
Cold medicines. What medicines to take for a cold

Fever, fever, severe nasal congestion, febrile chills and weakness are obvious signs of a cold or flu. Their "season" is the cold season, they are evidence of the human body's vulnerability to acute respiratory viral infections and the virus. As a rule, the signs become apparent when it is difficult to resort to preventive measures. Is the disease in full swing? There are two ways to help cope with this trouble - visit a doctor or go to a pharmacy. Also, the patient has the right to buy medicine for colds and flu according to the recommendations of a medical specialist or choose pills on his own. It is not easy to understand the wide range of medicines and pills presented on pharmacy display cases in the “flu and cold remedies” section. To do this, you must first type the certificate and choose what seems more suitable.

Note! As a rule, the treatment of viral diseases and colds is usually limited to the use of the most advertised drugs. The easiest way to recover from an illness and return the rhythm of everyday work is to take medication. How correct is this approach? It is believed that anyone has a certain resource of strength and immunity, which disappears at a certain time. Even taking into account the widest range of medications available, you should not stop only at over-the-counter drugs - you should definitely contact a specialist. This is true not only in case of illness, but also in cases where prevention of the disease is necessary.

How to treat colds and flu?

Currently, there is no shortage in the spectrum of drugs that help with colds and viral diseases. They are classified according to some common features.

1. Group No. 1 - drugs for symptomatic treatment. Drugs in this category cope only with the symptoms of the disease: muscle pain, nasal congestion, headache, feeling of lethargy, loss of strength.

It is important to know which cold and flu preparations in this category are especially popular:

    Painkillers and antipyretics. They have a moderate analgesic effect and eliminate muscle and joint pain. Paracetamol and some other medicines, in which it is included, turned out to be in this category.

    Antihistamines. They are taken in order to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, eliminate inflammatory foci, and lacrimation. Often, with a cold, doctors opt for antihistamines such as Promethazine, Pheniramine, and Chlorphenamine.

    Vasoconstrictors. Their task is to relieve nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and nasal cavity. Phenylephrine is especially popular in this category.

The remedies cited as an example do not eliminate the causative agent of the disease, but successfully alleviate the painful symptoms. The recommended course of admission is 3-5 days.

2. Group No. 2 - drugs that affect the immune system and the virus. Drugs in this category are prescribed only if it is precisely established that the cause of the disease is a virus, which is the simplest form of life, an RNA or DNA molecule with a special protein shell. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs act as a way to destroy and preserve the cell itself, blocking the development of the pathogen.

Antiviral drugs are classified according to the mechanism of action, creating the following groups:

    Neuraminidase inhibitors (Zanamivir, Oseltamivir). These are the most effective medicines for influenza. They prevent the spread of the virus in the body, fight the symptoms of the disease, and also significantly reduce the risk of complications.

    M2 viral protein blockers (Amantadine, Rimantadine). They can be thought of as another category of type A antiviral drugs. They are rarely prescribed because they have many side effects.

    Interferon inductors (Arbidol, Amiksin, Groprinosin, Cycloferon). These drugs are based on interferon and have the ability to combine well with other antiviral drugs by enhancing their action. They are a stimulus for the production in the human body of a certain type of protein that contributes to the suppression of an infectious agent. Also, interferon inducers are an effective preventive measure in influenza epidemics.

What medicines are taken for the flu?

Influenza is an acute respiratory disease. Its basis is the causative agent-virus. The duration of the incubation period during which the disease develops is 2-5 days. At the end of this time period, the corresponding symptoms become apparent:


    Intolerable cough.


    Constant feeling of tiredness, weakness.


Influenza treatment is based on drug therapy. It is very important to adhere to bed rest, it is imperative to give up alcohol and smoking, increase the amount of drinking and take vitamins.

List of antiviral medicines for colds

The habit of Russians to delay the treatment of influenza and get sick "on their feet" leads to complications. About 40% of those who get the flu are at risk of getting bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, less often pyelonephritis, stomatitis and other diseases. Therefore, the appearance of chills, runny nose and other symptoms that resemble the flu should be a signal for the sick person to start treatment.

    Tamiflu. This drug is based on oseltamivir. It is prescribed for the need for the prevention and treatment of influenza in patients of different age categories.

    Grippferon. It is an effective remedy for diseases such as SARS and influenza. The main active ingredient in its composition is Interferon alfa-2b. It is allowed to be taken with a tendency to allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Relenza. The basic active ingredient of this drug is Zanamivir. Helps cure infection due to influenza type A or B.

    Amiksin. The composition of this drug includes Tiloron. The drug is recommended if it is necessary to treat viral hepatitis A, B and C, as well as cytomegalovirus and urogenital infections, SARS and influenza.

    Kagocel. This is a medicine that effectively treats and allows for the prevention of herpes, SARS and influenza. Suitable for adult and pediatric patients.

    Arbidol. The drug is an effective medicine in the treatment of diseases such as influenza A and B, its subtypes H1N1, H2N2, H3N2 and H5N1. In addition to this, it rids the body of some other ARVI pathogens (coronavirus, adenovirus, etc.).

