
Numerology by date of birth Pythagoras. Pythagorean square: how to calculate the psychomatrix by date of birth

Numerology studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on a person’s character and life. Fortune telling by numbers was popular among ancient philosophers and mathematicians. The basic principles of modern numerology were laid down by Pythagoras and his students. One type of numbered fortune telling is fortune telling using the Pythagorean table.

Numerology is a science that studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on human life. Fortune telling using numbers has been popular since ancient times.

A person carries out various arithmetic manipulations with the numbers of his date of birth and writes the results in a square. Each square is responsible for one area of ​​a person’s life or ability. Fortune telling is relatively complex, but gives reliable results.

How to make a Pythagorean square

Numerology as a teaching originates from Ancient Egypt. The priests caught a subtle thread between numbers and a person’s character. The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras supplemented and developed existing knowledge. He combined the mathematical harmony of the square, arithmetic calculation, and the magical vibration of numbers.

The date of birth is taken as the basis for fortune telling using the Pythagorean square.

It is this numerical set that predetermines the qualities of character, mental abilities, and life goals of a person. The Pythagorean square itself consists of three columns, each of which has three lines (a total of nine cells). Each cell is responsible for its own aspect.

How to create a Pythagorean table (let's take as an example the hypothetical date of birth 06/12/1986):

  1. The numbers of the day and month of birth are added up: 1+2+6=9.
  2. The numbers of the year of birth are added up: 1+9+8+6=24.
  3. By adding the results, the first working number is obtained: 9 + 24 = 33.
  4. The digits of the first working number 3+3=6 are added to obtain the second working number.
  5. The first digit of the birthday is multiplied by 2 and subtracted from the first working number. 1*2=2, 33-2=31, the third working number is obtained.
  6. The fourth working number is obtained by adding the digits of the third number 3+1=4.

The result is two number series 1261986 (date of birth) and 336314. Now you need to fill in the Pythagorean square. All numbers 1 are entered in the first cell, 2 in the second, 3 in the third, etc. If any of the numbers in the row is missing, the word “No” is written in the cell or a dash is placed. The table for our hypothetical date of birth looks like this:

111 4 7 - no
2 5 - no 8
333 666 9

If you count the total number of numbers in two rows, you can find out the number of lives lived by a person on earth. The Pythagoreans believed that there could only be 15 earthly lives. After this, a person moves into a new quality and into a new world.

How to interpret the Pythagorean Square

In the Pythagorean square, each cell, column, row and diagonal has its own meaning and is responsible for its quality. Table cell values:

  • 1 – character;
  • 2 – energy;
  • 3 – interest and inclination towards science;
  • 4 – health;
  • 5 – logical thinking;
  • 6 – propensity for physical labor, down-to-earth;
  • 7 – luck;
  • 8 – responsibility, sense of duty;
  • 9 – memory.

Cell “7” in the Pythagorean table is responsible for memory

Fortune telling according to Pythagoras can be accurately interpreted using the meanings of the lines of the table.

Vertical lines:

  1. The first column is responsible for self-esteem.
  2. The second column shows the performance level.
  3. The third column makes it clear about talent.

Horizontal lines:

  1. The first line defines determination.
  2. The second line characterizes family, the desire to create and live in a family.
  3. The third line shows stability of character.

The table has two diagonals, which can be represented by an increasing and decreasing graph. Diagonal value:

  1. The falling diagonal (from cell 1 to cell 9) characterizes spirituality, the degree of human harmony with nature, God, firmness of judgment and faith.
  2. The ascending diagonal (3-7) is responsible for temperament in the intimate sphere.

In everyday fortune telling, interpretations of the lines of the Pythagorean square are rarely done. Usually limited to the main table.

Decoding the numerical values ​​of the Pythagorean square


The strength of human character is symbolized by the number 1. The indicator of character traits depends on the number of numbers:

  1. 1 – the person being guessed for has a selfish character. He doesn't care about other people. He wants to get out of any situation with maximum benefit for himself.
  2. 11 – a person’s egoistic traits are weakly expressed, he likes to praise himself.
  3. 111 – the coincidence of three units speaks of an agreeable character; anyone will get along with such a person.
  4. 1111 is a very strong and strong-willed person, does not tolerate lies and flattery. He’s ready to do anything for his family, but he doesn’t show it to anyone.
  5. 11111 – a large concentration of units describes a dictator. In the family and at work, this person is despotic, vengeful, and spares no expense for his whims. To achieve career growth, he is ready to resort to meanness.
  6. 111111 – a combination of six units is very rare and characterizes a cruel but extraordinary person.

111111 - a rare combination that characterizes a tough but extraordinary person


The word energy means the thirst for life in all its manifestations. This category is symbolized by the number 2:

  1. 2 – low level of vitality, a person quickly succumbs to boredom and becomes depressed. One two often characterizes lonely introverts.
  2. 22 – the usual level of vital energy, sufficient to realize your ideas and plans.
  3. 222 – energy with good potential. Often 222 characterizes people with highly developed intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, and the ability to heal with the biofield.
  4. 2222 – a very high charge of vital energy. People with combination 2222 attract the attention of others, everyone wants to draw on their energy. Sometimes you have to be careful about this.

Interests and aptitudes for science

Cell number 3 is responsible for a person’s interests and his potential in the sciences. It is impossible to determine propensity only by the number of triplets in the cells; other indicators must be taken into account.

