
Proverbs and sayings for folk tales. Write down the name of the fairy tale in which proverbs are found

Larisa Malysheva
Thematic selection of proverbs and sayings for works

Russian folk tale"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka":

You can't spill them with water.

Your family is your truest friends.

Russian folk tale "Zimovie"

Friendly - not heavy, but apart - at least drop it.

Fear has big eyes.

The owner is happy to have a good guest.

Take it together - it will not be heavy.

Russian folk tale "Geese - swans"

Walk, walk, but then do not blame.

Walk and do not forget things.

They walked - had fun, counted - shed tears.

Great word: thank you.

Russian folk tale "Havroshechka"

Every man is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

Every person is known by the work.

There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy.

Whoever lives the truth, he will make good; Whoever does good, God will bless him.

"Russian folk tale "Winged, furry and oily"

Scold, brda look at yourself.

Holding the tug, do not say that it is not a dozen.

He brewed porridge - a quarrel does not lead to good.

Don't judge others, look at yourself.

The truth hurts the eyes.


There is no change from autumn to summer.

Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.

In October, neither on wheels nor on skids.

In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.

Autumn is a reserve, winter is a trough.

September is cold, but full.


Everyone is young in the winter cold.

In February the roads are wide.

Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter.

There is no union for winter and summer.


Mother spring is red for everyone.

In April, the earth dies.

February is rich in snow, April in water.

Spring and autumn - eight weather days.

A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish"

If you chase the big one, you will lose the last one.

I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Leaf Fall"

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Everywhere is good - where we are not.

Ch. Perrot "Puss in Boots"

Meet by clothes, see off by mind.

S. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"

A sheep's coat, but a human soul.

V. Kataev "Pipe and jug"

Pick a berry, pick a box.

I walked through the forest, but did not find firewood.

V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower"

Friendship is more valuable than money.


Whoever has bread is born, he always has fun.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread - father. Voditsa - mother.

Bread and water - well done food.

Without salt, without bread, a thin conversation.

As long as there is bread and water, all is not a problem.

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

Fear has big eyes, but they see nothing.

One for all and all for one.

S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve months"

A tree is valued by its fruits, and a man by his deeds.

Good is good everywhere.

Who loves work, people honor him.

From polite words the tongue will not dry out.

With a bow, the head does not hurt.


The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

Better to live in cramped than offended.

Mother's Day

Maternal prayer raises from the bottom of the sea.

You won't find a better friend than a mother

There is no friend like a mother.

When the sun is warm, and when the mother is good.


The house is like a full bowl.

Road spoon to dinner.


You can't grow a turnip without care.

Every vegetable has its time.


Without a cat, mice expanse.

Fear the goat in front, the horse behind.

The cat is on the threshold, and the mouse is in the corner.

Labor - professions

A bird is recognized in flight, and a person at work.

Business time, fun hour.

You work until you sweat - you eat hunting.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Business before pleasure.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Patience and work will grind everything.


Like a fish in water.

Mute like a fish.

Fight. Like a fish on ice.

You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

About teaching

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

There is no science without pain.

Without patience there is no learning.

Literacy is a second language.

Literacy to learn - forward to come in handy.

Knowledge is better than wealth.

Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.

You can't learn everything right away.


In what we boast, we will fail;

In the language of honey, but in the heart - ice.


Without taking an ax, you can’t cut down housing;

Easy taken, easy and lost.


Out of many small ones, one big one comes out;

Drop by drop and the stone hammers.

Fox and crane

As it comes around, so it will respond.

What is hello, so is the answer.

Hen, mouse and black grouse

If you want to eat kalachi, don't lie on the stove.

Fox with a rolling pin

That bad not to depart, who is accustomed to live by untruth.

Princess Nesmeyana

Not all that glitters is gold.

Body - space, soul - cramped.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Without posture and horse cow.

A hornless cow will butt at least a bump.

Beat the dog, scolding the chicken.

It happens that a bear flies ... when they are pushed off a cliff.

There would be a mumps, there will be a bristle.

To be a bull on a string.

In the cold, the cat does not catch mice.

The donkey is great, but it carries water; the falcon is small, but they carry it on their hands.

The wolf sees the goat - he forgot the thunderstorm.

A wolf is a bad shepherd for sheep.

The wolf is not a friend to the horse.

Do not call the wolf to the dogs for help.

The wolf is not a shepherd, the pig is not a gardener.

Feet feed the wolf.

Have pity on the wolf - it will bite even more fiercely.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Sparrows chirp - nests curl.

The crow, although it flew over the sea, did not turn white.

Every cricket know your hearth.

Every mouse is afraid of a cat.

They say they milk the chickens.

The grief of one cancer only paints.

Give a chicken a bed and it will dig up the whole garden.

Two bears can't get along in the same den.

Two cats in one bag of friendship will not lead.

A good horse will not bring on a stump.

The sheep complained to the wolf about the bad life.

The crane flies high, sees far.

You couldn’t hold on to the mane - you can’t hold on to the tail.

For a mosquito with an ax, for a fly with a butt.

The fox started talking - drive the geese.

They carry the hare's legs, feed the wolf's teeth, protect the fox's tail.

The hare flies away from the fox, and the frog flies away from the hare.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

Know, cricket, your hearth.

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe.

And the frog can drown.

Cannons don't hit sparrows.

If the bush weren't sweet, the nightingale wouldn't make its nest.

Each hen praises its perch.

Each bird defends its nest.

Each fox lifts up its tail.

Each sandpiper in his swamp is great.

Each sandpiper praises his swamp.

No matter how you turn the dog, and the tail is behind.

When you fall in love, and the monkey will seem beautiful; when you do not love, and turn away from the lotus.

When the cat leaves, the mice come out to exercise.

The horse runs, the earth trembles.

The horse gives back with its hoof.

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

To beat a cow with a stick - do not drink milk.

Feed the cow more satisfying, the milk will be fatter.

The cat is only on mice and is brave.

Cats gnaw - expanse for mice.

Approach the dog from behind, approach the horse from the front.

Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw.

Sandpiper and loon - two pair of boots.

Bite and mosquitoes for the time being.

Either spare the stern, or the horse.

Either a tuft of hay, or a pitchfork in the side.

The fox will cover everything with its tail.

The fox also counts chickens in a dream.

The fox will lead the seven wolves.

A fox is always fuller than a wolf.

The wolf catches, the wolf is caught.

The horse is a gift, and the spoon is a gift.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

Love is blind.

A small dog is a puppy until old age.

A monkey without a tail is still a monkey.

The master will pull out a chicken from a baked egg.

Aimed at a crow - hit a cow.

You can get along with a goat, if you stroke the fur.

Milk on the tongue of a cow.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

On its perch, the rooster is the strongest.

For lunch, the birdie is satisfied with the flies.

In the landfill of his rooster is the most important.

Put even a collar on a pig, everything will not be a horse.

Flies do not land on a whole egg.

Every day is not Sunday.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

Do not be afraid of a liar dog, but be afraid of a silent one.

The cricket is not big, but it sings loudly.

Not a great bird - a titmouse, but a clever one.

Do not believe the goat in the garden, and the wolf in the sheepfold.

Every day is not Sunday.

Not every dog ​​bites that barks.

Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive a horse with oats.

The wolf is not beaten because he is gray, but because he ate the sheep.

Not the first winter for the wolf to winter.

Don't be shy, sparrow.

Not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.

If you don't kill the snake, it will sting.

Do not teach a goat: she will pull it off the cart.

One swallow does not make spring.

He lagged behind the crows and did not stick to the new ones.

Sheep's tears will be shed to the wolf.

Cannons are not fired at sparrows.

Better sing well with a goldfinch than badly with a nightingale.

Involuntarily, the hare runs when there is nothing to fly on.

Put the pig at the table - she and her feet on the table.

Only crows fly straight.

The bird is small, but the claw is sharp.

The fish rots from the head.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.

From a black sheep, at least a tuft of wool.

The pig will find dirt.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

Lead cattle - do not open your mouth to walk.

The dog in the manger does not eat itself and does not give to others.

The dog does not know about the prosperity of his master.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Magpie on the tail brought.

The old fox digs with its stigma, and covers its tracks with its tail.

An old dog does not bark in vain.

A pack of jackals can bite a tiger.

The tiger, though fierce, will not eat its cubs.

A skinny dog ​​is a disgrace to the owner.

Do not look for a mustache in a goose - you will not find it.

A cow has milk on its tongue.

The white hare is good, and the hunter is brave.

A good horse, but eats withered grass.

A good blacksmith will forge a frog.

It is bad for the sheep, where the wolf is in the shepherds.

Through force, the horse does not jump.

The wolf senses where the prey is.

The cat smells whose meat it has eaten.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

Wool is sheared and skinned.

Animals have always lived next to man - dogs, cats, poultry and many others. And we are always characterized by curiosity and curiosity, especially children. Noticing the behavior of animals, people shared these observations with each other, passed on knowledge from generation to generation. This is how proverbs and sayings about animals appeared. By the way, not only domestic tamed animals appear in these proverbs. The person was also interested in wild animals. Exist a large number of interesting proverbs and sayings about animals, many of which are collected in this section.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Without posture and horse cow.

A hornless cow will butt at least a bump.

Beat the dog, scolding the chicken.

It happens that a bear flies ... when they push it off a cliff.

There would be a mumps, there will be a bristle.

To be a bull on a string.

In the cold, the cat does not catch mice.

The donkey is great, but it carries water; the falcon is small, but they carry it on their hands.

The wolf sees the goat - he forgot the thunderstorm.

A wolf is a bad shepherd for sheep.

The wolf is not a friend to the horse.

Do not call the wolf to the dogs for help.

The wolf is not a shepherd, the pig is not a gardener.

Feet feed the wolf.

Have pity on the wolf - it will bite even more wickedly.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Sparrows chirp - nests curl.

The crow, although it flew over the sea, did not turn white.

Every cricket know your hearth.

Every mouse is afraid of a cat.

They say they milk the chickens.

The grief of one cancer only paints.

Give a chicken a bed - it will dig up the whole garden.

Two bears can't get along in the same den.

Two cats in one bag of friendship will not lead.

A good horse will not bring on a stump.

The sheep complained to the wolf about the bad life.

The crane flies high, sees far.

You couldn’t hold on to the mane - you can’t hold on to the tail.

For a mosquito with an ax, for a fly with a butt.

The fox started talking - drive the geese.

They carry the hare's legs, feed the wolf's teeth, protect the fox's tail.

The hare flies away from the fox, and the frog flies away from the hare.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

Know, cricket, your hearth.

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe.

And the frog can drown.

Cannons don't hit sparrows.

If the bush weren't sweet, the nightingale wouldn't make its nest.

Each hen praises its perch.

Each bird defends its nest.

Each fox lifts up its tail.

Each sandpiper in his swamp is great.

Each sandpiper praises his swamp.

No matter how you turn the dog, and the tail is behind.

When you fall in love, and the monkey will seem beautiful; when you do not love, and turn away from the lotus.

When the cat leaves, the mice come out to exercise.

The horse runs - the earth trembles.

The horse gives back with its hoof.

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

To beat a cow with a stick - do not drink milk.

Feed the cow more satisfying, the milk will be fatter.

The cat is only on mice and is brave.

Cats squabble - expanse for mice.

Approach the dog from behind, approach the horse from the front.

Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw.

Sandpiper and loon - two pair of boots.

Bite and mosquitoes for the time being.

Either spare the stern, or the horse.

Either a tuft of hay, or a pitchfork in the side.

The fox will cover everything with its tail.

The fox also counts chickens in a dream.

The fox will lead the seven wolves.

A fox is always fuller than a wolf.

The wolf catches, the wolf is caught.

The horse is a gift, and the spoon is a gift.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

Love is blind.

A small dog is a puppy until old age.

A monkey without a tail is still a monkey.

The master will pull out a chicken from a baked egg.

Aimed at a crow - hit a cow.

You can get along with a goat, if you stroke the fur.

Milk on the tongue of a cow.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

On its perch, the rooster is the strongest.

For lunch, the birdie is satisfied with the flies.

In the landfill of his rooster is the most important.

Put even a collar on a pig, everything will not be a horse.

Flies do not land on a whole egg.

Every day is not Sunday.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

Do not be afraid of a liar dog, but be afraid of a silent one.

The cricket is not big, but it sings loudly.

Not a great bird - a titmouse, but a clever one.

Do not believe the goat in the garden, and the wolf in the sheepfold.

Every day is not Sunday.

Not every dog ​​bites that barks.

Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive a horse with oats.

The wolf is not beaten because he is gray, but because he ate the sheep.

Not the first winter for the wolf to winter.

Don't be shy, sparrow.

Not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.

If you don't kill the snake, it will sting.

Do not teach a goat: she will pull it off the cart.

One swallow does not make spring.

He lagged behind the crows and did not stick to the new ones.

Sheep's tears will be shed to the wolf.

Cannons are not fired at sparrows.

Better sing well with a goldfinch than badly with a nightingale.

Involuntarily, the hare runs when there is nothing to fly on.

Put the pig at the table - she and her feet on the table.

Only crows fly straight.

The bird is small, but the claw is sharp.

The fish rots from the head.

To live with wolves - howl like a wolf.

With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.

From a black sheep, at least a tuft of wool.

The pig will find dirt.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

Lead cattle - do not open your mouth to walk.

The dog in the hay does not eat itself and does not give to others.

The dog does not know about the prosperity of his master.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Magpie on the tail brought.

The old fox digs with its stigma, and covers its tracks with its tail.

An old dog does not bark in vain.

A pack of jackals can bite a tiger.

The tiger, though fierce, will not eat its cubs.

A skinny dog ​​is a disgrace to the owner.

Do not look for a mustache in a goose - you will not find it.

A cow has milk on its tongue.

The white hare is good, and the hunter is brave.

A good horse, but eats withered grass.

A good blacksmith will forge a frog.

It is bad for the sheep, where the wolf is in the shepherds.

Through force, the horse does not jump.

The wolf senses where the prey is.

The cat smells whose meat it has eaten.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

Wool is sheared and skinned.