
Reproduction Medical Center. Institute of Reproductive Medicine

  • st. Budaiskaya, d. 2, bldg. one Moscow, SVAO

    M VDNH (2.2km) M Botanical Garden (2.3 km) M Sviblovo (2.7km)

    Official name: LLC "Clinic of Reproductive Medicine"

    The medical center "Clinic of Reproductive Medicine" on Budayskaya is located in Moscow, on the territory of the Rostokino district. This is a highly specialized institution that carries out its work on the basis of a hospital. The organization provides highly qualified assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of female and male infertility.

    The company "Clinic of Reproductive Medicine" on Budaiskaya employs a galaxy of experienced and talented doctors. The team is headed by Yu. V. Klimov. Patients are admitted by appointment, which is carried out by phone or through an online application.


    In the organization "Clinic of Reproductive Medicine" in Buda, services are provided in such areas as obstetrics, gynecology, urology, andrology, reproduction and embryology. The doctors of the institution carry out the following types of procedures: examination of the male and female body, treatment of identified diseases, artificial insemination by ICSI, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, assisted hatching and sperm cryopreservation.


    The most convenient way to get to the institution "Clinic of Reproductive Medicine" on Budaiskaya is by bus No. 195, 286, 496. You need to travel to the "Hospital" stop. After leaving the vehicle, it is necessary to walk along Budayskaya street towards building No. 2, bldg. 1. If you use the metro for travel, then the nearest station to the medical center is Rostokino (1.2 km).

A couple of decades ago, it was believed that sexual intercourse between a man and a woman is the only way to create a new life. If earlier this was taken as an indisputable fact, then at present modern reproductive medicine has radically changed the usual ideas about the nature of conception.

The first child in Austria, conceived in a "test tube" with the help of IVF, was born in 1982. Today in the world there are about more than a million children who owe their birth to scientific and technological progress. Reproductive medicine is designed to help those infertile couples who are trying unsuccessfully to achieve pregnancy naturally.


Modern reproductive medicine is a rapidly developing and relatively young branch of medical science that deals with solving problems with childbearing and maintaining the reproductive health of society. As an interdisciplinary field, reproductive medicine is based on the integration of such fields of science as reproductive anatomy, psychology, endocrinology, gynecology, andrology, urology, molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry.

The range of issues covered by reproductive medicine is quite wide: family planning, infertility, diseases of the reproductive system (including STIs - sexually transmitted infections), erectile disorders, gynecological disorders, etc.

Other areas that include reproductive medicine:

  • Research of embryonic stem cells (study of stem cells for growing organs and tissues, development of new methods of treatment, prevention of genetic diseases)
  • Pre-implantation diagnostics (cytological and genetic diagnostics of the embryo before its implantation in the uterine cavity)


First, reproductive medicine is concerned with the development of methods to promote the onset of conception in a natural way. These are, for example, diagnostic procedures aimed at identifying the causes of infertility in both partners, treatment of impotence, surgical restoration of patency of the fallopian tubes, hormone therapy to normalize ovarian function and ovulation, etc.

The second way to restore fertility is the use of assisted reproductive technologies (reproductive medicine):

a) Gamete transfer - methods of in vitro fertilization / reproductive medicine

Artificial insemination (insemination) is a hardware introduction of sperm into the female genital organs: with intrauterine insemination (IUI, intrauterine gamete transfer), seminal fluid is injected using a special cannula into the uterine cavity, with intratubar insemination (ITI, intratubar gamete transfer) - into the fallopian tubes. A further option is the introduction of the germ cells of both partners into the female genital organs (gamete transfer into fallopian tubes, GIFT).

b) The second large group of assisted reproductive technologies (reproductive medicine) is formed by the so-called methods of fertilizing the egg outside the female body (in vitro fertilization), which offer a number of different possibilities. Oocytes are fertilized in the laboratory and transferred to the uterine cavity in the zygote stage, when the genetic material has not yet fused, or in the blastocyst stage.

Modern reproductive medicine distinguishes the following types of in vitro fertilization:

  • IVF with intratubal zygote transfer - transfer of zygotes into the fallopian tubes / reproductive medicine
  • IVF followed by embryo transfer into the uterine cavity / reproductive medicine
  • IVF with embryo transfer into the fallopian tubes / reproductive medicine

A particular method of artificial insemination is the ICSI technique (injection of a single sperm cell directly into the oocyte, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection). At the moment, reproductive medicine has in its arsenal three main techniques for extracting spermatozoa: from the ejaculate (by masturbation), from the epididymis (MESA, microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration) or from testicular tissue (TESE - testicular sperm extraction).

Reproductive medicine in Austria: legal provisions

In 1992, the "Law on Reproductive Medicine" was introduced in Austria, which was amended twice - in 2001 and 2004.

