
Visiting lessons. Visiting and analyzing lessons as a form of intra-school control

The organization of intra-school control is one of the most difficult activities of the head of an educational institution, which requires a deep understanding of the mission and role of this function, an understanding of its target orientation and mastery of various technologies.

In order to improve the HSC and raise the level of teaching, exchange work experience, in order to expand the coverage of the HSC for each teacher, each student, in order to ensure the democratization of school management, in addition to traditional types of control in my work, I pay great attention to mutual attendance by the leaders of the IO, teachers of the lessons of their colleagues. At the same time, such urgent and problematic areas of WRM for the school are solved mainly through mutual visits, such as:

1. Organization of individual and differentiated work

2. Tracking the work of the teacher on the topic of self-education

3. Systematization of the activities of the teaching staff on a single methodological topic

4. Generalization and dissemination of PPO



Regulations on mutual attendance of lessons

General provisions

  1. This Regulation on the mutual attendance of lessons is an integral part of the regulatory documentation governing the procedure for conducting educational activitiesin MKOU "Kosh - Agach evening (shift) general education school"and determines the order of conducting and functions of mutual visits of lessons at the school.

1.2. The main goals and objectives of mutual visits are:

Exchange of experience between teachers;

Improving the quality of teaching in schools;

Testing and introduction of innovative forms and methods of teaching;

Improving the professional skills of teachers through the preparation, organization and conduct of lessons of mutual visits;

Identification of students with creative abilities, striving for an in-depth study of a particular academic discipline or educational area.

2. Organization and procedure for conducting mutual visits to lessons.

2.1. Lessons are conducted in accordance with the curriculum, the plan of methodological work, the plan for conducting open lessons.

2.2. The plan for conducting is considered at a meeting of the Methodological Council or at meetings of the methodological meeting of school teachers and is agreed with the deputy directors of the school for educational work.

2.3. The task of the teacher present at the lesson of mutual attendance is to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied technologies, methods, pedagogical findings, analyze the didactic effectiveness of the use of teaching aids, generalize the methods of scientific organization and control the quality of the educational process.

2.4. To conduct a mutual visitation lesson, any type of training session in any form of education can be used. The topic and form of the lesson are determined by the teacher independently.

3. Conducting a lesson.

3.1. The lesson of mutual visitation is held in a business environment.

3.2. Those invited enter the classroom before the bell rings, occupy pre-prepared places, chosen so as to less distract the attention of students and observe the actions of the teacher and students without interference.

3.3. All invitees must observe pedagogical tact, not interfere in the course of the lesson, and not express their attitude to the work of the teacher leading it in the presence of students.

3.4. Those invited in the process of observation should follow: how the teacher leading the lesson achieves the goal; with the help of what methodological techniques and teaching aids implements the requirements of the curriculum; what are the results of his activities.

3.5. The results of observations are reflected in the List of mutual attendance of the lesson (Appendix 1).

  1. Each teacher is required to attend at least two open lessons per year.

4. Discussion and analysis of the lessons of mutual visits.

4.1. Discussion of the lesson is held on the day of the lesson or immediately after the lesson.

4.2. The purpose of the discussion is to assess the correctness of the formulation of the lesson, the appropriateness of the chosen methods and means, helping the teacher to see individual methodological techniques, their effectiveness in terms of the tasks set.

4.3. The evaluation of the lesson scenario is carried out taking into account the following criteria:

  • compliance with the program;
  • methodical study of the plan and course of the lesson;
  • completeness and variety of materials used on the topic;
  • accessibility and originality of the presentation of the material;
  • methods and techniques for organizing students' activities;
  • motivation of students' activities;
  • variety of hardware and software used;
  • compliance with the results of the goal;
  • replicability (the ability to use colleagues).

4.4. All those present at the lesson hand over the completed sheets of mutual attendance of the lesson to the chairman of the methodological council. Based on the observation sheets, discussion and analysis of the training session, the results of the visit are summed up. With a positive experience and the possibility of using it by colleagues, the Methodological Council decides on its implementation in teaching practice.

