
New Year's children's games for children for the New Year: musical, new, mass, round dances, with songs. New Year's music games and competitions

Master class “Kaleidoscope of New Year’s games”

teacher-organizer of the MCOU DOD Anninsky DDT Vlasova E.V.
Description of material: This master class "Kaleidoscope of New Year's games" is designed for New Year's matinees in schools in the region. The material will be useful to teacher-organizers and school government leaders who organize holidays.
Target: students and teachers mastering New Year's games and exercises in the process of active game interaction.
1. To increase the level of knowledge about the types of New Year’s games among school government leaders and teachers, their motivation for systematic use in practice game exercises with schoolchildren.
2. Arouse interest in the game exercises among the participants of the master class,
promoting the development of communication skills in students.
3. Develop the creative activity of teachers and students.
Equipment: speakers, laptop, music for games, texts for New Year's games, a chest, ribbons with tasks or prizes, bags for a gift auction, snowballs, fabric, New Year's toys for the competition.

Progress of the master class.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and leaders of school government! Today I would like to present some practical aspects of my experience on the topic: “Kaleidoscope of New Year's games.”
- The purpose of the master class is to demonstrate and master games and game exercises,
which will help you effectively develop communication and social skills in schoolchildren during the New Year holidays.
- Today we will talk to you about mass musical and round dance games in a circle and about New Year's games with the audience.
- On the eve of the New Year holidays, when there will be New Year's events In order to have fun and not harm your health, I want to talk about mass musical games in a circle and game round dances. Musical games and round dances – faithful helpers in organizing New Year's parties for children. They unite, bring together, and foster a sense of collectivism.
-Game round dances are a closed ring of children and characters holding hands, performing a whole range of game exercises, including music, singing, free movements, expressive poetry reading, and pantomime.
- Game round dances are very diverse in their formations, but the initial form is a circle. The most common is double circle-circle in a circle. Let's form an outer and inner circle and face each other. The number of people in the inner circle must be equal to the number of people in the outer circle. Such round dances are held to meet a large number of children.
Music sounds - you walk clockwise, as soon as the music stops sounding, you stop opposite each other, pronounce words accompanied by movements.
Hello friend! (we shake hands)
What is your name? (put hand on shoulder)
Where have you been? (tugged her partner's ear)
Did I miss you? (put your hand to your heart)
Have you come? (arms to the sides)
Fine! (hug)
- We repeat this several times.
The game is being played.
- Next music game in double circle. Music sounds - you walk clockwise, as soon as the music stops sounding, you stop opposite each other and say your name or New Year's wishes. Since we have already met, let's tell each other a New Year's wish.
The game is being played.
- We remain in our places. Another musical game in a circle.
-Let's try to dance game round dances, in which the tempo of the music and the speed of movements gradually increase. Your task is to listen to the music and repeat the movements. Let's say the words and learn the movements.
Performance of musical New Year's round dances:
1. "We'll hang the balloons."
Lyrics of the song.
We will hang the balls, (connect fingers one by one to form circles)
And then the flashlights, (flashlights)
And then more rain (we draw the index fingers from top to bottom)
Let's not forget about snowflakes. (open palms)
Gilded fish, (two palms together)
Cheerful lights (sun)
Let's sketch out the tinsel (smooth hand movements in turn)
We continue the game. (clap our hands)
2. Second round dance. “We shovel snow with our hands...”
Lyrics of the song.
We rake the snow with our hands: we sculpt it, we sculpt it into a big lump.
And once again we rake it up: we sculpt, we sculpt into another lump.
We sculpt arms, sculpt legs to run along the path.
We sculpt eyes, sculpt eyebrows and a long nose with carrots.
3. Third round dance. "We'll go left now..."
Lyrics of the song.
We'll go right first one, two, three
Now let's go left one, two, three
Let's quickly get ready for the Christmas tree one, two, three
Just as quickly we will disperse one, two, three
We'll sit down quietly one, two, three
And let's stand up slightly one, two, three
Dance our feet one, two, three
And clap your hands one, two, three
Musical games in a circle are a must. Despite their apparent simplicity and the main game point, their importance is difficult to overestimate. They develop a sense of rhythm and ear for music, help improve motor skills, and facilitate the adaptation process: they make children feel good about each other, liberate them, teach them to act together and cooperate.
I suggest you play. I will demonstrate the movements to the music, and you repeat after me.
handful big snow took (take a handful)
And they began to form lumps. (make lumps)
Let's squeeze the snow tightly in our hands and start playing snowballs!!! (compact the lumps, throw)
Lyrics of the second song
Introduction – holding hands, they walk in a circle.
1. We stomp our feet like bears one - two - three
We dance around the Christmas tree like bears one, two, three.
They spin around like cubs.
2. We will happily jump like bunnies one - two - three
We dance around the Christmas tree like bunnies one, two, three.
They make ears and make a spring.
LOSS - holding hands, they walk in a circle.
3. We will twist our tail like squirrels once - two - three
We dance like squirrels around the Christmas tree once, twice, three times.
Tails, hands - plates.
LOSS - holding hands, they walk in a circle.
4. We will clap our hands at the Christmas tree once - two - three
We dance around the Christmas tree like children once, twice, three times.

