
New Year New Year's games and entertainment. Fun New Year competitions for children

Participants are divided into several teams and each team receives a task: to come up with their own country, give it a name and create something for its inhabitants. new year traditions and customs. For example, the same Tilimilitryamtiya, where they decorate the Christmas tree with clouds, there is no Santa Claus,

The clock strikes 12 and we draw

Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pen (pencil) and in 12 seconds must draw as many New Year’s items as possible on their sheet of paper (tree, ball, snowman, gift, Olivier salad, etc.). The participant who can draw the most New Year's items in 12 seconds will win and receive a prize.

Tangerine rush

The first stage of the competition is that each participant receives a tangerine and, at the “start” command, begins to peel it and then divide it into separate slices. Whoever is first, well done, get a prize. And then the second stage begins: each participant is blindfolded and given the same toothpick. All tangerine slices are laid out on a table or chair (in a circle). Participants stand in a circle or semicircle and, at the command “start”, begin to collect tangerines on their toothpick. Whoever chops the most tangerine slices in 1 minute is the winner.

Don't tell me the truth

For this competition, the presenter must prepare various questions on the theme of the New Year, for example, what do all people dress up for the holiday? What salad is considered to be a symbol of the New Year? What do people launch into the sky to celebrate the New Year? and so on. The presenter asks such questions quickly and deftly, demanding the same answer. Only every guest must remember that the answer must be incorrect, that is, not the truth. The one who gives the correct answers - at the end of the competition fulfills various wishes or recites poems.

Favorite number

Each of the guests writes his own on a piece of paper. favorite number or the number that comes to mind. Then the presenter announces that now he will ask everyone a question in turn, the answer to which will be a number written on a piece of paper, that is, the guest must answer the question posed by raising a piece of paper with a written number and calling out this number loudly. Questions could be of the following nature: how old are you? How many times a day do you prefer to eat? How many toes do you have on your left foot? how much do you weigh? and so on.

Oh it's a New Year's movie

The presenter calls catchphrases from New Year's films, and the films are mixed: Soviet, and modern, and Russian, and foreign. Whoever guesses the films more than others wins. Examples of phrases: “Whether you’re sick or in love, it’s all the same for medicine” - Sorcerers, “There are 15 people in this house, but for some reason all the problems are only because of you” - Home Alone, “Rely on Santa Claus, but you don’t bad” - Yolki, “Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars - this is unknown to science” - Carnival night and so on.

Do you believe in New Year's signs?

The presenter prepares a description various signs about the New Year, with a mixture of truth and fiction. In turn, he reads out a sign for each of the guests, and he answers whether he believes it or not. The one who guessed the most correctly wins. Example signs: tearing a dress on New Year's Eve means a passionate romance, yes or no? (yes), in Cuba in New Year 12 grapes are prepared for each guest, they must be eaten during the chiming clock and under each grape make a wish that will certainly come true, yes or no? (yes), they escort you in Cyprus old year in complete darkness and turn on the lights only with the onset of the New Year, yes or no? (yes), in China there should be a butterfly flying in the house for New Year, yes or no? (no) and so on.

Profession for the New Year

At the command of the host, each guest must make his own list of a person’s professions for the New Year and the more creative the professions, the better. Who can make up the most long list unusual professions, such as, for example, tangerine peeler, firecracker, champagne pourer, and so on, that participant will receive a prize.

New Year in rhyme

Each guest takes turns taking out his own forfeit from the bag, which contains 4 New Year-themed words. The task of each participant is to create his own rhyme for each word, for example, Santa Claus - Partos, Snow Maiden - chicken, chimes - duelists, snowflake - tangerine, and so on. But then the presenter surprises everyone and announces that now they need to compose a New Year’s quatrain, using their own words and rhymes to them. The guest who comes up with the funniest and most beautiful poem will receive a prize.

Drunken bunnies from the matinee

Each participant is a drunken hare who has had too much at the matinee and whose ears are tangled. On the head of each participant are simple tights, pre-tied with 10 identical knots. At the “start” command, participants begin to untie the “bunny ears” - knots on the tights, without removing them from the head. Whoever is first is the winner.

After a hot, sultry summer and golden autumn, winter comes, accompanied by cheerful New Year's lights and festive fireworks. It's time to think about how to spend the New Year, in what company, what to give to whom, and, most importantly, what entertainment to come up with so that everyone, both adults and children, will be interested.

It’s coming, and we all know that the rooster is a cocky but playful animal eastern horoscope. This means that it is best to celebrate the New Year with games, jokes and noisy fun. And best of all, they are suitable for both a family holiday and a celebration with a cheerful company. competitions for the New Year 2017.

In the family circle

Competition "Herringbone"

For this fun activity, you need to prepare two small artificial or live (in this case, spruce branches) Christmas trees. Having divided into two teams, you should note the time and take out toys, garlands, stars, snowflakes and tinsel from one box. The team that completes the task faster wins.

The process of giving gifts can also be made fun: you should hang small souvenirs on strings, having previously wrapped them in gift paper. Blindfolded participants must each tear off souvenirs for themselves. Cockerel figurines, candles, notebooks and even candy are suitable as prizes.

Game "New Year's Tale"

To get into a fairy tale with your whole family, you need to take any children's art book from the shelf. It could be “Turnip” or “Mitten”. The presenter must distribute roles between those sitting at New Year's table and read a book, and the characters mentioned in the text should make characteristic sounds. For example, a mouse will squeak, a door will creak, and a cat will purr.

Competition "Snowballs"

For this wonderful game you need to split into two teams. You should roll 32 balls out of cotton wool in advance - these will be “snowballs”. You also need to prepare two buckets. Teams must position themselves in single file at the same distance from the buckets and, one member from each team, throw snowballs into the buckets. The thrown snowball goes to the end of the chain. Teams can be divided into adults and children, or into female and male genders.

Game "Black Box"

In principle, absolutely any box or box is suitable for this competition. The whole point is that each of the guests and household members gathered at the New Year's table, in turn, pretending to be a knowledgeable magician or psychic, puts his hand into this box and tries to guess what is inside. You can feel a certain object located there and artistically make guesses. It turns out very interesting and fun game. A separate prize is given for artistry.

New Year's games for kids

Competition "Ribbons"

The game requires three participants, two of whom are given ribbons. While blindfolded, the children with ribbons must tie bows on the third participant. After all the ribbons are tied, you need to untie the bows, but now you can’t use your hands.

Game "Labyrinth"

Children love outdoor games. You can make them have fun by organizing an intricate labyrinth, only 10 centimeters wide, made of tinsel. It is necessary for the kids to walk through narrow passages, trying not to step on the fences. At the end of the maze, a sweet prize awaits everyone who passes through it.

Competition "Hairdresser"

The “victims” need to be seated on chairs and, on command, young hairdressers must create beautiful hairstyles on the clients’ heads using hairpins, elastic bands and combs. The best hairstyle wins. As a New Year's paraphernalia, you can add a Christmas tree shine to your hairstyles: use small toys for the Christmas tree, tinsel and rain.

Competition "Pantomime"

This competition is very popular among children. You just need to say a three-word sentence in your child’s ear so that he shows it to adults, without speaking out loud or moving his lips (without saying it in a whisper). Guests must guess the phrase said to the baby. When the sentence is guessed, the winning child (and he won, since he showed the phrase well) is presented with something sweet.

Competition "Mosaic"

To encourage the kids a little, you can offer them an exciting “edible” game. To do this, you should prepare pieces of fruit cut into cubes, triangles and slices in advance. You need to place two plates in front of the child: one empty, and put chopped fruit on the other. Now you just need to invite the child to independently assemble a portrait of Grandfather Frost on an empty plate from pieces of fruit mosaic.

Competitions for adults

Game "New Year's Crocodile"

Everyone likes this fun, regardless of age, and besides, it will never get boring. And in New Year's Eve You can give it some festive meaning. The essence of the game is simple: you need to show the hidden object or phenomenon without the help of verbal speech. The one who guesses goes to the place of the one showing. In honor of the holiday, let all the words made in one way or another relate to the New Year. You can divide into two teams, if the number of players allows, and arrange collective competitions. You can also do an individual swim of “green critters”. In this case, it is not the whole team who makes the word, but the previous “crocodile”.

Competition "Who has the longest"

A bit of a frivolous game, best played with good friends. So, you need to form two teams and each, along the chain, must take off everything your heart desires (within the limits of decency, of course). The team whose clothing chain turned out to be longer was the winner.

Competition "Predictions"

We all sometimes become interested in knowing our future. During the New Year holidays, this desire is especially strong. On the beautiful night from December 31 to January 1, you can try to lift the curtain on the future, or at least dream about what awaits us in the coming year?

For this mysterious game you need notes with predictions (you can give each guest a pencil and a piece of paper) and balloons. Notes should be thrown into balloons and inflated, after which they should be hung around the room or throughout the apartment. Each guest in turn needs to be blindfolded and given scissors in their hands. Let them choose their own predictions for next year. Of course, they should all be positive and kind.

New Year's bustle. And often in it we forget about the most important thing - about entertainment and competitions. But without them, sitting at the New Year's table will be boring and not fun. How can this be? We will help you and show you funny competitions for the new year 2017 for the family, so that your new year turns out this way and that! Or rather, unforgettable for all of you! We have mobile competitions, at the table and seated. And also a new feature - a video contest! All in all. You won't be bored!

Competition 1 – see off the year of the monkey.
So, let's celebrate the year of the monkey. It went differently for everyone. But we were still happy and lived every day brightly and unforgettably. And so the competition.
We divided it into two parts. Part one.
In the first part, each guest takes turns naming objects and things that he associates with the monkey. Whoever does not name is eliminated. And the one who remains last wins.
Part two.
Here you also need to name in turn the events that happened in the life of your family or in your personal life. Events that were memorable. Again, whoever does not name in turn is eliminated. And the one who remains last wins and is presented with a calendar for 2016 as a memory of the most unforgettable days of the outgoing year.

Competition 2 – the year of the rooster is coming.
Now let's have fun celebrating the New Year 2017! And immediately there was a competition about the symbol of the year - the cockerel.
In this competition you need to prepare cards on which tasks will be written. Guests take out cards, read the task and show them. And the guests guess - what is he showing in the image of a rooster?
Examples of tasks:
- The rooster takes care of the hen.
- the rooster is looking for a worm.
- the rooster is hoarse and cannot crow.
- the rooster saw how the grilled chicken was being prepared.
- the rooster went outside into the cold.

Competition 3 – New Year's forfeits.
It's time to play the famous games again - forfeits!
Everything is simple here - you need to prepare cards on which the tasks are written. You put all the cards in a bag and mix them. Guests take turns taking out cards and reading out the tasks they have to complete. The tasks are the most common ones you can think of.
Here are our options as an example:

Competition 4 – film competition!
Do you like watching movies? What about TV series? If yes, then victory in this competition is yours!
Playing this competition is simple: you watch a video where a freeze frame appears. And you just need to guess the movie or TV series. Just? Yes! But in reality it’s difficult - after all, the actors’ faces are hidden under the masks of roosters and hens! When all the guests have answered according to their answer options, a second freeze frame appears, where the actors are no longer wearing masks. And everyone immediately understands what kind of film this is.
The video for the competition is below.

Each participant in turn receives a card with a certain phrase, which will need to be depicted so that the others can guess what exactly the participant showed. Thus, the participant shows, the rest guess, then change to a new participant until everyone tries themselves in the role of an actor. Example phrases that cards may contain:
- poor student at the board;
- crying child who wants to eat;
- angry dog;
- Santa Claus brought gifts;
- dance of little ducklings;
- the street is slippery, and so on.

What is he like, this Santa Claus?

Elimination game. All participants stand in a circle. And, starting with any one (which will be considered the first after), the guys say one word of praise for Santa Claus. So, what is he like, our Santa Claus? Kind, magical, cheerful, beautiful, wise, sincere, generous, strong, good, bearded, mysterious, unusual and so on. Let the children show their imagination and tell everyone how they see the good wizard. And whoever doesn’t name is out. And the few guys who stay in the game until the end will receive the title of winner and prizes.

And New Year is not New Year

Children sit or stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the presenter announces that now is the time to remember all the necessary things and objects that are elements of the holiday. In a circle, each participant takes turns naming one object. For example, a clock, a TV, a Christmas tree, a garland, Santa Claus, snow, a gift, and so on. A participant who cannot name the object is eliminated. The one who has the last word wins.

Savvy answer

The presenter asks questions that relate to New Year's characters and school subjects at the same time, and the children answer and the smarter and more interesting the answer, the better. For example: how is the Snowman related to geometry? (it consists of balls). How is Santa Claus related to geography? (he flies all over the world and delivers gifts to children at every point, so he must know geography to a solid 5). How is the Snow Maiden connected to the Russian language? (she signs birthday cards for children and must do it correctly). The more interesting the participant answers such questions, the greater his chances of becoming a winner.

Secret for Santa Claus

The guys are divided into teams of about 10 people. Each team stands in a row, one after the other. The first participants receive a sheet - a letter, the information of which must be conveyed to Santa Claus, for example, on December 31 in the evening, hares and squirrels, deer and wolves, children and adults are waiting for you at the Christmas tree! At the “start” command, the first participants convey the information as they memorized to the second participant’s ear, trying to do it quickly and quietly so that the opponents do not hear, and so on along the chain. The team that is faster than the rest and, most importantly, correctly conveys the information to Santa Claus (that is, the last participant must say the original text of the letter) will win.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is given a felt-tip pen or marker. For each team, easels with whatman paper are located at the same distance. Each participant must jump in a bag, like a wolf in the cartoon “Well, Wait a minute!” to the easel and write one letter at a time so that at the end you get the phrase “Happy New Year.” So, at the command “start”, the first participants jump in a bag to the easel and write the letter “C”, then jump back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second write the letter “N”, the third - “O” and so on. The team that finishes the relay faster and writes “Happy New Year” will win.

When it's cold outside

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. Each participant must wear mittens. Each team receives identical puzzle sets (preferably with a New Year's theme) with a small number of parts. At the command “start”, the teams begin to put together the puzzle using mittens. The team that completes it faster will win and receive a prize.


Children stand in a circle and, to the music, they begin to pass the New Year's cap around in a circle. When the music stops, the participant who still has the cap in his hands puts it on his head and completes the task of Santa Claus. Usually, children prepare poems or songs for Grandfather in advance, so there are no overlaps here.

Remove all the needles from the tree

Two blindfolded participants stand in a circle of fans. 10 clothespins are attached to each participant's clothing. At the leader’s command, the guys must help each other get rid of the clothespins as quickly as possible. Everyone takes part in turn, with clothespins attached to different places each time.

New Year on one leg

All children stand at the Christmas tree and, at the command of the leader, take the “stand on one leg” pose. A funny New Year's song comes on and the guys start jumping - dancing on one leg without changing it. Whoever gives up is out, and whoever holds out until the end of the song wins.

New Year is always laughter and fun, children playing and a lot of positive things. But all this will happen only if you hold funny competitions on your New Year tree for the New Year 2017. A variety of competitions are suitable for children: moving ones, with music and with cards. We have wonderful competitions that you will love, and you will be able to organize an unforgettable holiday for your children.

Competition - shoot down the rooster!
Since 2017 will be the year of the cockerel, then let's play with it right away. For this you need drawings of roosters. The sizes of the drawings vary: from large to small. And you also need paper snowballs. Attach pictures of roosters to the wall, and place snowballs on the table. The children's task is to hit the roosters with snowballs. For example, you have 5 pictures, and then there will be 7-9 snowballs. Whichever child can hit all the cockerels wins a prize. But don't deprive others either. For example, for 4 hits we give a smaller prize, for 3 hits a symbolic prize. And for the rest who didn't make it, let's color them.

Competition - complete the drawing of the cockerel.

And again we play with the cockerel, only we need to draw it. This is not difficult to do, but we will draw the cockerel in a different way, and the children will like it.
The competition takes place in two stages. On the first one, children need to trace their palm on paper. Just place your palm, spread your fingers and trace. Like this:

And at the second stage we already draw a cockerel. And we do this with the help of a circled palm. That is. We need to finish drawing the rooster to the palms. Like this:

Afterwards, show all the drawings to the guests and give gifts to the children.

Competition - deception riddles!
And in the next competition, children need to be more careful. After all, they have to guess riddles that are deceptions! And sometimes it seems that the answer lies on the surface, and it rhymes. But in reality this is not the case, and the children will have to think about it.
Watch deception riddles and play with children:

Competition - who is louder?
The roosters crow loudly and beautifully. Some will say that they scream, but they sing. Let's try to sing like roosters. To do this, we leave children in teams. And each team takes turns shouting in unison, that is, singing: KU-KA-RE-KU!
We do this three times, then we give all the children gifts - juice boxes to moisten the neck.

Competition - cock dance!
And again the children play in teams. But adults should help them. The point of the competition is to come up with your own cock dance! Teams, together with adults, come up with movements for the dance and take turns showing it. It turns out a children's flash mob that both children and adults really like.