
Social science. Express tutor for preparing for the Unified State Exam

M.: 2009. - 160 p.

This manual is designed for self-preparation of schoolchildren and applicants for the Unified State Exam.

It includes assignments for two content blocks of the first course of social studies: “Man”, “Cognition”. Each section is preceded by theoretical material, given in a concise and accessible form, for example, in the form of diagrams and tables.

The training tasks correspond to the Unified State Exam format and are aimed at developing the skills of quickly and competently solving tests. At the end of the book, answers to all proposed tasks are presented, which will allow you to objectively assess the level of preparation for the exam.

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Section 1
Theoretical material (express course) 13
Topic 1. Man as a result of biological and social evolution 13
Topic 2. Human existence 1 6
Topic 3. Human needs and interests 1 8
Topic 4. Human activity, its main forms 22
Topic 5, Thinking and activity 34
Topic 8. The purpose and meaning of human life 38
Topic 7. Self-realization 40
Topic 8. Individual, individuality, personality. Socialization of the individual. 41
Topic 9. The inner world of a person 44
Topic 10. Conscious and unconscious 47
Topic 1 1 . Self-knowledge 5 2
Topic 12. Behavior 50
Topic 13. Freedom and responsibility of the individual 59
Training tasks 64
Part 1 (A) 54
Part 2 (B) 70
Part 3 (C) 79
Section 2
Theoretical material (express course) 84
Topic 1. Knowledge of the world 84
Topic 2. Forms of knowledge: sensual and rational, true and false 85
Topic 3. Truth, its criteria. Relativity of truth 90
Topic 4. Types of human knowledge 94
Topic 5. Scientific knowledge 96
Topic 6, Social sciences, their classification 104
Topic 7, Social and humanitarian knowledge 107
Training tasks. . 118
Part 1 (A) 113
Part 2 (B) 119
Part 3 (C). 129
Section 1. Man
Part 1(A) 134
Part 2 (B) 136
Part 3(C) 137
Section 2. Cognition
Part 1 (A) 144
Part 2 (B) 146
Part 3(C) 147
Literature 156

The manual is designed for independent or teacher-led preparation of schoolchildren and applicants for the Unified State Exam. It fully includes the material of the social studies course, which is tested in the exam. The theoretical part of the manual is presented in a concise and accessible form. Large quantity diagrams and tables make it easy and quick to navigate the topic and find the information you need. The training tasks correspond to the modern format of the Unified State Exam; all changes in the content of the examination work made in recent years are taken into account. At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks in parts 1 (A) and 2 (B), the main content of answers to tasks in part 3 (C) and similar recommendations for writing essays are presented.

Payment for the use of external resources is called
1) obvious costs
2) implicit costs
3) the sum of explicit and implicit costs
4) the difference between explicit and implicit costs

Company "A." reduced production volumes. In this case
1) variable and fixed costs do not change
2) variable and fixed costs decrease
3) variable costs decrease, fixed costs do not change
4) variable costs do not change, fixed costs decrease

Company S., which produces shoes, has increased its costs for the purchase of raw materials. This is an example
1) variable costs
2) fixed costs
3) average costs
4) unplanned costs

Are the following statements about production costs correct?
A. Fixed costs include the costs of purchased raw materials.
B. Variable costs include the cost of renting premises.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

