
The cat is breathing heavily with an open mouth: what to do? Wheezing in a cat when breathing - causes and treatment The cat wheezes and coughs what to do.

Weak or rapid breathing in a cat signals changes in the pet's body. Deviation from the norm is not always a pathology. But the owner must be able to recognize a dangerous symptom in order to help the pet in time. How do cats breathe and what do these or other changes in breathing indicate?

The respiratory system of a cat is similar to that of a human. First, air enters the larynx through the pharynx, then moves along the trachea to the bronchi and into the lungs. From the lungs, oxygen is delivered to every cell in the body. On exhalation, at the moment of relaxation of the diaphragm, the “waste” material is removed from the body in the opposite way: through the bronchi into the trachea, larynx and pharynx. The respiratory rate in cats is a variable indicator. In a calm state, an adult animal takes about thirty breaths / exhalations per minute. In kittens, this figure is higher and can reach up to fifty. Cats breathe a little more than cats, but the difference is not significant.

There are many situations when frequent breathing in a cat is not a pathology. For example, from fright, rage, surprise, or at the moment of joyful excitement, the cat breathes faster. This is a momentary change, breathing returns to normal after a short period of time, usually after the cat stops being exposed to external stimuli. Shallow rapid breathing in a cat during a trip, in the veterinarian's office, or during an unpleasant manipulation is a conditional norm, signaling that the pet is experiencing stress. Pregnant, giving birth, lactating pets and cats during estrus also breathe somewhat faster. The respiratory rate in cats varies depending on the degree of load: in a dream, the indicator is lower, during active games it is higher.

Change in breathing as a warning sign

A change in the depth and frequency of breathing can be a sign of a pet's deteriorating well-being. These indicators change with an increase in body temperature, during pain, dehydration, hypothermia or overheating. In the latter case, it is observed in a cat through the mouth, and when hypothermia, on the contrary, the cat breathes hardly noticeably - the stomach and ribs almost do not change position during inhalation / exhalation.

Predominant abdominal breathing in cats, when the ribs barely move on inhalation / exhalation, and the abdomen, on the contrary, noticeably rises and falls, may be a sign of congenital pathology, a chronic disease of internal organs and systems. A cat breathes “belly” if its ribs, chest muscles, spine, lungs are damaged - in any situation where a normal breath causes pain.

Infections, viruses and diseases of the internal organs are accompanied by other symptoms, and a change in breathing in this case is only an indirect sign. However, the owner must be sure to inform the veterinarian of any irregularities so that the doctor can make a faster diagnosis. For example, heavy breathing in a cat with fever and dry cough may be a symptom of bronchitis. If the pet suffers from allergies, difficulty breathing in a cat during an exacerbation of the disease may be a sign of laryngeal edema.

If the general condition of the pet is satisfactory, but it is clearly difficult for the cat to breathe, you should carefully examine the oral cavity and larynx. Perhaps a foreign object is stuck in the throat, which needs to be removed as soon as possible. Rattling in the chest indicates the accumulation of fluid or mucus, which prevents normal air circulation. If the cat wheezes when breathing through the nose, whistling sounds or sniffling are heard on exhalation and inhalation, it is possible that a foreign object has entered the nasopharynx or the mucous membranes are so inflamed that air cannot freely penetrate through the nose. Wheezing breath is an alarming sign that appears in many cases: edema, pneumonia, heart disease.

Frequent shallow and heavy breathing in a cat can be a sign of an injury that is invisible at first glance. The pet must be carefully examined, looking for signs of a blow: bruises, bruises, wounds, areas of the body that are painful when touched, flayed hair. Usually, by the behavior of a cat, it is easy to understand that she is in pain: constrained movements, apathy, poor appetite, thirst.

Any changes in breathing should be consulted with a doctor. You need to take your cat to the clinic immediately if:

  • any other alarming symptoms of malaise are present;
  • pulse is fast or weak;
  • mucous membranes turned pale, reddened or turned blue;
  • in the chest something wheezes, gurgles, sniffs, whistles, etc.;
  • fluid comes out of the mouth or nose.

If the pet is not breathing(the gums turn pale or blue, if the gums are red - oxygen enters the body), it is necessary to give artificial respiration to the cat. Manipulation is carried out until the respiratory function is restored or all the way to the clinic. It's easy to do this:

  • we fix the cat so that its neck is straightened and forms a single line with the spine;
  • the pet's mouth must be closed, the mouth freed from saliva, foam, mucus;
  • take a deep breath, exhale air into the cat's nose through the palm folded with a tube. You can cover the cat's mouth with a thin handkerchief and clasp the nose with your lips without using your palm;
  • the frequency is about twenty times per minute, the depth depends on the size of the pet. Kittens need to do artificial respiration especially carefully, because if you exhale too intensely, you can damage the small lungs (they simply cannot contain the volume of air exhaled by a person). To calculate the volume, put your palm on the cat's chest: a slight expansion is enough, do not overdo it;
  • We check the pulse every 15-20 seconds. If your heart stops beating, don't panic! Usually (if the cat can still be saved), the heart rate is restored within 10-15 minutes of indirect massage;
  • we clasp the cat's sternum from below with the palm so that it is sandwiched between the thumb on one side and the rest of the fingers on the other. We sharply squeeze and relax our fingers (five times in a row), then inhale air into the cat’s nose once, then again five chest compressions. Check every two minutes to see if your heart is beating. It’s great if there is an assistant: one person does artificial respiration, and the second continuously massages the heart.

Good afternoon. Forced life to seek advice.

A couple of hours ago, we had a commotion - I noticed that our cat was breathing often, intensely, as if quickly hiccupping and actively inflating its sides. He took it in his arms - without stopping this quickened breathing, he began to squeak so, as if trying to meow through this either a wheeze, or a groan. They gathered around and wondered what had happened. The mother (her pet) tried to feel his stomach - it breaks out. Only in the morning he behaved as usual ... he immediately quickly runs away from us, sits down and, half-closing his eyes, continues to breathe rapidly. A couple of times there were some gusts of either nausea or a sneeze, but nothing came of it. Now he climbed into the house, lies (does not sleep), still breathes often with this hiccup. At first he lay on the floor, on his side, now he has moved over and is sitting, huddled up, on the couch. He reacts to sounds, smells, movements, his pupils are normal, and by appearance it is not possible to say that he is in severe pain, frightened, or that he is in a clouded state, but it is clear that it is difficult for him to breathe. I left him alone for now, occasionally I come up and check.

Hastily read the Favorites of the community, searched in Yandex. It looks like pulmonary edema or inflammation of the airways, accompanied by abdominal breathing (it is very similar to his rapid breathing, although I may be wrong), but there is no bluing of the mucous membranes - they are pink, well, maybe a little paler than usual. It’s hard to say, I don’t arrange regular inspection of his mouth ... I tried to listen to his stomach / chest in my denseness, but I interfere with him, he crawls out.

Tomorrow (in the morning we return to the city) I will convince my mother to take him to the veterinarian, the cat is like her pet, but she thinks that this is epilepsy, despite my arguments. Like, once at home this already happened to him. Although judging by the network, no overlap in symptoms with epilepsy. I would very much like to hope that I am wrong. Am I wrong, I'm panicking for nothing? And if some kind soul has competent advice on what to do to help our poor fellow, somehow alleviate his condition for the next day, maybe someone has come across a similar one - I will be very grateful to your feedback!

Update (05/01/2014):
By 20:30 Fedka was already breathing with an open mouth and dilated pupils, urinating under himself. Managed to convince the family to urgently go home. On the way, he groaned and tossed and turned in this half-dead carrier in my arms. We arrived almost at midnight at the vet station not far from our house, on the way we wanted to call in Zelenogorsk or Sertolovo, but, as we found out on the way by phone, they were not on duty around the clock at all. Already on the spot, they immediately did something like blowing the airways through some kind of tube in his throat, he vomited and he passed out. They ran for an urgent x-ray, while they were injecting something and putting a catheter, the results came - as I was afraid, pulmonary edema. The doctor said that it could have happened as a result of anything, even the cat just smelled something wrong, although he did not rule out the possibility of the mouse being swallowed by the poisoned bait. And that they managed to barely, could not give a definite forecast whether he would survive. And also - some problems with the intestines and stomach, and this is for a cat that eats only boiled chicken and not the cheapest food! (Though I couldn't convince my mother to give up Whiskas completely, she occasionally spoils him with packaged meat jelly.) At one point, while being x-rayed, I was afraid that I could no longer feel his breath. Thank God, he still breathed, although he was smeared all over with some kind of foam. They put him in a chamber with oxygen, he came to his senses, his breathing became a little easier, returning to the original hiccups, he began to try to take a nap, lick his lips. I sat with him for an hour, then went home to try to sleep.

He returned half an hour ago from the clinic - he is alive, although the doctor gave only 10% chances. Already let him wander around the room. The nurse on duty (or whatever they are called) said that now he has a significant chance of recovery (I really hope that this is not speculating myself). The doctor said that for the time being they would be kept on oxygen and glucose, and today, probably, they would begin to "dig out" (as she put it) the lungs.

Update (05/02/2014):
Fedka is saved. In the morning, his mother took him from the hospital, he was scheduled for daily visits for injections to the hospital, but he looks almost normal, except that he has lost a lot of weight and is still a little avoiding the squeeze of his family (and I can understand him). He returned to scratching, eats for three - he never asked for food like that. They told him to feed according to the previous scheme (for now), in a couple of weeks we will take tests for the intestines and stomach, and based on the results, we will already decide what changes to make to his diet. Thanks to everyone who worried about us and wished him a speedy recovery!

Some explanation:

Our cat is about 10 months old, well, at most, 11 months old. There is a minor birth injury, not related to the case - the tail is broken during childbirth, it has grown together incorrectly. Home, on the street before the dacha has never been. Castrated 5 weeks ago. The first week after the castration, the cat only did what he lay dozing, and only towards the end of it began to return to his usual life.

A week later, his parents took him to the dacha (they go there in a week, a week there - a week in the city). The cat, according to them, endured the road (in the car for two hours) surprisingly calmly, at the dacha by the end of the week he was already running around the site with might and main, and they took him back just as calmly. But upon arrival home, literally the next day, he became depressed - he ate almost nothing, drank little, and lay more and more in bed. At first, the mother sinned on the wild heat and stuffiness that week, then she went to the veterinarian and found out that she had not calculated the dose of some wildly lethal cat sedative before returning from the dacha. Be that as it may, the cat came to his senses again by the end of the week. Accurate to a new trip to the country.

And now again - for a week at the dacha everything was fine, and on the last day on the eve of departure - such ... It must be clarified that this week turned out to be cold, damp. Constant rain, puddles everywhere. The sun just came out today. They tried to keep the cat at home, and he himself did not especially rush out while there were precipitations. Nevertheless, somewhere he managed to get wet, he found him last night upon arrival at the dacha, all wet, licking himself. There are only a few other cats in the area, but almost all of them are domestic, and he practically never left the site. On the street, he didn’t seem to eat anything, he’s generally a fussy fussy with us and even eats his own food under certain conditions (for example, he refuses a little stale, even half a day in total).

From time to time, the cat may cough and wheeze. Any owner will be frightened by the hoarse voice of the cat, and he will immediately rush to the computer to look for the answer to the question: “Why?” Search engines find many options, ranging from banal allergies to such a frightening word as oncology. Before you get scared, better sit down and calmly read our article, and then call the veterinarians from the "I-VET" center. We have tried to collect the most relevant answers.

Yesterday your pet was active and playful, and today it lies with its paws stretched out, this is an occasion for an urgent appeal to a veterinarian who should provide qualified assistance.

What is cat cough

Like a man cat cough is an involuntary exhalation, which is usually accompanied by a sonorous exhalation. The largest number of receptors responsible for coughing are located in the region of the throat ligaments. Also, coughing is a protective reflex that helps to resist the effects of chemical irritation or food. Among other things, coughing helps to remove phlegm and mucus from the body, which only interferes with the recovery of the animal. However, coughing is far from always a protective reflex, and can also bring significant harm. In this case, this condition is considered a symptom of a serious illness.

Why does a cat cough and wheeze, what diseases can be

cat coughing, as a rule, never arises as an independent disease. Most often it is a symptom of other diseases.

These are not all the reasons why a cough may occur. Currently more than 100 diseases are known that are accompanied by this reflex. Therefore, if your cat coughs, then this is a great reason to take a pet in an armful and rush to the veterinarian who will examine the fluffy and make the correct diagnosis.

Who coughs and wheezes: what is the danger, the symptoms are insidious and different

An attentive owner should have noticed that a cat's cough has a different sound color. Sometimes it is wheezing, sometimes it is a continuous, dry sound full of anguish. If you record the sounds of coughing on a voice recorder or video camera, this can greatly help the doctor in diagnosing the disease. Sometimes the description of the owner is not very accurate. Among other things, a cough can be morning, afternoon, evening or night. Coughing at night brings a lot of trouble to both the cat, depriving him of normal sleep in the first place, and the owner, who begins to worry about the health of his furry friend.

During a coughing fit, the animal it can also stretch its paws, it can group. These signals indicate that this sound from a reflex, which is designed to save life, has moved into a dangerous state that poses a direct threat to the cat. In especially severe cases the animal can suffocate, which indicates that the owner should contact the veterinary center as soon as possible.


First of all, we would like to remind you that cough therapy individualized and should be selected individually by the attending physician. It is one thing for a kitten who cannot cough up phlegm, and another thing for an old cat with a whole bunch of diseases. Each case requires an individual approach. Any treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. However, the owner must protect his animal from drafts and strong winds.

In case of severe cough, it is best to call a veterinarian at home. This will help to avoid unnecessary risks and complications, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely protect the animal from exposure to cold. Also in the veterinary center itself there may be sick and infected animals. This, in turn, is an unnecessary and stupid risk that will affect health. Depending on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Also, modern pharmacology offers many cough medicines, but not all human drugs are suitable for treating a constantly coughing cat. The most prescribed antibiotic is amoxiclav. It should be remembered that coughing is also a signal of an extremely weakened immune system in a cat.

If the cat coughs and wheezes, what investigations do the veterinarian need?

The field of visual examination, you sit in tension at the doctor's office and wait for the results. BUT doctor suggests more research. For example, the doctor may prescribe a fluorography, an x-ray of the lungs, possibly an ultrasound. Of course, you will need a classic set of tests - urine, blood and feces. A severe cough should make the doctor think about giving him antibiotics and other treatments.

However, if you have the nursing mother got sick bitch or pregnant animal, we recommend to be more attentive to treatment. Many of the modern antibiotics are simply dangerous for cats because of the possible threat of miscarriage or bleeding. Most doctors with mild symptoms recommend giving natural preparations, for example, herbal solutions that will need to be poured into the animal's mouth with a syringe without a needle. Research in the form of analyzes is given in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is necessary so that indicators do not change in the cat's body.

How to choose a veterinary center for the treatment of an animal

If your cat or cat has begun to cough, and the cough itself has become protracted and frequent, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian without delay. As a rule, experienced owners already have a veterinarian's phone number, which can be contacted at any time for help. But what if this is your first cat and animal in general? Of course, call the veterinary center "I-VET".

The most experienced veterinarians work here around the clock, they will be able to answer any question that you ask them. It is possible that an internal examination of the pet will be required to complete the picture. Don't give up. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis and establish the true cause of the cat's continuous cough. A cough of unknown etiology is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor.

In addition to qualified personnel, our medical center has the most modern equipment, both for x-rays and ultrasound. The laboratory is also equipped with the latest technology.

Benefits of home veterinary care

Many owners prefer to personally take their pet to the veterinary center for first aid. However, there are situations in life when it is not possible to visit a doctor on your own. In such a case, we have a very convenient service - veterinary care at home. Within 40 minutes after you have left a request, any of our highly specialized specialists will come to you. So what can we do at home?

    Our range of veterinary services is very diverse. Our specialists can:
  • Take blood for analysis (both classical and biochemistry)
  • Provide the necessary assistance
  • X-ray if necessary
  • For the most severe cases, we have an ultrasound
  • If necessary, we can transport a four-legged friend to a hospital.
  • We can also choose an adequate treatment that will help the animal recover in the shortest possible time and again please the owner with playfulness.

Only the most modern equipment and the gentle hands of veterinarians and laboratory assistants can save another small life. A huge number of branches will allow you to choose the medical center closest to your place of residence. However, there are places where it is difficult to get to our center. In this case, there is the most convenient service for providing veterinary care at home. So what are our benefits?

  • Mobility
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress that can affect test results.
  • Reducing the risk of reinfection
  • The owner will be able to significantly save his time and fully control the process
  • The animal will calmly endure the necessary manipulations.

As you can see, home veterinary care has a lot of advantages. Many busy owners have already appreciated the benefits of home care, because it helps to calmly and stress-free take blood, examine the animal.

Cats are "vociferous" creatures. These animals often express their "opinion" on any occasion, some felines are even able to make sounds similar to the simplest words (and for this they do not have to be trained). If the cat is hoarse, any owner will notice it. Why can this happen, and does this pathology pose a danger to the life and health of your pet?

In most cases, various infectious diseases of the respiratory system are responsible for the loss of "singing abilities". For example, it may well lead to such a result. Most often, it appears as a result of a strong feline organism, which leads to the rapid activation of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. There are also infectious varieties that are instantly transmitted from animal to animal, especially if the latter are in a crowded state. This often happens in animal shelters. Since their "guests", as a rule, are already very weakened, infections quickly cover the entire livestock. Keep this in mind if you decide to adopt a kitten from a shelter! What other reasons exist?

Besides, the cat may become completely hoarse due to "landing" of the voice. This happens if the animal screamed loudly and for a long time (for example, in the month of March, during “disputes” with its competitors). After mating, pets can also hoarse, as they express their feelings too loudly during the process itself. It happens that hoarseness is one of the indirect signs of the presence foreign bodies in the throat. The cat wheezes loudly, eventually losing its "original" voice.

Important! A very dangerous cause of sudden hoarseness is tracheal obstruction. It can be caused by various factors - from hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases, when the tumor simply squeezes the organ. Sometimes obstruction is a consequence of serious mechanical injuries of the neck.

Read also: Concussion in cats: symptoms and treatment

Concomitant clinical signs (except, in fact, hoarseness itself) directly depend on the causes that caused it. So, with bronchitis and pneumonia, in most cases, an increase in overall body temperature can be observed. Even without auscultation (listening) of the lungs, moist and blistering rales can be heard. The general condition of the animal in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs is depressed, apathetic. The pet refuses to feed, his thirst is increased, he seeks to spend as much time as possible in the most remote and dark corners of the apartment or house. When he coughs, phlegm may come out of his mouth. The very process of coughing is painful, causing the animal a lot of suffering.

Read also: The cat is choking, wheezing and coughing: causes, methods of treatment

Tracheal obstruction is accompanied not only by the loss of the voice, but also by the strongest (up to vomiting) cough. In addition, the cat may begin to choke, wheeze, and foam comes out of its mouth. In severe cases, the animal may die from severe asphyxia, it must be immediately provided with medical assistance. What to do? Do not panic and immediately call the veterinarian at the first sign of choking! The sooner a specialist arrives, the less likely it is to die.

Thus, in many cases, the diagnosis can be made on the basis of clinical signs alone, additional blood, urine, and stool tests are taken; in doubtful and difficult situations, a biopsy can be performed for subsequent microscopic examination of tissue samples obtained. The latter method is used, for example, in the diagnosis of cancer. Also, if a disease of the respiratory organs is suspected, an x-ray and examination of the chest is performed.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment, accordingly, also depends on the underlying cause of hoarseness. Since the most common cause is respiratory diseases, for therapy are used antibiotics broad-spectrum and other antimicrobials. In case of airway obstruction caused by foreign bodies or a tumor, they are removed surgically. The same is true in case of deformation of the tracheal rings, which are replaced with synthetic implants.