Treatment of colds in pregnant women and children

Nuances in the treatment of diseases with various medications are considered to be a number of facts, not excluding childhood, pregnancy, lactation. Most often, they are on the list of contraindications for many contraindications for taking certain drugs. In this case, it is necessary to take a number of measures to still defeat diseases like influenza, SARS and colds in pregnant women and children. The first thing to do is to visit a doctor for a consultation. If the cold is insignificant, it is possible not to resort to drugs, opting for traditional medicine recipes. But in the case when the disease is caused by SARS or influenza caused by a virus, one should not take risks. It is best to build treatment on safe antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Groprinosin).

If the patient is in the pediatric age category, or is pregnant, medicines based on Paracetamol will help normalize body temperature. Cough is treated by Gedelix and Dr. Mom, and nasal congestion will disappear after using Pinosol.

We suggest relying on those funds that are included in the list of popular pills for the corresponding diseases, having previously read their instructions. The list is compiled with the condition that the reader can easily find out about the features of the medicines presented in it.

In addition, pay attention to articles that reveal the pros and cons of all antiviral agents:

    (for adults)

    (tables by age)

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician of the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, she has been working at the diagnostic center No. 3.

The common cold is considered the most common disease. This concept unites a large group of respiratory infections with extensive symptoms. People with weak immunity often face such a disease. Consider the causes and methods of treating the common cold.

The word "cold" means a whole list of diseases that are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The symptoms of this type of disease are almost the same. Infection occurs through household contacts, as well as through airborne droplets.

The virus manifests differently in each person. Some do not even notice the symptoms, while others endure a cold infection extremely hard. This applies to those who have a weakened immune system. The first day of a cold is almost always characterized by mild symptoms. The infection is usually classified according to the type of infection:

  1. bacterial. It can be transmitted not only through personal contact. Bacteria always live inside the body, with a weakening of the immune system, a pathological process develops.
  2. Viral. It is transmitted only through personal contact.

Viruses are the causative agents of infectious diseases. These include rhinoviruses, adenoviruses and reoviruses. A cold infection is markedly different from a bacterial infection. With a bacterial infection, the discharge becomes thick, and with a viral infection, it becomes clear and liquid.

If a cold infection is detected, treatment should be started.

Causes of a cold

The common cold is considered a widespread disease. It can be transmitted even with minimal contact with the pathogen. After the virus enters the shell of the respiratory tract, the pathological process begins to actively develop.

Weak immunity is the main reason why infection occurs. The best prevention will be measures aimed at stabilizing the immune system.

The symptoms of a cold can vary from person to person. Colds are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Chills. A person cannot warm up, despite all the measures taken.
  2. Runny nose. It is the main evidence of the presence of inflammation in the body. Runny nose is accompanied by liquid secretions of a transparent color. Nasal congestion is often accompanied by sneezing. With bacterial infection, the discharge becomes yellowish and becomes more viscous. With untimely treatment, complications develop in the form of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.
  3. Increase in body temperature. In most cases, the temperature becomes subfebrile and does not exceed 37.5 degrees. In rare cases, it rises to 38. If the high temperature lasts for more than three days, this may indicate the presence of complications.
  4. Pain and itching in the throat. It starts with uncomfortable sensations, which gradually flow into pain, aggravated by swallowing. With bacterial infection, the pain syndrome is more pronounced. Also, a white coating becomes noticeable on the tonsils.
  5. Weakness. Any infectious disease is accompanied by intoxication of the body. Leads to weakness, nausea, lethargy and malaise.
  6. Headaches. They have precise localization, most often appear in the temporal region. With complications, the headache becomes intense.
  7. Sore throat and cough. It can be both dry and wet. Dry cough in most cases indicates the flu.
  8. Pain in the chest. Often appear with a strong cough.

A cold is distinguished by: the absence of a high temperature of more than 38 degrees and a strong fever. This makes it easy to distinguish between cold and flu.

First steps to take if you have symptoms of a cold

When starting a cold, in order to avoid possible complications, it is necessary to start treatment and follow a number of rules presented in the table below.

Drink plenty of warm drinks. Drinks should be warm, but not hot. It is recommended to use freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks, as well as a sufficient amount of warm water. These measures are aimed at preventing dehydration.
Do not bring down the temperature with pills. If the temperature does not cause serious discomfort and does not exceed 38 degrees, it is not recommended to bring it down. An increase in temperature is a natural reaction of the body.
Rinse your throat. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day using a soda solution. Rinsing is necessary even if there is no pain. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add essential oils.
Steam your feet. The feet are soaked in mustard powder diluted in hot water at least once a day.

Timely measures taken will help to quickly get rid of the disease. But for a full recovery, these measures are not enough. Comprehensive treatment is required.

Many are interested in what? There are many ways to treat a cold. Effectively use both medications and folk remedies.