Preface 7
Theoretical material (express course) 14
Topic 1. Natural and social in man (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution) 14
Topic 2. Worldview, its types and forms 18
Topic 3. Types of knowledge 22
Topic 4. The concept of truth, its criteria 28
Topic 5. Thinking and activity 31
Topic 6. Needs and interests 43
Topic 7. Freedom and the need for human activity 46
Topic 8. System structure of society: elements and subsystems 48
Topic 9. Basic institutions of society 53
Topic 10. The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture 55
Topic 11. Science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences and humanities 63
Topic 12. Education, its significance for the individual and society 75
Topic 13. Religion 78
Topic 14. Art 87
Topic 15. Morality 90
Topic 16. The concept of social progress 96
Topic 17. Multivariance social development(types of societies) 101
Topic 18. Threats of the 21st century ( global problems) 104
Training tasks 111
Part 1 111
Part 2 125
Part 3 133
Theoretical material (express course) 138
Topic 1. Economics and economic science 138
Topic 2. Factors of production and factor income 144
Topic 3. Economic systems 147
Topic 4. Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand 154
Topic 5. Fixed and variable costs 166
Topic 6. Financial institutions. Banking system 169
Topic 7. Main sources of business financing 177
Topic 8. Securities 185
Topic 9. Labor market. Unemployment 187
Topic 10. Types, causes and consequences of inflation 196
Topic 11. Economic growth and development. Concept of GDP 200
Topic 12. The role of the state in the economy 205
Topic 13. Taxes 213
Topic 14. State budget 218
Topic 15. World economy 224
Topic 16. Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen 233
Training tasks 238
Part 1 238
Part 2 253
Part 3 263
Theoretical material (express course) 268
Topic 1. Social stratification and mobility 268
Topic 2. Social groups 279
Topic 3. Youth as social group 286
Topic 4. Ethnic communities 288
Topic 5. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them 293
Topic 6. Constitutional principles (foundations) of national policy in the Russian Federation 304
Topic 7. Social conflict 307
Topic 8. Types social norms 315
Topic 9. Social control 318
Topic 10. Freedom and responsibility 322
Topic 11. Deviant behavior and its types 324
Topic 12. Social role 327
Topic 13. Socialization of the individual 334
Topic 14. Family and marriage 337
Training tasks 344
Part 1 344
Part 2 355
Part 3 366
Theoretical material (express course) 371
Topic 1. The concept of power 371
Topic 2. The state, its functions 379
Topic 3. Political system 390
Topic 4. Typology of political regimes 393
Topic 5. Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics 396
Topic 6. Civil society and the state 400
Topic 7. Political elite 408
Topic 8. Political parties and movements 413
Topic 9. Means mass media in the political system 423
Topic 10. Election campaign in the Russian Federation 427
Topic 11. Political process 439
Topic 12. Political participation 441
Topic 13. Political leadership 446
Topic 14. Government bodies of the Russian Federation 450
Topic 15. Federal structure of Russia 462
Training tasks 469
Part 1 469
Part 2 486
Part 3 498
Section V LAW
Theoretical material (express course) 503
Topic 1. Law in the system of social norms 503
Topic 2. System Russian law. Legislative process in the Russian Federation 521
Topic 3. Concept and types of legal liability. 527
Topic 4. Constitution Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation 535
Topic 5. Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections 548
Topic 6. Subjects of civil law 551
Topic 7. Organizational and legal forms and legal regime entrepreneurial activity 558
Topic 8. Property and non-property rights 564
Topic 9. Hiring procedure. Procedure for conclusion and termination employment contract 567
Topic 10. Legal regulation of relations between spouses. Procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage 574
Topic 11. Features of administrative jurisdiction 581
Topic 12. The right to favorable environment and ways to protect it 586
Topic 13. International law ( international protection human rights in peacetime and wartime) 591
Topic 14. Disputes and the procedure for their consideration 597
Topic 15. Basic rules and principles of civil procedure 600
Topic 16. Features of the criminal process 608
Topic 17. Citizenship of the Russian Federation 618
Topic 18. Military duty, alternative civil service 624
Topic 19. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer 629
Topic 20. Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system 634
Training tasks 643
Part 1 643
Part 2 658
Part 3 668
Section I. Man and Society 672
Part 1 672
Part 2 674
Part 3 675
Section II. Economics 683
Part 1 683
Part 2 686
Part 3 687
Section III. Social relations 696
Part 1 696
Part 2 697
Part 3 698
Section IV. Policy 708
Part 1 708
Part 2 711
Part 3 712
Section V. Law 721
Part 1 721
Part 2 722
Part 3 722
Literature 730.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the Unified State Exam book on social studies, Complete express tutor, Baranov P.A., Vorontsov A.V., Shevchenko S.V., 2013 -, fast and free download.

Unified State Exam in 30 days. Social science. Express tutor. Polovnikova A.V., Maslova N.N.

M.: 2011. - 192 p.

The manual, addressed to school graduates, applicants and teachers, systematically presents the material of the social studies course to the extent that it is tested on the unified state exam. All topics of the five content blocks of the course are presented sequentially: “Man and Society”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”. Six lessons are allocated for each block. Each lesson is based on next plan: theoretical material, test tasks, keys. Theoretical material is presented in a concise and accessible form, training tasks correspond to the modern format of the Unified State Exam. At the beginning and end of the manual there are two control tests. By comparing the results of their implementation, students will be able to assess the level of their preparedness for the Unified State Exam before and after taking the express course.