Combination values:

  1. No – The word “no” in cell 3 does not mean there is no scientific potential. The person is very neat, well-mannered, knows how to express thoughts competently, knows a little about everything, and is unlikely to be able to clearly define the vector of development.
  2. 3 – characterizes a person of mood who rarely finishes the job he has started. You won’t be able to build a career as a successful scientist with this approach, but it’s always worth trying.
  3. 33 – a person has the potential for development in the exact sciences (mathematics, physics).
  4. 333 – if desired, a person can develop in any scientific field, his perseverance and self-exactingness will help him in this.
  5. 3333 – characteristic of a typical scientist.


The number 4 corresponds to the health indicator in the Pythagorean prediction table.

The combinations are very easy to interpret:

  1. No - a person has health problems, these can be congenital or acquired with age.
  2. 4 – average health indicator, you need to take extra care of yourself, toughen up, and play sports.
  3. 444, 4444 – characterize a healthy person, with high love of life and activity.

444, 4444 - a combination that personifies a healthy person with an active lifestyle

Logical thinking and intuition

The way of thinking is characterized by the number 5. Logic and intuition are usually considered on different planes. You can say this, logical thinking is conscious intuition. The ability to do one and the other is again determined by the concentration of fives:

  1. No, I wouldn’t exactly call a fortuneteller logical; he’s more of a dreamer. Intuition will also not help you find a way out of the situation; you have to achieve everything through hard work. An object with 5-net is not inclined towards technical sciences, you need to look for yourself in another field.
  2. 5 – knows how to use logic, but does it rarely, intuition is poorly developed.
  3. 55 – often such people manage to get away from problems with the help of their strong intuition.
  4. 555 is a combination of almost clairvoyants; intuition never fails them.
  5. 5555 – occurs in exceptional cases, characterizes an object with the gift of clairvoyance.

Down-to-earth and propensity for physical labor

Some people like to work with their hands, while others like to work with their heads. Some are creators, others are artisans. This is neither good nor bad, all people are equally needed. Cell 6 is responsible for down-to-earthness and a penchant for physical labor:

  1. No - characterizes people who are absolutely not inclined to physical labor. They can only work well if you can admire the results later.
  2. 6 – one six indicates that the object of fortune telling may engage in physical work, but it is unlikely to be enjoyable.
  3. 66 – the combination indicates someone who likes to do physical labor, but only of his own free will.
  4. 666 - there is no need to be afraid of this combination; in the Pythagorean square it has nothing to do with the devil. 666 indicates someone who can easily cope with any physical work.
  5. 6666 - the fortuneteller works a lot and hard, for him this is a common thing. Likes to receive rewards for work.


The number 7 is responsible for luck in a person’s life:

  1. No - you shouldn’t rely on luck in life, only patience and work will bring you what you want.
  2. 7 – luck is very rare, you may win the lottery, but you shouldn’t count on more
  3. 77 – Fortune often turns its face.
  4. 777 is a successful combination both in slot machines and in the Pythagorean square. A person often receives gifts from fate without making much effort.
  5. 7777 – rare, characterizes an object with exceptional luck. Such people need to be wary of envious people.

7777 indicates that a person has rare luck

Call of Duty

A sense of duty and responsibility towards other people are characterized by combinations of the number 8:

  1. No - a sense of duty is absent from birth, but this does not mean that it cannot be cultivated in oneself.
  2. 8 – capable of being responsible for one’s actions and repaying debts (any), but this ability is poorly developed.
  3. 88 - always ready to help the weak and sick, serve for the good of the Motherland, will always be grateful to his parents.
  4. 888 – characterizes an exceptional person with a highly developed sense of duty; he can become a good manager, commander, etc.
  5. 8888 – occurs only in those born in 88. People with this combination have psychic abilities.

Memory and intelligence

The last cell of the Pythagorean table is responsible for a person’s intellectual abilities and memory. Nines meanings:

  1. No - he is not good at learning, since childhood he has not had intellectual potential. You need to try yourself in professions not related to brain activity.
  2. 9 – mediocre mental abilities, you need to study long and hard.
  3. 99 – good memory, sufficient intellectual potential. A person with two nines can try his hand at science.
  4. 999 – naturally high intelligence. Such people do not need to study in order to remember something; they only need to read once and understand everything; they are well versed in numbers and technology.
  5. 9999 - people with this combination are open to the truth, they also have high intuition, they can become cruel, arrogant and unpleasant in dealing with people.

Fortune telling by date of birth is the most reliable type of fortune telling.

In addition to the Pythagorean square, there is a Vanga chart, from 1 to 100. It is used for daily and long-term forecasts. The Nostradamus circle is not a numerological fortune-telling, although numbers are used there.

Hello. The so-called “psychomatrix”, invented by the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras, which is called the Pythagorean square by date of birth, is one of the most popular calculations in numerology. It helps determine strength of character, energy, health, intelligence and other innate qualities.

Teaching in Numerology

The Pythagorean square is a special teaching in numerology that came to us from the priests of Egypt. It was they who came up with the idea of ​​recognizing a person’s character by numbers. Pythagoras developed his theory using the square as a basis. The psychomatrix or Square will also help you find out the main character traits, compatibility and much more.

A square is the numbers of the date of birth, added according to a certain system. Then these numbers need to be written according to the squares of the matrix from 1 to 9.

