
Dental caries treatment at home. Causes, symptoms and ways to treat caries at home

In terms of prevalence, caries is in one of the first places, therefore, questions regarding its treatment are of concern to most people.

The possibility of home treatment is especially tempting. When and how can you get rid of caries without medical intervention?

Caries, manifested in the destruction of hard dental tissues, leads to the formation of voids and deformations of the tooth, the development of pathogenic bacteria provoking inflammatory processes.

That is why many think about the possibility of treating the carious process as early as possible in order to save the tooth and prevent dangerous pulpitis. Particularly relevant are home methods that do not require a visit to the dental office.

When is self-treatment acceptable?

Chalk spot stage

The initial stage of the disease is called the chalky spot stage, which is characterized by damage to the upper surface of the enamel while maintaining the integrity of the enamel-dentin layer (a gray or white spot is formed).

It is possible to treat caries without drilling teeth only at this stage, since further development requires mandatory therapy in the dentist's office with the removal of the affected area and filling.

There are no discomfort sensations at the very beginning of the development of the process, therefore, the diagnosis becomes much more complicated when caries affects distant teeth. In the case of the timely use of special means, it is possible to stop the development of the carious process for a sufficiently long period.

Folk remedies - all the best recipes in one place

To treat caries at home, many methods and recipes are used.

What would you rinse your mouth with?

For this purpose, use:

Compresses and teas

saline solution

The most effective way to combat the development of caries at the initial stage is sea salt, which not only slows down the dangerous process, but also perfectly freshens the breath. You can replace sea salt with ordinary table salt, using a rinse solution after each meal.

For one serving, you will need a glass of water and 40 grams of the selected product. Water must first be boiled and cooled to a warm state.

During rinsing, it is advisable to hold the solution in your mouth for a couple of minutes.

The use of prunes

The effectiveness of prunes in the development of carious processes was discovered by Mexican scientists in the course of ongoing research.

The therapeutic effect is due to the unique ability of dried plums to destroy bacteria in the oral cavity and prevent the appearance of tartar.

To date, researchers are working on ways to extract the most beneficial substances from prunes, recommending that you consume more dried plums directly in food for now.

Therapeutic applications using special pastes and gels

At the initial stage of caries, high results can be achieved using Fluorodent, Lacalut Fluor, Colgate Maximum, New Pearl Fluor and Pepsodent pastes.

All of them are distinguished by a high content of fluorine, which helps to strengthen minerals in tooth enamel.

Separately, Apadent paste should be noted, which helps to slow down the development of primary caries and prevent its transition to a secondary form.

This effect is due to the presence of nano-hydroxyapatite in the product, which is an artificial analogue of calcium phosphate hydroxide, which is the main mineral of hard dental and bone tissues.

Thanks to the nano-sized particles of the paste, the entire surface of the enamel is effectively cleaned, its smallest defects and cracks are filled.

Also, there is an increase in the mineral flow from saliva, which contributes to the regeneration of affected areas and the removal of caries. The paste is used twice a day for a month.

Among the dental gels that can be used to stop caries at the very beginning of its development, Fluocal, Fluodent, Blend-a-med, Elmex are distinguished. The listed funds help to activate the mineralization of tooth enamel by increasing the required elements in the composition of saliva.

Gels are used after brushing your teeth in the evening, rubbing a small amount of the product into the tooth enamel with a brush (the procedure should last about 3 minutes).

homeopathic remedies

In this category of products, Bilka toothpaste can be noted, which effectively eliminates pain and inflammation, inhibits the growth of bacteria, stopping the pathological destruction of teeth, which contributes to natural healing.

The active ingredients of the paste are:

Treatment should last for two months with daily brushing in the morning and evening for 3 minutes.

How to remove caries with the help of hardware treatment?

We are talking about using the Fluoritray apparatus, the principle of operation of which is similar to conventional electrophoresis.

During the procedure, an electrochemical reaction occurs, creating favorable conditions for enriching the tooth enamel with the necessary elements.

The active substance is a fluoride gel whose ions replace the hydroxide ions of tooth enamel. As a result, the surface of the tooth is covered with a protective layer that is resistant to bacteria and acids.

Before the procedure, preparatory measures are carried out by applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the gums in order to protect them. During the procedure, swallowing the solution into which the teeth are immersed should not be allowed. At the end of the apparatus, the mouth is thoroughly rinsed.

You can eat and drink after half an hour. The gel applied in this way on the teeth can retain its properties for 5 years, but doctors recommend repeating the procedure annually.