Flashlights with a “spring with a twist”
LOSS - holding hands, they walk in a circle.
Lyrics of the third song:
Losing: we go in circles let's start dancing
Music plays louder
Helps all the kids.
We stopped. Performing the movements
Everyone clapped their hands,
They stomped their feet.
Right leg 1.2.3
Left leg 1.2.3.
And let's spin around a little.
Let's go in circles
Let's take each other's hands
And come to me quickly.
Everyone smiled, everyone was pleased.
Now let's go back., let's continue dancing.
Let's jump high
We kick our legs.
Everyone clapped their hands,
They stomped their feet.
Right leg 1.2.3
Left leg 1.2.3.
And let's spin around a little.

Let's take each other's hands
And come to me quickly.
We laughed, everyone enjoyed it.
Now let's go back.

I offer New Year's games in a circle, which are accompanied by music.
- In a circle to the music you pass specially prepared “SNOW BALLS”. As soon as the music stops playing, the one who still has the snowball in his hands goes out into the circle and starts dancing.
The game is being played.
-There is also a wonderful game called “Snow Fortress”. I invite 10 people. You need to stand in one line along right hand from me. I invite 10 more people. You need to stand in one line along left hand from me. You need to throw through the “snow fortress” to the music. As soon as the music ends, we will count down whose side has the fewest snowballs left, the winner.
The game is being played.
- There is another interesting game. Here at DDT, the children love her very much. It's called "Dancing Rubber Band". I will ask 10 people to come out into the inner circle. Music plays, you walk clockwise in a circle inside the rubber band. As soon as the music stops, you need to jump out of it. The last person to touch the rubber band or get tangled in it is eliminated from the game.
The game is being played.
- An arbitrary number of children are invited to play at the New Year’s party “Chasing a Toy.” I invite 10 people. You form a circle with a small table or stool in the center. There are Christmas tree decorations on the table. Their number is one less than the number of participants in the game. Music is playing, you are running in circles, dancing. As soon as the music stops, you need to take the toy from the chair. Those who don't have enough leave. The number of toys on the table is also reduced by one. The one who takes the last toy wins. To prevent children from injuring their hands, toys should not be glass.
The game is being played.
- Game "Entertainers". Children stand in a circle, with an entertainer in the center. Children walk in a circle saying:
"In an even circle
One after another
We are going step by step.
Stand still
Together together
Let's do it like this"
The children stop, the entertainer (fairy-tale character) shows the movements. The children repeat it, the entertainer changes. Rule: movements should not be repeated.

