
Orthopedist dentist - what tasks does the description of the profession solve, indications for contacting this specialist. Orthopedist in dentistry: who is it and what does it do? Orthopedist in dentistry

Orthopedic dentistry is one of the branches of dental medicine. It can be characterized by such a process as prosthetics, because it was with him that the formation of this direction began. Why might this be needed?

  • First of all, in case of damage to the teeth or other jaw structures;
  • With abnormal development of the dentoalveolar system;
  • With its defects and integrity violations;
  • For any deformities of the chewing and speech apparatus.

Modern dental orthopedics offers a wide range of services not only in prosthetics, but also in dental implantation. And if earlier dubious materials were used to restore the jaw structures, such as rubber and porcelain, which differed in their appearance from natural ones and could have a negative effect on the body. Now, in dentistry, ceramics and other neutral, and therefore safe, metals are used predominantly, as close as possible in external characteristics to the natural color, and more durable in terms of socks.

All this became possible thanks to the doctors who work in this field. This article will be devoted to them. The main question is: who is an orthopedic dentist and what does he treat.

A specialist engaged in the diagnosis of defective or injured teeth, their restoration or complete replacement with a prosthesis or implant, as well as the prevention of destructive problems of the dentition, is called an orthopedic dentist.

The activity of this doctor does not stop at the reconstruction of the lost structures. In addition, he can refresh the appearance of the dentition by whitening it, and restore any damage to the surface, using innovative materials and techniques.

By modernizing all the tools, technologies and preparations, dental orthopedics allows the treatment of masticatory organs as quickly as possible, without losing their quality and functionality.

An inexperienced eye is unlikely to be able to distinguish the current prosthesis from a natural tooth, because it is not inferior to it either externally or in other characteristics, moreover, it is superior in wear resistance. By the way, patients of an orthopedic dentist are not only elderly people. Even young people may have a need for this, for example due to an injury.

What does an orthopedic dentist treat?

Orthopedics in dentistry is usually used in cases where therapeutic treatment is powerless or inappropriate. What does an orthopedic dentist do?

  • He restores severely damaged teeth - this may be a consequence of physical destruction or the result of caries. In any case, it is impossible to postpone prosthetics, because apart from aesthetics, this can lead to problems in the gastrointestinal tract, since food will be badly chewed and complicate the digestion process.
  • It prevents the complete loss of the tooth - restoration is not complete, but partial. We are talking about those cases when there is a defect in it, it is fragile or weak, and in order to prevent its loss, the orthopedic dentist may offer to put a crown on it.
  • It helps to hide imperfections and congenital anomalies. There are situations when a person has healthy and strong teeth, but their appearance or structure is very upsetting. It's fixable and painless. Under his preferences, veneers are made, behind which everything is hidden and beautiful.

Unfortunately, people forget that prevention of any disease is easier than cure. They delay a visit to the dentist, and eventually lose a tooth, and then they rush for help to an orthopedic dentist. Moreover, not everyone immediately turns to him. As practice shows, it is the loss of the front incisors that strongly stimulates people to start treating their mouths.

When contacting an orthopedic dentist, he conducts a study of the patient's oral cavity. By the way, your attending physician, who has been trained in orthopedics, can also master these skills at a professional level.

An orthopedic dentist is a doctor who restores lost teeth with the help of prosthetic structures.

The main direction in orthopedics belongs to prosthetics.

However, the goal is not only to fill gaps in the jaw line, but also to prevent further destruction of the elements of the jaw line, to prevent recurrence of diseases.

The history of orthopedics goes into the deep past. The first prostheses made by ancient orthopedic masters 4.5 thousand years ago were discovered during excavations in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. They used gold wire as a fixation element.

The founder of modern dental orthopedics is the Frenchman Pierre Fauchard, who wrote the manual "Dental Surgery ...", published in 1728.

Fauchard developed some methods of prosthetics, in particular, fixing prostheses with springs, correcting the position of units with ligatures, and the idea of ​​pin structures.

At first, orthopedists were engaged exclusively in prosthetics. But as practice has shown, this alone is not enough to achieve a high-quality and sustainable result.

Modern orthopedics, in addition to prosthetics, includes the diagnosis and prevention of pathologies of the jaw system.


So who is this - an orthopedic dentist, and what does he treat today?

