
What is the next year according to the Chinese calendar. What will the next year bring us? Meet the Yellow Earth Dog! What to celebrate the new year of Cancer

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2018 - Year of the Dog
Eastern calendar
When is Chinese New Year 2018?

The dog is a symbol of the penultimate eleventh year of the 12-year earthly cycle of the eastern calendar. In countries where the main religion is Buddhism, the symbolic perception of the Dog, in my opinion, does not differ at all from the European one; in the east, the Dog is endowed primarily with such qualities as loyalty, honesty and nobility and aggressive uncompromising attitude towards enemies ...
"Ancient Epic"

2018 is the year of the Golden Dog

February 16, 2018 year on the second new moon after the winter solstice according to the eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar, the year of the celestial stem of time “Earth” begins in the “Yang” stage of the earthly branch “Dog”, 35th year of the 34th cycle of the new chronology.
What does all this mean?
Let's turn to ancient Chinese philosophy. As part of her ideas, time in heaven and on earth flows differently. Therefore, earthly and heavenly signs were used to indicate time. According to ancient Chinese ideas, the main flow of time is carried out along the celestial stems, and time flows to the earth from these stems along the branches that lead to it. There are five heavenly stems, and 12 branches are drawn from them to the earth.
"Earth" - a symbol of the celestial flow of time of the coming year, carries with it the properties of the primary element of the same name: the control direction is the Center; characterizing colors - yellow, brown and flesh; the presence of this element in a person means endurance, fertility, diligence and strategic thinking.

All signs of the earthly branch are the offspring of heavenly stems, so the "Dogs" branch 戌 inherits the signs of the generative stem-element "Earth" in the "Yang" stage, it also has some qualities of a real earthly collective image of a dog, in the ancient Eastern representation it is: honesty mind, sense of justice, simplicity, loyalty, attractiveness, friendliness, sociability and openness; unpretentiousness, calmness and sensitivity, and on the other side of the medal, cynicism, laziness, indifference, pessimism, anxiety, stubbornness and absurdity.

In China and some of its neighboring countries, it is customary to celebrate the New Year dressed in the colors of the heavenly sign. The element "Earth" has several symbolic colors: yellow, brown (ocher) and flesh (beige). All these colors and their combinations are acceptable for the New Year, but yellow is considered the main one. On New Year's Eve, it is advisable for men to have some item of clothing with a yellow color (for example, a tie with a yellow stripe or a beige shirt, in extreme cases, yellow socks ...). Women have more choice in terms of colors - they can afford beige and shades of yellow-brown, including golden ones.
The symbolic yellow color of this year of the Dog in the eastern calendar is somewhat different from the yellow we are used to - it is closer to yellow-brown, one might even say golden, (approximately this color is used on the page splash page with an outline image of a dog - in more detail about the symbolism and device of the Eastern calendar can be found in the next section).
I would like to add one more remark about the "earthly essence" of the year: The Dog's time branch is a product of the element "Earth" (Soil) and inherits mainly its qualities, therefore, despite the fact that the expressions "" or "" adopted by us already carry some semantic liberty of our perception of the designation of 2018 in the Chinese calendar 戊戌 , but the expression "Year of the Earth Dog", in philosophical terms, has a deep meaning ... Since the branch of the Dog connecting the heavenly flow of time with the Earthly is a product of the "earthly" trunk that carries time, this year one should expect a steady and stable flow of time. It is worth noting that in mnemonic terms, the expression "" has every right to life ...
I would rather call the coming year a year Golden Dogs, since the parent of this branch carries the main stream of time. And, if we call 2018 completely according to our modern rules, then 2018 is.

So, in order to receive the patronage of the Dog in the new 2018, when meeting the New Year, you need to put on something yellow, brown, golden or beige, or add some touch of yellow or golden color to the clothes, and on the table it is desirable to have dishes from meat, poultry or meat products , but otherwise there are no restrictions - "Dog" is an omnivore, with some predatory bias.

According to the table presented here, you can decide when to celebrate the New Year according to the eastern calendar, as well as determine your oriental patron signs by date of birth ...

Table: 34 cycle. Chinese cyclic calendar from 1960 to 2019 New Year start dates

Sergey Ov

This table clearly shows a 12-year calendar cycle of earthly branches, and not very clearly a 10-year one - each of the five primary elements "takes control of the development of world events" for 2 solar years. The main cycle lasts 60 years - the cycle begins with the celestial stem "Tree", the earthly branch "Rat" - now there is the 34th cycle from the beginning of the calculation of the new time, it began on February 2, 1984. (To see dates in a wider time interval (1924-2043), click on the table).

Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar.

According to the worldview of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, as well as in later ancient philosophy, there are two passages of time - in heaven and on earth. In heaven, time continuously flows through five essential world-forming elements (elements, entities): “Wood”, “Fire”, “Earth” (“Soil”), “Metal”, “Water” - figuratively “along the heavenly trunks of these elements-entities ". The main, most powerful stream of time overflows from one entity to another. When the flow of time flows into the celestial stem of an entity inherent in the year (the first year), it is in the YANG stage, when it starts to leave (the second year), it passes into the YIN stage (The properties of the entity elements are shown in the table:).

