
Who has the right to install a “Disabled Driving” sign? How to get a “Disabled” sign on a car according to the new rules. Where to install a disabled sign.

Motorists with disabilities the law provides some benefits. The following can attach the symbol to the glass and enjoy benefits:

  • parents of a disabled person from childhood (for this there must be supporting documents, and the traffic police officer is obliged to check them if there is any doubt that there is a disabled person in the car).

The symbol represents a sticker, which is attached to the glass. The sign can be in the form of a square yellow color with a side of 150 mm and a black image of the symbol of road sign 8.17 - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children. You can simply buy it in a store without presenting any certificates. No registration with the traffic police, changes to the driving license or documents for the car are required.

The medical and social examination issues a certificate. Based on the results of a medical examination, the disability group is indicated on the pension certificate. This is the main confirmation of benefits for a traffic police officer. Muscovites should take care of entering information about their cars into the register of parking permits through the MFC.

Installation location according to GOST:

A sticker won't hurt if you stick it on the passenger side front windshield. The overview is also maintained when an additional symbol is attached to the rear in the lower left corner of the glass.

Benefits provided by the “Disabled” sign:

  • ignoring some prohibitory symbols (for example, they can drive under the designations 3.2 and 3.3);
  • the ability to stop in places where other drivers are not allowed to do so (under symbols 3.28-3.30);
  • the possibility of parking in certain general parking spaces (8.17, supplementing symbol 6.4), preferential parking spaces must be at least 10% of total number or at least one;
  • the ability to use paid parking without paying money for it, there are specially designated spaces for the disabled, you will have to pay without a sign;
  • the ability to perform maneuvers that are unacceptable for other vehicles (plate 8.18 must be displayed).

A disabled person's sign is sometimes affixed to cars by those who are not entitled to benefits. For that faces a fine of 5,000 rubles. under Article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

If the driver carrying a disabled person parks and the passenger gets out of the car to visit the hospital, taking the ID with him, you can get a fine. It is even more difficult if he is stopped by a traffic police officer on the way back. In such cases the only way out use the sign only then when a person with disabilities is in the car or will soon return there.

Read more in our article about the use of the “Disabled” sign on a car.

Read in this article

Who is eligible for the “Disabled” badge?

The law provides some benefits to disabled motorists. And many quite healthy drivers are sure that providing benefits to some categories infringes on others. In addition, they doubt that they are used by those who really need it. Therefore, the first question that raises a disabled person’s sign on a car is who has the right to it. The following can attach a symbol to the glass and take advantage of the benefits it provides:

  • motorists with 1st and 2nd disability groups;
  • a driver in whose car there is a person with disabilities;
  • parents of a disabled child.

Who issues it and how to get it

The symbol notifying that the driver or passenger of the car is a person with disabilities is a sticker that is attached to the glass. How to get a “Disabled” sign on a car is not a problem. You can simply buy it in a store, without presenting any certificates. No registration with the traffic police, changes to the driver’s license or car documents are required.

But the sticker can only be used by those who really have the right to do so. Documents on disability are prepared by the Medical and Social Expertise, that is, a commission of doctors. She issues a certificate. Based on the results of the medical examination, the disability group is indicated on the pension certificate. This is the main confirmation of benefits for a traffic police officer.

Several years ago there were attempts to create a unified electronic database of cars owned by people with disabilities. But she's not there yet. And the answer to the question of who issues the “Disabled” sign on a car is simple: such an organization or official does not exist.

Muscovites eligible for benefits should take care of entering information about their cars into the register of parking permits through the MFC. Then they will not have to fear that their vehicle will be towed from a parking lot or a place where ordinary motorists are prohibited from leaving it. Without registration in the register, such actions by road services are possible. And then the problem will have to be resolved by appealing to the traffic police and the court. The car owner will certainly win this dispute, but will spend a lot of time.

Watch this video about how and who issues the “Disabled” sign:

Installation location according to GOST

Since the symbol is attached to the car by the owner (or assistant), responsibility for how this is done falls on him. Installation of the “Disabled” sign on a car is carried out according to the following rules:

  • it should not prevent the driver from seeing the road;
  • The sticker must be glued so that it is visible to others.

Here is what the law says about where the “Disabled Person” sign is allocated on a car:

At the driver's request, identification marks can be installed:

“Disabled person” - in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and an image of the symbol of road sign 8.17 in black - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children.

The requirements for the “Deaf Driver” symbol are the same. That is, there are no clear indications regarding the point of its attachment. There is only one of the restrictions under which the use of a vehicle is prohibited:

Additional objects have been installed or coatings have been applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat.

