
When is a blood test for fructosamine prescribed and how to pass it correctly? Fructosamine. What is it and what is its norm General information about the study

General information about the study

The definition of fructosamine is based on the measurement of glycosylated protein. If the glucose level remains elevated for a certain time, glucose molecules bind to blood proteins in a process called glycosylation (glycation). The higher the blood glucose level, the greater the amount of glycated protein and hemoglobin formed. Such combined molecules remain in the composition of the protein throughout its life cycle and reflect the average level of glucose in the blood over a certain period.

Since red blood cells live for 120 days, glycated hemoglobin reflects the average glucose level during that time. Plasma proteins have a shorter life cycle, approximately 14-21 days. Thus, the level of glycated proteins, determined by the content of fructosamine, reflects the average level of glucose in the patient's blood over a shorter period of 2-3 weeks.

Keeping blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible helps diabetic patients avoid many complications. The necessary control is achieved by testing for glucose levels, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of the therapy used using an analysis for fructosamine or glycated hemoglobin.

Fasting before the fructosamine test is not required, as the amount of glycosylated protein and glucose for the previous 2-3 weeks is determined, so the food that the patient has consumed throughout the day does not affect the results.

What is research used for?

Both tests - both for fructosamine and glycated hemoglobin - are needed primarily in order to monitor the blood sugar level of diabetics. Although the glycated hemoglobin test is more common, in some cases where it is difficult to perform, the fructosamine test can be used very successfully.

Thus, the use of an analysis for fructosamine, and not for glycated hemoglobin, is more effective in the cases below.

  • When making drastic changes to the diabetes treatment plan, fructosamine allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied treatment adjustment in a few weeks instead of several months.
  • During pregnancy in diabetic patients, when significant changes occur in the mother's body, glucose control becomes especially important. A fructosamine test can be done at the same time as a glucose test to monitor glucose levels and adjust the insulin dose correctly.
  • With the loss of red blood cells, the glycated hemoglobin test will not be accurate enough when the patient has hemolytic anemia or blood loss. The presence of some forms of hemoglobin can also affect the methods used for its measurement. In such cases, fructosamine is the only indicator that adequately reflects the level of glucose in the blood.

When is the study scheduled?

  • When it is necessary to observe changes in the patient's blood glucose level over a period of 2-3 weeks.
  • If necessary, correct the therapy used in patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as choose the right diet and a set of medications.
  • If a diabetic is pregnant.
  • When the patient suffers from a disease that can lead to changes in insulin and blood glucose levels.

Fructosamine is complex of glucose and blood proteins. The study of the content of fructosamine allows you to quickly assess the amount of glucose in the blood in diabetes mellitus.

This product is excreted from the body in 1-3 weeks, which is much less than the lifetime of red blood cells. Thus, you can quickly analyze the state of the body and adjust the treatment.

The fructosamine test is often used with suspected diabetes and elucidation of the degree of its development, including when monitoring the effectiveness of its treatment. It is also used for short-term monitoring of the amount of sugar in the blood of infants and expectant mothers.

Traditionally, the glycated hemoglobin test is more common.

But many cases (bleeding, hemolytic anemia) are characterized by a serious decrease in erythrocyte mass, and this test fails. Here, only the analysis for fructosamine helps.

What analysis is used to determine the content of fructosamine?

The basis of the fructosamine test is measuring the amount of glycated protein.

The amount of glucose in the blood is directly related to the resulting glycated protein and hemoglobin.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

The presence of these complexes in the protein structure corresponds to the average level of glucose in plasma or blood during a specific period.

Testing at home is not currently carried out, since the manufacturer has discontinued the production of test kits since 2002.

Preparation and research

For analysis, blood from the cubital vein is used.

Differences from other procedures:

  1. non-strict requirements for the time of blood sampling;
  2. no dietary restrictions;
  3. no need to donate blood on an empty stomach;

To determine the concentration of glucose in the blood in patients with diabetes, you will need to take an analysis for fructosamine. This method of diagnosing diabetes allows you to control the effectiveness of therapeutic measures so that, if necessary, the doctor can change the therapeutic regimen or dosage of prescribed medications. To conduct a laboratory study, special preparation is not required, therefore, difficulties in passing the analysis usually do not arise.

What is this substance?

Fructosamine, or as it is also called glycosylated protein, is an element in the interaction of glucose with blood proteins. Thanks to the tracking of fructosamine, it is possible to control the concentration of sugar in the blood, which is important in the therapy and diagnostic examination of patients with diabetes. This procedure allows you to calculate the jumps in glucose levels up 7-21 days before the time of the study. It should be borne in mind that in childhood, the sugar level is slightly lower than in older people. Substances such as hemoglobin, copper-containing oxidase and vitamin C prevent fructosamine from rising.

An increased concentration of glycosylated protein indicates that in recent weeks the intake of sugar in the plasma has significantly exceeded the norm. Indicators of the content of fructosamine are extremely important in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, because they not only make it possible to assess the condition of the patient, but also allow you to get a general picture of the course of the disease. When the indicators are above the norm, then the therapeutic regimen prescribed by the doctor was probably violated, or the prescribed treatment is ineffective. In this case, the patient should contact the attending doctor, who will review the dosage or select another medication.

Analysis of glycated hemoglobin is the main one used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Usually, patients with diabetes are referred for a laboratory study of blood fluid in order to monitor fructosamine levels and, if necessary, adjust the therapeutic regimen, as well as choose the right diet and effective medications. The results of the analysis are also important during pregnancy, when the expectant mother was diagnosed with diabetes. Determine whether the level of fructosamine is lowered or increased when control of changes in glucose values ​​for a period of not more than 3 weeks is required. It is necessary to undergo a laboratory test for patients suffering from diseases that can lead to changes in blood glucose and insulin levels.

How to pass?

The delivery of the analysis does not require special preliminary preparation; before carrying out the procedure, it is enough to adhere to simple generally accepted rules:

  • sampling of biological material should be done in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • before taking the test, do not eat sweet, fried, fatty, salted foods all day, do not drink alcohol-containing drinks;
  • do not smoke for half an hour, and do not drink sweetened soda, coffee and tea for 1-2 hours;
  • 15 minutes before the sampling of biological material, you should calm down and rest.

It is contraindicated to donate blood immediately after physiotherapy and other therapies. You can not conduct a study when you are taking medications, in which case you should tell your doctor about the medications you are taking in order to determine their impact on fructosamine levels. An analysis is not carried out for patients who, along with diabetes, have pathologies of the liver, kidneys with the presence of protein elements in the urine.

The changes that occur in the human body, the patient, are associated with impaired glucose metabolism, which manifests itself in several forms.

By controlling any of them, for example, the norm of fructosamine, it is possible to identify the development of the disease and assess the patient's condition.

Why is a fructosamine test ordered?

Fructosamine is a chemical substance that occurs when glucose interacts with certain proteins found in blood plasma. These are mainly albumins and hemoglobin. The result of this interaction is fructosamine and, the amount of which shows a direct relationship with blood sugar levels.

This property is used to diagnose and determine the stage of diabetes. It is also used as an express monitoring of blood glucose in newborns and pregnant women. The analysis for fructosamine in diabetes mellitus is used as a means of monitoring ongoing therapy.

Several doctors can send for analysis of the content of fructosamine, suggesting that the problem that has arisen is associated with a high rate:

  • pediatrician;
  • nephrologist;
  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • family doctor and others.

The largest group of patients undergoing the study are patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, the analysis can be prescribed for pregnant women and young children.

Thus, the basis for the appointment of the study are:

  • changing the treatment regimen for diabetes;
  • selection of the best dose of insulin when administered;
  • management of pregnant women diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • preparation and correction of an individual diet for patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • suspicion of impaired carbohydrate metabolism in young children;
  • preparation for surgery of patients with an unstable concentration of sugar in the blood;
  • suspicion of the presence of a neoplasm that affects the percentage of blood sugar;
  • tracking the dynamics of the content in patients who have impaired insulin production or have pancreatic pathologies.

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Study Benefits

The duration of the existence of such protein-carbohydrate complexes is small:

  • for fructosamine - 2-3 weeks;
  • for glycated hemoglobin - 120 days.

This analysis allows you to evaluate the level of glucose over the past 2-3 weeks. At the same time, it is quite accurate and shows the slightest fluctuations in blood sugar, which is convenient for assessing the quality of therapy when changing the treatment system and assessing glycemia over short periods of time.


The disadvantages of this method are:

  • the possibility of false testimony;
  • the impact of external factors on performance;
  • lack of home methods of determination.

Inaccurate readings may occur when the amount of protein molecules in the blood changes, which is facilitated by the development of nephrotic syndrome, as well as the active use of vitamin C.

Conducting a study at home is currently not available, since there are no test kits in the implementation, so the analysis is carried out only in specialized laboratories.

Preparation and conduct of the procedure

Preparatory measures for the delivery of the analysis are standard for the examination of sugar content. The last meal should be at least 8 hours before the analysis, it is also desirable to exclude tea and coffee, but not drinking water.

For young children, the period without food should be within 40 minutes, and for 2-5 year olds up to 2.5 hours. On the eve, it is desirable to maintain emotional and physical peace, especially 1-2 hours before the analysis. Do not smoke for half an hour.

In emergency cases, blood can also be taken from a patient who has recently eaten.

If possible, taking medications the day before the analysis is excluded, but this should only happen in consultation with the attending physician. It is also not recommended to take an analysis after physiotherapy procedures or other treatments.

The study is usually taken in the morning, which allows you to endure a period without eating. Blood is collected venously, serum is subsequently isolated from it and analyzed using colorimetry. In the course of its implementation, an x-ray is used that pigments the elements under study, and the device evaluates the intensity of the color, which indicates the amount of fructosamine in the blood.

Norms and deviations

Let's present the data according to the sex-age principle in the form of a table:

Age Recommended indicator level, µmol/l
men women
0 to 4 years 144 242
5 years 144 248
6 years 144 250
7 years 145 251
8 years 146 252
9 years 147 253
10 years 148 254
11 years 149 255
12 years 150 256
13 years old 151 257
14 years old 152 258
15 years 153 259
16 years 154 260
17 years 155 264
18 to 90 years old 161 285

Since different laboratories use different research methods, the specific results of the analysis may differ. Therefore, each laboratory has its own information sheet, which fixes the norms for various categories of patients. It is on him that the attending physician will rely.

According to the research results, it was found that the level of fructosamine and glycated hemoglobin are interconnected, and they can be determined indirectly through the formula:

for glycated hemoglobin, if fructosamine results are available:

GG \u003d 0.017xF + 1.61,

where GG is expressed in %, F is in µmol/l;

for fructosamine: F \u003d (GG-1.61) x58.82.

If the indicator of fructosamine is close to the upper bar or exceeds it, this indicates its elevation.

The reason for this may be:

  • diabetes mellitus and other conditions with impaired glucose uptake;
  • decreased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • the presence of an inflammatory disease in the body;
  • a consequence of surgery or traumatic brain injury;
  • kidney failure;
  • myeloma;
  • autoimmune diseases and alcoholism.

With readings close to the lower limit, it is concluded that fructosamine is lowered, which can be caused by:

  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • hypoalbuminemia caused by both liver diseases or impaired absorption of proteins from food, and malnutrition containing a small amount of protein molecules;
  • taking certain drugs: vitamin C, vitamin B6, heparin, and so on.

The specialist often pays attention not to the indicator itself, but to its dynamics, which makes it possible to evaluate the treatment used or the diet prepared for the patient.

The rate of fructosamine during pregnancy remains the same as for an ordinary healthy person, however, at this time, level fluctuations are more often observed, which corresponds to a change in the state of the body, the work of hormonal and other systems. The level of fructosamine is most important for women with diabetes, as it allows you to control indicators more accurately.

The level of fructosamine can be used to assess the concentration of sugar in the blood. The principle of recalculation is as follows: each 212.5 µmol/l of fructosamine corresponds to 5.4 mmol/l of glucose. And every 9 µmol/l rise in the level of this indicator indicates an increase in plasma glucose by 0.4 mmol/l. The same is observed with a decrease in the level of the indicator.

Thus, a study on the content of fructosamine in the blood allows you to monitor the dynamics of glucose concentration and control the patient's condition, taking adequate measures in time. It is also convenient for assessing the condition of young children and pregnant women. However, it can only be carried out in a laboratory, which limits the possibilities of its use.

Everything you need to know about your analysis. Self-diagnosis and health monitoring Irina Stanislavovna Pigulevskaya



It is formed by the interaction of glucose with blood proteins, to a greater extent with albumin. Fructosamine is an indicator of blood glucose levels. This analysis is an effective method for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. Fructosamine shows the average blood glucose level 2-3 weeks before the measurement.

A fructosamine test is prescribed for short-term control of blood glucose levels, which is especially important for newborns and pregnant women.

The norm of fructosamine: 205-285 µmol / l. Children have slightly lower levels of fructosamine than adults.

Increased fructosamine in the blood is a symptom of such diseases as: diabetes mellitus; kidney failure; hypothyroidism (low function of the thyroid gland); elevated immunoglobulin class A (IgA).

A decrease in the level of fructosamine in the blood occurs with: hypoalbuminemia (lowering the level of albumin); hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function); diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage in diabetes); taking ascorbic acid.

This text is an introductory piece.