Sergey Ov

To enlarge the table of properties of entities, click on it

In the earthly world - its own stream of time, it flows along the earthly branches, which are generated by heavenly trunks. The fertile fundamental "Earth" gives rise to 4 branches on its trunk for a 12-year cycle: two in the YANG stage - the Dragon, the Dog; and two in the stage of YIN - Ox, Sheep. The rest of the trunks, respectively: "Metal" - branches Monkey and Rooster; "Water" - Rat and Pig; "Tree" - Tiger and Rabbit; "Fire" - Horse and Snake. All this underlies the construction, so to speak, of the outer cover of the cyclic calendar.

The true basis of the cyclic calendar is the results of observations of the movement of the planets, the Moon and the Sun. The founders of the calendar knew that 29 and a half days pass from the new moon to the new moon; that for an earthly observer, Mars returns to the point of the starry sky fixed at the time the observation began after almost 2 years, Jupiter after about 12 years, and Saturn after 30. To return both Jupiter and Saturn to their original configuration at the same time, 60 years are needed - this period and was adopted as the main longest cycle of the calendar. The next longest 12-year cycle corresponds to the orbital period of Jupiter. But the ten-year and two-year cycles are already a tribute to the metaphysical ideas of that time.
Despite this complex interweaving of the rational and the metaphysical, we can say that the Chinese cyclic lunisolar calendar is the first documented attempt by mankind to synchronize the time counting system with the movement of celestial bodies, which took place more than 4600 years ago!

According to the historical, philosophical and astronomical materials of the network: Sergey Ov(seosnews9)

Let's try to imagine what the coming year is preparing for us, using our tables of properties of primary elements.
So, 2018, (starting from February 16, 2018- New Year according to the Eastern calendar), the celestial stem "Earth", the earthly branch "Dog":

Weather 2018
Weather control will almost completely take over the celestial trunk - the Tree, and the "Dog" will make only small additional adjustments.
We look at the table.
"Earth": control direction - center; type of energy - humidity.
"Dog" (branch of the Earth trunk): accordingly, the control direction is the center; type of energy - humidity.
The season corresponding to the sign "Dog" is late autumn.

Based on this information, we find that in 2018 the weather will mostly follow the climatic norm, but with some excess moisture.
The corresponding season of the "Dogs" branch (late autumn) can cause the correction of air temperature towards lower values...
Spring and summer will come at the usual time.

Year of the Dog. Society 2018

The decisive factor in the development of social life will be the impact of internal events in the country. The influence of external factors will begin to increase only at the end of the year.

Year of the Dog. People in 2018

Success, according to tradition, will contribute to the greatest extent to those who were born in the Year of the Dog, as well as those born under the shadow of the heavenly branch "Earth" (in the years of the Ox, Dragon and Sheep). In general, under the auspices of the "dog" this year you can solve many accumulated problems, as well as, showing patience and perseverance, improve life for yourself and your loved ones.

In the previous Year of the Dog (2006), a commemorative coin was issued in Russia with a rather successful image of a dog (photo) - that year, by the way, nothing bad happened in our country. So, keep in mind - this coin can bring good luck in 2018 as well.

P.S.. Fashion in the Year of the Dog: Yellow browns and golden colors and shades in clothes, with elements of jewelry incorporating metal, create an additional boost to success.

Other related articles calendar:

* On the views of ancient philosophers on time:

Dates of the new year according to the Chinese cyclical calendar from 1924 to 2043.

Trunks and branches of time sky stems
wood the fire Earth metal water
Rat February 5, 1924 January 24, 1936 February 10, 1948 January 28, 1960 Rat February 15, 1972
Bull January 25, 1925 February 11, 1937 January 29, 1949 Bull February 15, 1961 February 3, 1973
Tiger January 23, 1974 February 13, 1926 January 31, 1938 February 17, 1950 February 5, 1962
Rabbit February 11, 1975 Rabbit February 2, 1927 February 19, 1939 February 6, 1951 January 25, 1963
The Dragon February 13, 1964 January 31, 1976 The Dragon January 23, 1928 February 8, 1940 January 27, 1952
Snake February 2, 1965 February 18, 1977 Snake February 10, 1929 January 27, 1941 February 14, 1953
Horse February 3, 1954 Horse January 21, 1966 February 7, 1978 January 30, 1930 February 15, 1942
Sheep January 24, 1955 February 9, 1967 January 28, 1979 Sheep February 17, 1931 February 5, 1943
Monkey January 25, 1944 February 12, 1956 January 30, 1968 Monkey February 16, 1980 February 6, 1932
Rooster February 13, 1945 January 31, 1957 February 17, 1969 February 5, 1981 Rooster January 26, 1933
Dog February 14, 1934 February 2, 1946 Dog February 18, 1958 February 6, 1970 January 25, 1982
Pig February 4, 1935 January 22, 1947 February 8, 1959 January 27, 1971 February 13, 1983 Pig
Rat February 2, 1984 February 19, 1996 February 7, 2008 January 25, 2020 Rat February 11, 2032
Bull February 20, 1985 February 7, 1997 January 26, 2009 Bull February 12, 2021 January 31, 2033
Tiger February 19, 2034 February 9, 1986 January 28, 1998 February 14, 2010 February 1, 2022
Rabbit February 8, 2035 Rabbit January 29, 1987 February 16, 1999 February 3, 2011 January 22, 2023
The Dragon February 10, 2024 January 28, 2036 The Dragon February 17, 1988 February 5, 2000 January 23, 2012
Snake January 29, 2025 February 15, 2037 Snake February 6, 1989 January 24, 2001 February 10, 2013
Horse January 31, 2014 Horse February 17, 2026 February 4, 2038 January 27, 1990 February 12, 2002
Sheep February 19, 2015 February 6, 2027 February 24, 2039 Sheep February 15, 1991 February 1, 2003
Monkey January 22, 2004 February 8, 2016 January 26, 2028 Monkey February 12, 2040 February 4, 1992
Rooster February 9, 2005 January 28, 2017 February 13, 2029 February 1, 2041 Rooster January 23, 1993
Dog February 10, 1994 January 29, 2006 Dog February 16, 2018 February 3, 2030 February 22, 2042
Pig January 31, 1995 February 18, 2007 February 5, 2019 January 23, 2031 February 10, 2043 Pig