After this, the matrix should be analyzed with subsequent conclusions. According to the Pythagorean Square, a complete description of a person and his unmanifested abilities are also given with high accuracy.

How to make a matrix

  • Add all the numbers of the date of birth 05/07/1985: 7+5+1+9+8+5=35.

It will be 1st working number.

  • Add the numbers of the 1st working number: 3+5=8.

Happened 2nd working number.

  • Double the 1st digit of your birthday. In the example, the first zero is not counted, but we double the number 7, that is, 7*2=14.
  • The resulting number 14 must be subtracted as follows: 35-14=21.

Happened 3rd working number.

  • Add the numbers of the 3rd working number: 2+1=3.

This 4th working number.

Then all 12 numbers 7.5.1985. must be written in those cells of the Square that correspond to the indicated numbers, for example, in the above line there are two units, write them in the “character, will” box. In the energy level under the number 2 we write only one number two, since there is only one number two in the line.

If one group of numbers turns out to be more than three, then this quality is highly developed in this person. Empty squares do not indicate a lack of qualities, they are simply replaced by others.

After filling out the table, a transcript follows horizontally and vertically.

  1. The first line talks about .
  2. The second is about whether this person needs it in general.
  3. The third line speaks of attachment to habits and stability.
  4. The first column indicates self-esteem.
  5. The second is on the desire and ability to earn money,
  6. The third talks about talents.
  7. The diagonal along the line – 3,5,7 – is a person’s temperament, and 1,5,9 – .

Detailed decoding of the Square

In addition to decoding, you can determine the compatibility of life partners.

Digit 1

One or two units (1 and 11) indicate an agreeable but weak character. This individual waits for approval every hour, loves to exaggerate his strong-willed qualities, but does not dare to make difficult decisions. Likes to argue about every issue.

Three units (111) indicate a balanced character, but in a violent conflict it can show its strong will.

1111, that is, 4 units has a person with a very strong character and an iron will. He loves to command and subjugate others.

Digit 2

Twos 2 has an individual with weak energy that runs out quickly.

22 is the most suitable energy level for life. A purposeful person can realize himself in all areas of interest; he does not know what laziness is. Always sets goals and achieves them. Knows how to work with people. High self-esteem is important to them. But you can’t get wasted and waste your energy.

Three and four twos 222 and 2222 - unbridled energy. The individual may be a psychic.

Digit 3

Cs - 3 and 33 mean diligence and accuracy in all matters. 33 - a person has an analytical mind, has an aptitude for technology and exact sciences. Such people can become excellent scientists, mathematicians, and physicists. People endowed with memory and logic can repair and design equipment. But with weak 5, 6 and 9 it is not worth doing repairs.

333 – pedantry, diversified development, but there is no clear knowledge of one thing, a little of everything.

3333 - a pedant to the core, criticizes, gets irritated when his usual order is disrupted. If there are no C grades, then the person has a humanitarian bias, has abilities for creative professions, and needs to reveal his talents and aspirations in time.

Digit 4

Fours - 4 and 44 - poor health, frequent colds.

444 – excellent, strong health. Always ready to play sports.

4444 – excellent health, strong, strong body. Such a person always wants to throw out the energy that overwhelms him. He must engage in the variety and work hard.

Number 5

Five - 5 - weak intuition, learns from experience.

55 – a person himself understands what he is doing wrong and what is right.

555 - as if he knows everything about his destiny, takes only the right, wise actions.

Number 6

Six 6 – a penchant for mental work, does not like to work physically. He shouldn’t tempt fate and go straight to study.

66 – can work hard physically, but not to the point of falling. May become interested in gardening or rabbit breeding.

666 and 6666 – respects physical labor, and after good work loves to eat properly.

Number 7

Seven 7 - from birth there is a dull talent. Numerology recommends finding your path by testing yourself in various types of creative activities.

77 – there is talent and it slips in different directions

777 and 7777 are a real talent. Talent must be used, otherwise a person will not experience dissatisfaction with life.

Number 8

Eight - 8 - unscrupulousness, weak sense of duty. An individual is not critical from birth and can forgive himself and others a lot.

88 – a person with a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

888 – a strong sense of duty, is not bribed, will not compromise on principles. People can run the country.

Number 9

Nine 9 - mental abilities and memory. With one nine, a person has a poor memory, but is able to create something new. He wants to study, but learning is difficult.

99 – a person has the ability to learn, he has an excellent memory. He is capable of solving difficult problems. He can handle science. In order not to reduce your mental abilities, you should not pay much attention to minor problems and responsibilities. Learn to understand other people so as not to accumulate resentment.

999 and 9999 are very developed, intelligent people, with excellent memory and developed thinking. Fate itself outlined the path to science.

System compatibility analysis

Numerology will tell you the compatibility of partners based on their date of birth. If the family graph is strongly manifested in both partners, then this is a good sign. The money column must be strong for at least one of the partners.

If one person is born with a strong spirit, and the other is very domineering, then it is difficult for them to be together, but there are exceptions here too.

Life schedule according to Pythagoras

Using the life schedule, you can find out how every 12 years of your life will go.

For example: 05/07/1985 Multiply the date: 7*5*1985=69475 and get the main points, draw a graph based on them.

The horizontal line is the years starting from the birthday. Each subsequent point corresponds to a 12-year life cycle. The number of points as you wish.

On a vertical line, put the numbers from 0 to 9. Zero will be at the zero point.

  • Now take the first digit from the number obtained above. This is 6, put it above the year of birth. These are the years from 1985 to 1997 (0-12 years of life).
  • The next number 9 means another 12 years: from 1997-2009. We do this until the last digit.
  • Having passed the last point, we move to the beginning of the series of numbers 69475 and the life period after 2033 we begin to build from the first number 6 vertically.

Decoding of all points

  • 0 - everything you have done before will lead to a dead end, you will have to start all over again, a difficult period of life. Most likely, karmic debts are being worked off. But it also means the beginning of a new period of life. It is necessary to draw conclusions and engage in spiritual growth.
  • 1 – a period when you need to work hard, all expenses will bring good results. If you follow this path, you will come to victory. You may be irritated and unbalanced.
  • 2 – there is a difficult choice of the further path. There will be ups and downs, but you will treat them philosophically.
  • 3 – stable period, confidence in the correctness of choosing your path. You will bring your plans to life, but learn to obtain the resources that will be needed for this period of life. Make friends, learn to communicate with people.
  • 4 - period of spiritual development, pay attention to the strength of connections with relatives. Avoid sudden changes.

  • 5 is a good period. It will take place in search of love, the warmth of loved ones, and also under the sign of active actions. You will want new experiences, changes, and get involved in adventurous, unpredictable actions.
  • 6 – life will pass under the sign of harmony and happiness. Enjoy, create, create, your good-natured state will help arrange everything as it should. Take advantage of this period.
  • 7-financial crisis. Be economical, careful, do not make adventurous investments. You can start studying everything otherworldly, secret, intimate.
  • 8 – changes will occur, a new era will be born, material success will come. We will have to adapt to a rapidly changing world. But success awaits you in literally everything.
  • 9 - Higher powers lead you to accomplish a particularly important task. You will be “haunted” by success again. As soon as you finish one task, immediately take on a new one.

It is worth paying attention to life’s ups and downs, which will be visible on the chart. During these periods you need to be careful. Horizontal segments are considered more favorable in life.

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Pythagorean table determined by simple calculations. For example, let's take the date of birth as March 12, 1950. Numbers in this series: 1, 2, 3 (day of the month), 1, 9, 5, 0 .
1) As in simple numerology, all numbers add up. It is also calculated as the number of birth: 1+2+3+1+9+5+0= 21 . This is the first working number.
2) The digits of the previous number are reduced to one digit 2+1= 3 . This is the second number.
3) The double digit of the 1st date of birth is subtracted from the number of birth. In our example it is 1*2=2. That is 21-2= 19 . This is the third number.
4) We also reduce the last number to one digit 1+9=10=1+0= 1 . This is the fourth number.

By the way, the number of the second calculation in ordinary numerology is yours number of fate. In this example, this is the number 3. Next, we write all the numbers, including the numbers of the date of birth, in the series: 12 3 1950 21 3 19 1. Now these numbers can be moved to the corresponding cells of the Pythagorean matrix. We will get:

11111 - -
22 5 -
33 - 99

From the table and from the calculations it can be seen that the numbers 4, 6, 7, 8 are missing. What would that mean?

The meaning of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

So, Pythagoras gave his own meaning to each cell of the psychomatrix.

Cell 1. Character

1 (or no units) - A weak-willed egoist, an irresponsible “mama’s boy”;
11 - The character is moderately selfish and subject to the influence of others;
111 - Positive and stable character;
1111 - A typical “hero”, very strong-willed and strong character.
11111 (and more units) - A tyrant and dictator, intolerant of other people's opinions. Extremely unpleasant to communicate with.

Cell 2. Bioenergy

There are no twos or one 2 - Bioenergy channels are open for active absorption of energy. A typical “energy vampire” prone to collecting old things. Loves freebies.
22 - There is enough bioenergy to share with others. At the same time, it replenishes its reserves when surrounded by more energetically saturated people.
222 - A charismatic personality, popular with the opposite sex.
2222 - Psychic, can heal people.
22222 - The owner of five or more twos “jammes” someone else’s biofield. After communicating with such people, my head hurts a lot.

Cell 3. Organization and ability to science

No C's - A very punctual person who stands out among those around him with his cultural speech and good manners. Careful to the point of disgust.
3 - A person of mood (“I want, I do, I don’t want, I don’t…”). He doesn't like mess, but he will clean up depending on his mood.
33 - A typical “good student” with average abilities in the natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry...).
333 - “Programmer”. Can clearly formulate the task and the procedure for solving it, but will postpone implementation until the last moment. Pedantry, stinginess.
3333 - The owner of four or more triples will have success in the scientific field. He can work on his dissertation for days, if only his rear (household chores, laundry, cleaning, etc.) is reliably covered.

Cell 4. Health

No fours - Explicit or hidden health problems.
4 - Doctors write about such people in their anamnesis - “practically healthy”; diseases begin to appear with age.
44 - A person who has good health and high resistance to disease, but does not necessarily have a strong physique.
444 - “Native Siberian”. Such people are secretly chosen to start a family and have children.
4444 or more fours - The owner of a large number of “fours” is very resistant to acquired diseases, but genetic (hereditary) diseases come to the fore.

Cell 5. Intuition

No fives - Closed channel of intuition. The person is active, trying to do something. He always thinks about his actions, but makes many mistakes. Such people have to make their way in life through hard work.
5 - The channel of intuition is open, but weak intuition leads to mistakes when there is a lack of information.
55 - Highly developed intuition (such people can be auditors, investigators, criminologists).
555 - Clairvoyant. Everything that happens around him is clear to him.
5555 - Such people have control over time and space, they rely on their “sixth sense” and will not go to the store for bread if they feel that it is stale.

Cell 6. Grounding

No sixes - Hard worker, despite the fact that he does not like physical labor.
6 - Earthly man, physical labor for him is a natural path to intellectual labor. A penchant for creativity.
66 - "Workaholic." He loves to work, although physical work is just a hobby for him.
666 - A very attractive and temperamental person, but requires a lot of money from her partner. He will do anything to avoid working. The sign of Satan.
6666 - This person can teach or lead, because he cannot work - his hands do not grow from there.

Cell 7. Talent

No sevens - A person will become talented in his subsequent reincarnations. Probably... Maybe...
7 - This person has a subtle talent that can be developed. It is important to correctly determine the area of ​​his abilities.
77 - A sign of very talented people. They are musical, have artistic taste, can draw, design houses, write books. A person of this sign is endowed with everything - both good and bad.
777 or more sevens - “Artist”, whose talent may be encroached upon by envious people. This can lead to serious difficulties.

Box 8. Responsibility

No eights - “Eternal debtor”, easily borrows, but is in no hurry to repay.
8 - A good family man with a developed sense of responsibility.
88 - A very developed sense of responsibility. He is always ready to help other people, sometimes to his own detriment.
888 - A person is called to serve the people, but this does not mean at all that he can become a deputy. Outstanding personality.
8888 - Obvious parapsychological abilities, as well as abilities in the field of exact sciences.

Box 9. Mental abilities

9 or no nines - Low intellectual level, which needs to be increased, fortunately mental abilities are trained.
99 - A smart head, but on the neck of a lazy person. A typical “student”, one of those who study not for knowledge, but for a diploma.
999 - “Lucky”, and the path of luck lies through his mind.
9999 - Smart, but boastful of it, and therefore a rude and merciless person.

And that is not all. Now we determine the occupancy of the diagonals. In our example, the first column is the most populated.
11111 - -
22 5 -
33 - 99

This means that the individual is a very practical fellow. By the meaning of the subsequent diagonal columns, you can determine the following, if they are filled: 2nd column - strength of character, 3rd column - the presence of talent, 1st line at the top (numbers 1,4,7) - how much willpower is demonstrated, 2nd line - what is the propensity for family life, line 3 - how good the image is. Next, we determine by diagonals: 1, 5, 9 - mean integrity, mercy, 3, 5, 7 - God's nature. Strength can be determined by the number of digits in the cells.

Your psychomatrix

The meaning of the psychomatrix cells

Each number in the cells of the psychomatrix is ​​a quantitative indicator of innate quality. We can say it another way: this is an assessment of the influence of a personality trait on a person’s character and fate on a scale from 1 to 9.

What does it mean to calculate the psychomatrix in practice? Of course, answers to those questions that must inevitably arise in the process of developing a relationship with a specific person. What does he want, what can he do, what will he decide to do? And what reaction should be expected from him in this or that life situation?

By knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular, do not wait and do not demand what is obviously impossible.

“1” - strength of character
“2” - human energy
“3” - cognitive potential
“4” - health potential
“5” - intuition and logic
“6” - propensity to work
"7" - luck
“8” - level of responsibility
"9" - memory and intelligence

The meaning of the lines of the psychomatrix

The Pythagorean psychomatrix by date of birth specifies eight lines - three rows, three columns and two diagonals. Each of these lines combines the qualities of its constituent cells, thus becoming an indicator of a personality trait of a higher, total level. Obviously, the degree of expression of this property directly depends on the number of digits in each cell that makes up the line.

For example: exceptional curiosity and a wide range of interests, which is indicated by a large number of “C”s, cannot in any way be considered a guarantee of stability in the presence of weakly expressed diligence (6) and lack of ability to accumulate life experience (9).

The ability to correctly read the lines of the psychomatrix is ​​the basis for understanding the very essence of numerological personality analysis. The cells of the Pythagorean square are a list of the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Lines are a person’s real life, his credo, his code of conduct, his life position.


The meaning of additional numbers of the psychomatrix

Calculating additional numbers is not difficult, but requires care. The first additional number in the table - the sum of all the digits of the date of birth - are qualities that need to be strengthened in order to fulfill their destiny. The second - the sum of the digits of the first additional number - determines the life goal itself.

The third is the difference between the first additional number and double the value of the first digit of the date of birth, and the fourth is the sum of the digits of the third additional number. These are the numbers of innate potential, those qualities that will help you achieve your goal.

Strengthening the psychomatrix

The indicator of each cell of the psychomatrix can be changed - strengthened or weakened by the influence of the row, column and diagonal of which this cell is a part. The Pythagorean square in numerology suggests several options for such transformations for almost any person. Without taking these influences into account, it is impossible to obtain a correct idea of ​​a person’s personality.

Psychomatrix compatibility

Compatibility according to the psychomatrix - assessing the potential of relationships between partners based on the compatibility of key personality traits. Analysis of the psychomatrix takes into account the degree of expression of such character traits as determination, propensity for family life, stability, self-esteem, talent, performance, temperament, spirituality, character and energy. The more indicators coincide, the higher the likelihood of a successful union.

Important and dangerous days

Identification of important and dangerous days is a comparative analysis of special numbers of the date of birth and a specific calendar date. The coincidence in these series of numbers indicates the days when the probability of making a fatal mistake is highest. It is impossible to influence the circumstances and change the initial data. But if you know about this in advance, you can plan your actions in advance and refrain from those that will have irreversible consequences.

Psychomatrix and forecast by year

A change schedule is a description of changes occurring in a person’s type of perception and way of thinking. A characteristic feature of this interpretation is that, unlike the numbers of the personal year, there is no cyclicity or predictable orderliness. In one year, a person can undergo a radical moral gradation that will completely change his value system.

With the help of a numerological matrix you can say a lot about a person. The Pythagorean square reveals all the strengths and weaknesses of a person, his inclinations, character traits, compatibility with other people, and much more. In this article we will calculate and build a psychomatrix ourselves, and give it a short description.

Knowledge from numerology is part of astrology. We are talking, of course, about Vedic astrology, as the ancestor of all other branches in astrology. Thanks to the numerological matrix, you can help people more effectively from a psychological point of view.

Therefore, take further information seriously and responsibly.

What is a Pythagorean square?

The psychomatrix or Pythagorean square is a kind of “cast” of our physical and mental (subtle) body. The matrix is ​​calculated from the date of birth through some transformations with numbers, which will be discussed below.

The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras studied even more ancient works on numerology, and then he reduced it into a more understandable system. Here we will analyze the psychomatrix in a form adapted for our time.

The Matrix allows you to look into a person's fate. Thanks to it, you can understand what a person needs to place special emphasis on in his current life and where he may have problems.

What is the essence of the work of the numerological psychomatrix?

This may be news to you, but in our world everything consists of certain energies (vibrations). Everything is created, maintained and destroyed thanks to: goodness-sattva, passion-rajas, ignorance-tamas. Human life is also under complete control of these energies.

One of the main tasks of a person in life is to get out from under the influence of the three material gunas (energies).

Astrology talks about planetary influence on a person and his destiny. Planets are conductors of material energies in human life. As a result, fate develops in a certain way in all areas: a certain health, wealth, talents, environment, opportunities, level of knowledge and much more are given.

In numerology, each number is influenced by a specific planet and also carries a certain energy or vibration. Therefore, within the framework of numerology, we will return more than once to the planets and methods of their harmonization.

The Pythagorean square tells us how the influence of each of the planets is represented in a person’s destiny. Numerology speaks on this topic simpler and more accessible than astrology in general. But with the help of analysis of a person’s natal (astrological) chart, we can say more and in more detail.

How to calculate the Pythagorean psychomatrix?

To construct a Pythagorean square we need two working lines . The first consists of the date of birth, and the second consists of four working numbers. Accordingly, first we need to calculate four working numbers. This calculation is suitable for those born before 2000. Below we will give a calculation for people who were born after 2000.

For example, let's take the date of birth 10/07/1952. Your full name will also be needed here (in this example - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin).

  • 1 working number- obtained by adding all the numbers in the date of birth

25 – First working number

  • 2 working number— add up the numbers of the First working number

7 – Second working number

If it turns out 10, 11, 12 - these are the dominant numbers, we leave them in the Second Working Number in the same form.

  • 3 working number— from the First working number we subtract double the first digit of the birthday


11 – Third working number

  • 4 working number- add up the numbers of the Third working number

In this example, the third working number is 11, which means:

11– Fourth working number

Now we write down the name of the matrix and two working lines. The name of the matrix is ​​the name, patronymic, and surname of its owner. The Pythagorean psychomatrix is ​​a set of energies in the form of numbers and planets that control these numbers, therefore each matrix must have its own name that corresponds to reality.

In our example it looks like this:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


In each cell of the table we write down numbers from 2 working lines.

This is what a fully composed Pythagorean square looks like for a specific person:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin


The matrix cannot be framed, since behind each number there is energy. That is, there should not be external lines, like almost everyone who talks about the Pythagorean square.

Each number, each row, column, diagonal in the matrix has its own meaning and can say a lot. Some squares and triangles in the matrix also have meaning.

When analyzing the psychomatrix, we rely on the ideal matrix, comparing with it the matrix that was obtained as a result of our calculations. Here is an example of an ideal matrix:

The missing numbers indicate what needs to be worked on (with what qualities).

Now we will calculate the matrix for those born in the 2000s, and after that we will describe the meaning of the numbers in the matrix.

Calculation of the psychomatrix for those born after 2000

In many ways the procedure is the same as above, but there are some differences. We also need the full name of the owner of the future matrix and two working lines. We write down:

Full name– Stefania Dmitrievna Malikova

Date of Birth – 13.02.2000

  • Add up all the numbers in the date of birth 02/13/2000

8 – First working number

  • Then we add up the numbers of the First working number

If it turns out 10, 11, 12 are the dominant numbers, leave it.

8 – Second working number

  • We add 19 to the First Working Number (constant - constant number, support from the generations of the 1900s in the form of energies 1 and 9)

27 – Third working number

  • Adding up the numbers of the Third working number

If the third working number is 10,11,12, then we do not add the numbers and transfer them in the same form.

9 – Fourth working number

Now we write down the name of the matrix (full name) and two working lines, and then fill out the matrix according to the same pattern as above:

Stefania Dmitrievna Malikova


Note to parents: It is important to give the energy of the missing numbers in the family to the children. The best ways: harmonious upbringing and personal example.

For people born after 2000, there is a strict karmic task: follow the path of spiritual development, bring benefit to the world and master a certain skill. For those born after 2015, this task is somewhat weakened.

I talk in detail about independently calculating the Pythagorean square for those born in the 2000s and later in this video:

The meaning of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

It is impossible to give an accurate and detailed description of all combinations of numbers in the numerological matrix within the framework of the article, but I will say more about this below. Therefore, now we will briefly talk about what each number in the matrix is ​​responsible for and which planet it is under the control of.

1 – Sun

On the one hand: character, self-determination, will, personality strength. On the other hand, selfishness and pride.

This is a very important number in the matrix and we start the analysis with it. By it we determine strength of character, aptitude for leadership, and the ability to achieve something. We can also see the degree of a person’s selfishness from this figure.

For example, if a person has “11111” or “111111” in the matrix, then this indicates a high level of egoism and this is an area of ​​special attention for him. But again, a more accurate “diagnosis” can only be made by considering the entire matrix as a whole.

The best option for women is “111”, and for men “1111”. But this is not critical, there may be other values. Much depends on how a person lives.

2 – Moon

On the one hand: relationships, partnership, choice, energy. On the other hand, laziness, apathy, anxiety.

Two shows a person’s energy level, his ability to build relationships in the family and with others. “22” is considered the norm, but everything is individual.

When a person has a lot of twos: “222”, “2222”, etc., then he can do a lot, provided that he applies energy in the right direction and does not get scattered. But sometimes a large number of twos have the opposite effect and a person becomes very lazy.

3 – Jupiter

On the one hand: interest in science, curiosity, creativity, ability to study. On the other hand, there is a reluctance to develop, chaos.

In many ways, the troika speaks about a person’s ability to master the exact sciences, various types of creativity and art. The norm is one C, but if there are no Cs at all, then this indicates that the person needs to develop in creativity. With the increase in the number of triplets, a strong interest in science and technology can develop, but also a complete lack of desire to develop.

4 – Rahu

On the one hand: health, sexuality. On the other hand, there is disregard for the body and health, pedantry.

Using four, we can determine the level of human health, the beauty and strength of the body, and study issues of childbirth. The norm is “4”. If there are no fours, then health and childbirth are a special area of ​​attention; abortions cannot be performed (although no one should have them, because this is murder).

But a lot of fours is not always good. People with “444” or “4444” care a lot about their body and health, or, on the contrary, they may not care about their body.

5 – Mercury

On the one hand: intuition and logic at the same time, the perception of life according to a male or female principle. On the other hand, there is a retreat into mentality, an excessive tendency to think.

Also a very important figure in the Pythagorean square. We look at it secondarily after analyzing the units. By it we determine by what principle a person perceives life. If there is no “5”, then the person has 80% energy of the opposite sex and 20% of his own. This means that the person will have a certain character and flaws in it.

The norm is one “5”. If the fives are “555” or more, this indicates good intuition and even connection with otherworldly forces.

6 – Venus

On the one hand: skill, ability to work with hands, physical labor, manipulation. On the other hand - fear, anger, fright, destruction, reluctance to work physically.

Although the number six in the matrix shows creativity, among other things, its absence indicates a special inclination towards creativity. The energy of this figure can easily be accumulated up to 12 years. To do this, the child needs to learn to do something with his hands.

If a person has “666”, then he has a strong ability to manipulate other people, and he can also cause a feeling of fear in others. One “6” is considered the norm.

7 – Ketu

On the one hand: success, luck, connection with Guardian Angels, study of the laws of the universe, joy. On the other hand – sensitivity, excessive vulnerability.

Quite an important figure in the Pythagorean square. Ketu is the planet of wisdom, good luck, luck, and it is desirable that there is at least one “7” in the psychomatrix. If you don’t have it, then you definitely need to generate “7” energy through gratitude to God and everyone around you for everything that comes into life, through compassion for all living beings, through comprehension of deep and wise knowledge.

The norm is one “7”. If a person has “77”, then he should be lucky in life, unless he worsens his fate with his actions. And if a person has “777”, then he is a lucky talisman for others, but not for himself. Such a person needs to bless others, wish them all the best and kindness.

8 – Saturn

On the one hand: service, truthfulness, reliability, tolerance, kindness, belonging to the Family, duty to parents and loved ones. On the other hand - anger, intolerance, irritability.

Saturn is one of the most important planets in our horoscope as it distributes the fruits of good and bad karma. Accordingly, the energy of “8” in the matrix is ​​important for us. The norm is one “8”.

The absence of an “8” in a woman can lead to problems in her personal life and disrespect for the opposite sex. Two and three “8s” indicate a strong connection with Rod and a person needs to pay attention to loved ones and relatives.

9 – Mars

On the one hand: memory, level of mental abilities, aptitude for teaching and psychology. On the other hand - resentment, envy, rancor, greed, greed, vindictiveness.

First of all, “9” shows a person’s mental abilities and tendency to teach others. Three or more “9s” can give phenomenal abilities and a strong connection with Higher powers. The main thing here is to lead a good lifestyle.

The norm is “99”. If there is only one nine, then there may be a weak memory. And the combinations “999+5” and “999+77” speak of a special gift in a person that is associated with Higher values, but we can talk about this in detail only during a consultation.

What do the horizontal lines mean in the Pythagorean psychomatrix?

The meaning in the matrix is ​​not only the absence, presence and number of numbers, but also groups of numbers in horizontal and vertical lines, in diagonals, some squares and triangles. Now let's look at horizontal lines - rows.

Line 1-4-7

Shows a person’s ability to set and achieve goals, his outlook on life.

Four or five numbers in a line indicate good determination and the ability to competently set goals, based on common sense and one’s capabilities. Less than 4-5 numbers in a line indicate that the person has a weakened quality. If there are more than five numbers in a line, then this means a tendency towards inflated goals and dispersion.

The ideal line is "111-4-7".

Much of goal setting depends on the strength of a person’s character. Depending on the number of units in the matrix:

  • “1” - usually doubts, sets goals and does something for the company;
  • “11” - does not take into account one’s interest in the goal and its subject, stability is more important, does not pay attention to details;
  • “111” — sets goals from a state of interest; that is, if you are interested, I will set a goal and achieve it;
  • “1111” - goals are set based on the state of money and other material interests;
  • “11111” - interested in power (powers) and the goals that can give it to a person;
  • “111111” - like a person with one “1”.

Depending on the presence of four in the matrix:

  • There is “4” - sets goals and implements them;
  • No “4” - in the middle of the journey, doubts arise; there may not be enough strength to bring the plan to the end.

The following depends on seven:

  • No “7” - there may not be enough luck and luck to achieve the goal;
  • There is a “7” - capable of achieving goals and enough luck to do this.

Line 2-5-8

This line speaks about the qualities of a family man in a person and the desire to start a family.

The ideal line is "22-5-8".

Four or five numbers in a line speak of the good qualities of a family man; such a person knows why he needs a family. If the numbers are less than 4-5, then this means that family is not a priority for the person. If there are no numbers, the person wants a family, but something is constantly preventing him from creating it (the wedding was cancelled, or something else) or keeping it. And when the numbers are more than five, the relationship partner has great significance, there is a strong attachment to him.

Line 3-6-9

This horizontal line speaks of the desire for stability, habits and rituals. Also shows fear of change.

The ideal line is "3-6-99".

Four to five numbers in a line indicate that the person is stable and grounded. If the numbers are more than five, then a person can get bogged down in habits and rituals, be strongly attached to stability and the usual state of affairs. If the numbers are less than four, then such a person is easy-going and not afraid of change.

Columns in the numerology matrix

The columns in the Pythagorean square also show a lot of information about a person and describing all the nuances of this requires a lot of time. For now I will note that

  • Column “1-2-3” shows a person’s self-esteem, his desire to stand out;
  • The “4-5-6” column also shows financial karma;
  • Column “7-8-9” shows the person’s talents.

I would like to note that sometimes a person’s real life differs sharply from the fate in the matrix due to the fact that a person with strong indicators in his matrix is ​​strongly “included” in it. For example, a child with parents, or parents with a child, or one spouse with another.

The meaning of diagonals in a Pythagorean square

Along the diagonals we look at the material and spiritual components of a person’s life.

Diagonal "3-5-7"

This diagonal is called downward or material. It shows a person’s carnal interests, the need for intimacy, and other material needs.

Let's look at the number of digits:

  • There are no numbers - such a person can be an ascetic and have very few material needs (rarely) or, conversely, very much strive for everything material;
  • 1-2 numbers - the needs of such a person are not too high;
  • 3 - numbers - normal;
  • 4-6 numbers - tactility (touch, massage) is important to a person, other material needs and their quality are important.

Diagonal "1-5-9"

This diagonal is called descending or spiritual. Shows a person’s desire for spirituality, development, primarily in religion, psychology and esotericism.

Here we also focus on the number of digits in the diagonal:

  • Less than six figures - a person is more focused on material interests;
  • 6 digits is normal; strive for the spiritual, but also develops in a material direction;
  • 7-8 or more numbers - a person can become a fanatic, there are often clues to spirituality;
  • There is no number “5” - either the person is more interested in the material side of life, or the person is tossed from side to side and needs to find a balance between the spiritual and the material.

Using the numerological matrix, you can look at many other things: an inclination towards certain professions, compatibility with a partner, a person’s tasks in the Family, a financial chart, karmic tasks, drawing up a chart of fate, choosing a name for a child and much more.

Pythagorean square: main conclusion

If you look at life from the perspective of numerology or astrology, then the main task of every person is to go beyond the matrix(Pythagorean psychomatrix), or beyond the horoscope in astrology (natal chart).

Therefore, you need not to be conditioned and not to become dependent on your psychomatrix, but to take actions to get out of the influence of fate. And this is a separate topic for discussion.

I went through several articles that are in the TOP of Yandex and Google. And in them, the decoding of various combinations of numbers in the Pythagorean square is largely superficial, and sometimes outright nonsense.

To give a complete description of a person using the psychomatrix, it is necessary to carefully study it in all its subtleties. And in order to describe all the options here, it is necessary to write a separate book. Therefore, in this situation there are two options:

    320 621 Sergey Yuriev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Blog-logologotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-6.jpgSergey Yuriev 2018-10-18 05:00:07 2018-11-13 18:13:20 How to calculate the Pythagorean square (psychomatrix) by date of birth?