Games with the audience help to lift the spirits of the children and set them up emotionally during the holiday, remove noise in the hall, and also fill an unexpected pause during any event.
Game “Christmas trees happen”
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees, wide, short, tall, thin.
Now, if I say “high,” raise your hands up.
“Low” - squat and lower your arms.
“Wide” - make the circle wider.
“Thin” - make a circle already.
Now let's play!
(The presenter plays, trying to confuse the children)

Game “What grows on our Christmas tree? I will ask you questions, and you answer in unison
What grows on our Christmas tree?
Pink needle? A bright toy?
Delicious cheesecake?
Huge bump?
A clumsy bear?
Sounding thin ice?
Children's round dance?
White snowflake?
Bright picture?
Dad's car?
Torn picture?
Icicles, tinsel?
Fun game?
The series can be continued indefinitely, naming new objects each time. It is advisable to be able to name the words in rhyme, then the game will be fun and the children may make mistakes.
- Or this is the game. The words are spoken, and you repeat the movements after me.
We clap our hands, stomp our feet to the beat
We will give up on everything. Let's clap once over our heads.
Let's take our neighbors by the hands, raise our hands to the sky
They swayed to the right, to the left, froze, and stayed there.
They stood up, sat down, stood up, sat down. You didn’t sit down together, you need to do it all over again.
(The game starts over, until the words “Get up, sat down”)
I immediately wanted to scream.
It’s impossible not to know these words; everyone in this room (together) is friends.
The game is being played
- Next game. The children respond in unison to the leader’s questions with the phrase “Because New Year!».
Why is there fun all around, Laughter and jokes without worries?..
Why are cheerful guests expected to arrive?..
Why does everyone make a wish in advance?..
Why will the path of knowledge lead you to “A” grades?..
Why does the Christmas tree playfully wink at you with its lights?..
Why is everyone waiting for the Snow Maiden and Grandfather here today?..
Why do children dance in a circle in an elegant hall?..
Why does Santa Claus send good luck and peace to the guys?..
The game is being played
-Game "Snowball". We pronounce the words and repeat the movements after me. The words are repeated several times with an increased tempo.
We made a snowball (we dance in a circle). I follow him one step at a time. The lump grew larger and rolled faster. The lump became larger and larger and rolled faster (we are accelerating both in speech and in movements) The lump became larger and larger and rolled faster (we are still accelerating) It hit the gate! Bang! Collapsed! (we carefully fall) We get out of the snowdrift (we get up) And shake off our clothes.
- What a New Year without competitions! I offer several options.
Competition "New Year's Chest". A chest is passed around in a circle accompanied by music, from which multi-colored ribbons are visible. As soon as the music stops, you choose the color of the ribbon you like and receive a gift or task.
The game is being played.
- Game “Gift Auction”, usually held by Santa Claus
(Santa Claus places a large elegant satin bag in the middle of the hall.)
Santa Claus: Here is a bag - it’s elegant! Let's hold an auction! Whoever actively responds receives the gift!
(The satin bag contains 7 multi-colored paper bags. The bags are placed one inside the other (like a nesting doll), and tied with bright bows. On each bag, one letter is large marked, making up the word “gifts.” During the game, Santa Claus unties the bow and takes out the bag from the bag, holds an auction for each letter and gives a gift to the child who gave his answer last - gifts begin with the corresponding letters.
Santa Claus: The letter “Pe” asks everyone to name Winter songs now!
If you want to sing, sing
After all, it’s time for fun! (Children name songs about winter.)
