
New Year for the little ones. New Year for the little ones New Year's program for children 3 years old scenario

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 10 “Beryozka”

New Year's holiday scenario

in the educational field "Music" in a group of general developmental orientation from 3 to 4 years

"Our cheerful New Year»

Belogolovkina L.A., music director


Target: Creating a festive atmosphere.


Educational: Teach children to read poetry expressively, move to the beat of music, and sing songs.

Educational: Develop creativity, develop a sense of beauty in the world of art, develop communication skills.

Educational: Teach children to share the joy of the holiday, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Integration of educational areas : Speech, cognitive, communicative development.

Integration of activities: Playful, motor, artistic, communicative.

Equipment: Costumes for heroes,plumes, rattles, snowballs, snow dust, bag, carrots, snowball, gifts.

Decorations: The hall is festively decorated.

Preliminary work: Selection of musical repertoire.

Vocabulary work: Learning poems, songs, dances.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Winter, Snowman.

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.


Winter brought us a joyful holiday,
The green Christmas tree has come to visit us!
Let's look at the toys, guys -

They hang everywhere right up to the top of your head!

Children look at the Christmas tree and toys.

Presenter: The New Year is coming, what will it bring to the children?

Children read poetry: 1. Fluffy Christmas trees, silver candles,
Multi-colored balloons, cheerful laughter of children.

2. Mountains of snow outside the window, congratulations to every home,
Lots of sweets, toys, wonderful books and firecrackers.

3. Here comes the Christmas tree, guys. ,
Come to our kindergarten for a holiday.
There are so many lights and toys!
How beautiful is her outfit!

3. Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Bright lights
Blue beads
Christmas tree, ring!

Presenter: Let's stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance
Let's have a fun, fun New Year!

Round dance "For our children"

Children sit on chairs.


Guys, can you hear the music?

This is Zimushka-Winter coming to visit us!
Winter enters the hall to the music.

Winter: Hello kids! Girls and boys!

The snow is fluffy, the street is white.
I, Winter Blizzard, have come to visit you!
Come together, snowflakes, quickly dance in a circle,
Come together, girlfriends, Winter is calling you!

Snowflake 1: We are cheerful snowflakes, golden fluffs.
We fly, we fly, we fly, we sparkle and shine!
Snowflake 2: We are snowflakes - cold ones, we are in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,
We want to dance the waltz!

Snowflake 3: Snow, snow swirling, the whole street is white!
We gathered in a circle and started spinning like a snowball!


Presenter: Thank you, Winter! Thank you, dear snowflakes,
for the wonderful snowfall! Now let's dance and play.
Winter-winter, gather everyone in a fun round dance.


After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Winter: Here you go! The time has come to say goodbye to you.
Happy New Year!
With new joy to you all! Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter! Goodbye!
Children: Goodbye!

Winter goes away to the music from the hall.

Presenter: On New Year's Eve there is fun everywhere, everyone is dancing and singing,
Even in fairy tales people look forward to this holiday with impatience.
Santa Claus painted our windows with a white brush,
He covered the little pole with snow and covered the garden with snow.

Music sounds, Santa Claus enters

D.M.: Hello guys!

Hello, dear guests!

Happy New Year!
I wish you to be healthy!

Only joy and laughter
Only happiness and success!

Presenter : Hello, Grandfather Frost! It’s so good that you came, because our children were really waiting for you and want to sing a song to you.

D.M. Come on, everyone get up together and start the round dances!

Children stand around the Christmas tree

D.M.: I have lived in the world for many years and have seen a lot,
But I have never seen such a wonderful Christmas tree!
Come on, Christmas tree, perk up, come on, Christmas tree, perk up,
Come on, tree, one, two, three, light up with fairy-tale light!

Oh, guys, our Christmas tree is not burning, we need to say together: “one, two, three - the Christmas tree is burning.”

The lights on the tree are lit. Round dance "Herringbone"


D.M.: There are a lot of games in the world. Do you want to play, children?
Aren't you afraid of frost? Whenever I blow on you, I’ll freeze everyone now!


Santa Claus walks in a circle with words :

I walk, walk, walk, looking for a small nose.

If you don't hide your warm nose, I'll freeze you and get cold.

(Children hide their noses).

I walk, walk, walk, looking for cunning eyes.

Whoever didn’t hide these little eyes will freeze and catch a cold.

(Children hide their eyes).

I walk, walk, walk, looking for warm ears.

If anyone didn't hide these ears, I'll freeze them and get cold.

(Children hide their ears.)

I walk, walk, walk, looking for warm hands.

If you didn't hide these hands, I'll freeze you and get cold.

(Children hide their hands).

Children take their seats

Father Frost: Now listen to my riddle:
The bright red cap was pushed jauntily onto the side.
He is a funny toy, and his name is...
I don’t understand, where is Parsley? Come out and dance
Entertain the kids!


D.M.: Celebrate the New Year with a song! Celebrate the New Year with dancing!
And whoever knows poems about the holiday, let him read them now.


Presenter: The glorious New Year holiday brings miracles to our homes.

(The snowman from behind the tree sprinkles “snow dust” on D.M.)

D.M.: What is this strange phenomenon?(Looks first one way, then the other.)
Now everything is clear to me.

D.M. Dear, kind Snowman,
Fidget, mischief maker, where are you?
Snowman: (from behind the Christmas tree) I'm here.
D.M.: (goes behind the tree) Where is it?
Snowman: (already in front of the Christmas tree) I'm here!(hides behind the tree again)
D.M.: (comes out from behind the tree) Where here?(goes behind the tree)
Snowman: I'm here!
D.M.: Where is it?
Snowman: I'm here!
D.M.: Oh, what is this? Oh, how can this be?
D.M. realizes that the Snowman is playing a prank on him and, in turn, decides to play a joke on the Snowman himself.
D.M.: Listen, how are you...
“I’m here,” I was bringing a gift to the Snowman, yes, apparently I had the wrong address.
I'll go and look for him further
(stomps his feet loudly in place).
Snowman: (runs out from behind the tree) Wait to go, Grandfather Frost, I'm here!
Uh-uh... that is, I'm here! I'm the Snowman! I!
D.M.: Well, hello, Snowman!(hugs him) .
Hello dear!
Glad to see you!
Snowman: I'm not a simple snowman, I'm cheerful and mischievous.
I really like to play, sing songs and dance.
Everything is white in winter, there is a lot of snow.
I prepared lumps of white snow into snowballs.
Presenter: Look under the chair, quickly grab the snowballs.

Snowman: Let's play with snowballs and have a snow dance!


(Sit on chairs)

Snowman: (in a weak voice) I’m melting, I’m melting, help...
Presenter: (scared) Children, blow harder to make it colder!
Children blow on the Snowman.

Snowman: Oh-oh-oh! Now I'm melting!
Presenter: Now wave some more!
The children wave and blow on the Snowman, who rises up.

Presenter: What's wrong with you, Snowman?
You look very pale. Are you sick?
Snowman: (rising) I'm healthy. I don't need doctors.
Presenter: You really scared us.
Snowman: (naughty) I was just pranking you!
D.M.: Played it off? What a cunning one! The show is over!

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, where is your bag?
D.M.: What bag?
Snowman: How is it - which one? With gifts, of course.
D.M.: Oh, with gifts! Well then! Where's the bag? Submit here!
The presenter gives the bag to Santa Claus .

Snowman: Your bag is too small. Did you even take the gifts?
D.M.: (to the snowman) Stop by.
Snowman: And I'll stop by. (Looks into the bag.) What's happened? Well, well...
(Takes out a huge carrot and puts it to his nose.)

Is this Santa Claus for me?
D.M.: Wear it to your health, Snowman!
Snowman: (enthusiastically) That's the nose, that's the nose! I'll be like Pinocchio,
With a long and beautiful nose.
Presenter: D.M., can I also look into your bag?
D.M.: Stop by.
Presenter: (looks into the bag) Oh, but there’s nothing else in the bag...
Santa Claus, there are no gifts!
D.M.: No gifts? No problem! Bring the snowball here!

A snowman drags a big snowball.

D.M.: I'll do a little magic(makes movements with his hands)
I'll blow on it lightly
I'll touch you with my staff(touches with staff),
I'll smile at all the kids

There you go!

He takes out and shows the gifts to the children.

Snowman: Wow! There was one, but there were many,
Look, everything is ready!

Santa Claus and the snowman wish everyone a Happy New Year and give gifts to children. Children go to the group to the music.


Snow Maiden


Children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

Having unraveled its needles,
The Christmas tree shines with beauty.
How many balls, toys,
Cones, stars, firecrackers.
We need to look at the Christmas tree,
Let's stand in a circle quickly, guys.

