn letters using special sets: these can be colored cubes or a magnetic board with letters, a primer with pictures, or colored letters cut out of paper yourself. By the way, in order to teach a child to read by syllables, it is not necessary that he knows all the letters of the alphabet. Memorization of letters and learning the technique of reading can be combined.

First, it is recommended to learn open hard vowels: A, O, U, Y, E. Then show the child voiced consonants: M and L. It is very important to pronounce consonants only with the sounds they represent. You don’t need to pronounce them the way they sound correctly in the alphabet - “em” and “el”, otherwise it will be difficult for the child later to understand how to make syllables from letters.

After that, you can begin to study deaf and hissing sounds: Sh, Zh, D, T, K. Regularly repeat the material covered. Before learning new sounds, remember the ones you learned in the previous lesson. After the child knows some of the vowels and consonants, you can start reading by syllables.

How to teach a child to add syllables?

Before teaching a child syllables, it is recommended to pick up several games and exercises with letters. To get started, simply explain to your child how letters form into syllables: take two letters, a vowel and a consonant, and show how one letter runs to the second, at the same time voicing how a syllable is made from them. For example, the letter M runs to the letter A, and the syllable "m-m-m-a-a-a" is obtained.

You should not expect that the child will immediately learn to read syllables, as it takes time for him to understand this principle. Just show him how vowels and consonants are combined into different syllables. Most likely, the baby will not be interested in connecting letters to each other just like that, at the request of an adult. How to teach a child to read syllables so that he does it independently and with enthusiasm? To do this, you will need games aimed at how to teach a child syllables.

Cheerful steam locomotive. To play, you will need a car with a body or a train with a trailer and cards with letters. Take the vowels that the child has already memorized well and arrange them in a circle at a distance from each other. Put some consonant in the train car and show the child how it goes to some station (vowel). While the child is carrying the letter, he must pull the sound (for example, if the letter M is in the car, while she is driving to the station, the child should pronounce the sound mmm). When the train approaches a vowel, the baby needs to combine the consonant with the vowel, pronouncing the syllable (m-m-m-a-a-a-a).

Ribbon with moving letters. All you need for this educational game is paper, scissors and pencils or felt-tip pens. Choose any image in which you can draw a window - a house or a car, draw it and color it. You can also print the finished drawing. Then make cuts along the side edges of the window of the house or car. Draw the vowels A, E, O, U, I, S, E, I on the paper tape (the width of the tape should be such that it fits into the cuts on the window). Glue a transparent pocket next to the window where you can insert a letter (this can be done with a piece of polyethylene and adhesive tape). In this pocket, in turn, put the consonants M, L, H (the simplest), and then insert a ruler with vowels into the window and stretch it out, showing the child how syllables are made from letters.

Now you know how to teach a child to add syllables in the most understandable way for him to play. When learning, do not forget to use not only syllables in which the first letter is a consonant, but also those where the vowel comes first: AB, OM, OV, AL, etc. Before you teach your child to combine syllables into words, let him read the syllables in the primer for some time so that he can practice a little and consolidate the new skill. 3.8 out of 5 (8 votes)

If a child is taught to put letters into syllables, then they are engaged in sound method. And this is a logical and understandable chain of learning to read: sounds (together with their visual literal representation) → syllables → words → sentences.

Historical preface

The sound method was proposed by the great teacher D.K. Ushinsky more than 150 years ago instead of the literal subjunctive and was supported by D. Tikhomirov, F. Zelinsky, L. Tolstoy and others. Previously, children first memorized the names of the letters: az, beeches, lead, and so on. Then syllables were memorized: “beeches” and “az” in this sequence form “ba”, “az” and “lead” - “av” ... Then words were added, and the teacher had to explain each unfamiliar syllable, and the student had to memorize. Those. the child did not understand how letters are combined into warehouses.

When teaching reading by the sound (or sound-letter, phonetic, speech therapy) method, the process was greatly simplified: children learned meaningfully from the very beginning, understanding the technique of adding sounds. This is how our parents, grandmothers, great-grandmothers mastered reading and writing, and as experience shows, in 100% of cases successfully.

Putting sounds into syllables

To explain to the baby the way to connect two letters into a syllable, you can use several tricks and games.

The method proposed and described in the “Primer” by N.S. Zhukova

Having written (or laid out cards, magnets) two letters at some distance from each other, connect them with a pointer or pencil. At the same time, you need to pronounce the first sound until it “runs” to the second. The child needs to be explained: “Pull the first letter until you reach the second along the path along the path.” You can draw a boy running between the sounds and tell the baby: “Pull the 1st letter until you, together with the boy, run to the second along the path.” In this case, the baby holds a finger (pencil), connecting the letters.

By the same principle, you can draw how one letter catches another with a fishing rod, depict them as parts of a train. In a word, the main thing is that the child understands and is interested.

So at first, children are taught to combine vowels (“wa”, “ay”, etc.), then reverse syllables (“am”, “mustache” ...) and thirdly, direct ones. If the baby can’t put together two certain sounds, you can try to work with others. Let's say instead of "M" take "C".

Change of letters

You will need cards. The adult shows one letter - the kid reads it. At the same time, the second letter is brought from afar, and the first is removed, and the child immediately proceeds to sound the new letter. You need to do this so that the baby calls the entire syllable without breaking:
M M M M A A A A,
S S S S O O O O O.

Singing syllables (logorhythmics)

Singing syllables over and over is a small but often powerful technique. Many children perceive and understand the combination of letters into syllables better if they are shown and sung:
MA - MO - MU, BA - BO - BU, etc.


Zhu-zhu-zhu ...

You can easily find similar videos on youtube (search for the word "logarithmics"). But it’s better to take texts from the video, and sing mostly by yourself, and not just turn on a computer or tablet.

You can sing warehouses by folding them in any of the ways. However, you should not add the words in the same way later - the child can sing sentences in syllables even without pauses.

Friendship of Sounds

This is a fun educational game that can suit both 3.5 and 6 year olds depending on their individual needs. You need to take the ball and explain to the child that the sounds really want to be friends, and you need to help them with this. The adult says "M" wants to be friends with "A" and throws the ball to the kid. He catches it and throws it back, saying: "MA". Further: "O" wants to be friends with "M", - the ball flies to the baby, who returns it with accompaniment: "OM".

You can play without the ball, asking the child to make friends, for example, "B" and "A". It is useful to develop the exercise by offering to help different sounds get along with one: “Let's help the letters make friends with the “U”. The adult calls: "M". The child answers: "MU". "S" - "SU" and so on.

So the baby will learn to connect letters by ear.


No matter how the child is taught to combine letters into syllables, you need to understand that for the baby this can be hard work. And in order to make it as easy and simple as possible, it is better to do everything in a playful way, come up with your own tricks, repeat the same sounds and the way they are folded many times. But when the child has firmly mastered the combination of letters into syllables, he will continue to read without errors.

Parents often ask: “When is it necessary to teach a child to read, how long will it take to successfully prepare for school?”. There are many ways to teach children to read. According to some, it is proposed to teach reading 1.5-2 years, according to others - directly a year before school. What compromise to choose?

When should you start teaching your child to read?

Let's touch on a little aspect of the development of babies. Voluntary attention has not yet been formed in preschool children, the child is often distracted by the slightest external stimuli. Only by the age of six, the baby learns to control attention on his own. Therefore, a lesson for preschoolers should last no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired, start to get distracted and lose interest in reading.

Visual-figurative thinking is well developed in preschool children, in other words: "I understand what I see." This means that the child learns the explanation of the material only when it is accompanied by an illustration. Illustration is understood not only as pictures with letters, but also as animation, drawing, design and other activities. To form the correct pronunciation, the child must see and hear how the sound is pronounced.

Before you start learning to read, you need to answer the following questions:

  • how the child speaks: in sentences or in separate words;
  • how correctly the baby pronounces individual words;
  • what sounds the child does not pronounce;
  • whether the baby follows simple instructions correctly.

If the baby does not speak well, does not pronounce individual sounds, or has any other speech therapy problems, does not know how to do what the mother asked, it is not recommended to rush into learning to read. It is very difficult to teach such a child to read, failures in the learning process can discourage the desire to learn. Initially, it is recommended to solve speech problems with a speech therapist, and then start learning to read.

The kid will become embittered, in the future he will stop studying at school. The learning process must be organized by mutual desire in a playful way. Some children are happy to learn to read from a book, others can only be taught in a playful way. Choosing the right method of teaching reading is the key to quick and successful assimilation of the material.

