
Which dogs have monuments and for what. Monument to the dog-cosmonaut asterisk

Urban legends of Izhevsk.

Monument to the dog - cosmonaut Zvezdochka in Izhevsk.

The last cosmonaut dog in the USSR named Zvezdochka landed on March 25, 1961 in the Votkinsk region of Udmurtia. She got into the first space detachment in the same way as all other dogs - from the street. At first, Starlet was given the nickname Luck. Her space call sign was changed right before launch: Gagarin and his comrades came up with a new name for her: “We, cosmonauts, are superstitious people. What if it fails?" And Luck was renamed Asterisk. After her landing, the final decision was made on the flight of the first man into space. The star was on board the fifth spacecraft-satellite "Vostok ZKA No. 2", launched into low Earth orbit on March 25, 1961. On the same day, the device landed in the Votkinsk region of Udmurtia. The Izhevsk pilot Lev Karlovich Okkelman found him. The pilot well remembered a small affectionate mongrel with black ears in a special vest, entangled with various sensors and wires ... The dog was taken toIzhevsk airport, where she lived for some time, until she was taken to Moscow.

In memory of this event, on March 25, 2006, a monument to the dog cosmonaut Zvezdochka was unveiled in the park on Molodezhnaya Street near post office No. 72. Now the area of ​​the old airport is built up with residential buildings. It is symbolic that it was here that the monument created by the Izhevsk sculptor Pavel Medvedev was erected. It is an open descender, from the hatch of which a mongrel dog looks out. On a cast iron surface - a lot useful information, transmitted both in the usual way and in Braille for the blind. Here - the date of the flight, the names from the so-called "Asterisk list" - the names of all those who participated in the creation, launch of the apparatus and ongoing research, members of the government in charge of space, the first cosmonauts, members of the search team looking for the Asterisk, and the nicknames of ten other dogs astronauts. It was they who prepared the flight of Yuri Gagarin.

The idea of ​​the monument belongs to the Izhevsk TV journalist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Sergey Pakhomov. Together with schoolchildren, he launched a trial balloon - he fashioned an apparatus and a dog out of snow. The children really wanted to see a monument to the cosmonaut dog in their sleeping district, and they collected from their pocket funds 300 rubles. For this modest amount, they fashioned a plaster dog, making a metal-like coating. This figurine is now in the National Museum of Local Lore at the exhibition "Izhevsk - outer space". The journalist also infected the sculptor with his idea, and he quickly created a model of the monument, which was cast in iron in the city of Tchaikovsky.

TASS-DOSIER /Inna Klimacheva/. To prepare manned flights into space, experimental flights were carried out in the Soviet Union with the participation of dogs. In 1949, the decisions of the presidiums of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences approved the scientific doctrine of space biology and medicine, which provides for experimental flights of animals into space.

For the experiment, not purebred dogs were chosen, but mongrels, since they are more hardy and unpretentious. For flights, animals were selected weighing no more than 6 kg, height (at the withers) no higher than 35 cm. Dogs were trained in a special laboratory of the Research Institute of Aviation Medicine (NII AM) of the Air Force of the USSR Ministry of Defense (now the State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, GNIIII VM; Moscow).

From July 1951 to June 1960, geophysical rockets (R-1B, R-1V, R-1D, R-1E, R-2A, R-5A developed by Sergei Korolev) were launched into the stratosphere from the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region , chief designer of OKB-1, now RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev) with dogs on board. The first took place on July 22, 1951: the R-1V rocket lifted a special hermetic cabin with dogs named Dezik and Gypsy to a 110-kilometer altitude, the animals landed safely by parachute. A total of 29 such flights were carried out (21 were successful). They involved 36 dogs (some flew several times), of which 15 died.

The dog Laika was the first living creature to travel into space. Launched on November 3, 1957 from the Baikonur cosmodrome on the second artificial Earth satellite ("Sputnik-2"), she spent several hours in weightlessness. Died in orbit from suffocation and heat due to heating spacecraft, since at that time technologies for the soft descent of vehicles to Earth had not yet been developed.

