
Summary of a GCD lesson using ICT in the second junior group “Ladybug”. Adaptation lesson in the second junior group Ladybug

Drawing lesson in the second younger group

Subject: " Ladybug»

Program content:

Teach children to draw an expressive image of an insect.

Continue learning how to create a composition based on a green leaf.

Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to combine two drawing tools - a brush and a cotton swab.

Develop a sense of shape and color, interest in insects. Evoke an emotional response in children to the content of the poem about a ladybug. To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.


Sheets of paper cut in the shape of a leaf and tinted in green color. Gouache red and black. Brushes and cotton swabs. Backing sheets, pour-on containers with water, napkins for blotting brushes.

Preliminary work:

2. Learning nursery rhymes:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look who is our guest today (Show a picture or a toy). Do you recognize?
This is a ladybug We often met ladybugs during our walks.
Tell me, what kind of ladybugs are they? Do you like them? Why? How should you behave when encountering this insect?

Unfortunately, not all people try to protect ladybugs. Listen to a poem written by Andrei Usachev. It tells the story of one ladybug.


I watched the clouds float in the sky...

And suddenly the Big Hand came down.

Oh my God! the unfortunate baby begged

And suddenly I saw a window behind the curtain.

I found where the frame slammed loosely,

And then she climbs out of the window...


She's finally free! (Andrey Usachev)

1. Who caught the ladybug? Did he do well? Why?
2. How do you think the ladybug felt while sitting in the box? Trying to break free? When was she released?

3. Why did the ladybug so want to escape from the box and return to the lawn?

I'm sure, guys, that none of you will ever hurt the little bug. After all, compared to them, you are real giants. And the big and strong should protect the small and weak, and not offend.

Ladybug's daddy is coming. All fingers of the right

hands “walk” on the table.

Mom follows behind dad. All fingers of the left

hands “walk” on the table.

The kids follow their mother, “walking” with both hands.

Following them, the little ones wander.

They wear red suits. Shake to yourself

palms, fingers pressed

to each other

Suits with black dots. Knock

index fingers

on the table.

Dad leads the family to kindergarten, with all fingers of both
After classes he will take you home. hands “walk” on the table.

Guys, we are now going to draw a ladybug on this green leaf (show the leaf). Like this one. (Showing the completed sample drawing).

What shape is the back of the Ladybug? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush.

When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction.

Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water, rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. We paint with gouache paint, but she doesn’t like it excess water. Now dip the bristles of the brush into black paint and draw the head of the Ladybug in a semicircle. Paint it over.

Draw mustaches on the head. How many of? Two antennae - two small straight lines. Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line. Draw a line with the very tip of the brush bristle.

What color are the dots on the ladybug? Black? How many are there? Six. What will be more convenient for drawing dots? With a cotton swab.

Draw three dots on one side and three on the other.

"Ladybug". Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the second junior group

Program content:

To develop children’s ability to draw an expressive image of an insect.

Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to combine two drawing tools - cork and a cotton swab.

To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.


Picture of a ladybug.

Sheets of paper with a painted daisy.

Gouache red and black.

Corks and cotton swabs.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look who is our guest today. (Show picture).

Do you recognize?

Look quickly, Vovka!

This is a ladybug!

Little red circle,

Lots of black dots.

Opens its wings

Flies into the sky.

We often encountered ladybugs during our walks. Let's remember what kind of ladybugs they are? Do you like them? Why? What nursery rhyme do we know? (Children tell a nursery rhyme.)

I'm sure, guys, that none of you will ever hurt the little bug. After all, compared to them, you are real giants. And the big and strong should protect the small and weak, and not offend.

Let's draw a ladybug better. Do you agree? Then let's get our fingers ready for work.

Drawing "Ladybug"

Guys, we are now going to draw ladybugs on this daisy (showing a daisy).

What shape is the back of the Ladybug? Round. What color? Red. We will draw the red back with a cork. Like this.

What color is the ladybug's head and dots on its back? Black? How many points? Six. We'll draw them cotton swab. Like this.

Children begin to draw insects on their own.


What beautiful ladybugs you guys made. Like real, live ladybugs. Well done!

