
Cardiac arrest with a targeted blow. National Center for Mass Education

Many readers have seen more than once how they do artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts - such a tense moment could not help but become one of the most covered in the film industry. Alas, when shooting feature films, authenticity is not always in trend, which, along with a number of common myths (for example, about the obligatory nature of rib fractures during this event), sometimes creates rather strange ideas about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) among the population. In this article we will tell you how to do CPR correctly.

Let us immediately stipulate that even the most competent article on the Internet will never replace “live” training. Therefore, if in your locality there are some courses of first medical care- be sure to visit them to see at least once the technique of performing indirect (closed) cardiac massage. Better yet, try it yourself on a special phantom doll, which, if everything is done correctly, immediately signals this.

Why is CPR done?

As practice shows, if it does not occur due to old age or long-term chronic disease, which has depleted the body's reserves, is often a reversible process.

We can live for a long time without food, and for some time without water. But without air, without fresh oxygen, which is constantly necessary for normal life, death occurs within a few minutes. If, for some reason, the basic “workers of life” of our body, the heart and lungs, refuse to work, then oxygen stops flowing into the blood and being carried by it to the organs in need. The first to suffer from this deficiency is the brain, which can survive without oxygen for an average of five minutes. Or rather, not so much the brain itself as its cortex, in which our personality is hidden somewhere. Simpler and more ancient parts of the brain can live longer, but in this case, even if it is possible to start breathing and blood circulation, the body will remain in a “vegetable” state - it will function, but will never regain consciousness. This condition is called social death.

The main task of CPR- provide the brain with the oxygen necessary for its minimal support. With proper resuscitation, spontaneous breathing and heartbeat can be resumed. But even if this does not happen, CPR should be performed for up to 30 minutes after loss of consciousness - passive breathing movements and at the very least they deliver oxygen to the “addressee”, which can allow the body to survive alive until the arrival of the ambulance team, which always has medicines and equipment for more effective measures.

According to statistics, timely provision of correct first aid for sudden cardiac arrest from myocardial infarction triples survival rate

Indications for CPR

  • Lack of consciousness. The person does not respond to calls and others external stimuli, including pain. The pupils do not react to light - be sure to check this reflex. To do this, you just need to open your eyes, stretching your eyelids, and shine something with light, or turn the patient’s head towards an artificial or natural light source. If the pupil does not shrink, it is at least a coma.
  • Lack of breathing. When you need to determine whether a person is breathing, you do not need to bring your hand, a mirror or anything else to his lips or nostrils. Just put your ear to his mouth, nose or chest and listen. Sometimes a short-term presence of the so-called. agonal breathing, when the muscles responsible for inhalation and exhalation simultaneously contract. The movements of the chest are convulsive, while breathing inside her is not audible.
  • No heartbeat. There are conditions when the heart is working, but the pulse in the hands is difficult to determine. To find out whether there is blood circulation, you need to check the pulse in the carotid arteries. To do this, press your fingers between the Adam's apple and the long cervical muscle, which begins at the interclavicular fossa and goes to the skull behind the ear (sternocleidomastoid muscle). Try to carefully feel the pulse of your carotid arteries right now, it’s easy. Just don't press your fingers too hard - you may feel dizzy or even faint.

You need to hold your fingers on the carotid artery for up to 5 seconds, because sometimes it is not cardiac arrest, but a slowdown in its contractions

CPR technique: preparation

First of all, call an ambulance and get someone to help - extra hands will add efficiency.

Place the person on a hard surface. Raise his legs and, if possible, place them on something so that their level is higher than his body. Kneel next to the patient to the side of the chest. Unbutton his clothes.

First you need ensure airway patency. If a person is lying on his back and there is no consciousness, then an overly relaxed tongue can fall back and block the path of air. There may also be, for example, vomit in the mouth, making it difficult to breathe.