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Preface 7
Practice Test No. 1 8
Comments on completing tasks in parts 1 (A), 2(B), 3(C) and answers to practice test No. 1 15
1 day
Man and society
Topics: Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution.) Worldview, its types and forms 26
Theory 26
Test 27
Answers to test 29
Day 2
Man and society
Topics: Needs and interests. Freedom and necessity in human activity 32
Theory 32
Test 34
Answers to test 35
Day 3
Man and society
Topics: Types of knowledge. The concept of truth, its criteria. Thinking and activity 38
Theory 38
Test 40
Answers to test 41
4 day
Man and society
Topics: System structure of society: elements and subsystems. Basic institutions of society. The concept of social progress. Multivariate social development (types of societies). Threats of the 21st century 43
Theory 43
Test 44
Answers to test 47
5 day
Man and society
Topics: The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture. Religion. Art. Moral 49
Theory 49
Test 50
Answers to test 52
Day 6
Man and society
Topics: Science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences and humanities. Education, its importance for the individual and society 55
Theory 55
Test 56
Answers to test 57
Day 7
Topics: Economics and economic science. Factors of production and factor income. Economic systems 59
Theory 59
Test 60
Answers to test 62
Day 8
Topics: Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand. Fixed and variable costs. Financial institutions. Banking system 64
Theory 64
Test 65
Answers to test 67
Day 9
Topics: Main sources of business financing. Securities. Labor market. Unemployment. Types, causes and consequences of inflation 69
Theory 69
Test 70
Answers to test 73
10 day
Topics: Economic growth and development. The concept of GDP. The role of the state in the economy 76
Theory 76
Test 77
Answers to test 79
Day 11
Topics: Taxes. State budget 81
Theory 81
Test 82
Answers to test 84
12 day
Topics: World economy. Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen 87
Theory 87
Test 88
Answers to test 92
Day 13
Social relations
Topics: Social stratification and mobility. Social groups. Youth as a social group 95
Theory 95
Test 96
Answers to test 99
Day 14
Social relations
Topics: Ethnic communities. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them. Constitutional principles (basics) of national policy in the Russian Federation 101
Theory 101
Test 102
Answers to test 104
Day 15
Social relations
Topics: Social conflict. Types of social norms 106
Theory 106
Test 107
Answers to test 108
Day 16
Social relations
Topics: Social control. Freedom and responsibility 110
Theory 110
Test 110
Answers to test 113
Day 17
Social relations
Topics: Deviant behavior and its types. Social role 115
Theory 115
Test 116
Answers to test 119
Day 18
Social relations
Topics: Socialization of the individual. Seed and Marriage 121
Theory 121
Test 122
Answers to test 124
Day 19
Topics: The concept of power. Political system 126
Theory 126
Test 127
Answers to test 129
Day 20
Topics: The state, its functions. Typology of political regimes. Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics 131
Theory 131
Test 132
Answers to test 135
21 days
Topic: Civil society and the state 136
Theory 136
Test 136
Answers to test 138
Day 22
Topics: Political elite. Political parties and movements 140
Theory 140
Test 141
Answers to test 143
Day 23
Topics: Political process. Political participation. Political leadership. Election campaign in the Russian Federation. Mass media in the political system.. 145
Theory 145
Test 146
Answers to test 148
24 day
Topics: State authorities of the Russian Federation. Federal structure of Russia 151
Theory 151
Test 151
Answers to test 153
Day 25
Topics: Law in the system of social norms. System of Russian law. Legislative process in the Russian Federation 155
Theory 155
Test 157
Answers to test 159
Day 26
Topic: Concept and types of legal liability 160
Theory 160
Test 161
Answers to test 163
Day 27
Topics: Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Military duty, alternative civilian service. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer. International law (international protection of human rights in peacetime and wartime) 165
Theory 165
Test 166
Answers to test 168
Day 28
Topics: Features of administrative jurisdiction. The right to a favorable environment and ways to protect it 170
Theory 170
Test 170
Answers to test 172
Day 29
Topics: Civil law. Business law. Family law. Labor law 174
Theory 174
Test 175
Answers to test 177
30 day
Topics: Disputes, procedure for their consideration. Law enforcement agencies Judicial system. Basic rules and principles of civil procedure. Features of the criminal process 180
Theory 180
Test 181
Answers to test 183
Training test No. 2 w
Answers to practice test No. 2 191

If you want to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam or test your readiness for a social studies exam, this book will be an invaluable assistant. In it you will find the most necessary theoretical material, algorithms for completing exam tasks with multiple choice, with a short answer and with an extended answer, and tasks for independent decision. Keys are provided for all tasks.
The manual will help you consistently organize the repetition of five content blocks, on the basis of which the unified state exam in social studies is built: “Man and Society”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”. Six lessons (days) are allotted for working with each block, one lesson - one and a half to two hours.
Each lesson begins with a repetition of theoretical material on several topics of the course, after which it is proposed to complete a series of tasks. Special attention when compiling training tasks, we paid attention to part 3 (C) as the most complex and requiring serious preparation. If you have difficulty solving a task of one type or another, you need to refer to the algorithm for completing it, try to solve it again and only then turn to the answers.
The manual includes two test papers (incoming and final), the content and structure of which correspond to the examination paper used in the Unified State Examination. This contributes to the formation of a holistic view of structural components examination work, types of tasks, its components, as well as an objective assessment of the quality of preparation for the exam.
Teach a high school student to work with each of all types of exam tasks, avoid typical mistakes, and, of course, strive to get the maximum score - this is the task that we will try to solve in the 30 days allotted for repeating the social studies course.
The manual is intended for schoolchildren, applicants and teachers.

4th edition...

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The manual is designed for independent or teacher-led preparation of schoolchildren and applicants for the Unified State Exam. It fully includes the material of the social studies course, which is tested in the exam.
The theoretical part of the manual is presented in a concise and accessible form. A large number of diagrams and tables make it easy and quick to navigate the topic and find the information you need.
The training tasks correspond to the modern format of the Unified State Exam; all changes in the content of the examination work made in recent years are taken into account.
The authors of the book are Pyotr Anatolyevich Baranov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences of the Russian Federation, Honored Teacher of Russia, Alexander Viktorovich Vorontsov - Honored Teacher of Russia and Sergei Vladimirovich Shevchenko - teacher and methodologist - are well known as the creators of school textbooks and teaching aids in social studies, including for preparation for the unified state exam.
4th edition, revised and expanded.


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Social studies tutors, Unified State Exam experts

Private tutor in social studies. Unified State Exam expert.
   University teacher, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the department of political science and law. Classes in the university building: M. Shabolovskaya, then 5 minutes on foot. Successful experience in preparing students for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, DVI in social studies for about 10 years. IN necessary cases The method of express preparation for the Unified State Exam is used.
   Cost 90 min/2000 rubles

  • Cost of classes: 1670 rubles/60 minutes.
    2500 rubles/90 minutes.
  • Items: Social science
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Shabolovskaya, Oktyabrskaya
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: University teacher
  • Education: In 1971 she graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Philosophy (philosopher, teacher of philosophy and social science), diploma with honors. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences. Associate Professor of Political Science and Sociology...
  • Cost of the lesson: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: History, Social Studies
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Yasenevo
  • Home visit: possible
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Faculty of History of Kyiv State University (graduated in 1989, honors diploma), graduate school at the Institute of History (graduated in 1992). Specialist in the field of Russian history. Scientific work, publications...

   Social studies tutor services. Unified State Exam expert.
   Preparation of the Unified State Exam. Unified State Exam expert. Several students had a maximum score of 100. Successful preparation for the Olympiads for schoolchildren of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State University, MGIMO, State University-Higher School of Economics, more than 100 winners and runners-up.
   It is better to start studying the history of Russia and preparing for the Unified State Exam in the 10th grade. If you start from grade 11, then you need to study 2 times a week.
   Author methodological manuals in social studies. Unified State Exam expert, member of the Unified State Exam appeal commissions in social studies. Author of materials for school Olympiads in social studies and law.

  • Cost of classes: Individual lessons 90 minutes - 3000 rub.;
    Group lessons 90 minutes - 2000 rub.
    The first lesson is free for individual students only.
  • Items: Social studies, History
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: University teacher
  • Education: Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State University-Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University.

   Individual tutor-expert for the Unified State Exam in social studies.
   Preparing for passing the Unified State Exam carried out on a whole spectrum of aspects. All basic topics of the course are illustrated with examples from the history of Russia, the current political situation in Russia and world politics. A visual and figurative system for presenting material makes the learning process bright and exciting.
   At each lesson, students are offered 2-3 topics for writing an essay. Essays are analyzed in a number of aspects from the disclosure of the topic to the construction of logic, argumentation, and a system of conclusions. The depth of the examples given has special meaning. Updating the material covered is carried out at each lesson by repeating basic concepts, forming questions similar to tasks from section A, separately B...

  • Cost of the lesson: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Social Science, Philosophy
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: River Station
  • Home visit: possible
  • Status: University teacher
  • Education: Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophy, I teach at the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI TU).

Private teacher in social studies - Unified State Exam expert.
   The program is only for grades 10 - 11, preparation for the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren, applicants. Basic and advanced training, express course possible. Mandatory testing for understanding of what has been covered, mandatory testing on topics, as well as final testing.
   Cost per hour - from 900 to 1000 rubles.
   At school I teach history, social studies, Moscow Chemical Culture and, optionally, the fundamentals of law and the history of religions. For the last 11 years I have been teaching high school, in each class there are 1-2 students, cat. We entered the budget departments through district/Moscow/Russian Olympiads. Admission to the State University-Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, MGIMO, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow Institute foreign languages languages...

  • Cost of the lesson: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Social studies, History
  • Cities: Moscow, Khimki, Dolgoprudny
  • Nearest metro station: River Station
  • Home visit: possible
  • Status: School teacher
  • Education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. Lenin, 1976, history department.

Services of a tutor-expert for the Unified State Exam in social studies.
   Preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in social studies. Classes are conducted individually (m. University). Any level of training. Preparation for Olympiads in social studies. Help with admission. 100% guarantee. Preparation for admission to Moscow State University, MGIMO(U), National Research University-Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of Faculty, Moscow State Law Academy, State University.
   Unique methods and extensive experience make it possible to guarantee a result on the Unified State Exam of 85-100 points with intensive preparation. 15 years of experience in successful training in social studies.

  • Cost of classes: Lesson cost 90 min. (2 academic hours of 45 minutes) - 2500 rub.
    1700 RUR/60 minutes.
  • Items: Social science
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Kaluzhskaya, Academicheskaya
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: University teacher
  • Education: economic, legal. MGIMO, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

  I give the first lesson for free.
   Experienced social studies teacher, Unified State Exam expert.
   Preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Examination in history and social studies, an opportunity to study for those who have already graduated from school and decided to take the exam. Eliminating knowledge gaps, preparing for Olympiads at various levels.
   I accept orders for topics outside the school curriculum, for example, the history of a specific country. I guarantee 100% results. There is not a single person who would study and not pass. Laureate of the "Teacher of the Year" competition, grant "For special contribution to the development of education." Unified State Exam expert in social studies.

  • Cost of the lesson: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: History, Social Studies
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: River Station
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Belgorod State Pedagogical University, 1995.

Private tutor-expert for the Unified State Exam in social studies.
   Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam in social studies for schoolchildren in grades 9 - 11.
   Improving academic performance in the subjects of social studies and economics for schoolchildren in grades 7 - 11. Preparation for entering universities.
   Preparing students for exams and tests.

  • Cost of the lesson: 1000 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Social studies, Economics
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Krylatskoe
  • Home visit: possible
  • Status: University teacher
  • Education: Southern Federal University, Faculty of Economics, specialty - economist, teacher economic theory(1989).

  I give the first lesson for free.
   Qualified USE expert tutor in social studies.
   I give lessons in social studies, law and history.
   Preparation for the Unified State Exam/GIA/Olympiads, additional internal test for the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, school curriculum (grades 7 - 11).
   Graduate of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
   Prize-winner of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren in law (social studies), prize-winner of the M.V. Lomonosov Tournament for schoolchildren in history, mathematics, winner of the regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language and literature.
   Experience working as a paralegal in a large law firm. Teaching experience - 1.5 years.

  • Cost of classes: The cost when visiting a student is 1100 rubles/60 min.;
    Cost without visiting the student - 1000 rub./60 min.;
    Lessons via Skype - 1000 rub./60 min.
  • Items: Social studies, Law, History
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Shchukinskaya, Oktyabrskoe field
  • Home visit: possible
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Law (graduation year - 2015), specialty.

  I give the first lesson for free (free lessons are only possible in my territory).
   Experienced social studies tutor. Unified State Exam expert.
   Preparation for passing exams (Unified State Examination, State Examination). School program, an express course of preparation for the Unified State Exam. Various preparation methods, use of interactive materials, library of subjects. I regularly take courses on professional retraining by subject.
   I have experience working in universities and schools. 9 years of tutoring experience. I prepare using both traditional school minimum textbooks (Bogolyubov, Baranov) and recommended textbooks from leading universities in the country. We also work with our students remotely during the week via e-mail: we hone our essay writing skills, take tests and solve problems...

  • Cost of the lesson: 1300 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Social science
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Dubrovka, Proletarskaya
  • Home visit: possible
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in 2010.