
Eye burn with a quartz lamp mkb 10. Thermal burn of the cornea and conjunctiva

Chemical burns of the organs of vision occur due to contact with aggressive chemical reagents. They lead to damage to the anterior part of the eyeball, cause unpleasant symptoms: pain, irritation, and can lead to vision problems.

An eye burn is not a disease, but a pathological condition that can be completely eliminated if you turn to an ophthalmologist in time.

List of symptoms:

  1. Sharp pain in the eyes. But why there is pain in the eyeball when pressed, this information will help to understand.
  2. Redness of the conjunctiva.
  3. Discomfort, burning sensation, irritation.
  4. Increased tearing.

It is difficult not to notice the chemical damage to the organ of vision. It's all about the pronounced symptoms, which gradually increase.

Substances of a chemical nature acts gradually. Once on the skin of the eyes, they cause irritation, but if you leave the burn unattended, then its manifestations will only intensify.

Aggressive reagents gradually cause damage to the skin of the eyelids and the eye. It is possible to assess the degree of the inflicted "injuries" and their severity in 2-3 days. But what are the diseases of the eyelids of the eyes in humans and what drops should be used, indicated in this article.

Burn classification

On the video - a description of the chemical burn of the eye:

Clinical manifestations

  1. Damage to the surface of the skin of the eyelids.
  2. The presence of foreign substances in the tissues of the conjunctiva. But what are the symptoms of eye conjunctivitis in children can be seen here.
  3. Increased intraocular pressure (ocular hypertension).

Abundant damage to the skin occurs upon contact with reagents. Substances irritate the mucous membrane, which leads to redness and irritation of the anterior sections of the eyeball.

Ophthalmological examination reveals particles of foreign substances, they are clearly visible during clinical examination. Conducting research helps to establish which substance led to the development of damage (acid, alkali).

Reagents act on the parts of the eyeball in a special way. Contact leads to "drying" or drying of the mucous surface and an increase in the level of intraocular pressure. But what are the symptoms in adults of increased eye pressure, is described in great detail in this article.

Evaluation of the totality of symptoms helps to make the correct diagnosis for the patient. The ophthalmologist determines the degree of the burn, performs diagnostic procedures and selects an adequate treatment.

ICD-10 code

  • T26.5 - chemical burn and area around the eyelid;
  • T26.6 - chemical burn with reagents with damage to the cornea and conjunctival sac;
  • T26.7 Severe chemical burn with tissue damage leading to rupture of the eyeball
  • T26.8 Chemical burn affecting other parts of the eye
  • T26.9 - chemical burn that affected the deep parts of the eyeball.

If the tissues of the eyeball, tissues of the eyelids and conjunctiva are damaged, the patient needs first aid.

So, the principles of its provision:

Do not wash your eyes with running water, use cosmetic creams. This can lead to increased signs of chemical exposure.

Once on the skin, the cream creates a protective shell from above, as a result of which the action of aggressive reagents is enhanced. For this reason, you should not apply creams or other cosmetic products to the skin.

What drugs can be used:

Potassium permanganate solution should be weak, it will help neutralize the action of aggressive substances. You can dilute potassium permanganate, prepare furatsilin, or simply rinse your eyes with warm, slightly salted water.

Rinse your eyes as often as possible, every 20-30 minutes. If the symptoms are pronounced, then you can take painkillers: Ibuprofen, Analgin or any other painkillers.


It is advisable to consult a doctor at the first signs of a chemical burn. The doctor will select adequate therapy and help reduce unaccepted symptoms.

Most often, the following drugs are prescribed for treatment:

Antiseptics are part of combination therapy, they stop the inflammatory process and contribute to the restoration of soft tissues, relieve swelling and redness.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed to stop the inflammatory process. They contribute to the death of pathogenic microflora and accelerate the process of cell regeneration.

Glucocorticosteroids can also be attributed to anti-inflammatory drugs, they enhance the effect of antibacterial drugs and antiseptics. With regular use, the intensity of unpleasant symptoms is reduced.

Local anesthetics are used in the form of drops. They help reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome.