Open lesson Direct Educational Activities on the implementation of educational areas " Artistic creativity"(drawing), "Cognition". (Formation of the integrity of the picture of the world), “Communication” (speech development) using ICT in the second junior group on the topic:


Program content:

· Continue to encourage children to draw a bright, expressive image of an insect based on the green leaf.

· Improve the technique of drawing with gouache, teach children to draw in an unconventional way, with a cotton swab.

· Develop a sense of shape and color, interest in insects.


· To stimulate children's interest in knowledge about the ladybug.

· Continue to develop fine motor skills.

· Continue to encourage respect for nature.

· Evoke an emotional response in children to the content of the poem about a ladybug.

Equipment: pictures of ladybug on flowers, toy ladybug.

Preliminary work:

Observing insects while walking, including ladybugs.

Learning nursery rhymes.


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

GCD move:

(We enter the group to the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together”).

Guys, look how many guests we have today.

What should be done? (Say hello)

Let's say " Good morning»!

Now let's say hello to each other. (Musical greeting)

Guys, tell me, what do you often rejoice at?

And now I am happy that the weather is good outside, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing.

What time of year is this? (Spring).

With the arrival of spring, all nature awakens from sleep: the buds swell, the sun shines brightly and warms, the first flowers bloom.

In the spring, insects wake up.

Today an insect flew to visit us, and what kind of insect it is you can guess for yourself after listening to the song. (Song about “Ladybug”)

That's right, this insect is called a ladybug.

Where do we often see ladybugs? (On a walk)

Do you like ladybugs? (Yes)

Why? (Beautiful, small, useful)

Let's imagine that we are ladybugs.

Physical exercise.

We are ladybugs (jumping)

Fast and agile (running in place)

We crawl along the lush grass (wave-like movement of the hands)

And then we’ll go for a walk in the forest (we’ll go in a circle)

In the forest there are blueberries (reach up) and mushrooms (squat)

Tired legs from walking (bending)

And we’ve been wanting to eat for a long time (stroking our bellies)

We’ll fly home soon (they fly to their chairs).

Guys, if we meet a ladybug, how should we behave with this insect? (Take care of them, do not pick them up)

Unfortunately, not all people try to protect ladybugs.

Listen, Olya will read a poem. It tells the story of one ladybug.

Ladybug was walking outside the city,

She climbed the blades of grass deftly,

I watched the clouds float in the sky...

And a Big Hand descended on each other.

And a peacefully walking ladybug

She put it in a matchbox.

Oh, how the poor thing was sad in the box!

She dreamed of a lawn. And clover and porridge.

Is it really possible to remain in captivity forever?

The cow decided to prepare an escape!

Oh my God! The unfortunate baby begged

And suddenly I saw a window behind the curtain.

And there, outside the window, everything is bright from the sun.

But the glass does not let her into the light.

However, the cow is extremely stubborn:

I found where the Roma had slammed loosely,

And then she climbs out of the window...

Hooray! She's finally free!

Who caught the ladybug? (Human)

Did he do well? (No)


How do you think the ladybug felt sitting in the box?

Why did the ladybug so want to escape from the box and return to the lawn? (She wanted freedom)

I'm sure, guys, that none of you will ever hurt the little bug. After all, compared to them, you are real giants. And the big and strong should protect the small and weak, and not offend. Let's draw friends for our ladybug so that she gets bored. But first we need to prepare our fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics

Ladybug (hands clenched into one fist)

Black head (thumbs up, let's fly)

Bring us bread (hands palms up)

Black and white (hands right, left)

Just not burnt (we shake our fingers)

What shape is the back of a ladybug? (Round)

What colour? (Red)

(We will paint the red back with a brush. Do not forget that the brush must be thoroughly rinsed in water, and the bristles of the brush should be wetted on a napkin. When painting with gouache paint, remember that it does not like excess water).

Now take black paint and draw the ladybug's head.

What shape is the head? (Semicircular)

What else does a ladybug have? (paws, spots)

What colour? (black)

Look what beautiful ladybugs we made.

Remember, I told you about one sign that if a ladybug sits on your palm, it will bring happiness, good luck, and fulfillment of desires.

Place your ladybugs on your palms, close your eyes and make a wish. May it definitely come true!!!