The tasks of an orthopedist include:

  • Diagnosis of pathologies and destruction of the jaw system.
  • Restoration of her lost functions - chewing, swallowing, speech - with the help of prostheses.
  • Ensuring proper aesthetics of artificial or restored rows and units.
  • Treatment of diseases that can lead to tooth decay - pulpitis, caries, periodontitis, etc., as well as correcting the consequences of injuries.
  • Preventive measures to preserve the health of other units.

Making a prosthesis is a technically complex operation that requires the participation of not only an orthopedic dentist, but also a technician working in a dental laboratory.

Diagnostic measures

The orthopedic dentist uses the following diagnostic methods.

  • Poll patient and history taking.
  • Face examination. The size of the oral fissure, the shortening of the lower region of the face, its asymmetry (if any), the setting of the chin and lips are fixed. With the help of palpation, the tone of the labial muscles is checked.
  • Inspection PR. The shape, size and number of teeth, bite are studied in detail. The condition of the mucous membrane, the features of the formation of the frenulum of the lips, the range of motion and the shape of the tongue, the morphology of the arch of the hard palate, the development of the jaws are assessed. Attention is focused on the functionality of the TMJ during the work of the lower jaw.

With the help of radiography, the state of the reference units, the presence of impacted and rudiments of permanent elements is clarified.

As additional methods, special studies of the functions of the jaw apparatus can be prescribed:

  • Functional chewing tests.
  • The state of nasal breathing (rhinoscopy, rhinopneumometry, rhinomanometry).
  • Sizes, shapes, position and functionality of the tongue (teleradiography).
  • The ratio of the parts of the skull relative to each other (cephalometry).

Based on the results of examinations, a diagnosis is made and tactics of orthopedic treatment are developed.

Treatment Methods

There are 3 types of prostheses - removable, non-removable and micro prostheses. There are also conditionally removable ones, but they are usually referred to as removable ones.


Microprosthetics is used in violation of the integrity of the tooth, loss of its functionality or appearance, but with most of it preserved.

There are 3 types of microprostheses.


Reminiscent of fillings, but with the difference that they are made of ceramics, and therefore have great strength and excellent appearance.

Inlays are made according to casts, and are mainly used for prosthetics of chewing units.


These are thin (0.5 mm) plates glued to the front surface of the tooth in order to hide its defects.(chips, scratches, yellowness).

In their shape, veneers exactly repeat the outer part of the tooth, on which they are glued with a special cement that is biocompatible with dentine, colorless and odorless.

The adhesive provides a long - up to 10 years - service life of the veneer. With each replacement, the enamel becomes thinner due to grinding.

The advantages of veneers include comparative ease of installation and excellent appearance, which they give to the oral cavity.

To disadvantages- the need for periodic replacement and the inability to perceive significant chewing loads. Therefore, they are installed only on the front units.


In terms of function and appearance, it is almost the same as veneers, with the only exception - they are much thinner than veneers, which allows them to be installed without grinding off the enamel.

Advantages of microprosthetics:

  • These are gentle operations. that do not injure healthy neighboring teeth;
  • Not only aesthetics are restored but also functionality;
  • Impeccable quality. Thanks to the ability to make according to casts, a very high quality of microprostheses is ensured.
  • Ability to use the most modern materials similar in characteristics to natural enamel.

In many cases, microprosthetics is an ideal way of high-quality and quick restoration of the appearance and functionality of teeth, which does not have a worthy alternative.

Fixed dentures

Fixed dentures are divided into crowns, bridges and implants.


These are orthopedic structures in the form of a cap covering all or part of the crown.

They are used in the event that the defect cannot be corrected by filling or inserting an inlay, as well as to change the color, position or shape of the teeth, to fix bridges or splinting.

According to the degree of coverage of the tooth, the crowns are full and partial. By material - metal, non-metal (plastic, ceramic) and combined (combination of metal with plastic or ceramic).

According to the manufacturing method, cast, stamped, soldered, milled, polymerized, and also obtained by firing (ceramic and porcelain) are distinguished.


Such structures are used if several adjacent units have been destroyed.

Along the edges of the bridge prosthesis, crowns are placed on the supporting units.

The construction located between them - the "bridge" - replaces one or more missing teeth.


Dental implants are an artificial structure that is implanted into the jaw bone tissue with subsequent fusion with it.

