
Is it possible to do x-rays immediately after the illness. X-ray of bones: types of x-ray examination, research methods

One of the radiation diagnostic methods is X-ray transmission, or radiography. The resulting image is applied to a hard disk, a special film or paper.

Purpose of the examination appointment

X-ray of the lungs is the most common and informative research method. This diagnostic method allows you to identify the presence of respiratory diseases:

  • sarcoidosis;
  • inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of foreign objects;
  • pneumothorax and other various pathological processes.

In order to prevent pulmonary diseases in citizens employed in hazardous industries (chemical industry, construction (masons), mining (miners), etc.), an X-ray of the lungs is performed once a year (if necessary more often). What do the research results show in such cases?

The response of fluoroscopy allows you to timely prevent or recognize the disease and prescribe the necessary drug or other therapy.

The effect of irradiation on the human body

Translucent rays are considered as radiation exposure, and some people refuse to undergo this procedure. However, this is in vain, in medicine low-energy rays are used, it is negligible, and the human body is exposed to them for a short period. A few years ago, scientists proved that even repeated x-rays (with medical indications) are not capable of harming health. In some cases, this procedure is prescribed for pregnant women. Serious diseases that can be diagnosed with x-rays have more serious consequences than the minimum dose of radiation. As an alternative to conventional traditional x-rays, digital ones are now available with an even lower radiation dose.


Consider the symptoms in which the attending physician prescribes an x-ray of the lungs. What the picture will show will depend on the tactics of further management of the patient.

  1. Periodic pain in the sternum.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. High body temperature that lasts for a long time.
  4. Blood in sputum.
  5. Prolonged exhausting cough.
  6. A large amount of separated sputum.
  7. Dry cough.

For the purpose of prevention, fluorography, or X-ray, is shown to all citizens at least once every two years or more often in accordance with the recommendations of a medical professional.

Preparation and conduct of the procedure

The referral for an x-ray of the lungs is written out, how to prepare for it? No preliminary preparation is required. Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove jewelry (chains, beads, necklaces) so that they do not distort the result. Just before the procedure, the healthcare professional will ask you to wear a special skirt that wraps around your waist to protect your genitals from radiation. Next, the doctor selects the desired projection (anterior, posterior, or sometimes the picture is taken in the supine position on the side).

Depending on the equipment on which the X-ray of the lungs was performed, the results will be instantaneous (digital method) or some time after processing and developing the film.

X-ray results

Have you had an x-ray of your lungs? What the decryption shows, consider below:

  1. diaphragm defects.
  2. Presence Exclude tumor or pleurisy.
  3. A cavity in the lung indicates necrosis of the lung tissue. Tuberculosis, cancer or abscess is diagnosed.
  4. Small focal blackouts are signs of pneumonia, tuberculosis. Large - a tumor of the bronchi, metastases to the lungs.
  5. Small lesions that are very common are sarcoidosis or tuberculosis.
  6. A large round shadow is tuberculosis in the progression stage or a malignant neoplasm.

With the exception of the above, other changes in the lung tissue and lungs are also detected, which help to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Unfortunately, there are cases of a false result, or in cases of conducting a study in the early stages of the disease, it can not be seen. For an accurate conclusion, in addition to the results obtained, in addition to X-rays, other diagnostic methods are also used, and the necessary laboratory tests are also carried out.

Shadows on x-ray

X-ray showed spots on the lungs? The reasons for their appearance can be: incorrect position of the patient during the procedure, poor-quality equipment, the presence of pathology. An accurate interpretation of the X-ray data can only be done by a doctor.

Formations in the form of white spots indicate the presence of tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pathology in the pleura, occupational diseases. If a person has been ill with bronchitis, pneumonia, then spots can be found on an x-ray. They are regarded as residual manifestations of the disease, and they will disappear after a while.