Santa Claus: Winter is good with snow. But the song is also good! I give you the gingerbread, eat it slowly! (Santa Claus unties the bag, takes out a gingerbread, hands it over, then takes out the next one from this bag - with the letter “O”; he places the previous bag on the other side of himself, thus, the winning bags will be placed next to each other and at the end of the game the children will read the letters with all bags into a single word “gifts”.)
Santa Claus: The letter “O” notifies - Festive lunch has been served
And he invites friends to the table! What’s not on the table!
What will you treat your friends to? Name the treats! (Children list holiday treats.)
Santa Claus: You are a scientist for a treat,
The prize is a gilded nut! (Santa Claus unties the bag and takes out walnut in gilded foil, and then a bag with the letter “D”.)
Santa Claus: Letter "De" trees remember
He really asks for you, kids!
I’ve dressed them up in silvery frost more than once! (Children say the names of the trees.)
Santa Claus: You are an exemplary student,
I'll give you a diary! (Santa Claus unties the bag, hands him the diary and takes out the bag with the letter “A”.)
Santa Claus: The letter “A” is about an orange. He wants to ask the kids! Come on, tell Grandfather, what kind of person can he be? (Children describe the appearance and taste of an orange.)
Santa Claus: How beautiful the tree is, Its outfit beckons the eye! Orange for health
I am very happy to give! (Santa Claus hands over an orange and takes out a bag with the letter “R”.)
Father Frost: The letter “eR” brings joy to everyone:
Let everyone remember
The fact that it brings joy to the mood, without a doubt! (Children remember everything that makes them happy.)
Santa Claus: Today is a joy for me
Deliver the school prize to you
- Write with this pen
You can do something with an A! (Santa Claus hands over a pen and takes out a bag with the letter “K”.)
Father Frost: The letter “Ka” speaks of carnival and costumes; Asks you to call it Carnival appearance! (Children call carnival costumes.)
Father Frost: All the masks were good,
Okay, you know the fairy tales!
I remember this one (names the last answer)
Get some candy! (Santa Claus hands over candy and takes out a bag with the letter “I”.)
Father Frost: The letter “I” wants to hear Games of winter snowy days! You know them guys, speak quickly! (Children list winter games.)
Father Frost: I must admit, I like these winter fun!
I want to give you a toy
- There’s nothing more! (Santa Claus unties the last bag, takes out a Christmas tree toy from it, hands it over, then turns the bag upside down and shakes it, thereby showing that it is empty.)
Father Frost: My bag is empty and light
- Our auction is over!
I gave away my gifts
It's time to have a carnival!
- There is another interesting game-competition “New Year’s Box”
The presenter reads 3 clues to the children, with the help of which they should guess the surprises lying in the elegant box.
The smartest ones receive sweet prizes.
Not a Christmas tree, but an elegant one; Not a musician, but loves to play; It’s not the baby, but “mom” who speaks. (Doll)
Not a watermelon, but a round one; Not a hare, but jumping; It's not a bicycle, it's rolling. (Ball)
Not a gnome, but in a cap; Not a car, but refueling; Not an artist, but a painter. (Felt pen)
Not a fox, but a red one; Not a waffle, but a crispy one; Not a mole, but sitting underground. (Carrot)
Not a cake, but a sweet one; Not a Negro, but a dark-skinned one; Not an orange, but with slices. (Chocolate)
Not a ladle, but scoops; Not a door, but with a handle; Not a cook, but a feeder. (Spoon)
Not a plate, but a round one; Not a heron, but standing on one leg; Not a wheel, but a spinning one. (Yula)
Not a feather, but light; Not a snowflake, but flying; Not a kidney, but bursting. (Balloon)
Not a ruler, but a thin one; Not a mother, but a caring one; Not a crocodile, but a toothy one. (Comb)
Not cotton wool, but white; Not snow, but cold; Not sugar, but sweet. (Ice cream).
- I hope you enjoyed the master class and apply the knowledge gained in your schools during the New Year holidays. Thank you for your attention.

Musical games for the New Year are usually associated with the theme of winter, New Year's holiday, farewell to the old year and wishes for all the very best in the new year. It could be,which can be sung in chorus at the table or made part of a fun costume greeting.

Also very popular are quizzes about songs about winter or about the symbol of the next year (for example, on the eve of 2014 - songs about horses and steeds), dramatizations of favorite New Year's songs and, of course, various musical interpretations of the song that has become the anthem of this holiday “The Little Christmas Tree Is Cold in Winter "

Proposed New Year's music games universal, suitable for a company of any age and composition.

1. Musical game "Let's portray a New Year's song"

In principle, any song can be turned into a funny skit , where people will represent each object, plant, phenomenon or person mentioned in the song. Consider simple accessories that will replace players' costumes.

For the New Year, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” is suitable. Roles for the players: Christmas tree, Winter, Beads, Little Coward, Little Gray Bunny, Gray Wolf, etc. Thus, everything that is sung about in the song is depicted: if it is sung that “the beads have hung up,” it means that “Beads” will have to on the neck of the “Christmas tree” and hang.

You can also take other New Year-themed songs, where there is a lot of action in the text.

2. New Year's competition "Musical Hat".

This is also a singing competition. We put a lot of cards in a hat with individual words from New Year’s songs (“icicle”, “frost”, “winter”, “Father Frost”, “Snow Maiden”, etc.). The hat goes in a circle, the music has stopped, the one from whom the hat takes out a card, reads and performs a passage of the song (or simply names it) where this word appears.

If you want this entertainment to be more dynamic, then write on the cards, not just one word, but a whole phrase, then it will be easier for the guests to remember and there will be no pauses in the game, because the main thing is to amuse, and not to test the memory of the guests

3. Musical game: New Year's "Apozh"

All people, without exception, love the New Year holidays, which continue in our country for a very long time. Many people have been waiting for this time for a very long time. Children also look forward to this time. And all because the New Year is a magical event for them. At this time they receive gifts and have a lot of fun in their free time. To make the holidays of all schoolchildren some kind of memorable event, you need to offer all the children musical New Year's games for children, which they can play right next to the decorated Christmas tree.

It's very easy to bring joy to children. Indeed, in order for outdoor games for children to become wonderful entertainment, you need to purchase small gifts in advance that you will give to the winners.

What games should preschool children and first-graders play near the Christmas tree?

New Year's games listening to music is considered a great way for children to have fun. Choose rhythmic melodies for our games that will allow the kids to have a lot of fun.

New Year's game - Slapka.

In this game the host will be Grandfather Frost himself. The kids should line up in a row, and Santa Claus will put a hat on the head of the very first participant. At this time, the music turns on and the players take turns putting a hat on each other's heads. As soon as the music turns off or Santa Claus hits the ground with his staff, the players stop and whoever is wearing the hat must sing a funny song or recite some rhyme.

Merry carousel.

In this game you need to install chairs around the Christmas tree. However, the number of chairs must be 1 less than the number of players. Children, together with Grandfather Frost or another participant in the event, should run around the green beauty to cheerful music. If the music stops, then all participants must take their places on chairs. And the kid who didn’t have enough space will have to tell a fairy tale or sing a song.

New Year's games - “Take away the felt boots.”

This game will feature Father Frost's felt boots. The children must stand in a line and take turns passing this item to each other. Of course, cheerful music should be playing at this time. Meanwhile, Santa Claus is trying to take his shoes away from the children.

Decorate the Christmas tree with music

In this publication we list interesting New Year's games for children near the Christmas tree accompanied by music. For the next competition you will need: plastic New Year's toys, as well as two small Christmas trees. A couple of players are required to play the game. The children decorate the Christmas tree to the music, and the jury decides which Christmas tree is more beautiful.

Musical game - "Baskets with snowflakes."

The Snow Maiden in this game scatters a lot of paper snowflakes around the hall. The guys should collect them in their small baskets to the music. The participant who was able to collect a lot of snowflakes wins.

It is worth saying that all the games described above are suitable for children to have a fun time. preschool age and first graders. Below in this article we will describe those games that older children can play at the New Year's party.

Games for teenagers near the Christmas tree

New Year's game - "Cotton Snowfall".