Appendix 1


Date "____" __________ 20___ Class _______ _______

Thing _______________________________

Teacher _______________________________

Full name position

Visit purpose____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Theme of the lesson _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Lesson Objectives


Total students on the list __________ people. There were _________ people.

Lesson Format

Presentation in the classroom





  • Compliance with the age of students
  • Practical focus
  • Metasubjectivity of content

Organization of the lesson:

  • goal setting
  • The nature of the learning tasks
  • Student motivation
  • Degree of independence
  • Student communication
  • The nature of the homework

In the course of work in the school, teachers now and then have to deal with various kinds of checks. We will analyze with you what are the goals of attending classes by the head teacher and how often this form of verification takes place, what points the inspector pays attention to.

Basic goals

Visiting and analyzing teachers' lessons is one of the duties of the school administration. Often, the head teacher must notify the teacher about the test in advance, in writing. It is best if this is at least a day before the lesson. True, not all educational institutions adhere to this rule. The notice must indicate the time and purpose of attending the lesson.

The main goals of attending classes by the head teacher are:

1. Quality control of education, knowledge and skills, abilities of students.

2. Checking the state of the educational process.

3. Assistance to novice teachers in mastering teaching methods.

4. Finding out the reasons for the failures and successes of the teacher.

5. Checking the discipline of students, attendance, compliance with school rules.

Moments to pay attention to when checking

What is the main task pursued by the head teacher? and drafting comments and recommendations. During the check, the head teacher makes notes, draws up a questionnaire, a list of comments and wishes, notes the moments he likes.

The lesson focuses on the following points:

1. The correctness of the statement and bringing it to the students.

2. Achieving the goal during the lesson.

3. its thoughtfulness, choice of forms of education.

4. The presence of personal training of the teacher also refers to the main purpose of attending lessons by the head teacher.

5. Compliance of the content of the lesson with modern state standards.

6. Organization of independent work of students.

7. Analysis of the work of students in the lesson, their behavior, activity.

8. The culture of communication between the teacher and students, compliance with the norms of ethics and tact.

9. Evaluation of homework - its scope and purpose.

This is not the whole list of points that the inspector pays attention to. Their list largely depends on the purpose of attending classes by the head teacher.

Conversation following the audit

After checking, the head teacher invites the teacher to analyze the lesson. Often, the management prefers to discuss the lesson with the teacher immediately after it is held, which is fundamentally wrong. Lesson analysis is best done at the end of all lessons, in a calm, quiet environment, without undue haste.

During the analysis of the lesson, the head teacher may ask the teacher to talk about what moments, in the opinion of the teacher, were successful, what mistakes he made during the lesson.

Considering that checking the professionalism of novice teachers is one of the frequent reasons that the head teacher attends classes, the analysis of the lesson will help not only to identify weaknesses in, but also to find ways to eliminate problems.

So, after listening to the teacher's opinion about the lesson, the head teacher can supplement the teacher's story, make suggestions and recommendations for eliminating the most frequent, typical mistakes of the teacher. All this will help to improve the professional level of the teacher.


Visiting classes by the head teacher of the school is one of the most frequent checks, which should be treated as working moments. During the test, not so much the personal as the professional qualities of the teacher are analyzed, his ability to correctly and interestingly teach his subject is checked. As a result of the analysis of the lesson, the head teacher can give the teacher a number of tips and recommendations for correcting mistakes, recommend using new methods and forms of teaching, visit colleagues, read additional literature on the methods of teaching their subject.

Purposes of attending lessons
1. Check how the unity of teaching, upbringing and mental development of students is carried out in the lesson.
2. Reveal the level of scientific validity and systematic implementation by teachers of interdisciplinary connections with teaching.
3. Reveal the degree of preparedness of the teacher to optimize teaching methods.
4. Check how the teacher activates the mental activity of students.
5.Check the work of the teacher in the implementation of the connection between teaching and life.
6. Check how the teacher implements the principle of accessibility of education in the lesson.
7. To study the teacher's work on the development of students' cognitive interests in the lesson.
8. Reveal the level of the teacher's work in systematizing the repetition of previously studied material.
9. Determine the degree of preparedness of the teacher to apply problem-based learning methods and create problem situations in the lesson.
10. To study the state of the teacher's work on the application of developmental teaching methods.
11. Make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the implementation of the principle of visualization of learning in the lesson.
12. Reveal the optimal combination of frontal and individual ways of organizing the educational and cognitive activity of students.
13. Determine the effectiveness of a combination of methods of verbal, visual and practical training.
14. To study the system of the teacher's work on the differentiation of the learning process in the lesson.
15. To study the teacher's work system for the development of students' logical thinking.
16. Determine the level of the teacher's work on the formation of general educational skills and abilities of students in the lesson.
17. Conduct psychological and pedagogical observation of the work and behavior of `difficult` students in the lesson.
18. Make a conclusion about the level of scientific, theoretical and methodological training of the teacher.
19. Establish the degree of effectiveness of the use of TCO by teachers.
20. Check how the teacher prepares students for the perception of new material.
21. Conduct monitoring of the organization in the lesson of students' creative work.
22. Check how the teacher organizes independent work in the lesson.
23. Check how the teacher provides an individual approach to weak and unsuccessful students.
24. Check how the teacher determines the content, nature and volume of d / s and instructs him.
25. Check the work of the teacher to rationalize the methods of questioning students.
26. Determine the effectiveness of work on the development of oral speech.
27. Determine the effectiveness of the application of methods and techniques for monitoring the assimilation of knowledge by students.
28. Get acquainted with the work of a teacher in a lesson on educating children industriousness and work culture.
29. Set the level of effectiveness of the use of didactic material in the lesson.
30. To evaluate the methods of the teacher's work in maintaining the active attention of students throughout the lesson.
31. Establish the level of formation of students' skills to fulfill uniform requirements in the lesson.
32. Conduct monitoring of the teacher's work on the formation of conscious discipline of students in the lesson.
33. To study the work of a teacher in developing the skills of expressive reading in schoolchildren and mastering the norms of the literary language.
34. To study the work of a foreign language teacher in conducting exercises aimed at developing students' understanding of speech from hearing in a specific life situation.
35. Check how a foreign language teacher organizes exercises, develops students' ability to retell a text, lead (speech development) a story from a picture and answer questions.
36. Establish the effectiveness of the work of a foreign language teacher in consolidating language material.
37. To study the teacher's work system in biology lessons in the class of economic education.
38. To study the teacher's work system for conducting non-traditional lessons.


1. Learning objectives related to ensuring the assimilation by students of knowledge, skills, methods of various types of activities, especially educational and cognitive.

For example, the assimilation by students of laws, properties, features, concepts, features, etc.

2. The goals of education related to the process of formation of culture - moral behavior, information and communication culture, valeological, legal, etc.

3. The goals of individual development, primarily related to the development of mental functions (thinking, imagination, memory, perception), emotional-volitional and motivational-need areas of the personality, the development of reflective culture, educational and intellectual skills, etc.

4. Corrective learning tasks associated with

Correction of the development of cognitive activity;

Normalization of educational activities, education of self-control and self-esteem;

The development of a dictionary, oral monologue speech;

Logopedic correction;

Psychocorrection of students' behavior;

Formation of communication skills;

Identification and development of special abilities (music, fine arts, sports, etc.).

Of particular concern are children at risk with

1) phonetic-phonemic disorders;

2) violation of communication;

3) a reduced level of development of cognitive activity;

4) violation of the processes of excitation and inhibition, neurological reactions;

5) a reduced level of verbal development;

6) low level of school maturity.


1. The objectives of the lesson based on accounting:

a) the level of education,

b) the level of learning,

c) the dominant interests and abilities of students.

3. The choice of teaching aids available at the school and the production of the missing ones.

4. Forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity (frontal, collective, group, pair, individualized, individual).

5. Methods and techniques of teaching.

6. The obtained variable result for each goal with a focus on individual students.

7. Variable (differentiated) homework.

Attending lessons with different teachers, regardless of the type of school, their location, revealed a number of typical mistakes in the organization of a modern lesson. We include among them:

Lack of orientation of the lesson on the individual development of students; the main idea of ​​the lesson is to memorize its subject content, solving narrow-subject problems;

Inconsistency of educational material with the goals of individual mental, personal development of students;

Insufficient planning of time for students to master the methods of educational and cognitive activity;

A small amount of independent work, the teacher's lack of elaboration of the methodology for organizing independent (training) work;

Lack of individual work with students in their zone of proximal development;

Weak feedback from students at the stage of learning new material, lack of work to update previously acquired knowledge, ignoring the student's motivational needs;

Lack of worldview orientation of the lesson;

Insufficient practice-oriented nature of the lesson;

Small volume and monotony of creative, research tasks in the lesson;

Lack of a system in the use of interdisciplinary connections;

The predominance of the assessment of learning outcomes over the assessment of the process of cognitive activity of students;

The discrepancy between the forms of organization of cognitive activity used by the teacher, as well as the methods and techniques of teaching the objectives of the lesson, its pedagogical design;

The teacher is teaching, but not organizing the joint process of teaching, cognition;

Information overload of the lesson;

Suboptimal pace of the lesson;

- speech "alienated" from students, emotional and linguistic limitations;

Excessive detail of explanations;

Hypertraffic in the lesson of visualization;

Orientation in summing up the results of the lesson to reproduce the actions of students when studying the material, without taking into account the real goals of this lesson, each student, i.e. lack of work with students to comprehend (evaluate) the results of their own advancement in the lesson;

Lack of individual variability in giving homework;

Diversity, kaleidoscopy of activities that are not interconnected by a single goal.


1. What is the target orientation of the lesson (setting a triune task)?

2. What tasks for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities do you set for students in the lesson?

3. What is the place of this lesson in the system of lessons?

4. How was the educational potential of the educational material used?

5. How did all the children work in the lesson?

6. How is the lesson time used, how efficiently and effectively?

7. How did the students learn the material (completely, deeply, meaningfully)?

8. What is the degree of practical orientation of the lesson, its connection with life?

9. What were the shortcomings and why?


Pedagogical analysis of the lesson:

It is the main instrument of individual psychological and pedagogical management.

Step by step should introduce the teacher into the mode of development and improvement.

It should become a tool for forming the teacher's conviction of the need to reconsider their methods of work, relations with students, if they turned out to be unproductive.

The strongest tool to motivate the teacher.

The most important and very effective individual method of working with a teacher.

It is the most important way of connecting pedagogical theory with the practice of educational work.

It underlies the generalization and, to a certain extent, the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

This is an opportunity to most effectively form and develop a link of continuity.

It is a way of a certain concretization of the management of the educational process.

It has the most active and direct influence on the final result of the educational process.

It is based on the observation of the activities of the teacher and the student.

Contributes to the formation of a holistic teaching staff.

Contributes to the construction of the unity of pedagogical positions.

It is an effective means of developing the teacher's ability to reflect on his work.

It is a means of stimulating the teacher's self-education.

Must be built on the expression of one's true faith in the ability and success of the teacher.

It is an excellent tool for the formation of common values ​​of the team.

It should be an expression of respect for the person and trust in him.

The best means of cultivating a conscious attitude of the teacher to his work.

A method for identifying the level of upbringing of the teaching staff.

Chronology - lesson analysis _________________________ in _______ class

Visit purpose

Lesson topic

Kind of activity


Lesson Objectives

Methods and techniques for achieving goals

Decree goals

Valeol. req.





Who is the wire.


Test Date ________ Students __________ None _______

Purpose of control ________________________________________________

FULL NAME. and the position of the person attending the lessons __________________________


The lesson is the main didactic unit, the most important element of the educational process. A good lesson has its own face, which is provided by the individual style of the teacher and the personal originality of the students. But in addition to creative originality, mastery, the lesson should also show just the literacy of the teacher: knowledge of what factors determine the meaning and essence of the modern lesson; ability to plan, conduct and analyze the lesson. At the lesson, as in a focus, all the activities of the teacher, his scientific training, professional skills are concentrated.

The level of knowledge and skills of schoolchildren, the pedagogical skill of the teacher is assessed mainly during the attendance of training sessions. The conclusions drawn on the basis of visiting the lesson allow us to judge its effectiveness. Based on the results of visiting a series of lessons, one can form an opinion about the system of work of a teacher and about the features of the educational process of an educational institution as a whole.

Pedagogical science and practice have developed a number of approaches to the analysis of lessons as a result of their attendance, to the interpretation of the findings. The multiplicity of such approaches, based on the diversity of the educational process in the modern Russian school, allows each educational institution to develop its own principles and methods for analyzing lessons, which reflect the peculiarity, uniqueness of this school, education center, gymnasium.

1. Introductory attending lessons is an acquaintance with the system of work of a teacher (a young specialist, a new employee, an innovative teacher) through attending a series of lessons. It is carried out within the time allotted in advance, for example, during the study of a particular topic in one class (all lessons are attended) or a calendar month (most lessons are attended). primary goal: assessment of the optimality of the chosen structure of the lesson and the combination of teaching methods and techniques to achieve a pedagogical result. AT the focus of the administration - the work of the teacher, its effectiveness and consistency. findings are presented during the discussion with the teacher of each lesson in the form of an evaluation and aspect (in terms of the content and methodology of the lesson) analysis, as well as following the results of visiting a series of lessons (at the end of the deadline) at the teacher's interview with the administration of the education center.

Aspect analysis of the lesson (in terms of the content of education and methodology).

  • Compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of state programs and basic educational standards.
  • Setting the objectives of the lesson and the degree of their achievement.
  • The structure of the lesson, its validity and compliance with the objectives and content of the lesson.
  • Scientific nature, reliability and accessibility for students of the studied material.
  • The validity and variety of the methods, techniques and teaching aids used, their compliance with the content of the educational material, the objectives of the lesson and the possibilities of the class.
  • Implementation of the developing and educational opportunities of the lesson.
  • Reasonable use of modern pedagogical technologies.
  • The culture of communication between the teacher and students, the creation of a comfortable psychological climate in the children's team.

2. Control-generalizing attending lessons is a class-generalizing control, traditional for each educational institution. primary goal: assessment of the state of educational work in a particular class in various subjects for a certain (short) period of time according to special criteria. - the work of students in a separate lesson and a number of lessons, as well as the psychological and pedagogical system of an educational institution as a whole. Organized in a separate class or parallel in accordance with specific topic, which determines the goals of monitoring the educational process, the features of the analysis of lessons within the framework of class-generalizing control and conclusions based on its results. It is carried out through visiting all lessons in a given class (parallels) during one school day (school week). findings are presented at a discussion with the teacher of each lesson in the form of an evaluation analysis and interview, as well as at a thematic meeting of teachers following the results of a class-generalizing control.

Grade 5

"Continuity of the educational process in primary and secondary schools."


  • Assess the general level of formation of general educational skills and abilities, key competencies of primary school graduates; the degree of their readiness for learning in the 5th grade.
  • Determine the main psychological and pedagogical features of the organization of the educational process in this parallel and in a particular class (for example, the unity of requirements; the use of the capabilities of the school component; the activation of certain types of activities, etc.).
  • Prepare recommendations for subject teachers, class teachers and parents of students for the successful adaptation of fifth-graders in secondary school.

Grade 10.

Topic of class-generalizing control: "The peculiarity of the cognitive process in high school."


  • Assess the level of motivation and degree of readiness of graduates of the basic school to study in the 10th grade.
  • Determine the main psychological and pedagogical features of the organization of the educational process in this parallel and in a particular class (for example, the organization of differentiated education, elective courses; a system for preparing for exams, etc.).
  • Prepare recommendations for students and parents to succeed in high school, pass exams and choose a career.

Classes with students motivated for learning and cognitive activity.

Topic of class-generalizing control: "Content and education and teaching methods in classes with increased motivation of students to study and gymnasium classes."


  • Assess the general level of formation of key competencies and special skills among students in controlled classes.
  • Determine the main psychological and pedagogical features of the organization of the educational process with this contingent of students (for example, the activation of CSR techniques, the use of interactive teaching methods, etc.).
  • Prepare recommendations for subject teachers on the organization of work in supervised classes.

General criteria for the analysis of the lesson (and the educational process as a whole) within the framework of class-generalizing control.

  • The amount of information received in the lesson (lessons), its availability, sufficiency.
  • The total amount of homework, the degree and quality of their performance.
  • The unity of requirements for students, the degree of their implementation.
  • Activity, intensity of work of students in the lesson, during the day, at various lessons (in comparison).
  • A variety of used methods, forms, techniques and technologies of training.
  • The degree of formation of general educational and special skills, key competencies.
  • The level of motivation of schoolchildren to the process of cognition, interest in learning, a separate subject and type of activity.
  • Features of communication of participants in the pedagogical process (Teacher-Students; Students-Students), the psychological atmosphere in the classroom.
  • Learning outcomes.

3. Thematic visiting lessons is the study of certain aspects of the educational process in an educational institution. Systematic attendance at lessons is carried out regularly, during the academic year or a number of academic years. It is connected, first of all, with the implementation of the general methodological theme, on which the center of education is working. primary goal: identifying elements of pedagogical excellence (professional creativity, innovation) that deserve to be studied and introduced into pedagogical practice, as well as difficulties and problems that require administrative assistance. In addition, in the course of introductory, control-generalizing or systematic visits to lessons, pain points and successes of the educational process can be identified, which can become an impetus for the organization. local class visits. They set themselves private goals. (For example, to identify the level of formation of speech competencies and the effectiveness of work on the development of speech of schoolchildren; to study what types of surveys are used in the classroom; to assess how students' creative activity is organized in the classroom; to explore how ICT elements are used in the classroom; to evaluate the system for preparing for exams graduate students.) The focus of administration - a selected aspect of the educational process. findings are presented at the discussion of each lesson with the teacher in the form of self-analysis of the teacher who conducted the lesson, and a detailed analysis of the lesson by a representative of the administration; through administrative characteristics and recommendations for the dissemination of pedagogical experience; at thematic pedagogical councils and seminars.

Types of lesson analysis

Lesson Analysis - This is an assessment of the degree of effectiveness of the lesson according to various criteria.

1) Comprehensive (complete) - a multi-aspect analysis of the implementation of the tasks of the lesson (more often - a series of lessons), the content and types of educational activities of schoolchildren; implementation of didactic principles; the adequacy of the choice of teaching methods and technologies; the level of assimilation of knowledge and methods of mental activity by students; lesson effectiveness. It is used in the examination of pedagogical activity.

2) Systemic (single) consideration of the lesson as a single system in terms of solving the main didactic task and simultaneously solving the developing tasks of the lesson, ensuring the formation of students' ZUN and key competencies. Allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of classes, regardless of their type, type, structure. Often based on the consideration of not only one lesson, but a system of training sessions. It is usually used to evaluate innovative activities and in the certification of teaching staff.

3) Evaluative (short) - this is a general assessment of the lesson, the success of the implementation of its educational, educational and developmental tasks. It is usually used as a feedback from colleagues about the visited (open) lesson, includes an indication of positive (“+”) and negative (“-”) in the lesson methodology, and also involves identifying valuable experience (“I'll take note!”).

4) Structural (phased) - identifying the main elements (stages) of the lesson, assessing their appropriateness for solving the tasks and for the overall development of schoolchildren. This is the most popular type of lesson analysis in the domestic school. It is used both as a detailed introspection of the lesson by the teacher, and as the main external analysis (when conducting HSC, open lessons, certification of teaching staff).

5) Aspect (target) - consideration and evaluation from a certain angle (with a specific goal) of any side of the lesson; for example, the use of developmental teaching methods; formation of general educational skills; checking and evaluating knowledge in the classroom, etc. It is usually used to identify the mastery of a teacher in the application of teaching technologies for targeted observation of the educational process (HSC, the implementation of the methodological theme of the school), during training seminars, etc.

In the pedagogical literature, other types of lesson analysis are also offered, in particular,

* structural-temporal (how time is distributed over the stages of the lesson);

* psychological (how the development of students is ensured in the process of cognitive activity);

* didactic (in terms of implementing the principles of teaching and selecting educational material);

* from the standpoint of student-centered education (using the subjective experience of students and specific didactic material; the nature of pedagogical communication in the classroom and the activation of methods of educational work, etc.);

* from the standpoint of the health-saving possibilities of the lesson;

* element-by-element (includes an analysis of the content, methodology, development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren as the most important constituent elements of a modern lesson);

* comparative (the lesson is correlated with other lessons of this teacher in order to identify the system in work, dynamics);

* from the standpoint of the activity approach (the key point in the analysis is consideration of the nature of the students' activities during the lesson);

* system-integrative (used to characterize lessons based on interdisciplinary integration) and many, many others.

All of them are, in fact, aspect or combine the possibilities of the main five types of lesson analysis.

Lesson Analysis System(usually - several types of analysis) is often developed in educational institution and is used by teachers and administration in accordance with the specifics of the school.

Structural introspection of the lesson

The popularity of this type of analysis and its active use as lesson self-analysis schemes by the teacher consists in a certain universality of the approach to evaluating a lesson through its structure: it allows you to evaluate the idea, course, results of the lesson and its methodology in the system. This type of introspection is supra-technological, i.e. can be applied to a lesson designed on the basis of any pedagogical technology. If necessary, additional elements can be added to the general scheme, revealing specific aspects of the lesson analysis.

Scheme of structural introspection of the lesson.


Lesson topic

Type of lesson, its structure (stages)

1. The place of the lesson in the topic, its connection with previous and subsequent lessons.

2. A brief psychological and pedagogical description of the class (the number of “strong”, poorly performing students; what features were taken into account when designing the lesson).

3. Educational, developmental, educational objectives of the lesson (TDTs); assessment of the success of their achievement.

4. Selection of content, forms, methods and technological methods of teaching in accordance with the goals and objectives of the lesson.

5. The main stage of the lesson, its characteristics.

6. The rationality of the distribution of time in the lesson (justification of how all the stages of the lesson "worked" for the main one; an indication of the logic of the "connections" between the stages of the lesson).

7. Selection of didactic material, TCO, visual aids in accordance with the goals.

8. Organization of control over the assimilation of ZUN (at what stages, in what forms, by what methods).

9. Evaluation of the results of the lesson (whether it was possible to implement the tasks, why).

10. The psychological atmosphere in the classroom, the communication of the teacher with students, students among themselves.

Lesson system analysis

This type of analysis includes a number of aspects that make it possible to give a comprehensive assessment of the lesson, therefore it can be used as a basis for studying the educational process for various purposes.

Scheme of the system analysis of the lesson

1. Analysis of the objectives of the lesson:

  • what are the objectives of the lesson set by the teacher;
  • to what extent these goals reflect the characteristics of the educational material; the place of this lesson in the system; the level of preparedness of the class;
  • whether goals are set for students;
  • the extent to which the objectives have been achieved.

2. Analysis of the structure and organization of the lesson:

  • what type of lesson is chosen, whether this choice is justified;
  • whether all stages of the lesson are interconnected, logical and thoughtful;
  • Is it reasonable to allocate time in the lesson?
  • whether the forms of education are rationally chosen.

3. Analysis of the content of the lesson:

  • whether the content of the lesson meets the requirements of the program;
  • how complete, reliable and accessible the presentation of the material is;
  • how the developing and educating orientation of the educational process is realized;
  • How is the independent activity of students organized in the classroom?

4. Analysis of the lesson methodology:

  • what methods, techniques and means were used in the lesson;
  • whether they correspond to the content of the educational material, the objectives of the lesson, the characteristics of the class;
  • whether the use of visual aids, didactic material, TCO is effective.

5. Analysis of the work and behavior of students in the lesson:

  • overall assessment of the class;
  • attention and diligence;
  • interest in the subject;
  • the activity of the class, the performance of students at different stages of the lesson;
  • inclusion of students in independent educational work;
  • formation of general educational and special abilities, skills, competencies.

6. Analysis of the personality-developing opportunities of the lesson:

  • whether students have the opportunity to choose meaningful activities in the lesson;
  • whether the selection of material takes into account the vital interests of children, their correspondence to the personal-semantic sphere;
  • whether situations are created in the lesson that encourage discussion, collective search, and problem solving;
  • How is the impact on the motivational sphere of students.

7. Analysis of pedagogical communication in the lesson:

  • what is the culture of communication between the teacher and students, students among themselves;
  • what is the moral and psychological atmosphere in the classroom;
  • what is the discipline of students in the lesson, in what ways is it supported.

The analysis of the lesson is carried out from general pedagogical positions, it is over-subject, i.e. applicable to the lesson in any academic discipline. Given the specifics of their subject, each methodological association of subject teachers can develop a special scheme for the analysis and introspection of the lesson.

The procedure for organizing visits and analysis of lessons by the administration of an educational institution

1. Methodological Council approves methodical theme center of education for the academic year and determines in this regard the main goal systematic class visits; and also clarifies which aspects of the system analysis of the lesson should be given special attention; makes the necessary clarifications and changes to the general lesson analysis chart.

2. At the meeting of the administration, the dates and topics are determined class-generalizing control, goals and reporting forms are formulated.

3. The administration, in working order, decides on the need for introductory and local visits to classes, determines the timing, goals and types of reporting.

4. A schedule is drawn up (and adjusted as necessary) for attending classes, thematic meetings and pedagogical councils related to the discussion of the results of visiting lessons.

Presentation of conclusions based on the results of attending lessons

The originality of the conclusions depends, first of all, on the goals that were set when organizing the visit and analysis of the lesson. However, the result of an administrative visit to a lesson (a series of lessons) must necessarily be a summing up, a value judgment in connection with the lesson seen.

Elements of the final value judgment:

  • evaluation of self-analysis done by the teacher;
  • general impression of the work of the teacher and the class;
  • elements of creativity, pedagogical skills that deserve to be studied and put into practice by other teachers;
  • shortcomings of the lesson with an explanation of their possible causes and trends in their development;
  • recommendations to the teacher on self-education, self-improvement and dissemination of pedagogical experience;
  • assessment of the overall level of the lesson.

"Very low": the lack of a well-thought-out lesson plan, the teacher's misunderstanding of the goals and objectives of studying the topic.

"Low": organizing a survey of schoolchildren and explaining new material according to a pre-planned plan without activating the cognitive activity of students aimed at obtaining a positive result.

"Middle": revealing the knowledge and skills of students and communicating information in accordance with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

"High": the inclusion of students in the resolution of the hypothesis provided by the objectives of the lesson.

"Higher": predicting ways to transfer schoolchildren to the result set by the learning goals based on feedback and overcoming possible difficulties in working with students.


  1. Lesson analysis: typology, methods, diagnostics. Compiled by L.V. Golubeva, T.A. Chegodaeva. - Volgograd, 2007.
  2. Romadina L.P. Head teacher's guide. - M., 2001
  3. Tuchkova T.U. Lesson as an indicator of literacy and skill of the teacher. - M., 2003