If light spots are found in the upper parts of the lung, then tuberculosis is diagnosed, the main symptom in the first stage of which is a light path running from the place where there is an inflammatory process to the root system. With timely and proper treatment, inflammation decreases and tissues undergo scarring. A dark spot appears in the picture instead of white.

If an x-ray of the lungs shows that black spots are visible, this indicates an exacerbation and the presence of chronic pneumonia. After a course of drug treatment and complete recovery, the spots disappear. Dark formations can also be the cause of malignant pathologies. The detection of dark spots in a practically healthy person indicates years of smoking, in children - a foreign body.

Does an x-ray show pneumonia?

X-ray examination for pneumonia is both a method for detecting the disease and monitoring its course.

In order to recognize pneumonia, you need to know how the spots look on the pictures with such a pathology. They may differ in size and location:

  • global patchy formations on the entire surface of the lungs;
  • subtotal - completely all fields (exception - upper lobes);
  • segmental - spots within the boundaries of the segment;
  • small spotty formations up to 3 mm with limited margins.

As a result of the development of the inflammatory process in the lungs of a person, fuzzy spots with blurred contours are formed and an x-ray shows pneumonia. The manifestation of spotty formations depends on the stage of the disease. Spots are more pronounced in advanced cases.

with bronchitis

Symptoms of the disease are similar to pneumonia. To confirm the diagnosis in the case of a protracted course of the disease, certain types of examinations are prescribed, including x-rays, which will allow assessing the condition of the organs of the respiratory system and clarifying the diagnosis.

Symptoms in a patient in which fluorography is indicated (lung x-ray shows bronchitis in this case):

  • changes in the blood, according to laboratory tests;
  • severe persistent shortness of breath;
  • prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • suggestion of inflammation in the lungs;
  • signs of obstruction.

According to the results of the study on x-rays, attention is paid to the following points in the lungs:

  • fuzzy contours;
  • the presence of root deformity;
  • changes in the drawing;
  • the presence of lamellar foci;
  • areas of fluid accumulation.

The opinions of experts about the information content of x-rays in the detection of bronchitis were divided. However, this type of research is widely used in practical medicine.

Radiography for tuberculosis

If this serious disease is suspected, this type of lung examination will rule out or confirm the pathology.

The advantages of fluoroscopy in pulmonary tuberculosis is the possibility of:

  • to carry out various diagnostics of the disease;
  • exclude other pathologies of the respiratory system, such as pneumonia, cancer, abscess and others;
  • determine the nature of lung tissue damage;
  • see the prevalence of the lesion;
  • look at the location of pathological foci.

Therefore, the question of whether an x-ray will show pulmonary tuberculosis can be answered in the affirmative. However, this does not preclude additional manipulations to accurately confirm the diagnosis. X-rays reveal different types of tuberculosis:

  • intrathoracic lymph nodes;
  • disseminated;
  • focal;
  • infiltration;
  • caseous pneumonia;
  • fibrous-cavernous;
  • cirrhotic.

Do x-rays show lung cancer?

This disease is one of the most formidable human ailments in recent decades. A chest x-ray is considered a diagnostic method for detecting this pathology at the earliest stages of its development. Signs or symptoms of the disease may include:

  • lethargy, constant drowsiness and weakness;
  • performance at zero;
  • regular fevers with apparent well-being;
  • dyspnea;
  • whistling breath;
  • persistent cough that does not respond to therapy;
  • sputum with blood;
  • lack of appetite;
  • with coughing attacks, the presence of pain syndrome.

To exclude the disease, the doctor prescribes an examination. An X-ray will definitely show lung cancer, since this method is highly informative.

Depending on the type of tumor and its location, there will be a different picture on x-rays. To make an accurate diagnosis, the attending physician will conduct additional examinations and, having assessed the general condition of the patient, will prescribe adequate therapy.

X-ray of the lungs in children

If your child is scheduled for an x-ray, then you should familiarize yourself with the following points:

  • whether there is an alternative type of examination;
  • whether there is a vital need for this procedure.