It wouldn't hurt to stick a sticker on the passenger side front windshield. The overview is also maintained when an additional symbol is attached to the rear in the lower left corner of the glass.

According to GOST, the “Disabled” sign on a car must have a certain size and appearance, which are also indicated in the “Basic provisions for vehicle approval...”. This is a square with sides of 15 cm, a yellow general background and an image of a person in a wheelchair, made in black.

Benefits provided by the “Disabled” sign

The symbol does not have to be stuck on if the motorist intends to participate in road traffic on a general basis. It is necessary when using benefits for cars with the “Disabled” sign, that is:

All this greatly simplifies life for motorists with disabilities. Although sometimes you have to prove your rights, despite the presence of a sticker on the car window.

Responsibility for use of the symbol

A disabled person's sign is sometimes affixed to cars by those who are not entitled to benefits. Violators of the law will face a fine of 5,000 rubles. under Article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offences. It is used against a driver who, without reason, attached a sticker to the glass and was caught while stopping or parking. If the car was driving, the fine is the same, but it is imposed under Article 12.5 for illegal use of a sign while driving.

Section 12.4 is often used without justification. For example, when the driver carrying a disabled person parked, the passenger got out of the car to visit the hospital. That is, at this moment the motorist cannot prove his right to use benefits, since the certificate with the group designation is not with him, but with the passenger.

It is even more difficult if he is stopped by a traffic police officer on the way back. You either have to peel off the sticker immediately after delivering the passenger, or pay a fine and then prove its illegality in court. The latter is quite difficult.

There are already precedents when a driver who delivered a disabled passenger to a place was punished by a court decision. In such cases, the only way out is to use the sign only when a person with disabilities is directly inside the car or will return there soon.

The “Disabled Person” symbol on a car often causes problems instead of eliminating them. The culprit here is not only the imperfection of the legislation, but also the attitude of some traffic police officers and other motorists towards preferential categories drivers and passengers. But so far no changes in legal documents are expected.

Useful video

Watch this video about the fine for illegal use of the “Disabled” sign:

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A bright "Disabled" sign means, among other things, increased convenience when parking. However, to park a car in a preferential parking lot, the driver must have medical document. Those who have the right can mark their car with such a sign. A disabled person does not have to drive a car. The car in which a disabled person is carried may be driven by another person.

According to traffic regulations, such a sign can be installed on a car:

  • in which citizens with disabilities are transported
  • disabled citizen, managed by himself
  • for disabled children.

May not pay attention to signs:

  • parking prohibitions
  • traffic ban
  • other restrictions.

According to GOST, the parking road sign (6.4) in combination with the designation “Disabled” (8.17) indicates that the spaces are intended only for motorized wheelchairs and vehicles of the named category. A disabled driver can even park in paid spaces - in any parking lot at least 10% of the spaces are reserved for motorists with benefits.

Rules for installing the “Disabled” sign

The application or gluing of an identification mark is voluntary and is not regulated in any way by the rules. For some period of time, this has become an opportunity for enterprising citizens to receive benefits without the slightest reason.

It was enough to stick such a sign on the car, and you could park the car for free and easily. However, according to the latest provisions of the law, the driver is required to carry a document with him, which must be presented upon request. In its absence, a fine is imposed.

Disability notes are not included on a driver’s license, so to confirm your status you must have an additional document:

  • a certificate on a special form that gives the right to use preferential parking (issued in Moscow and a number of other areas)
  • pensioner's certificate, it contains a note about the disability group (clarification of which groups are eligible for benefits on the road - 1 and 2)
  • certificate of passing the examination.

If the driver forgot his disabled person's license or medical certificate at home, then he can subsequently appeal the fine, confirming his right to benefits. If a fine is imposed based on the testimony of a video camera, then it is canceled in the same way: just drive up to the appropriate department and show your documents.

Under the new rules, people who use the “Disabled” sticker to access benefits will face penalties. The fine imposed when a violation is detected is 5,000 rubles. The “Disabled Driving” sign will be removed.

Drivers are also fined cars without a sign, who parked their cars in spaces designated for disabled people. The amount is 3-5 thousand.

A driver can indicate his preferential status if he has a confirmed disability of 1st and 2nd degrees. To transport children with disabilities, a sign is attached to the car.

If the car is driven by another person, then during the inspection the disability certificate is presented by the disabled person, who must be in the car. Without a person with benefits in the car, the driver becomes a violator and receives a fine. This measure is necessary to ensure that it is not the disabled person who is being carried in the car, but only his documents.

