
Why do cats' eyes glow in the dark? Why do cats' eyes glow Cat's eyes glow in the dark

While looking through photographs of cats or numerous videos of these animals published on the Internet, you have probably noticed such a property of pets as glowing eyes. Or perhaps you have a cat at home, and almost every day you have the opportunity to see his eyes glow in the dark.

Of course, sometimes you can even get scared of such a phenomenon if you stumble upon it, for example, on a dark street, returning home. However, most people have long been accustomed to it and know about this “property” of animals. And today we’ll figure out why cats’ eyes glow.

Do cats' eyes always glow?

First, you should pay attention to another question, which is whether cats' eyes always and at any time glow. It is important to understand that if a cat is in a dark room without any light sources, its eyes will not glow and will be completely invisible to people, just like the animal itself. However, if you let even the slightest source of light into the room and it hits the animal’s eyes, they will immediately flicker with the green glow that has already become familiar to us.

Why do cats' eyes glow in the dark?

As for the immediate reason for such a beautiful and terrifying glow of cat’s eyes, it lies in the very composition of the organ of vision. The fact is that representatives of the cat family have a so-called “reflective layer” in their eyes - a very thin layer, which glows due to the incomplete absorption of light by the lens of the eye.

Due to this layer, the animal’s eyes are pierced with light, which leads to an increase in photosensitivity, after which the light comes out back in a bright beam. By the way, it is this property and the specific composition of the organ of vision that allows cats to see perfectly at night and in dark rooms.

It is noteworthy that the eyes glow in the dark not only in cats, but also in some birds, as well as other animals, and this can be seen not only live, but also in photographs taken at night with the flash on.

It is due to the eyes glowing in the dark before people Cats were considered to be peculiar companions of witches. This statement especially applied to cats with black coat color. People were confident that their eyes were glowing miraculously, since they could not explain another version of the origin of such a phenomenon, and explained this with a very banal hypothesis about dark forces. Fortunately, today we know why cats' eyes glow, and we have sorted out this issue.

People have always been afraid of the inexplicable. Fears and superstitions have haunted us throughout human history. People were especially worried about the phenomena that happened at night.

For example, a cat, a familiar companion animal, thanks to its eyes, turned into a source of scary stories in the dark.

We have all seen this unnatural glow at least once, which turned our beloved Murzik into an incomprehensible and mysterious creature. So why does darkness make cats look so mysterious and creepy? Let's look at it through the eyes of the cats themselves.

No matter where they come from, big, small, fluffy or not, all cats are born predators. Their body is designed for movement, and their reflexes reveal a skilled hunter.

The eyes are what a cat relies on when it tracks prey, and night is its favorite time for hunting. Exactly their eyes work best in the dark. Widely opened pupils collect greatest number light, in contrast to a bright day, when the cat is forced to constrict the pupils, turning them into small dots.

From their ancestors, cats inherited a unique eye structure. They instantly capture any reflections of objects in the dark, allowing the night hunter to track his prey. cat's eye sensitivity exceeds ours by 6 - 8 times. The reason is a special layer behind the retina - “tapetum”. It is a shell of vessels that look like mother of pearl. It is the tapetum that reflects everything that the cat sees at night and increases the sensitivity of the animal’s eyes.

The work of a cat's eye. How everything works

Light hits the pupil after passing through the cornea. Then it moves to the lens and, due to refraction, arrives in an inverted state. This is where the retina comes into play. It sends a special signal to the brain, whose task is to turn the received image “from head to toe.”

Cats' eyes, by nature's design, are directed straight ahead. It's all about the viewing angle, which is 200 degrees and gives the animal more visual information. Everything that the left eye sees goes into right side brain and, conversely, the right eye transmits the image to the left half. Scientists call it stereoscopic vision. With this approach, it is easy for the brain to combine the received information into one three-dimensional picture.

Why is tapetum needed?

The more light the eye receives in the dark, the greater the cat's chances of catching prey. The tapetum helps convey as much visual information to the brain as possible. In other words, it increases the animal’s vigilance. A cat can navigate in the dark six times faster better than man due to the tapetum. That’s why little hunters run so deftly and overcome obstacles in our houses and apartments, even at night, when at every step we hit our foreheads against the doorposts. Interesting fact, but the tapetum gives the eyes of animals different colour. It's all about the coloring pigment. The color changes from green to yellow and blue.

Variety of colors

Cats are looking at us with different colored eyes. The colors are like yellow amber, blue sea, blue sky, green grass or bright gold. Some breeds have differently colored eyes. For example, white Angora cats have one eye that is green or blue and the other that is yellow.

Color is influenced by two factors. How much pigment is there and how is it distributed throughout the eye:

    • If the pigment is mostly in the back area, the eyes will be blue or turquoise.
    • If there is more of it in front, then the color is similar to walnut. Shades of yellow, green and blue appear due to melanin.

    Cats' eye color changes as they age, as all kittens are born with the same blue iris. It will take 4-5 months before the pigment is distributed and it becomes clear what color the eyes actually are.

    What to pay attention to. Nutrition issues

    The main sign of tapetum violation is faint glow of eyes in the dark or its complete absence. Veterinarians say that the vascular layer is located in the safe zone of the eye, behind the retina. And there are not many reasons for damage at home.

    However, owners should pay attention to cat food. For normal operation animal needs tapetum amino acids and taurine. In the wild they are found in meat and fish.

    Manufacturers of food for domestic cats try to maintain sufficient levels of taurine to prevent deficiency in our pets' bodies. Owners who decide to prepare food for cats on their own should study the issue in detail or talk to a veterinarian. It is important to ensure that the animal receives the required dose of taurine and the furry hunter's night vision will be affected.

    We are already accustomed to the eyes of cats in the dark. But there are other inhabitants of the planet with similar properties. The eyes of predatory spiders and some fish shine in the dark with an eerie white and red color. Yes, you and I also create a similar effect. It is enough to shine bright direct light directly into your eyes. A simple example, camera flash. And what happens later in the photo we call the red-eye effect.

    Legends and superstitions

    In the Middle Ages, cats were considered messengers of Satan. Their eyes shining at night frightened people, who could not explain the effect in any way other than interference evil spirits. In Europe, animals that did not understand anything were put on a par with witches and sorcerers. The attitude was appropriate. They were caught, burned and drowned. The rats saved the cats. People realized that rodents are carriers of diseases, including the plague. The cats were not afraid of rats and hunted them with pleasure. As a result, the diabolical origin was reconsidered and it was concluded that the benefits from the little hunters were greater than the harm.

    Thus, the cat's eyes do not glow, but only reflect small and subtle beams of light. Since in ordinary life it is difficult to find a place where light does not fall at all, therefore it always seems that cats' eyes glow. At complete absence Light sensitivity of vision decreases, and the cat’s eyes will simply not be visible.

On a bright day, apathy comes over the cats. They are able to lie for hours without moving under the warm rays of the sun. In winter, they try to grab a place near the radiator or in a warm chair. But with the arrival of darkness, the behavior of animals changes. They are active, which even causes discontent among vacationing owners. At night, genes from distant ancestors are activated in cats wildlife who began to hunt at the end of the day. This is exactly what nature has provided for this case. special structure cat's eyes, which have the ability to capture even faint light - the glow of the moon, star rays and even the glare of a flame. Let's try to figure out why a cat's eyes glow in the dark, at night.

Why is it possible that a cat’s eyes glow in the dark?

Naturally, today scientists have long found an explanation for such amazing abilities, and cats have turned from mysterious creatures into harmless pets. But their eyes continue to glow in the dark with a bright and sometimes frightening light.

The internal organs of a cat are identical to those of other mammals. The same cannot be said about the senses, including the eyes. They are endowed with special properties necessary for the normal functioning of a predator.

In complete darkness, an animal's vision is no different from a human's. In dim light, their orientation improves significantly. The ability to process any accessible light source is increased.

Advantage of the cat's gaze:

  • large pupil and lens;
  • close location of the cornea to the retina;
  • roundness and compactness eyeball;
  • extended viewing angle.
glowing eyes

Cats have the ability to accumulate light. The mechanism is called “luminous wallpaper”. It is located behind the retina and consists of 15 spheres.

The functioning of an animal's eyes is similar to the working principle of a camera. Light rays sneak through the hole, the dimensional frequencies of which are modified. The quantitative composition of light is controlled by the iris, and focused by the lens. Envelopment of the retina occurs. It sends an impulse to the brain center.

The retina is endowed with sensory cells:

  1. The first: is responsible for excellent vision at night and sensitivity to movement during dim flickering lamps.
  2. The second has resolving power.
  3. The slit pupil provides protection from bright flickering light.

A cat has binocular vision, just like a human. Due to the stereoscopic effect, the predator assesses the reach of prey.

glowing eyes

Scientific background

The burning eyes of an animal are nothing more than a reflection of light. The fact is explained simply:

  • a beam of light penetrates the pupil area;
  • then into the lens;
  • stops on the retina;
  • a call is received in the occipital part of the cerebral cortex;
  • the moment light penetrates the retina, the predator’s eyes begin to glow.

More details:

Behind the retina are located choroids, called tapetum. They are divided into two types: "Tapetum lucidum" and "Tapetum nigrum". This vessel protrudes in the shape of a rhombus, occupying a wide area. When a light beam envelops the retina, the topetup displays it.

The signal is strengthened and excellent visibility in the dark is ensured. In other words, the animal’s eyeball has a built-in so-called amplifier. Therefore, even in the smallest light from lanterns or the moon, the predator has the ability of excellent vision. The cat's eyes glowing in the twilight are nothing more than a reflection of reflected light.

Scientific, interesting fact: Improved night vision is an extraordinary invention of evolution. Not only cats, but also almost all nocturnal predators are gifted with the talent of night vision and sparkling eyes. For example, an owl. This bird sees the movement of the prey at a distance of three hundred meters. In twilight she sees 10 times better than a pet, while in daytime for days she is blind. The second example is the marsupial loris. The beast lives in Australia. Hunts exclusively at night. His huge, sparkling eyes see any crawling insect in the darkness.

eyes glow

What colors do cats see?

There is an opinion among people that cats see the world in black and white. However, scientists consider this statement to be erroneous. Researchers have proven that a predator detects several colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • grey.

Light-sensitive receptors - cones - are responsible for determining the color worldview. There are two types of receptors (three in humans). Therefore, the brightness of the picture is reduced, and the perception of warm colors is deteriorated. There is a confusion of colors.

The color spectrum and visual acuity improves if the target object is at a considerable distance (600 - 700 meters) and moves in a horizontal direction.

Recommendation: The animal’s favorite color is gray. This range appears to them clearly, in several shades. Therefore, when purchasing a toy for your beloved pet, do not choose bright colors. He will be happy with a small, gray trinket that resembles a mouse.

Unavailable paints

Cats recognize six colors. However, some shades are unattainable for them:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • orange;
  • bright, colorful tones.

You can add to the listed shades green color. They see him blurry. They identify a delicacy in the form of grass by smell.

Myths and legends

A cat is a mystical animal! Medieval Europe considered the predator a messenger of evil spirits. His eyes, glowing in the dark, scared people. Therefore, in dark times, animals, witches and magicians were burned at the stake.

The colossal invasion of rat packs, which are carriers of infections, sobered people up. Everyone learned about the true purpose of cats!

Myths about the magical, glowing eyes of a graceful animal:


One of the devoted assistants of the goddess Bastet was a cat. With the onset of darkness, the deity descended to the ground in order to protect people from predatory animals. Due to certain circumstances, the goddess could not be constantly present among people. Then, in order not to leave humanity unattended, she sent her faithful subordinate, a cat, to Earth. It is from that moment that the pet lives with people, protecting them from offenders. With the onset of darkness, the cat reports to its mistress about the completed task. Communicating with the goddess, the predator's eyes glow, emitting green.

For the ancient Egyptians, the cat represented fertility, life and well-being. Killing an animal was punishable by death. A cat that died a natural death was embalmed and buried with honors.


Proud and noble Romans considered the cat a symbol of independence and freedom. Every resident of Italy knew the legend about the fearless furry predator. Legend: “a heartless Roman owned a circus, which consisted of a huge number of animals. Every day the animals dreamed of escape, but were afraid of the cruelty of their owner. Only the cat was able to realize her plan. Late at night, the animal gnawed through the rope shackles and got out to freedom.”

After an incident at the circus, the goddess Libertas gave a gift to the cat unusual eyes, which can always illuminate dark roads. From that time on, the predator became free.


Japanese legend says: the Supreme Gods endowed the cat with burning eyes. They made the predator the guardian of the Maneik-Neko sanctuary. The temple represents luck and prosperity. Mystical predator protects Holy place. It is considered a great honor if the glowing gaze of a cat falls on a person at night. Fate will be favorable to him, luck and happiness will always be nearby.

To this day, many people are convinced that cats are connected by a thin thread with the astral world. A sensitive line connects furry pets with otherworldly light. It transmits information where human consciousness is powerless!


The cat inherited energetic behavior in the twilight from its ancestors - wild cats. For excellent orientation in the dark, the predator is endowed with a special structure of the eyeball. The eyes are able to capture light from any source: stars, moon, car headlights. Glowing eyes a fluffy pet is just reflections of reflected light rays.