
Low pants. Dress pants for girls - where did they come from, what to wear with them and how to create stylish looks? Men's drop crotch pants

Many representatives of the fair sex consider original trousers with frills to be ridiculous and tasteless. Meanwhile, with the correct selection of other components, based on them, you can create a stylish and attractive look for any occasion.

Pants with motney - history

The question of where the trousers came from is of interest to a huge number of representatives of the fair sex. This model looks very bright and unusual, many associate it with teenage and youth fashion trends. As the story goes, this original style appeared in the late 1980s and quickly gained popularity among black teenagers. In those days, most families lived poorly, so children often had to wear clothes for their older brothers and sisters, which led to the inevitable stretching of wardrobe items.

In addition, for the same reason, boys were very often forced to wear clothes 2-3 sizes larger, which created the effect of a low elephant. Subsequently, the trousers with frills were appreciated by black guys. They could easily carry bladed weapons or firearms, which for a long time remained virtually unnoticeable.

This trend is still observed in some black areas today, which is why these trousers are especially common there. Today, unusual pants with a low waist are a favorite item of boys and girls who read rap or hip-hop texts. This product is ideal for singing and dancing that involves excessively active limb movements.

Pants with motney 2018

Modern women's jeans with a motney are a combination of the popular Aladdin trousers and soldier's riding pants. Stylists and designers combined these two styles in one ensemble, giving the low elephant new life. Since that time, women's trousers with frills have become incredibly popular among young ladies, and in 2018 they won the honorary title of one of the main trends.

In the coming season, such products can be plain or printed, decorated with elements such as a vertical row of buttons, a wide or narrow belt, patch pockets, and so on. Meanwhile, feminine decorations, such as rhinestones or beads, embroidery or appliqué, are extremely rare on such models.

Fashionable trousers with motney

Stylish trousers with a frill for girls are offered in wide range, since they all receive a response from modern fashionistas. However, not all representatives of the fair sex like this model. According to many men, a low elephant hides the true contours female figure and makes her shapeless and asexual. This fact This product does not deprive many fans who wear it with pleasure in various situations.

Jeans with motney

The most popular option for these trousers are low-cut jeans, which are made from thin or thick denim that allows the skin to breathe. Thanks to the characteristics of the material, such models are incredibly comfortable and practical and are suitable for any situation - for a walk, an evening jog, meeting with friends, a hip-hop party and even some types of educational institutions.

Women's trousers with frills and wrap

Unusual women's trousers with frills are often complemented by a smell, which makes them much more feminine and attractive. Thanks to the original cut, such models can resemble a long skirt. As a rule, such products are based on classic riding breeches, which can be very wide and have drapery in the hip area. Women's trousers with a frill and a wrap look very interesting and are great for summer walks in hot weather.

Sweatpants with motney

Women's sweatpants with a motney provide maximum freedom of movement, are very comfortable to wear and do not cause discomfort at all. As a rule, they are made from natural cotton, so the skin breathes well in them and sweating does not increase. Synthetic fibers, which provide an excellent fit to the body, are not required in this case, so such trousers with a trouser cause discomfort or allergic reactions only in exceptional cases.

Tapered trousers with frills

Women's tight pants with frills at the bottom completely follow the shape of the legs, so they can focus the attention of others on existing shortcomings. At the same time, they almost completely hide the hips, remaining free in this area. This style looks very original, however, it is suitable only for a small number of women who are particularly slim and tall. In all other cases, this option can play a cruel joke on its owner and present her figure in an unfavorable light.

Cropped trousers with motney

Pants with a low waist, ending just below the knee, belong to the capri group, so all stylist recommendations regarding these trousers apply to them. As a rule, such products are supplemented with elastic bands at the bottom, which prevent the shortened legs from slipping, which provides additional convenience.

Short pants with a low waist are an excellent choice for girls who spend a lot of time in the gym, doing yoga, Pilates and other similar activities. physical activity. They do not restrict movements at all, allowing you to make wide swings with your legs and other actions, without worrying about the seams coming apart and becoming unusable.

Wide women's trousers with frills

Stylish wide leg pants with a low waistband are perfect for the summer. In most cases, they are sewn from flowing silk or chiffon, thanks to which they surround their owner with an atmosphere of lightness and airiness. These Aladdin pants are not at all hot, they provide excellent air exchange, so girls feel comfortable even in the most severe heat.

Most women's clothing manufacturers try to produce this type of trousers from bright fabric, often complemented by an original print. Young ladies are happy to support this initiative by purchasing such things, because in the hot summer they so want colors. At the same time, fashionable black trousers with frills also find their fans, since they hide existing figure flaws, however, in this color, girls can feel hot and uncomfortable.

Snowboard pants with motney

Another type of sports activity that requires maximum freedom of movement is. Especially for this winter entertainment, experts have developed sports pants with a low waist, which do not cause any discomfort while riding and, in addition, reliably protect their owner from the cold wind. Since these products are made from specially treated fabrics, they are not susceptible to low temperatures air, pollution and precipitation, which provides them with a long service life.

What to wear with trousers?

Any pants or jeans with a frill for girls do not go well with other items of clothing. Finding the right set to go with them can be quite difficult, which is why young ladies often refuse to purchase of this subject wardrobe than buying it. However, there are several ways to create a stylish and attractive look based on these trousers that can decorate any woman.

So, on the streets of the city and during active recreation in nature, trousers with trousers will look great in an ensemble with a simple and laconic T-shirt without decoration or an ordinary T-shirt. In cool weather, you can add a zip-up sweatshirt, a windbreaker jacket, or a not-too-formal jacket to this look to make the look more attractive.

For a romantic date, meeting with friends or a summer walk along the city embankment, this item can be combined with a blouse, shirt or tunic made of lightweight materials. In this case, the presence of decor is not only allowed, but also encouraged - embroidery or applique, interesting or ornamental, ruffles or flounces.

Pants with a motney - what kind of shoes?

It is almost impossible to make a mistake in choosing shoes that match this wardrobe item. Thus, the majority of young ladies who are fans of street youth clothing style agree that best couple- these are trousers with a motney and sneakers. This tandem provides maximum comfort and absence of discomfort for a long time, which is very important for young fashionistas who spend a lot of time on their feet.

If we're talking about about more feminine models made of silk or chiffon, they should be combined with elegant shoes or sandals designed for hot weather. At the same time, representatives of the fair sex who are of sufficient height can opt even for flat-soled shoes, while petite fashionistas should give their preference.

Afghani, saruel, Aladdin, seraglio (from the word seraglio - the female part of the palace in the East), harem pants - all this different names the same thing - wide pants with an extremely low crotch. Most people don’t like them; “shaky clothes” along with Ugg boots invariably top the list of things that “wouldn’t wear under any circumstances.” But it seems to me in vain, they are funny and comfortable.

About five years ago, I was inspired to sew myself such pants, at least for the house, but my husband, it turned out, belongs to the very category that is ugh. Luckily for me, a friend wanted them just at that time and, even if not for herself, my wish came true and the accumulated selection of materials for sewing afghanis came in handy.

Methods for cutting pants of this type can, by and large, be divided into three groups. My girlfriend and I tried them all)

Method one. Classical
In the original, afghanis are sewn from rectangular fabric, folded in a cunning way, to which cuffs and a belt are then sewn.

Examples of afghanis sewn using a classic pattern:
Looks especially impressive in striped fabric.

They say it's convenient for kids. Here is an example of children's ones made from knitwear.

My version, sewn back in 2010, looked like this:

It took 1.7 Indian cotton. The waistband and cuffs are gathered with a rubber strip. There are two patch pockets, but they are not visible due to the colors.
Pros/cons: Among the advantages of this cutting method is the ease of sewing and cutting, and it is the classic version that provides maximum freedom of movement. At least do the splits! It is comfortable to sit cross-legged in these pants and you can do yoga, even if the fabric is not elastic. Disadvantages - the maximum volume of fabric, therefore, the most controversial fit from the point of view of aesthetics; Very high consumption fabrics.

Method two. Based on the trouser pattern
Pattern examples

Examples of shatnishki using this pattern:

The author published a detailed master class for these pants.

My version (sewn in 2013, photographed in 2014, by 2015 I was honored to publish)

The main fabric is viscose staple, the remainder is 90 cm. I cut it across, it fit into the cut without much effort, and there was also enough for pockets in the seams. Cuffs and waistband - thin viscose jersey. At the bottom of the waistband I stitched a drawstring and inserted a wide elastic band, because... the selected knitwear stretches easily and trusting it alone to hold the pants would be frivolous))
Pros/Cons: Pros - economical, good fit; disadvantages - restrictions on freedom of movement, compared to the classical method.
You won’t be able to do the splits anymore)

We are planning pants of this type for the winter from thick knitwear.

Method three. Triangle

Alas, I cannot demonstrate my own example. I sewed these for the mother of the same friend for whom I sewed the previous versions. There is only this photo (((

Viscose staple again, it drapes beautifully.
It was a gift, so there is no photo of the owner. But a friend said that my mother traveled to the south in them and actively wore them on vacation. Based on this, I think they pleased me with a gift. For the purity of the experiment, it would be necessary to sew such for Irishka to complete the study)))

And finally, a few photos of Afghani from my folder for inspiration.
Usually afghanis are sewn from thin knitwear and this, in my opinion, really doesn’t look good. As here:

It's a little cheesy...

Although there are options from a similar fabric that seem interesting to me.

The first photo fascinates me. If I ever get the chance to go on vacation in the south, I will definitely sew myself such game and tell it all so wild, but happy)

It looks unexpected in textiles and in this form can even fit into a business style, it seems to me.


These are my ideal. Even the fabric has been purchased and is waiting in the wings.

Maxi. IMHO, amazing!

I especially like the first jumpsuit. I’ll definitely sew myself at least a sundress like this. Wonderfully stupid thing!

Well, for a snack, here’s something. The design is more like a skirt, but the silhouette is similar to a short afghani. Let it be for a collection of ideas)

Phew, completed the gestalt. The post has been mature for more than a year, and I collected the pictures back in 2010. Better late than never)

This morning I met an acquaintance. Unfortunately there was little time to chat. While she cheerfully buzzed to me about her hard life, I involuntarily glanced sideways at her area, which lies below the navel. In short, pants. Something like this:

I had seen such pants before, but now I met a friend who wears them herself. Funny, funny. I don’t understand, are they really stupid or what? After all, they disfigure the natural beauty (if there is such a thing) with such fashion. What to look for? Neither hips are visible, nor, excuse me, butts. Complete bad taste! I immediately remember one black tribe on this occasion. More precisely, they are considered a separate race. These are the Bushmen and Hottentots. Their women's labia hang down to their knees. They also have this wonderful thing called steatopygia. Steatopygia is body fat on the buttocks. There, their Bushman misses have such a butt that your eyes will pop out of your head, and maybe even further. They will jump out of their eye sockets and jump away screaming into an unknown direction. These pants are just right for these bushwomen.

This is about glamorous pussycats. And there are also glamorous cats. These are the boys (this Hebrew word suits them like no other) who wear trousers with hanging waistbands. Yes, it turns out these pants are called that. I thought it was a joke before. Fuck my entire musculoskeletal system, really! I even found a group of fans of this tune on Vkontakte
( . I couldn't resist writing on their wall about how highly I thought of them. mental abilities.

Here I am standing with this friend. She is tall, about 180, with an athletic build. Well, beautiful! And he wears these pants. In general, these low-waisted pants and jeans were invented by those who either have shorter legs than their torso or who have a peripheral system more brain. The Chinese woman has nothing to show. She has nothing at all, no beautiful legs, no breasts. But should our girls wear such clothes that reach to their knees? Holy shit, modern fashion is pure degenerate art.

The world of denim never ceases to amaze our imagination with the richness and variety of models. Today we will talk about an unusual style of trousers with a dropped crotch, or, more simply put, a trouser. The ambiguity of this type of clothing causes constant controversy and disagreement among stylists. Let's listen to their opinion and find out what women's jeans with a motney are, and whether they are worth buying.

Brief history of origin

The emergence of fashion style occurred thanks to black rappers. In the harsh sixties in poor neighborhoods of America, children did not have a large choice of clothes, and most often the younger members of the family wore the clothes of their older brothers or fathers. They were the first to wear trousers two or three sizes too large, which created the effect of a low elephant.

In practice, it turned out that wide pants are very convenient for hiding weapons in them, and criminal elements took advantage of this. Popular rap began to be read while wearing loose jeans, which gradually became an integral part of the culture of hip-hop and grunge.

Fashion variations

The keen eye of jeans manufacturers quickly noticed an unusual detail of clothing. Based on a new idea modern market quickly filled with stylish low-cut jeans. The designers took oriental Aladdin trousers and soldier's riding breeches as the basis for the cut. Combining two different styles with an extended hip section allowed for several variations on the fashion theme.

What are fashionable jeans called among specialists? Professional tailors call this cut “low-cut trousers.” It can be decorated with an elongated clasp with metal buttons or a zipper. Skinny models are equally loved by boys and girls. This type of clothing is classified as unisex. The low seam of the seat goes well with famous models trousers For example, ripped jeans with frills look very impressive and attract the attention of others.

The stylish style becomes indispensable for those who play sports. Loose knitted clothing does not restrict movement and allows air to pass through well. These pants are comfortable and comfortable. They are often complemented with decorations in the form of pockets or stripes of a contrasting color. Sports models are often shortened, so they look more like breeches.

Features of an unusual cut

The obvious advantages of the pants include a comfortable fit that does not hinder movements while walking and dancing. In addition, such clothing falls into the category of shocking clothing that arouses increased interest among people. Like any spectacular things, jeans with a hanging waist make it possible to create many bright, attractive looks.

There is a significant drawback in models for girls - the negative attitude of men. Guys believe that trousers hide the true contours of a woman's figure and greatly distort it. This becomes especially noticeable if you wear boyfriend jeans with a motney. In such an outfit, girls will certainly be discussed on the street, shaking their heads reproachfully. Moreover, fashionable pants will be subject to criticism, and few will pay attention to the attractiveness and beauty of their owner.

How to Wear Low Waist Jeans

The main feature of stylish trousers is that they are recommended only for slender girls with long and straight legs. A low, baggy model visually shortens and widens the figure. This is especially noticeable when wearing riding jeans with a motney. Therefore, this style is strictly not recommended for short and plump girls.

Shapeless pants can give the impression of sloppiness at first glance. But this only happens if you don't take care of them properly. Vulgar look gives an inept combination with other things.

It is obvious that stylish trousers should not be worn when going to an interview in a reputable office or to a classical music concert. In other cases fashion clothes quite appropriate, especially at a youth party or among hip-hop fans. Fashionable pants will come in handy health jog or aerobics classes.

What to wear with jeans and motney

If you like stylish pants, then don't hesitate to buy them because they won't go out of fashion anytime soon. Confidence in this is given by photos of new collections from youth clothing manufacturers Closed, Dsquared, Collins, Bershka.

In order not to become a laughing stock in the eyes of others, girls should follow some rules when selecting things. Jeans with a motney go well with any T-shirts, T-shirts and tops. In this case, the length of the sleeve and the width of the product do not matter.

Sports style items look great - tight turtlenecks, soft sweatshirts. Jackets of any style look perfect when paired with shapeless pants. Short, tight and long, loose models are equally good. What surprises most is the successful combination with a strict, close-fitting jacket.

Loose jeans look great if you know what shoes to wear them with. Optimal choice- these are sneakers different colors on a soft rubber sole. Low boots and light ballet flats also work well. Sneakers should only be worn for sports. Dress shoes or high-heeled ankle boots add an elegant look.

Tired of the routine in life and clothing, fashionistas and fashionistas are increasingly looking for a way out of the ordinary with the help of non-standard things. But what seemed atypical and outlandish to some, for many became a characteristic eloquent feature of appearance, style and worldview. After all, everyone wants clothes that are easy to live in, dance, run, love and hate. So, trousers with clothes: a lot has been said about them, but we will focus on the key points that will help you not make a mistake in choosing your afghans; and also skillfully choose tops and shoes. Read more below.

What are pants with motney called?

In any country in the world, on the streets or, for example, during yoga classes, you can often see people wearing unusual loose-fitting pants, Turkish or Indian type. The demand for such things is growing and is unusually high among lovers of non-standard and natural clothing. Everyone has different associations; in Ukraine, Indian trousers with motney are most often called Aladdin or Afghani - according to TNS Opros. Most people are accustomed to calling all pants of this type that way, because on the one hand, this is a tribute to tradition, because such products came to us from the East; and on the other hand, a mention of the famous Disney cartoon Aladdin, in which the heroes of the famous fairy tale wear wide pants.

Today, such products have acquired a number of synonyms that reflect key characteristics and are found on the websites of various online sellers. So, they are called harem pants because of their similarity to the colorful Ukrainian pants of the Cossacks; Pants with frills are often popularly called hanging pants, and at the professional level they are called pants with a low armhole. And this means that their significant difference is in the free seam, which does not limit the amplitude of your movements, therefore they are convenient for sports and are also presented under the name Afghanis for yoga, zouaves for dancing, Indians, etc. Add to this a 100% cotton, viscose or linen design and you get excellent trousers with a motley: a must have in everyone’s wardrobe! Most models are universal unisex without age restrictions. Due to accessibility and practicality, in 2016 the growth of online sales of Aladdin increased by 23% compared to 2014-2015 and according to the Association of Internet Trade Companies (AKIT), and in 2017 it will continue to gain momentum and popularity.

What to wear with armhole pants

Oriental trousers with armholes are perfectly combined in Everyday life; Moreover, they can act as part of a solemnly elegant ensemble. To add a touch of charm to your look, take a closer look at the options that we have the honor to recommend to you:
  1. Narrow and wide top. Oriental pants go well with them. For girls, it won’t be difficult to choose some interesting tight-fitting T-shirt; beautiful T-shirts with embroidery will look elegant. Or vice versa, create an ensemble with easy help flowing blouse.
  2. Men's tunics with buttons. Guys are free to combine loose hems with Indian wide shirts with long, rolled or three-quarter sleeves.
  3. Shoes. Women's trousers with a dropped crotch look perfect with sandals, sandals, and colorful flip-flops. Sneakers, sneakers and other visually heavy shoes need to be selected very carefully, because... Only occasionally does it look correct in this combination.
  4. Heels. Pants with motney, decorated with flowers, original patterns, or just plain ones sometimes have a weakness for Louboutins and glamorous 10-15 cm heels. If your look socialite, - feel free to experiment.
  5. Bucket bags. Perhaps there is no more characteristic attribute than a canvas bag for pants with a hanging waistband. It seems as if they were made for each other: they look so good together under any circumstances.

Do not forget about color, the presence of decorative elements, details and decorations. Afghanis love a bright mood; strive to be the center of attention.

They will always give you advice, help you make a choice and advise what is trending now,
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