If in doubt, seek advice from another specialist.

In exceptional cases, the younger generation is prescribed x-rays. Basically, when this is the only manipulation with which it is possible to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.

One of the parents enters the office with the child. In order to reduce the negative impact of radiation, all parts of the body of the baby and his representative are protected with lead screens. The procedure lasts a few minutes, and your baby will not get tired. If an x-ray of the lungs shows that a focus of pathology is present, the doctor will prescribe treatment and the child will quickly recover.

Fluoroscopy is an effective method for diagnosing various diseases and, in experienced hands, provides invaluable assistance to the medical community.

Each person more than once in his life took X-rays, which are so necessary to clarify the diagnosis. This procedure is prescribed for all age groups: both babies of the first year of life and the elderly. Based on this, many people have a question, how often can an x-ray be taken. This article will answer this question in as much detail as possible.

Is radiography considered dangerous?

The body of all people is characterized by individual resistance to radiation. But despite this, there are generally accepted indicators that medical professionals adhere to. Answering the question of how many times a year an X-ray can be done, some doctors are of the opinion that the frequency of this procedure depends on how much the patient's condition requires.

Sometimes frequent monitoring is necessary for the timely detection of pathologies. This opinion is not always rational, since a greater number of chest diseases can be detected using the safest methods, which include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • listening.

This judgment is rational in the presence of suspicions of lung cancer or pneumonia. X-rays load the human body. X-rays are especially dangerous when living in conditions of increased environmental pollution, which is acceptable to any large industrial city. Of course, it is best to avoid frequent examinations if possible, but it happens that there is an urgent need for radiography.

Important! If the patient suffers from a serious illness, for example, a complex stage of pneumonia, then the procedure is allowed to be carried out several times a month. In this case, the risk from the disease will be higher than the possible harm from x-ray exposure.

A modern diagnostic device is considered a rather expensive device.

In addition, answering the question of how harmful X-rays are, most doctors argue that serious radiation exposure is possible only when using an old device. Today there is a big difference between the x-ray equipment of the last century. A modern device significantly reduces the dosage of radiation that has a negative effect on the patient.

In addition, there is a non-destructive body X-ray, in which the study is carried out on the selected area. Radiation load, which is directed to a separate area, is subjected to patients undergoing CT, MRI.

How often can x-rays be taken?

The question often arises of how often it is allowed to take x-rays for an adult and a child. This is especially true when the availability of images is necessary for several doctors, for example, for a pulmonologist and a cardiologist. If the patient's condition is stable, then the picture is valid for 1 year.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of how many times an x-ray can be done, since it depends on the individuality of the patient, his condition, age, stage of the disease, and the features of the x-ray machine. For different categories, there is an individually permitted frequency of the study.

X-rays of the extremities of children are allowed to be carried out no more than 5 times a year. Radiation exposure is harmful not only to babies, but also to adolescents. Examination of the brain, trunk is not recommended without the presence of viscous indications.

Although the most modern devices have a weak radiation background, which practically does not have a detrimental effect on the body of children.

An examination of an adult is carried out based on the following standards:

  • adults should not do more than 1 time per year. However, some professions require more frequent examinations, in which case the x-ray is replaced by fluorography, which has a more weakened radiation effect.
  • X-ray of the teeth is carried out no more than once a year, when the rays are fed through the spine or brain. If the survey is carried out from the side and has a point effect on the teeth, then it is allowed to do an examination up to 5 times a year.
  • The sinuses are allowed to be removed no more than once a year, since they are close to the brain.
  • Examination of the spine is the most unfavorable procedure, with the frequency of which it is better not to overdo it. Usually it does not exceed once a year.

Dental x-ray photo - low dose procedure

Important! CT carries the highest radiation load, the number of micro-roentgens during this procedure reaches 1100 mR per hour.