In appearance, they resemble screws or thick screws. Implants take on the function of the roots of lost units, and are used as a base for restoring rows.

Removable systems

There are complete and partial removable dentures. The former are used for completely edentulous jaws, and consist of an acrylic or nylon base with artificial teeth poured into them.

The retention of removable structures in the mouth is ensured by an exact fit to the prosthetic bed. In relation to the upper jaw, this method of fastening is quite reliable due to the creation of a vacuum (suction cup effect).

The lower prosthesis does not hold well, and adhesive pastes may be required to increase its retention.

Partial structures are installed to compensate for extended defects. For their fastening, supporting anatomical elements of the jaw row and various fixing systems are used.

Several options for attaching partial dentures have been developed.

  • clasps- staples in the form of semi-arcs attached to the base. Clasps cover the abutment teeth, firmly fixing the structure in the desired position.
  • Locks (attachments). The fastening of the prosthesis is carried out using special locking devices that provide reliable fixation of the prosthetic structure in the oral cavity.
  • telescopic device. The prosthesis has caps similar to conventional crowns that are put on implants or support units.
  • With the help of pilots. The system is held in place by plastic bolsters (pellets), which are put on metal levers connected to the structure and prevent the prosthesis from moving due to the anatomy of the gums.

Clasp systems- This is a type of removable dentures, which is a metal frame on which a plastic (usually acrylic) gum with artificial teeth is fixed.

The main feature and at the same time the advantage of clasp prostheses is the basic metal arc, which gives the structure increased reliability.

Butterfly prosthesis designed to replace the 1st or 2-3 teeth - most often temporarily, before the manufacture of a permanent structure or engraftment of the implant.

The soft plastic base of the prosthesis resembles the wings of a butterfly, hence its name. The fastening of the prosthesis-butterfly is carried out with the help of clasps covering the supporting units.

Lamellar prostheses- the most affordable and widespread orthopedic constructions, which are a base made of plastic (acrylic or nylon) and plastic teeth fixed on it.

Removable devices have both advantages and some disadvantages.

The main advantage of prosthetic structures is the ability to perform lost functions - to chew food with high quality, to talk with normal diction. It is very important to return the aesthetics to the mouth and face, which is lost in the absence of teeth.

There are also disadvantages. This is the need to install crowns on supporting units to protect their enamel from destruction by fixing elements, not always good positioning of prostheses in their place.

Rules for choosing a specialist

The radiant snow-white smile of your friend, who until recently was embarrassed to once again open his mouth, should prompt him to ask him a natural question - where did he get his teeth prosthetics?

However, the professionalism of an orthopedist may not be enough. The place where he works, the equipment of the dental office and the prosthetic workshop with modern equipment, the technologies and materials used are important.

All this must be taken into account when deciding to prosthetic teeth in a particular clinic.

When choosing a dental institution, you need to ask if it has a license.

Human qualities of a doctor are also important. The degree of his participation in his patient, his willingness to talk about all the possible options for restoring teeth, frankness in describing the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Prosthetics is an expensive type of treatment, so the search for the least expensive option is a completely understandable and justified desire. Do not be too lazy to compare prices in different clinics in order to choose the most financially suitable institution.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.

Dentistry has not been limited to dental treatment for a long time. Today, there are more and more specialized services that meet the different needs of patients. There are general dentists, dental surgeons, orthodontists and orthopedic dentists. What are the responsibilities of an orthopedic doctor?

These concepts differ, because it is possible to restore teeth with healthy roots, and if the roots are damaged, then their prosthetics are already used, in particular, implantation.

In addition to restoring the aesthetic appearance of a smile and restoring minor effects of teeth, an orthopedic dentist also restores all the functions of teeth, primarily chewing.

The specialization of the dental orthopedist is removable, non-removable and conditionally removable methods of restoring teeth.

Photo: Dentist-orthopedist specializes in the restoration and prosthetics of teeth

He is also engaged in taking casts for the subsequent manufacture by a dental technician of all necessary structures - crowns, stump inlays, etc.

We can say that dental orthopedics today is one of the most popular services. Recently, children have become frequent visitors to the orthopedist's office.

At the initial consultation, it becomes clear whether the patient has damage to the masticatory apparatus, and what is its degree.