Children walk around the Christmas tree to the music, looking at the toys. They stop and read poetry:

1st child:
It's snowing it's snowing!
The holiday is coming - New Year!

2nd child:
Grandfather Frost will come,
He will bring us a Christmas tree.

3rd child:
The Christmas tree will sparkle
We should blink the lights.

4th child:
Let's sing a song for the Christmas tree
Let's start our round dance!

Round dance “Little Christmas Tree” or at the choice of the musical director.

I play snowballs in winter
I'm sledding down the mountain.
I'm making a snow woman.
I love winter very much.

A song about winter is sung.

The presenter draws the children's attention to the mitten he finds under the tree.

Look here.
Whose mitten is this?
Who was walking by the Christmas tree?
And lost her here?

He takes a bell out of his mitten.

Bell, help me,
You always ring so famously!
We don't want to sit in silence
Who is your master, tell me!

The bell rings. The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:
How good are you here?
So beautiful and light.
Did I end up in kindergarten?

Today is a holiday for the guys!
All the people are having fun.

This holiday is New Year!

Snow Maiden:
That's right, that's right, New Year!
The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
We'll sing her a song now,
We'll have fun together.

A song chosen by the music director is performed.

The Snow Maiden sees the mitten in the hands of the presenter.

Snow Maiden:
The mitten has been found!
Yesterday she was left in the snow.

I'll give you the mitten
If you dance for us.

The Snow Maiden's dance is performed.

After the dance, the Snow Maiden begins to look for something near the Christmas tree.

You've become sad again
Lost something again?

Snow Maiden:
I can’t find the magic bag,
He got lost in the snow.
You guys, help,
Find that bag.

Children help Snow Maiden find a magic bag.

What's in your bag?

Parsley jumps out of the bag.

Look! It's me!
I'm a fun toy
And my name is Petrushka.
I can't sit still,
The legs are in a hurry to start dancing.
Hey guys, come out
And dance with me.

Parsley begins to dance, and the children dance with him.

Don't yawn after the dance!
We'll play hide and seek.

A game of hide and seek.

Parsley is hiding in a bag. Bunny jumps out instead.

Snow Maiden:
He came to us for a holiday
This cute Bunny himself.
Bunny even knows the song
He will play a game with you.

The song-game “Bunny” is performed

Snow Maiden:
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit
I'll take a look at the guys.
I will be glad to have poems,
You need to try.

Reading poetry.

Snow Maiden:
Thank you my friends
Now I will please you!

He takes a snowflake out of the bag.

I love all Snowflakes
I give them whiteness.
They all shine amazingly!
Look how beautiful it is!
Hey, Mischievous Snowflakes
My dear sisters,
Fly, circle,
Have fun with all the guys.

The dance of snowflakes is performed.

Good in winter. Isn't it true?
The kids are so happy about winter!
Sleds, skis, snowing,
Christmas tree, holiday - New Year!
And children are happy with gifts.
Did you bring them to the guys?

Snow Maiden:
Here they are, in a bag.
Oh-oh-oh! At the very bottom.
Grandfather Frost folded
I didn't forget about the gifts.

He takes out a snowball.

What kind of product is this?
Snowball, no legs, no arms.
It must be a difficult one,
Someone is hiding in it!
Who could get in there?

Opens the lid.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here!

Gives out gifts.

MDOU TsRR - DS No. 57 "Katyusha" of the city of Tambov


New Year's party.

Leading: Here comes the Christmas tree guys

Come to our kindergarten for a holiday

There are so many lights, so many toys,

How beautiful is her outfit!

Happy New Year,

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness and joy

To all the guys and guests.

Host: How nice the New Year tree is

Look how she dressed up,

Dress on the Christmas tree - green silk

Bright beads glow on the chest

Leading: Guys, what a beautiful, elegant tree, let's say hello to it.

Hello Christmas tree!

Child 1. This is how the Christmas tree is dressed up,

And she came to our kindergarten.

And look at the Christmas tree.

So many little guys!

Child 2. Near the Christmas tree today,

Hello, New Year's holiday!

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

Child 3. We're having a lot of fun

At your holiday.

And a song about a Christmas tree,

Now we will sing for you.

Song: “We have decorated the Christmas tree, we are in a spacious hall.”

Leading: Guys, the Christmas tree is very beautiful, elegant, festive. But something is missing from it. What do you think should be on the Christmas tree to make it even more beautiful, more elegant, brighter?

Children: Lights.

Leading : Let's say it loudly, together

One, two, three, our Christmas tree is on fire!

Leading: Let's clap the Christmas tree. Guys, do you want to play with her?

Game: “Blow out the lights on the Christmas tree.”

(Let's blow on the Christmas tree, (the lights go out) Let's say 1.2.3 - our Christmas tree is on fire).

Leading: New Year's round dance

Children waited all year round

Dads, moms, kids

We are glad for the Christmas tree from the bottom of our hearts

To make our Christmas tree happy,

Let's sing and dance for her.

Song: “Hello, Christmas tree!”

The beautiful Christmas tree has come to us again,

We really, really like this miracle

Chorus: Oh yes, the Christmas tree is good, good,

We are happy to dance under the Christmas tree until the morning.

On a fabulous night, everything around changes

And under the Christmas tree the fairy tale begins

Chorus: the same.

Leading: Celebrate the New Year with song.

Celebrate the New Year with dancing.

Who knows the poem about the Christmas tree?

I hope he reads it to us.

Child 1. Hello. Christmas tree!

How beautifully you lit your lights!

How many happy children are you?

I invited you to visit me on holiday!

Child 2. The tree is forever green

She brings joy to everyone.

Every time on New Year's Eve

She comes to visit us.

Child 3. Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again.

Child 4. Our Christmas tree is big.

Our tree is tall

Taller than mom, taller than dad.

Reaches to the ceiling.

Child 5. Fluffy Christmas tree

She came to us for the holiday.

Dressed up in toys

It blossomed with lights.

Child 6 We dance near the Christmas tree,

Let's clap our hands.

There is nowhere like ours,

A good Christmas tree.

Leading: Guys, someone is knocking on our door.

Yes, it's a magpie.

Magpie: I flew and flew! I was in a hurry and in a hurry! But suddenly I saw something shiny - shiny. I just put the bag down for a minute to see what it was, and the gray wolf grabbed the bag and ran away. I'm after him! Oh, how tired I am! But still, I took the bag from him and now I will read the message to you. (Snow Maiden exits.)

Snow Maiden. I am the Snow Maiden

All the children have been friends with me for a long time,

I love frost and wind

And a snowstorm in winter.

I know all the animals in the forest

I make friends with them.

I sing songs loudly,

And I glide easily on the ice.

Leading: Snow Maiden, where are your snowflake friends?

Snow Maiden: The snowflakes are all in the field, there is a wind, a blizzard,

They drive the carousel joyfully.

Leading: It's more fun here, call them quickly.

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes-girlfriends. Aw-ow!

Child: Come on, girlfriend stars,

Get into the circle quickly

Straighten your dresses

And dance more fun!

Dance "Snowflakes"

Leading: Thank you snowflakes, you made us happy.

Snow Maiden: But not only snowflakes came with me, but also animals,

Leading: Our bears come out and show your dance.

Dance "Bear Cubs".

Leading: Thank you, little bears, for your wonderful dance!

Snow Maiden: The winter sun is rising, I see the bunny walking,

Wherever you go, you walk barefoot in the snow.

It's frosty outside now,

You'll freeze your tail and nose.

Hare 1. I'm not afraid of frost, I'm in a hurry to get to the Christmas tree!

Hare 2. They haven't forgotten us bunnies!

We were invited to the Christmas tree!

Fox: I am a fox with a red tail,

I’ll stand closer to the Christmas tree.

Don't be afraid of me children

I'm so kind today

I won't touch any of you,

I've come to you to have fun!

Hare 3. Let's have fun together

And spin under the Christmas tree.

Hare 4. Hey bunnies, well done.

Come out brave men.

And grab the fox

Together we will dance together.

Hare 5. And now the forest people,

Let's stand together in a round dance.

Dance "Zaitsev and foxes".

Leading: Guys, the Snow Maiden is visiting us. Where is Santa Claus? For some reason he hasn’t been coming to us for a long time. Let's sing a song for him, he will hear and come.

Song "Oh-oh-oh."

It's fun along the path

Our legs walked

And to the elegant Christmas tree

We came to visit


Oh-oh-oh! Ay-ay-ay!

The Christmas tree is big!

Oh-oh-oh! Ay-ay-ay!

What a beauty!

Under the green Christmas tree

Everyone wants to dance

The Christmas tree waves its branches;

“It’s too much to keep up!”

We will pet you all

Just don't inject yourself

With bright lights

Christmas tree light up!

(Santa Claus enters)

Father Frost: Hello, hello!

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health.

Did you recognize me? Who am I?

(Children's answers)

I'm still the same, gray-haired,

And just like young.

I'm ready to start dancing, even now.

Round dance with Santa Claus.

Leading: Grandfather Frost is lying under the tree. Look.

Father Frost: Oh, guys, these are rings. Red, green, like lights on a Christmas tree. What do our rings look like? If we look through the rings, it will be a window. If we turn the ring like a steering wheel and stomp our feet, then

Dance with rings.

We are funny guys, we look out the windows,

We are playing hide and seek with you

And we quietly shout “cuckoo”.

We'll sit down quietly

And let's knock on the ring,

Quietly, quietly, ate and ate.

So we knock, we knock with the ring.

Let's hide, we'll hide the ring,

No one will see them

You won't find the ring

The boys have no way.

We drive like a steering wheel

With our little ring

Be careful not to rush -

Our kids are coming.

Leading: D.M. you're probably tired. Sit on a chair, relax, the children read poetry to you.

Poems for Santa Claus.

1.Fluffy Christmas tree

She came to us for the holiday

Dressed up in toys

It blossomed with lights.

The lights are burning brightly

And the star blinks.

Children lead a round dance

The holiday is celebrated

Over snowdrifts and potholes

He comes towards us with a cheerful step

Good Grandfather Frost

And he brought us gifts.

There is a huge house in the forest

A magical gnome lives there.

He collects gifts

Santa Claus sends.

Santa Claus puts in bags:

“The kids will be happy.”

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Did you bring us gifts?

I've been waiting for you for so long

I don't go out anywhere.

Dad chose a Christmas tree

The fluffiest

The fluffiest

The most fragrant...

The Christmas tree smells so good

Mom will gasp immediately!

We removed the tree ourselves

The stars were hung.

We'll come and tell mom

How much fun we had.

The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday

The lights lit up,

They all burn and sparkle

Children are invited to visit.

Father Frost,

Father Frost.

He brought us gifts.

Knock on our doors.

“Children, hello, I’m coming to you!”

Our tree is tall

Our Christmas tree is big

Taller than mom, taller than dad,

Reaches to the ceiling.

Our tree is tall

Reaches to the ceiling!

And there are toys hanging on it

Balls and crackers.

The Christmas tree is dressing up,

The holiday is approaching

New Year's at the gates

The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids!

Father Frost: Well done guys, good poetry.

Snow Maiden: Guys, what games do you like to play in winter? (In the snowballs.)

Let's play.

"Playing with snowballs."

Leading: Santa Claus, the clock is running

The children are waiting for all the gifts.

Father Frost: Of course, I have a magic mitten. I will say the magic words and gifts will appear. Oh, where is she, has she really lost it? (Snow Maiden helps find the mitten.)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, isn't that her?

Father Frost: Yes, sure! (casts a spell over his gauntlet)

Grow up your mittens

Grow up little ones.

Become big

Just not empty.

One, two, three, look!

Snow Maiden: Well, Santa Claus.

This is how he presented a miracle,

In these bright mittens,

New Year's gifts.

(Pulls out a large mitten with gifts). Gives out gifts.


Snow Maiden


Children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

Having unraveled its needles,
The Christmas tree shines with beauty.
How many balls, toys,
Cones, stars, firecrackers.
We need to look at the Christmas tree,
Let's stand in a circle quickly, guys.

Children walk around the Christmas tree to the music, looking at the toys. They stop and read poetry:

1st child:
It's snowing, it's snowing!
The holiday is coming - New Year!

2nd child:
Grandfather Frost will come,
He will bring us a Christmas tree.

3rd child:
The Christmas tree will sparkle
We should blink the lights.

4th child:
Let's sing a song for the Christmas tree
Let's start our round dance!

Round dance “Little Christmas Tree” or at the choice of the musical director.

I play snowballs in winter
I'm sledding down the mountain.
I'm making a snow woman.
I really love winter.

A song about winter is sung.
The presenter draws the children's attention to the mitten he finds under the tree.

Look here.
Whose mitten is this?
Who was walking at the Christmas tree?
And lost her here?

He takes a bell out of his mitten.

Bell, help me,
You always ring so famously!
We don't want to sit in silence
Who is your master, tell me!

The bell rings. The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:
How good are you here?
So beautiful and light.
Did I end up in kindergarten?

Today is a holiday for the guys!
All the people are having fun.

This holiday is New Year!

Snow Maiden:
That's right, that's right, New Year!
The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
We'll sing her a song now,
We'll have fun together.

A song chosen by the music director is performed.
The Snow Maiden sees the mitten in the hands of the presenter.

Snow Maiden:
The mitten has been found!
Yesterday she was left in the snow.

I'll give you the mitten
If you dance for us.

The Snow Maiden's dance is performed.
After the dance, the Snow Maiden begins to look for something near the Christmas tree.

You've become sad again
Lost something again?

Snow Maiden:
I can’t find the magic bag,
He got lost in the snow.
You guys, help,
Find that bag.

Children help Snow Maiden find a magic bag.

What's in your bag?

Parsley jumps out of the bag.

Look! It's me!
I'm a fun toy
And my name is Petrushka.
I can't sit still,
The legs are in a hurry to start dancing.
Hey guys, come out
And dance with me.

Parsley begins to dance, and the children dance with him.

Don't yawn after the dance!
We'll play hide and seek.

A game of hide and seek.
Parsley is hiding in a bag. Bunny jumps out instead.

Snow Maiden:
He came to us for a holiday
This cute Bunny himself.
Bunny even knows the song
He will play a game with you.

The song-game “Bunny” is performed

Snow Maiden:
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit
I'll take a look at the guys.
I will be glad to have poems,
You need to try.

Reading poetry.

Snow Maiden:
Thank you my friends
Now I will please you!

He takes a snowflake out of the bag.

I love all Snowflakes
I give them whiteness.
They all shine amazingly!
Look how beautiful it is!
Hey, Mischievous Snowflakes
My dear sisters,
Fly, circle,
Have fun with all the guys.

The dance of snowflakes is performed.

Good in winter. Really, really?
The kids are so happy about winter!
Sleds, skis, snowing,
Christmas tree, holiday - New Year!
And children are happy with gifts.
Did you bring them to the guys?

Snow Maiden:
Here they are, in a bag.
Oh-oh-oh! At the very bottom.
Grandfather Frost folded
I didn't forget about the gifts.

He takes out a snowball.

What kind of product is this?
Snowball, no legs, no arms.
It must be a difficult one,
Someone is hiding in it!
Who could get in there?

Opens the lid.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here!

Gives out gifts.

New Year's party 2 3 years.

Goal: to bring joy to children about the traditional New Year's Eve.

Tasks: 1. create joyful festive mood in children.

2.instill activity and self-confidence in children.

Characters: adults

Hare, bear, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, presenter.

Equipment: hare costume, bear costume, snowballs, bells, plumes, saucepan, mug with finely torn white napkin, recording of the voice of the Christmas tree, confetti.

The progress of the holiday

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the group. Children in costumes and music join the group. They stand around the tree.
Presenter: Hello Christmas tree! How smart you are when you came to our kindergarten, and look at how many little, smart kids there are at the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree invites all its friends into the circle. And I want to ask you guys a riddle, try to guess who this is?
- With a long white beard, he knows a lot of games and jokes; on New Year’s Eve he plays with children and gives gifts.
Children: Santa Claus!
Presenter: We need to invite grandfather to celebrate the New Year with us.
Children: Santa Claus!
(A little white bunny runs in, out of breath, but very joyful, and in his hands is a letter from Santa Claus. It contains an invitation. The letter says that Santa Claus is waiting for them to come to him for the New Year holiday, but the road will lie through the forest and there will be various difficulties waiting for them that they will have to cope with.)
Presenter: do you agree, guys? Shall we go visit Santa Claus?
Children: Yes!
Presenter: is everyone ready? Then let's go, but let's hold on to each other, you can get lost in the forest, and wild animals live there.
There is a Christmas tree in the hall, and a bunny sits under it, playing with snowballs and rubbing its paws. Seeing the guys, he offers to play snowballs and warm up.
Hare: I love all the kids and invite them to play in the snow.
Playing to the music “We took the snowballs in our hands.”
Hare: oh, I'm warmed up guys, Well done! Thank you! Where are you all going so dressed up?
Children: we’re going to visit Santa Claus for a holiday.
Hare: Can I come and see your holiday with you?
Children: Yes!
Presenter: Bunny, can you tell us where to go next?
Hare: where my magic snowball will fall, let’s go. (throws the snowball towards the stairs, where the bear is already lying and sleeping).
They walk further, and on the first steps the Bear lies sleeping, with a bell lying next to him.
Presenter: What should we do? Guys, look, the bell is there. Let's call and try to wake up Mishka, otherwise we won't be able to get through, he blocked our entire road.
(The bell rings and the bear wakes up.)
Bear: Who woke me up?
Presenter: We didn’t want Misha, but you blocked the way for us, we can’t get through.
Bear: Where are you kids, going so smartly through the forest, in a hurry?
Children: to Santa Claus for the New Year holiday, he invited .(show the invitation.)
Bear: For waking me up, respect me, dance with me. I love it when bells ring.
Dance with bells performed.

Bear: respected me, well done! You know how to dance and ring bells. Come on in and take me with you to the holiday. I always sleep in winter and have never seen the New Year holiday.
Presenter: guys, shall we take the bear with us?
Children: Yes!
the hare and the bear help the children climb the stairs. Where in the corridor in front of the doors of the music room the Snow Maiden is waiting.
Snow Maiden: Hello children! Do you recognize me? My name is Snegurochka, I am Frost’s granddaughter! Grandfather sent me to meet you and take you to him.
(opens the door and invites you in.)
Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree, greeting the children.
Santa Claus: Hello my dear guys! I have been waiting for this meeting for a long time. Your road through the forest was difficult, but I see you are brave, brave guys, you managed it and took the forest animals with you to the holiday. Come and admire my beautiful Christmas tree, how elegant it is today, and how elegant you have come to visit me!
(Looking at the Christmas tree)
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, why don’t the lights on the Christmas tree light up?
Santa Claus: the Christmas tree is being capricious again.
Guys, help! Let's hold hands together and say: one, two, three, our Christmas tree is burning ! (after the guys’ words, the Christmas tree lights up)
The voice of the Christmas tree is heard (audio recording of the voice).

Christmas tree (capriciously): I'm hot! Blow on me quickly! (children blow, lights go out.)
Christmas tree: cold, cold, they froze me. Well, the lights went out. Clap now to light the lights. (children clap, lights light up.) Christmas tree: oh! Oh! Oh! I'm hot again now. Cool me down quickly.
Snow Maiden: snowflakes - sisters, come out and dance merrily, cool our Christmas tree. (dance of snowflakes with plumes.)
Christmas tree: Thanks, guys! I liked it. I wink at you with my colored eyes, I invite you to dance around me. (round dance “beads hang on the tree”, sing a song.)
Santa Claus: how wonderfully you danced! I'm tired, tired. We'll sit down and rest. Well, I’ll sit by the tree and relax a little. Hey, my granddaughter Snow Maiden, do me a favor. Bring grandfather some tea! Serve it quickly!
The Snow Maiden hands him a saucer with a cup, with finely chopped napkins.
Santa Claus: Although I don’t drink tea at all, I love its aroma! He sniffs the tea, blows on it - snowflakes fly out of the cup.
Presenter: oh, guys, look, Santa Claus didn’t drink tea! Our Santa Claus is a wizard - he turned tea into snowflakes.
Snow Maiden: what else is this, not a miracle, a miracle will come! Do you want gifts from Santa Claus?
Children's answers
Santa Claus: they danced and sang songs, it’s time for the guys to refresh themselves. Would you like me to treat you to cold Dedomorozovskaya porridge, according to my recipe? Where's my favorite saucepan?
They take the pan out, Santa Claus pours candy into it, stirs it with a spoon and tastes it.
Santa Claus: no, the porridge is not very snowy. Come on, kids, help me, bring some snowflakes, and I’ll cook.
(snowflakes are scattered, children collect them, bring them to Santa Claus)
Santa Claus: cook Santa's porridge, cold when cold. (2 times) Well, Snow Maiden, a couple of guys should treat them to Dedomorozovskaya porridge (opens the pan, and there are gifts)
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, look what happened! This is how the porridge was cooked!
Santa Claus: yes, things happen on New Year’s Eve, but this is the first time this has happened to me. Even winter snowflakes turn into gifts!
(Gift distribution)
Santa Claus: the pan turned out to be heavy, let Bunny and Mishka help you bring gifts to the kindergarten through the forest. And my assistants will take you along a short road.
Happy New Year, friends! I was very glad to see you! Until next New Year! It's time for you!

New Year's party 2 3 years.

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU " Kindergarten With. Malinovka" Tomsk district
Location: Malinovka village, Tomsk district, Tomsk Region