1. Years increase downward diagonally, from the extreme right cell of the calendar, look for continuation in the extreme left.
2. In the intervals between the "trunks of time", the "earthly branches" are symbolically depicted, named with the corresponding signs - in each calendar cycle, the earthly branches are updated.

Table: "Properties of the Five Primary Elements and the Qualities Supported by Them"

Qualities and properties Essences of the universe, primary elements
Wood Fire The soil Metal Water
Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury
Green, blue-green, blue Red, pink, orange Brown, yellow, flesh White, any metallic Black, dark blue

Energies of nature

wind (movement) Warmly Humidity Dryness Cold
Active, purposeful, assertive Lively, impulsive, scattered Nourishing, kind, thorough Cold, reserved, aristocratic Deep, secret, mysterious

Side of the world

East South Centre West North

Qualities manifested through a person and in a person

Sour Bitter Sweet Spicy Salty
Rancid, musty Burnt, burnt Fragrant, sweet Fish Rotten
scream Laugh Singing Crying (Sighs) Moan


Dog Goat, sheep Bull, cow Rooster, chicken Pig

Life cycle

Birth Growth Maturity Withering Death

Facial features

Eyebrows, jaws Eyes, lips Mouth, cheeks Nose, cheekbones, moles Ears, forehead, chin

Body Types

High - sinewy, low - mobile Slimness, beauty Roundness, plumpness Thin bones, thin skin Big bones, wide hips
Liver A heart Spleen Lungs Bud
Pointing Average Large Nameless Little finger

Spectrum of emotions

Anger, humanity Excitement, love anxiety, intuition Grief, gratitude Fear

Warehouse of thinking

Originality Aspiration Consciousness Will Wisdom

* Dates falling in the Year of the Dog according to the Chinese calendar in the 20th and 21st century

Date interval corresponding to the Year of the Dog sky stem Name of the year
1910 February 10, 1910 - January 30, 1911 Metal Year of the White Dog
1922 January 28, 1922 - February 16, 1923 Water Year of the Blue Dog
1934 February 14, 1934 - February 04, 1935 Wood Year of the Green Dog
1946 February 02, 1946 - January 22, 1947 Fire Year of the Orange Dog
1958 February 18, 1958 - February 08, 1959 The soil Year of the Yellow Dog
1970 February 06, 1970 - January 27, 1971 Metal Year of the White Dog
1982 January 25, 1982 - February 13, 1983 Water Year of the Blue Dog
1994 February 10, 1994 - January 31, 1995 Wood Year of the Green Dog
2006 January 29, 2006 - February 18, 2007 Fire Year of the Orange Dog
2018 February 16, 2018 - February 05, 2019 The soil Year of the Yellow Dog
2030 February 03, 2030 - January 23, 2031 Metal Year of the White Dog
2042 January 22, 2042 - February 10, 2043 Water Year of the Blue Dog
2054 February 08, 2054 - January 28, 2055 Wood Year of the Green Dog
2066 January 26, 2066 - February 14, 2067 Fire Year of the Orange Dog
2078 February 12, 2078 - February 02, 2079 The soil Year of the Yellow Dog
2090 January 30, 2090 - February 18, 2091 Metal Year of the White Dog

If you ask what year is 2018 according to the horoscope, it turns out that this is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This sign is distinguished by devotion and a desire for justice. Therefore, the higher moral qualities a person has, the more gifts he will receive from the mistress of the year. In addition, the Dog is able to reconcile the warring. Thanks to this, the long-awaited peace and harmony will finally reign in many families. It will come according to the Eastern calendar on February 16, 2018.

