
New rules for obtaining a “Disabled” badge for a car. Who has the right to install a “Disabled Driving” sign? Issuance of handicap signs for cars

In order for the meaning to be visible and clear to every person established sign, they are made as simple and bright as possible. So, for example, the familiar sign “disabled” can be found in two variations:

  • a square sticker with a yellow background depicting a person in a wheelchair;
  • a round yellow sticker with three black circles on it, located at the edges of a triangle. This sign is used by deaf drivers.

Before installing a “disabled person” sign on your car, it is important to learn about the rules for installing it, because this will help make driving easier for disabled drivers.

Rules for installing the “disabled person” identification sign

There are two most important rules for installing a “disabled person” sign and observing them not only correctly, but also safely:

  1. A special indicator is installed on the rear and windshield of the car.
  2. Installation is carried out in the corners of the car windows so that the sign does not block the driver’s view.

The sticker is glued on both sides so that all car owners, regardless of which side they are on, can see that this driver is a person with disabilities. It is also important that the sign is not blocked by anything. It should be clearly visible from a distance.

Who has the right to install a sign?

As the name suggests, the “disabled person” sticker should be used by citizens who are disabled, regardless of disability group. But in reality this is not the case. Established by law specific list persons who can take advantage of the benefits of the “disabled” sign:

  • disabled people of groups I and II;
  • parents of disabled children (regardless of disability group);
  • drivers transporting disabled people of groups I and II.

If you are not on this list, then installing a “disabled person” sign on your car is illegal and you will incur administrative penalties. Traffic police officers often check the legality of the installed sign by asking for the necessary documents.

Documents to confirm the right to a plate

If your car has a “disabled person” sticker and a police officer stops you to check your documents, there is a good chance that he will ask you to show him documents that will confirm your status as a disabled person. This document may be a medical certificate stating that you are a disabled person of the first or second group.

If you are a healthy driver who is transporting a disabled passenger, then the passenger must always have the necessary certificate with him in order to avoid a fine.

But there is a small gap in the legislation. For example: a driver transporting a disabled person parked in a specially designated space for disabled people. His disabled passenger got out of the car, and at that moment a traffic police inspector approached the car with a request to present the relevant document. In this case, if it is possible to ask the passenger to return and provide a certificate, do so. If not, then agree to draw up a protocol, but write in it that you do not agree with the accusation and within 10 days begin appealing the fine.

The necessary medical report can be obtained by contacting the medical organization at your place of residence, the body providing pensions or the social security authorities.

How to get a special sticker?

There are no special steps required to become the owner of a sticker. Similar signs can be found freely available in automotive stores. The only condition when purchasing an identification sticker is that you may be asked to show medical certificate, which will say that you are a disabled person of the first or second group.

Is installation required?

In the current traffic regulations in 2019, there is no strict obligation for disabled drivers to put “disabled” signs on their cars. This question completely depends on the will and desire of the person himself. But in the absence of this sign, you will not have access to the privileges of disabled drivers.

Privileges for cars with a sticker

The “disabled person” sign is not installed for the simple purpose of informing others. This index entitles its owner to enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Legal parking in places designated specifically for people with disabilities (near housing complexes, shopping centers, medical organizations and other socially significant places).
  2. Ignoring “no parking” and “no traffic” signs.

Due to the fact that such a sticker allows parking in the most convenient places, many drivers purchase and install it, despite the fact that it is against the law. To combat this phenomenon, the country's executive branch has established administrative penalties for offenses of this nature.

Fine for illegal use of a sign

For such a “minor” offense as the illegal use of a “disabled person” sign, administrative fines of varying sizes and other negative measures are imposed on violating drivers:

  1. If your car has a “disabled person” sticker, but you do not have necessary documents, and you cannot satisfy the police officer’s request to confirm the fact of disability, then you will be subject to an administrative fine of 500 rubles, and your sticker will also be taken away.
  2. If you are the holder of a “disabled person” sign, but are not one, and you are caught parking in specially equipped spaces for disabled people, then you will be fined 5,000 rubles, and your car will also be sent to the impound lot.

If your car is confiscated, in order to return it you will first need to pay a fine and only then obtain written permission from a police inspector to return the car. Without such permission, you will not be allowed to return the vehicle from the parking lot.

The situation becomes more complicated if all the documents for the car remain in it. Then you will first have to come to the impound lot, ask its employee to write a report on the opening of the car, pick up the documents, and only then pay the fine and receive permission to return the car.

If you think that checking documents for the right to use the “persons with disabilities” sticker happens quite rarely, then you are mistaken. For several years now, police officers have been fighting “falsely disabled” drivers. Therefore, it will be quite easy for “offenders” to get hooked.

But the question arises: “Why are the police reacting so aggressively to the fact that I enjoy these privileges and familiarity?” The point is not at all to assign more fines and get money from them. Why is the law prohibiting everyone from enjoying such benefits? Because if everyone uses them, then there won’t be enough dedicated parking spaces for those who really need them. After all, there are far more healthy drivers than disabled drivers.


Each of us, while driving along city roads, has repeatedly noticed cars with a “Disabled Person” sign on the windshield and rear windows.

In accordance with current regulations traffic, install this sign Only a certain category of people can do so if they have specific documents. In this article we will try to figure out who is allowed to use the “Disabled” sign, and what penalties are provided for its illegal installation.

Currently, only disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as people transporting them, can place a sign. Parents of disabled children, of any group, can also legally attach this sign.

In accordance with modern standards, the sign should have dimensions of 15x15 centimeters and a yellow background on which the “Disabled” sign is depicted in black. It is installed on the windshield in the lower right corner, and on the rear - in the lower left part.

Starting from February 2016, drivers of vehicles with this sign in mandatory must have with them an appropriate certificate confirming the disability of the driver or passenger being transported. When a vehicle is stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver is required to present a license.

Disability certificate

The traffic rules do not have an exact definition of what exactly a document certifying a disability should be, however, in the section “general responsibilities of the driver” there is the following entry:

  • When stopping a vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign, the inspector may require medical confirmation of the disability of the driver or the passenger being transported.
  • The driver must always have a document confirming the presence of a disability with him.
  • A document confirming disability must be present with a disabled passenger when he is transported by a healthy driver.

If a traffic police officer has doubts that the disability documents are genuine, the inspector can check the documents in the database and send a request to medical institution to clarify the data.

Modern driver's licenses, unfortunately, do not provide for a special mark establishing a disability group, and confirmation of the availability of benefits is a regular form, which is issued at the relevant medical institution.

Today, the main confirmation of the disability of a driver or passenger is a pension certificate, since it contains the necessary marks.

What are the risks of illegal use?

Today, if he has a disability certificate, a car driver can, without additional permits or certificates, affix the “Disabled Person” sign to his car in accordance with existing standards.

For this reason large number quite healthy people install such an identification mark on their vehicles in order to be able to deviate from several traffic rules, including those related to parking and stopping in certain places. For such a violation of the rules, the law provides for a fine of 5,000 rubles.

If, in the event of a traffic stop, the traffic police inspector asked to present a disabled person’s certificate, and you did not have one, not because you forgot it at home, but because you do not have it at all, then the punishment in this case will be more serious.

By current laws the driver receives a large fine or may even be arrested for up to six months. As reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in this way law enforcement agencies intend to protect people with disabilities and prevent attackers from speculating on their benefits.

What benefits does it provide?

A car equipped with a “Disabled person driving” sign is not subject to a number of prohibitory signs - this is expressly stated in Appendix 1 of Section 3 of the Road Traffic Rules. It's about about all signs such as “Parking prohibited” and “Traffic prohibited”.

But if there are no problems for disabled people, then if they are transported, legal incidents may arise. For example, the driver stopped the car under a prohibitory sign in order to take a disabled person to the hospital or put him on a train. When he returns, the traffic police inspector can fine him, because there is no disabled person in the car, and at the same time it is equipped with a sign. If the sign is removed immediately after disembarking, the driver will be fined for parking in the wrong place.

Therefore, a special register has appeared for Moscow residents. It contains data on vehicles used to transport disabled people. In this case, the driver, who is not disabled himself, receives a special certificate with the license plate entered into the database and has the right to present it to the inspector in a controversial case.

Such a license can be obtained either by disabled drivers or their legal representatives who will drive the vehicle.

Unfortunately, this practice is not yet used in other regions, so the above incidents arise quite often.

From September 4, 2018, on Russian roads you will increasingly see a new “Disabled Person” sign on a car. The fact is that from this date the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 4, 2018 No. 443n established new Order issuance of an identification plate “Disabled” on a car for individual use.

You can no longer buy a picture of the “Disabled” sign

From 09/04/2018, the familiar yellow car stickers are issued only by the bureau medical and social examination, where disability is confirmed.

In this regard, the new “Disabled Person” sign on the car was withdrawn from free sale and externally changed (although at first glance this is not noticeable).

As a result, a new type of “Disabled” badge is now being issued not for a car, but for a specific person who can install it for any car in which he moves.

Right to benefits ( preferential parking etc.) exists only when the car is transporting a disabled person. The mere fact that there is a sticker on the car does not mean anything.

New details

This is what the new “Disabled” sign looks like: when you design it, certain details are indicated in the margins (see table below).

On the front side of the sign On back side sign
Identification serial number of the sign corresponding to the issue journal number. Includes:
  • number ITU Bureau or the expert composition of the main bureau, the Federal Bureau (when indicating the expert composition of the main bureau, put the letter index “ESGB”; when indicating the expert composition of the Federal Bureau, put “ESFB”);
  • region code and, separated by a fraction, the year the sign was issued.

Example 1

05.3.05/2018, where:

  • 05 – serial number;
  • 3 – bureau number;
  • 05 – code of the Republic of Dagestan;
  • 2018 is the year the sign was designed.

Example 2

87.12.ESGB.77/2018, where:

87 – serial number;

12 – number of the expert staff of the main bureau;

77 – Moscow city code;

2018 is the year the sign was designed.

Example 3

14.7.ESFB.77/2018, where:

14 – serial number;

7 – number of the expert staff of the Federal Bureau;

77 – Moscow city code;

2018 is the year the sign was designed.

The expiration date of the sign (the expiration date of the disability period; and if it is established without indicating the period for re-examination, it is written “valid indefinitely”).

Full name (the latter - if available) disabled person (disabled child) in the nominative case


Series and number of the certificate confirming disability

Disability group (in words) or the entry “category “disabled child”

The period for which the disability is established

Date of issue of the sign

By law, this data is applied to the new “Disabled” sign (driving) by hand in legible handwriting in black, blue or purple ink (blots, erasures and corrections are not allowed) or by printing.

All information is certified by the signature of the head of the ITU bureau or the signature of an official authorized by him + the seal of the bureau that issued the sign.

It is difficult to provide a photo of the new sign for “Disabled Persons” at the time of writing this article, since so far few people have managed to obtain the new sign. However, soon you will definitely meet him on your trips.

If you need assistance of a legal nature (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to fill out documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses them altogether), then we offer free legal advice:

  • For residents of Moscow and Moscow Region -

IMPORTANT! From 09/04/2018, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 07/04/2018 No. 443n, you must apply for a new “Disabled Person” badge at the ITU office at the place of residence (place of stay, place of actual residence) of the disabled person. The service is not provided on the basis of Multifunctional Centers.

The text below is no longer relevant.

The following have the right to receive a parking permit for a disabled person at the MFC:

  1. Individuals who are disabled people of groups I and II.
  2. Parents or other legal representatives of a disabled child.
  3. Authorized representatives of a disabled person acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

A disabled parking permit is not a physical medium, but involves entering the state license plate number of the car into the Register of Preferential Parking Permits, which is generated electronically.

In this case, it is allowed to make an entry in relation to only one car belonging to the disabled person himself, the legal representative of a disabled child or another person transporting a passenger with disabilities. physical capabilities.

State duty or other payment for services public services not charged.

The service is provided on an extraterritorial basis - the place of registration of the applicant does not matter.

Step 1. Contact the MFC

Multifunctional centers accept applicants via or in a “live” electronic queue.

You can make an appointment in advance:

  1. Through the website "" (if such a service is provided in the region of application). Registration with State Services is required in advance.
  2. By one phone hotline MFC or contact number of the selected center branch.

Step 2. Submit the necessary documents

1) Application in the prescribed form (the form will be issued by an MFC employee).

2) Identification document of a disabled person.

Such a document can be:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • temporary certificate personalities;
  • international passport (for Russians permanently residing outside the Russian Federation);
  • temporary residence permit;
  • residence permit in the Russian Federation;
  • refugee certificate;
  • diplomatic passport of a foreigner;
  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • other identification document.

3) Certificate of disability.

4) SNILS of the applicant (submitted at the initiative of the citizen).

5) Vehicle registration certificate.

Additional papers

When submitting an application, the legal representative must additionally present:

  • Identity card of the legal representative;
  • a document confirming the authority of a representative who is not a parent (for example: an act of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities);
  • birth certificate of a disabled child under 14 years of age.

Note: The birth certificate of a disabled child, issued in the region of application, is not included in the list of documents required to be submitted. An employee of the institution can obtain information about the document upon an interdepartmental request.

If an authorized person contacts the MFC, you must additionally present:

  • representative's identity card;
  • notarized power of attorney.

Step 3. Obtaining a parking permit

Upon submission of the application and documentation package, the center employee will issue the applicant a receipt, which will indicate the approximate date of receipt of the notification of making an entry in the Register of Parking Permits (refusal to provide the service).

Deadline for receiving a completed notification: 10 working days from the date of registration of the citizen’s appeal, if all the necessary papers are submitted in full.

You can track it using a unique receipt number on the regional MFC website or by calling the hotline.

IN major cities The applicant is informed by sending an SMS message to his mobile phone.

The provision of services may be suspended for a period not exceeding 10 calendar days if information about the required document is not available in the database of the executive authority (for example: a birth certificate of a disabled child issued outside the region of application has not been presented).

In this case, the applicant will be asked to submit the missing document within the specified period.

Also, the period for obtaining permission can be extended to 20 working days if it is necessary to send a request to another agency (for example: to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the applicant’s SNILS number).

Refusal to provide service

A parking permit may be refused on the following grounds:

  • inaccurate information and documentation are provided;
  • the applicant does not have the right to apply for parking permit disabled person;
  • The period for suspending consideration of the application has expired, if during this period the reasons that led to the suspension of the provision of the service have not been eliminated.

Free legal consultation

Have you been refused a service, and do you think that the refusal is unlawful? Do you have another complex legal situation or issues that require legal assistance (not necessarily related to the MFC)?

Call and get a FREE legal consultation!

  • For residents of Moscow and Moscow Region -
  • St. Petersburg and Len. region -
  • Toll-free number for regions of the Russian Federation -

Just ten years ago there were very few cars with the “Disabled” sign on Russian roads. But the introduction of paid parking, the emergence of benefits for certain categories of citizens (in particular for people with disabilities), as well as separate parking spaces, led to the appearance of many cars with a characteristic distinctive sign - wheelchair on a yellow background. The paradox of the situation was that there was not a single single document in the country regulating the appearance of the “Disabled” sign on a car, except for the indication in the Road Traffic Rules that vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children, an identification sign “Disabled” may be installed. You could buy it in any store.

The first law that addressed this topic appeared in 2011. Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses was supplemented with clause 4.1, which prescribed a fine of 5,000 rubles for illegal installation. Liability was introduced, but no explanation was given as to how to legally install and use the sign. Only in February 2016, amendments to the traffic rules were adopted, obliging disabled drivers or persons transporting people with disabilities to carry certificates confirming their physical condition.

Finally, on September 4, 2018, Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 443n came into force, approving the “Procedure for issuing the identification badge “Disabled” for individual use.” Previously, on June 14, by a government resolution, this department was given the opportunity to exercise powers in this matter, since even the drafter of such a “Procedure” had not previously been determined by law.

Let's look at how the country's more than eight million officially registered disabled people can now obtain a car placard that confirms their status and provides certain benefits.

Who can use such a sign?

This is the most incomprehensible and controversial point of the entire “Order”. In order to understand all the ambiguous and unclear points, it is better to quote it in full:

“This Procedure determines the rules for issuing the identification badge “Disabled” for individual use, confirming the right to free parking vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I, II, as well as disabled people of group III in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation, and vehicles transporting such disabled people and (or) disabled children.”

What does "individual use" mean? An individual is always one person. It is unlikely that the rule-makers had in mind the fact that a disabled person should be alone in the car. After all, quite often people with disabilities cannot move unaccompanied, even if they drive a car themselves. And “Order” also has no right to reject the right to commercial use, since every person can use his property as he pleases within the framework of the law. The owner can also earn money using his property, which is a car. So that's the wording.

What about free parking?

The addition about the use of “confirming the right to free parking” also raises questions. After all, it essentially limits the benefits of the “Disabled” sign to paid parking only. According to the Traffic Rules, a disabled person’s car can pass under signs 3.2 (Traffic is prohibited), 3.3 (Motor vehicles are prohibited) and stop in the coverage area of ​​signs 3.28 (Parking is prohibited), 3.29/30 (Parking is prohibited on odd/even days of the month) . Since traffic rules have greater force than the “Procedure” approved by the department, this restriction is only for paid parking- looks absolutely pointless.

In addition to the right to park for free, there are also special places, which ordinary motorists cannot use. For parking in a specially designated slot for disabled people, you can get a fine of 5,000 rubles or then have to look for a towed car.

Will there be benefits for disabled people of group III?

Possible sign recipients now also include disabled people III groups. At the same time, the traffic rules indicate benefits only for disabled people of groups I and II, as well as disabled children and persons transporting them. On the other hand, it may be that the indication of the “order established by the Government of the Russian Federation”, which will apply to Group III, is a foundation for the future.

How to get a badge?

To obtain a sign you need to contact Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, which also issue basic disability certificates. This may be a branch (you need to go there first), the main bureau (if problems arose in the first instance - a refusal was received or additional examinations are required) and, most importantly, the Federal Bureau (issuing signs in special difficult cases determination of disability). The badge can be obtained both at the place of primary registration and at the place of stay.

Main document - application for a badge. In addition to the appeal itself, it must indicate the name of the disabled person, residential address and number insurance policy. You will also need to provide proof of identity and certificate of disability. An application and the same package of documents can be submitted on behalf of the legal representative of a disabled person.

But you will have to wait a month for the sign to be issued from the date of registration of the application. It is not clear why it takes so long: in Moscow, a preferential parking permit is issued in 10 days, and the bureau that itself issued the disability certificate does not need to check its authenticity. Perhaps these 30 days will be spent on making the sign itself. Receiving the finished sign will only take a day.

If the sign is lost or has become unusable, you can get a duplicate by submitting the same package of documents. When changing the region of stay in a new place, a disabled person will have to receive a new badge according to the same rules. The procedure does not provide no fee for issuing a sign"Disabled person".

How does an issued sign differ from one purchased in a store?

Just as before, the sign will comply with accepted GOST standards: size 15x15 cm, yellow background, black symbol. But now on the front side of the plate the following will appear: the owner’s data (entered by hand or in print), the badge number, the expiration date of the disability (then the badge will expire; if the expiration date is not specified, the badge is valid indefinitely) and the region of issue. On the back will be placed: the full name of the disabled person, date of birth, certificate number, validity period, disability group and date of issue of the badge.

Benefits of the new sign

One of the advantages of the adopted “Procedure” is that the “Disabled” sign is not tied to a specific car. Now the sign is valid when a person with disabilities is inside the car. Thus, the owner can use any vehicle for transportation, including a taxi. You just need to place the signs under the front and rear windows vehicle. The same applies to persons transporting disabled people or disabled children.

But we must not forget that if there is no disabled person in the car, the signs must be removed. Otherwise, you face the same punishment for illegal use. An invalid sign will not protect against all fines and sanctions that apply to ordinary cars for violating traffic rules.

Do you need to rush to receive it?

On the one hand, it is better not to hesitate. After all, the adopted “Order” is a legal method required by the Administrative Code. But, in any case, from September 4, all disabled drivers will be violators for at least a month - namely, during this period - they will be violators, even if they submit an application and all other necessary documents on the day the new “Procedure” comes into force.

On the other hand, the current “Procedure” is a completely separate document, not related to either GOSTs, or traffic rules, or the same Code of Administrative Offenses, since these laws do not contain references to the Order of the Ministry of Labor, which means that the mandatory execution of this document remains unclear. And the benefits for paid parking in different cities, as well as the rules for obtaining them, vary.

An obvious advantage of the adopted “Procedure for obtaining “Disabled” badges is the elimination from the streets of those unscrupulous car owners who often resorted to buying fake certificate about disability and, hiding behind yellow signs, violated traffic rules. But there is also a minus: real disabled people will have to make an effort to get these signs. They will once again have to undergo a certain and not entirely simple procedure in order to make their life easier.