Is it possible to do an x-ray of a nursing woman

There are situations when a nursing woman needs to take an x-ray. At the same time, many people have a natural question whether it is possible to feed a child after the procedure. And today, fluorography is carried out even within the walls of the maternity hospital. In this case, it is recommended to feed before the procedure. After the X-ray, the milk must be expressed and poured out.

The next feeding can be carried out as usual. If a woman is being examined for the intended purpose, especially with the use of a dye, then it is recommended to refrain from breastfeeding during the day. Important! When taking x-rays for a nursing woman, the chest area should be covered with a protective screen.

Is it possible to reduce the negative impact of x-rays with frequent

In order for radiography to bring as few negative effects as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  • first of all, you can strengthen the body by taking antioxidants, for example, the Omega-3 complex;
  • you can increase immunity with the help of vitamin preparations, consisting of vitamins of the P, B, A, E, C groups;
  • you should consume more fermented milk products before and after the procedure;
  • if you eat oatmeal, prunes, granular bread, then you can remove the harmful elements that have entered the body during the examination.

Radiography is sometimes a necessary and far from useful procedure that allows you to timely identify many diseases. Its frequent use can cause irreparable consequences for the body.

If you have questions related to X-rays and you have landed on this site, then it's time to get to know it better. After all, X-ray is already more than 100 years old, and during all this time it has saved millions of lives, and restored health and strength to even more people. But nevertheless, many people know very little about it, because what is taught about this method in school is too incomprehensible and complicated.

In this article, everything is laid out in simple terms, and you will learn about how often you can take x-rays for adults and children.

So, those who know will remember, and those who do not know will discover this new and amazing invention of Wilhelm Roentgen - the all-penetrating X-ray radiation.

What is an x-ray?

As mentioned above, X-ray was named after its inventor, who turned world science upside down, making a breakthrough that gave a new impetus to its development.

In fact, the term “X-ray” does not exist, but there are only the words “X-ray machine” and “X-ray radiation”, while X-ray is most often understood as the procedure for taking an image, although it is called fluoroscopy.

What is it and how does it work? The fact is that any matter, whether it is a book, your half-eaten breakfast, or an atom continuously and every second cause vibrations in the surrounding space, just as a stone thrown into water causes waves around it, only those vibrations about which we say never completely disappear, but only weaken.

These fluctuations can be of different intensity, depending on the parameters of the object, namely, on its temperature. The higher it is, the faster the oscillations occur, and they say that their frequency increases. Cold objects, on the contrary, emit low-frequency infrared waves. X-ray waves are called waves of a certain (high) frequency, namely in the range from 3 * to 3 * Hertz. Hertz is the reciprocal of a second.

Now that we have figured out what x-rays are, we can answer the question of how an x-ray machine works.

It consists of three main functional parts:

  • A negative (i.e., film like that used in a camera) that produces an image.
  • X-ray emitter
  • Electronic gun.

And the apparatus works like this: an electron gun shoots electrons at matter, which, as a result of this shelling, acquires such a high temperature that it begins to excite X-ray waves in space. Further, these waves rush in a straight line to the negative, on the way to which there is something that we shine through, for example, a person’s hand, and they do not spread in other directions, since barriers are installed there. But X-rays cannot pass through all surfaces, and this is their wonderful property - they pass through some substances, but not through others, and that is why they are used in medicine.

These waves pass through the muscles, but not through the bones. Therefore, on an initially white background, which later becomes a picture, we see that everything around the skeleton is black, and it is white - this is the method of obtaining x-ray images or fluoroscopy.

Where is the discovery of Professor Roentgen applied in our time?

Today, fluoroscopy has made life easier for workers in many professions, such as security guards - because now you can not inspect all the things of a person, but simply enlighten them through the apparatus, so queues, for example, at airports, are even more or less tolerable. However, X-rays are most widely used in medicine. With it, diagnoses can be made with very high accuracy, and the treatment procedure is accelerated many times over.