Once the diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is drawn up, which usually includes:

  • preparation of the oral cavity for restoration or prosthetics;
  • complex of orthopedic measures;
  • choice of type of prosthetics or restoration and design of the prosthesis;
  • installation of a prosthesis, if necessary.

Before starting treatment, he conducts all the necessary examinations and preparations for the patient - orthopantogram, computed tomography, wax modeling and other highly specialized studies.

Full responsibility for the selection and manufacture of the prosthesis necessary in a particular case also lies with him.

Video: what does it do

Preparation for restoration and prosthetics

Before starting orthopedic treatment, a complex therapeutic and surgical treatment of the oral cavity is carried out.

This is done in order to prepare the hard and soft tissues of the maxillofacial region for further procedures. Any disease can interfere with the restoration of the dentition.

Mandatory cure:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • cicatricial changes in the mucous membrane;
  • anomalies in the development of the dental system.

Special preparation of the patient by an orthopedic dentist includes the preparation of a specific treatment plan, depending on the type of prosthetics chosen.

Restoration of teeth

Tooth restoration refers to the process by which the damaged part of the tooth is restored.

Orthopedic methods are used when it is impossible to restore the tooth by filling. Orthopedic dentists use crowns, inlays and veneers to restore teeth.

Crowns restore mostly depulped teeth (without nerves). They are made from various materials. The most popular today are metal-ceramic crowns, which have a metal frame and are covered with ceramics on the outside.

Inlays are used in cases where the crown part of the tooth is partially preserved, and material can be inserted into the existing cavity to hide the defect.

The method of restoration with tabs is called microprosthetics. The finished liner is attached to the tooth with a small amount of filling material.

Veneers are thin plates that are attached to the front surface of the tooth.

They are mainly used to restore the front teeth, which allows them to achieve their natural look and color. Veneers are made from porcelain or ceramic.

Video: tabs


If the tooth is completely lost, the only option for restoring the dentition is prosthetics, which is divided into removable, fixed and partially removable.

Removable prosthetics are lamellar prostheses made of acrylic, nylon, polyurethane. The most common and convenient method due to its cost-effectiveness. Removable dentures can be complete or partial.

Fixed dentures are represented by bridges and implants.

Bridges have a good price-quality ratio and high efficiency.

Implants are the most expensive method of dental prosthetics today and are artificial tooth roots made of titanium plus crowns.

Partially removable or clasp prosthetics also provide the aesthetic appeal of the teeth, while maintaining convenience.

For it, metal arcuate structures are used to ensure strong fixation of the teeth.

Video: types of prosthetics


An orthopedic dentist is a doctor who has completed higher medical education and has a specialization in orthopedic dentistry.

He must master the methods of prosthetics, for which the dentist undergoes specialized training, which includes training in knowledge of the biomechanics of the dentoalveolar system.

Communication with dentists of other specializations

The orthopedic dentist works closely with other dentists.

So, in the process of preparing a patient for orthopedic treatment, a dentist-therapist performs sanitation of the oral cavity, removes dental deposits (tartar, plaque), treats diseases of the oral mucosa and periodontal disease.

Although sometimes the qualifications are enough to carry out preliminary therapeutic treatment of the patient on their own, without referring him to another doctor.

The dentist-surgeon, in turn, removes the roots of non-viable teeth, which are no longer subject to therapeutic treatment. It is the dentist-surgeon who implants an implant in the patient's jaw, on which the orthopedic dentist performs further prosthetics.

Photo: In the office of a dentist-surgeon

If there are recommendations from an orthopedist, then a number of plastic surgeries will be performed in the surgical room to better fix the prostheses in the mouth - removing scars, bands, correcting the shape of the alveolar process, plastic surgery of the tongue, frenulum of the lips, etc.

In addition, they usually work in conjunction with dental technicians who make the necessary prostheses in a special dental laboratory.

How to choose a good specialist

A good specialist must meet certain criteria, according to which it will be clear whether he can do his job efficiently.

You need to start choosing a specialist with the administrative component - the design of doctors' offices and the hall, the availability of appropriate licenses and certificates of advanced training for medical personnel, the possibility of free consultation, etc.

But the most important criterion in choosing is his professionalism. Diplomas and diplomas in a considerable amount will testify to this. The doctor, as a rule, has these proofs of professionalism on the walls in his office.

A good prosthodontist will focus not on the number of processes that he is ready to perform almost simultaneously with the patient's teeth, but on their quality.