Belka and Strelka were the first dogs to fly into orbit and return safely to Earth. On August 19, 1960, the animals started from Baikonur on a satellite ship ("Sputnik-5") - the prototype of the Vostok ship. It was on the "Vostok" on April 12, 1961 that the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Gagarin, flew into space. The dogs were placed in a special container in the ejection unit of the ship's cabin, and red and green suits were sewn for them to fly. They were in Earth orbit for 25 hours, making 17 orbits around the Earth. On August 20, TASS reported: "The satellite ship and the capsule with experimental animals that separated from it landed safely ... The dogs Belka and Strelka feel good after the flight and landing." To monitor them, the Seliger radio-television system with two television cameras was installed on board the ship, the image was recorded on film.

After the flight, the dogs lived in the NIIAM enclosure. A few months later, Strelka gave birth to six puppies. One of them, by personal order of Nikita Khrushchev, was presented to the wife of US President John F. Kennedy - Jacqueline. Currently stuffed Belka and Strelka are on display at the Moscow Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the flight of dogs, in March 2010, the cartoon "Squirrel and Strelka. Star Dogs" was released.

Later, the success of Belka and Strelka was reinforced by the successful flights of other dogs. However, there were two emergency launches that led to the death of 4 animals.

Shortly before the launch of Yuri Gagarin, on March 25, 1961, a dog named Zvezdochka on the Vostok satellite ship completely covered the path that the first cosmonaut had to take off, one revolution around the Earth and landing. After her safe return, the final decision was made on the flight of man into space.

Total in space, within the ongoing Soviet Union research, visited 9 dogs. The last were Veterok and Sooty. Starting on February 22, 1966 from Baikonur, they set a record for the duration of the flight - they spent 22 days in orbit.

In memory of the animals that died in scientific experiments, in 1958, a granite column was erected in front of the Parisian Society for the Protection of Dogs. Its top is crowned with a satellite directed upwards, from which the muzzle of Laika peeps out. On the island of Crete (Greece), on the territory of the museum Homo sapiens, a monument to dogs - Laika, Belka and Strelka. In Moscow, a memorial plaque was unveiled (1997) on the laboratory building of the GNII VM, where Laika was being prepared for flight, and a monument to Laika was erected in front of the institute (2008). In Izhevsk, in 2006, a monument to the dog Zvezdochka was unveiled.

Monument to the dog-cosmonaut Zvezdochka in Izhevsk

Location: Izhevsk, in the park on Molodezhnaya Street near the post office No. 72.


Sculptor: Pavel Medvedev.



Asterisk (Luck)

Shortly before the flight of Yuri Gagarin, on March 25, 1961, the dog Zvezdochka was sent into orbit on the Vostok ZKA No. 2 spacecraft. She got into the first space detachment in the same way as all other dogs - from the street. At first, Starlet was given the nickname Luck. Her space callsign was changed right before launch: Gagarin and his comrades came up with a new name for her: “We, cosmonauts, are superstitious people. What if it fails?" And Luck was renamed Asterisk.

Everyone in the test detachment knew about the condition set by Korolev - a man would fly into space only after two consecutive successful launches with animals. Training in the detachment was in full swing. And Belka and Strelka, who had already returned from space, were greeted on earth as real heroes. Three months before Zvezdochka, Bee and Mushka died from an explosion during landing. Errors in the control system were eliminated, and Chernushka, which flew after them, returned from orbit unharmed. The future of the entire space program depended on the success of Zvezdochka. The readings of the sensors were closely monitored from the Earth.

On the frames received from space, it is clearly seen what severe overloads the dogs experienced during takeoff and landing. Temporary relief was brought by the moment of weightlessness. It was only after these experiments that it was possible to prove experimentally that a man's flight into space is possible. Without earth's gravity, the pressure in the blood vessels will not break, and the heart will not stop.

Sensational news about the Soviet breakthrough into space was then brought to the front pages of the world newspapers. But unlike her more famous predecessors, Laika, Belka and Strelka, Zvezdochka did not become a heroine of the press. Only a few photographs with her and rare footage of the chronicle have survived. The ship made an orbit around the planet and successfully landed in the Udmurt steppe. The secrecy is also explained by the fact that it was a dress rehearsal for the future human flight. Only 18 days remained before the start of Yuri Gagarin.

Together with Zvezdochka, a dummy was sent into orbit, which was nicknamed Ivan Ivanovich in the cosmonaut corps. He landed safely on a separate parachute.

The descent vehicle with the dog Zvezdochka successfully landed 45 km southeast of the city of Votkinsk (Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). The capsule with the dog was not immediately found: due to bad weather conditions, the search group that arrived in advance was unable to start searching. The pilot of the Izhevsk air squadron, Lev Karlovich Okkelman, who had extensive experience in flying in adverse weather conditions and at low altitudes, volunteered to find the dog.

Okkelman's flight was coordinated by an IL-14 aircraft loitering at high altitude in the satellite landing area. The little star landed in the Chaikovsky district, near the village of Karsha, she felt well. Lev Karlovich took the capsules out of the dog, gave him snow to drink and hugged him: after the tests he had endured, he was freezing. The pilot reported to IL-14 and to the Izhevsk airport that everything was in order. Due to bad weather, Okkelman and the astronaut dog had to spend the night at the landing site of the ship, and only the next morning they returned to Izhevsk.

After her landing on March 25, 1961, the final decision was made on the flight of the first man into space.


The monument to the space traveler - the dog Zvezdochka - was erected in Izhevsk. The sculpture, about half a meter high and made of metal, is engraved with the history of the astronaut dog and for the first time the declassified names of the specialists who paved the way into space (the so-called "Asterisk List" of 50 surnames) are inscribed. Here - the date of the flight, the names from the so-called "Asterisk list" - the names of all those who participated in the creation, launch of the apparatus and ongoing research, members of the government in charge of space, the first cosmonauts, members of the search team looking for the Asterisk, and the nicknames of ten other dogs -cosmonauts. It was they who prepared the flight of Yuri Gagarin. The text is duplicated in Braille (for blind people). Asterisk was the last astronaut dog to return safely to Earth.

Aviation veteran Lev Okkelman, who found the Asterisk 45 years ago, was the main person at the opening of the monument. He tried his palm on the imprint made in cast iron, and confidently said: "Coincides!".

"A dog is a man's best friend!" - this catchphrase from the Soviet film has been relevant for many millennia. Since ancient times, it is dogs that selflessly and faithfully serve man, so people erect monuments to them in gratitude.

To date, similar sculptures have been installed in different countries all over the world. is also a very common occurrence. They are established in honor of dogs with special merits to man and society.

Consider the most famous of them, which always evoke tenderness and deep respect for the most faithful and reliable friends of a person in the audience.

Monument to the rescue dog Barry in France

According to the features of their execution, the sculptures are different. In addition, they are made from various kinds materials - bronze and other types of metals. But at the same time, the idea of ​​erecting each monument is based on admiration for four-legged friends and human gratitude to them.

For example, in Paris erected a monument to St. Bernard Barry who saved several dozen people from snowdrifts in the Alpine mountains. In gratitude for this feat, this sculpture was installed in 1989.

In Berlin there is a monument to guide dogs blind people. These dogs are specially trained to help people with handicapped move freely around the city, cross the road and find the way to the house. For this purpose, dogs with a calm character are specially selected, which listen to commands and obediently carry them out.

Monument to the guide dog in Berlin

In Alaska, in the town of Nome, there is also a monument to the dog Balto, erected in honor of the leader of the dog team, who, during the deadly epidemic of diphtheria that broke out in the area in 1925, delivered the necessary medications and thereby saved the lives of many residents of the village. And although this was a rather difficult task, because the nearest settlement was more than a thousand kilometers away, the dogs coped with it and provided invaluable help to people.

In Russia there is also a monument to the dog, installed on the territory of the Institute of Experimental Medicine near St. Petersburg. However, this monument was erected not in honor of any particular dog, but as a general monument to all dogs that serve science. After all, it is on dogs that scientists test the effect of many drugs before using them to treat people.

Monument to a nameless dog in St. Petersburg

Dogs have been helping humans for centuries in many areas of life. For example, in the far north, goods are still transported by dog ​​sleds, because only they can successfully cope with this task in hard-to-reach areas, where there is practically no way for other modes of transport.

In the Italian city of Borgo - San Lorenzo erected a monument to a dog named Fido, who every evening for 14 years went to meet his master by the train, although he had long been dead. People erected a monument to this dog as an example of unparalleled devotion to his master.