If there is no injury cervical region spine - throw back your head sick back, One hand supports the neck from below, while the other lightly presses on the forehead. Take your lower jaw and move it forward so that your lower teeth are in front of your upper teeth, or at least level with them. The mouth should be open. See if there is anything foreign inside that is making breathing difficult. If there is any, remove it with your fingers wrapped in a handkerchief or napkin (if it’s a napkin, be careful not to tear it).

In case of injury to the cervical spine or suspicion of it, limit yourself to moving your jaw and opening your mouth.

Place a cushion under the patient's neck, to maintain a tilted head position. Pinch his nose and take two test deep breaths mouth-to-mouth, preferably through a handkerchief that is well-permeable to air for hygiene reasons. At this time, watch the victim’s chest - it should rise when inhaling. If this is not the case, look for an air barrier. Possible availability foreign body in the respiratory tract, for example a piece of food.

To remove a foreign body, you can try with a sharp movement, as with indirect cardiac massage (see below), press through top part abdomen towards the chest.

If the chest moves during the control inhalation, proceed to stimulating heart contractions.

CPR technique: precordial shock

If a person has lost consciousness in front of you or it is reliably known that less than a minute has passed since loss of consciousness, it is advisable to begin influencing the heart with a precordial beat.

The purpose of the precordial beat is to convert the mechanical energy from the shock of the chest and the heart inside it into electrical impulses, which will resume the independent heartbeat. Therefore, the precordial blow should not have the goal of causing damage - it should be massive, but not hard. Much like hitting the table of an angry man. should be applied to chests that are completely free of clothing or jewelry such as medallions.

The xiphoid process continues down the sternum from the point where the ribs meet. Cover it with one hand so that it does not break off from the blow. With your other hand, from a height of about thirty centimeters, concussively hit the sternum with the edge of your fist five centimeters above the xiphoid process. After the impact, check the carotid pulse. If the heart fails to start, repeat the beat after 3-5 seconds and check the pulse again. If it is absent, proceed directly to chest compressions.

What has been written above should not only be read passively, but also imagine the sequence of actions, well organized. Due to the fact that in such a situation every moment is precious, you must firmly understand that for everything initial activities described above, starting from the definition clinical death and up to and including the precordial stroke - you cannot spend more than 20-30 seconds. Every action you take should be quick and confident, without unnecessary fussiness and excitement.

It is strictly prohibited to conduct precordial beat training on living people - this can cause cardiac arrest!

CPR technique: chest compressions and artificial respiration

so called because the resuscitator does not put pressure on the heart directly, as happens with surgical operations, and through the chest wall. The goal is to use mechanical contractions of the heart to restore its electrical potential and independent functioning.

Let us repeat once again that a person must lie on a flat, hard surface.

Extend your arms completely, place your palm on your palm crosswise or clasp your fingers into a “lock”, as in the figure. If crosswise, then the fingers should not touch the chest to prevent rib fractures. Your shoulders should be directly above the patient's sternum, parallel to it. Hands are perpendicular to the sternum. The place of application of force is approximately 3-4 cm above the xiphoid process. Apply pressure with the wrist part of the palm, which directly continues the line of the arms, perpendicular to the sternum.

Let us emphasize once again that the arms must be fully extended at all times. The pushes must be made with the body - not forcefully, but at the same time sharply, rhythmically and energetically bending it; thus, the required force must be created by part of your own weight. Make test pushes to evaluate the elasticity and resistance of the chest. Here it is important to find the moment between non-influence and “overdoing”. The depth of the required compression (i.e. how much the chest should bend) is 5 cm. The frequency of chest contractions is one hundred per minute, i.e. about 2/3 of a second per push. This frequency is very important, and therefore cardiac resuscitation is quite debilitating for untrained people.

Movements must be precise and identical. The patient's body should not sway. You cannot lift your hands from the sternum or move them.

In the United States, since 2010, it is not recommended that untrained people perform both artificial respiration and chest compressions at the same time, limiting themselves to only the second. There is an explanation for this - the blood at the time of clinical death most often stores a certain amount of oxygen, and even inside the lungs its supply is far from exhausted. However, the nuance is that, alas, ambulances in the USA often arrive faster than ours. Therefore, you need to be prepared for any possible development of the situation. Let's put it this way - if you are sure that the ambulance will arrive in the next five minutes, then you can limit yourself to only chest compressions. If you are not sure, then perform artificial respiration in parallel.

You need to breathe mouth-to-mouth through a handkerchief or napkin. Take two breaths after 30 pushes.

Previously, the ratio of pushes to breaths was 5:1, later 15:2; according to recent studies, 30:2 is sufficient - this ensures a minimum sufficient amount of oxygen in the lungs, and the accumulated carbon dioxide additionally stimulates the respiratory center

In this rhythm, you need to do three “massage-breathing” cycles, and then check the pulse in the carotid arteries. If it is absent, continue resuscitation, checking the pulse every three cycles. CPR should be performed either before the ambulance arrives or within 30 minutes after loss of consciousness.

If in the process you break the patient’s ribs (a feeling of crunching under the arms and a corresponding sound), slightly reduce the frequency and amplitude of the shocks, but under no circumstances stop resuscitation.

If it appears, the patient begins to turn pink, and the pupils react to light - that means you are doing everything right. In this case, you can stop resuscitation by completing it with several mouth-to-mouth breaths at intervals of five seconds. But do not lose your vigilance - then you will need to monitor whether the patient is breathing on his own (if not, continue artificial respiration) and whether the pulse in the carotid arteries is stable (if it disappears again, continue cardiac massage).

When performing artificial respiration, make sure that air does not enter the stomach (in such a case there will be a protrusion under the xiphoid process). If this happens, turn the patient's head to the side and lightly press on the stomach with a sharp movement to provoke a belch. At the same time, do not overdo it so that the person does not choke on vomit.

The most common mistakes when performing CPR

To summarize, we list the most that inexperienced resuscitators do. These are the points that you need to pay maximum attention to when learning CPR techniques.

  • improper surface under the patient (soft, uneven, or sloped)
  • incorrect position of the hands during compression (pressure is applied inaccurately, not stimulating the heart normally and causing complications in the form of fractures of the ribs and sternum)
  • insufficient chest compression (less than 5 cm, but here you need to understand the differences in body type different people; the figure is for the average person - but for, for example, heavyweight weightlifters it is a little more, and for thin women it is a little less)
  • poor ventilation of the lungs (insufficient inspiration or obstructions in the airways)
  • delay in CPR or interruption of more than ten seconds

If all technical aspects are followed correctly, you have a very high chance of snatching a person from the clutches of death. Remember this, and, in addition to the material you just read, take a first aid course if possible.

Video about performing cardiac massage

This article reveals in detail the technology and subtleties of methods for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation during cardiac and respiratory arrest. It is strongly recommended to read it.

This page is a supplement to the article about (you should read it first).

Beat to the heart - should I use a precordial beat?

Often, in case of cardiac arrest, people are advised to strike the heart area with a fist, which, according to the plan, should restore normal work hearts. You should be aware that this may not only be useless, but also dangerous.

You can use a precordial beat only if you have all at the same time the following indications:

  • No more than 1 minute has passed since the heart stopped. The blow should be delivered as soon as possible - the faster, the more likely it is to launch normal rhythm hearts.
  • There is no electrical defibrillator at your disposal.
  • The victim is over 8 years old and weighs more than 15 kilograms.

Technique of precordial stroke

If you are in doubt and never know the exact technology and indications for a cardiac stroke, then abandon this method and immediately begin chest compressions.

Lay the patient down on a hard surface - this is extremely important; no sofas are suitable. Place your index finger and middle fingers on the xiphoid process (marked with an arrow in the picture), then with the edge of a clenched fist, hit the sternum firmly above the fingers.

Your elbow should be pointing along your spine. The blow is carried out from a height of about 20 centimeters (for physically weak people from 30 cm), with the hand withdrawn from the chest.

Only one blow should be applied (although some researchers suggest two blows); if the heartbeat has not recovered (check on the carotid artery), then proceed to chest compressions.


  • You cannot strike if there is a pulse on the carotid artery - the heart is already working and, in this case, a strike can only stop it.
  • Under no circumstances should you hit xiphoid process.
  • It is very important that your elbow is directed along the spine when striking, this will make the strike more effective and minimize the likelihood of damage to the chest.
  • If you have thin fingers, and the victim large sizes, then place your ring finger (three fingers at once) on the xiphoid process.

Indirect cardiac massage technique. How to apply pressure on the heart correctly?

The starting position of the patient is lying on his back, on a hard and flat horizontal surface. Place something under the shins to raise the victim's straight legs 20-30 centimeters above the head.

Which area to press on?

You should press with straight arms exactly perpendicular to the victim’s chest to ensure sufficient pressing force (the sternum of an adult should bend by 5 centimeters) and economy own strength. At the same time, it is also important not to overdo it - the maximum compression depth is 6 cm.

The easiest and most acceptable way is to mentally draw a line and place your palms exactly in the middle. Another option is to determine the end of the xiphoid process, then place two or three fingers (depending on the thickness of your fingers) of one hand on it and place the palm of the other hand close to them. This is the right point for pressure, which will allow you to minimize the risk of damage to the sternum and fracture of the victim’s ribs, and will also increase the effectiveness of cardiac massage.

Correct position of the palms during cardiac massage

When pressing, hands can be taken in a “lock” or one on top of the other “crosswise”. We strongly recommend using a “lock”, because it becomes completely inconvenient to put pressure on chest with the help of flexion-extension movements of the hands - this ensures correct pressure with straight arms.

In addition, when placing your hands “crosswise”, you should additionally control the position of your fingers - they should be raised and should not touch the chest.

How to increase the effectiveness of cardiac massage?

After each press, the chest should be allowed to regain its shape. This means that you need to move your hands far enough, but at the same time do not lift them away from the body and do not slow down the frequency of compressions below 100 per minute.

You should be able to do 30 compressions in no more than 20 seconds. Ideally, you need to make them in 15 seconds, but better watch the quality. After this, proceed to artificial respiration (two of your exhalations into the victim).

The ideal scheme: 30 high-quality compressions (in 15-18 seconds), then two of your exhalations into the victim and again compressions until the patient regains consciousness or ambulance arrives.


  • You should put pressure on the sternum; if you put pressure on the ribs, there is a risk of breaking them.
  • Keep in mind that newborns should be massaged with only one finger, infants - two, older children - one palm. Press with such force that the chest is compressed to one-third of its original position.

How to do artificial respiration correctly?

  1. The starting position of the patient is lying on his back, on a hard and flat horizontal surface.
  2. You should tilt the victim's head back by pressing one hand on the victim's forehead and lifting his chin with the other.
  3. Next, inhale in proportion to the victim’s requirements. For example, if you are a hefty man, then you should not inhale for slaughter if your victim is a fragile girl or child. And in general, the inhalation should be normal, not full.
  4. Immediately after inhaling, exhale into the victim’s mouth through the protective barrier. In this case, you should definitely pinch his nose with your fingers, and also try to tightly clasp his mouth with your lips, and not touch them like when kissing. Do not forget about the correct position of the victim's head.
  5. Watch for the rise of the chest and abdomen (to do this, position your head correctly so that you can see the victim’s chest) - if your exhalation is successful, they will expand. Wait until the chest returns to its normal position (this will take a maximum of 5 seconds) and exhale a second time into the victim.

Correct position of the victim's head during artificial respiration

In each case of performing artificial breaths for the victim, you definitely need to lift his chin (with one hand we press on the forehead, with the other we lift the chin). In this position, the tongue does not overlap respiratory tract. However, you should not tilt your head back too much, otherwise the abdomen will swell, which will seriously reduce the effectiveness of artificial ventilation.

Is it possible to get infected during artificial ventilation?

During artificial respiration, transmission of infection is possible (both for you and for the victim), so you should use a special barrier device placed on the patient’s open mouth. Car first aid kits contain special valves. At complete absence Use any fabric in any way, at least to protect against possible vomit.

Keep in mind that without using special protective equipment you can catch this serious illness like tuberculosis. Therefore, if the victim does not inspire confidence, then it would be better to limit himself to one cardiac massage (without performing artificial respiration).

Is it possible to train resuscitation skills on a healthy person?

No way.

Conduct artificial ventilation lungs is only possible for a person who is not breathing, and indirect cardiac massage should be done only if the victim does not have a pulse in the carotid artery.

  • There is no consciousness and
  • wide pupils that do not respond to light, and
  • there is no pulse in the carotid artery.


  1. Waste time trying to find out the circumstances of what happened.
  2. Give in to panic.
  3. Waste time identifying signs of breathing using a mirror or cotton wool.


  1. Place two fingers of your right hand on the site of pulsation of the carotid artery and make sure there is no pulse.
  2. Cover the xiphoid process of the sternum with two fingers of your left hand.
  3. Apply right hand a short blow to the sternum above your fingers covering the xiphoid process.
  4. The blow should be delivered with the edge of the palm clenched into a fist. In this case, the elbow of the hand delivering the blow should be directed along the victim’s body.


  1. Strike the sternum when there is a pulse in the carotid artery.
  2. Strike the xiphoid process.
  3. Strike the upper edge of the sternum in the area where the collarbones attach.


  1. Turn the victim onto his back.
  2. Indirect cardiac massage can only be performed on a flat, hard surface.
  3. Remove clothing from the victim's chest.
  4. Place your palm on the sternum 2-3 cm above the xiphoid process so that thumb the rescuer was aimed at either the chin or the stomach of the victim.
  5. Perform 10 - 15 push-like pressures on the sternum if assistance is provided by one rescuer, and 5 pressures with the participation of a group of rescuers.
  6. You can begin the next pressure on the sternum only after it has completely returned to its original position. (The rescuer’s palm should not leave the skin of the victim’s sternum.)
  7. carried out only with straight hands.
  8. The depth of pressing through the sternum should be at least 2 - 3 cm.


  1. Perform chest compressions if there is a pulse in the carotid artery.
  2. Place bricks, backpacks or other flat hard objects under your shoulders.
  3. Place your palm while pressing on the sternum so that the thumb is directed towards the rescuer.


In the absence of an independent pulse in the carotid artery, but the reaction of the pupils to light is preserved.


  1. Ensure airway patency:
  • or, placing the victim’s chin between the thumb and forefinger, tilt his head back so that between lower jaw and an obtuse angle formed with the neck;
  • or, grasping the chin with your thumb and forefinger, push it forward and up.
  1. Ensure tightness of the “inhalation”:
  • big and index finger With the other hand, firmly pinch the victim’s nose;
  • press your lips tightly against the victim’s lips.
  1. Exhale into the victim with maximum effort.

Proof of a correctly performed “inhalation” is the rise of the chest by 2-3 centimeters.


  1. Do not pinch the victim's nose.
  2. Do not tilt his head back or extend his lower jaw.


  1. Loss of consciousness.
  2. Frequent twitching of facial muscles.
  3. Involuntary urination and defecation.


  1. If blood flows out of the wound in a gushing stream.
  2. A bloody stain on clothing or a pool of blood near the victim exceeds a meter in diameter.



  1. The tourniquet is applied only through the fabric.
  2. Place a tourniquet behind the damaged limb 2-3 cm above the wound.
  3. Grasp the end of the tourniquet with one hand and its middle part with the other.
  4. Stretch the tourniquet and wrap it around the limb with maximum tension.
  5. Ensure that after tightening the first round of the tourniquet, bleeding on the wounds stops and the pulse in the limb is no longer palpable.
  6. Tighten the next rounds of the tourniquet with less force, and higher along the limb.
  7. Secure the last round of the tourniquet with a hook or clasp.
  8. Be sure to include a note under the last round of the tourniquet about the time it was applied.
  9. The time for applying a tourniquet in summer is no more than 2 hours, in winter - 1 hour.


  1. During bleeding, when blood passively drains from the wound.
  2. Immediately after releasing the limb in case of compartment syndrome.


  1. With compression syndrome until the limb is released.
  2. For signs of pulmonary edema.


  1. If bone fragments are visible.
  2. If you complain of pain in the area of ​​deformation and swelling of the limb.
  3. After releasing the pinned limbs.



  1. If you suspect a fracture of the pelvic bones.
  2. If a fracture of the upper third is suspected femur and damage hip joint.
  3. If spinal injury is suspected and spinal cord.


  1. In a state of coma.
  2. At frequent vomiting.
  3. For burns of the back and buttocks.
  4. If spinal cord injury is suspected and only canvas stretchers are available.


  1. For penetrating chest wounds.
  2. When signs of pulmonary edema appear.


  1. For penetrating wounds abdominal cavity.
  2. With large blood loss.
  3. If internal bleeding is suspected.



  1. Lack of consciousness.
  2. Wide pupils that do not respond to light.
  3. There is no pulse in the carotid artery.


  1. Drying of the cornea - the appearance of a “herring” shine.
  2. Residual pupil deformation after gentle compression eyeball fingers ("syndrome" cat's eye").
  3. The appearance of cadaveric spots.

PS: From a legal point of view, dying occurs after cardiac arrest, that is, in principle we are trying revive a corpse(even if he still looks meaningfully), and if it doesn’t work out, it’s not our fault.

PPS: But the fact of death can be confirmed only doctor. Here.


  1. Loss of consciousness for more than 4 minutes.
  2. The appearance of stridor breathing:
  • when inhaling, you can hear wheezing and snoring,
  • the muscles of the face and neck are involved in the act of inhalation,
  • With each inhalation, the entire upper half of the torso tenses.


  1. Blood flows out of the wound in a gushing stream.
  2. A ridge of escaping blood forms over the wound.
  3. A bloody stain on clothing or a pool of blood near the victim exceeds a meter in diameter.


  1. Blood flows passively from the wound.
  2. Very dark color blood.


  1. Bone fragments are visible.
  2. Deformation and swelling of the limb with the presence of a wound.


  1. Severe pain and restriction of movement or weight bearing on a limb.
  2. Deformation and swelling of the limb.


7 495 968-14-39

Precordial stroke

Precordial beat -
quick save strike

It is enough to resort to sports statistics, or more precisely boxing, to strongly doubt the reality of killing with one blow of the fist. For a million match-fights on the entire planet withThere are no more than 3-5 deaths per year. If we consider that a boxer of average weight and average level of training receives about 30-50 blows to the body, then the probability of being killed by a fist blow is no more than 1 case in 10 million.

At the same time, if the blow is delivered in the first minute after cardiac arrest, then revival occurs in 7 out of 10 cases sudden death. How can one deny the experience of domestic medicine, which has been successfully using

Why, according to some officials, only a certified doctor has the right to inflict a precordial blow? Which is more dangerous? a series of 30 pressures on the chest with a force of more than 40 kg during chest compressions or a single blow with a fist with a swing of 20-30 cm? But for some reason, precordial stroke should be prohibited, and every graduate must master the technique of chest compressions high school.
This is no longer absurd, this is... malice and the real crime!

As it turned out, in the National Project for 2025, officials have allocated many billions of rubles to ensure the possibility of using a defibrillator (electric shock) in every case of sudden death. It’s great when rescue vehicles are within walking distance at airports and train stations, stadiums and shopping centers, at stops public transport, in every workshop and gym. The price of the device is five thousand euros. But in this case, the end justifies the means.

As a doctor, I fully support this project.If a defibrillator discharge is available within 3-5 minutes, then this means thousands of lives saved. However, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of its use is limited to 10-15 minutes of the complex cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and today this life-saving device appears at the scene only with the arrival of an ambulance. How many of our fellow citizens are doomed to die until a brighter future arrives? But what abundant “cuts” are included in this project!

Where purity begins, conscience not only ends, but also common sense: mortal danger for the deceased.
The result of such nonsense is thousands of lost lives.

Rules for striking the sternum

Apply a precordial blow and perform chest compressions
to a living person and, especially, to practice the skills of carrying them out
on your comrades.

First rule
Before striking, you must make sure there is no pulse
on the carotid artery. The probability of cardiac arrest, although negligible, is stillYou shouldn't tempt fate. Death on football and hockey fields, albeit extremely rare,but it does occur.

Strike when there is a pulse in the carotid artery.

Second rule
Before striking, the chest should be freed from clothing.
or at least make sure that there are no buttons, medallions orother items. Even a pectoral cross can play a fatal role in this case.

To strike without freeing the chest from clothing

Third rule
It is necessary to cover the xiphoid process with two fingers of the left hand,
to protect him from being hit. The xiphoid process is easily broken off from the sternumand injures the liver, which can lead to a tragic outcome.

Strike the xiphoid process.

Fourth rule
The blow should be delivered with the edge of the palm clenched into a fist, slightly higher
the xiphoid process, covered by two fingers of the other hand. A blow to the sternum resemblesan angry boss hitting the table with his fist. In this case, the target of the blow will not be “broken”chest, and shake it. The elbow of the hand striking should be directed to the sidethe victim's abdomen. Otherwise, the blow will be delivered across the sternum, whichcan lead to injury in older people.

Strike across the sternum
when the elbow of the striking hand is directed towards the rescuer.

Fifth rule
For children under 7-8 years of age, the impact can be fatal.
The chest at this age does not have a sufficiently reliable rib and muscle framework, whichmay lead to injury to internal organs.


Hit children under 5-7 years of age.

Sixth rule
After the impact it is necessary check pulse on the carotid artery.
If after a blow to the sternum there is no revival, then it is necessary to proceed to the complexcardiopulmonary resuscitation, which consists of chest compressions and breathsartificial respiration.

Precordial beat technique training

In case of sudden death, especially after defeat electric shock, the first thing you need to do to help is to strike the victim’s sternum. This fairly simple manipulation can only be practiced on special robotic simulators “Gosh” or “George”.

If the blow is struck within the first minute after cardiac arrest, then the probability of revival exceeds 50%.
When delivering a blow if there is a pulse in the carotid artery, there is a risk of causing cardiac arrest. Therefore, before striking, you must make sure that there is no pulse in the carotid artery. But all the speculation that the blow is extremely life-threatening has no practical basis. If this blow represented real threat, then boxing and all team sports, except chess, should be urgently banned.
In addition, killing a person who is already in a state of clinical death is more than absurd. Therefore, in extreme situation It is better to use a real chance of salvation than to complain that a doctor was not nearby at the right moment, and by this circumstance justify one’s inaction in saving a person’s life.

Representatives of some companies that produce simulators claim that this blow is prohibited by the Ministry of Health, or that only doctors who have joined the Association of American Cardiologists have the right to apply it. If this is really the case, then why has the Ministry of Health not yet banned boxing and all team sports? We all understand perfectly well that during the olympic games in Athens, all boxers urgently joined the Association of American Cardiologists. Otherwise, how could they be allowed into the ring? They fight, and even throw punches to the body very professionally! Where is the logic of the ban? The truth, as always, lies on the surface: “If our simulators fall apart after the first blow, then it must be urgently banned.” How many human lives was lost due to the criminal lies and self-interest of such scoundrels!

Rules for applying a precordial blow

1. After you are convinced that there is no pulse in the carotid artery, you need to cover the xiphoid process with two fingers.
2. Strike the sternum with your fist above your fingers covering the xiphoid process.
3. After the impact, be sure to check the pulse in the carotid artery.

Display right actions on the robot:
1. A pulse will appear on the carotid artery.
2. The pupils will constrict.
The carotid pulse and pupillary response are maintained for 1 minute.

Displaying erroneous actions on the robot:
1. In the event of a repeated blow to the sternum while there is a pulse in the carotid artery, the pulse and pupillary response will disappear.
2. If there is a blow to the xiphoid process, the red “xiphoid process fracture” indicator will light up.