
Morning mood! Good morning, how to get up in the morning. How to wake up easily in the morning and in a good mood proven ways to fall asleep quickly

This collection contains aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings about morning. Morning is the beginning of every day and as we start it, so the day will pass.

A huge number of people just hate the morning from Monday to Friday. And a completely different attitude to Saturday morning. A dream shattered by an alarm clock is a difficult test for the psyche. And such torture continues for many days and years in a row. People just get used to the fact that the morning of a weekday cannot be good, or rather, it can be later, after they manage to wake up.

And the morning, by definition, should be good! This is the beginning of the day and the beginning of a small life that will last only a few hours and turn into the past in the evening. Pleasant or sad, but already the past. That is why the morning must be good, and the day must be good.
Have a good mood for the whole day!

About morning: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

My alarm clock is my wife, who gets on the scale screaming every morning.

So I got up, but did not wake up.

In the evening you go to bed one person and wake up another.

The morning is already so fucked up that it also allows itself to be cold.

You woke up with a desire to work, then you should sleep more.

Today I got up on the wrong foot and it got stuck between the wall and the bed!

From the experience of a lived life, it is known that one who wakes up at dawn of his own free will or, if necessary, must get up early, does not tolerate it well if others in his presence continue, as they say, to sleep without hind legs.

I woke up early in the morning and I think: I will get up, move mountains ... I turned on the other side - why invade nature, let them stand!

I wake up and think what am I going to do today.

Who is Sleep? And why do I always want it in the morning?

Every morning, after the party, you have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: not washed or not ironed?

Last night he thought he still had a chance. Everything was possible last night. The trouble with "last night" is that it is always followed by "this morning."

We would love the morning more if it started later...

Every morning I go through five stages of awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, humility, coffee.

Morning is that part of the day when you envy the unemployed.

Do not trust dreams - there will always be morning as long as you are alive.

When, finally, will the time come when in the morning I will start to wake up, and not resurrect?

I had a favorite song, and then I set it to my alarm clock. There are no more favorite songs!

I don’t snore at night .. I growl so that they are afraid to wake me up.

I go to work one morning, I go calmly, I am not late. And then I understand that there is a blanket around, a pillow and I am in bed ... I understand: the dream was prophetic - to the showdown.

H incredible evening, crazy night - anyone can do it.
And you try to make an unforgettable morning ...

Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford in the morning

I slept with this thought - and in the morning I decided to sleep with him.

Do you know what pisses you off the most in the morning at work? These are the latecomers. And not because you can be a fan of punctuality, but because this creature slept more than you!

Every morning, when the alarm rings, the first thing that wakes up is the desire to kill, and then me.

On the morning after the stormy graduation, it seemed to the graduate Sidorov that the girl with the bell had moved from his shoulder to his head.

Why did you send me by phone yesterday morning? I wanted to wish you good morning...
First of all, it was 7 am. Secondly, I did not send, but politely asked what you need at such an early hour. And thirdly, the word "goat" escaped quite by accident.

Often looking at the woman who ended up in your bed in the morning, you realize with horror that it was not your merit, but her merit that you seduced her yesterday.

I also need to call psychics, let them look for socks for me every morning.

When will the morning begin with exercises and jogging, and not with mineral water and aspirin tablets?

Dialogue in my head in the morning:
- Wake up.
- Not.
- Get up!
- Not.
- You'll sleep like that all your life!
- Awesome!

Getting old is when, on the morning after drinking, you find undrunk beer in the refrigerator!

We have the most religious object in our house - floor scales. Every morning the wife stands on them and loudly shouts "Oh, God!"

I understood why the army wakes up at six in the morning: because the only thing you want to do at 6 in the morning is kill people.

You can’t just take it and get up early in the morning.
This is always a complex philosophical process.

In the army, the company commander liked to say in the morning: "He who gets up early, God gives him."
I always had a question: “What gives God”?
Now I know that for those who get up early, God gives a drill and a desire to chisel walls.

What happiness when you wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning and rejoice that it is not morning yet. Happiness! And go to sleep!

A good half of the citizens on Monday morning looks like they are generally unkind.

I'm not a masochist, but I always take a cold shower in the morning. This is a great start to the day, because then it certainly will not be anything worse.

The fact that there was no one to say “good morning” meant only one thing: that you would not have to start the day with hypocrisy.