Monument to the dog Fido in Borgo San Lorenzo

BUT in the Scottish city of Edinburgh there is a monument to a dog, which after the death of the owner continued to live on his grave for five years, and died there. All these cases testify to the extreme fidelity of the four-legged friends of man, who continue to retain affection for people even after their death.

There is another modest monument at the Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv. And although it is very old, rough and green from time to time, you can still see the image of a man on the tombstone, and two of his dogs lie on both sides.

Local residents pass this touching story, more like a beautiful legend, by word of mouth. Once the owner of two dogs died, they continued to go to his grave every day, until one day they were found dead, lying on the grave of the deceased owner. Subsequently, caring people erected a common monument to this trinity, and now stone dogs continue to guard the peace of their master in the next world.

In 2009, Salavat Shcherbakov's sculpture "Military Instructor with a Dog" was opened in the Terletskaya Oak Forest park. This monument is a tribute to the memory of the dogs that worked during the Great Patriotic War along with the soldiers on the battlefield.

The place for the installation of the sculpture was not chosen by chance. It was here that since 1924 the central military-technical school was located. service dog breeding Red Army. In the post-war years, the school was renamed the nursery "Red Star". Two have been taken out here famous breeds dogs: Moscow watchdog and black Russian terrier. In the 70s, in connection with the expansion of the borders of Moscow, the nursery moved to the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region.

The Great Patriotic War actually proved the effectiveness of the application service dogs for military purposes. Between 1939 and 1945, 168 separate military units who used dogs. Dogs helped sappers, orderlies, border guards, signalmen, saboteurs and many others.

2. Monument to explosive dogs, Volgograd

In Volgograd, on May 28, 2011, a monument to demolition dogs and tank destroyers was erected on Chekist Square. Dogs have made an invaluable contribution to the cause of the Great Victory over the enemy. There were signal dogs, sapper dogs, orderlies, sled dogs. But the most heroic tragic fate was with dogs - tank destroyers. They delivered explosives to the enemy tank, the cocked detonator worked automatically, and the German tank was blown up along with the dog. The monument is a sculpture of a dog, on the back of which a bag with TNT is fixed. During the war years, demolition dogs destroyed more than 350 fascist tanks. This is a monument to four-legged soldiers.

According to the "Encyclopedia of the Battle of Stalingrad", the most famous feat of the 28th separate detachment of tank destroyer dogs in the operational subordination of the 10th rifle division of the NKVD. In the battles for Stalingrad, the detachment destroyed 42 tanks, 2 armored vehicles, hundreds of enemy soldiers and officers. From August to October 1942, out of 202 people and 202 dogs of the detachment, 54 people and 54 four-legged soldiers remained alive.

3. Monument to the heroes-medics and sanitary dogs, Essentuki

This monument is dedicated to those who, under bullets, pulled the wounded from the battlefield during the Great Patriotic War and risked themselves to save the warrior. The monument is a snow-white sculpture of a military nurse, who stands in uniform in full growth. On one side of the girl is a bag with everything you need, on the other side next to her is a dog, true friend and assistant in difficult moment. The dogs helped the nurses to carry heavy loads when they weren't strong enough to do so. At the bottom of the monument is a plaque with the inscription "To Heroes of Medicine and sanitary dogs, who saved thousands of soldiers' lives, is dedicated.

4. Monument to a front-line dog, Moscow

In 2013, a monument to a front-line dog was unveiled at the site of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. The sculpture of a shepherd dog is made with a bag on its back, in which the dogs carried medicines during the war, its paws lie on the torn caterpillars of the tank, in memory of the demolition dogs. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, more than 60 thousand four-legged fighters served on all fronts. So, sled dogs delivered ammunition, orderly dogs took out the wounded from the battlefield, signal dogs delivered important messages to the epicenter of battles. During the war, sapper dogs discovered about 4,000,000 mines and land mines, with their help, more than 300 settlements were cleared of mines. Dogs performed many feats during the Great Patriotic War, many of them received awards along with people.

5. Monument to the dog Laika, Moscow

Laika was the first living creature launched into space. The monument was placed on the territory of the Institute of Military Medicine, where a space experiment was being prepared. On the monument, Laika is depicted on a one-to-one scale.