When choosing a dentist, you need to look at what tools he uses, what advanced technologies the doctor owns, what kind of substances are used for pain relief.

And, of course, a good specialist will pay attention to disinfecting the office, prepare it, and also wear protective gloves, shoe covers and caps.

Orthopedic dentistry is one of the most expensive services today. Installation of one crown costs starting from 3000 rubles, and the cheapest implant will cost 15 000 rubles.

But, taking into account all the positive aspects for the convenience and beauty that orthopedic treatment at the dentist gives the patient, the expensive cost of the service turns out to be quite justified in the end result.

Orthopedic dentistry is one of the areas of dentistry that deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders in the dental system. Different types of prosthetics and installation of regulating structures for teeth is the main activity of an orthopedic dentist.

General orthopedics, dealing with the treatment of skeletal deformities and restoration of bone tissue, became the impetus for the emergence of orthopedic dentistry, when the problem of restoring lost teeth and jaw bone tissue became acute.

The emergence and development of orthopedic dentistry dates back to the end of the 19th century. At that time, this area specialized only in simple prosthetics. And with the development of science, it became clear that there are many jaw defects that cannot be corrected with the help of prosthetics alone. For effective treatment, it was necessary to observe the principles of preventing the occurrence of defects. So science began to develop, and much attention was paid to the causes of deformations. Orthopedic dentistry began to get rid of more complex problems in the maxillofacial region.

Dentist-orthopedist: who is he and what does he do?

An orthopedic dentist is a doctor who is directly involved in prosthetics and restores damaged teeth to patients.

An orthopedic doctor is a very demanded profession, since with his help the patient can restore lost teeth, notice them with implants that will not only look like real ones, but also function, in no way inferior to healthy ones.

The higher the professionalism of an orthopedic dentist, the more patients trust him. A qualified doctor carries out the procedure of prosthetics, consistently observing all the rules. Before the procedure, he necessarily takes all the necessary tests from the patient, examines his body as a whole, the condition of the oral cavity and jaws. Only then can you begin to prepare, and then to implement the prosthetic procedure itself.

Having received all the necessary information, the dental orthopedist makes a prosthesis, guided by his knowledge. At this stage, all his professionalism and experience will be needed to select the right material and make a prosthesis, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.

Taking casts, making structures for prosthetics (bags, inlays, crowns, etc.) - all this is the field of activity of an orthopedic dentist.

In addition to the prosthetics itself, the dentist also deals with the correction of various defects after the procedure. Nowadays, the patients of the orthopedic doctor are not only adults, but also children.

Methods of orthopedic dentistry

  • microprosthetics;
  • removable prosthetics;
  • fixed prosthetics.


Microprosthetics is a method used by dentists in situations where the tooth, although preserved to a greater extent, cannot function normally, or has an unpresentable appearance.

To correct such problems, orthopedists use inlays and veneers.
The tab is almost the same as the seal, only more thoughtful. Using inlays, only part of the tooth is recreated. Most of all they are used in the restoration of part of the chewing teeth, for which, in addition to appearance, functionality is extremely important.

The inlays are made of a very durable material - ceramics. In addition to strength, this material has a number of other advantages. First of all, it is an excellent appearance, similar to tooth enamel. In addition, ceramics is absolutely safe for the human body, as it is of natural origin.

In addition to ceramic inlays, veneers are also made. Orthopedic dentists use them on front teeth to create a beautiful smile. Veneers are not used to restore chewing molars, since the product is quite fragile and is intended for the front side of the teeth.

Veneers are fairly thin plates, about half a millimeter thick. Their shape repeats the outer part of the tooth, at the base of which there is a recess. With the help of special cement without color, odor and side effects, orthopedists attach veneers to the teeth. Cement is very durable and can last about ten years.

Veneers can eliminate many defects in tooth enamel. These are scratches, chips, cracks, natural yellowness of the teeth, as well as their slight curvature.

Before installing veneers, dentists grind down the enamel of the teeth so that after installation they do not have to get used to them for a long time, and they do not interfere with the patient's smile, talk and eat. This stage of installation is the most unpleasant for the patient. When removing enamel, the dentist needs to be as careful and accurate as possible. The enamel is removed with a drill, while anesthesia is applied.