How to get rid of caries at home:

Preventive actions

Speaking about how to cure caries, it is equally important to know how to prevent it. To avoid the development of the pathological process, the following recommendations should be observed:

When studying ways to combat caries at home and the corresponding methods of treatment, one must remember that such independent therapy is possible only at the very beginning of the process.

If the tooth affected by caries hurts a lot, and a noticeable dark cavity has formed, you should seek the help of a dentist in order to avoid the development of pulpitis, which is fraught with unpleasant complications.

Caries (tooth decay) is a process in which hard tissue slowly degrades, eventually creating a hole inside. Its development occurs due to the complex impact of adverse internal and external factors.

Most people understand caries as the notorious “hole”. In fact, the disease begins much earlier. This is an increase in decalcification (removal of plaque) of the hard tissue of the tooth (enamel and dentin).

Acid-forming bacteria are responsible for decalcification. When the process of removing plaque does not occur, this leads to a violation of the enamel. Further washing out of calcium leads to caries and a hole in the tooth.

Caries appears for several internal reasons: bacteria, poor hygiene and nutrition. There are more than 700 types of bacteria in the mouth, some of them are necessary to maintain a healthy oral microflora, others multiply and contribute to many diseases.

The average external factors influencing the development of the disease are geographical (climate and precipitation), professional (work associated with great stress).

At risk are children and adults from 11 to 40 years old.

Other risk factors contributing to the onset of the disease:

  • dental plaque;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • irregular structure of hard tissues;
  • change in the composition of saliva;
  • condition of the dental pulp.

Caries can develop in one or more teeth. Initially, only changes in the surface layers appear. Small chalky white spots or dark spots appear on the surface.

The disease progresses slowly. Moderate pains begin, when cold or hot food gets in, food jamming causes severe pain. Gradually, the degradation of the structure occurs. The person's mouth smells bad.

The disease is dangerous, inflammation spreads to the jawbone, causing inflammation. The gum swells and turns red, bleeding is possible. Harmful microorganisms can travel with the blood throughout the body, spreading to other organs.

Caries treatment at home

The defeat of the deeper layers of caries should not go unnoticed. Doctors offer a variety of treatments, depending on the damage done and the patient's estimated costs of treating the disease.

The most inexpensive method of treatment is the cleansing of the tooth cavity from caries, using a drill. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Bacteria are removed, the tooth is cleaned, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe painkillers. After cleaning, a filling is placed.

The occurrence of pain before visiting the dental clinic involves the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Doctors recommend taking Nurofen, Baralgin, Ketanov, Dexalgin, Ibuprofen. Medicines are dispensed without a prescription.

If enamel is affected, high doses of fluoride are given. Care of the disease with fluorine can be carried out using special pastes, rinses or using a gel (prescription).

The gel helps best, the product is applied to the surface of the teeth for 4 minutes. Use such a remedy as a treatment should be 3-7 days, the duration of treatment depends on the degree of development of the disease.

Folk ways to relieve pain

The following remedies treat caries, relieve pain and prevent the development of the disease. Recipes:

  1. Clove is a natural pain reliever for pain. The active ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To stop the pain, use clove oil. Three drops are mixed with a quarter teaspoon of vegetable oil. With the help of a cotton swab, the medicine is applied to the tooth and instilled into the resulting hole. The procedure is repeated several times a day;
  2. In the absence of clove oil, or if the pain is taken by surprise, take the seed, apply it to the sore spot and chew it a little. Unpleasant symptoms will begin to subside;
  3. Acute pain is relieved by applying ice. If there is no ice, attach any frozen product (meat is better, it keeps cold longer). Ice freezes the cheek and tooth, removing pain, but not for long;
  4. Turmeric is a natural pain reliever. Use it 1 time per day. Ground seasoning on the tip of a knife is mixed with a few crystals of edible salt and water. The cotton wool is moistened in the product, the aching tooth is plugged with it.

It is strictly forbidden to use horsetail tincture, a decoction of mint and horseradish, powdered milk. Warming up provokes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby causing inflammation, it is not recommended to warm up with salt and other improvised means.

Means that stop the development of caries

Treatment at home is possible only at certain stages of the disease. You can restore enamel, get rid of the disease if there is no hole yet. Effective treatment at home:

At home, caries treatment is carried out with the help of sage, onion, Chinese magnolia vine, sea salt, laundry soap, fir and camphor oil. Find the one that's right for you and use it regularly.

Preventive measures against caries

Surely you have heard about preventive measures regarding caries. Prevention consists of meticulous oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth twice a day at least. You can not use iron objects to remove stuck food, you can use toothpicks or a special thread.

If caries has already been diagnosed, cleaning will have to be done after each meal. As for nutrition, here you need to know the measure of sweets. Sugary drinks, chocolates and sweets can be consumed, but in small quantities.

If brushing isn't possible, buy gum that contains xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar substitute, it stimulates salivation and partially neutralizes acids formed by bacteria.

Regular dental examinations help to detect caries at an early stage of development, and start timely treatment, keeping the tooth intact. Professional cleaning should be carried out at least twice a year, especially for children and young people.

An interesting video on how caries is formed, see:

Patients come up with the most sophisticated ways to deal with caries, without thinking about the consequences. Someone removes the affected tissue with ordinary sandpaper, scrapes with a needle, bleaches the darkened areas with bleach. It is real to cure caries at home, but only if we are talking about the white spot stage. The problem is that the patient himself will not be able to determine the degree of development of the disease, even in the absence of obvious signs, it may already be very advanced. Starting with superficial caries, the destruction of enamel and dentin tissues occurs, and it is impossible to stop it without appropriate treatment by a dentist. The sooner the patient turns to him, the better it will be for him and the cheaper the treatment will cost. Self-medication provides only temporary relief.

What happens to the tooth in the absence of dental care?

When treating caries at home with folk remedies, the disease will go through all stages of its development and will inevitably end with pulpitis, a more serious pathology in which the pulp becomes inflamed. Another complication is periodontitis, if it occurs, then the infection has reached the root of the tooth and its surrounding tissues. If left untreated, cysts, granulomas, flux are formed.

Folk treatment of caries since ancient times

Human teeth hurt at all times. The treatment of caries by folk methods in distant centuries today raises a smile, although, if you think about it, they are not much different from the non-traditional methods practiced by modern people.

With unbearable toothache, the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder recommended mixing sparrow droppings with oil, rolling up a ball and putting it in the ear. If it didn’t get better, it was suggested to rinse the mouth with a decoction of frog and wine, to enhance the effect, the amphibian could be eaten.

The scientist Cardanus, who lived in the 16th century, believed in the healing power of moonlight, if his teeth ached, he advised to look at the moon at night with your mouth open.

The poet Petrarch taught a philosophical attitude to dental problems: if a tooth hurts, console oneself with thoughts about the weakness of human nature, if there are no teeth anymore, rejoice that nothing else will bother.

Treatment of caries with folk remedies

You can understand the ancient people: there were few dentists, or, as they said then, dentists, and not everyone who wished could use their knowledge and skills. Today there is no shortage of dental clinics, the choice is huge, the prices are very democratic. However, when a toothache appears, many do not run to the dentist, but start asking for advice on social networks, for example, how to treat root caries with folk remedies. There is no shortage of recommendations: one person will remember how, as a child, mother tied a clove of garlic to the inside of her wrist, after which the pain disappeared; the second will tell how the grandmother made a propolis ball and applied it to the aching tooth; the third will advise drinking onion broth.

Let's analyze the most famous ways to treat caries at home.

  1. This is the most popular remedy for those who practice the treatment of caries with home remedies. It is proposed to pour one tablespoon of sage with boiling water and insist in a warm place for an hour, pass through gauze or a sieve, rinse your mouth twice a day.
    Scientific explanation: sage is an excellent antiseptic, it has a good effect on the condition of teeth and gums, and neutralizes bacteria. Effective for caries in the white spot stage.

  2. You can chew propolis and hold it in your mouth for half an hour or put a ball of it on an aching tooth.
    Scientific explanation: propolis kills putrefactive bacteria, a good helper in the prevention of caries, but not in its treatment.

  3. For the treatment of cervical caries at home, dry onion peel is often insisted - 3 tablespoons per half liter of boiling water. Then bring to a boil over medium heat, pass through a sieve and put in a cool place for 8 hours. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with the resulting solution several times a day.
    Scientific explanation: phytoncides contained in onions kill microbes, disinfect the oral cavity, and relieve aching toothache.

  4. Laundry soap
    Only a freshly prepared solution is used, the soap is taken without fragrances and fragrances. Rinse your mouth twice a day or brush your teeth with soapy water.
    Scientific explanation: Laundry soap contains a lot of gamma globulin, which inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi.

  5. Toothache is relieved by garlic juice or paste. Garlic needs to be peeled, juice or paste made in a juicer, moistened with a cotton swab in this mixture, applied to the aching tooth. You can also find recommendations to grind garlic and black bread, wrap it in a scarf and tie it to your wrist - if the tooth hurts on the left, fix the garlic on the pulse of the right hand, pain on the right - garlic on the left.
    Scientific explanation: Garlic contains allicin, this substance has a strong bactericidal effect, but how it can help with toothache when tied to the wrist is not very clear.

  6. It is necessary to prepare an alcohol tincture from calamus root: chop half a glass of root and pour half a liter of vodka, stir, leave for a week. Separately, it is required to prepare a solution of propolis: 10 - 20 grams per half liter of vodka. Mix solutions 1:1, rinse your mouth for 1 - 3 minutes. Scientific explanation: the substances that make up calamus have good antimicrobial and analgesic properties.

  7. To relieve aching toothache, reference books on traditional medicine recommend moistening a cotton swab in fir oil and applying it for a few minutes, first to the inside of the diseased tooth, then to the outside. Scientific explanation: fir oil is valued for its disinfectant, bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties.

How effective is the treatment of caries with folk methods?

Medicines recommended by traditional medicine disinfect the oral cavity - this is a fact, but microorganisms do not disappear anywhere, they only develop a little more slowly. According to reviews, caries treatment at home muffles pain, reduces tooth sensitivity, but does not solve the problem. Only a dentist can stop the destructive process! Folk remedies help in the prevention of oral diseases, but if a hole has already appeared in the tooth, they are powerless. This is the case when it is better to believe the dentists and not arrange checks on your own experience.

The miser will pay more

People who choose the treatment of dental caries with folk remedies explain this by the fact that the work of a dentist is too expensive. The carious cavity must be prepared and sealed, if this does not happen, caries turns into pulpitis - a more serious disease, almost always accompanied by very severe pain. The next stage is periodontitis. For comparison, if caries treatment costs an average of 3,000 to 6,000 rubles, then the cost of pulpitis therapy can reach up to 20,000 rubles for a three-channel tooth. Often in the advanced stages of the disease, it is not possible to save the tooth, it has to be removed. Subsequent prosthetics will be expensive, especially if it is implantation.

Startsmile reminds: if the cost of services in private clinics is too expensive for the patient, you can always treat your teeth for free within the framework of compulsory health insurance - in a regular dental clinic.

Dental caries is a complex, slowly developing pathological process in the hard tissue of the tooth. First, a focal decrease in the content of mineral salts occurs in the tooth enamel, their dissolution - demineralization. With the progression of the pathological process, the hard tissues of the tooth soften and collapse, a cavity is formed. If left untreated, the disease can be complicated by inflammation.

The cause of caries is the pathogenic effect of microbial dental deposits (plaque, tartar) on tooth enamel. When carbohydrate food is taken, organic acids act on its surface. First, they damage the inorganic mineral base of enamel - hydroxyapatite crystals, and then the organic matrix of dentin (the hard tissue of the tooth that forms its basis).

The occurrence and development of caries is influenced by time and three components:

  1. the presence of cariogenic microflora in the oral cavity;
  2. delay on the enamel surface of simple carbohydrates;
  3. decrease in resistance (resistance) to the effects of pathogenic carious factors.

Plaque forms in all people, but caries does not always develop. A carious lesion occurs when the impact of deposits on the teeth in intensity exceeds the ability of the tooth tissue to resist pathogenic microflora. There is a decrease in caries resistance and there are favorable conditions for the development of the disease.

Treatment of cervical (gingival caries) caries at home

The development of carious lesions is gradual. First, changes occur in the subsurface layer of enamel. At the same time, the surface layer of enamel remains relatively preserved, since they differ in chemical composition.

As a result, a white (pigmented) carious spot appears. Caries in the stain stage is the beginning of the pathological process. Loss of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, carbonates occurs from the damaged subsurface area, enamel density decreases, its solubility increases. At this stage, the disease is reversible and remineralization is possible - partial restoration of the density of damaged enamel.

For the treatment of focal demineralization, drugs are used that compensate for defects in the crystal lattice of enamel, increase its resistance to acids, and reduce permeability. Remineralizing preparations should include various substances - calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, strontium, zinc and others.
Fluorine compounds are used to treat the initial stage of caries. They normalize mineral and protein metabolism. This creates favorable conditions for mineralization.

Rinses, applications with sodium fluoride solution

Locally (for rinsing, applications) use 0.05 - 0.2% aqueous solution of sodium fluoride.
Rinse the mouth with a solution (a tablespoon for adults, a dessert spoon for children 6-9 years old) after eating and brushing your teeth:

  • 0.05% solution daily 3 rinses for 1 minute;
  • 0.2% solution - 3 rinses for 1 minute every 1-2 weeks.

The procedure is performed for 9 months, the course of treatment is repeated annually.
For applications use 0.2% sodium fluoride solution. Before the procedure, the surface of the tooth must be thoroughly cleaned of plaque, put cotton rolls, isolating from saliva, dried (wipe with a dry swab). Apply loose cotton swabs moistened with sodium fluoride solution to the tooth surface for 4-5 minutes. The course of treatment - 4 - 7 applications 2 times a year.

Applications with 0.2% sodium fluoride solution can be alternated with applications of 10% calcium gluconate solution. Preparation for the procedure is similar to the previous one. Swabs soaked in 10% calcium gluconate solution are applied to the enamel lesion site for 15-20 minutes, replacing them with fresh ones every 4-5 minutes.
After every third application with a mineralizing solution of calcium gluconate, a cotton swab moistened with 0.2% sodium fluoride solution is applied to the treated surface for 2-3 minutes.

Fluoride coating

After completion of the course of applications, it is advisable to cover the surface of the teeth with fluoride varnish. This is a composition of natural resins of a viscous consistency of dark yellow color, containing 2.9% fluorine. The composition of fluorine varnish per 100 g includes:

  • sodium fluoride 5 g;
  • fir balm 40 g;
  • shellac 19 g;
  • chloroform 12 g;
  • ethyl alcohol 24 g.

The agent is applied to individual affected teeth 1-2 times a week. The course of treatment - up to 4 applications. If necessary, after 6-12 months, a second course of treatment with the drug is carried out. The fluorine varnish film is kept on the surface for a long time, saturating the surface layer of the enamel with fluorine ions. Perhaps the simultaneous use of solutions of sodium fluoride and fluoride.

In the diet, it is desirable to include foods enriched with fluorine (salt, milk).

Applications, rinsing with remodent solution

Remodent is a preparation obtained from animal bones. Contains a complex of macro- and microelements necessary for enamel remineralization. Approximate composition:

  • calcium 4.35%,
  • phosphorus 1.35%,
  • magnesium 0.15%,
  • potassium 0.2%,
  • sodium 16%,
  • chlorine 30%,
  • organic matter 44%,
  • trace elements - up to 4%.

Upon contact with the enamel, the inorganic elements of the remodent intensively penetrate into its surface layer. This leads to a favorable change in the biophysical properties of enamel - permeability and solubility in acids. The inorganic components of the remodent actively penetrate into the pathological focus, contributing to the restoration of the structure.

In the form of applications for the treatment of caries in the stain stage, an aqueous solution of remodent (3%) is used. Swabs with a solution are applied to the previously cleaned and dried enamel surface for 15-20 minutes, the swabs are changed 2 times. After application for 2 hours, it is not recommended to rinse your mouth and eat. Applications are carried out 2 times a week.

The course of caries treatment in the spot stage consists of 2-28 applications, depending on the intensity of demineralization.

An effective way to remineralize caries in the stain stage

First, carious white spots are treated once with a 2% aqueous solution of sodium fluoride by application for 10-15 minutes. After the second day from the start of treatment, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a calcium phosphate-containing remineralizing gel with a hard brush 2 times a day for 3 minutes. The course of treatment is 2-30 days.

Treatment with R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals

A modern drug for the treatment of the initial stage of caries is R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals. It contains calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride and xylitol. Thanks to special additives, the gel has adhesive properties, it lingers well on the surface of the teeth. This provides conditions for the gradual penetration of mineral components into the tissues.

It will take about 2 months to treat acute initial caries at home (applications in an application spoon). When applying the gel in a dental clinic after 15 sessions, it is possible to achieve the disappearance of chalky spots in 80% of cases.

Attention! Remineralizing therapy is effective only with good oral hygiene. If a pigmented spot occupies a significant (1/3) part of the tooth surface, cervical caries must be filled.

Superficial cervical caries and deeper lesions are treated in a dental clinic, since at these stages of the development of the disease, a cavity forms in the tooth and its filling is necessary.

If you experience short-term pain from sweet, sour, salty, pain from temperature irritants, which is typical when the lesion is located near the neck of the tooth, then you need to seek treatment from a dentist.

How is cervical caries treated in dentistry?

At the dentist's appointment, a clinical examination of the patient is first performed:

  • find out what the patient is complaining about;
  • the oral cavity is examined using a dental mirror and a probe;
  • when probing, the soreness and depth of the zone of damage to the hard tissues of the tooth is determined.

Next, the carious cavity is prepared. Preparation is the excision of pathologically altered hard tissue of the tooth. The most common is the mechanical method of treating a carious cavity using burs and hand tools. At the preparation stage, the lesion site is opened, expanded, softened and pigmented dentin is completely removed and a cavity shape is created that is convenient for filling.

The crown of the tooth has a complex configuration, so the spread of caries on different surfaces has its own characteristic features. A feature of caries of the neck of the tooth is that other diseases of the hard tissues of the tooth can be the cause of its occurrence:

  • wedge-shaped defects;
  • erosion;
  • hypoplasia;
  • root caries and others.

Cervical caries usually spreads widely over the surface. The inlet of the lesion has the shape of a circle or ellipse. Deep process develops towards the pulp.

From a technical point of view, treating cervical caries is difficult, as it is located close to the gum, and sometimes spreads under it. During preparation and filling, the doctor solves additional tasks:

  • protect the gum from damage;
  • move the gum back to get a good view and treat cervical caries;
  • prevent bleeding gums;
  • keep the cavity dry during filling;
  • ensure adhesion and tight fit of the seal;
  • to achieve retention of the seal in the cavity, since the seal in the gingival region is subjected to significant loads during chewing.

Given the close location of the pulp, cervical caries is dissected very carefully. In the treatment of cervical caries on the front tooth, not only softened, but also all pigmented dentin is removed for aesthetics.

In order for the filling to hold firmly, it is necessary to form a special (usually kidney-shaped) cavity shape during preparation. The bottom of the cavity is formed convex. If necessary, special undercuts in the form of grooves are performed in the dentin on the walls of the cavity. There is also a special technique for forming the edge of the cavity.

Does it hurt to treat caries of the neck of the tooth?

Very often, a visit to the dentist is delayed because of the fear associated with the possible pain of treatment. Up to 14% of patients with unhealthy teeth are afraid of pain and do not seek treatment at all.

Treatment of cervical caries, especially on the front teeth, is painful. The distance from the neck of the tooth to the pulp (loose fibrous connective tissue that fills the cavity of the tooth, containing a large number of nerve endings) is insignificant, respectively, increased sensitivity is characteristic of the zone of the neck of the tooth. Therefore, you should not refuse local anesthesia.

Comparative efficacy and toxicity of some local anesthetics are shown in Table 1.
Table 1

Name of the anesthetic Efficiency Toxicity
Novocaine 1 1
Lidocaine 1,5 – 2,5 2
mepivacaine 4 2
Artikain 5 – 6 1

How to avoid pain and fear of a painkiller injection when visiting a dentist?

The painlessness of all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is the most important condition for the effective treatment of dental diseases. Therefore, the doctor is obliged to properly anesthetize the tooth in the treatment of caries. However, fear in a patient can be caused not only by the treatment process, but also by the injection of a needle and its advancement in the tissues with the introduction of an anesthetic drug. But we are solving this issue. Local anesthesia can be done with carpular preparations.

Carpool anesthesia is carried out with a special metal syringe. Special cartridges are placed in it, which contain a solution for anesthesia. The kit includes special disposable needles. An injection with a carpool syringe is practically painless, since a high-quality needle is sharpened at a special angle and coated with silicone.
Also, with carpool anesthesia, a special nozzle on the VibraJect syringe is used to reduce pain and fear of injection. The device blocks the pain signal.

It should be noted that carpool anesthesia has a number of contraindications, since in addition to the anesthetic itself, the solution contains various additives:

  • vasoconstrictors that increase the duration and depth of anesthesia - mainly adrenaline (epinephrine) and norepinephrine (norepinephrine, levarterenol);
  • stabilizers and preservatives - sulfites, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), parabens;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water for injections.

Side effects of the interaction of vasoconstrictors with certain drugs are listed in Table 2.
table 2

Fear of an injection for pain relief can be avoided by doing anesthesia in three stages:

  1. A local anesthetic (e.g. Ultracare gel, Ultradent) is first applied at the injection site for one to two minutes.
  2. A small amount of anesthetic solution is injected under the skin mucosa.
  3. After one to two minutes, the anesthetic is injected to the required depth.

This method is also recommended in clinical dentistry and can be used in the treatment of caries in children and adults with increased levels of anxiety.
To relieve anxiety, improve well-being before a visit to the dentist, you can use Tenoten. It increases the pain endurance threshold.
How to use Tenoten before a visit to the dentist and dosage:

  • adults with a high degree of anxiety dissolve under the tongue 2 tablets, after 5 minutes another 2 tablets (total 4 tablets) 20 minutes before the start of treatment;
  • adults with a moderate degree of tension dissolve Tenoten under the tongue at a dose of 1 + 1 with an interval of 5 minutes 20 minutes before a doctor's appointment;
  • Tenoten for children can be taken by children from 3 years old, 1 tablet (resorption under the tongue) 20 minutes before the start of treatment.

In terms of stress relief, Tenoten is similar to the benzodiazepine tranquilizers diazepam and phenazepam, which can also be used to relieve psycho-emotional stress. But Tenoten does not cause such side effects as drowsiness, muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movements.

When treating cervical caries at home, it is important to know that dentists are now saying that the clinical course of caries has changed. This is due to the fact that for hygiene in the composition of toothpastes, remineralizing preparations based on fluorides, phosphates, and active calcium compounds have become widely used. With the development of caries in places that are difficult to access when brushing teeth, these active substances maintain the integrity of only the surface of the enamel, while the carious process affects the deeper layers of enamel and dentin. That is, small changes on the surface of the enamel are accompanied by extensive lesions of the tissues under it.

It is difficult even for a dentist to diagnose such caries: the tooth looks healthy, and the pathological process develops. In this case, the diagnosis is carried out using additional means:

  • x-ray;
  • magnifying devices - lenses, microscope, glasses;
  • transillumination of the tooth crown with a bright light flux, which is most effective in diagnosing latent caries of the anterior teeth;
  • other.

Remember: the smaller the size of the carious cavity on the neck of the tooth, the longer the life of the seal, the less painful the treatment will be. Don't delay your visit to the dentist.

Many people face the problem of carious tooth decay during their lives. The pathological process affects both young children and adults. The main method of treating this disease is the removal of damaged tooth tissues with special instruments in a dental clinic. However, there are other methods of treating carious processes, including at home. It is worth figuring out when caries can be treated without the help of a dentist, and what means are used for this.

Caries: stages and types of the pathological process

Caries is diagnosed when the hard tissues of the tooth are damaged with demineralization, discoloration and destruction of its structure. The carious process starts the disturbed acid-base balance of the oral cavity, due to the accumulation of plaque. The growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms in places of concentration of soft deposits leads to the gradual destruction of enamel, followed by damage to deep tissues.

The type of caries is due to its localization, there are:

  • fissure - carious destruction of the chewing zone of the tooth in places of its natural deepening;
  • cervical - a pathological process is noted in thin layers of enamel in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck of the tooth;
  • proximal - caries of the lateral zones in the interdental space;
  • basal - the destruction of the cement of the tooth with the defeat of its root zone.

The classification of carious destruction also depends on the stage of the disease, where the following sequence of the pathological process is noted:

  1. Primary caries in the form of a demineralized spot. Chalk-like areas of the porous structure appear on the tooth, while enamel tarnishing and loss of natural luster are noted.
  2. The formation of a dark spot on the enamel. The white color of the demineralized spots changes to brown, the sensitivity of the tooth surface to hot and cold is noted.
  3. The middle stage of carious destruction. When penetrating into the deep layers of dental tissue, caries manifests itself as a dark brown spot on the enamel, high sensitivity and a pronounced pain sensation in the area of ​​damage.
  4. deep caries. The last stage of the disease is characterized by: the formation of a large black cavity, sharp pain, inflammation of the pulp and periodontium.

Treatment of caries is determined by the stage of the disease and is based on the clinical picture of the pathological process in each case.

Caries treatment at home

It should be noted that the process of destruction of dental tissues is irreversible - the affected structure of enamel, dentin and cement is not restored. As a result, the treatment of caries at home is possible only at the stage of a demineralized spot, when the active process of destruction has not yet begun.

Special mineralizing preparations will help stop the pathological process by filling the porous structure of the damaged tooth tissue with the necessary elements, and traditional medicine will disinfect the oral cavity with high quality. However, home treatment is possible only after consulting a dentist. It is the doctor who will determine the extent of the spread of carious destruction and recommend a method for restoring teeth.

Self-treatment with the help of folk recipes and special pastes will be ineffective in the later stages of the disease and will aggravate the problem with hidden carious processes.

Mineralizing toothpastes and gels

Most of the pastes in the line of dental care products are therapeutic and prophylactic. They qualitatively clean the teeth from plaque and fill the enamel with essential trace elements. Pastes and gels containing fluorine and calcium are most effective for therapeutic purposes in the initial stage of caries. Popular tools include:

  • R.O.C.S. – Roks gels and pastes increase the resistance of enamel, strengthen tooth tissues;
  • New pearl fluorine - increases resistance to acids that start the process of enamel destruction, stops the growth of bacteria;
  • SPLAT Biocalcium - saturates damaged areas of teeth with natural calcium at the primary stage of caries;
  • Elmex Gelee - a mineralizing gel that enriches enamel with fluoride and strengthens dental tissues;
  • LACALUT fluor Gel - saturates the dental tissue with minerals, increases its resistance to caries;
  • Biorepair is a professional healing paste that eliminates microcracks in enamel.

Together with regular brushing of teeth with therapeutic pastes, the dentist can prescribe a course of remineralizing therapy through applications. To do this, the medical paste is applied to a sterile gauze strip and applied to the problem area for 10-15 minutes daily. The duration of the course depends on the degree of the carious process.

Healing pastes in the photo

Medical paste R.O.C.S. helps strengthen enamel Toothpaste New pearl fluorine increases caries resistance Splat paste saturates enamel with calcium Elmex healing gel strengthens dental tissues with fluoride Mineralizing gel LACALUT fluor saturates dental tissues with essential minerals
The healing property of Biorepair paste is to restore damaged enamel

Folk remedies

Traditional medicines contribute to the disinfection of the oral cavity, slowing down the development of pathogens, and also effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the form of pain and hypersensitivity. However, it is impossible to stop carious destruction with their help, and therefore they serve only as a preventive measure.

Popular folk remedies include:

  1. Sage tea. A spoonful of dry grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 1.5–2 hours. After filtering, the product is suitable for rinsing the mouth and applications on problem areas. The antibacterial properties of sage slow down carious processes.
  2. Propolis. In a glass of boiled water, add two tablespoons of the finished propolis tincture and clean the mouth with the resulting solution by rinsing after each meal.
  3. Sea salt solution. The bactericidal properties of sea salt are useful in the treatment of cavities. To prepare the solution, you need to add 50 grams of salt to a glass of boiled water and rinse your mouth with this composition for 3 minutes 4 times a day.
  4. Fir oil. This folk remedy will help get rid of aching pain, for which a cotton swab soaked in fir oil must be kept in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem tooth for several minutes.
  5. Chinese lemongrass tea. The powerful antiseptic properties of lemongrass will help in the fight against cavities. To prepare tea, you need to pour a tablespoon of a medicinal plant with two glasses of boiling water and hold it in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Drink tea slowly, holding each sip in your mouth.

The choice of a folk remedy in the fight against caries should be approached carefully, taking into account the individual reaction of the body to one or another component.

Traditional medicine to combat caries - photo gallery

Gargling with sage tincture slows down the growth of bacteria in the mouth Daily rinsing with a solution of propolis has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth Salt has bactericidal properties, which is useful in the treatment of caries Applications with fir oil will eliminate tooth pain
Delicious and healthy tea suitable for oral disinfection

Prevention measures

It is much easier to protect yourself from the development of caries than to cure the existing destruction of dental tissue. To do this, dentists recommend using the following methods:

  1. Proper brushing of teeth. The basis for the prevention of carious process is regular, high-quality sanitation of the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth should be done for three minutes, 2-3 times a day. In this case, the brush must be changed every three months, choosing a bristle of medium hardness. To clean the interdental spaces, you should use floss (dental floss) and special mouth rinses after each meal.
  2. Diet adjustment. The diet primarily consists in reducing the consumption of sweet and starchy foods, with the obligatory presence of fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, and dairy products in the diet. It is recommended to avoid eating too hot or cold food to protect the enamel from cracking. You should also avoid frequent snacking, including nighttime.
  3. The use of special tools and folk recipes to strengthen the enamel. Pastes that compensate for the lack of fluoride, disinfectant rinses and herbal infusions are most effective as caries prevention measures.
  4. Visiting the dentist twice a year. Regular preventive examinations by a specialist will allow you to control all the processes occurring in dental tissues.

How to protect your teeth and prevent cavities - video

Constant dental care, including professional cleaning of the oral cavity at the dentist, will help prevent the development of caries. However, if the destruction of the enamel has already begun, the pathological process can be fought at home with the help of special pastes and folk remedies, which the doctor will help you choose. It is worth considering that such treatment is effective only in the early stages of caries, in all other cases it is carried out in a dental clinic.