
When the child begins to sleep normally. When does a baby start sleeping through the night without interruption? What is self-sleeping

When does a baby start sleeping through the night? This question is asked by newly-made parents, dreaming of finally getting enough sleep. But at first the baby is worried about colic, then he just wants to eat. So you have to get up to him time after time. But this will not always be the case.

Why do children wake up at night?

As you know, a newborn sleeps most of the day, waking up for food. It says so in most childcare books. But in practice this rarely happens. The baby cries day and night, requires a lot of attention, is applied to the chest every two hours, or even more often. This behavior does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with it. The child is not yet accustomed to the big world after his mother's belly, and the immaturity of the digestive tract gives him discomfort.

There are children who sleep without awakening from the first weeks of life. And that's not always good. If a mother is planning successful breastfeeding, then she must remember that the hormone prolactin affects lactation. It is produced by regularly applying the baby to the breast, from 3 to 7 in the morning. If you skip night feedings, then your milk may become less.

However, most babies wake up regularly during the night. This happens for the following reasons:

  • the child is sick, he is worried about his tummy, cutting teeth;
  • he wakes himself up with careless movements;
  • the baby experiences discomfort: his diaper has leaked, he is hot or cold;
  • he is hungry;
  • wrong schedule.

How to ensure sound sleep?

The more comfortable the baby is, the earlier he will stop waking up at night. Or at least do it less often. If a newborn wakes up at night crying and refuses to breastfeed, then most likely he has colic. Dill water can help, one of the remedies that are designed to reduce gas formation, massage the tummy, and apply a warm diaper. All these measures may not give a guaranteed result, this period must simply be experienced. By three months, the well-being of the crumbs should improve.

The smallest children do not yet own their bodies. Their legs and arms move erratically, causing them to wake up. And if some kids immediately fall asleep again, then others need help. It will be possible to solve this problem if the baby is swaddled.

To sleep soundly, the room must be provided with a suitable temperature and humidity. Do not neglect regular ventilation. But even when it seems that everything is in order, the recommended temperature is maintained (about 22 degrees), you need to pay attention to the child. Despite all the recommendations, he can simply freeze.

The main reason why the little one does not sleep well at night is hunger. Unlike adults, he is unable to tolerate this feeling. So he reports his difficulties with loud crying. The younger the child, the more often this happens. It also affects what he eats. Breast milk is digested faster than formula.

If a child over the age of one wakes up to drink, it is worth putting a bowl of water in his crib. Then he can cope on his own without waking his parents.

If the parents do not put the child on time, then he can confuse day with night. And most of the dark time of the day to stay awake. Then you have to adjust the regime in order to establish a normal rest. In older children, sleep problems may occur due to insufficient activity during the day. They simply do not have time to get tired. Then it is necessary to increase the duration of walks and outdoor games. There is also the opposite situation: restless sleep due to overexcitation. In this case, it is necessary to transfer active classes to the first half of the day.

Night feedings

Even if all the reasons that affect prolonged sleep are eliminated, it will not be possible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of when the child will sleep without waking up all night. Children mature on individual schedules. A healthy child with a properly organized daily routine still requires food even in the dark. Only by 9-12 months, many are able to mentally and physically endure 10 hours, that is, a period of sleep, without feeding.

Sometimes mothers themselves contribute to the consolidation of the habit of eating at night. The fact is that sleep consists of alternating phases. They change every forty minutes. Adults don't even notice it. But the baby can wake up and whimper. But if it is a phase change, then he will quickly calm down and fall asleep on his own. Therefore, you should not rush to him at the first peep in order to feed him, it is better to wait a few moments.

The frequency of night feedings usually decreases after six months. Babies are already eating complementary foods, the number of meals is decreasing, and the portions are increasing. It is likely that they will sleep 6-7 hours, and get hungry only in the morning.

Gradually, the baby grows up, and the need for night feedings goes away. But the habit remains. Closer to the year, it is worth trying to replace the bottle or breast with water. When the child realizes that they will no longer feed him at night, he will begin to sleep more soundly.

This method may meet active resistance. Sometimes adults have to sacrifice a few nights to soothe a crying toddler. Is it worth it, or is it better to wait for the moment when the baby finally matures, the parents themselves decide. Formula-fed babies often find it easier to refuse a night bottle. You can use this trick: every night, dilute the mixture with more and more water. At first it will just be a little thinner, then it will gradually lose its cloudiness and taste. It is quite possible that it will soon turn out that the crumbs do not need such top dressing.

Will have to be patient

Many babies stop waking up at night after breastfeeding is over. Especially if it happens a year or later. The reason to wake up at night disappears, so the child sleeps soundly. But this method cannot guarantee the result either. After all, for a child, feeding is also a contact with the mother. With a certain device of the psyche, the baby continues to wake up to make sure that the mother is nearby and her readiness to respond to his call. In addition, if the weaning occurred early, then the sucking reflex has not yet died out in the crumbs. Then it will be difficult to do without a bottle at night and without a pacifier.

No matter how much parents want to sleep well, you will have to be patient. It is not necessary to expect that the child will want the same thing. Many people switch to stable sleep after two or even three years. In this case, regressions are possible. For example, a child in a year sleeps all night in his crib. And then his teeth begin to climb. The regimen goes astray, the baby worries and cries, and often wakes up for a long time after teething. This period will just have to wait.

Sometimes it is possible to accustom to uninterrupted sleep using the “let them shout” method. It is difficult to talk about its expediency, although it is quite effective. If you do not approach a crying child, he will surely get tired and fall asleep. But not every mother is ready to endure such a line of behavior.

Sooner or later, but the child's nervous system will mature, and he will definitely sleep all night. We just have to wait for this moment.

With the birth of a child, many mothers forget about quiet nights, as the sleep of newborns is disturbing and sensitive. Some babies wake up only a couple of times a night for feeding, others startle at any rustle and creak. There is also a third group of babies, which get enough sleep during the day, and are active at night. Many parents are interested in when the child begins to sleep through the night without waking up. This problem is solved for everyone individually, since the reasons that interfere with sound sleep of newborns are different for everyone.

Features of children's sleep depending on their age

The daily routine of a baby is very different from the activity of an adult. Newborns sleep about 80% of the daily time, and at any time of the day. ()

The period of sound sleep in a child lasts about an hour. After it comes another phase, during which the baby may wake up from a feeling of hunger, or simply bored.

British scientists conducted an experiment: one group of infants slept in silence, for the other they turned on audio recordings with a heartbeat. The second group of babies slept more soundly, as they felt this rhythm in their stomachs for nine months.

For the most part, babies sleep superficially, so a sharp sound and loud conversations can wake them up. However, do not walk on tiptoe and maintain deathly silence while the baby is sleeping. You should gradually adapt the child to sleep with light noise, extraneous sounds: you can turn on classical music at a low volume. On the Internet, you can download suitable audio recordings (choose one with good sound quality), and play them when you put your baby to bed. Closer to six months, the child begins to sleep more soundly, without being distracted by sounds.

Healthy sleep is necessary for a child at any age, since it is in childhood that the nervous system is formed. How and how much the baby sleeps depends on his mood, well-being and. A well-rested child learns the world around him more willingly, eats better and performs the necessary exercises.

Based on how the child sleeps at night, they can be divided into groups:

  1. The baby hardly sleeps at night. People say about such newborns that they "mixed day with night." With age, other problems may appear that interfere with long and sound children's sleep. In the first three months of the child, then -.
  2. Children's sleep at night is interrupted several times. It often occurs in newborns, so they are not responsible for their body movements. At night, a wrong wave may wake the child, and he may be frightened.
  3. The child wakes up a couple of times to eat. Frequent feeding of newborns is associated with the rapid absorption of milk. The baby will not be able to fall asleep with a “rumbling tummy”.
  4. The baby sleeps all night without waking up. This is extremely rare in newborns, is a controversial issue. Some pediatricians recommend mandatory night feedings.

Based on which of the groups the baby belongs to, recommendations are given on how to help him sleep calmly and soundly at night.

Video: if the child does not sleep well

How does your child sleep?

  • Owl baby stays awake at night, sleeps during the day

In many ways, young parents are to blame for this behavior of the baby. With such children during the day it is necessary to talk and play more often, but one should not overexcite the state of the child. During daylight hours, do not close the curtains, blinds: let sunlight enter the room.

In the evening, before going to bed, take baths with a possible. When using herbs, be sure to monitor the condition of the child's skin, in some people they cause allergies, and instead of sound sleep, your child may experience discomfort and itching. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, the baby will begin to freeze and, as a result, warm himself with various body movements, which will lead to an excited state.

Moms take note!

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Also try not to give new toys to the child before bedtime, let him be surrounded by the already studied environment. So it will be easier for him to fall asleep without arousing his consciousness. Before going to bed, you can also either sing a specific lullaby, or turn on specially prepared music. Such a ritual will help the child realize that he is being put to sleep.

If the child has hyperactivity that prevents him from sleeping soundly, swaddling may be applied. There are ongoing debates on this subject. Some pediatricians already in the maternity hospital advise not to swaddle children. The behavior of each child is individual and does not obey strict rules: some children sleep peacefully in vests, others wake up from their movements. Up to three or four months, you can swaddle a child, at least before a night's sleep, this will help him sleep without being distracted by his arms and legs. ()

  • The baby sleeps soundly, but sometimes wakes up

This is explained both by temporary causes (colic, teething), and some kind of physical inconvenience. In such cases, it is necessary to analyze these awakenings. Perhaps the diaper is full, or the child is uncomfortable.

Set the temperature in the room to promote sound sleep: ventilate the room, increase or decrease the humidity. If the newborn is breastfed, maybe he just does not have enough mother's breast to calm him down. It is noticed that when breastfeeding is abandoned, the baby begins to sleep through the night without night feedings. But do not rush to wean the baby from the breast, this can lead to the opposite effect: the baby will start to get nervous and cry. Pediatricians consider the time after a year from birth to be optimal. ()

  • The child wakes up at night with a feeling of hunger

The most common case is when the baby wakes up to eat. In the first months after birth, frequent feedings in small portions are recommended. With age, the required daily amount of food consumed increases: the child eats less often, but more. The daily diet as they grow older becomes more diverse: fruit, vegetable purees, cereals, soups are introduced (first complementary foods:). In this case, the child may also oversleep at night from a feeling of hunger. Although sometimes such awakenings can be associated simply with habit. Try replacing your feeds with milk or formula with plain water. If the child does not fall asleep and is naughty, then he is hungry.

The normal age for is nine months. But do not rush to think that at this time the baby himself will stop eating in the dark. As mentioned, the development of the child is individual, and if the child is worried about teething, it is unlikely that he will sleep peacefully. Other pediatricians advise against avoiding nighttime feedings until one year of age. If you are breastfeeding, they must be continued throughout breastfeeding or pumped at night. Prolactin, necessary for lactation, is produced only at night.

Toddlers cannot endure hunger, unlike adults. It must be remembered that the child begins to sleep through the night without food when they become mentally and physically capable of it. If you decide to give up night feedings, you need to do this gradually. There are a number of tips to help you through this process.

  1. Most of the daily amount of food consumed should be given to the child during the day.
  2. Compliance with a clear daily routine.
  3. Before going to bed, you should feed the baby well so that he sleeps longer.
  4. Replace milk/formula or baby tea at night. Reducing the volume of the night portion.
  5. The child must fall asleep on his own. Thus, having rocked him a little in his arms, in the cradle or in the crib, you need to leave the baby in a half-asleep state.
  6. ;

    Pay attention to your child: his desires and problems. This will help the child sleep soundly and soundly at night, and develop and learn during the day. When children begin to sleep through the night, mom and dad have more free time, and for further replenishment of the family as well.

    Video: Children's sleep rules

When a baby appears in the family, the quiet time for mom and dad ends. A newborn baby constantly wants to eat, he needs to change diapers and pay a lot of attention. Already in the first days after the birth of the baby, parents have a question: “When does the baby start sleeping all night?”. Let's try to find the right answer to it.

Why does the baby often wake up at night?

To begin with, it is worth saying what affects the sleep of the baby and why he wakes up at night.

A newborn baby feeds on breast milk or artificial formula for the first six months of his life. This food is digested fairly quickly, and the little tummy is hungry again. That is why the child wakes up and asks for another portion of his food. When the baby gets older and new nutritious foods appear in his diet, he is able to get enough before bed so that he can last until the morning. At this moment, the baby sleeps all night and does not disturb the parents.

Wet diapers can also cause nighttime awakenings. Toddlers are not able to endure until the morning and often urinate in diapers. If you do not use special absorbent disposable diapers, then wet panties cause considerable discomfort to the child. Try absorbent diapers, they leave your baby's skin dry and your newborn baby sleeps through the night. A prerequisite for this is the complete comfort and satiety of the baby.

When does a baby start sleeping through the night?

The opinions of experts on this issue differ significantly. Some pediatricians believe that already from six months the baby is able to sleep all night. Other children's doctors say that up to a year a child can wake up and this is the norm. Sometimes there are cases when a baby wakes up at night up to three years.

When does a child sleep through the night on their own?

At about nine months, there comes a period when the baby has already become acquainted with adult food. Having eaten such food before going to bed, he can fall asleep for the whole night. In this case, the baby will have enough nutrients until the morning. Also, by this age, the child's stomach has already increased somewhat in size and can accommodate more food.

The child will sleep through the night when he is comfortable and warm. Babies smell their mother and often wake up from the fact that she is not around. Children after one year are afraid that their parents will leave them alone. Toddlers wake up to check that mom and dad are around.

What to do if the child often wakes up at night?

If you are interested in the doctor: “When does the child begin to sleep all night?”, It means that you are tired of constant lack of sleep. There are several practical tips, following which, you will teach the crumbs not to wake their parents and sleep peacefully.

A prerequisite is the age of the child. The baby should be six months old. Newborns should not be weaned from nighttime meals and forced to sleep without waking up.

Teach your child to fall asleep

If your baby can fall asleep on his own, then you will get rid of a lot of problems. Quite often, parents rock their children to sleep, let them fall asleep with a bottle or breast. When the baby wakes up at night, he cannot fall asleep on his own and requires the return of the state that helped him relax.

The solution is to teach the baby to sleep on his own. Feed your baby before bed. Don't let him fall asleep while eating. Give up motion sickness. Put the baby in the crib, kiss and let him fall asleep on his own. You may not succeed the first time. But you will say: "Thank you" to this method when the child sleeps all night.

Create the appearance of mom's presence

When does a baby start sleeping through the night? When mom is around! Try sleeping with your baby. The baby will feel under reliable protection and will stop waking up.

If you are categorically against co-sleeping, then create conditions for the baby so that he feels that his mother is nearby. Put your T-shirt or nightgown with your baby in the crib. The baby, feeling you near, will sleep peacefully throughout the night.

Rule out disease

Quite often, small children wake up because something is bothering them. It could be teething, stomach pain, or fever. Make sure your baby is not disturbed. Otherwise, it is worth postponing sleep training throughout the night until the baby is fully recovered.


If you are concerned about the fact that the baby often wakes up at night, consult a pediatrician or neurologist. Perhaps the reason for the frequent awakening lies in the state of health of the child. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe your baby a course of vitamins and sedatives or special herbs and teas. Always take care of your baby!

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 05/25/2019

There is no consensus on this issue. Unfortunately, medicine is not an exact science, its conclusions are often corrected by life itself. Man is an extremely complex system, and each individual differs significantly from the average statistical norm. This fully applies to children of the first year of life. After the appearance of the baby in the house, a troublesome restless time begins. And although these are pleasant chores, nevertheless, mom, like any person, needs rest and good sleep. Therefore, she is worried about the question - when will the child begin to sleep all night? Can he be taught to do this? How to teach a baby to sleep through the night? And when should the learning process begin?

How long do newborns sleep at night without a break?

Children are different and they sleep, respectively, in different ways, and from the first days. Some lucky ones gave birth to babies who sleep peacefully for 5-6 hours at night and give their mother a rest, other babies mixed up day and night and “pull” mom every hour. In this regard, it is conditionally possible to distinguish 4 groups of children:

  1. The child sleeps steadily almost all night.
  2. The baby wakes up 1-2 times a night for feeding.
  3. The child wakes up several times during the night.
  4. The little one hardly sleeps at night.

  • Group I includes children who sleep most of the night almost from the first days of their birth. Some pediatricians recommend waking the baby for feedings or feeding him when he is sleepy. Others believe that nothing needs to be done, the stomach of a small person rests at night, as it should. And that's okay. Here questions about when he will sleep most of the night and how to accustom him to this are solved by themselves. This group is not the most common.
  • Group II includes children who wake up 1-2 times a night to suck on their mother's milk. This is due to the fact that the stomach of a newborn, like a kitten, is very small, and milk is absorbed quickly. In addition, many children need not only and not so much food as contact with their mother and satisfaction of the sucking reflex.
  • Group III includes children with a pronounced Moro reflex. These babies wake up not only to suck milk or snuggle up to their mother. A loud, harsh sound or flash can scare a baby. Their fright is expressed in a rather strong start, throwing up their arms and unclenching their hands. It wakes up some babies. In this case, he should not be taught to sleep, but to prolong sleep. To do this, the mother can swaddle the newborn at night.
  • And the last, IV group, are children who do not allow their mother to rest almost all night. Usually newborns sleep 5-6 hours consistently, but these babies don't get it that way. Owl baby does not sleep for various reasons. The first three months it can be colic, then teeth start to cut, etc. It is the parents of such crumbs who are very interested in the question of what to do and how to teach the baby to sleep all night.

When can I stop night feedings?

The child may wake up several times a night from 0 to 1.5 years. In rare cases, this lasts until reaching the 3-year milestone. And this will not be considered a deviation.

However, it is still necessary to instill in the baby the skills of night sleep. This will make life easier for him in the future when he goes to kindergarten, then to school, etc.

You should start by determining the cause of the formation of incorrect associations of the baby with sleep and eliminating it, as such. In some cases, this is very easy to do:

  1. If the baby is hungry, does not finish eating at each feeding, you need to feed him a little more;
  2. If it’s hot or stuffy, it’s easier to dress and ventilate the room;
  3. If the child is tormented by gases, give the carminatives recommended by the pediatrician and spread it on the tummy for a longer period of time;
  4. If a neurological abnormality is suspected, the pediatrician will send you for a consultation with a neurologist.

If the cause is eliminated, and the baby continues to show “owl” habits, this means that wrong stereotypes have formed and they will have to be changed.

In general, it is possible to reduce night feedings with the start of the introduction of complementary foods with "adult" food, replacing one of the night feedings with water. Perhaps the child wakes up out of habit and he is not hungry at all - in this case, there will be enough water.

The age of 9 months is considered the limit, upon reaching which you can begin to wean the child from night feeding. When breastfeeding, doctors recommend continuing to feed the baby at night until the age of one.

This does not mean that the child has become independent and simply refuses to eat at night when he reaches the specified age. Children cannot stand hunger. The baby can do without food only when it is mentally and physically ready for this.

How to instill in your child the skills of a full night's sleep?

By following a number of rules, you can teach your baby to sleep all night.

How calmly a child sleeps depends largely on the psychological atmosphere in the family. If parents show care, warmth, give affection to the baby, then, as a rule, no special efforts are required to improve sleep. The child, upon reaching 9-12 months, sleeps peacefully all night.

What to do if the child still asks for food at night:

  1. Follow the daily routine;
  2. Feed the baby at bedtime in sufficient quantities so that he is not tormented by hunger and sleeps well and for a long time;
  3. Distribute most of the amount of food calculated for a day for daytime and evening;
  4. Gradually reduce the portion of milk or mixture at night, replacing them with water, juice, baby tea (give a drink if the baby starts to whimper);
  5. Teach the child to fall asleep on his own (without a bottle), rocking him to a half-asleep state in his arms, and when he begins to fall asleep, transfer him to the crib.

Little tricks

People have different biorhythms. It may turn out that a particular baby will indeed eventually fit a nocturnal lifestyle, i.e. he will be a typical "owl".

But most often in the "owl" behavior of the crumbs, if his behavior is not caused by malaise, the parents themselves are to blame, namely their inexperience. Often this behavior of the crumbs is promoted by the mother, who tries to redo all household chores and rejoices when the child sleeps a lot during the day, or the father who came home late from work, who decided to cuddle his beloved first-born and give him a new toy before bed. All these moments lead to overexcitation of the baby's sensitive nervous system and a decrease in the quality of his night's sleep.

The next thing to avoid is falling asleep while feeding. Of course, it’s convenient for a tired mommy if the baby falls asleep while sucking on a nipple or a bottle - you don’t need to rock him, sing songs, carry him in your arms. You can just put it on the bed. However, over time, this convenience will turn into difficulties. If the child wakes up for some reason, it will be problematic to put him to bed without food.

That is why the regime is very important. A regimen is such a "beast" that, for all its benefits, is not popular with most adults either. How to teach a newborn to this if the parents themselves do not want to follow the daily routine? And yet, it should be done.

If the child is breastfed and pediatricians advise feeding "on demand" - how can this be combined with the concept of "daily routine"? There is no trick in this case.

  • First, the mode is not only feeding. This is the time of sleep, games, bathing;
  • Secondly, if the child eats fully, the mother gives him enough time to communicate, play, sit with him, hold him in his arms, then he will not demand breasts endlessly. The baby will have enough mother's attention and he will calmly withstand the time between feedings. The daily routine will be established in a natural way, it will be close to the regimen established for artificially fed children.

How to get your baby to sleep at night

11 rules on how not to make an “owl” out of your child and teach you how to sleep well at night. For this you need:

  1. The maximum possible time to devote to the daily game with him;
  2. Do not close the curtains during the day, even if the baby is sleeping;
  3. Do not play active games with him at night;
  4. Do not give new toys before bed (this overloads the nervous system);
  5. Bathe the child in warm water of 36.6-37 degrees for newborns when it is warm at home (in summer and winter, during the heating period) and up to 38 degrees - if it is cool at home (as a rule, this is in spring and autumn, when the heating is turned off);
  6. If the baby is not allergic to herbs, you can add chamomile and string to the bath;
  7. When the baby begins to fall asleep, you can sing your favorite lullaby to him. Such a ritual will form an instinct and make it easier to fall asleep, help to lay the child without a bottle;
  8. If the baby is hyperactive or suffers from the Moro reflex, it can be swaddled up to 3 months;
  9. Comfortable conditions in terms of temperature and humidity also contribute to restful sleep;
  10. If the baby's gums are very sore and itchy when teething, you can use special gels or homeopathic drops;
  11. For colic and bloating, use carminatives, give dill water or special tea.

Swaddling is a controversial issue, some experts do not advise swaddling children at all. But, nevertheless, if the baby's sleep quality is low due to a strong and violent reaction to physical stimuli (light, sound), swaddling is allowed. This will prevent him from waking up due to startle and allow him to get used to longer sleep.

Newborns: no regimen

A newborn baby sleeps most of the day (about 15-18 hours), but his sleep consists of short intervals (2-4 hours on average). These periods of sleep are not subject to the change of day and night: the baby has not yet formed circadian rhythms or an internal biological clock. That is why in the first weeks of a baby's life, one should not expect that he will live at least according to some kind of regimen.

As long as the child does not distinguish between "day" and "night", parents will have to be patient and simply accept the fact that during the first months of life he needs to wake up often at night to eat.

Sometimes often - it's every 2-3 hours. But already after 6 weeks, parents may notice one episode (per day) of prolonged sleep - about 3-6 hours. Try to have this long piece of sleep at night, and not during the daytime sleep.

1. Observe short intervals of wakefulness between daytime sleep (usually no more than 1-1.5 hours).

2. Put the baby to sleep in a cool, dark room.

3. Feed him whenever he wants.

2-6 months: Night sleep gradually lengthens

After 6-8 weeks, the baby's daytime sleep becomes shorter, and the nighttime sleep becomes longer. However, he still needs to be fed regularly at night.

At 3-4 months, a “sleep regression” often occurs: children fall asleep longer, sleep restlessly, wake up at night more often than usual. This is because the structure of the child's sleep is changing.

By 6 months, it is relatively established. Some children can sleep without waking up to 6 hours (sometimes more). Much will depend on the type of feeding, the way sleep is organized, and established sleep habits.

But several awakenings per night are the norm for babies and at the age of 6 months.

6-12 months: Up to 10 hours of sleep at night

Many experts in the field of baby sleep note that by 9 months, most babies are able to sleep through the night without waking up. My many years of practice as a sleep consultant confirms this - with the caveat that by "sleeping all night" we mean 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Still, most children under one year of age sleep better a full night lasting 10-12 hours with one feeding in the morning.

Why, if babies can sleep through the night, is this so rare? First, can - does not mean "should". All children are different: I am convinced that with regard to young children there is no single rule that will suit everyone without exception.

You should always pay attention to the individual characteristics and needs of your child.

Secondly, Russian-speaking mothers often sleepbecause they are breastfeeding. In this case, there may be clearly more than one feeding. And here it is very important to try to separate feedings to satisfy the feeling of hunger from feedings “out of habit” (when the baby is clearly not hungry, but, waking up, cannot fall asleep without a breast).

The most common causes of nocturnal awakenings of this period:

1. Late bedtime.

2. Falling asleep with habitual associations that are needed to continue sleep even in the middle of the night - rocking, feeding, etc.

3. Not suitable for the baby's sleep and wakefulness during the day.

4. Age jumps in development.

The first three causes can be successfully influenced by correcting the behavior of children and parents before and during sleep. But age-related crises should be treated philosophically: accept, endure and even have time to rejoice! Your child is healthy and developing well. During developmental leaps, babies may sleep worse and wake up more often, behave generally restlessly, and ask for breasts more often. And while learning new skills (the child has learned to crawl, sit down, get up), children usually continue to train even during sleep.

To avoid exercising at night, let your child exercise as much as possible during the day.

If he has a habit of falling asleep in his arms with his chest in his mouth, with a swing, with a bottle, in an embrace with his mother, with motion sickness on a fitball or in a stroller, then during night awakenings, as a rule, he will need familiar conditions. Co-sleeping does not always guarantee a solution to problems with frequent nighttime awakenings. If you want your baby to sleep in their own crib, it's best to start working on falling asleep on their own as early as possible.

From 4-6 months, you can create conditions for. Accustomed to falling asleep in his crib and waking up in it at night, the child will not be afraid and will immediately be able to fall asleep again on his own without the help of an adult. At the same time, it is important to understand that falling asleep on your own will help to avoid nighttime awakenings “out of habit”. If the reason is not in associations with falling asleep, but in discomfort, teething, processing developmental skills, etc., then the task of parents, if possible, is to eliminate discomfort and help the baby survive this difficult period.

After a year: there are fears that interfere with sleep

Often parents expect that after a year the baby will somehow “finally sleep on his own”. But in most cases (especially in the presence of persistent associations for falling asleep), this does not happen.

Wanting to get away from night feedings, mothers often replace milk with compote, water, kefir, liquid porridge. In fact, the situation does not change. While the baby needs something to drink to fall asleep, when waking up between sleep cycles, he will again and again require the usual bottle. Eating and drinking is a very strong association for falling asleep.

The association for sleep can be changed.

As a rule, a method of teaching self-sleep is needed: sequential actions showing the child that the bed is a place to sleep, and not for food or two-hour jumps before bedtime.

I recommend choosing gradual change techniques (if the parents have the energy and time) or gentle sleep training techniques with the presence of the mother in the room. For example, give a drink / meal 20 minutes before bedtime, and before falling asleep, relax the child with a massage, a fairy tale, a lullaby, stroking, clearly and consistently insisting on falling asleep without feeding, rocking, etc.

Closer to 2 years, many children begin to be afraid of: the dark, monsters, loneliness. And nocturnal awakenings at this age may be associated with such fears.

And spend more time relaxing the child before bedtime.

Summary: when will the baby sleep through the night without waking up?

After 1.5 months the baby can (but should not!) sleep for 3-6 hours (and this is his sleep all night by age).

From 6 months to a year a child can begin to sleep through the night if he can fall asleep on his own - taking into account, of course, the type of feeding.

Children under 3 years old have the right to wake up 1-2 times a night not every night. They have a lot of natural reasons for this, the way they are arranged, and this is normal.