It was here that in 1957 Laika was prepared for a flight into space, knowing that she would not return to earth (Laika was destined to die a few hours after launch). Only in this way could scientists understand how weightlessness and overloads affect the human body. The monument, which is a rocket that turns into a palm, on which Laika proudly stands, was erected in April 2008.

6. Monument to the dog-cosmonaut Zvezdochka, Izhevsk

In March 2006, a monument to Zvezdochka was erected in the city of Izhevsk.

Asterisk was an astronaut dog. After her happy landing, in 1961, the final decision was made on the flight of man into space.

7. Monument to the dog, Novosibirsk

On June 19, 2009, a monument dedicated to dogs that died in the line of duty appeared in Novosibirsk.

A bronze figure of a shepherd dog on a stone pedestal is installed in the courtyard of the Zonal Canine Service Center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the NSO.

The memorial is a gift from the branch "Baltika-Novosibirsk" for the 100th anniversary of the cynological service of Russia.

The monument is dedicated to all the dogs who died in the service and defended their owners. The prototype for the creation of the sculpture was a shepherd named Jack, who, together with her owner, made five business trips to Chechnya and died in the line of duty. Jack's task was to search for and detect explosives, weapons and ammunition. According to the employees of the Zonal Service, the shepherd saved a lot human lives like other service dogs.

8. Monument to the dog Lyalka, Berezovsky, Kemerovo region

A team of miners from the city of Berezovsky, Kemerovo Region, raised money and erected a monument to the dog Lyalka, who died of old age. For more than 15 years in a row, every morning she came to the Pervomaiskaya mine exactly at the beginning of the shift and went down to the face with the miners. Never missed a day, never missed a beat. In the slaughter, the dog carried its watch - it skillfully caught rats, warned people about the danger.

Here is what the mine workers say about the dog: “Even when Lyalka got completely old, blind and deaf, she never missed a shift. Fearlessly descended to a depth of more than 300 meters. I felt at home underground. She knew all the moves and exits from the workings. She worked no worse than Stakhanov - sometimes she carried two or three shifts ... When we finished working, she always walked ahead, as if she wanted to lead us out of the slaughter. She loved to be in the mine with us, and we were pleased to have a dog nearby, because she feels the danger much better than a person. If the methane level rose, Lyalka began to bark, rush about, and we already knew that we urgently needed to rise to the surface.

A small reddish mongrel with short paws, sharp muzzle and long ears nailed to the miners more than 16 years ago. Everyone liked the cheerful and nimble dog, they began to feed her. At the general meeting, they decided that they would call her Lyalka. And one fine day, she voluntarily decided to go underground with the miners. This was the beginning of the mining service of the “mining dog of a noble breed”, as the workers called it “Pervomaiskaya”.

Over time, the miners began to consider Lyalka almost a full member of the brigade. They say that in her old age there was so much wisdom in her eyes that you will not see in every foreman. When faithful dog died, the miners decided to bury her on the territory of the mine, where she carried her labor watch. Near the lamp, where the faithful dog always waited for the start of his "shift".

A black stone slab with a portrait of Lyalka in a miner's helmet was installed on the grave of a common favorite and they wrote “1997-2014. Years of dog loyalty. The miners say that this is a monument not only to Lyalka, but also to all the dogs that help the miners in their hard work.

Lyalka managed to bring up a worthy replacement. Now, along with the miners, just like she once, two mongrels descend - six-year-old Vasily and three-year-old Vasilisa. Lyalka took them under guardianship as puppies and taught them all the intricacies of the profession of a miner dog.

9. Monument to search dogs, Kaliningrad region

In the Chernyakhovsky branch of the private security of the Kaliningrad region, a "Monument to search dogs" was installed. This is how police officers paid tribute to search dogs, showing that people do not forget their service comrades - dogs.

10. Monument of devotion, Togliatti

In the city of Togliatti on the Southern Highway there is a touching monument to a dog named Verny. The owners of Verny tragically died in a car accident. The dog was practically not injured in the accident and since then has been constantly near the accident site for seven years until his death. The sculpture itself, a little over one and a half meters high, is set on a granite pedestal. The monument is located in such a way that it seems to drivers passing along the road that the dog turns its head after passing cars, as if still hoping to see its dead owners.