This game is also played to music. All participants in this game must have good lungs. And all because they will have to hold small pieces of cotton wool in the air. Blow on them with all your might. The presenter will give cotton snowflakes to the children, and they will blow on them. The participant whose cotton ball falls to the floor will lose.

Game for children - “Draw Santa Claus”.

This game is considered an unusual drawing game. Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team needs to be given a piece of paper. On this sheet you need to draw Santa Claus realistically. However, you should not draw with your hands; in this case, a felt-tip pen is inserted into your teeth.

The game is “Hockey near the Christmas tree.”

Grandfather Frost in this game stands on the gate near the Christmas tree. At this time, the participants must use sticks to score a soft puck into the goal.

Game for children - “New Year's symbols”.

In this game, schoolchildren also gather near the Christmas tree. The goal of this game is to remember all the words that are associated with the New Year. The participant who names as many of these words as possible will win.

In conclusion

Having fun is the key to a great mood. Therefore, do not limit your child’s leisure time to standard activities. Add some variety to it interesting games. Remember that the children will be very happy in this case.

New Year's games for children are the main entertainment of the holiday. No matter how wonderful the scenario turns out to be, until the children play with the kind Grandfather Frost and receive at least small souvenirs from him as a reward, they will not feel real fun. New Year's games and competitions for children are held near the large Christmas tree in the square and at school at a matinee, at home and in the yard. If you have been entrusted with preparing these children's entertainment, you should approach their selection with caution. It's no secret that many adults are ready to offer their children the same fun every year. Such a holiday is quickly prepared, but it is boring. We offer new New Year's games that will amuse children of all ages on New Year's days.

New Year's game with a hall for young children What grows on our Christmas tree?

Many adults used to play this game with pleasure during a holiday, now it’s time to teach it to our children. The host of the game is Santa Claus. He asks the small children sitting in the hall: “What grows on our Christmas tree?” And then he continues a series of words, trying to confuse the children, but they must quickly answer him “Yes” or “No.”

So, try playing:

What grows on our Christmas tree? Pink needle? A bright toy? Delicious cheesecake? Huge bump? A clumsy bear? Sounding thin ice? Children's round dance? White snowflake? Bright picture? Dad's car? Torn picture? Icicles, tinsel? Fun game? The series can be continued indefinitely, naming new objects each time. It is advisable to be able to name the words in rhyme, then the game will be fun and the children may make mistakes.

Musical New Year's game Chasing a toy

An arbitrary number of children are invited to the game, which is held at a New Year's party. They form a circle, in the center of which a small table or stool is placed. There are Christmas tree decorations on the table. Their number is one less than the number of participants in the game. Music is playing, children are running in circles, dancing. As soon as the music stops, you need to take a toy from the table. Those who don't have enough leave. The number of toys on the table is also reduced by one. The one who takes the last toy wins. To prevent children from injuring their hands, toys should not be glass.

Children's New Year's game with songs

For this New Year's game, an arbitrary number of children from the audience are invited who know many songs or New Year's ditties. The leader of the game can be either the Snow Maiden or Father Frost. Children line up in one line. Santa Claus calls out any New Year's word, and children must raise their hands if they know a song where this word is present. Whoever names the song correctly moves one step forward. The one who gets to the target line faster wins. You cannot repeat the names of songs. Approximate words that the presenters can name: Christmas tree, snowflakes, holiday, New Year, needles, balls, firecrackers, cones, round dance.

New Year's round dance games for young children

Kids love to dance and play in round dances. We offer to amuse them with the new round dance game “Snowball”. All children dance around the Christmas tree. They pass each other a white tennis ball or any other object that resembles a snowball. The presenter reads a short poem: “The snowball is rolling forward, and now my surprise awaits you. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 you will sing a song.” Whoever has a lump left sings a song, receives a prize from Santa Claus and goes to his place in the hall. Tasks need to be constantly changed. Instead of the words “Perform a song,” you can add “read poetry, dance, laugh loudly, entertain the Snow Maiden, ask a riddle.”