However, despite the tightening of the rules for using the privileges of people with disabilities, it is extremely difficult to monitor the implementation of this law. Now you can buy almost any certificate at a reasonable price, so you shouldn’t expect that the number of fraudulent motorists will decrease significantly.

To verify the legality of issuing such a document, traffic police officers would have to launch a serious investigation, which is generally unprofitable and time-consuming. However, he may ask for confirmation from the institution that issued the document.

According to the rules, the installation of a sign is not mandatory, with the exception of “Deaf driver”. The movement of a person with a group without an appropriate designation is not regulated and is not subject to fines - he is not obliged to inform other road users about his health.

In practice, it is difficult to track exactly who and on what grounds attaches the “Disabled” sign to a car. You can buy it and you don’t need any documents.

At the same time, those who actually help a disabled person get to the station, to a clinic, or to any other place can also get into difficult situation. The benefit is valid if the disabled person, the holder of this right, is in the car next to the driver, and he is ready to present the necessary document.

If a disabled person gets out of the car, the right is lost. The driver, by taking him to the doctor or to the train, becomes a violator of the rule on preferential parking. If his car has a badge, then he will have to prove that he drove a disabled person; if there is no sign, then his car is parked where parking is prohibited.

In Moscow they tried to solve this problem: the disabled person and the people helping him drive issue special permits for the car. After receiving this document, the car number appears in the database, which relieves the car owner from problems with parking.

Sign standard

According to traffic rules, the symbol must be:

  • size 15 by 15 cm
  • with black contour pattern background yellow
  • mounted on the windshield (right corner, bottom) or on the rear (left corner, bottom).

You don’t have to buy it, but print it according to the sizes and colors. Applying such a sign requires the availability of appropriate documents.


If you decide to take advantage of benefits to which you are not entitled, you should think about possible troubles. After the introduction of amendments to the traffic rules, one "Disabled person" sign is not enough for parking in in the wrong place or driving where prohibited.

Each of us, while driving along city roads, has repeatedly noticed cars with a “Disabled Person” sign on the windshield and rear windows.

In accordance with current regulations traffic, install this sign Only a certain category of people can do so if they have specific documents. In this article we will try to figure out who is allowed to use the “Disabled” sign, and what penalties are provided for its illegal installation.

Currently, only disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as people transporting them, can place a sign. Parents of disabled children, of any group, can also legally attach this sign.

In accordance with modern standards, the sign should have dimensions of 15x15 centimeters and a yellow background on which the “Disabled” sign is depicted in black. It is installed on the windshield in the lower right corner, and on the rear - in the lower left part.

Starting from February 2016, drivers of vehicles with this sign in mandatory must have with them an appropriate certificate confirming the disability of the driver or passenger being transported. When a vehicle is stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver is required to present a license.

Disability certificate

The traffic rules do not have an exact definition of what exactly a document certifying a disability should be, however, in the section “general responsibilities of the driver” there is the following entry:

  • When stopping a vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign, the inspector may require medical confirmation of the disability of the driver or the passenger being transported.
  • The driver must always have a document confirming the presence of a disability with him.
  • A document confirming disability must be present with a disabled passenger when he is transported by a healthy driver.

If a traffic police officer has doubts that the disability documents are genuine, the inspector can check the documents in the database and send a request to medical institution to clarify the data.

Modern driver's licenses, unfortunately, do not provide for a special mark establishing a disability group, and confirmation of the availability of benefits is a regular form, which is issued at the relevant medical institution.

Today, the main confirmation of the disability of a driver or passenger is a pension certificate, since it contains the necessary marks.

What are the risks of illegal use?

Today, if he has a disability certificate, a car driver can, without additional permits or certificates, affix the “Disabled Person” sign to his car in accordance with existing standards.

For this reason a large number of quite healthy people install such an identification mark on their vehicles in order to be able to deviate from several traffic rules, including those related to parking and stopping in certain places. For such a violation of the rules, the law provides for a fine of 5,000 rubles.

If, in the event of a traffic stop, the traffic police inspector asked to present a disabled person's certificate, and you did not have one, not because you forgot it at home, but because you do not have it at all, then the punishment in this case will be more serious.

By current laws the driver receives a large fine or may even be arrested for up to six months. As reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in this way law enforcement agencies intend to protect people with disabilities and prevent attackers from speculating on their benefits.

What benefits does it provide?

A car equipped with a “Disabled person driving” sign is not subject to a number of prohibitory signs - this is expressly stated in Appendix 1, Section 3 of the Road Traffic Rules. It's about about all signs such as “Parking prohibited” and “Traffic prohibited”.

But if there are no problems for disabled people, then if they are transported, legal incidents may arise. For example, the driver stopped the car under a prohibitory sign in order to take a disabled person to the hospital or put him on a train. When he returns, the traffic police inspector can fine him, because there is no disabled person in the car, and at the same time it is equipped with a sign. If the sign is removed immediately after disembarking, the driver will be fined for parking in the wrong place.

Therefore, a special register has appeared for Moscow residents. It contains data on vehicles used to transport disabled people. In this case, the driver, not being disabled himself, receives a special certificate with the license plate entered into the database and has the right to present it to the inspector in a controversial case.

Such a license can be obtained either by disabled drivers or their legal representatives who will drive the vehicle.

Unfortunately, this practice is not yet used in other regions, so the above incidents arise quite often.

Cars are produced all over the world
for which anyone in need can purchase
people, but our state does not help with this. Relaxations and
assistance is only possible in paying fines.

Officials suggest using “social taxis.” In Moscow
There are two taxi companies that work until the evening. Half-hour
the trip will cost 120 rubles. But to the dacha in such social taxis
You can only go once a month.

The process of getting a car: who stood in line for a car before 2005 -
managed to receive 100 thousand rubles in compensation. People who became
disabled due to an injury at work, have the right to a car now,
True, this is done either at the expense of the enterprise, or by the Social Fund.
insurance. As a rule, such disabled people buy Oka or the most
cheap Zhiguli models.

Sign disabled new rules

On September 4, 2018, Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 443n dated July 4, 2018 came into force. According to this regulatory document, a disabled sign on a car is issued for individual use by citizens in order to confirm the rights to free parking. At the same time, persons with disabilities of groups I and II, and in some cases III, can count on such privileges.

Previously, before the Order of the Ministry of Labor came into force, the procedure for issuing details was not regulated at the legislative level. Anyone could purchase a sign in a store and stick it on their car. Relatively recently, a rule has appeared that when transporting people with disabilities or if the driver himself has a disability, he must have a confirming medical report or certificate with him.

Now, in order to take advantage of the right to free parking or freely pass through signs prohibited for other people, you need to obtain new signs for the disabled. Where can I buy this sign and what is the difference? new sign?

Who has the right to install

The category of citizens who are permitted by law to place a “Disabled Person” sign on their car is determined in accordance with Government Resolutions No. 1090 “Basic provisions for admission to operation” dated 10/23/1993 and No. 23 dated 01/21/2016 “On amendments to traffic rules” RF".

Based on these regulations, it is allowed to install signs on cars driven by 3 categories of persons:

  • disabled people of group 1 or 2;
  • persons transporting citizens with health limitations;
  • parents or legal representatives of disabled children.

In case of illegal use of this sign by other persons who do not have a legal basis, administrative liability is applied to them in accordance with Art. 12.5 “Driving a vehicle with an unregistered sign” and Art. 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Installation of an unregistered sign on a vehicle.”

The situation is considered multifaceted, so it should be examined more closely. Traffic regulations do not have a precise explanation regarding the type of documentary evidence of the presence of a “wheelchair user” sticker.

The only entry is in the “General responsibilities of the driver” section of the Traffic Regulations in clause 2.1.1:

  1. A traffic police officer has the right to check documentary evidence of disability if there is a sticker.
  2. The document must be kept by the driver or passenger.

If the inspector doubts the authenticity of the medical report, he has the right to use Federal Law No. 3, Article 13:

  • p.2 Check the provided papers;
  • p. 4 Request necessary information about authenticity from medical institutions.

Thus, the main confirmation of the legal application of the sticker is 3 documents:

  • pension certificate indicating the disability group;
  • conclusion medical and social examination;
  • parking permit for a disabled person (only for Moscow and St. Petersburg).

This applies to the illegal installation of a sign; for parking within the coverage area of ​​a sign indicating parking areas for persons with disabilities, a fine of 5,000 rubles is provided. prescribed by Art. 12.19 clause 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the control system for these violations is not fully established. The downside is that photo and video recording does not yet recognize signs on the car window and sends out receipts for payment of fines automatically, including to beneficiaries.

Another controversial issue concerns the case when, having arrived at the station with a disabled person, he leaves the car with a sticker on it. preferential location. Having put him on the train, the driver returns to the car, and there the inspector is waiting for him.

You will have to pay a double fine. To avoid getting into such a situation near a hospital, train station, shopping center, or in other parking lots, immediately after the beneficiary passenger disembarks, move the car to a regular parking space or take his ID.

Another option is not to appear near the car alone, but only in the presence of a person who has permission to park in this place.

Thus, as of 2019, only a group of people who have legal grounds to apply a “Disabled Person” sticker on a car is allowed to do so.

Other citizens who have pasted this sign and are unable to document their involvement in it are subject to administrative punishment in the form of a fine.

A limited number of people who have supporting documents can put up a special sign for a disabled person at the office. Such people include disabled people of the first, second and third (according to the new order of the Ministry of Labor) groups, people who transport them, mothers, fathers, guardians of disabled children of any category.

Only a person who has received this permit has the right to attach a disabled person’s sign to a car. Otherwise, an illegal installation is subject to administrative penalties and confiscation of the sign (the subject of the offense), so that a repeat offense does not occur.

If there are no disabled car stickers, and the car vehicle is parked in a parking lot for the disabled, in which case you will need to document your authority.

Reasons for introducing the new disabled sign

IN Lately in the capital and many major cities There is an acute problem with parking spaces. The number of violators is growing every day. Motorists buy “disabled person” stickers and put them on their cars. The sign is very easy to attach to a car, and is sold in every car store. So, it’s easy to do this kind of thing. It was difficult to bring such smart drivers to justice also because the legislation did not provide for the requirement to confirm the legality of the car sticker. A new order of the Ministry of Labor has revised this procedure.

The activities of smart drivers must be stopped. Otherwise, all parking lots, the number of which is constantly growing, end up occupied by fictitious disabled people. A new system for obtaining disability badges was developed, a ban was imposed on the sale of stickers in stores, and most importantly, the new kind identification means, which contains special markings and a serial number. Next, it is planned to enter all signs into a single database in order to facilitate the ability of traffic police officers to control the legality of using “disabled” signs.

Sample of a disabled person sign in 2019

Changes in the rules for issuing a disability sign led to changes in its appearance. He now bears personality traits, with information about his owner. The sign itself looks similar to the one that was issued before 2019:

  • It is a yellow square with sides 15 cm long.
  • In the center there is a black image (indicated in RF PP No. 1090 Appendix 1).

On the front side of the disability sign there are the following symbols:

  • Identification details, which consists of the serial number under which it is registered in the issue journal; numbers of the ITU bureau that provided the mark; code of the subject of the Russian Federation where the issuance took place; year in which the number was provided.
  • The date when the sign expires.

The following information is recorded on the reverse side:

  • Recipient's name. Entered in the nominative case. The absence of a middle name is allowed if it is not indicated in the passport or birth certificate (for a disabled child).
  • Recipient's date of birth.
  • Series and number of the ITU conclusion on assignment of a disability group, plus the assigned disability group or the designation “disabled child.”
  • Duration of the conclusion.
  • Date of grant of the mark.

The specified information is entered by hand with a pen with black or blue ink or entered using a printing device. The information is certified by the head of the ITU bureau or another authorized employee and the seal of the organization.

If for some reason the sign is damaged or lost, you can obtain a duplicate from the office at your place of residence. A new disability badge is issued based on entries made in the issuance journal after submitting a statement about the cause of loss or damage. In such a situation, on the “disabled person” sign itself with reverse side a corresponding note is made in the corner indicating the date the duplicate was provided.

Along with the registration, an ITU act is once again drawn up, which includes information about the re-issuance and the reason for the act.

Provided that between the initial issuance and the new request, the disabled person has moved to another place of residence, he has the right to apply to the branch that is closer to his home. Employees make a request to the bureau that provided the primary sign. This event will take 5 working days. After which they provide a duplicate.

All information about the initial and re-issuance of a sign is entered into the state information system « Federal Register disabled people."

Today new rules for obtaining a Disabled person's badge for a car come into force. News. First channel

Today new rules for obtaining a “Disabled” badge for a car come into force. Yellow stickers will no longer be sold in stores. Now they can only be obtained from the bureau of medical and social examination. Moreover, each sign will be tied to a specific person, and not a car.

To get to a doctor’s appointment with her sick son, Svetlana has to spend a long time circling the labyrinth of parking lots. There seems to be a lot of places for disabled people, but everyone is occupied.

“I tried to tell people - please, please, do not take such places, they are very important for people with disabilities,” noted Svetlana Denisova.

Seats for disabled people are larger in area - specifically to make it easier to reach wheelchair from the car. And they are located more comfortably. But without the appropriate identification sign, such parking will cost a fine of five thousand rubles. It would seem that all the conditions are in place so that these places are not occupied by those who are not entitled to them.

But for the sake of a free parking space, drivers went to great lengths. Some bought yellow stickers for 30 rubles in supermarkets and gas stations and simply stuck them on the car. But the number can be punched through the database - and then there is a fine. More cunning ones came up with a more complicated scheme. Essentially a scam.

You can often see luxury foreign cars with yellow stickers in wheelchair spaces. But it is unlikely that people with disabilities drive these cars. Many simply register a car in the name of a real disabled person and then illegally use the benefits.

The number of expensive cars with a “disabled person” sign began to grow in geometric progression. Proving such a violation is extremely difficult. The car could never have transported a person with a disability, and, nevertheless, use special parking.

“If we compare today, 2018 and 2014, the trend is that there are fewer and fewer disabled people in Russia. But if we turn to automobile traffic, the number of cars with a disabled badge is only increasing. This suggests that, indeed, fraudulent schemes are operating,” explained car lawyer Dmitry Slavnov.

Starting today, yellow signs will be withdrawn from public sale. The sign itself will change dramatically. An individual code, personal data, as well as the number and series of a certificate confirming disability will appear in the fields. Now the sign will be personal for each person.

From this day on, the badge will be issued not to a car, but to a specific person with a disability. This means that you can use it on any machine. But the most important thing is the right to preferential parking will work in the only case when the disabled person is in the car.

“Accordingly, the sign and benefit apply to a person who has a disability, but not to a car at all,” the head noted federal bureau medical and social examination Mikhail Dymochka.

It will be possible to obtain the new type of signs only at the medical and social examination bureau at your place of residence. The application must be signed either by the disabled person himself or his legal representative.

The initiators of this innovation hope that there will be fewer scammers who shamelessly use disabled parking spaces. After all, even with such a special permit, people with disabilities cannot park their cars for free in regular parking lots.


What are the risks of illegal use?

Today, if he has a disability certificate, a car driver can, without additional permits or certificates, affix the “Disabled Person” sign to his car in accordance with existing standards.

For this reason, a large number of completely healthy people install such an identification mark on their vehicles in order to be able to deviate from several traffic rules, including those related to parking and stopping in certain places. For such a violation of the rules, the law provides for a fine of 5,000 rubles.

If, in the event of a traffic stop, the traffic police inspector asked to present a disabled person's certificate, and you did not have one, not because you forgot it at home, but because you do not have it at all, then the punishment in this case will be more serious.

Under current laws, the driver receives a large fine or can even be arrested for up to six months. As reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in this way law enforcement agencies intend to protect people with disabilities and prevent attackers from speculating on their benefits.

How to extend the validity of the Disabled person sign

It is impossible to renew the “Disabled” badge during re-examination of a disabled person. In this case, you will have to obtain the sign again, and this takes up to 30 working days.

In conclusion, I would like to note that at first glance it is not at all clear why the custom signs. What problem will they help solve? Write your opinion on this matter in the comments to the article.

Even now, when you can simply buy a sign at a kiosk, many disabled people do not use it and leave their cars in regular parking spaces. Apparently, after complicating the procedure, even fewer disabled people will use designated parking spaces.

The very individuality of the signs, which is determined by the number on the front side, also raises questions. After all, anyone can approach a car, write down the plate number and subsequently use this number to their advantage.

Rules for installing an icon

A logical conclusion follows from the above: citizens who belong to the category of beneficiaries and have documentary evidence or persons transporting them have the right to stick this identification plate on their car.

This allows them to fully enjoy the relevant benefits provided for by Resolution No. 23 of January 21, 2016 “On Amendments to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.”

Where is it installed?

The law and DD rules do not provide for specific requirements regarding the location.

The only condition is that the plate must not obstruct the driver’s view and must be stuck on the front and rear windows of the vehicle.

The registration is carried out by the institution of medical and social examination at the territorial location of the disabled person. To understand what kind of organization this is, we note that the medical commission and examination carried out by citizens to obtain a disability group and the corresponding certificate are carried out by this particular service.

The institution issues an identification device based on an application from the citizen himself, or his guardian or authorized person. Within a month after submitting the application, the sign must be issued and issued. Issue is made the next day after registration and you need to receive it exactly on this day.

Providing some medical certificates, conclusions, extracts from medical institutions no sign required when receiving. When submitting such an application to the medical and social examination service, any other questions regarding registration of disability, replay Medical commissions, re-registration of disability group or category will not be considered.

The legislation does not in any way provide for a specific location for installing a disabled sign on a car. But the condition stipulates that a correctly affixed plate should not in any way impede the driver’s visibility. As a rule, they are mounted on the windshield (lower right corner) or rear window (lower left corner) of the vehicle.

If a disabled person does not drive the vehicle himself, but is transported by another driver in a personal car, then there is no need to install a permanent badge. You can simply insert it temporarily under the windshield rubber band, use suction cups, and attach a small file (to insert a badge if necessary).

When stopping a vehicle with an identification sign near a road sign prohibiting other vehicles from stopping, a traffic police officer has the right to:

  • require a medical certificate to prove the disability of the driver or passenger being transported;
  • The driver must have a document confirming his incapacity with him at all times;
  • A disabled passenger's disability document must be with him at all times.

If a traffic police officer has doubts, he has the right to check the accuracy of the papers, as requested by the medical institution.

All over the world, cars for wheelchair users are produced, which can be purchased by every person in need, but our government does not help with this. Relief and assistance are only possible in the payment of fines.

Officials suggest using “social taxis.” There are two taxi companies in Moscow that operate until the evening. A half-hour trip will cost 120 rubles. But you can only go to the dacha with such social taxis once a month.

The process of getting a car: those who stood in line for a car before 2005 managed to receive 100 thousand rubles in compensation. People who have become disabled due to an injury at work still have the right to a car, although this is done either at the expense of the enterprise or through the Social Fund. insurance. As a rule, such disabled people buy Oka or the cheapest Zhiguli models.

How to register a car to transport a disabled person? After the purchase, you should contact the traffic police service, where they will tell you which car services have permission to install manual controls. The work of such a car service will cost 10 thousand rubles. Next, you need to go to the traffic police again to receive a certificate that the resulting design is safe for the driver and others.

Innovations in the laws of the Russian Federation

The order of the Ministry of Labor on the system of issuing plates for personal use has come into force. The sign is issued for a specific person, and not for a car. It has a validity period and has information about disability, last name, first name, patronymic and disability group. Benefits for cars with a sign provide privileges for unpaid parking for cars driven by a disabled person, as well as for cars transporting certain people and/or children.

However, in accordance with the current traffic rules, the disabled sign speaks of privileges only for groups I, II, a disabled child, and persons transporting them.

In accordance with the new approved rules, the “disabled person” sign will include the following data:

  • Recognition data of the sign, including its ordinal number;
  • code of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • territorial place of issue and year of its registration;
  • number of the ITU service department that registered the mark;
  • Validity period - the date of expiration of the disability period is specified. If the disability is indefinite, then the sign is given for an indefinite period and the stamp “valid indefinitely” is affixed;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the disabled person (disabled child);
  • Date of Birth;
  • series and number of the certificate recording the fact of diagnosis of disability, disability group or the entry “category “disabled child”” is made, period of validity of the disability;
  • Date of issue.

The presence of this sign gives its owner the right to park in specially created places. The identification device is attached to to a certain person and applies only to the vehicle on which it is traveling.

The owner is given the prerogative of parking anywhere and absolutely free. Even in paid parking, a driver who has a “disabled person” sign attached to his car will not be charged a fee. Also, it is allowed to park the car in parking lots where parking in specific days month.

In case of its loss, no liability is imposed for this. The law allows for the issuance of a duplicate. To do this, you need to contact the institution that issued the sign. The duplicate must be marked with the same name “duplicate”. The “disabled” sign is now individual. It differs only in additional information about the disabled person.

It should be noted that the unreasonable use of an identification means entails the imposition of administrative liability in the form of penalties. If a driver has installed a “disabled person” sign on his car, but does not have a document confirming this fact and is not even a carrier of a disabled person, then he will need to pay a fine for violating the rules in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

How to get a disabled sign for a car at the MFC Instructions

The following have the right to receive a parking permit for a disabled person at the MFC:

  1. Individuals who are disabled groups I and II.
  2. Parents or other legal representatives of a disabled child.
  3. Authorized representatives of a disabled person acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

A disabled parking permit is not a physical medium, but involves entering the state license plate number of the car in the Register of Preferential Parking Permits, which is generated electronically.

In this case, it is allowed to make an entry in relation to only one car owned by the disabled person himself, the legal representative of a disabled child or another person transporting a passenger with disabilities.

State duty or other fee for the provision of public services not charged.

The service is provided on an extraterritorial basis - the place of registration of the applicant does not matter.

Step 1. Contact the MFC

Multifunctional centers accept applicants by appointment or in a “live” electronic queue.

You can make an appointment in advance:

  1. Through the “My Documents” website (if such a service is provided in the region of application). Registration with State Services is required in advance.
  2. By one phone hotline MFC or contact number of the selected center branch.

Step 2. Submit the necessary documents

1) Application in the prescribed form (the form will be issued by an MFC employee).

2) Identification document of a disabled person.

Such a document can be:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • temporary certificate personalities;
  • international passport (for Russians permanently residing outside the Russian Federation);
  • temporary residence permit;
  • residence permit in the Russian Federation;
  • refugee certificate;
  • diplomatic passport of a foreigner;
  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • other identification document.

3) Certificate of disability.

4) SNILS of the applicant (submitted at the initiative of the citizen).

5) Vehicle registration certificate.

Additional papers

When submitting an application, the legal representative must additionally present:

  • Identity card of the legal representative;
  • a document confirming the authority of a representative who is not a parent (for example: an act of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities);
  • birth certificate of a disabled child under 14 years of age.

Note: the birth certificate of a disabled child issued in the region of application is not included in the list of documents required to be submitted. An employee of the institution can obtain information about the document upon an interdepartmental request.

If an authorized person contacts the MFC, you must additionally present:

  • representative's identity card;
  • notarized power of attorney.

Step 3. Obtaining a parking permit

Upon submission of the application and documentation package, the center employee will issue the applicant a receipt, which will indicate the approximate date of receipt of the notification of making an entry in the Register of Parking Permits (refusal to provide the service).

The deadline for receiving a completed notification is 10 working days from the date of registration of the citizen’s appeal, if all the necessary papers are submitted in full.

You can track the status of your application using the unique receipt number on the regional MFC website or by calling the hotline.

In large cities, the applicant is informed by sending an SMS message to a mobile phone.

The provision of services may be suspended for a period not exceeding 10 calendar days if information about required document are not in the database of the executive authority (for example: the birth certificate of a disabled child issued outside the region of appeal has not been presented).

In this case, the applicant will be asked to submit the missing document within the specified period.

Also, the period for obtaining permission can be extended to 20 working days if it is necessary to send a request to another agency (for example: to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the applicant’s SNILS number).

Refusal to provide service

A parking permit may be refused on the following grounds:

  • inaccurate information and documentation are provided;
  • the applicant does not have the right to apply for parking permit disabled person;
  • The period for suspending consideration of the application has expired, if during this period the reasons that led to the suspension of the provision of the service have not been eliminated.

For a long time, the issue of changes in traffic rules for people with disabilities has been discussed in Russia. The Disabled Badge will be issued personally to each person, only in case of confirmed disability. It will have a number and many other markings.

The new sign allows free stops at places designated for disabled people. These places are required by law to be near everyone shopping centers and other institutions. They are mainly located near the entrance to the building.

If a car with this sign stops in a given place, then no one has the right to evacuate it, or issue a fine, the amount of which is 5 thousand rubles.

This sign can be attached to their vehicle by disabled people of groups I and II. Besides, disabled people III groups can also only do so once their disability has been verified.

This is not a problem, as it turns out. A disabled person who does not have a car will still receive this sign and hang it on any other car in which he will travel. After all, the sign is tied to the person himself, and not to the transport.

A disabled person has the right to hang this sign not only on a car specially equipped for him, but also on any other vehicle that will transport him. This applies most of all to disabled children.

You can get a special sticker from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (ITU). To obtain a sign, you should contact any ITU branch and write an application indicating standard information about the person.

In addition, you must have with you:
- original passport, for children - birth certificate;
- a certificate confirming disability.

After all information has been transmitted, the sign is produced within one month.

This sign is similar to the old one, but has some changes. The following information is now written on the front side of the plate:
— sign number;
- validity;
— the region that issued the sign.

The second side states:
— Full name of the person to whom the sign was issued;
- Date of Birth;
— number of the certificate confirming disability;
- group;
- period of disability,
— date of issue of the sign.

The law does not say that a person will be forced to pay a fine for losing a sign. The disabled person will only need to contact the ITU, where this sign will be made for him. The only change will be that a duplicate will be written in the corner of the table.

It is also necessary to obtain a new sign if the place of residence of the disabled person is changed.

Drivers who know about the benefits of giving a sign specially stick it on their cars. Thanks to this, they hope that they will be able to deviate from some traffic rules, including parking and stopping in the wrong place.