In Austria, the use of assisted reproductive medicine (reproductive medicine) is permitted in the following cases:

  • if the couple is legally or civilly married
  • if other methods of restoring fertility have been unsuccessful, or their ineffectiveness is obvious (for example, in the absence of fallopian tubes)
  • if conception naturally threatens the possible transmission of a serious infectious disease to the unborn child
  • Cryopreservation of spermatozoa, ova, testicular and ovarian tissues for future use in assisted reproductive technology (reproductive medicine) pregnancy is allowed in special situations, for example, when there is a danger due to a serious disease and its treatment (e.g. cancer). development of infertility.
  • To perform artificial insemination by methods of assisted reproductive technologies (reproductive medicine), only the eggs and sperm of the couple who are going to conceive a child can be used. Exception: Donor sperm can be used if a man has no or reduced sperm production.
  • When carrying out artificial insemination, only the eggs of the woman herself can be used.
  • Reproductive medicine can only be used if there are objective medical indications

Reproductive medicine in Austria, including Professor Zech's IVF centers, annually help thousands of infertile families to become parents of healthy and long-awaited children. Excellent success in medicine is a special pride of our center. Preserving the reproductive capacity of patients is our main goal.

I want to start my review of the Remedy clinic by expressing my deep gratitude to the whole team for their work! I got to "Remedy" on the recommendation of a well-known figure in the field of motherhood, they recommended that I turn to Mladova Elena Sergeevna. However, due to the fact that we had no indications for IVF, and the clinic is just more focused on this, we made an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist for a standard examination with a request to draw up a pregnancy planning map in a natural way (that is, what tests are needed pass, ultrasound, etc.). It was important to outline the planning scheme for us, since six months earlier there was a sad experience with the first pregnancy, which froze in the early stages, no one, unfortunately, could determine the cause. Then, by the way, I was observed in the general order in the local free residential complex, and, accordingly, the “cleaning” was also done to me in the conditions of the general receiver for compulsory medical insurance (hence the ignorance of what happened, since there were no offers to examine the fetus, and we didn't know it was possible). Having decided with my husband that we don’t like such carousels, we ran to Remedy, where we fell into the hands of our wonderful, caring, gentle, very humane and professional doctor Maria Viktorovna Selikhova. Three months later, after the first examination, the pregnancy occurred, as soon as they found out about it, they ran to take the necessary tests and came for an examination. Everything was going great, and at 8 weeks we signed a contract to manage the entire period of pregnancy, which means that now we will have to go often, and this is almost the other end of the city, but in order to feel in good hands, you will go and not for such. In general, my entire pregnancy went like God's in the bosom, under the strict control of Maria Viktorovna. Everything was planned on time, no queues, no conflicts or misunderstandings. All examinations were carried out at the clinic, the necessary tests + Nipts were also taken there, a pleasant environment where you are not pushed away or driven like a Sidorov goat in lines, etc. All appointments and ultrasounds were in the presence of your spouse. The ultrasound room is super-strong, Spravtseva Alla Igorevna is an expert from God, she sees everything absolutely. It was very important to be in touch with the doctor, as there were often questions that needed to be removed in order to avoid unnecessary stress, and there was such an opportunity. Thanks to all these factors combined, the pregnancy flew by unnoticed, I didn’t even notice how my child ended up in my arms. I want to single out the school for preparing future parents, which is also run by our wonderful Maria Viktorovna. Thanks to this school, we were fully prepared for the arrival of the baby, we bought everything we needed and, most importantly, we knew what to do with the baby, how to feed, how to bathe and care for him, and we, for a second, never held babies in our hands. A very strong psychologist at Remedy, Esther Babylonskaya, after meeting her, accepting motherhood became a little easier, not so scary. 🙂 Summing up, I want to say that I recommend this clinic with all my hands and from the bottom of my heart as a guarantor of a wonderful pregnancy, a stable psyche and, in general, becoming a parent. Thank you very much! Kudos and keep it up! Irina Zhuravleva.

Specialists of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine use modern and high-tech methods of infertility treatment in their practice:

I. Standard IVF program - ovarian stimulation, transvaginal puncture, embryo cultivation, transfer to the uterine cavity

II. IVF / ICSI - IVF with the fertilization of an egg with one sperm cell obtained from an ejaculate or testicle (PESA, TESA). In typical forms of pathozoospermia, the best spermatozoon is selected using modern methods (PESA, MEZA potential spermatozoa, IMSI) donor gametes

III. IVF using donor oocytes when it is impossible to obtain own oocytes, donor spermatozoa in the absence of a husband or own spermatozoa)

IV. IVF program with the involvement of surrogate mothers

V. IVF with PGT (preimplantation genetic testing)

VI. Preservation of biological material (oocytes, embryos), including in patients with cancer;

VII. Surgical treatment of infertility;

VIII. Management of patients with ART complications (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), multiple pregnancies, etc.).

IX. Consolidation with obstetric specialists for subsequent pregnancy management.