The result of installing veneers is a perfect smile in a couple of days. With careful wear, they will last a very long time without changing their appearance.

A patient who has veneers installed will need to wear them all the time, changing every 10 years, since the worn enamel is not restored. With each replacement of veneers, the prosthodontist will have to undermine the enamel again and again. The tooth after such procedures will be thinner and thinner, and eventually it will need to be replaced with a crown - a permanent prosthetic product.

Permanent prosthetics

This type of prosthetics includes bridges and crowns, which are larger and more durable products than veneers and inlays.

A crown is a kind of cap that is put on a tooth and replaces its visible part.

The purposes of using crowns are different. With their help, orthopedists can restore a destroyed and even missing tooth, as well as attach a bridge or removable prosthesis to them.

A crown is made in a dental laboratory and then attached to an implant or treated tooth.

The need to use crowns arises in case of severe tooth decay due to physical damage or diseases of the oral cavity (primarily caries). In these cases, microprosthetics will not help.

Crown installation steps:

  1. Tooth preparation. Grinding it and the desired small workpiece (stump). From all sides of the tooth, the dentist removes the right amount of enamel and dentin (2 - 3 millimeters). In the case of installing a prosthesis on a titanium implant inserted into the jaw, the procedure does not occur before the complete healing of the tissues.
  2. Formation of an impression on which the prosthesis will be made.
  3. Trial wear. The crown is placed with temporary cement. The patient uses it for a while and observes the condition.
  4. Final installation. In the case when there is no discomfort when wearing a temporary crown, it can be installed using stronger cement.

Crowns, depending on the characteristics of the patient and the recommendations of the orthopedist, can be made of plastic, metal or ceramic.

Ceramic crowns are durable and look great. But the material is quite expensive because of its many positive qualities.

Metal-ceramic crowns have a titanium frame, and are covered with ceramics on the outside. For this reason, their prices are more affordable. But the appearance is inferior to ceramic ones, since metal can be seen through thin ceramics.

Plastic crowns are worn for no more than a year, so they can be classified as temporary. Often, orthopedic dentists put them on for a while, while permanent ones are being made.

Using a crown for the loss of one tooth is an excellent option, but in the case when several teeth are missing at once, this method loses. After all, you will need to put implants, pay for their cost and the cost of each crown.

As dentists say, in this case it is better to use bridges. These are the same crowns that are combined into one system and replace several teeth at once.

The duration and costs of installing bridges are quite less, so their installation in the absence of several teeth is much more profitable. Bridges are usually attached to inlays or telescopic crowns.

Removable prosthetics

Removable dentures today are used not only by the elderly. They are often necessary even for children. After the loss of a baby tooth, dentists put a removable prosthesis on the children so that the dentition does not curve until a new one grows.

Removable dentures can be removed and put on at the right time. Which makes their maintenance and installation process quite simple.

On a note: For the elderly, the installation of removable dentures is most acceptable, because it is risky to install implants in old age, and if a tooth is lost, you can either resort to implantation or use a removable denture.

A removable prosthesis includes a plastic or nylon base and artificial teeth.

The prosthesis can be complete (for the entire jaw) or partial, which is essentially a bridge, only it can be removed.

Orthopedists attach a removable prosthesis using special locks or compounds.

The most common are clasps - locks in the form of a semicircle, clasping abutment teeth on both sides. Clasps are used to secure partial dentures, while full dentures are held in place with adhesive or suction. The most dense prostheses are fastened with the help of key implants.

Tasks of orthopedic dentistry

Unfortunately, the teeth do not have the properties to be restored. And the main task of dental orthopedics is to improve and improve the methods used in prosthetics.

In addition, orthopedic dentistry performs the following tasks:

  • for the treatment of diseases of the maxillofacial apparatus using various designs;
  • to restore the main functions of the patient's dental system (chewing, speech, swallowing);
  • to keep the remaining teeth healthy;
  • to ensure the aesthetic appearance of artificial and restored teeth.

Each clinic that provides prosthetic dentistry services, except for the office of an orthopedic dentist, must be equipped with a dental laboratory.

The main methods of examination in such a clinic are: a survey, collection of anamnesis data, examination and assessment of the state of the oral cavity, panoramic X-ray of the jaws.

What problems does orthopedic dentistry solve?

Orthopedic dentistry is aimed at solving many problems that arise in the dentoalveolar system.