What is x-ray radiation used for in medicine?

Basically, X-rays are used to view the state of the human skeleton, or rather, its integrity. But there is also a lighter version of x-rays - fluorography, with which you can examine the state of muscle and other human tissues without opening, for example, you can see the lungs on a fluorogram. And it represents all the same waves, only at a lower frequency, and, accordingly, with a lower penetrating power.

What is the danger of exposure to x-rays on the human body?

Although X-rays save the lives of people and animals every second, its use is fraught with some danger.

The fact is that just as a strong wind, blowing on a tree, tears off leaves from it, so X-ray waves, passing through our body, knock out particles from it - electrons (this is called ionization of molecules), which after some time, of course well, they are recovering.

At one time after an x-ray, a person loses very few electrons, and this practically does not harm his health, but if he takes ten x-rays in one day, then he has a risk of getting seriously ill, and sometimes even dying.

Therefore, they talk about a safe dose of x-ray radiation - a certain number of fluoroscopies can be done in one period of time, and which one is different for each person.

How many times can an X-ray be taken?

However, despite the fact that the body of all people has different individual resistance to ionizing radiation, there are still some average indicators that most doctors are guided by.

X-ray of the extremities of a child can be done no more than 5 times a year, since it is on the child's body that ionization of tissues has the most detrimental effect, and that is why doctors try not to send children and adolescents to x-rays once again. They generally try not to do X-rays of the torso and head, unless there are good reasons. Although some types of modern equipment make it possible to give such a weak radiation background that it is practically harmless even for a child, such devices are only available in very good or expensive clinics.

An adult chest x-ray can be done no more than once a year, and some professions, such as teachers, need to undergo this procedure annually. But at the same time, such a study is called fluorography, although it has already been said above that it is the essence of the same x-ray, only weaker.

In case of problems with the jaw, dental x-rays can be done no more than once a year if the rays pass through the brain and spine, or 5 times a year if they are taken from the side and only the teeth are irradiated. At the same time, the rest of the head is covered, or, as they say, shielded with a lead plate through which X-ray waves do not pass.

With sinusitis, things are a little worse. It will not work to take a picture of the sinuses from the side, since they are too close to the skull, which means that such a study is tantamount to a study of the brain, and of course, it can not be done often, at most once a year.

The easiest way is with limbs, for example, an X-ray of a leg or arm can be carried out all the same 5 times a year, and all because it does not contain such a number of nerve fibers vulnerable to ionization.

And, finally, irradiation of the spine is one of the most unfavorable procedures, so they try not to overdo it with it, just like with the brain. Once a year is the norm, but, again, not for everyone.

It should be noted that all these rules are valid only for old equipment that emitted radiation of very high powers.

Today, they have learned how to make such devices, in which the dose of radiation is 10 times less, despite the fact that the clarity and image quality are at a completely different level.

Therefore, if you or your child have been prescribed an x-ray, do not rush to refuse, or run headlong to an expensive clinic for a new device. After all, if this is a single procedure, then, in principle, you should not be afraid. And if you have to do this often, find out at the hospital what kind of fluoroscope they have, namely, which model, and what radiation powers it has. Then consult with a specialist about what dose your child or you can tolerate, and only then make the right decision.

Where can I quickly and without queues take an x-ray?

A common problem with fluoroscopy is that there is only one device in the clinic, but there are many patients. Yes, and the fluoroscope needs time to recover, and the interval between two subsequent shootings should be about two hours (for older devices). But you can not wait in line at the state clinic and make an appointment at a paid diagnostic center. To do this, in the "Diagnostics" section, select the desired type of examination, after which a few seconds will be enough for you to

Fluorography has been included in the compulsory medical examination program for many years. The procedure is technically simple and is a low-cost preventive examination method. However, in recent years, more and more doctors are abandoning fluorography in favor of x-rays. Why? What are the features of X-ray examination? Let's consider the issue in detail.