If there is an increase in the level of intraocular pressure (most often diagnosed by contact with alkalis), then medications are used that reduce the signs of intraocular hypertension.

Medicines based on human tears. They help to soften the irritated conjunctiva and reduce the signs of the inflammatory process, remove swelling and partially hyperthermia of the eyelid covers.

List of drugs prescribed for eye burns:

Solcoseryl is available in the form of an ointment, the drug significantly speeds up the healing process and helps to avoid pronounced scarring of the tissue. And taurine, as a substance, “slows down” the development of irreversible changes in the sections of the eyeball.

Timolol is precisely this substance that ophthalmologists prefer when signs of high intraocular pressure appear.

What to do if there was a chemical burn of the eye after eyelash extensions?

Getting burned during eyelash extensions occurs for several reasons. This can be exposure to heat - damage of a thermal nature or chemistry (getting on the skin of the eyelids or mucous membranes of glue).

If you have problems with eyelash extensions, you should carry out the following procedures:

  • rinse eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate. But with what to rinse your eyes if a speck has got in, the information on the link will help to understand.
  • drip Taurine or any other drops into the eyeballs to reduce the inflammatory process (drugs based on human tears can be used);
  • contact a doctor for help.

If the damage is localized, then an appeal to an ophthalmologist is necessary. Since only a doctor will be able to assess the seriousness of the situation and provide the patient with adequate assistance.

On the video - eye burn after eyelash extensions:

If glue gets on the skin, then there is a possibility of developing blepharitis and other inflammatory diseases. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take appropriate measures and contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. But how to use Kosopt eye drops correctly and what is their price can be seen in this article.

You will also need to remove the extended eyelashes, since the glue irritates the skin of the eyelids and leads to an increase in unpleasant symptoms.

A chemical burn of the organs of vision is a severe injury that requires immediate treatment. You can give yourself first aid on your own, but it is advisable to take subsequent treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Thermal and chemical burns limited to the area of ​​the eye and its adnexa

ICD-10 → S00-T98 → T20-T32 → T26-T28 → T26.0

Thermal burn of the eyelid and periorbital region

Thermal burn of the cornea and conjunctival sac

Thermal burn leading to rupture and destruction of the eyeball

Thermal burn of other parts of the eye and its adnexa

Thermal burn of the eye and adnexa of unspecified localization

Chemical burn of the eyelid and periorbital region

Chemical burn of the cornea and conjunctival sac

Chemical burn leading to rupture and destruction of the eyeball

Chemical burn of other parts of the eye and its adnexa

Chemical burn of the eye and adnexa of unspecified localization

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International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. 10th revision.

ICD-10, T26, thermal and chemical burns limited to the region of the eye and its adnexa

More about the ICD-10 classifier

Date of placement in the database 22.03.2010

Relevance of the classifier: 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases

Showing 10 records


Code Description
T26.0 Thermal burn of the eyelid and periorbital region
T26.1 Thermal burn of the cornea and conjunctival sac
T26.2 Thermal burn leading to rupture and destruction of the eyeball
T26.3 Thermal burn of other parts of the eye and its adnexa
T26.4 Thermal burn of the eye and adnexa of unspecified localization
T26.5 Chemical burn of the eyelid and periorbital region
T26.6 Chemical burn of the cornea and conjunctival sac
T26.7 Chemical burn leading to rupture and destruction of the eyeball
T26.8 Chemical burn of other parts of the eye and its adnexa
T26.9 Chemical burn of the eye and adnexa of unspecified localization

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Medical care protocol for thermal burns of the cornea and conjunctival sac

ICD code - 10
T 26.1
T 26.2
T 26.3
T 26.4

Signs and diagnostic criteria:

A thermal burn occurs due to the effect of a thermal factor on tissues: flame, steam, hot liquids, hot gases, light irradiation, molten metal.

The clinic of burn severity depends on the degree of necrosis (area and depth).

Burn degree



Islet staining with fluorescein, dull surface;

Hyperemia, islet staining
Easily removable film, de-epithelialization, continuous staining
Pale, gray films that are easy to remove
third A
Superficial turbidity of the stroma and Bowman's membrane, folds of the Descemet's membrane (even while maintaining its transparency)
Paleness and chemosis
third B Deep clouding of the stroma, but without early changes in the iris, a sharp violation of sensitivity in the limbus
Exposure and partial rejection of the pallid sclera
fourth Simultaneously with changes in the cornea up to detachment of the Descemet's membrane, depigmentation of the iris and immobility of the pupil, clouding of the moisture of the anterior chamber and lens Melting of the exposed sclera to the vascular tract, clouding of the moisture of the anterior chamber and lens, vitreous body

According to the severity of burns are divided:
The easiest- I degree of any localization and plane
Easy- II degree of any localization and plane
Medium- degree III - A for the cornea - outside the optical zone, for the conjunctiva and sclera - limited (up to 50% of the arch)
Heavy- degree III - B and IV degree - for the cornea - limited, but with damage to the optical zone; for the conjunctiva - common, more than 50% of the arch.

With burns, starting from the II degree - mandatory prophylaxis of tetanus.

Levels of medical care:

Second level - polyclinic ophthalmologist (1st degree burns)
The third level - an ophthalmological hospital (starting with second-degree burns), a trauma center


1. External examination
2. Visometry
3. Perimetry
4. Biomicroscopy

Mandatory laboratory tests:
(Urgent hospitalization, later)
1. Complete blood count
2. Urinalysis
3. Blood on RW
4. Blood sugar
5. Hbs antigen

Consultations of specialists according to indications:
1. Therapist
2. Surgeon - combustiologist

Characteristics of therapeutic measures:

Burn of the cornea and conjunctiva of the 1st degree - outpatient treatment

Burn of the cornea and conjunctiva II degree - conservative treatment in the hospital;

Corneal burn III A degree - necrectomy and layered keratoplasty or superficial therapeutic transplantation of the cornea, conjunctiva - conjunctivotomy according to Pasov, Denig operation (transplantation of the oral mucosa) in the Puchkovskaya or Shatilova modification

Corneal burn III B degree - penetrating keratoplasty, conjunctival burn - Denig operation (transplantation of the oral mucosa) in the modification of Puchkovskaya or according to Shatilova

Burns of the cornea and conjunctiva of the IV degree - transplantation of a piece of the oral mucosa onto the entire anterior surface of the eye and blepharorrhaphy.

Conservative treatment:
1. midriatiki
2. antibacterial drops (sulfacyl sodium, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, tobramycin, okacin, ciprolet, normax, ciprofloxacin and others) parabulbar antibiotics (gentamicin, tobramycin, karebenicillin, penicillin, netromycin, lincomycin, kanamycin, etc.) ointments (levomycetin, erythromycin, tetracycline, sodium sulfacyl)
3. anti-inflammatory (naklof, diclo-F, corticosteroids - in drops and parabulbarno)
4. protilytic enzyme inhibitors (gordox, contrykal)
5. antihypertensive therapy when indicated (timolol, betoptik and others)
6. antitoxic therapy (hemodez, reopoliglyukin IV)
7. antioxidant drops (emoxipin, 5% alpha-tocopherol)
8. drugs that regulate metabolism and trophism (taufon, sea buckthorn oil, gels of actovegin and solcoseryl, retinol acetate, quinax, oftan-catahrom, keracol and others), under the conjunctiva - ascorbic acid, ATP, riboflavin mononucleotides
9. systemic therapy - antibiotics orally, intramuscularly, intravenously; anti-inflammatory (orally - indomethacin, diclofenac, i / m - volt arene, diclofenac); hypotensive (diacarb, glyceryl); therapy against autosensitization and autointoxication (in / in calcium chloride, in / m - diphenhydramine, suprastin, orally - diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin); means regulating metabolism (in / m actovegin, vitamins B1, B2, ascorbic acid); vasodilating therapy (oral - Cavinton, no-shpa, nicotinic acid, IV - Cavinton, reopoliglyukin, IV - nicotinic acid)

III-IV degree burns are subject to treatment in the trauma and burn center of the Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. acad. V. P. Filatova of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

End Expected Result- organ-preserving effect, preservation of vision

Duration of treatment
First degree burns - 3 - 5 days
Second degree burns - 7-10 days
Third degree burns (A and B) - 2-4 weeks
Fourth degree burns - 2 months

Treatment quality criteria:
First and second degree burns - recovery
Third-degree burns (A and B) - organ-preserving effect, no symptoms of inflammation, decreased function, which does not significantly affect performance or disability, and it is possible to preserve the prospects for partial restoration of functions
Fourth degree burns - loss of an eye, disability

Possible side effects and complications:
Eye infection, eye loss

Dietary Requirements and Restrictions:


Requirements for the regime of work, rest and rehabilitation:
Patients are disabled: the first degree - 1 week, the second degree - 3-4 weeks; third degree - 4-6 weeks; fourth degree - partial permanent disability, disability. 4th degree burns require further re-hospital treatment within a year
Disability is determined by the degree of burn, the volume of surgical intervention, the need for late reconstructive operations.

15-10-2012, 06:52



Chemical, thermal, radiation damage to the eyes.


T26.0. Thermal burn of the eyelid and periorbital region.

T26.1. Thermal burn of the cornea and conjunctival sac.

T26.2. Thermal burn leading to rupture and destruction of the eyeball.

T26.3. Thermal burns of other parts of the eye and its adnexa.

T26.4. Thermal burn of the eye and adnexa of unspecified localization.

T26.5. Chemical burn of the eyelid and periorbital region.

T26.6. Chemical burn of the cornea and conjunctival sac.

T26.7. Chemical burn leading to rupture and destruction of the eyeball.

T26.8. Chemical burn of other parts of the eye and its adnexa.

T26.9. Chemical burn of the eye and adnexa of unspecified localization.

T90.4. Sequelae of an eye injury in the periorbital region.


  • I degree- hyperemia of various parts of the conjunctiva and the limbus zone, superficial erosion of the cornea, as well as hyperemia of the skin of the eyelids and their swelling, slight swelling.
  • II degree b - ischemia and superficial necrosis of the conjunctiva with the formation of easily removable whitish scabs, clouding of the cornea due to damage to the epithelium and superficial layers of the stroma, the formation of blisters on the skin of the eyelids.
  • III degree- necrosis of the conjunctiva and cornea to deep layers, but not more than half of the surface area of ​​the eyeball. The color of the cornea is "matte" or "porcelain". Changes in ophthalmotonus are noted in the form of a short-term increase in IOP or hypotension. Perhaps the development of toxic cataracts and iridocyclitis.
  • IV degree- deep lesion, necrosis of all layers of the eyelids (up to charring). Damage and necrosis of the conjunctiva and sclera with vascular ischemia on the surface of more than half of the eyeball. The cornea is "porcelain", a tissue defect over 1/3 of the surface area is possible, in some cases perforation is possible. Secondary glaucoma and severe vascular disorders - anterior and posterior uveitis.


Conventionally, chemical (Fig. 37-18-21), thermal (Fig. 37-22), thermochemical and radiation burns are distinguished.


Common signs of eye burns:

  • the progressive nature of the burn process after the cessation of exposure to the damaging agent (due to metabolic disorders in the tissues of the eye, the formation of toxic products and the occurrence of an immunological conflict due to autointoxication and autosensitization by the post-burn period);
  • a tendency to recurrence of the inflammatory process in the choroid at different times after receiving a burn;
  • a tendency to the formation of synechia, adhesions, the development of massive pathological vascularization of the cornea and conjunctiva.
Stages of the burn process:
  • Stage I (up to 2 days) - the rapid development of necrobiosis of the affected tissues, excessive hydration, swelling of the connective tissue elements of the cornea, dissociation of protein-polysaccharide complexes, redistribution of acid polysaccharides;
  • Stage II (2-18 days) - manifestation of pronounced trophic disorders due to fibrinoid swelling:
  • Stage III (up to 2-3 months) - trophic disorders and vascularization of the cornea due to tissue hypoxia;
  • Stage IV (from several months to several years) - a period of scarring, an increase in the amount of collagen proteins due to an increase in their synthesis by corneal cells.