Cosmetic defects of the tooth surface are corrected in orthopedic dentistry by installing veneers. Cases when veneers are used are different. These are chips, abrasion of teeth, the presence of gaps between them, a wedge-shaped defect, injuries (caused, for example, by root canal treatment), fluorosis, old fillings that differ in color from tooth enamel.

With the help of fixed prosthetics, the problems of irregular shape, fragile structure, as well as loss of teeth are solved. Durable materials such as ceramics and cermets contribute to the manufacture of durable prostheses that are identical to healthy teeth.

With the problems of complete loss of teeth or most of them (especially in the elderly), the orthopedic dentist does an excellent job with the help of removable dentures.

The most popular services in orthopedics

  • clasp prosthetics;
  • installation of veneers;
  • restoration of teeth;
  • installation of lumineers;
  • fixed prosthetics: ceramic, metal-ceramic crowns and bridges, installation of prostheses on implants;
  • removable prosthetics: bridges, acrylic, nylon, laminar prostheses.

How much do services cost?

Orthopedic dentistry services are quite expensive. But modern technologies, new equipment, the latest materials and a reasonable approach of dental clinics lead to a decrease in cost.

A qualified orthopedist can choose a prosthetics service for a patient, depending on his financial capabilities.

On average, installing a temporary crown costs about 2500 rubles, and the initial cost of implantation is 15 thousand.

Despite the high cost of procedures, orthopedic dentistry gives patients many positive aspects that are worth it.

Video review of the patient about basal implantation and prosthetics of all teeth in the upper and lower jaw in 3 days

Specialists in various fields can help patients with dental diseases. In many cases, medical treatment is not enough. An orthopedic dentist will help restore the external and internal parts of the tooth.

With a strong destruction of units in the upper and lower jaws, the absence of healthy roots, dental injuries, it is often necessary to install prostheses of various configurations. The specialist will draw up a treatment plan, select the necessary orthopedic structures, restore the functionality and aesthetics of the dentition.

Who is an orthopedic dentist

The competence of the doctor includes:

  • restoration of a partially destroyed unit while maintaining the integrity of the roots. Crowns for teeth, veneers for the “smile zone” or one of the front teeth will save a damaged canine, incisor or molar, and preserve the chewing function;
  • implantation (prosthetics). With the complete destruction of the dental tissue, the absence of a unit in its place, the defeat of the roots, the specialist installs removable or non-removable orthopedic products. With the correct selection of prostheses, the patient receives strong “new teeth” in exchange for the damaged ones. The appearance is restored, the chewing function of the dentition is normalized.

Important! Do not confuse orthopedic and orthodontic direction. The orthodontist is engaged in the correction of the bite, returns the teeth to the correct position. An orthopedic dentist specializes in prosthetics of various types, implantation of artificial teeth.

When to seek help from a specialist

In addition to prosthetics, the specialist deals with the treatment of dental diseases of the oral cavity, in which the destruction of dental tissue is noted:

  • chipped tooth;
  • cracks in the dental tissue;
  • heals;
  • erosion of the teeth.

Seek medical advice if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • when biting on solid food;
  • when cleaning the dentition, soreness of a different nature appears;
  • enamel demineralization is observed and;
  • develops at the slightest touch of a toothbrush;
  • gums swell, redden;
  • puffiness appears near the affected unit;
  • at night, acute pain in the carious cavity worries or;
  • interdental partitions are destroyed;
  • the contour of the gums changes noticeably;
  • a large cluster appears.

Main directions of work

The help of an orthopedic dentist is indispensable for various problems of the dentition. The specialist not only installs “artificial teeth”, but also performs a whole range of manipulations of varying degrees of complexity:

  • diagnostics of the state of units and bone tissue;
  • detection of violations of the integrity of dental tissue and jawbone;
  • restoration of the functions of the units of the dentition by the method of prosthetics;
  • installation of implants - artificial regulatory devices that replace natural canines, molars or incisors.

Note! During the diagnosis, treatment, preparatory and final stages, the orthopedist is often assisted by other specialists of the dental clinic: therapist, surgeon, orthodontist. An integrated approach to treatment ensures a high percentage of implant survival and a long service life of prostheses.


There are several directions in orthopedic dentistry. Each has certain advantages.