What is the difference between a chest x-ray and a chest x-ray?

A chest x-ray is an informative and detailed examination. It allows you to diagnose:

The principle of taking a picture using x-rays is based on the difference in the absorption of radioactive particles by body tissues. Thus, calcium-rich bones of the skeleton retain the maximum number of X-rays. As a result, in the resulting image, the bone tissues look the brightest. Fat, muscles, fluids and connective tissue absorb less x-rays. Therefore, in the picture they are displayed in grayscale. Air transmits a maximum of X-rays through itself. Because of this, the cavities filled with it look the darkest.

But what is the difference between classic fluorography and x-ray ? It would seem that the principle of diagnostics is the same and there should be no differences, but they exist and are due to differences in imaging technologies. First of all, every person going to the X-ray room should know that:

  • during a fluorographic examination, the small size of the pathology is visible only as subtle threads, therefore, if the slightest suspicion appears, an x-ray is prescribed. Thus, today fluorography is more likely to be a preventive research method;
  • X-ray allows you to get an image with a resolution an order of magnitude higher, thanks to which they can be increased to huge sizes;
  • the radiation dose obtained with x-rays is several times less.

Traditional fluorography is recognized as an outdated method and is no longer used in many countries. Whereas radiography is a more accurate method of diagnosing, allowing not only to identify pathological processes in the early stages, but also to quickly track their changes. However, the price of an x-ray is several times higher than the classic fluorographic analysis.

Indications for x-ray and fluorography

X-rays may be triggered by a variety of symptoms. The main ones are pain in the lungs, dry cough, hemoptysis, general weakness and unreasonable weight loss.

There are no categorical contraindications for the passage of x-rays of the lungs. But sending a pregnant woman for examination, the doctor must carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Mandatory fluorography is provided for preventive purposes for patients:

  • who applied to a medical institution for the first time;
  • living with newborns and pregnant women;
  • who are conscripts or entering military service under a contract;
  • diagnosed with HIV infection.

How often can an x-ray be done and is it harmful?

The increase in knowledge about the effect of X-ray radiation on the human body has launched the process of developing state and international standards that regulate the permissible amount of exposure.

Modern methods of X-ray diagnostics involve the use of negligible doses of radiation that are absolutely safe for the human body. However, in order not to endanger yourself, you should not exceed the average annual exposure. Russian official medicine considers a permissible dose of 1.4 mSv per person per year. For comparison: in the USA and France, the average effective annual dose corresponds to 0.4 mSv, in Japan - 0.8 mSv, the UK adheres to the standard of 0.3 mSv. If you undergo radiography in the best clinics in the country using digital equipment, then you will not receive more than 0.03 mSv for 1 procedure. Outdated film x-ray machines give a one-time exposure of 0.3 mSv, which is the annual norm for the UK.

It is worth saying that modern digital equipment used for X-ray diagnostics emits a dose comparable to that acquired in the natural environment in 10 days. Such an X-ray system minimizes the risk of possible adverse effects of rays on the human body.

The question of how often an x-ray of the lungs is acceptable is an individual one. The doctor decides it by evaluating the general health of the patient and the level of achievement of the average tolerable dose of radiation.

If we talk about pregnant women and children, then they are much less likely to be prescribed an X-ray examination. However, even these patients undergo it if necessary. The availability of modern equipment with reduced radiation exposure, compliance with safety regulations and competent maintenance of the X-ray diagnostic system are the key to an effective and harmless examination. Unlike x-rays, fluorography is legally prohibited for children under 15 years of age.

Description of the lung x-ray procedure

An x-ray examination of the lungs does not require any preparation of the patient for analysis. As well as a departure from the usual way of life after its implementation.

A modern X-ray machine is a complex high-tech equipment that allows you to notice changes in the size of less than 1 mm. With the results of the examination, provided in a few minutes, you can contact any medical institution. The resulting image format meets Russian and international standards.

The X-ray examination procedure takes only a few minutes. Thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies, the process has become instantaneous, information is immediately displayed on the screen.

To perform an X-ray analysis, undress to the waist and remove all metal jewelry. The presence of hairpins or buttons on clothing can degrade the quality of the picture. Modern equipment allows you to shoot in underwear, the main thing is that it does not contain synthetics and metal. It is possible to perform the procedure in a standing, lying or sitting position. The patient is asked to hold their breath while the x-rays are being taken. If a child is examined, the specialist himself chooses the optimal time for the procedure.

It is also worth noting that at present there are two approaches to performing the study - survey and sighting radiography. A survey x-ray examination of the lungs means taking pictures in two projections: frontal and lateral. Aiming technique consists in focusing the device on a certain area.

Analysis of X-ray images of the lungs

The results of X-ray examination are presented in one of three options:

  • on paper (allowed if no pathologies are found);
  • on a special film (printed on a special high-resolution printer);
  • directly in digital form (occurs only in the case of radiography), and not only in a standard graphic format, but also in DICOM or RAW formats, with a specialized viewer program placed on disk.

The fundamental difference between "medical" files and "classical" ones is that special graphic formats allow storing incomparably more information in a file, which becomes visible to the human eye after applying filters and limiters provided by viewer programs.

By examining an image created by divergent X-beams, radiologists analyze areas of clearing and darkening. Starting the protocol for describing the radiograph of the lungs, the radiologist, first of all, indicates in which projection the image was taken.

Then the absence of focal and infiltrative shadows is mentioned. The presence of focal blackouts indicates damage to the lungs by a tumor, tuberculosis, or an occupational disease (asbestosis, talcosis, silicosis). Infiltrative shadows, if present, signal pneumonia, edema, or helminthic invasion.

If there are no disturbances in blood supply and circulation in the small and large circles, there are no cavity and cystic formations, congestion is not observed, the description protocol contains the phrase that the pulmonary pattern is not deformed and has a clear shape.

The phrase about the structure of the roots of the lungs, the absence of their expansion indicates the absence of additional shadows that can affect the "course" of the pulmonary artery and the enlargement of the mediastinal lymph nodes. Changes seen here may indicate sarcoidosis, swollen lymph nodes, pulmonary congestion, and mediastinal tumors.

The presence of a shadow of the mediastinum without features will indicate that the specialist did not find additional formations visible from behind the sternum. The absence of a mention of “plus shadows” on a picture taken in frontal projection cannot guarantee the absence of tumors. If the formation is small and not of a bone structure, then it can be hidden by both the sternum and the heart. Sometimes even a side shot is not able to clarify the situation.

The analysis of an X-ray image of the lungs of a healthy person ends with a message about the unchanged diagram, the free state of the costophrenic sinuses and the absence of visible pathologies.

Image quality and diagnosis accuracy

The main reason for incorrect interpretation of the lung image is dynamic blur. In other words, the pulsation of large vessels and respiration affect the clarity of the visible contours of the formations. Proper shutter speed, powerful modern equipment, correct consideration of the distance between the object and the focus can prevent this distortion. To obtain an accurate picture, an x-ray of the lungs is performed in 2 projections. If the patient has a preliminary diagnosis that needs to be clarified, an aiming image is taken. This slightly increases the radiation dose, but the accuracy of the result is worth it.

The radiologist must also remember that synthetic fibers, metal objects, and a thick tuft of hair (in women with long hair) can distort or reduce the transparency of the tops of the lung fields.

The main pathologies detected by X-ray of the lungs:

  1. large focal blackouts signal pneumonia or bronchial tumors;
  2. small focal blackouts are a sign of focal forms of pneumonia or tuberculosis;
  3. a large round shadow in the lungs indicates a tumor in the lung or a tuberculous process that is gaining momentum;
  4. a cavity in the lung is a clear sign of decomposition of lung tissues, characteristic of an abscess, decay of a tumor or focus of tuberculosis;
  5. fluid in the pleural cavity is a sign of pleurisy or neoplasm;
  6. flattening of the diaphragm indicates the presence of emphysema;
  7. frequent small lesions indicate tuberculosis or sarcoside.

It is also possible to find a large number of minor pathologies of the lungs and lung tissues, which, with a comprehensive analysis, can clarify the patient's diagnosis. The picture will become complete after assessing the volume of the lungs, the location of their roots, the degree of airiness of the bronchi and other physiological indicators. As you can see, digital radiography allows you to quickly and clearly conduct the most complex studies and make an accurate diagnosis in a few minutes.

Monday, 04/23/2018

Editorial opinion

Medical technologies do not stand still, and the passage of a digital x-ray is gradually becoming a common thing for Russian citizens. When choosing a clinic, it is worth evaluating not so much the quality of the equipment (it is difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish between an X-ray machine of the latest and the penultimate generation), but the professionalism of diagnosticians and the organization of the study. You must be recorded, performed the procedure just in time, provide the results, which are accompanied by an exhaustive description, not only in printed form, but also in digital form.

X-ray examination is an indispensable and affordable diagnostic method that helps the doctor quickly and informatively identify pathologies, as well as prescribe the correct treatment. Since x-rays are based on the use of radioactive radiation, it is necessary to know the acceptable exposure rates and when the procedure is replaced by an alternative method of examination.

What is the danger of X-ray and its consequences

Permissible passing frequency

The permissible frequency of X-ray examination is determined by the attending physician, depending on the disease and the characteristic features of the organism. During the day, only one diagnostic event is carried out, if a re-analysis is necessary, it will take several days to wait.

How often can an x-ray be taken? If the diagnosis is carried out on old-style X-ray machines, it is worth remembering some recommendations:

  • X-ray of teeth. If a lateral x-ray is taken, inspection is allowed up to 5 times a year. With direct transillumination and simultaneous scanning of the brain - no more than once a year.
  • Nose scan. Recommended no more than once a year.
  • Illumination of the skull. The procedure is carried out no more than once a year to avoid negative effects on brain tissue.
  • Radiography of the spine. Recommended no more than once a year.

If you need to re-scan, doctors advise you to contact specialized centers, which have modern X-ray equipment in their arsenal. This equipment reduces radiation exposure tenfold.

Passage of x-rays on new-type devices up to 5-6 times a year.

What dose is acceptable and how to reduce the exposure load

In order to control ionizing radiation, after each procedure, data on the received load is entered into the patient's medical record.

To minimize radiation and reduce its negative impact on the body, use:

  • protective glass plates;
  • X-ray protective screen;
  • aprons based on lead material.

According to regulatory documents on radiation safety, the permissible radiation dose for one person is not more than 5 mSV per year. For children and patients during pregnancy (lactation), the dose is halved.

X-ray during pregnancy

If a bone fracture is suspected, radiography is performed with simultaneous screening of the pelvic area, mammary glands and abdomen. After such a study, it is recommended to additionally conduct an ultrasound of the fetus to confirm the absence of adverse changes.

MRI is a highly informative research method, but its appointment is not always reasonable. So, computed tomography is used to examine parts of the body (thorax, abdomen, spine.). MRI is rather used to study a specific organ (brain, heart, pancreas, bone marrow).

If you need to undergo a qualitative diagnosis of bone tissue, then you need to turn to an X-ray or CT scan. If diagnostics of soft tissues and organs is required, then MRI will reveal pathological processes in the best possible way.

Even against the background of modern digital equipment, X-ray remains an indispensable method for detecting pathologies, in particular, bone tissue. To minimize the risks of the negative impact of the procedure, it should be carried out according to the doctor's indications, and not prescribed by yourself.


To figure out what is more harmful X-ray, MRI or CT, we suggest watching this video.