Diagnosis is based on history and clinical presentation.


Basic principles of treatment of eye burns:

  • providing emergency care aimed at reducing the damaging effect of a burn agent on tissues;
  • subsequent conservative and (if necessary) surgical treatment.
When providing emergency care to the victim, it is necessary to intensively wash the conjunctival cavity with water for 10-15 minutes with the obligatory eversion of the eyelids and washing the lacrimal ducts, and thorough removal of foreign particles.

Washing is not carried out with a thermochemical burn if a penetrating wound is found!

Surgical interventions on the eyelids and the eyeball in the early stages are carried out only in order to preserve the organ. Vitrectomy of burned tissues, early primary (in the first hours and days) or delayed (in 2-3 weeks) blepharoplasty with a free skin flap or a skin flap on a vascular pedicle with a simultaneous transplantation of automucosa on the inner surface of the eyelids, arches and sclera are performed.

Planned surgical interventions on the eyelids and the eyeball with the consequences of thermal burns are recommended to be carried out 12-24 months after the burn injury, since allosensitization to the graft tissues occurs against the background of autosensitization of the body.

For severe burns, 1500-3000 IU of tetanus toxoid should be injected subcutaneously.

Treatment of stage I eye burns

Prolonged irrigation of the conjunctival cavity (within 15-30 minutes).

Chemical neutralizers are used in the first hours after the burn. In the future, the use of these drugs is impractical and may have a damaging effect on the burned tissue. For chemical neutralization, the following means are used:

  • alkali - 2% boric acid solution, or 5% citric acid solution, or 0.1% lactic acid solution, or 0.01% acetic acid:
  • acid - 2% sodium bicarbonate solution.
With severe symptoms of intoxication, belvidone is prescribed intravenously 1 time per day, 200-400 ml at night, drip (up to 8 days after injury), or 5% dextrose solution with ascorbic acid 2.0 g in a volume of 200-400 ml, or 4- 10% dextran solution [cf. they say weight 30,000-40,000], 400 ml intravenous drip.


H1 receptor blockers
: chloropyramine (orally 25 mg 3 times a day after meals for 7-10 days), or loratadine (orally 10 mg 1 time per day after meals for 7-10 days), or fexofenadine (orally 120-180 mg 1 time per day after meals for 7-10 days).

Antioxidants: methylethylpyridinol (1% solution of 1 ml intramuscularly or 0.5 ml parabulbarno 1 time per day, for a course of 10-15 injections).

Analgesics: metamizole sodium (50%, 1-2 ml intramuscularly for pain) or ketorolac (1 ml for pain intramuscularly).

Preparations for instillation into the conjunctival cavity

In severe conditions and in the early postoperative period, the frequency of instillations can reach 6 times a day. As the inflammatory process decreases, the duration between instillations increases.

Antibacterial agents: ciprofloxacin (eye drops 0.3%, 1-2 drops 3-6 times a day), or ofloxacin (eye drops 0.3%, 1-2 drops 3-6 times a day), or tobramycin 0.3% ( eye drops, 1-2 drops 3-6 times a day).

Antiseptics: picloxidine 0.05% 1 drop 2-6 times a day.

Glucocorticoids: dexamethasone 0.1% (eye drops, 1-2 drops 3-6 times a day), or hydrocortisone (eye ointment 0.5% for the lower eyelid 3-4 times a day), or prednisolone (eye drops 0.5% 1-2 drops 3-6 times a day).

NSAIDs: diclofenac (orally 50 mg 2-3 times a day before meals, course 7-10 days) or indomethacin (orally 25 mg 2-3 times a day after meals, course 10-14 days).

Midriatics: cyclopentolate (eye drops 1%, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day) or tropicamide (eye drops 0.5-1%, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day) in combination with phenylephrine (eye drops 2 5% 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days).

Corneal regeneration stimulators: actovegin (eye gel 20% for the lower eyelid, one drop 1-3 times a day), or solcoseryl (eye gel 20% for the lower eyelid, one drop 1-3 times a day), or dexpanthenol (eye gel 5% for the lower eyelid 1 drop 2-3 times a day).

Surgery: sectoral conjunctivotomy, paracentesis of the cornea, necrectomy of the conjunctiva and cornea, genonoplasty, biocovering of the cornea, eyelid surgery, layered keratoplasty.

Treatment of stage II eye burns

Groups of drugs are added to the ongoing treatment, stimulating immune processes, improving the utilization of oxygen by the body and reducing tissue hypoxia.

fibrinolysis inhibitors: aprotinin 10 ml intravenously, for a course of 25 injections; instillation of the solution into the eye 3-4 times a day.

Immunomodulators: levamisole 150 mg 1 time per day for 3 days (2-3 courses with a break of 7 days).

Enzyme preparations:
systemic enzymes 5 tablets 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, drinking 150-200 ml of water, the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Antioxidants: methylethylpyridinol (1% solution of 0.5 ml parabulbarno 1 time per day, for a course of 10-15 injections) or vitamin E (5% oil solution, inside 100 mg, 20-40 days).

Surgery: layered or penetrating keratoplasty.

Treatment of stage III eye burns

The following are added to the treatment described above.

Short-acting mydriatics: cyclopentolate (eye drops 1%, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day) or tropicamide (eye drops 0.5-1%, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day).

Antihypertensive drugs: betaxolol (0.5% eye drops, twice daily) or timolol (0.5% eye drops, twice daily) or dorzolamide (2% eye drops, twice daily).

Surgery: keratoplasty according to emergency indications, antiglaucoma operations.

Treatment of stage IV eye burns

The following are added to the ongoing treatment.

Glucocorticoids: dexamethasone (parabulbar or under the conjunctiva, 2-4 mg, for a course of 7-10 injections) or betamethasone (2 mg betamethasone disodium phosphate + 5 mg betamethasone dipropionate) parabulbar or under the conjunctiva 1 time per week 3-4 injections. Triamcinolone 20 mg once a week 3-4 injections.

Enzyme preparations in the form of injections:

  • fibrinolysin [human] (400 IU parabulbarno):
  • collagenase 100 or 500 KE (the contents of the vial are dissolved in 0.5% procaine solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution or water for injection). It is injected subconjunctivally (directly into the lesion: adhesion, scar, ST, etc. using electrophoresis, phonophoresis, and also applied to the skin. Before use, the patient's sensitivity is checked, for which 1 KE is injected under the conjunctiva of the diseased eye and observed for 48 hours. In the absence of an allergic reaction, treatment is carried out for 10 days.

Non-drug treatment

Physiotherapy, eyelid massage.

Approximate periods of incapacity for work

Depending on the severity of the lesion, they are 14-28 days. Possible disability in the event of complications, loss of vision.

Further management

Observation of an ophthalmologist at the place of residence for several months (up to 1 year). Control of ophthalmotonus, state of ST, retina. With a persistent increase in IOP and the absence of compensation on a medical regimen, antiglaucomatous surgery is possible. With the development of traumatic cataract, removal of the cloudy lens is indicated.


Depends on the severity of the burn, the chemical nature of the damaging substance, the timing of the victim's admission to the hospital, the correctness of the appointment of drug therapy.

Article from the book: .

An eye burn can be obtained as a result of thermal, chemical or radiation exposure, which requires immediate medical attention. It is accompanied by sharp pain, blurred vision, swelling of the eyelids, with the conjunctiva - the outer shell that covers the eyeball.

ICD-10 code: T26 Thermal and chemical burns limited to the area of ​​the eye and its adnexa

Signs of a burn

In the photo, a chemical burn of the eye as a result of exposure to a chemical preparation

The organ of vision can be damaged:

  • open fire;
  • boiling water and steam;
  • chemical effects on the eyeball (lime, acid and alkali);
  • less often it is affected by ultraviolet, infrared radiation;
  • ionizing damage to the organs of vision takes place under the influence of radiation sources.

Burn symptoms include the following:

Signs and symptoms of an eye burn in the photo
  • A mild degree is manifested by sharp pain, redness and slight swelling of the tissues around. There is a feeling of hitting a foreign body, a violation of the contrast of vision of objects, blurred vision.
  • Under the influence of high temperature on the organs of vision, the conjunctiva dies off. As a result, ulcers are formed, which lead to the fusion of the eyelid with the eyeball.
  • With damage to the cornea - the anterior convex part of the eye, lacrimation and photophobia occur, vision is impaired from simple deterioration to complete loss.
  • With damage to the iris of the eye, which regulates the expansion and contraction of the pupil and clouding of the retina, the organ of vision becomes inflamed and vision falls. Infection of the resulting wounds leads to damage, and deep chemical burns cause perforation and death of the eye.

Initial assistance is carried out at the scene of the accident - it consists in washing the eye and applying medicines. More intensive treatment is provided in a medical institution.

Methods for diagnosing a burn

Diagnosis of an eye burn by visual assessment at the scene

An eye burn is diagnosed by anamnesis and clinical picture. Anamnesis is a generalization of information obtained as a result of a survey of the patient and persons who were present at the accident. The clinical picture supplements the anamnesis with symptoms (single manifestations of the disease) and syndromes (the totality of the onset and development of the disease).

Eye burn treatment

First aid is provided at the scene of the accident, then the patient is taken to the ophthalmology center. An eye burn is treated in the following sequence:

Primary treatment measures

  1. Copious flushing of the affected eye with saline or water.
  2. Washing of the lacrimal ducts, removal of foreign bodies.
  3. Instillation of pain relievers.

Subsequent treatment in the hospital

  1. Instillations of cytoplegic agents that reduce pain and prevent the formation of adhesions.
  2. Tear substitutes and antioxidants are used.
  3. Eye gels are applied to stimulate the process of corneal repair.

In case of a complex nature and a large eye lesion, for example, with a chemical burn of the cornea, the active substances are removed surgically in the treatment without medicines in case of a complex nature and a large eye lesion. Surgical interventions are performed on the eyeball or conjunctiva.

Probable Forecast

Overgrowth of an eyesore after a burn

Forecasts for burn injuries of the eyes are determined by the nature, as well as the severity of the injury. The urgency of the specialized medical care provided and the correctness of the drug therapy are important.

In severe injuries, the conjunctival plane is usually formed, overgrown, visual function is reduced and the eyeball is completely atrophied with complete loss of vision. After a successful outcome of treatment after an eye burn, the patient is observed by a specialist for a year.

Complications from a burn

An example of complications on the cornea and sclera after an eye burn

The pathological process after a burn often has a protracted character with relapses of inflammation. Corneal regeneration does not end with complete restoration of connective tissues with suppression of the inflammatory process.

A complication of the process of healing tissue of the cornea is the deterioration of vision, re-inflammation or erosion of the cornea and thickening of the tissue after a long time after surgery.

In severe cases, glaucoma may develop, which leads not only to a decrease in vision, but also to a loss of color sensation. And violations of a full-fledged metabolism in the organ of vision leads to a deterioration in its supply of nutrients. Often, the injury manifested itself through the years as a depressed state, or overexcitation of the patient in the form of a decrease in pressure.

How to prevent eye burn?

To prevent serious injury to the eyes, the following safety precautions must be strictly adhered to when handling:

  • chemicals;
  • substances that are easily flammable;
  • household chemicals.
Eye protection against sunburn - safety goggles with light filters

To prevent radiation damage to the eyes, protective goggles with light filters should be used.

Burn eye injury is a complex injury. But if the patient was immediately provided with competent medical care, the diagnosis was correctly made, the organ of vision can be saved.

The photo shows an extensive burn of the cornea with subsequent overgrowth of an eyesore

In the case when further treatment was carried out in full in a specialized clinic, the restoration of eyeball tissues is successful, and complications are not detected by doctors.

In contact with