
Is it necessary to keep the belongings of a deceased person at home? Photos and documents of the deceased

People who have buried loved ones are always faced with the question: “Is it possible to keep the things of the deceased at home or is it better to get rid of them?”

Some believe that it is better to quickly get rid of everything that reminds of the deceased, while others cannot part with each other for years.

Some people are afraid to wear the clothes of someone who has died and tell stories about how someone died while wearing one of the clothes. And others contradict them, talking about how the thing saved them from certain death.

Let’s try today on the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful” to figure out whether it is possible to store and wear the things of the deceased.

Is it possible or not to store the belongings of the deceased?

Many people who have buried loved ones doubt whether it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person? Pain and suffering are associated with - negative energy gathers around the deceased, which saturates everything around him.

Jewelry, clothing and bed linen are especially “impregnated” with negative energy. This is why many people believe that clothes should not be worn after a person’s death. It's better to get rid of it.

But if it is not so difficult to part with clothes after the death of a loved one, then there are unlikely to be many who decide to get rid of the precious jewelry that remains.

  • Some say that you should not give away clothes and jewelry after the death of a loved one. Then the question arises, what to do with them?
  • Others say that they must be distributed. Another question arises: when is the best time to do this?

Below we will talk about how long you can store clothes, shoes, bedding, and jewelry of a person who has passed away in the house, and whether they can be stored as a memory.


In the Orthodox religion, it is believed that clothes and shoes begin to lose the energy of the deceased after 40 days. If you decide to give away the things of a loved one, there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, you need to give clothes not to one person, but to several people.

When to distribute?

In all sources you will come across the date - 40 days. But the information about this date is different.

  • Some say that you need to distribute clothes during these days - by doing this you will help complete the earthly affairs of the newly deceased. After all, those who take the clothes of the deceased will remember him in one way or another.
  • Others say that, on the contrary, clothes and other things cannot be distributed for 40 days, but must be kept in the house - all these days the soul is still in the house where the one who is no longer with us lived.
  • Jews say that you can give things away right away. You need to give everything except his shoes. It is believed that whoever wears the shoes of the deceased tramples him underground.

What does the church say about this?

Let us note that in the Bible there is no answer to the question of whether the belongings of the deceased should be kept at home for some time or can be distributed immediately. One thing is said that by distributing the clothes of the deceased to those in need, we will do a good deed to the soul of the deceased.

But you can’t give away clothes that a seriously ill person died in - they are saturated with his unhealthy energy.

The women's website approached the priest with this question, who said that within 40 days they need to distribute clothes with a request to pray for the deceased. On the 40th day his fate in the Kingdom of Heaven is decided. Sincere prayer and remembrance of many people will help him in the other world. Keep a couple of things as souvenirs and give the rest away.

Who should I give it to?

You can distribute clothes to both friends and strangers. Everything should be clean and tidy. If the clothes are already worn out, they need to be disposed of. How to get rid of it is up to you.

  • You can burn unusable clothes.
  • If you don't know who to give everything to, just take the package to the church. There, those who need them will be able to take clothes for themselves.
  • In recent years, funeral services have also offered to pick up the belongings of the deceased. They themselves will distribute them to those in need.

What to do with children's things?

When asked whether it is possible to store and distribute the belongings of a deceased child, there is only one piece of advice - there is no need to distribute and store them. And it is unlikely that there will be parents who will decide to wear the clothes of a deceased peer for their child. Therefore, it is better not to give out clothes and toys to a child who is no longer alive - not to put people in an awkward position.

  • If you were given something that belonged to a child who died, and you could not help but take it, pray for the deceased child, but it is better not to wear or keep the item at home.
  • If you want to keep a toy as a keepsake for your baby, keep one or two of his favorites, but hide them. Take them out only in moments of sorrow.

Bed sheets

One of my acquaintances could not part with bed linen, on which his beloved was dying - it gave him the minutes of his last memories. Only when we offered to buy him exactly the same bedding in return, he agreed.

Why is it impossible to store things after death, in particular, bedding on which a loved one died?

It is believed that during sleep, internal energy is released and absorbed by the bed linen on which a person sleeps. When a patient is dying, the energy is heavy, and the bed absorbs information about the disease and the corresponding negative energy. This is why it is not recommended to use a bed on which someone has died.

Note, we're talking about only about the bed on which someone died. You can't use it.


Metal and many precious stones (diamonds and polished diamonds) absorb the energy of the owner very well and store information about a person for decades. If you received jewelry from a deceased person, it is important to know whether he used his jewelry in magical rituals during his lifetime.

  • If you know that the owner of the jewelry practiced magic during his lifetime, it is better to refuse his jewelry.
  • If you are sure that he wore jewelry as jewelry, then accept it as a gift and wear it.

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to wear a pectoral cross for a relative who has passed away. The priests say that you can wear the cross of a person who is no longer alive. All the signs associated with the fact that you are transferring his sins onto yourself are superstitions.

Having received jewelry as a gift, it is better to go to church and find out everything from the priest. Perhaps he will advise you to consecrate your jewelry, and after that you will not only keep things at home as a memory, but also use them. After all, looking at the jewelry, you will once again remember the person to whom they belonged before, remember him and pray for him.

Letters, manuscripts and diaries

What to do with letters and manuscripts of the deceased? If you have the desire and opportunity, keep it as a memory. If you don’t need these things, burn everything that can burn, but don’t just throw it in the trash.

The priests say that the dead should be in the head, not in things. Therefore, after death, clothes and jewelry should be distributed, and not kept in the house.

What to do with the room?

After the death of a person, his room needs to be put in order. It is better to wait up to 40 days and then do a general cleaning.

  • The trash needs to be thrown away.
  • If there is old furniture left, it is also better to get rid of it - after all, it has absorbed all the suffering and deadly energy of the deceased.
  • If there is no point in throwing away furniture, sprinkle it with holy water.
  • It is also better to remove the personal belongings of the deceased away. Even psychologists advise packing the deceased’s belongings and putting them in a distant closet. It’s easier to endure the pain of loss than to stumble upon memories every day.
  • If the deceased was ill before his death, it is better to make repairs in this room - this way you will cleanse the negative energy that accumulated in the room before death.

Rituals for cleansing

It is often advised to cleanse the clothes and belongings of a person who is no longer among us from negative energy. There are several ways to do this.

  • Holy water. It is advised to spray, wash or simply wipe everything with sacred water.
  • They say that salt absorbs energy well. You need to wash your clothes in salt water and then rinse them under running water.
  • Give things a second life - give them a new energy field. Re-sew them and make something new out of them. Of course, if you know how to do it.

As you noticed, there is no specific answer to the question of whether it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person at home. There are only recommendations and opinions of people. Sometimes completely opposite. It all depends on your attitude to this issue. You can keep things, or you can give them away. The main thing is to preserve the memory of a person.


Unfortunately, death periodically visits every family. It is impossible to hide from her forever. And people often leave something especially dear to them as a keepsake of their father, grandmother, or uncle. It could be grandma's favorite robe or dad's sweater. It seems to a person that his loved one is somewhere here, nearby, because things still retain his smell. And sometimes, putting on her father’s sweater, the daughter with her whole being feels her father’s presence somewhere nearby. But there is one folk sign, which recommends being careful with the things of the deceased. According to her, it is better not to touch or wear the things of the deceased. Why?

Astrologers and bioenergetics experts believe that clothing and any objects used by a person store his energy. It’s just that those who still live in the world of the living and those who have already left it have different energy. Among the living it is light. Death has dark energy. A kind of negative field is formed around everything that the deceased owned: things, clothes, slippers, scarves. As well as more serious household items: interior details, furniture, and apartments in general.

Therefore, anyone who dares to try on the things of the deceased may incur grief and illness. Seems like a logical explanation, right? But then a question arises to which experts in the other world cannot give an unambiguous answer. But what about the apartment then? With a car? With the dacha and other “significant” property of the deceased? It turns out that we have to refuse the inheritance? But no one does this, and yet mass deaths and serious illnesses not observed among the heirs.

Bioenergetics experts have one remark about this. Some of them argue that you cannot only wear those things that the deceased was wearing on the day of death. These are the clothes that should be thrown away or burned. And everything else is quite safe in terms of energy, because he used the rest of the property during his lifetime. Therefore, grandchildren who move into the house of their late grandmother do not risk anything.

The sign about the belongings of the deceased, like all others associated with the dead, has its origins in one of the basic fears of a person - the fear of death. Everything that has to do with the other world is scary and at the same time interesting. What is going to be there? Who and what is there - if anything at all? We won't know until we cross the border. Therefore, we try to protect ourselves from the incomprehensible, mysterious world of death and non-existence. Most likely, such signs will live among people forever.

To believe or not to believe them is everyone's business. If you are afraid of “inviting misfortune into the house” by wearing a fur coat or scarf of a dear deceased relative, just take as a souvenir any item associated with her: her favorite earrings, a photograph, an old cup. Then she will always be invisibly next to you, but you will not incur any danger from the other world.

Those who are faced with the sad side of life associated with the death of a loved one, among others, have questions - what to do with the things of the deceased and is it possible to wear the things of the deceased? In this article we will try to cover this topic.

Let's make a reservation right away - if opportunities allow, then it is best not to wear such things. But if this is an expensive thing, for example, a fur coat, or something that you definitely want to wear in memory of a loved one, then you need to wait at least forty days, and better year. If we mean not clothes, but household items, tools, etc., then the influence is not so strong, and you can start using them right away. The exception is the favorite things of the deceased, which he constantly carried with him, for example, a penknife. The energy remains on them longer, but still it is not as strong as that which remains on clothes.

Special occasion - jewelry with precious stones. If they were constantly worn by the deceased, then his energy can last for tens or even hundreds of years. It all depends on what kind of energy it is. If the deceased was an energetically powerful person and wore a suitable, “his” stone for many years, and especially if he used it for magical operations (which you may not know about), then you can only wear such jewelry for magical purposes, and fully understanding the situation. Thoughtlessly wearing such jewelry can be fraught with big troubles. It should also be noted that different stones hold energy differently. A changeable opal can quickly “forget” its owner, while a diamond, if it wins his favor, will absorb the owner’s soul for centuries.

How to properly store and throw away the belongings of the deceased.

After a person has died, his house (room) needs to be put in order. Out of respect, you can wait from three to forty days, but then there is a possibility of a partial “return” of the deceased to his usual environment, which is not always desirable. When putting things in order, you need to try to throw out all the trash as much as possible, thoroughly wash the floor and clean out everything that can be cleaned. Don't feel sorry for the old one furniture, the tree of which has absorbed necrotic energy and the suffering of a dying person, it is better to take it out of the house or distribute it to those who wish, honestly telling where it comes from. The same applies to personal belongings, especially clothing and dishes. Ideally, you should leave only what you don’t want to throw away, pack it in suitcases, tie them with ropes or wrap them with electrical tape, and hide them as far away as possible. long term. By the way, this technique is so effective in reducing the suffering of grief that it is recommended by psychologists. Well, in the most ideal scenario, everything needs to be taken out of the deceased’s room and repairs made there.

It is necessary to throw away the things of the deceased in such a way as not to offend him. To do this, you need to burn all letters, diaries and photographs, and not throw them in the trash. This is the main requirement. Everything else can simply be thrown into the trash can, and it won’t be a mistake. The only exceptions are the favorite things of the deceased, which usually one does not even raise the hand to throw away. As mentioned above, they can be put in a suitcase somewhere on the mezzanine, or “accepted as an inheritance,” lovingly using them, as the deceased did.

Belongings of a deceased child.

The death of a child is always a very big tragedy, and it leaves an indelible mark on the life of every family for life. Therefore, it is better not to store the things of a deceased child, since if you accidentally stumble upon them, you can receive a strong emotional blow. It is best to leave one or two of his things as a souvenir and hide them away in a special box, so that you can sometimes specially take them out and remember them when the melancholy becomes unbearable. On the other hand, things of a deceased child should never be given to others. Children are especially sensitive to necrotic energy, and this can harm those who are alive. For the same reason, you cannot accept items from deceased children as gifts. In order not to offend grieving parents, you can accept the gift, but you should not pass on such gifts to your children.

Everyone has faced or will face death: until a drug for eternal life has been invented. This event is sad, unplanned, burdened with many nuances and consequences. During life, a person moves, breathes, thinks - receives and retains his own energy around him. And when he leaves, he leaves on earth not only the physical objects of his life, but also his energy. Therefore, many do not know whether it is possible to wear things after a deceased person.

What folk wisdom says

After the funeral, relatives and friends are left alone with all the luggage that the deceased managed to accumulate. And they ask themselves: “What to do next?” Some people are burdened by the surrounding belongings of the deceased and want to give away and sell things, while others, on the contrary, want to preserve the memory of a loved one by having their thing. Psychics and clergy have their own opinions about the sequence of decisions during this event.

You can’t take expensive clothes, shoes, or decorative items with you to the next world, and besides, you never know at what point this fate might befall you. Therefore, many living relatives of the deceased experience desire to wear these things. Is it possible to do this, what should I do:

  1. Esotericists have a clear answer to this question: it’s impossible. Mediums, by touching things, can accurately tell whether the owner is alive or dead. Even when washing, this information background cannot be completely cleaned out. The energy of death is cold and viscous, it draws in the living, - this is what leading psychics believe. Thus, the wearer of the item incurs the fate of the deceased.
  2. Priests, on the contrary, believe that the above is just superstition. According to Christian laws, superstition is considered a sin. Many parishioners bring items left by the deceased for those in need. The priest sanctifies them, but no one knows whether holy water washes away the accumulated energy and attachment to the living world. The church does not give an exact answer.
  3. For people who do not believe in psychics and religion, there is a third point of view. Psychologists believe that wearing something that you saw on the deceased and which may be associated with him is wrong and definitely not worth doing. Otherwise, when worn, it will sow sadness, melancholy and anxiety, reminding you of the dead.

Dead man's furniture

Issues of clothing, shoes, accessories are understandable. But what to do with the furniture and photographs, where to give them?

There is a saying that it is better to sleep on the grave of a dead person than on his bed. And indeed it is. The sleeping place on which the deceased died and suffered torment is definitely worth replacing. Even if death did not occur on the couch. A person spends a lot of time in a state of sleep, which means he spends a large amount of energy on his sleeping area. After death, the energy is preserved and the bed will draw vitality from the sleeper. Esotericists and mystics agree on this issue - we need to get rid of such furniture. Any part of the interior that was especially highlighted by the deceased should be removed from the apartment.

If there is absolutely nothing to sleep on and there is no opportunity to purchase new furniture, then the priests approach this problem more loyally: it is enough to walk around the bed three times with a candle and prayer. But it is unlikely that this ritual will completely remove all the attachments of the deceased.

Psychologists believe that if a sleeping place reminds you of the deceased and makes you worry, then it should be removed. If it doesn’t evoke any special emotions, then sleep well.

Thus, the question of furniture remains up to you.

Photos of the deceased

A very sensitive issue is presence of photographs and portraits in the house of the deceased. Why is it worth removing them: on the one hand, they have the most powerful energy and should be abandoned. On the other hand, memory and knowledge of one’s origins are very important. How would we know what writers and scientists look like without having their portraits?

A hundred years ago, people did not trust superstitions regarding photographs: this was the only connection and reminder of relatives. Therefore, the opinion on this issue is clear - photographs need to be stored.

The Church believes that photographs with loved ones fill the heart with love and warmth. There is not much difference whether they are alive or dead, because before God we are equal.

Portraits in the house that we have become accustomed to since childhood can be left in the same places, or removed while the wound from the loss is still fresh. They can be hung in more distant corners of the apartment, but you should avoid the bedroom and children's room. After recovery state of mind, the paintings can be returned to their original place.

At the same time, esotericists believe that portraits attract the souls of those depicted into the world of the living and this disturbs their peace. In their opinion, images of the deceased should be immediately put away in a far corner or added to a family photo album.

Gold, memorabilia of the deceased

The attitude towards jewelry and gold is completely ambiguous. Many families have a tradition of passing jewelry from generation to generation - this is a sign of a long history, status, and wealth. Therefore, many believe that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased person will be positive. When the item was worn infrequently (for example, mother wore the pendant only when special occasions) there is no need to be afraid of bad energy. However, if the item was dear to the deceased’s heart and was often used, you need to resort to the help of bio=energetics.

Usually expensive jewelry they leave behind only loving relatives. And, wearing them, a person will involuntarily remember the deceased. Harsh memories are unlikely to help good mood and the beneficial aura of the wearer.

Psychologists, as in previous cases with clothes, strongly advise waiting for the moment when the feelings subside and you can put on jewelry without experiencing negativity.

The Church agrees with psychologists. After all, memories of the deceased can lead to despondency, and according to God’s commandments, despondency is considered a sin.

Relatively certain types The priests are quite strict in their decorations. For example, wedding rings, especially married ones, cannot be worn. After all, God’s protection extended specifically to this couple and the relatives have nothing to do with them. A pectoral cross definitely cannot be worn while alive. Regardless of what metal it is made of, the cross protects only its owner and is filled with his energy. The best solution is to put it in the grave of the deceased. Amulets, amulets, even those made of precious metals or stones cannot be worn a priori: the church does not encourage idolatry.

It is not forbidden to wear other jewelry, but priests do not deny the existence of energetic effects (for example, the relics of saints are considered healing).

Psychics completely agree with religious ministers, and they believe that there is no need to wear gold jewelry. Gold, as a natural material, doubly absorbs the energy of the owner. This means that the impact from it is stronger. This applies to any natural products (wooden furniture, stone countertops, etc.). The negative attitude towards gold is also reinforced by the universal synonym of it as greed.

According to mystics, jewelry that was on the body of the deceased during the period of death definitely cannot be worn. No cleansing rituals will help to completely get rid of its energy. In addition, such an item transfers all the karmic debts of the deceased to the living, complicating life and polluting the aura of the wearer. At the same time, jewelry donated during life (for example, a father gave a watch) does not carry such a burden and can be used completely freely.

What to do with things

When asked whether it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person at home, there are several possible answers. The most reliable of all is to completely get rid of things that belonged to the dead person and make a complete repair. If for a number of reasons this is impossible or undesirable to do, you can resort to the following actions. Definitely worth it bring maximum order to the house, disinfect and throw away all trash. Nice but unnecessary things can be distributed to those in need.

  • Clothes, shoes, bedding, fabric products - all this should be washed or laundered. Depending on whether you are a believer or not, you need to either sanctify things by reading a prayer and surrounding them with a lit candle, or resort to the help of bio-energetics.
  • Furniture needs to be blessed or energy cleansed by specialists.
  • The mirrors in which the deceased looked are thoroughly rubbed and removed; esotericists advise burying them on the grave of the deceased.
  • The pectoral crosses of a loved one should either be buried along with the body, or stored in a separate opaque bag or box. If a person was bad or left as a suicide, it is better to take his cross to church or melt it down. This also applies to other decorations.
  • Books and records of the deceased that do not carry any positive memories cannot simply be thrown away; they must certainly be burned or donated. Such a gift will not be a transfer of karma with malicious intent.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that storing the deceased’s belongings is in any case undesirable. But for lack of anything better, you should take all precautions and protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible.

All of us, sooner or later, have to accompany someone close to us on their last journey. And a situation often arises when a deceased person leaves behind some things that are still suitable for use. What to do with them? Here's what experts in the field of parapsychology and bioenergetics say about this.

Is it worth getting rid of the deceased's belongings?

Sometimes you hear that it is better to get rid of all the things of the deceased. But is it? Much depends on the specific situation and what kind of thing we are talking about.

First of all, the deceased could, before his death, leave instructions on how to deal with this or that thing belonging to him. Therefore, it is better to act according to his wishes. For example, if he gives some thing to this or that person, his will should be fulfilled.

If one of the relatives or close friends of the deceased insists that some of the things be given to him, then it is advisable to do so.

If some thing is dear to you only as a memory, it is better to put it away and take it out when you want to remember the deceased.

Bed or sofa

If a person died on a bed or sofa, or long time lay on them during illness, then it is definitely better to refuse such an “inheritance”. If for some reason this is not possible, for example, other family members need a sleeping place, and there is nothing to buy a new bed or sofa, then at least perform a cleansing ritual by walking around the piece of furniture on all sides with a lit church candle in your hand and sprinkling his holy water. Of course, in any case, it is necessary to have bed linen, disinfect the furniture and, possibly, reupholster it.

Clothes and shoes

If a person wore clothes or shoes when he was sick before death, it is better to burn such things. Under no circumstances should you wear things taken from a deceased person. The rest can be distributed to friends or the poor.

If among the deceased’s personal items there are very good and almost new ones that you would like to keep for yourself, then it is better not to take them out of the closet until 40 days have passed since the death.

If you are going to use these things, it is advisable to first perform a cleansing ritual. To do this, the item is soaked in a solution of water and salt, and then washed properly.


If cheap dishes remain from the deceased, it is better to throw them away or give them away. If these are expensive sets or silverware, you can keep them, but you must wash and clean them thoroughly before use.


It is believed that watches retain the energetic “imprint” of their owner for a long time. Often, when a person dies, the clock on his wrist (and sometimes in his house) stops.

Should you keep the watch of the deceased? If he lived a decent and good life, then you can keep them. If this is not the case, then it is better to get rid of the watch.


It’s not so easy to part with jewelry, especially expensive ones. No wonder many families pass it on from generation to generation.

It is not recommended to wear jewelry that belonged to evil people, those who were involved in witchcraft, some dark deeds. If a person practiced magic during his lifetime, only the one to whom he gave his gift has the right to wear his jewelry.

Household appliances and gadgets

To use household appliances or gadgets after the deceased, in general there is nothing wrong. The only exception is mobile phone. This is still a rather personal thing that a person constantly carries with him.

If a person died a violent death or committed suicide, then in any case it is better to get rid of his mobile phone. IN Lately Cell Phones often placed in a coffin with the deceased. If the phone is new and expensive, you can keep it. It is better to give a cheap or outdated model to someone.

Portraits and photographs

Previously, it was customary to hang portraits and photographs of deceased relatives on the walls. However, today one can increasingly hear that images of the dead carry negative energy and this can negatively affect the fate of those who survived.

Usually a large photograph is chosen for the funeral, which is enclosed in a mourning frame or tied with a black ribbon. The portrait is placed on the table during the wake. After this, he must remain in the house until 40 days have passed since death.

It is better to remove photographs from the walls if living people feel somehow uneasy in their “presence” - for example, fears, insomnia, headaches, some kind of ailments, hallucinations appear... This should be taken especially seriously if the deceased was alive was related to magic, esotericism, or, to put it mildly, was not distinguished by outstanding spiritual qualities, and had the reputation of an evil and bad person.

You should not throw away old photographs, even if you never knew the relatives depicted in them. Let this remain a memory of your ancestors. Keep special albums for such photographs. Photographs of deceased and living people should not be stored together. Also, you should not place photographs of the dead next to the living.

It is strictly not recommended to take photographs at a funeral, and especially not to keep photographs of the dead person in the house afterwards. This way you will let the energy of death into your home, which can really negatively affect your life.

What to do with unnecessary things?

After a person's death, those things that are of no value should be thrown away. It is necessary to clear the apartment or room of the deceased of excess rubbish, carry out general cleaning and, if possible, repairs.