Abstract of the joint play activity with a subgroup of children (second youngest group)

Subject: "Ladybug"

Program content:

ü Teach children to interact with peers and adults.

ü Strengthen drawing technique

ü Develop a sense of shape and color, interest in insects.

ü To evoke an emotional response in children to the content of the poem about the ladybug.

ü Cultivate friendships.


A toy “Ladybug” or a picture (photo) depicting a ladybug.

Ladybug shape.

Markers. Easel.

Preliminary work:

1. Watching a ladybug.

2. Learning finger gymnastics.


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Progress of the lesson:

There is a knock on the door (a ladybug appears).

Guys, look who came to visit us today? (Show a picture or toy). Do you recognize?
This is a ladybug. We often encountered ladybugs during our walks.
Tell me, what is she like, ladybug? (round, red, beautiful, with a mustache). Do you like her? Why? (children's answers). Let's show how it flies.

Outdoor game "Flies".

The ladybug got tired and landed in a magical clearing.

Look, she didn’t come alone, but with children, her children are small, but there’s something I don’t understand, they don’t look like their mother.

Look what they're missing? (black dots).

Yes, guys, there are no dots!

How can we help ladybugs? (children’s statements). That's right, you need to draw black dots.

How can you draw them? (children's answers).

We will draw with markers, but before we start drawing, we will prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Ladybugs”.

Ladybug (children waving their hands)

Black head (head grabbed)

Fly to the sky (hands raised high)

Bring us bread (hands forward)

Black and white (two palms one way and the other)

Just not burnt (they shake a finger)

(Children come to the easel and sit on the chairs)

Look, I also have a ladybug without dots, she also needs help, draw dots. Look how I will draw them. I take a black marker and draw round, black circles.

(showing on the easel).

What color will we paint the circles with? (black)

What shape? (round)

Now take the ladybugs and choose a comfortable place for yourself and let’s start drawing. (children take markers and draw dots).

Did the guys all draw dots? (children’s answers).

Let's show our works to the ladybug, take them to the magic clearing.

Look what a magical meadow we have, it’s beautiful, how much grass there is on it, let’s put our ladybugs in our magical meadow.

What wonderful ladybugs you have made, now they look like their mother - red wings and black dots!!!

Well done boys!!!

You will give these works to your mothers!

GCD for speech development in the junior group “The Adventures of the Ladybug”

OO integration: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Artistic creativity” (modelling, “Socialization”.

Target: speech development younger preschoolers through memorizing nursery rhymes.

Tasks: promote speech development when memorizing nursery rhymes, expand lexicon, clarify the name and purpose of the insect; expand children’s understanding of insects, continue to introduce them to the rules of behavior in nature; consolidate skills in working with plasticine, develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements; cultivate a love of nature and a kind attitude towards all living things; create a positive emotional mood.

Preliminary work : looking at illustrations, observing on walks, reading poems.

Equipment: Ladybug (toy) or hero, plasticine, boards, napkins, blank cardboard Ladybugs without black circles on the wings, illustrations with the image of a Ladybug.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, please tell me what time of year it is now?

Children: Spring!

Educator: That's right, spring!

How did we know that spring had come?

Children: The sun is shining brightly.

It became warmer.

The grass is turning green.

Birds are singing.

The first flowers appeared.

Young leaves appeared on the trees. And etc.

Educator: That's right, well done! Look out the window how beautiful it is outside: the sun is shining, the grass is turning green, how many dandelions are in the grass, young leaves have appeared on the trees, birds are singing, insects are waking up. Oh! What is this strange sound? Guys, look who came to us. You will find out:

She is dearer than all the bugs,

Her back is scarlet,

And there are circles on it

Little black dots.

Who is this?

Children: Ladybug.

Educator: Right. Hello, dear guest!

Ladybug: Hello, friends!

Educator: We are very glad to see you, Ladybug!

Listen to the nursery rhyme we are teaching about you.

Children say after the teacher:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Ladybug:Thanks guys, very good nursery rhyme.

Educator: Well done boys. And look at our guest, how wonderful she is.

Childrenlooking at a ladybug.

Educator: Guys, who is our guest?

Children: Beautiful.

Round red.

She has paws, antennae, eyes, and a nose.

There are black dots on the back, there are a lot of them.

Educator: Well done boys. A ladybug is an insect, a beautiful little bug. In nature, they are found in a variety of colors: red, orange, yellow, pink, black, etc. It has a round, brightly colored body with black dots. Such a bright color warns animals and birds from attacking the Ladybug. Birds know that brightly colored insects are not tasty and do not eat them. The ladybug deftly crawls along stems, leaves, blades of grass, and can even fly and even very quickly. She travels long distances in search of food. And the Ladybug feeds on aphids, small nasty bugs that harm plants, so the Ladybug helps save plants and crops. The ladybug is a very useful bug.

Let's amuse our guest, turn into Ladybugs and show how we can have fun.

Physical education for a moment.

We are ladybugs (jumping,

Fast and agile (running in place).

We crawl along the lush grass (clap your hands,

And then we go for a walk in the forest (walking in a circle).

Blueberries and mushrooms in the forest (squats,

Legs are tired from walking (bending,

And we have been wanting to eat for a long time (to rub our belly,

We'll fly home soon (sit down in your seat).

Educator: Well done boys! Is our Ladybug not happy?

Ladybug: Guys, I need your help. You know, I was visiting my girlfriends. We were playing and having fun, but suddenly a strong wind blew in and brought with it a thunderstorm. Not everyone had time to hide, and the rain was so strong that it washed away the circles from the wings and now they are ugly. What to do?

Educator: Guys, let's help the bugs, stick them new plasticine circles. Fly, Ladybug, after your friends, while we stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

There is a bug on the back

And it buzzes, buzzes, buzzes (clench and unclench your fists).

"Help me, bug,

I can't get up on my feet! "(claps hands) -

He shouts to passers-by.

We will help him (rub your palms!

The beetle moves its mustache -

He says “thank you” to us (move fingers).

Educator: And here Ladybug has arrived with her friends. Let's decorate their wings, guys.


(Children glue plasticine black circles onto the finished ladybird blanks).

Educator: Here again our beautiful bugs. Well done boys. And now our beautiful girlfriends, listen to the nursery rhyme to yourself.

Children: Ladybug,

black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Ladybug: Thank you guys for both the fun and the help, it’s time for us to return to our home, but first, listen to our order:

I can fly deftly

Variegated ladybug.

The wings are red with dots,

As if in black circles.

In a bright holiday shirt

I'm saving the harvest.

I am a useful bug

Don't hurt me!

(Poem by Lyubov Shaitanova)


Children: Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, what did we do today?

Children:We met Ladybug and her friends.

We learned that these are beneficial insects.

We decorated the wings of the bugs.

We learned a nursery rhyme about Ladybug.

Educator: That's right, well done, guys! How should we behave with insects and other living creatures?

Children: Protect them, do not cause harm.

Educator: Well done boys! Thanks everyone!

Program content:

1. We continue to work on sculpting with salt dough. We enrich the child’s experience of sensations and perceptions (sensory experience).

2. We strengthen the children’s ability to: roll a ball between the palms of a large red ball (torso), a small black ball (head); apply different types techniques to add expressiveness to the image (poking technique - black spots on the back).

3. We develop the child’s ability to work neatly at the table, to see beauty in living nature.

Methods and techniques:

A surprise moment, a show, an examination, questions for children, artistic expression, an outdoor game, an explanation, a problem situation, instructions.


Red and black salt dough, “poke”, black gouache, wet wipes, boards; ready-made leaves of green colored paper.

Preliminary work:

The ladybug was examined: during a walk and in the illustration.

We learned the physical education exercise “Ladybug”.

Progress of the lesson:

In the group there is a table on the carpet. On the table there is a slide of multi-colored leaves, and under them on a green leaf sits a toy ladybug. A teacher comes into the group with children.

Educator - Guys, what are these leaves lying on the table, let's see what's under them. The teacher and the children come to the table and remove the leaves. Look guys, who is it?

Educator - That's right, this ladybug flew to visit us today. Guys, look, our guest is sad because today is the “Spring” holiday in the forest, and she has no friends with whom she could fly to this holiday. Guys, let's make friends for her?

- Okay, let's take a closer look at what the ladybug has.

- Body and head.

- That's right, what color is the body?

- Red.

Educator - What color is the head?

- Black.

Educator - What is that on her back?

- Black spots.

Educator - How many spots does a ladybug have on its back?

Educator - Guys, who can tell me what shape the ladybug’s body is?

- Round.

Educator - What shape are the black spots on the back?

- Also round.

Educator - What shape is Leysan’s head?

- Round.

Educator - Guys, tell me, what is larger, the body or the head?

- Torso.

Educator - Correct, the body is large, the head is smaller, and what size are the spots?

- Small ones.

Educator - Well done, that’s right, very young.

Guys, let's show our guest the game "Ladybug".

Physical education game “Ladybug”

Ladybug, black head

Fly to heaven, bring us some bread

If it's raining, then sit

If the sunshine fly.

(During physical education, children pronounce words and perform movements.)

Now guys, please take your seats. Sit up straight, your hands are friends, your eyes are looking at me. Today we will make friends for the ladybug from salt dough. You must try very hard because only the best ladybugs will be invited to the party. Educator - Guys, first we need to make the body, so what size piece will we take?

- Biggest.

Educator - Correct! I take the largest piece of red dough, roll it between my palms, and I get a big ball, you need to put the ball on a piece of paper and press it a little. The ladybug's head is black and we will make it from a small piece of black dough.

And now I take a piece of black dough, roll it between my palms, it turns out to be a round head. Now I attach the head to the body, helping with my fingers. I got a ladybug. What is my ladybug missing?

- Spots.

Educator - The ladybug has black spots. I take a poke, dip it in black paint and poke round spots on the back of the ladybug. Guys, you can apply as many spots as you want. You already have on your tables: pieces of red and black dough; poke, black gouache; ready-made leaves on which you will plant your ladybugs.

Now you yourself will make friends for our guest. And at this time the ladybug will watch how you diligently and carefully do your work.

During the work, the teacher approaches and helps children whose motor functions are poorly developed.

At the end of their work, the children bring their ladybugs on leaves and place them next to the guest. The guest (ladybug) thanks the children for making so many friends for her, now she and her new friends will be able to fly to the Spring Festival. The teacher praises all the children and highlights particularly successful works.

- Teach children to draw bright, expressive images of insects.
- Show the possibility of creating a composition based on a green leaf cut out of paper by the teacher (integration of drawing and appliqué). - Evoke an emotional response to beautiful natural objects.
- Improve the technique of painting with paints (repeat round curves).
- Develop a sense of shape and color.
Preliminary work: Viewing the “Ladybug” presentation, looking at the images, “ladybug” toy. Reading stories, riddles.
In the middle of God's beautiful, bright world there lived a little gray insect. All the other insects were very proud of their bright flowers and did not pay any attention to her, and the Colorado potato beetle even mocked her. The little insect was very sad. But one morning a ray of sunlight stroked her back. The little girl was glad that someone loved her and thought with gratitude: “I can do a good deed! I’ll clear the leaves of aphids,” and leaf by leaf, twig by twig, I cleared the whole tree in a day. And every leaf on the tree whispered to her: “Thank you, you saved us!” The little gray insect was so happy and embarrassed that she blushed. It was so beautiful! Since then, she always shone and radiated such joy that everyone fell in love with her and began to call her “ladybug.” And now, when people ask her to fly to heaven and fulfill their desire, she does it with joy, because she is “God’s”, and she knows for sure that everyone can become happy, you just need to do good to others!
Materials for the lesson:
green leaves, paints - gouache in red and black, brushes of two sizes, jars of water, paper and cloth napkins.
- card with a picture of a ladybug.
- toy “Ladybug”
- sheets of paper cut in the shape of a leaf and tinted green.
- red and black gouache; brushes in two sizes (thick and thin).

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Today we will draw an insect, and you will find out which one from my riddle.
This babe puts it on
The dress is red with polka dots.
And he can fly deftly
This is...(ladybug)
Ladybugs appear with the first warmth and have long been associated with the joy we experience from the beauty of spring and summer nature. The ladybug is the only beetle that does not disgust women and children, but on the contrary, it touches and pleases the eye with its bright coloring.
Educator: Children, look who is visiting us today. (Show pictures and toys). Do you recognize?
Children: This is a ladybug. We often see her while walking.

Educator: Tell me, what kind of ladybugs are they? Do you like them? Why? How should you behave when encountering this insect?
Children: small, beautiful, red back, black dots, round, with paws.

Educator: In nature, ladybugs come in a variety of colors: red, orange, yellow, pink, etc. A ladybug is born without spots on the back; they appear over time, after transformation.

Program content: Teach children to draw an expressive image of the Ladybug; Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to correctly draw with a brush and a cotton swab; Develop a sense of shape and color;

To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, to evoke a desire to protect


and an interest in insects.



Lesson notes

according to fine art

in the second junior group

on the topic of:

Drawing "LADYBUG"

Program content:

  • Performed:
  • Grigorieva E.V.
  • Naberezhnye Chelny, 2014
  • Teach children to draw an expressive image of the Ladybug;


  • Improve the technique of painting with gouache, the ability to correctly draw with a brush and a cotton swab;
  • Develop a sense of shape and color;
  • To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, to arouse a desire to protect wildlife and interest in insects.
  • Sheets of paper;

Gouache red and black;

  • Brushes and cotton swabs;

Preliminary work:

  • Backing sheets, pour-on containers with water, napkins for blotting brushes.
  • Visual material:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Progress of the lesson:

Ladybug toy or picture of a ladybug.

Watching a ladybug.

Learning nursery rhymes:

Children sit on chairs. The melody of the song "Ladybug" is playing.


Oh, look at the meadow

A small bug is flying.

(The teacher hums, imitating the flight of a bug)

Right on your palm

This little one sat down.

Educator: Well done guys! Do you recognize? This is a ladybug. We often met them during our walks. Tell me, what kind of ladybugs are they? Do you like them? Why? How should you behave when encountering this insect? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Now let’s become “Ladybugs”.

We are spinning around ourselves - we are spinning, we have turned into ladybugs!

Educator: Now let’s dance the “Ladybird” dance

  • We will now turn our hands into wings. Like this. (Quickly moves his fingers - these are “bug wings”; the children repeat his actions).
  • Our legs. Like this. (We rise on our toes).
  • And all the bugs can buzz quietly. Like this. F – F – F (Children repeat after the teacher).
  • Look, now you and I are real bugs. Let's fly!
  • We’ll buzz a little: w – w – w (Children fly like “bugs” around the whole hall and buzz).
  • Let's sit on the flowers. (Stand and squat slightly) - swing on flowers.

Educator: Well done, kids! You tried really hard. Guys, imagine that a ladybug has arrived. Shall we try to catch her?

(The teacher pretends that he is trying to catch an imaginary bug. Performs grasping movements above his head: with one hand, with the other hand, with both hands at the same time).

Children repeat the movements shown.

Educator: Let's unclench our fists and see if we could catch the ladybug.

The children, following the teacher, slowly unclench their fists.

Educator: Did you catch a bug?

Children: no, the bug flew away.

Educator: I’m sure, guys, that none of you will ever offend the little bug. After all, compared to them, you are real giants. And the big and strong should protect the small and weak, and not offend. Guys, let's draw a ladybug in the air and show with our hands how beautiful it is. (Children follow the teacher).

Educator: Guys, we are now going to draw a ladybug on this piece of paper (show the piece of paper). Like this one. (Showing the completed sample drawing).

What shape is the back of the Ladybug? Round. What color? Red. It is convenient to paint the red back with a brush.

When painting the back, remember that you move the brush lightly, only in one direction.

Then rinse the brush thoroughly in one water, rinse in another and dip the bristles of the brush on a napkin. We paint with gouache paint, but she doesn’t like excess water. Now dip the bristles of the brush into black paint and draw the head of the Ladybug in a semicircle. Paint it over.

Draw mustaches on the head. How many are there? Two antennae - two small straight lines. Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line. Draw a line with the very tip of the brush bristle.

What color are the dots on the ladybug? Black? How many are there? Six. What will be more convenient for drawing dots? With a cotton swab.

Draw three dots on one side and three on the other. (The teacher helps the children as they work).

Educator: Guys, our lesson for today is over. What did you like most? (Answers). What beautiful ladybugs you guys made. Like real ones. Well done! Take care of them, do not offend them. Show all your friends, and moms and dads. And come up with a name for Ladybug.

Open lesson of Direct Educational Activities for the implementation of educational areas “Artistic creativity” (drawing), “Cognition” (Formation of the integrity of the picture of the world), “Communication” (speech development) using ICT in the second junior group on the topic: “Ladybug”

Program content:

  • Continue to encourage children to draw a bright, expressive image of an insect and create a composition based on a green leaf.
  • Improve the technique of drawing with gouache, teach children to draw in an unconventional way, with a cotton swab.
  • Develop a sense of shape and color and an interest in insects.


  • To stimulate children's interest in knowledge about the ladybug.
  • Continue to develop fine motor skills.
  • Continue to encourage respect for nature.
  • Evoke an emotional response in children to the content of the poem about a ladybug.


  • Presentation (photo) with a picture of a ladybug.
  • Sheets of green paper in the shape of a leaf.
  • Gouache paint red and black.
  • Brushes and cotton swabs.
  • Backing sheets, a glass of water, wet and dry wipes for brushes.

Preliminary work:

1. Observe insects while walking, including ladybugs.

2. Learning nursery rhymes:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Progress of the lesson

Everywhere you go and look, insects live. And today, you guys and I, we’ll talk about an insect that is hard not to notice, about a very beautiful bug. I forgot what this bug is called. But I remember a riddle about him. Can you help me guess?

Listen to the riddle.

Like peas with paws

They're crawling on your palm.

Red shirts are stained,

Like mini turtles.

It will be cleverly hidden in its case

Wings... (ladybug)

Do you recognize? Yes! Ladybug! (showing a molded plasticine ladybug on a flower).

We often encountered ladybugs while walking in kindergarten, in the park, at the dacha.

Guys, tell me what kind of ladybugs they are? Do you like them? Why, tell me? And who knows how we should behave if we meet this wonderful bug?

Guys, let's see where ladybugs live.

Show presentation (Photo of ladybug).

Unfortunately, not all people try to protect ladybugs. Listen to a poem written by Andrei Usachev. It tells the story of one ladybug.

LADYBUG (Andrey Usachev)

Ladybug was walking outside the city,

She climbed the blades of grass deftly,

I watched the clouds float in the sky...

And suddenly the Big Hand came down.

And a peacefully walking ladybug

She put it in a matchbox.

Oh, how the poor thing was sad in the box!

She dreamed of a lawn. And clover and porridge.

Is it really possible to remain in captivity forever?

The cow decided to prepare an escape!

Oh my God! the unfortunate baby begged

And suddenly I saw a window behind the curtain.

And there, outside the window, everything is bright from the sun.

But the glass does not let her into the light.

However, the cow is extremely stubborn:

I found where the frame slammed loosely,

And then she climbs out of the window...

Hooray! She's finally free!

Guys, who is the poem about? What happened to her? Who caught the ladybug? What do you think, did he do good or bad? Why?

Do you think the ladybug liked it sitting in the box? How did she end up free?

I'm sure, guys, that none of you will ever hurt the little bug. After all, compared to them, we are real giants. And the big and strong should protect the small and weak, and not offend.

Guys, let's draw a ladybug. Do you agree?

Then we need to prepare our fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics “Ladybugs”.

Ladybug, (hands clenched in one fist)

Black head, (thumbs up)

Fly to the sky, (hands raised up, flew)

Bring us some bread (hands palms up)

Black and white, (hands right, left)

Just not burnt (we shake our fingers).

Guys, we are now going to draw a ladybug on this green leaf (show the leaf). Like this one. (Showing the completed sample drawing).

What shape is the back of the Ladybug? Round. What color? Red. We will paint the red back with a brush.

Do not forget that the brush must be thoroughly rinsed in water and the bristles of the brush should be dipped on a napkin. When painting with gouache paint, remember that it does not like excess water. Now take black paint and draw the ladybug's head. What shape is the head? Semicircle. Paint it over.

What color should we draw the ladybug's antennae and dots? We will draw with a cotton swab. How many are there? Two antennae - two small and thin lines. Divide the back of the ladybug in half with a black line - these are the wings of the ladybug and draw dots on one side and the other of the wings.

What beautiful ladybugs you guys made. Like real, live ladybugs. Well done!



Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, guidelines. Junior group.