General information

Before making a forecast for each sign of the eastern zodiac, a characteristic of the year of the Dog itself must be given. Astrologers note that every year of the Yellow Dog is distinguished by calmness, stability, peace and harmony. The peacefulness of the Dog will affect the war zones, the activity in which will certainly decrease. This year we should expect stabilization of the political situation in the world. Many disputes and conflicts will resolve themselves. The economic situation in most countries will be stable.

Most of the achievements during this period will be associated with the desire of an individual to stand out from the crowd, to show his intelligence. This will force many to act outside the box. It is such personalities that great success awaits in the year of the Earth Dog. They will receive the patronage of the mistress of the year and her protection.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, you can significantly improve your life. There will be many opportunities and chances for this. All that is needed for financial success is to correctly distribute your income and not squander money right and left.

In 2018, a favorable period for long-distance travel begins. This is due to the fact that the Dog loves to learn new things, and will support the same enthusiasts. Traveling will allow you to expand your horizons, immerse yourself in other people's customs and traditions, and live a different life.

Family for Dogs is the most important thing in life. Therefore, in 2018, it is just the right time to create it. All circumstances will contribute to this. The family will become a reliable rear that will always support and help. You can plan weddings, real estate purchases and other large acquisitions.

The year is favorable for new beginnings. You just need to listen to yourself and choose the right path of development. Perhaps someone has long wanted to quit an unloved job. It's time to do it. Instead, it will be possible to do what you love, getting not only pleasure, but also good money. 2018 is favorable for getting a second education, changing your profession and improving your financial situation.

The only thing not to do in the year of the Earth Dog is to make plans. It is best to do this in advance, and in the new year to embody the plan. Moreover, there will be many opportunities for this.

Many do not know, in the year of the Dog, which years belong. The Years of the Dog are 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018.

Such outstanding personalities as Socrates, Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Michael Jackson, Stephen King, Guy de Maupassant, Akira Kurosawa, Victor Hugo, Ernest Hemingway, Alexander Dumas Père, Grigory Rasputin, Yuri Gagarin were born under the sign of the Dog. .

Forecast for 2018 for all signs of the eastern horoscope

Rats in 2018, you will need to take matters into your own hands, not be lazy and not feel sorry for yourself. Then the result will not keep you waiting. If the Rat shows determination, then this period will be very productive for her, and she will be able to achieve great success. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, the Rat will find true friends who will support her in everything. Health problems are not expected. It will even improve compared to last year. In the first half of the year, you need to be careful in handling finances, it is advisable not to lend large sums of money to anyone and not to invest them in dubious enterprises. The Rat will be able to achieve financial stability by the fall.

Bull 2018 holds many surprises. He should moderate his pride and stubbornness, learn to yield. The middle of the year is the best time to take a vacation. This will help to avoid serious conflicts, as well as improve well-being and establish sleep and rest patterns. The restored strength will be needed to make a breakthrough in your career and improve your financial situation. A large cash flow is expected at the end of November. Some Bulls will find a creative streak in themselves, which will significantly affect their future, directing life in a favorable direction. By the end of the year, having strengthened the financial foundation, it will be possible to think about personal happiness. The family will help the Bulls feel needed, loved and irreplaceable.

Character tiger in the year of the Dog will change for the better. He will become more calm, thoughtful and good-natured. In the Tiger's career, success and promotion await, profits will increase. Some Tigers will decide to start their own business, which before that they only cherished in their thoughts. Their dedication and courage can only be envied. The authority of this sign of the eastern horoscope will grow greatly. The professional merits of the Tiger will be noticed and appreciated. Family life will proceed steadily. Some Tigers may have an addition to the family. At the end of the year, it is worth paying attention to your health in order to avoid a deterioration in well-being. In general, the year will be very calm and will pass without conflicts and unpleasant surprises.

For representatives of the year Rabbit (Cat) 2018 will be a very successful year. Cats will be contacted for advice and help. Due to this, their circle of contacts will expand significantly, and their authority will be strengthened. The desire for material well-being should be accompanied by noble impulses, only in this case it will be crowned with success. The dog appreciates honesty and generosity, so those representatives of the sign who show them will get everything they dream of. The eastern horoscope 2018 predicts career success and improvement in the financial situation for the Rabbit. Cats are waiting for mutual love and harmonious relationships. For free representatives of the sign, the year may end with a wedding. It is necessary to take care of your health, avoid hypothermia, then there will be no problems with it.

Those born in the year dragon waiting for a rich and interesting life. The cycle of events will swirl them and will not let them get bored. Many Dragons will make new friends and even be able to build relationships with old enemies. Disagreements between spouses are possible, since no one wants to give in. Financial matters will be much better. Already in March, the level of income will begin to grow. But spending everything at once is not recommended, it is better to save money for a major purchase. Probable climb up the career ladder or success in business. Creative individuals belonging to the sign of the Dragon will be in the spotlight. They will be able to prove themselves in all their glory, and especially talented ones have a chance to become famous all over the world. Health problems can be avoided if you do it in time. Family life will become almost ideal in the second half of the year.

Those born in the year snakes, waiting for many surprises, both pleasant and not so. In general, the year is favorable for those Serpents who will act honestly and openly. Kindness and decency are the qualities that the Dog appreciates. She will certainly reward such Snakes. Some representatives of the sign will be able to realize their hidden talents, to reveal themselves from the other side. Strong family relationships, excellent health, no financial problems and career growth - all this promises the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog to the Snakes. By the end of the year, single Snakes will be able to meet their soul mate and find family happiness. So that health is not disturbed, it is recommended to take preventive measures.

An interesting year will be for talented individuals who were born under the sign Horses. Exciting trips to places they dreamed of visiting await them. The horses will have numerous interesting acquaintances and a long-awaited meeting with their soul mate. The relationship that has begun is likely to develop into something serious. Many Horses will pursue their careers and succeed. In the summer, family representatives of the sign are recommended to start repairs, after which it will be possible to have a great rest on the sea coast. In general, the year is going to be very calm. You only have to worry about health. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent unwanted consequences.

According to the Eastern horoscope for those born in the year Sheep (Goats), everything will turn out very well. They don't even have to put in much effort. Those who have been planning to open their own business for a long time will be able to successfully realize their idea. In this case, everything will go like clockwork. Sheep will be carried away by their soul mate. Those who are married will fall in love with their spouse again, and free representatives of the sign will find their love. No difficulties are foreseen in the work. New successful projects are likely to bring significant profits. But do not immediately spend what you have earned, it is better to put money in the bank. Then in the second half of the year, the financial difficulties of the Goats will not be terrible.

monkeys you have to be careful in your business. This is a good period for learning and mastering a new business. Meetings and new acquaintances will fade into the background. Therefore, for sociable and cheerful Monkeys, the year may seem too measured and boring. Throughout the year, it is necessary to devote enough time to the family so that the household does not feel deprived of love and care. Creative individuals will be able to implement a project that will bring them fame, considerable income and recognition in the future. Many Monkeys will want to achieve a promotion, and this period will contribute to this.

For those who were born in the year Rooster The Earth Dog prepares trials. There is a high probability of an event that will turn the life of the Rooster upside down. And few people will like it, but in the end, everything will turn out well. Almost all representatives of the sign will have to devote a lot of time to work and caring for the family. The desire to get rich will lead to the fact that the Roosters will have to sacrifice personal time, devoting it to work. Sometimes they will feel like they are living in the workplace. But fortunately, family life will not suffer from this. The half will show understanding and support the Roosters in their endeavors. In the summer, you still need to slow down and get some rest. It is best to go with the whole family to the sea coast. A couple of weeks of rest will allow you to gain strength in order to make a breakthrough in the second half of the year and still achieve the desired result.

What to expect for those who, according to the eastern horoscope, were born under the sign Dogs? Undoubtedly, this is their year. Dogs will be lucky in everything, especially in terms of a career. Career growth will also affect the financial situation, which will improve significantly. In the middle of the year, single Dogs will finally find happiness in their personal lives. Romantic relationships will develop rapidly and will be very promising. Many Dogs will decide to start a major renovation in their home or purchase their own home. All family members will be directly involved in all this. Throughout the year, in any endeavors, the Dogs will be lucky.

According to the forecast of the eastern horoscope for 2018, those who were born in the year Boar, everything will turn out well. They will finally be able to decide on their priorities, understand what is more important to them, and what can be postponed until later. Financial difficulties are not expected throughout the year. But the most profitable period is the beginning of spring. Perhaps the Boar will even be able to purchase real estate with the acquired funds. For those who are actively looking for their soul mate, summer will be a favorable period. New relationships will bring a lot of happiness and joy. There is a high probability that they will lead to a wedding. Married couples this year will live in complete harmony, quarrels and grievances will remain in the past. Happiness, love, tenderness, trust and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

The forecast for most signs of the Eastern horoscope is positive. But even if the stars predicted trials and not very pleasant events for someone, there is no need to be upset. Everything can be fixed with a little effort.

We will immediately answer the question of what the upcoming 2018 year according to the eastern (Chinese) horoscope will be - the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, which will begin on February 16 and end on February 4, 2019, with the transfer of rights to manage the next year to the Boar / Pig. In this article, we will consider the qualities of the Dog, its habits, inclinations, what we should expect from 2018, what to count on, what to look out for, and so on.

At the beginning, we note the qualities of these personalities - those born in the year of the Dog, men and women, are always honest, responsible and fair. This is the category of people you can rely on and trust, in almost any situation they will not let you down.

They are responsible in life and in business matters, they can be trusted with almost any information, they will not make it public. For these people, it is important to have a clear sense of the requirements placed on them, a clear description of the duties so that they can imagine the final image of the goal.

A person who was born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern calendar is able to share someone else's pain, take care of the interests of his relatives and relatives, as well as his friends and work colleagues. This person will never miss someone's problems, will always help, will not refuse to lend a helping hand.

In childhood, the Dog will have many difficult situations, she will often have to be nervous about her incompetence complex.

In youth, problems will gradually begin to disappear, although she can do stupid things just at this age.

In adulthood, she will become a big skeptic and at some point become a pessimist, lose the ability to enjoy life.

According to the horoscope 2018 is the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog

Year of the Dog - sign characteristic

Chinese name for the Year of the Dog: Gou

Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog: Eleventh

Time of day of the year Dogs: 19:00 -21:00

Western Zodiac Sign of the Year of the Dog: Aries

Dog Year Element: Metal

Qualities of People Born in the Year of the Dog

Positive traits (qualities) of character: These are generous, kind, loyal, reliable and honest people, they are devoted to their ideals and their family, always diligent and responsible, ready to help, they can be trusted and can be trusted, you can rely on them.

Negative traits (qualities) of character: They can be stubborn and intrusive, sometimes they are excessively and unreasonably restless, talkative, pessimistic, they can be disorganized, distracted, unnecessarily strict towards their loved ones and others.


Poems of the Years of the Dog (periods of government)

Expectations from 2018 - what will it be, what to expect?

2018 will be the year of the Dog. As the eastern zodiac horoscope says, it should bring peace, harmony and stability to you and me. It is during this period that disputes and misunderstandings will stop, and the economic crisis will end.

Those who are in love, but have not yet formalized their relationship, should legalize them this year, think about the union of destinies during this particular time period. 2018 is a very favorable year for starting a family. Keep this in mind, and also that the next year will be 2019 of the Pig / Boar, which can bring unpleasant surprises, "put the Pig".

This person is characterized by such traits as intelligence and insight, ease of communication, some coldness, sociability and honesty, loyalty and stubbornness, openness and friendliness, laziness.

These people with high demands for justice, they will not tolerate harassment and humiliation, both of themselves and someone close or just a stranger. By any means and at any cost, they will stand up for their own and someone else's defense, seek to justify an innocent person or someone humiliated.

The dog is always "on the alert", he never rests, always at his guard post, he is attentive and restless. It is not easy to take something away from this person. The dog is alert and will not just give up without a fight. It can be closed, and they show their feelings in a rare case, only if necessary.

Men and women of the sign of the eastern horoscope Dogs are a big skeptic in life and to a large extent pessimists, in many matters they are critical of themselves, have little faith in their strengths and capabilities. Willpower, good nature, a sense of humor, a sharp mind and a sense of responsibility help the representatives of this sign to be a person of a wide soul.

On the other hand, the Dog is a considerable cynic, often not shy in expressions and statements, can offend a person with his sarcasm. People who know this person are wary of the Dog, because of her harsh statements and hurtful remarks.

Sometimes this person is too stubborn. Taking on some new business, the Dog devotes himself to it with his head. At the same time, with or without reason, he will criticize everyone in a row who will be nearby at this moment. From the outside, it may seem that she is deliberately going to break up relations, although in fact, she just wants to not be hindered from doing business.

This person sees the world mainly in dark colors, which is why they are talked about - pessimists in life, who expect little from life, because they are not sure of themselves and their capabilities. The dog clearly lacks confidence and determination, this is reflected in everything, in its behavior, lifestyle, communication.

Who is 2018, whose and what will be - Dogs Yellow (Earth)

Who is the Dog of 2018 from the signs of the horoscope compatible with?

The eastern horoscope tells us that men and women born under the sign of the Dog, in relationships with the opposite sex and love, show the same human qualities as in business.

They are intelligent, loyal, reliable and honest. On the other hand, love difficulties can haunt this person all his life. Most often, they themselves are to blame for this, or rather their anxiety and inconstancy in relationships.

People 2018 - zodiac signs

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rat

Both of these people are peaceful, responsive, reliable in relationships, hardworking and energetic, loyal and tactful. The danger of this union lies in the fact that they are both too prone to compromise and, having come, in the end, to an absolutely conflict-free marriage, they may eventually lose interest in each other.

Create "artificial" conflicts in the family (periodically) - this is useful.

Dog and Bull

The dog is gifted with a sense of humor and a wonderful imagination, it is unlikely that she will find happiness next to the sedate, gloomy, boring and picky Ox.

However, on the other hand, if they are already experienced people, they will be able to learn to respect each other's interests and habits, they will certainly be able to live under the same roof, but with reservations, most likely, they will be more friends than spouses.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Tiger

A fairly common union, very often life will push these two together. In marriage, they will complement each other and can be quite happy. The tiger will push the partner, instill confidence in him, and, if necessary, calm him down.

The dog is always there and ready to provide worthy help and support. A very good union, promising common satisfaction with each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rabbit/Cat

One of the strongest and most peaceful alliances a Dog can create with a Rabbit / Cat. She will find peace only with a serene Rabbit / Cat, she will be faithful and devoted to him, while the second will be able to appreciate it.

In this pair, everything will always be fine, unless the Dog is distracted by solving third-party problems, for example, public ones, forgetting about the family.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope dog and dragon

Relations with the representative of the Dragon are unlikely to develop, they will initially be strained, and are unlikely to last long. He is too proud and inflexible, skeptical about the dreams and plans of his partner, so he is unlikely to accept the constant chatter, sarcasm and the clear but caustic mind of the Dog. They are also unlikely to be able to be friends, in general - a hopeless relationship.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and snake

A rather good and promising union, where the idealistic Dog is attracted by the wisdom and depth of the Snake, and she admires her to such an extent that she is ready not to notice the ambition and selfishness of her partner.

The Snake really likes to be idealized, and she also appreciates the honesty, stability and loyalty of the Dog, although she herself is unlikely to pay in the same coin.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Horse

For a dog in a joint marriage, living under the same roof, a representative of the Horse is perfect, which will always support a partner in all endeavors, instill confidence and reassure him, and in return ask for just a little freedom of action. A successful union for both, although promising periodic explosions, without which, you see, no marriage can be strong.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Goat/Sheep

The Goat / Sheep will not be able to tolerate the Dog for a long time, which is not intentional, of course, but will constantly "get" her, she will quickly break off the relationship. On the other hand, the Dog itself will not be able to endure the Goat / Sheep for a long time, because it is too capricious and stubborn, and it "cannot stand it." The joint life of this couple can be called unstable with the risk of breaking at any moment.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Monkey

This pair has a rather high potential, with good prospects - a fairly stable pair. The dog is attracted by the liveliness and sociability of the Monkey, while the second appreciates stability, justice, honesty, loyalty, reliability and breadth of views of the first.

Although both of them are characterized by a certain level of cynicism, which at some point will complicate relations, it is unlikely that serious consequences will come to pass.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rooster

The idealistic Dog and the detached, carefree Rooster look at life differently, each from their own point of view. At first, the partner may seem unkind, arrogant and pompous egoist, immersed in himself.

The rooster does not tolerate such an attitude towards himself, he needs adoration. The success of the relationship directly depends on the Dog - it will be patient, will support the partner, which means that everything will be fine with them.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Dog

Two Dogs, but only if at least one of them is active, are well compatible. Both of them are complaisant, faithful, reliable, reasonable and will easily determine their place in the family hierarchy of relationships, share areas of responsibility.

It is easy for them in life, because they know perfectly well what is expected of him. Of course, conflicts over issues of leadership are also possible, but common goals will help them find a compromise solution, not quarrel, but hold on to each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Boar/Pig

Quite a promising union, with certain reservations - the restrained Boar / Pig must teach the pessimistic Dog of carelessness, determination and optimism. If the second is able to relax, then the marriage will take place and be happy.

Both of them are reliable in relationships, kind, generous and honest people, their union must be successful, with some minor reservations - you need to give in and trust each other, more often compromise, not pay attention to the partner’s shortcomings.

In conclusion - in general, if you trust the horoscope for the new year 2018, you can say what this period is destined for the hostess of the year to the Dog, it will be the same for all of us.

The dog is capable, in turn, at any moment can change, turn the situation in a different, opposite direction, radically change its life, its course - draw conclusions!

We remind you what year 2018 is, which animal according to the eastern sign is the Yellow Dog, and it will begin on February 16, the rights of the Dog will end already in the future 2019 on the fourth day of February, with the transfer of rights to the next sign, namely the Pig / Boar.

The Year of the Fire Rooster has just begun, and many are already wondering: what animal is the year 2018? Now astrology is extremely popular, the Russians are trying to find out in advance how the patron beast will affect the whole next year. Now we know that in 2017 the noisy and bright, but domestic Rooster, who loves order and worship in everything, rules. And what will the next 2018 bring us, which animal symbolizes according to the eastern calendar? What color will the New Year be? How to prepare for the upcoming holiday?

Symbol of next year

If you still don’t know what the symbol of 2018 will be, then we remind you that this is patronized by the Yellow Earth Dog. Let's please the Russians, the whole period will be distinguished by stability, wisdom, balanced decisions, and people born this year are endowed with a calm character, have worldly wisdom, devotion to friends and relatives. True, the symbol of the year does not like the new, it is difficult to accept cardinal updates. And dog people are often slow, they find it difficult to make decisions on which a lot depends, they like to shift the adoption of tough measures to someone, they are often secretive and withdrawn, sometimes blindly trust their loved ones.

Everyone born under this sign is always faithful and honest, they will become the most devoted friends and companions in life. They are extremely responsible approach to business, you can always rely on them and entrust any information without fear of its disclosure. The only thing before giving people-dogs any task, they need to clearly explain the sequence of actions, visually describe the purpose of the work.

A person born according to the horoscope in the year of the Dog accepts his relatives and friends as they are, with all the problems and shortcomings, he will never condemn for actions, but, on the contrary, will look for a logical justification for them.

True, people whose year falls on 2018 react sharply to lies and betrayal, they openly speak out if they feel that they are being deceived.

Now you know what animal will be next year. But how does this symbol converge with representatives of other signs, the Dog is a friend of almost all symbols according to the eastern calendar, sometimes conflicts with people born in the year of the Goat are possible.

If we talk about the personal life of people-dogs, then they are always devoted spouses, they sincerely believe their halves, but, as mentioned above, they do not tolerate lies and betrayal. Having betrayed once, you can forever lose his love. Strong marriage alliances can be built with people born in the year of the Horse, strained relationships will be with the Tiger and the Dragon.

People whose year will be under the auspices of the Dog usually choose various professions, they can be excellent leaders and teachers.

Now you know 2018 which animal the Yellow Earth Dog will patronize, which will bring us stability and tranquility. But how to prepare for the upcoming holiday, what to meet it in, what to cook to appease the patron of the year?

Actual colors and shades of clothing for the New Year 2018

The symbol of the year 2018 is the Yellow Dog, so if you still don’t know how to celebrate the next holiday, then, of course, the hostess of the next year loves “fiery” colors. A bright red dress would be perfect. The patron will definitely notice the juicy coral, purple or scarlet color. However, the choice of clothes for the New Year's holiday is not limited to red and its shades, clothes of bright yellow, orange, blue and green are perfect. The main thing is the juiciness and saturation of shades. Many believe that if you celebrate the holiday correctly, then 2018 will accompany everything, all dreams and hopes will surely come true. So choose your New Year's outfit carefully!

New Year's table

What to cook for the New Year's holiday? Now we know who will be in 2018, and, of course, the Dog prefers meat dishes, the menu must be satisfying, this beast does not like to go hungry. An abundance of delicious hot and cold meat dishes is welcomed on the table, it can be jelly, barbecue, aspic, meatballs, chops, steaks, baked meat, meat pate baskets. But there may not be fish on the New Year's table!

Potatoes and rice are also not held in high esteem by the symbol of 2018, it is better to refuse them. The dog loves hearty desserts: creamy ice cream, cakes and pastries, cottage cheese and sour cream dishes.

You can decorate the festive table with bright fruits, make a real summer in the middle of winter, because the hostess of the next year likes rich colors.

And now we will find out which of the other signs it will please and which will disappoint in 2018. What symbols should beware of making fateful decisions next year? What animal will 2018 protect?

Prediction by zodiac signs

2018 according to the Chinese calendar is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, what is the forecast for other signs, will the rest of the animals be able to “make friends” with the mistress of the next year?

  • For the Rat, the year may turn out unsuccessfully, because the Rat is a selfish nature, and the Dog, on the contrary, is devoted and disinterested. In order for the year to bring good, the Rat will have to give in in many ways.
  • The bull will definitely be lucky, especially in personal and family life.
  • The character of the Tiger and the Dog is a bit similar, so next year the Tiger will have many new adventures, pleasant acquaintances and accomplishments.
  • The Rabbits will have a calm measured year, without any changes.
  • But the Dragon must wait for a dirty trick at work, one of his colleagues can set him up in front of his superiors.
  • Everything will be stable for the Snakes, too, however, in your personal life you should not expect changes.
  • The horse will definitely meet new love next year, and, perhaps, a strong marriage alliance will develop with it.
  • The goat will have a successful career in 2018.
  • A monkey can expect serious problems at work.
  • The rooster should not be exchanged for trifles.
  • For Dogs, next year will be very successful, however, you should expect trouble in personal relationships.
  • Pigs will finally solve their financial problems.

Now we know, 2018, which animal patronizes according to the eastern horoscope. The dog is a faithful and devoted friend, so next year everything will definitely work out.

Each eastern patron of the year has a dominant force, with the help of which he controls the aspects of life subject to him for each of the inhabitants of our planet. By the way, only human free will is not subject to them, with the help of which people influence their own destiny.

The most effective impact on one's destiny, according to the eastern horoscope, occurs at the moment of comparing one's own capabilities with those given by higher powers. In other words, it is best to influence one's destiny through the observance of the laws that our ancestors noticed and brought into the totality of human knowledge, of which the Eastern calendar is also a part.

2018 year of whom according to the eastern calendar

Next According to the eastern horoscope, 2018 will be held under the sign of the yellow earth Dog. How will this sign affect people, what power does it have, and how, knowing all this, can you influence your life in the best way?

Characteristics of the yellow earth dog

Dogs are loyal friends, this is a well-known fact. But not every kind, at first glance, person should be accepted into his environment - any representative of this eastern sign will tell you this. Dogs do not tolerate betrayal and show their teeth at the first miss, so much so that they can delete a person from their lives without the slightest regret. Trust for them is an important currency, which symbol of 2018- does not change. Yellow color adds wisdom to the Dogs. In 2018, you will often want to be alone and think about the eternal. The element of earth, according to the eastern horoscope, will provide the Dog with material stability.

What awaits us in 2018 Dogs

Like any eastern zodiac sign, the Earth Dog has certain abilities. For example, the hostess of 2018 is very sociable and easily gets close to people. So, she will in every possible way welcome similar features in others. If you have communication problems, then the best time to solve them is this.

Also, this period is perfect for the realization of their material needs. We will not prevaricate and admit that money is needed for a comfortable and peaceful life. For each, their number is determined individually, but without money in the modern world it is impossible, therefore, in 2018, you can and should think about increasing your income. And the symbol of the year will only contribute to your success - this is its nature.

Prospects and plans for 2018

Pulling yourself together and building a plan to increase your cash flow, moderate your consumer needs, learn how to communicate easily with others, become a faithful and devoted companion for a special person - this is the best plan of action for 2018.

See also: year and what color.