A popular direction for restoring functions, a pleasant appearance of the dentition. Despite the high cost, a long list of restrictions, many patients dream of getting a “new tooth” rather than wearing a set of false teeth or a bridge. (Read the article about the bridge prosthesis).

The essence of the method:

  • in the absence of contraindications, the specialist implants a titanium pin into the bone tissue in place of the missing unit;
  • after engraftment, an abutment is put on the rod - the base, on top of which the crown is securely attached; (Read more about how crowns are placed on teeth; read about the types of crowns at the address);
  • a dental implant lasts 20-30 years, sometimes more. If the conditions are met, the “new unit” sits firmly in the bones and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Removable prosthetics

The technique is simpler than the installation of fixed structures. The patient himself takes care of the prostheses, removes the products for a certain period. Nylon, acrylic, lamellar prostheses are presented. An excellent solution is a new generation of products, Acri-free sandwich prostheses. (Read about new generation prostheses; about nylon prostheses -; about clasp - page; about acrylic -; an article is written about prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth; with partial absence - to the address).

Removable orthopedic structures are affordable, durable, provide chewing function, improve the appearance of the dentition. Some types of products help patients with complete loss of units in the upper and lower jaw.


A more sophisticated technique with excellent results. Nuance - in many cases, turning of reference units is required. A prerequisite is the presence of healthy teeth in the mouth, which will serve as a support for fixing bridges, inlays, crowns.

The cost of preparing, manufacturing, installing orthopedic products depends on the material from which artificial teeth and fasteners are made. With the right selection of structures, the service life reaches 5-10 years.

Conditionally removable prosthetics

Not all patients are aware of the existence of this variety. An orthopedic dentist uses a method when it is necessary to restore the integrity, the function of one damaged unit.

The main difference is that if necessary, the doctor will quickly remove an artificial canine, incisor or molar. The patient cannot perform this operation on his own.

Preparing for a visit to the dental office

Tips for patients:

  • Eat an hour before your visit to the dentist. Dishes should be moderately satisfying, but not very fatty;
  • do not go to the doctor on an “empty” stomach: hunger provokes increased salivation, which makes it difficult to examine the oral cavity;
  • it is forbidden to drink any kind of alcohol, even beer;
  • thoroughly brush your teeth, tongue, gently remove plaque from soft tissues. Use toothbrush, dental floss;
  • if you have previously worn dentures or use a removable / non-removable design, take an orthopedic product with you;
  • make a list of chronic diseases (if any). Many types of prosthetics have limitations. Neglect of contraindications causes not only local complications, but also leads to serious consequences for the whole organism.

Diagnostics, manufacturing and installation

Most often, a dentist-therapist directs the patient for further orthopedic treatment. During the appointment, the doctor will examine the oral cavity, find out complaints and wishes. If necessary, the specialist directs the patient for additional examination.

An accurate picture of the state of bone, gum, dental tissue shows:

  • orthopantomogram (panoramic image of the jaws);
  • computed tomogram;
  • dental X-ray diagnostics using digital equipment;
  • wax modeling;
  • axiography;
  • diagnostic models of jaws.

After analyzing x-rays, assessing the condition of the dentition, the doctor offers the best method for correcting deficiencies.

How to treat chronic? Learn effective methods.

Effective recipes for the treatment of stomatitis in adults with folk remedies are described on the page.

Next stage:

  • after clarifying the details, identifying contraindications (absolute, temporary and general), the doctor makes an impression, sends it to the dental laboratory;
  • after receiving finished products, fitting, installation of crowns, implants, inlays or bridges is carried out;
  • the doctor appoints the dates of the next visits, explains the rules for caring for prostheses. An important detail is to tell what side effects are possible during the addiction period.

Constant control ensures the full function of the dentition. With inconvenience, the appearance of ulcers, tumors, redness under removable structures, inflammatory processes of the gum tissue, the patient must rush to the attending physician. Timely elimination of defects, treatment of inflammation will allow the use of crowns, bridges, dental implants with maximum comfort.

Now you know what an orthopedic dentist does. The help of a specialist is required for many patients with partially or completely destroyed units of the dentition.

Seek help promptly. Remember: the fewer healthy units remain in the oral cavity, the more difficult it is to perform prosthetics. The cost of orthopedic treatment is also on the rise.

Video. Interview with a dentist-orthopedist about the types of activities: