
Material for passing the OGE in social studies. Materials for preparing for the OGE in social studies

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 31 tasks. Part 1 contains 25 short-answer tasks, part 2 contains 6 long-answer tasks.

For each task 1–20 of the work, four answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if the exam participant writes down the number of the correct answer. The task is considered uncompleted in following cases: a) the number of the incorrect answer is written down; b) the numbers of two or more answers are recorded, even if the number of the correct answer is also indicated among them; c) the answer number is not recorded. In tasks 21–25, the answer is given as a sequence of numbers (for example, 125), written without spaces or separating characters. Answers to the tasks of Part 2 are independently formulated and written down by the examinee in detailed form. Verification of their implementation is carried out by experts based on a specially developed system of criteria

Scale for converting points to grades:

"2"– from 0 to 14

"3"– from 15 to 24

"4"– from 25 to 33

"5"– from 34 to 39

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

Correctly completed work is scored 39 points. Each correctly completed task 1–21, 23–25 is scored 1 point. Task 22 is scored according to the following principle: 2 points – no errors; 1 point – one mistake was made; 0 points – two or more mistakes were made. Part 2 tasks are graded depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For complete and correct completion of tasks 26–28, 30 and 31, 2 points are awarded. If the answer is incomplete – 1 point. For complete and correct completion of task 29, 3 points are awarded. In case of incomplete completion, depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point. Thus, for completing the tasks of Part 2 (correct and complete formulation of answers to all six questions), the examinee can receive a maximum of 13 points.

3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work.

Preparation for the OGE in social studies from scratch

To enter many economic, sociological, and legal specialties, you must successfully pass a social studies exam. Otherwise, due to a low score, the student will not be able to continue his studies at the best universities in the country. Therefore if school education not of sufficient quality, graduates need it from scratch. Only courses that cover each topic will bring excellent results and help you learn to use knowledge in everyday life.

In a situation where children feel that they do not have a sufficient basis, they Under no circumstances should you engage in self-preparation. Such studies take a lot of time and do not give the necessary effect. And the point here is not in the talents of the students, but in the fact that they do not see the relationships between theory and real life. And until an experienced teacher explains the material to them using real examples, the student will mindlessly memorize the terms, but as soon as he is asked to evaluate a situation, he will immediately begin to panic. Therefore, instead of driving yourself to exhaustion, you need to find an educational institution that works according to a clear program, gives guarantees and can provide high-quality training to high school students.

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“A short guide to preparing for the OGE in social studies”

Guseva Olga Anatolevna,

teacher of history and social studies of the first category of the Omsk educational institution

"Secondary school No. 104"

Annotation. The article summarizes the experience of a secondary school teacher in preparing students for the final certification in social studies in 9 grades. The main problems and difficult tasks are identified, which, according to our own experience, cause difficulties in preparing and passing the OGE for the main course general school in social studies.

Keywords: final certification, OGE, KIM.

The final certification is a form of assessing the degree and level of students’ mastery of the educational program. It is carried out on the basis of the principles of objectivity and independence in assessing the quality of students’ training. It is mandatory and carried out in the manner and form established by the state. In accordance with the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 59), the state final certification of secondary education programs general education is carried out in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

The national exam (NGE) is a form of mandatory final exams in the 9th grade of school.

The goals of the OGE are to assess the quality of general education training of secondary school graduates in social studies and differentiate examinees according to the degree of readiness to continue their studies in specialized classes of secondary schools or in primary and secondary institutions vocational education.

When ninth-graders are faced with the problem of choosing a subject to take an exam, most choose social studies. The OGE in social studies is the most popular elective exam after the mandatory OGE in mathematics and the Russian language. According to statistics from previous years, more than 80% of students choose social studies. Most often, graduates explain their choice by saying that “the subject is not difficult, you don’t need to learn formulas, like in physics and chemistry. Taught once a week. This means there won’t be anything difficult on the exam.”

Returning to the statistics of previous years mentioned earlier, it should be noted that about 9-10% of those who took the OGE in social studies for one reason or another failed to cope with the required minimum of exam tasks. The belief that social studies is the easiest subject is main mistake graduates. Most of them are sure that “I know everything about the society in which I live.” The belief that social studies is easy can lead to unexpected consequences for the graduate, so the teacher needs to help the student choosing this subject to objectively assess their knowledge.

When preparing for the exam, students notice that while reading they are faced with the main problem: understanding the terminology.

For example:

Are the following statements true? deviating behavior?

Which example illustrates interpersonal communication?

Which one listed signs typical for democratic elections?

Without knowing the terms " deviant behavior", " interpersonal communication", " democratic elections,” it will be difficult to answer KIM’s question. And often it is necessary not only to know the meaning of the term, but also to have an idea of ​​the characteristics, types, forms that the bottom concept may have.

Knowledge of terminology and the ability to operate with it is the main way to avoid a lot of difficulties in the exam. If terminology can be learned, then the ability to operate with it requires skills logical thinking: ability to compare and analyze.

Learning terminology and training to think logically is one way to deal with the problem mentioned..

Not every student, when choosing a subject to take an exam, understands that social studies is a science that combines the knowledge of a whole list of sciences at once. These are sciences such as economics, political science, law, philosophy. We must not forget about the spiritual sphere of social science: only it includes such parts as culture, science, education, religion, morality, etc. Each science has its own conceptual apparatus: terminology, approaches to assessment and analysis. The student needs to master all the terminology and logic of each of the named sciences. Consequently, when completing a task, the student must, first of all, determine what discipline he is dealing with, and then “turn on” the necessary conceptual apparatus. This is the 2nd rule that must be followed during preparation and passing the exam.

For example:

The task is the form of territorial structure of country Y - a unitary state. This means that...

1) in state Y the principle of democratic elections is implemented;

2) regions of state Y may have their own governments;

3) in state Y there is a two-chamber parliament;

4) regions of state Y do not have independence.

Before starting the task, we need to determine which area of ​​social science we will work with in a particular task. Next, we “turn on” the required conceptual apparatus, and only after that, remembering everything we know about a specific topic, can we choose the correct answer.

In the proposed task, the student argues as follows: the sphere of social science to which the question relates is political, the topic is “State”. What forms of state-territorial structure do I know? What do I know about the unitary form of state-territorial structure. I choose the correct answer.

This chain mental actions must be observed when performing all tasks of the KIMA OGE in social studies.

The problem of passing the OGE in social studies is further aggravated by the fact that the regularity of social studies classes in high school With basic level Teaching a subject is equal to 1 hour per week, which is 35 hours in the academic year. For students whose goal is a positive mark on the exam and real knowledge, these hours will not be enough. But in any school, without exception, there is the opportunity to attend elective classes and social studies clubs, which will be a good help in preparing for the OGE. Don't forget about competitions and olympiads different levels in social studies, which will allow you to replenish your knowledge on the subject - this is rule 3.

Having voiced the main problems of the OGE in social studies, let us turn our attention to the difficult questions of the first part of KIMA.

Every year, after conducting the OGE in social studies and receiving exam results at different levels (school, district, region), they analyze the results obtained and identify the most difficult questions that have caused massive difficulties for students.

One of these problematic tasks for several years has been tasks that require determining the correctness of two proposed judgments. At the same time, this task is further complicated by the fact that in the first 20 tasks there are five similar ones. These include task No. 4, No. 6, No. 10, No. 13, No. 16. If a student has not learned to solve tasks of this type, then in the exam he can immediately lose 5 points, which is quite a lot, considering that the minimum score for passing the exam is equal to 15 points. Worth it only for the student understand the technology for performing these tasks, and problems with their solution disappear.

For example:

Are the following statements about personality true?

A. Personality is formed in socially useful activities.

B. Personality is characterized by a set of socially significant qualities.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

We carry out the task according to the algorithm described earlier.

We determine the area of ​​social science to which the question relates.

Let's remember everything we know about the concept of personality. First of all, let us recall the definition of the term personality.

We determine whether the first judgment is correct. Be sure to make a note on the draft about whether the judgment is correct. It is better to format this in the form of “+” and “-” signs. For example, - A+.

We determine whether the second judgment is true. Be sure to make a note on the draft about whether the judgment is correct. It’s better to format this in the form of “+” signs,
"-". For example, B+.

Only after this, having determined that judgment A is correct and judgment B is correct, we choose an answer. Both statements are correct, the correct answer is 3.

When performing these tasks, it is correct to check yourself several times.

When analyzing exam results, it is often noticed that very simple tasks are completed incorrectly. What's the problem? When finding out the reasons for the wrong choice, it most often turns out that the student does not read the question to the point. Seeing the correctness of the statement in the first half of the sentence, he often does not even read it further and gives an answer.

For example:

Are the judgments about the principles of electoral law in the Russian Federation correct:

B. One of the conditions for participation in elections is reaching 18 years of age and having a certificate of no criminal record.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

When analyzing the task, we see that the first part of statement A is true. And if the student does not read the assignment to the point, then he mistakenly agrees with the statement. Having read the task to the end, the student understands that the ability to have only one vote is not the principle of secrecy of voting, but the principle of equality of voting. Accordingly, the statement is incorrect. We write down judgment A on the draft - incorrect. Judgment B can also be accepted by students as correct if they do not read the task to the end. In this task, judgment B is incorrect, since a certificate of no criminal record is not required to participate in voting. We write down on the draft, judgment B is incorrect. Both statements are incorrect. The correct answer to this task is 4.

An absolute condition for the correct completion of a task is full reading of the assignment text.

When preparing for the exam, the student needs to pay attention to which tasks on which topics cause him difficulty and, of course, pay more attention to these topics in the social studies course. At the same time, according to the analysis of works of different levels and, of course, the result of the analysis of the exam for such problematic topics, the following topics include:

Economics (taxes, forms of organizations entrepreneurial activity, inflation, unemployment, budget);

Spiritual sphere (levels of school and vocational education);

Law (characteristics of branches of law);

State (civil society, forms of state-territorial structure: federation, unitary, types of regimes).

At the same time, it is important to remember that you cannot deal only with “theory”. Having repeated one or another block of topics, be sure to tackle practical tasks of various levels on this topic.

Thus, students should understand that preparing for the OGE is hard work that will give positive result only if you started preparing for the exam not a month before the exam day, but already at the beginning academic year began active preparations for the test.

The personal interest of the teacher and students in successfully passing the exam will contribute high quality results of state (final) certification of graduates of grades 9 and 11. .

We come to the conclusion that success will be guaranteed if you take into account the recommendations when preparing for the OGE:

Learning terminology and training to think logically is the first step to success in the exam.

- When completing a task, the student must, first of all, determine what discipline he is dealing with, and then “turn on” the necessary conceptual apparatus.

- Attend elective classes and social studies clubs, which will be a good help in preparing for the OGE. We should not forget about competitions and olympiads of various levels in social studies, which will allow you to expand your knowledge on the subject.

When working with the tasks of KIM OGE, you will remember that:

- One of the conditions for correctly completing a task is understanding the technology for completing tasks and applying these technologies in practice.

- Don’t forget that one of the conditions for success is to read the entire text of the assignment.

- Don't waste your time. Engage in solving practical tasks of different levels.


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