Monday… morning…. Club of green and easy going…

Morning greets us with brine!

Let it be better to be ashamed in the morning than bored in the evening!

Collection of quotes, aphorisms, sayings and statuses about morning

I want to make coffee for two every morning.

And sometimes you wake up and everything is perfect.

In the morning it is sometimes very difficult to understand: did you just not get enough sleep or do you really hate everyone?

Every woman has the right to wake up shamelessly happy in the morning and leave the house brazenly beautiful!

In the evening of life - you can’t get enough of it, but in the morning you don’t want to live!

What just doesn’t come to mind waking up, when early in the morning you are pulled out of bed by a doorbell, and a hoarse voice: “We came to check your boner” ...

Good morning, but I'm not!

I do not trust those who are drawn to philosophizing at such an early hour. It's like a drink for breakfast, the initial stage of insanity. In the morning you need to sleep, swim and not think about anything.

The day was not set from the very morning: the alarm clock rang.

Saturday morning was wonderful. But then my memory started coming back...

When any external push generates an internal repulsion, a person has to look for reasons that will allow him to get out of bed in the morning - reasons, in any case, more solid than the fear of getting pressure sores.

The most beautiful morning is today, when you don’t need breakfast in bed, but when it’s just warm on the side.

Judging by this morning, last night was a mistake.

The morning was nasty. Gray, dank to the core, like the slippery cap of some mushroom. Doorknobs on such days seem too hard, any food scratches the palate, larks are ugly active and do not allow you to relax in bed, and owls are dissatisfied with everything and snap at every word.

Every morning. For the first half hour, the body ignores the brain, the brain ignores the body. until you crash into a door frame or step on some thorny bullshit.

Every morning I dream of staying under the covers.

- Vasya, will you wake me up at seven in the morning?
- But only once!

If you wake up in the morning and find a beautiful girl next to you, it means that you didn’t drink so much yesterday…

And then I will kiss you on the cheek 365 times a year and say good morning.

I wake up. I remember… Silence all around. Quietly. It was probably just as quiet after St. Bartholomew's night.

In the morning such a flat stomach that even breakfast is a pity.

With bated breath, he reads poetry in the evenings in order to wake up in tears in the morning. be late. And running out of the house, forget somewhere under the pillow a good mood.

It is wrong to say: “The woman had a bad morning” ... It’s more correct: “The whole family didn’t have a good morning!”

I don't have breakfast in the morning because I think about you! I don’t have lunch during the day, I think about you. I don’t have dinner in the evening, I think about you! I don’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!

Friday. Night club. Talk. One man says to another:
- But not everyone can understand the joys of tonight. A woman does not give someone, someone cannot drink. Poor fellows, what are they doing today?
- I don't know what they are doing tonight, but tomorrow morning they will drill!

Morning is getting closer and closer... Deadly silence, not a sound! I can see by the snout of the alarm clock ... He's going to call, bitch!

- Whatoooooooooo????
- RA - the god of the sun, DU - good morning, that is, "Good morning, Sun"!
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

"A little light" is too early for my beauty, which needs to sleep.

Every morning is a chance to start life from scratch

Mornings are such a part of the day when many people naively envy the unemployed.

What do you know about desires, exploits and passions? Every morning I come out from under the covers to Calvary ...

Comfortable sleep and timely awakening is an important guarantee of good health, cheerfulness and good mood during the day. For some, this wisdom comes easily, for others it is more difficult. In this article, we've put together 19 helpful tips to help you get out of bed easily every day.

How to make the morning cheerful and positive?

The right start in the morning determines a productive day. If getting up every day is difficult for you, our tips on how to get up early without discomfort will come to the rescue.

Take on board a few techniques, which we will discuss below, and perform them for 21 days. That's how long it takes to form a habit. Only three weeks, and you will forget about the lack of vivacity and good mood in the morning.

6 proven ways to fall asleep quickly

An important component of a good morning is a sound healthy sleep. To get up early, you need to fall asleep on time, which can be quite difficult, given the many distractions.

1. Sleep in total darkness

An important regulator of biorhythms is the hormone melatonin, a powerful natural antioxidant that helps fight aging. It is produced only in the dark, the peak falls on the interval from 00:00 to 04:00. Without it, forget about vivacity, strong immunity, a slim figure and elastic skin. Melatonin deficiency has also been found to increase the risk of cancer.

Artificial lighting in the room reduces the production of melatonin. Therefore, doctors recommend falling asleep in complete darkness: hang curtains with complete blackout on the windows, turn off the TV, monitor, night light, purchase a phone charger without a light indicator.

Moreover, it is better to spend an hour and a half before going to bed away from gadgets - the light from the screen excites the nervous system and reduces the production time of melatonin by an average of 90 minutes. For the same reason, throw energy-saving light bulbs out of your bedroom.

2. Do not "stick" to the phone

We have already found out that a bright glowing screen will force the body to suppress the production of melatonin. But falling asleep hugging your smartphone is also not worth it, because you can lose track of time exploring the Internet, and as a result, fall asleep much later than you planned.

3. Set aside time for evening exercise

This advice will be especially effective for "owls". Set aside 15 minutes for light exercise in the evening to relieve emotional tension and stretch aching muscles. When done regularly, evening exercises will speed up your metabolism.

The complex can include several simple yoga asanas (posture of a cat, cobra or rider), warm-up exercises or a complex with dumbbells weighing 1-2 kilograms.

The optimal duration of evening exercises is a quarter of an hour, the frequency is 4 times a week. Charging should be done 20 minutes before dinner, in no case right before bedtime.

4. Don't lie down on a full stomach

Overeating at night is a bad habit not only for the figure. Firstly, a rich dinner with a high content of carbohydrates reduces the production of somatotropin (the so-called “growth hormone”) by three times. Namely, this substance affects the regeneration of muscle tissue. A permanent deficiency of somatotropin will accelerate the aging process.

Secondly, the body focuses on digesting food, which will make it much more difficult to fall asleep. Especially if your dinner was rich in proteins and fats.

It is much more pleasant to plan how to start the morning with a delicious, mouth-watering breakfast. This will make getting out of bed much easier. If waiting for the morning is completely unbearable, drink a glass of 1% kefir or a little bran.

5. Ventilate the bedroom

It is extremely important to provide fresh air to the bedroom. In the summer you can sleep with the window wide open, in the winter - with the window open. Or at least ventilate the room regularly.

“Easy to say! I live in a big city where you can only dream of fresh air and noisy even at night,” one of our readers might think, and he will be absolutely right. Residents of megacities are advised to install an air ionizer in the bedroom, which will provide the effect of sleeping in nature.

6. Aromatherapy? Why not!

A few minutes before you go to the kingdom of Morpheus, light an aroma lamp with essential oils in the bedroom.

The most effective smells for sound sleep: chamomile, neroli, lavender. If you can't fall asleep because of excitement, oils of bergamot, coriander, lemon balm, benzoin or marjoram will come to the rescue.

Do not overdo it with the concentration: the smell should not be suffocating. 2-3 drops diluted in warm water will suffice.

It is very important to ensure fire safety: use only specialized aroma lamps. Place on a flat surface (such as a metal tray) away from the bed so as not to accidentally brush it off in a dream. Make sure that there are no flammable objects near the aroma lamp.

Imagine that every day you will get up at least half an hour earlier and do something interesting only for yourself. In a week, you will accumulate three and a half hours of time that you will devote to your hobbies or self-improvement. And if you develop the habit of getting up an hour earlier, then in a week you will get seven hours of productive time spent. We think it’s worth learning to get up early for this! Here are some useful tricks.

1. Wake up with the "5 minute rule"

There is an effective 5-minute wake-up system that you can try for yourself:

  • 1 minute. You have just woken up from a dream. Think of your favorite people, memorable events, beautiful places - in a word, something good and joyful.
  • 2 minute. Gently stretch, take deep breaths to wake up the body and supply it with enough oxygen.
  • 3 minutes. Gently massage the temples, back of the head, earlobes and eyebrows to improve blood flow to the brain.
  • 4 minutes. Rub your palms together, gently rub your arms, legs, stomach, back, chest. This will improve blood circulation throughout the body.
  • 5 minute. Gently assume a seated position. Drink a glass of water (it is advisable to leave it next to the bed in the evening). Slowly rise forward, towards a new day.

2. The main thing is motivation

If you do not know how to wake up in the morning due to dreary thoughts and depression, you can prepare a list of "pleasant things" that await you during the day in the evening and put it near your bed. Read this list when you wake up, be glad that you have a lot of good things ahead of you, and joyfully get up with a smile on your face.

3. Set a pleasant ringtone for your alarm

Many people set sharp, loud ringtones on the alarm clock: supposedly they help to wake up faster and recover. In fact, such melodies are annoying and make you want to turn them off as soon as possible in order to "sleep for another five minutes."

It is better to choose gentle (but not soporific) melodies with gradually increasing volume. They will smoothly bring you out of a sleepy state and help you meet the new day on a positive note. For example, "Morning in the Forest" by Edvard Grieg is a timeless classic.

4. Take the alarm clock away

You can try a well-known trick: take the alarm clock to another room, put it on the top shelf of the closet, etc. The main thing is that to turn off the sound you have to get up and take at least a couple of steps. Try not to succumb to the temptation to lie back down afterwards: after all, you are already awake and up, so why not get down to business?

Since modern people most often start an alarm clock on the phone, this habit will also serve you another service: it will save you from sitting on the Internet before going to bed.

5. Use modern technology

The mobile app market can offer a lot of opportunities for a pleasant awakening.

Human sleep is divided into two phases: deep and fast. Awakening in the fast phase is much easier. Smart alarm clocks for mobile monitor your sleep activity and figure out what phase you are in. You just need to set the wake-up interval (for example, from 8:00 to 8:30), and the sleep tracker will wake you up at the most convenient moment. The most popular apps of this kind are Sleep as Android and Sleep Cycle.

There are a lot of original alarm clocks in the AppStore and Google Market that require you to perform some action. For example, go to the mirror and smile (Smile Alarm Clock) or solve a mathematical problem (Math Alarm Plus, Alarm Clock Extreme).

Test robot alarm clocks: a running alarm clock on wheels, a clock flying around the room, or a piggy bank alarm that will squeak disgustingly until you throw a coin into it. Athletes will appreciate the dumbbell alarm clock, which turns off only after 30 lifts.

Runaway alarm clock

6. Drink a glass of water upon waking up

Try to prepare a glass of water with lemon in the evening, put it next to your bed and drink it after waking up, even if you are not too thirsty. This simple technique will help you normalize the water balance, prepare the stomach for the first meal, improve metabolism and eliminate toxins.

7. Turn on your favorite music

Perhaps you are used to turning on the TV in the morning or accessing social networks. These are not very good habits, because from the very beginning of the day they clog your mind with unnecessary, and sometimes even negatively colored information. It is better to turn on your favorite music during the morning gathering, which will charge you with pleasant emotions. Prepare a playlist of upbeat songs and change it every week.

8. Start the day with a charge

Stretched out! Even a short set of simple exercises will increase the flow of oxygen into the blood, which means it will give you a charge of vivacity.

Choose light exercises that do not require strength training, because your main task is to stretch your muscles and saturate your body with oxygen. It can be warm-up exercises or stretching. 10-15 minute complex will be enough.

No need to start charging immediately after waking up. Give your body 10-15 minutes to "wake up".

9. Take a contrast shower

The logical end of charging is a contrast shower. If after the exercises you still have a drop of drowsiness, after the bath procedures it will disappear. In addition, this is a great way to improve skin tone and strengthen immunity.

Take a contrast shower correctly in three stages. Each stage: 1-2 minutes of hot (but not burning) water, then 30 seconds of cold. At stages 2 and 3, try to slightly increase the "cold" period. After completing the procedure in cold water, thoroughly rub yourself with a terry towel.

Do not rush into the pool of hardening with your head. The optimal temperature difference for a contrast shower is 25-30 degrees. Ideally: hot water - 42-43 degrees, cold - 14-15. But it’s worth starting with 40 degrees hot and 25 cold, gradually increasing the gap.

If you have heart problems, be sure to consult your doctor about contrast showers.

10. Be sure to eat breakfast

Nutritionists call breakfast the main meal of the day. In no case do not refuse breakfast, intending to intercept something along the way. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, muesli, oatmeal with fruit - any of these options are suitable to start your day successfully and productively. Drink coffee and freshly squeezed juices after meals: on an empty stomach, they can cause stomach discomfort.

11. Fill the morning with pleasant little things

Try to carve out 10-15 minutes from your morning preparations for a pleasant ritual. Sip a mug of green tea slowly while scrolling through your news feed. Get yourself a diary, decorate it beautifully and every morning write down the impressions of the previous day there. Or, on the contrary, plan the day that has begun: make a list of goals, important meetings, purchases. Watch one episode of your favorite show. If you strictly follow your diet, you can make a small exception for the morning - let delicious yogurt or cake await you in the refrigerator.

12. Follow the regime

By choosing the most comfortable time for going to bed and waking up, you can add a little daytime rest to it. And stick to this system every day, do not knock down your daily cycle, except for very rare situations (holidays, travel, work deadlines, etc.).

13. Don't oversleep

If you have a long-awaited day off, do not try to sleep off the whole past week. Too much sleep is also bad. The established sleep rate ranges from 7 to 8 hours, although it is worth remembering that each organism is individual. Systemic excess sleep leads to obesity, increased risk of heart disease and even shortened life expectancy. In isolated cases, you will experience a headache and a general depressed state.

The editors of the site hope that our tips will help you learn how to control your daily routine without much effort.
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Morning is the most important time of the day. From what it will be, sometimes the whole day depends. Easy awakening sets a person up for a wonderful day, gives new strength and energy. How easy is it to wake up in the morning? This question is asked by many people who are forced to get up for work. Everyone can make their morning cheerful, fill it with a great mood. How easy is it to wake up in the morning?

Go to bed at the same time

Timely going to bed guarantees an easy awakening. It is difficult to accustom your body to fall asleep at the same time every day, including weekends, but the result will not be long in coming. Such a hard mode guarantees quality sleep, and after a while the body will wake up without an alarm clock. In addition, it is worth falling asleep before 12 pm, it is during these hours that the body rests best.

Alarm clock is a friend of the morning

An alarm clock will help answer the question of how easier it is to wake up in the morning. Buying it is not a big deal. It is best to buy a device that plays calm and pleasant music. Avoid harsh signals, as loud sound causes stress. On the Internet, you can find many sites that perform the function of a social alarm clock. When registering on such a site, a phone number is entered, the right time is set, and in the morning the phone rings. Usually robots call, which include a pleasant melody and wish you a great day.

Another way to learn how to get up in the morning is to set an alarm clock not near the bed. Place it in a place where it is impossible to turn it off quickly and easily. For example, place it on a closet or under a table, in another room, or on a window. When the annoying sound gets tired, you have to get up and turn off the device. By the way, the stores sell original alarm clocks “for the lazy” in the form of airplanes or animals. In the evening, the right time is set, and in the morning such a plane will circle around the room until the owner presses the switch. There are also devices that “devour” money. Any bill is inserted into a special hole, and if you don’t get up in time in the morning and turn off the alarm clock, then it will simply shred the money into small pieces.

Don't rush to get up

After waking up, do not immediately get up and get down to business. You can afford to lie senselessly in a warm bed for a few minutes. An abrupt awakening is stress for a person, with the exception of being late, there is no time for stress, it would be in time. But it’s not worth basking in bed for too long, you can again fall into the arms of Morpheus. Massaging the lobes and neck will help you wake up faster and easier.

early rise

How easy is it to wake up in the morning? The answer to this question has been known since ancient times. The more mornings, the easier it is to wake up, the head does not hurt, and the sun gives a good mood. Our ancestors began their day at sunrise. So laid down by nature, all our organs "wake up" at 5-6 in the morning. For many, getting up this early is a real nightmare, but once you get used to such a regime, you begin to understand all its advantages. And hard work is easier to do in the morning. Be patient, getting up early in the morning, especially if you have a habit of sleeping until 12 noon, is extremely difficult. Get used to the new regime gradually. Set your alarm 10-15 minutes earlier than usual every day, and at the end of the week you can see that the wake-up hours change.


How to quickly and easily wake up in the morning? It often depends on nutrition. Do not eat food 2 hours before bedtime. At night, food is poorly digested, it creates heaviness and discomfort. Also, avoid eating heavy, fatty and sweet foods: meat, legumes, desserts and cakes. This is easy to follow if the lunch was hearty and satisfying. If necessary, you can have a snack with something light, cottage cheese or yogurt, this will not only help satisfy your hunger, but is also good for the digestive tract. Do not drink strong drinks before bedtime, tea, cocoa or coffee. These drinks excite the nervous system and prevent the body from falling asleep. Brewed herbs, mint or lemon balm will be an excellent remedy. Also, folk remedies recommend drinking hot before bedtime - the drink warms, helps to relax and fall asleep quickly.

Don't skip breakfast in the morning. It is useful to drink a glass of water with lemon before it, it will not only invigorate the body, but also strengthen the immune system. Breakfast should not only consist of a cup of coffee and should be balanced, contain dairy products, fruits and cereals. How to learn to get up in the morning? Scientists are also looking for an answer to this question, they came to the conclusion that in the morning it is better not to drink a cup of coffee, but simply to inhale its aroma. The energy and vitality of the body are guaranteed for several hours. In addition, doctors advise giving up coffee in the morning, since this drink is harmful to human health, it can be replaced with green tea. It not only gives energy for many hours, but also contains vitamins and minerals that prevent aging of skin cells.


It is hardly possible to wake up easily in the morning if you do not know why you need to get up early. Think about what you can do during these free hours: work, sports or personal affairs. You can use this time for activities that you can’t get your hands on or don’t have enough time after work. For an easy rise, motivation is needed - after all, when the day is going to be fun and interesting, getting up is much easier.

For most, the incentive to get up in the morning is work, getting up at 8 in the morning, driving through traffic jams is a serious step. Work is an iron stimulus. Responsible people will always wake up on time and in any condition. The easiest way to formulate a goal for an early rise is for individuals who are scheduled by the hour, it becomes possible to work even more, which means more profit. The same applies to people of free professions, freelancers. The main thing here is not to be lazy and work out an iron to get up early in the morning.

Charge from water

How to get up in the morning without feeling tired and lethargic? This question is relevant for many people. A shower will help in the morning. It is not necessary to injure your body with cold water, the main thing is to alternate cool water with warm water. The change in temperature is important, in addition, such a warm-up hardens the body, improves. You can use aromatic oils or other aromas.

radical method

How easy is it to wake up in the morning? Computer geniuses have come up with many new programs that allow you to wake up in the morning, for example, a computer can work instead of an alarm clock. A new and rather radical method to help answer the question of how easy it is to get up in the morning is a special program. Its essence is that at some point the computer starts to work and format the hard drive. Each user stores a lot of important data on the device and, of course, does not want to erase them. Therefore, to disable formatting, you have to get up and undo the action, and do it quickly. In such an extreme situation, sleep will pass by itself.

Ideal Conditions

To make the morning pleasant, it is necessary to create “ideal conditions”. The temperature in the room should not be too low so as not to freeze and stay basking under a warm blanket, but it should not be too hot either. Get an automatic coffee machine, the aroma of the drink will help you wake up quickly in the morning. Plan your day in advance, prepare your clothes and documents, rushing is not fun for anyone. Family people wake up, because waking up another by pushing in the side is more interesting than waking up yourself. Have family members share their experiences of how easy it is to wake up in the morning. Ask relatives or a partner to wake you up, but not just saying: “Get up, you'll be late”, “Wake up, sleepyhead!”, But sit on the bed and start talking. How easy it is to wake up early in the morning, say the doctors of Bangkok. When you open your eyes in the morning, look at your hands and palms. We do so much with our hands and so little look at them, not paying due attention to them. Not quite the traditional way of lifting among our citizens, but, nevertheless, it exists and is popular in many countries.

How easy is it to wake up in the morning? By following simple tips and tricks, you can not only make your morning joyful and leisurely, but also revise your schedule. Everyone can make their awakening pleasant, the mood for the whole day depends on it.

The first of September is the day when millions of people realize with horror that a whole year of painful early rises awaits them. How to wake up in the morning without thinking “I wish I were dead”? Arriva has put together some practical tips to help you get up in the morning and not feel like the most miserable person in the world.

Use psychology

Before going to bed, set yourself a clear goal for which you will have to wake up early and be alert (this may just be an urgent matter that you did not do in the evening, and if you do not do it right in the morning, the consequences will be terrible). Give yourself a reward for getting up quickly and don't forget to get it from yourself. Tell all your friends that you have decided to get up early and on time, and whoever cannot do this is a sucker and a loser (this, at least, will provide you with awakening pangs of conscience). Congratulate yourself loudly on awakening: it is advisable to shout “hooray, I did it!” and throw your hands up, you can even sing (if you do not live alone, surprised relatives will help you get up, but in general it will just become funny and easy for you to get up).

Check your mail

Many go to bed with a phone or tablet and scroll through the “feed of friends” for a long time instead of sleeping. Leave this pleasure for the morning. Waking up, open Twitter, VKontakte and mail, be horrified by world news, read a letter from a dissatisfied customer, envy the photos of a colleague from some exotic country - and now your brain has already started working, the hassle has receded, you can get up. By the way, sitting at the computer or watching TV before going to bed is also a bad idea. Even if nothing exciting is happening on the screen, your nervous system is still in a state of excitement, which makes falling asleep much more difficult. But in the morning the same effect will benefit you.

Set the alarm away

If you're not completely asleep and the alarm clock wakes you up a little, place it far enough away from your bed that you have to get up and turn off that infernal squeak. It's good if you have a repeat set: you may survive the sound attack the first time, but the second time you will definitely have to get up and press the button. The main thing here is not to go back to bed. If you already got up - move towards the shower, it will save you. On the way, you can turn on energetic music - also a good way to cheer up.

"Smart alarm clock"

Many users cannot imagine their life without these devices just out of gratitude for the "smart alarm clock". The Jawbone Up bracelet offers you to set the time interval for the alarm, and then, by analyzing your sleep phases, finds the optimal moment to wake up. Please note that the bracelet will not immediately be able to recognize the features of your body, and you will have to get used to each other for some time. But then you simply cannot do without it: awakening at the ideal time, and even from a light but persistent vibration instead of an audio signal, is a real breakthrough in the field of humane technologies.

"Social Alarm"

Services such as "Buddist" help many, where you can anonymously leave your phone number and ask to wake you up at a specific time. When a stranger calls you and wishes you good morning, you will wake up, at least from surprise, and tenderness and gratitude will lift your morning mood. The service guarantees that you will be awakened in any case: even if a kind stranger is not found at the right time for you, a robot will perform his role. Of course, patient friends can also be used as a social alarm clock, but then you will be left without pleasant unpredictability.

No alcohol, coffee or food at night

The usual reason for a heavy morning getting up is a wrong night. If you have to work until dawn, you probably do not disdain constant snacks, a hearty late meal and a couple of cups of coffee so as not to fall asleep early. But caffeine taken at the wrong time will work even when it's time for you to sleep, but when it's time to get up, it will disappear, as if it were not there. And a full stomach at night is a 100% guarantee of heavy sleep overshadowed by active digestion. Another common mistake is the decision to drink something alcoholic "to make it easier to fall asleep." You may fall asleep easier, but you will most likely wake up in an hour, and in the morning it will be difficult for you to tear your heavy head from the pillow. So remember: a light dinner a couple of hours before bed and no invigorating agents. The coffee will wait until the morning.

Open the window

Open the window wider before going to bed, even if it's winter outside (warm blankets are invented for this case). Fresh air in a room does two things at once: it will be easier for you to fall asleep because there is enough oxygen in the room, and it will be easier to wake up because the room is fresher. Unfortunately, the window does not work without an alarm clock, but it promises to simplify the task. Do not try this trick if there is a construction site or a train station in your neighborhood.

Start chewing

This funny tip actually works. Put an apple near the bed and when you hear the alarm, start eating it. Your body may be a little surprised, but it will dutifully wake up and begin to perform its natural functions. After a few seconds, it will be much easier for you to open your eyes and sincerely want to take an upright position.

Get a dog

A dog is not only a friend of man, but also a great alarm clock. When a pet stomps on your back, licks your face and whines in anticipation of a walk, you simply won’t be able to sleep any longer. The secret to the effectiveness of this method is simple: the dog wakes you up for a reason, and if you do not take him out of the apartment in the very near future, blame yourself. But when you have to get up, get dressed, go outside and spend at least five minutes there, it will be much easier and more pleasant to go to the “shower” and “breakfast” stages.

Live on schedule

This is the most difficult, but the most effective way. All politicians and successful businessmen follow the regime, no matter how boring it may sound. Go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends. The human body gets used to everything, and when it gets used to the regimen, you will wake up and get up early without unnecessary suffering, as if it were something natural.

Go to bed earlier

Funny, right? “Yes, if I needed such elementary advice, I would not have read this article!” Well, excuse me: all ingenious is simple. If you need a certain number of hours of sleep, take them in the evening instead of in the morning. In addition, it is known that sleep that begins before midnight is better and more effective than that which you get in the early hours of the morning. So forget about tricks, recipes and lifehacks and just give your body the right amount of sleep. It really works.

Good morning everyone! It's time to part with your favorite pillow and start a new day! We have selected a wonderful selection of morning statuses that will help you wake up faster and charge you with positive energy for the whole day. Share aphorisms, sayings and phrases about the morning with your friends, let every day start with pleasant and fun moments.

For some people, the morning is a real challenge. No wonder, because in the morning you need to wake up and go to work, and in the morning no one and nothing seems as close and dear as a pillow and a blanket. To wake up easily and quickly, you need quite a bit. Firstly, you need to go to bed on time, and secondly, you need to find an incentive in the evening that will help you wake up faster in the morning.

An indispensable morning attribute is coffee. Its aroma invigorates and inspires to go and conquer the world! Coffee helps to feel all the charm of the morning and enjoy the notes of its cheerfulness and freshness.

Morning is the beginning of life, everything wakes up in the morning, nature wakes up first. And, perhaps, there is nothing more beautiful than watching the dawn, how the sun wakes up to give people light, a smile and joy. Morning is a surge of vivacity and the desire to create and achieve your goals. All important decisions must be made in the morning, then they will be the most correct.


The coffee ritual is a kind of morning meditation. (L. Ulitskaya)

If the morning starts with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. (Nick Gardo)

Morning... Ruthless morning - the destroyer of nighttime illusions, vague dreams, sweet dreams. Morning is a convinced pragmatist, a sober practitioner, an arbitrator who raised his hand and is ready to start a new race. (O. Roy)

Morning without coffee is not morning.
So…. prolonged sleep.
Coffee in the morning is wise
coffee in the morning - like a law.
Morning without coffee is useless
and somersault all day long.
Coffee in the morning is a joy
and without it - rubbish.
Morning without coffee is unbearable -
like flying, only down.
Coffee in the morning is cheerfulness.

Coffee in the morning is life.

More correct thoughts come to people in the morning than in the evening. (S. Lukyanenko)

Every morning is a time to start life again. (Paulo Coelho)

Stop sleeping!
- Say “wake up” is positive, and “stop sleeping” is negative. (Wall Street)

Good morning brings good afternoon.

What you don't do in the morning, you won't make up for in the evening.

It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood. (Ashar Marcel)

The morning remains good as long as the chance is given to it. (Sabir Omurov)

It is not enough to get up early in the morning, you must also stop sleeping. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Not everything is new that begins. But every morning shines with freshness. (Ernst Bloch)

You can’t just take it and get up early in the morning. This is always a complex philosophical process. (Sergey Yasinsky)

Thoughts are like flowers: picked in the morning, they stay fresh longer. (André Gide)


Every morning I play the lead role in the fantasy thriller Sleep in 5 Minutes...

If in the morning the cat smiles mysteriously, then it is better not to wear slippers ...

Every morning we have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: not washed or not ironed?

Often looking at a woman in the morning, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not your merit, but her merit.

Here is the morning. Became richer for a day of life.

Dear men, always kiss your wife in the morning! Well, at least in order to be the first!

The message received in the morning - does not just mean "Good morning" ... it means - I think of you when I wake up ...

Good morning, homo sapiens. Drink coffee and run to evolve.

Strong coffee in the morning? What are you?! I won't sleep at work!

It turns out that in the morning you can do a lot if you do not go online!

There are only three types of morning - early, very early and too early!

Every morning I tell myself: “Wake up, beauty, great things are waiting for us!” But the inner voice whispers: “If they wait, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait!”

The morning should start with coffee, not with a spoiled mood.

Morning at the gypsies: whoever got up first, dressed most beautifully!

Scientists have found that the morning is always better if it starts after lunch.

A good morning is the key to a successful day. It is very important that there is a person next to you to whom you will say “Good morning!” every morning! and hear this wish addressed to you. After all, happiness lies in starting the day not alone, but next to your loved one and with good thoughts.