Children's New Year's outdoor mass games at home or school

New Year's mass games are usually held on the street next to the Christmas tree. Do you want to have this kind of fun near your school or home? We offer to play the outdoor game “Snow Biathlon”. Two teams of children are organized. They choose a captain. He stands at the line and will shoot snowballs at the intended target. You can use a baby bucket as a target. Team members take turns running up to the captain and bringing him snowballs. The team that fills its bucket with snowballs in a certain time wins.

The most anticipated and large-scale holiday is, of course, the New Year. The joyful anticipation of the celebration comes much earlier due to preparations that begin long before the holiday itself. For a great New Year's celebration, not only a chicly prepared table, a magnificent outfit and all kinds of New Year's decorations of the room, led by a Christmas tree, are not enough.

You also need to take care of having fun. And for this purpose, music competitions for the New Year are perfect, which will not only entertain guests, but also help them warm up between meals of all sorts of dishes. New Year's table. Like any other, music competitions for the New Year must be provided with one cheerful, reliable, and most importantly, pre-prepared presenter.

New Year's competition No. 1: Snowballs

As a child, absolutely everyone played snowballs in the winter. This New Year's music competition will take all guests back to their bright childhood and allow them to frolic without going outside.

For the competition, you will need, accordingly, the snowballs themselves - 50-100 pieces, which can be rolled out of ordinary cotton wool. The host turns on cheerful, catchy music and all the guests present, previously divided into two teams, begin to throw cotton snowballs at each other. After turning off the music, the teams need to collect all the snowballs scattered around the apartment. The team that collects the most is declared the winner. Don't turn off the music too quickly, let the guests frolic and remember the relaxed childhood years.

New Year's competition No. 2: You can't erase words from a song

The presenter needs to write in advance on pieces of paper various words related to winter and the New Year, for example: Christmas tree, snowflake, icicle, frost, round dance, and so on. All the leaves are put into a bag or hat and the participants must take turns taking them out and perform a song based on the word in the leaf.

Songs must be about winter. The winner is the participant who performed songs on all the sheets of paper pulled out for himself in accordance with the terms of the competition. If there are several such participants, it’s okay, there will be several winners, because it’s a new year!

New Year's competition No. 3: Ticket

All guests should line up in two circles: big circle– men, small circle (inside the large one) – women. Moreover, in a small circle there should be one less participant than in a large circle.

The presenter turns on the music and the two circles begin to move in different directions. After turning off the music, men need to embrace a woman - their ticket to the next stage. Anyone who doesn’t get a “ticket” is declared a hare. For him, the remaining participants come up with a fun task that must be completed in pairs. The “Hare” chooses a participant from the small circle as his assistant. After completing the task, the game continues.

New Year's competition No. 4: Musical thoughts

For this competition, you will need pre-prepared fragments of soundtracks with various songs in accordance with the number of guests. The presenter transforms into the image of a magician and chooses an assistant. Then the presenter approaches the male guest and moves his hands above his head, the assistant at this moment turns on the phonogram, and everyone present hears the musical thoughts of the guest:

Then the presenter approaches the guest woman and, moving his hands above her head, everyone can hear the musical thoughts of this heroine:

The host performs similar magical manipulations until the guests hear the musical thoughts of everyone present at the celebration.

New Year's competition No. 5: Talented musician

The presenter builds something like an organ or xylophone on the table from empty bottles and cans. Men take a spoon or fork and take turns trying to perform something musical on this non-standard . Women in this competition act as judges; they choose the winner whose “work” turned out to be more melodic and pleasant to the ear.

Musical competitions for the New Year can and should be very different and their number can hardly be counted. Competitions should be selected in accordance with the number and age of guests. You can come up with your own competitions, spending a little time on it. But one thing is certain: the most anticipated holiday of the year will definitely be fun and unlike any other New Year, all guests will be happy. And all this thanks to music competitions.

Watch and listen to funny and positive New Year's songs from cartoons: