
What poisons are deadly. What are the poisonings of a person with poisons? When is it possible to poison a person with rat poison

Below I will try to provide explanations for those who have come to the topic of poisons and poisonings the hard way. If I don’t touch something, or if you want to get more detailed instructions and explanations, don’t be shy, ask questions, we’ll sort everything out.


1. Common sense. Don't go for cyanide, ricin, or anything like that just because they're the deadliest and most effective poisons. These poisons are very difficult to obtain, therefore - accidental poisoning by them is extremely unlikely. It is better to choose a less effective poison that will look more natural in this situation.

BANAL EXAMPLE: if a person suffers from insomnia, then an overdose of sleeping pills mixed with alcohol looks much more natural than cyanide poisoning. Potassium cyanide does not contribute to deep and sound sleep, does it?

2. Don't underestimate your opponent. The investigator is not at all the stupid and grotesque character that flashes on TV screens. Having the results of the examination in hand, he will perfectly understand that the death was not at all accidental. Using the magical principle "Who benefits from this after all?", he has a great chance of getting on the trail of the poisoner.

3. Single poisoning - fight! You should not poison a person face-to-face if you are not 100% sure of the effectiveness of the poison and your alibi. The best time to use the poison for its intended purpose is a feast. Witnesses!!sudden!! there must be a lot of death. There should not be a single witness to your participation in that. A person who feels bad during a feast is unlikely to immediately admit it - he will attribute everything to alcohol and too fatty food. And he will lose precious minutes that could save his life.

4. Alcohol is a friend for all time! Even the most harmless substances are not friends with Mr. Ethanol. Poisons even more so. Many substances dissolve in alcohol, and alcohol itself dulls the senses - an ideal companion!

5. Don't be too smart. If the target is ordinary drunks, methanol will do much better than cyanide. If the core is easier to replace the medicine with a more effective one. If narc - choose the substance so that it looks like an overdose.

*** For those who like to smoke, you can find options for entering a complete psychedelic. Optionally, with brutality, in order to provide the target with a vacation in a madhouse through a berserk rage against a neighbor and her cute dog. For lovers of speed - to drive a heart into the board, which is not at all so difficult.

6. Preparation. You shouldn't do things like this without considering all the consequences. It is worth carefully considering an alibi for yourself: for example, if your wife decided to die, then you should tell everyone a month before this event how bad everything is, how your relationship is collapsing, perhaps you should sign up for a psychotherapist. All your words, actions are your alibi. Do not neglect this.

7. Do you need all this... Responsibility always lies with you. Poisons can give a false sense of freedom and impunity, but they don't. You can be easily found and easily detained. Keep safety in mind and ask if something is not clear. And remember:

You are responsible for what you do. Killing a granny / mother / wife for the sake of an inheritance or killing a pedophile maniac are completely different things. Use your power wisely.



Nicotine is a dark brown sticky/oily liquid. A lethal dose of pure nicotine is considered to be about 0.06 grams, but for a homemade version, this is about 3-4 drops. Death from poisoning occurs within 12-24 hours.

1. Remove tobacco from ten cheaper cigarettes.

2. Grind the tobacco very well, then place it in a small beaker.

3. Pour in isopropyl alcohol (in a pinch, bourbonal can be used).

4. Cover the beaker with aluminum foil.

5. Place the beaker on a bunsen burner or electric fire and heat it gently and gently. Don't let alcohol get out of hand. If the alcohol boils, remove the beaker with tongs and return it back when the bulbs from boiling stop appearing. If this is not done, alcohol vapors will ignite! If this happens (fumes ignite), you should remove the beaker, blow out the flame and continue to heat the alcohol.

6. After one hour of heating, filter the contents of the beaker using filter paper. Discard the residue remaining on the filter paper.

7. Evaporate the resulting liquid in strong sunlight or by gently heating it. The residue after the procedures remaining in the judge will be nicotine.

With ten cigarettes, you can get a dose calculated for about 3 people.

1. The liquid was applied to the shaved back of the rabbit's neck (the rabbit was unable to lick the liquid). The rabbit immediately showed a slowdown in movement. After 11 o'clock the rabbit went on a rampage and died.

2. 2 ml was given orally to the rabbit. These were the same effects as above, but the rabbit died after 12 hours.

Nicotine is a good skin breaker, touching it is strictly prohibited. The best way to give it orally is in the form of strong coffee - 3-4 drops from a pipette will be enough.

According to some sources, the lethal dose is not 0.06 grams, but 0.5-1 grams.

Potato alkaloid


Green-gray liquid. Lethal dose: 0.06 g. Time to death: less than 2 minutes.

Preparation and Precautions

The preparation procedure is exactly the same as nicotine except for the fact that the spuds on the GREEN potato skins are used instead of tobacco.

Test results

1. 3 ml were given orally to a healthy rabbit. The rabbit immediately began to yell. Blood came out of his mouth. The rabbit died after 100 seconds.

2. The same dose was given to a small rabbit. After 7 seconds, the rabbit died.


Cannot be used through the skin - only orally or by injection.



Ricin (poison from castor beans) is a white powder. Lethal dose of ricin: 0.035 g. Death occurs within a couple of minutes from oral use and a few hours from injection.

Manufacturing (only with medical gloves!)

Ricin is obtained from castor beans, the fruit of the plant Ricinus communis (the Russian name for castor bean).

1. Take the skin from several castor beans and weigh the white part of the nuts.

2. Grind the beans and add 4 of their weights of acetone.

3. Leave the mixture in a plastic container for three days.

4. Filter the mixture. Dry the rest. The resulting powder is ricin.

If the mixture is left in acetone for another three days, we get ricin in liquid form.

Test results

1 ml of liquid ricin was given orally to the rabbit. The rabbit has trouble breathing. Mucus came out from the mouth. After four hours the rabbit died.

2 ml of liquid ricin were given orally to the rabbit. The rabbit died after 2 minutes.


The liquid version is most convenient for mixing, especially in alcohol. The powder form can be difficult to dissolve, but can be used in food as ricin powder does not have a strong flavor.


Buy yellow blood salt (yellow, not red, these are different substances, do not confuse!). Dehydrate with low heat on a baking sheet (not higher than 150 degrees) so that it turns white, but does not burn out (if it turns black, then it is overheated). Then mix 3 parts of dehydrated blood salt with 5 parts of potash, place in a hermetically sealed iron container and heat in a muffle furnace at 600-700 degrees for several hours. (may be left overnight). Turn off the heat, wait until it cools down.

Knock out the resulting stone from the container with a hammer. Its upper part will be pure cyanide, and the lower part will be potash, they are visually different. You break this stone in a basin with a hammer into large pieces, grind it into powder in a mortar and store it only in an airtight container.

A muffle furnace is required. You need to heat for a long time and do not exceed the temperature.

Safety precautions: work in a ventilated area, do not eat cyanide with spoons and do not sprinkle yourself with it, wear gloves. After the synthesis, do not let pets into the room for a few more days, since grains of cyanide that have flown far away when the stone is broken with a hammer will remain on the floor, this is enough for them.

Determining the strongest poison is difficult. This definition includes any substance that provoked serious pathological changes in the body. Poisons work differently. Some slowly and imperceptibly bring a person to a critical point, others cause unbearable pain.

It is possible to predict the effect and take measures to eliminate severe consequences by finding out the exact cause of the poisoning. There is an antidote for every poisonous substance.

Poisonous chemical origin

The most dangerous poisons are developed by people. Not all were created as chemical warfare agents, for example, sarin was obtained as a result of the synthesis of pesticides. Its production was stopped in the 90s of the XX century.

The existing stocks were not destroyed, so this poison is used by terrorists and the military. This deadly gas is odorless and colourless, and when inhaled causes chest tightness, nausea, nasal discharge, respiratory failure, spasms, convulsions and coma. As a result, a person ceases to control his own body and dies of suffocation.

The negative impact of hydrocyanic acid and the substances in which it is present is widely known. Even a small dose can be fatal.

The effect of the white powder, which is characterized by strong toxicity, is blocked by glucose. Contact with this gaseous substance causes convulsions and respiratory failure.

Death occurs due to the binding of gas molecules to hemoglobin. Oxygen does not reach the internal organs, and the person simply suffocates.

Another type of poison is methyl alcohol. It is often confused with ethanol. Because of this, people who abuse counterfeit alcohol die due to intoxication. If rescue measures are taken on time, then the likelihood of a fatal outcome will decrease significantly. There is a high risk of complete loss of vision.

One of the most dangerous poisons is V-Ex. This gas is used as a chemical weapon of mass destruction. For penetration into the body, it is enough to inhale it for a few minutes or short contact with the skin.

A fast-acting remedy leads to death in just a quarter of an hour.

Do not forget about mercury and arsenic. The first slowly poisons the body, provoking partial dysfunction of the central nervous system and subsequent mental disorder. All vital organs suffer from the impact of this metal. Vapors and soluble mercury compounds are formed already at room temperature, so you need to be careful when using a thermometer.

The list of "The Most Powerful Poisons" cannot be imagined without arsenic. Element 33 of the Periodic Table of Mendeleev has been used as a poison for more than one century.

Symptoms of intoxication are similar to the clinical manifestations of cholera. To provoke chemical poisoning is real through potassium chloride. This substance is intended to fertilize the earth, but its penetration into the body is fraught with sudden cardiac arrest.

plant matter

Some biological components are also dangerous, such poisons are presented with no less variety than synthetic ones. You can cause death with the help of chilibuha nuts. One of the most famous poisons, strychnine, is obtained from them.

Severe intoxication is accompanied by convulsions that lead to death. This substance is used in small quantities in the treatment of paralysis and to speed up metabolic metabolism.

A dangerous poison called ricin is produced from castor beans. It is several times stronger than potassium cyanide, but due to technical difficulties it cannot be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

The outcome of poisoning directly depends on the method of penetration of the toxic substance into the body.

When inhaled, death is hardly possible, but if at least a few grains get into the blood, then there is practically no chance of a favorable outcome.

Among plant poisons, curare is considered the most famous. It was prepared on the basis of herbs growing in South America. The death caused by this substance is very painful. The person gradually dies from paralysis of the respiratory system, remaining fully conscious, but unable to move.

Poisons produced by representatives of the animal world

The world around us is full of dangers from which a person is not immune. Often culinary preferences become the cause of his disability or even death. Fugu dishes are quite popular in Japan due to their "extremism".

Due to the slightest mistake in the cooking process, the visitor can get poisoned. This reaction is explained by tetrodotoxin. It is found in the organs of pufferfish, skin and caviar of aquatic life living in the tropics.

Neurotoxins, specifically batrachotoxin, are present in the skin of amphibians from Colombia. Their body does not produce poison. It is formed as a result of eating poison dart frogs their usual food. The toxic substance "kills" the nervous system and causes respiratory failure.

You can add snakes and spiders to tropical fish and frogs. In nature, 250 species of poisonous snakes have been recorded. Unfortunately, there is no universal anti-snake serum. To enter the desired antidote, you need to know what kind of animal attacked.

Intoxication occurs when poison enters the bloodstream. A similar effect causes the penetration into the body of chirikitotoxin (chiriki toad), alpha-latrotoxin (karakurt spider).

Pathogenic microflora

The cause of poisoning can be poisons produced by pathogens, it includes:

  • The bacteria Clostridium botulinum. They cause botulism, a toxic-infectious disease in which the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system are affected.
  • Anthrax bacilli. There are two forms of development: intestinal and skin. The first type of pathology in 95% of cases leads to death. In the second, 80% of patients survive.
  • Rods of the genus Clostridium. These are the causative agents of tetanus. Infection occurs when damp earth enters an open wound. The characteristic symptoms include convulsive syndrome, respiratory and heart failure, violations of the swallowing reflex. In the absence of timely treatment, the likelihood of death is high.

The risk of intoxication of the body increases with the use of spoiled food. For example, if the storage conditions of potatoes are not observed, solanine accumulates in it. Even bread can be poisonous if, when making flour, cereals affected by ergot were crushed.

poisonous mushrooms

The most common poisons are amatoxins.

They are part of the fly agaric and pale grebes. The first signs of poisoning may appear after 10-12 hours. Such slowness is fraught with serious complications.

First aid is too late, so it is impossible to prevent a negative effect on internal organs. In the future, this will negatively affect the general state of health.

Top 10 fastest acting poisons

There are several classifications of poisons. The defining feature is the minimum dose that can cause death.

The top ten included only natural substances:

  1. Diamphotoxin has the greatest poisoning power. It is produced in the body of the larvae of the leaf beetle of the genus Diamphidia. Its distribution area is in South Africa. The most dangerous poison can disrupt the electrolyte balance and greatly reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The dose may not exceed 0.000025 mg/kg.
  2. The action of a cytotoxic poison called palytoxin becomes lethal at a dosage of 0.00015 mg / kg. It is formed as a result of the activity of coral polyps Palythoa toxica, P. Сaribacorum.
  3. Batrachotoxin is found in the skin of poison dart frogs of the genus Phyllobates. The lethal norm is 0.002 mg/kg.
  4. Typotoxin is produced by the Australian taipan. At least 0.002 mg / kg of snake venom should enter the bloodstream.
  5. Tetrodotoxin poisoning can occur when pufferfish are improperly cooked. The critical dose is 0.008 mg/kg.
  6. Titiutoxin is the venom of the yellow scorpion. A quick lethal outcome is possible already with the penetration of 0.009 mg / kg into the body.
  7. Chiriquitotoxin is found in the skin of toads belonging to Atelopus chiriquiensis. The lethal dose is 0.01 mg/kg.
  8. Alpha-conotoxin is present in the composition of the substance secreted by the mollusk Conus geographus. The minimum sufficient amount is 0.012 mg/kg.
  9. Alpha latrotoxin is produced by the spider Latrodectus (black widow). Death occurs from 0.045 mg / kg.
  10. Neurotoxin II is produced by the Central Asian cobra. The lethal dose is 0.085 mg/kg.

The list of hazardous substances does not end with the listing of these poisons.

Be careful not to take unfamiliar drugs and do not touch animals if you are not sure about the safety of your plan. If the poison gets inside, be sure to call an ambulance. Delay costs life.

Everyone knows about terrible poisons and try to be as far away from them as possible. It would never occur to anyone to put a jar of arsenic in the refrigerator or a nightstand in the kitchen. But all sorts of solvents, cleaners, fresheners and other means can be found a lot. But they are dangerous no less than potassium cyanide.

1. Antifreeze is dangerous because it does not have an unpleasant odor and tastes quite edible, but if you drink this remedy, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Drinking this fluid can lead to kidney failure and death.
2. If the windows are constantly freezing, then you will have to purchase anti-icing fluid, but you need to remember that it contains methanol, a very toxic substance, alcohol, which can cause blindness and death.

3. Insecticides help control pests, but you can get poisoned by these products by spraying them in unventilated areas. The use of these remedies will lead to convulsions and coma.
4. Some solvents for removing artificial nails can cause serious consequences. With their use, you can get methemoglobinemia and oxygen starvation.

5. Be careful with pipe cleaners, as the fumes of these products can kill if inhaled, burn internal organs.
6. Pain-relieving creams affect the area, but if you do not follow the instructions, you can damage your eyes.

7. Anionic detergent, known as carpet cleaner, is very caustic and can cause damage to organs, you can be blinded if it gets into your eyes.
8. If you exceed the dose of iron tablets, you can get iron poisoning. If you do not get help within 24 hours, then the brain and liver will suffer. You can even die.

9. Toilet cleaners remove dirt and odors. When used, this remedy can damage internal organs and fall into a coma.
10. Pain pills, including paracetamol, aspirin, and ibuprofen, can cause death if overdosed. Internal organs simply refuse.

11. Furniture polish can cause a coma if you drink this product or inhale it well. If the polish gets into your eyes, you can go blind, and if it gets on delicate skin, it can cause burns and irritation.
12. Perfume and cologne contain alcohol, ethanol and isopropanol. Both of these substances can cause nausea, anxiety, and seizures.

13. Don't drink mouthwash. It can cause diarrhea, dizziness and coma.
14. Gasoline is dangerous because of its fumes, inhaling which you can get dizziness, lowering blood pressure, pain in the eyes, ears, nose and throat.

15. After drinking kerosene, a liquid that is used for ignition, in kerosene lamps and kerosene gases, you can get bloody stools, convulsions and burning sensations in the internal organs.
16. Moths are annoying, but you can’t eat anti-mole pills. You can get oxygen starvation and to whom.

17. Oil paints can damage the skin, if they enter the stomach and lungs, they can cause serious problems with the nervous system and cause death.
18. Codeine is sold by prescription, but when overdosed, it causes fatigue, drowsiness, intestinal cramps, and death.

19. Taking a large dose of alcoholic beverages, we do not just get drunk, but we get serious poisoning and even death if medical assistance is not provided on time.
20. If it turned out that someone swallowed paint thinner, then there is a risk of necrosis of the tissues of internal organs, and if inhaled, memory loss and fever.

21. Poison for rodents can cause blood in the urine and feces, a metallic taste in the mouth, and as brain hemorrhage occurs, pallor of the skin and death.
22. Some skin-lightening creams contain mercury in such quantities that mercury poisoning can occur. The gums may bleed, there will be bloody stools, vomiting and death.

23. Most deodorants or antiperspirants contain aluminum salts and ethanol. If you taste them or inhale a large enough amount, you can get diarrhea, vomiting, coma and death.
24. Turpentine is a substance that is obtained from pine. If you taste it or inhale deeply, you can get bloody stools and die.

25. Everyone knows that thermometers contain mercury. You should not taste it, as it is a highly toxic metal.
26. Repellents contain insect poison, which protects us from insect bites. If you use the repellent inside, you can earn vomiting, coughing and convulsions.

27. Baby creams for redness can be very dangerous in the hands of children. Never leave them within the reach of an infant. You risk even if you step aside for a minute.
28. You may have acne, which means you use special creams. Never taste these products and do not spread them intensively on the skin - you will minimally get contact dermatitis.

29. Calamine lotion is used for skin conditions, but it contains zinc oxide, which can cause chills, nausea, and fever.
30. Teflon coats pans and pots to keep food from sticking, but when heated, it can lead to cancer and other health problems. Do not leave cooked food on the Teflon surface for a long time.

31. The plastic used to make plastic bottles contains BPA, which can cause cancer and hormonal problems in teenagers, speeding up the transition to puberty.
32. If herbicides are detrimental to one organic matter, then they can harm another. When taken internally, you can fall into a coma.

33. All refractory materials contain polybrominated diphenyl ethers, which can cause many health problems. In Europe, the use of these substances is prohibited.
34. Sleeping pills can kill.

35. If you have items in your home covered with Scotchguard, which was produced before the year 2000, then you can suffer from malformations and other health problems.
36. The powder that is in the printer is also an unsafe material. If you print a lot on a laser printer, do it in a well-ventilated area.

37. Coal tar is a carcinogen, which means it causes cancer.
38. Formaldehyde is used in the woodworking industry, if you inhale the fumes of this substance, you can feel irritation in the nose and eyes, and pets can get nose cancer.

39. Lead paint is rarely used today, but that doesn't mean lead poisoning is uncommon, since you have old newspapers and books in your attic, or even the paint itself.
40. Motor oil can damage organs, especially the lungs. In addition, motor oil poisoning can cause brain damage and respiratory problems.

The Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus famously said: “All substances are poisons; there is not one that is not. The right dose distinguishes the poison, ”and he is right. Even too much water will kill you. However, some substances require very small amounts to cause death - sometimes enough to drop a drop onto a gloved hand - so they were originally placed in the class of poisons. From flowers to heavy metals, from man-made gases to real poison, here are the 25 most dangerous poisons known to mankind.

25. Cyanide can be in the form of a colorless gas or crystals, but in any case it is quite dangerous. It smells like bitter almonds, and once ingested, it causes symptoms such as headache, nausea, rapid breathing and increased heart rate, and weakness in just a few minutes. If left untreated, cyanide kills because the cells are deprived of oxygen. And yes, cyanide can be obtained from apple seeds, but don't worry if you eat a few. You will need to eat about ten kernels before you have enough cyanide in your body for it to have a negative effect. Please don't do this.

24. Hydrofluoric acid (Hydrofluoric acid) is a poison used, among other things, for the production of Teflon. In a liquid state, this substance can easily seep through the skin into the bloodstream. In the body, it reacts with calcium and can even destroy the underlying bone. The worst thing is that at first the contact does not cause any pain, which leaves more time and opportunity for serious damage.


23. Arsenic is a natural crystalline semi-metal and perhaps one of the most famous and common poisons used as a murder weapon in the late 19th century. However, its use for such purposes began in the mid-1700s. Arsenic poisoning can lead to death in a few hours or a few days. The symptoms of poisoning are vomiting and diarrhea, which made it difficult to distinguish arsenic poisoning from dysentery or cholera 120 years ago.

Photo: maxpixel

22. Belladonna or Deadly nightshade is a very poisonous herb (flower) with a very romantic story. An alkaloid called atropine makes it poisonous, and the whole plant is poisonous, with the root containing the most poison and the berries the least. However, even two eaten are enough to kill a child. Some people use belladonna to relax as a hallucinogen, and in Victorian times, women would often drop a tincture of belladonna into their eyes to make their pupils dilate and make their eyes sparkle. Before death, under the influence of belladonna, you may develop a seizure, increase your pulse, and become confused. Don't play with belladonna, kids.


21. Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is an odorless, tasteless, colorless substance and slightly less dense than air. It will poison and then kill you. Part of the reason carbon monoxide is so dangerous is that it is difficult to detect; sometimes referred to as the "silent killer". This substance prevents the body from delivering oxygen to where it is needed, for example, to the cells in order to keep them alive and working. The early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to flu without a fever: headache, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia, nausea, and confusion. Luckily, you can purchase a carbon monoxide detector from just about every specialty store.

Photo: wikimedia commons

20. The deadliest tree in all of North America grows in Florida. Otherwise, where else would he grow? The Manchineel Tree or Beach Apple Tree has small green fruits that look like apples and are likely to taste sweet. Don't eat them. And don't touch that tree. Do not sit next to or under it, and pray that you will never be under it in the wind. If the juice gets on your skin, it will blister, and if it gets in your eyes, you may go blind. The juice is contained in both the leaves and the bark, so do not touch them. Probably, the juice of this plant killed the conquistador Ponce de Leon, who discovered Florida.


19. Fluorine is a pale yellow gas that is highly poisonous, corrosive, and will react with almost anything. For fluorine to be lethal, its concentration of 0.000025% is sufficient. It causes blindness and suffocates the victim like mustard gas, but its effects are much worse.


18. The pesticide used is Compound 1080, also known as sodium fluoroacetate. It occurs naturally in several plant species in Africa, Brazil and Australia. The terrible truth about this odorless and tasteless deadly poison is that there is no antidote for it. Oddly enough, the bodies of those who died from ingesting this poison remain poisonous for another whole year.


17. The most dangerous man-made poison is called dioxin, and it only takes 50 micrograms to kill an adult human. It is the third most toxic poison known to science, 60 times more toxic than cyanide.

Photo: wikimedia commons

16. Dimethylmercury (a neurotoxin) is a terrible poison because it can penetrate most standard protective equipment, such as thick latex gloves. This is exactly what happened to a female chemist named Karen Wetterhahn in 1996. A single drop of a colorless liquid fell on the gloved hand, and that was it. Symptoms started FOUR MONTHS later, and six months later she was already dead.


15. Aconite (Wrestler) also known as "monk's hood", "wolfsbane", "leopard venom", "women's curse", "devil's helmet", "poison queen" and "blue rocket". In fact, this is a whole genus, including more than 250 herbs, and most of them are extremely poisonous. The flowers can be either blue or yellow, and while some of the plants are used for traditional medicines, they have also been used as a murder weapon over the past decade.

Photo: maxpixel

14. The toxin found in poisonous mushrooms is called amatoxin. It acts on liver and kidney cells and kills them within a few days. It sometimes also affects the heart and the central nervous system. There is a treatment, but the result is not guaranteed. The poison is resistant to temperature and cannot be disposed of by drying. Therefore, if you are not 100% sure that they are safe, do not eat mushrooms.

Photo: maxpixel

13. Anthrax is actually caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. What makes you sick is not so much the bacteria as the toxin they produce when they enter the body. Bacillus Anthracis can enter your system through the skin, mouth, or respiratory tract. The death rate from airborne anthrax is as high as 75% even with treatment.


12. The hemlock plant is a classic poisonous plant that was regularly used for execution in ancient Greece, including the philosopher Socrates. Several varieties exist, with water hemlock being the most common plant in North America. You can die eating it, but people still do it, believing that hemlock is a perfectly acceptable salad ingredient. Water hemlock causes painful and severe convulsions, convulsions and tremors. Those who survive may subsequently suffer from amnesia, or other long-term problems. The water hemlock is considered the deadliest plant in North America. Serious note: keep an eye on your children, even older ones, when they are out and about. Do not eat anything unless you are 100% sure it is safe.


11. Strychnine is commonly used to kill small mammals and birds, and is often the main ingredient in rat poison. In large doses, strychnine can also be fatal to humans. It can be swallowed, inhaled, or it enters the body through the skin. The first symptoms are painful muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting. Muscle contractions eventually lead to suffocation. Death can occur within half an hour. This is a very unpleasant way to die, for both man and rat.


10. Most of those who understand such things consider mitotoxin the most powerful marine toxin. It is found in a dinoflagellate algae called Gambierdiscus toxicus, and if those words confuse you, just think of deadly plankton to get the gist. For mice, meiototoxin is the most toxic of the non-protein toxins.


9. Mercury - the silvery liquid in old school thermometers - is a heavy metal that is quite toxic to humans if inhaled or touched. If touched, it can cause your skin to flake off, and if you inhale mercury vapor, it will eventually turn off your central nervous system and you will die. Before then, you are likely to experience kidney failure, memory loss, brain damage, and blindness.


8. Polonium is a radioactive chemical element and has been implicated in the deaths of everyone from Yasser Arafat to Russian dissidents. Its most common form is 250,000 times more toxic than hydrocyanic acid. It is radioactive and emits alpha particles (they are not compatible with organic tissues). Alpha particles cannot penetrate the skin, so polonium must be ingested or injected into the victim. However, if this happens, the result will not be long in coming. According to one theory, a gram of polonium 210 could kill up to ten million people if injected or ingested, causing first radiation poisoning and then cancer.


7. Suicide tree or Cerbera odollam works by disturbing the natural rhythm of the heart and often causing death. A member of the same family as Oleander, the plant has often been used as a "test of innocence" in Madagascar. An estimated 3,000 people a year died from consuming Cerberus venom before the practice was outlawed in 1861. (If you survived, you were found not guilty. If you died, it didn't matter because you were dead.)


6. Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum and is an incredibly powerful neurotoxin. It causes paralysis, which can lead to death. You may know botulinum toxin by its commercial name, Botox. Yes, this is what the doctor injects into your mom's forehead to make it less wrinkled (or into the neck to help with migraines) to cause muscle paralysis.


5. Pufferfish is considered a delicacy in some countries, where it is called Fugu; it is a dish that some are literally ready to die for. Why? Because fish contain tetrodotoxin in the intestines, and in Japan, about 5 people a year die from eating pufferfish as a result of improper preparation. But gourmets persist.


4. Gas Sarin will give you the opportunity to experience the worst moments in life. Your chest tightens, harder, harder, and then... it relaxes because you're dead. Although Sarin was outlawed in 1995, it has not stopped being used in terrorist attacks.

Photo: flickr

3. Golden Frog "Poison Arrow" - tiny, charming and quite dangerous. Just one frog the size of the end of your thumb contains enough neurotoxin to kill ten people! A dose equal to about two grains of salt is enough to kill an adult. This is why some tribes in the Amazon used poison to coat the tips of their hunting arrows. One touch of such an arrow will kill you within minutes! Here's a great rule: if you see a frog and it's yellow, blue, green, or red, don't touch it.

Photo: maxpixel

2. Ricin is more deadly than anthrax. This substance is obtained from castor beans, the same plant from which we obtain castor oil. This poison is especially toxic if inhaled, and a pinch of it will kill you very quickly.

Photo: wikimedia commons

1. Codenamed "Purple Possum", belonging to the VX group, the most powerful nerve gas on Earth. It is completely man-made and we can thank the United Kingdom for that. It was technically banned in 1993 and the US allegedly destroyed its stocks. Other countries are "working on it." Which we should totally trust because governments are known to be 100% honest about these things.

Photo: wikimedia commons

How to poison a person with poison is asked not only by potential attackers, but also by ordinary Internet users. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers consumers a variety of drugs, some of which are available for purchase without a prescription.

And there are also toxic substances that allow you to quickly eliminate an opponent or, conversely, provoke a chronic disease. Age-old knowledge and modern technologies become dangerous weapons in the hands of competent people.

Potassium cyanide is known to almost everyone; at the beginning of the 20th century, a dangerous powder was a common way to get rid of unwanted faces.

The poison belongs to the group of hydrocyanic acid derivatives and is highly soluble in water. Some sources point to the specific smell of this substance, however, not all people are able to feel it. Potassium cyanide causes poisoning if ingested, and it is also dangerous to inhale powder particles and solution vapors. The lethal dose of poison is only a few grams, but in most cases it depends on the weight and individual characteristics of the organism.

With the help of potassium cyanide, you can quickly poison a person. Death is affected by the way the substance enters the body, so when particles are inhaled, the action of the toxin manifests itself instantly, and when it enters the stomach, the poison begins to cause irreversible consequences after 15 minutes.

The victim goes through several stages of intoxication. At first, a sore throat is felt, then nausea and vomiting begin, and numbness of the pharynx is possible. Over time, general weakness increases, a feeling of fear arises, and the pulse slows down. Subsequently, signs such as convulsions and loss of consciousness are noted. As a rule, if a sufficient dose of poison is ingested, a person dies within 4 hours.

With the advent of new drugs on the pharmaceutical market, people are interested in how to poison a person with pills. The list of dangerous poisons, if used incorrectly, includes the following drugs:

  • sleeping pills "Phenazepam";
  • hellebore water;
  • drops "Corvalol".

The medicine "Phenazepam" is prescribed by doctors as a remedy for insomnia, panic attacks and stress. It refers to psychotropic drugs, and offenders use this drug in order to poison a person in a dream.

Like many other drugs, "Phenazepam" is incompatible with alcohol - this is what criminals use, since the joint use of these pills and alcoholic beverages leads to respiratory arrest and death. But it is not easy to get the described drug, since it is dispensed exclusively by medical prescription.

Hellebore water is freely sold in pharmacies and is used not only in traditional medicine, but also as a remedy for alcohol addiction. However, some cases of intentional intoxication are not taken into account, therefore such a remedy is suitable for those who want to poison a person without determining the poison.

Fatal outcome occurs when ingested 2 years. raw materials, hellebore water adversely affects the functioning of the heart and blood pressure. Thus, the supply of oxygen to the brain gradually decreases.

As a rule, alcohol accelerates the absorption of poison and signs of intoxication with hellebore water develop within 20 minutes after taking the remedy. Vomiting begins, and symptoms such as intense thirst, slow heart rate, and mental disorder are noted. Death occurs on average after 8 hours, such a medicine allows criminals to poison a person without determining the exact cause of death.

Drops of "Corvalol" can be purchased at any pharmacy, which makes them an affordable and effective medicine for poisoning. The lethal dose of the drug depends on the weight and age of the person, on average it is 150 drops.

Intoxication is characterized by prolonged sleep, lowering blood pressure and dilated pupils. The joint use of this drug with alcohol is especially dangerous, in which case tachycardia appears, the skin turns blue. Most likely, it will not work to poison a person slowly with the help of Corvalol drops, a fatal outcome occurs within a day, which is used by various asocial elements of society.