The optimal age for learning to read is from 3 to 7 years, depending on the development of the baby. Many children under 5 do not understand the meaning of what they read, so they quickly lose interest in learning. By the beginning of learning to read, the child should be able to explain his thoughts, tell what he sees in the picture, and follow simple instructions. He must be willing to learn without parental guidance.

How to teach a child to read in syllables?

For learning to read, it is recommended to purchase a manual by N.S. Zhukova "Primer", which combines the author's original methodology for teaching reading with a speech therapy component. Why exactly him? Firstly, the structure and illustrations of the manual differ from school analogues. Secondly, the book explains in an accessible way at the initial stages how to connect letters into syllables. Rich illustrative material and additional tasks at the bottom of the page will help to consolidate the learned material.

First, they learn to read the vowels A, O, U, E, S, then the consonants. Consonants must be pronounced as the sounds M, L, B, and not as the letters eM, eL, Be. If this rule is violated, it will be difficult for the child to match the sound-letter, he will read like this: eMA-eMA. Retraining will be very difficult.

Before learning a new letter, it is imperative to repeat the previously covered material. To do this, words are selected for reading, where there are learned letters and syllables. This contributes to the memorization and consolidation of the material.

You cannot teach a child to read by syllables if he does not know the letters that make up the syllable. To compose syllables, the baby needs to know the main vowels: A, O, U, E, S. The child must understand how the syllable is formed. In the manual N.S. Zhukov this material is qualitatively illustrated. Consider the picture on page 14:

- What is the first letter? Mom asks.

M, the kid answers.

What letter does the M go to?

to the letter A.

So it turns out: M-m-m-A. While the letter M runs to A, you can’t stop: they are pronounced together next to each other.

When the baby learns 2-3 such combinations, he will already understand the principle of constructing syllables and will begin to add further sounds on his own. This technique allows you to add syllables on the fly and move on to fluent reading in the later stages. Complex syllables, which consist of three or more letters, are taught when the baby easily composes and pronounces syllables of two letters.

It is not recommended to pronounce each letter separately in the process of learning to read by syllables, for example, M and A will be MA. In this case, the period of reading by syllables will be significantly delayed. It is better to chant: M-m-m-A, this way of reading contributes to the visual memorization of syllables and a faster transition to reading by words.

There are two things to keep in mind when reading words. First: the child must smoothly connect the syllables in the word. Second: pause between words and understand what you read. Let's look at an example: let's open page 33 of N.S. Zhukova's manual.

Before us is a sentence: "Na-you have but-you." We chant: "U [pause] S-s-s-A-a-a-Sh-i [pause] U-u-Sh-i." We ask questions: “What did you read about?”, “What does Sasha have?”, “Who has ears?”. Questions like these help you understand what you read. If the baby finds it difficult to immediately answer the question, he is asked to find the answer in the sentence.

Is it possible to quickly teach a child to read?

It is possible to teach a child to read quickly only with systematic exercises. It is recommended to engage with the baby at the same time. The duration of the lessons is 10-15 minutes. When the baby learns to compose syllables, classes are gradually increased to 30 minutes.

Reading should be combined with other activities. The child is offered to color the learned letter and prescribe the printed version. Thus, the baby not only memorizes, but also develops small muscles of the hand, which contributes to faster learning to write. The picture should be large, the illustration should not distract from the letter, contain the ability to circle the letter along the dotted line and write it in the line.

You can also consolidate the learned material with the help of cubes with letters. For this purpose, "Smart Cubes" with a writing simulator are optimally suited. The kid will not only mechanically combine letters into syllables, pronounce the resulting combinations, make words and sentences, but also outline the contours of each letter in a stencil.

How to teach a child to read fluently?

At the first stage, the adult reads the first sentence, invites the child to repeat after him. Then they read 3-4 sentences, the baby repeats. In the process of reading, it is necessary to correct intonation, the placement of logical pauses, and correct errors in words.

Next, the text is taken, in which some words are replaced by pictures. The child reads the sentences, substituting the words in the picture. When the kid can easily cope with this kind of texts, they offer texts with missing words without pictures. Missing words should be such that they are easily recognizable by meaning. The child must intuitively substitute the missing word.

Particular attention should be paid to reading words with prepositions. Words with prepositions should be read together. For training, you can select printed texts in which to remove prepositions. The child learns to substitute them for meaning, fluent reading is developed.