Antiviral antibiotics are aimed at eliminating the cause of the infection. These include drugs Aflubin, Cycloferon, Arbidol, Grippferon and Immudon. It is not recommended to take such medications on their own, as they have contraindications and side effects. Before use, you must consult a doctor.

Ceftriaxone, Augmentin or Levofloxacin is used to eliminate infection in the respiratory tract. In the presence of herpes, topical preparations are used. These include Doconazole and Gerpevir.

Aerosols are used to treat coughs and sore throats. They have practically no contraindications, therefore they are allowed for independent use without a doctor's prescription.

In most cases, but sometimes it is better to contact a medical facility. This is recommended in the following cases:

  1. The skin developed a rash and redness.
  2. Chills and high fever persist for more than three days.
  3. Elderly age from 60 years, as well as children's age up to 3 years.
  4. The presence of a severe headache that is not stopped by painkillers.
  5. Severe pain in the chest.
  6. Severe pain in the throat.
  7. The presence of serious diseases (such as diabetes and oncological processes).

Often, not only adults, but also children suffer from colds and flu. However, not all cold medicines are approved for use in children. Fortunately, there is a children's form of AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which is approved for use in children from 3 years old. Like the adult form of AntiGrippin, it consists of three components - paracetamol, which has an antipyretic effect, chlorphenamine, which facilitates breathing through the nose, reduces the feeling of nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, itching and redness of the eyes, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is involved in regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, increases the body's resistance. one

How to cure a cold in 1-2 days

For one day, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Treatment should begin when discomfort occurs. At this stage, it is important to stock up on necessary medicines, fresh fruits, herbs and warm water.
  2. Therapy is better to start with the adoption of Arbidol. This remedy is an "ambulance" for infectious diseases.
  3. In the absence of appetite, you can not eat by force. The diet is limited to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as light cereals and soups.
  4. Drink plenty of water and any other liquid. Water perfectly fights the process of intoxication and helps the body recover faster. It is better to give preference to fruit drinks and natural juices, as these drinks will help make up for the lack of vitamins and other useful elements.
  5. The room in which the patient is located must be regularly ventilated. The air must be purified from viruses, otherwise a relapse of the disease is possible. At night, the air in the room should be clean. Onion will help get rid of a cold if you place it throughout the room.
  6. Do not try to bring down the temperature as soon as possible. It can be knocked down only if the patient's condition worsens and he is unable to endure.
  7. Apply essential oils on a napkin and periodically inhale their aroma. This helps relieve nasal congestion.
  8. Aloe juice is widely used for the effective treatment of colds. It can be consumed up to 5 times a day.
  9. At night, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of honey.

It is possible to recover quickly if you give up bad habits and start restoring immunity. To improve the effect, it is recommended to take special vitamin-mineral complexes. When you feel better, you can not immediately stop treatment. The entire course of therapy must be completed correctly.

Many people prefer to be treated with folk methods. But it should be borne in mind that such treatment can not always replace the use of special medications. With a severe cold, it is necessary to take antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory drugs; therapy with folk remedies cannot give a similar result.

Traditional medicine has a good effect with an integrated approach, as well as for preventive purposes. There are many ways to treat. The main ones are shown in the table.

Decoction of apples and honey Apples are boiled, one or two tablespoons of natural honey are added to the strained broth. The product is cooled, then gradually consumed throughout the day.
Drinking carrot juice Freshly prepared carrot juice is mixed with a clove of garlic. It is necessary to drink the drink in small portions.
Onion and milk drink Boiling milk is mixed with finely chopped onions. Then leave to infuse for 60-90 minutes in a dark place. The resulting product is filtered. Warm up before use.
Decoction of currant leaves The leaves are crushed and poured with boiling water. The broth is filtered, left to cool, after which it can be drunk during the day.
Onion inhalations The onion is crushed, then the wings of the nose are rubbed with the resulting mass. Onions are folded into gauze or a cloth and kept at the nose for no more than one hour.
Decoction of berry leaves Leaves of raspberry, wild rose and lingonberry are used. The components are mixed and poured with boiling water. After cooling, honey or sugar is added to the broth if desired.
wine recipe A mug of hot tea is mixed with half a glass of red wine. Add raspberry jam. Take hot.
Butter Recipe Sunflower oil is heated in a water bath, finely chopped onion or garlic is added to it. Let it brew for half an hour, after which it is consumed in small portions.

The above recipes contribute to a quick recovery if applied correctly. There are many methods of treating a cold in traditional medicine, all kinds of components are used. In most cases, recipes involve the use of improvised substances, so this method of treatment is available to everyone.

It is easy and convenient to be treated with folk methods. In addition, such methods have a great advantage - the absence of side effects and negative effects on the body. To get rid of a runny nose and eliminate nasal congestion, the following components are used, presented in the table.

Fir oil Gently drip a small drop of oil into each nostril. Daily use of the oil helps to recover faster.
Aloe The aloe leaf is cut into small pieces, after which the juice is squeezed out of it. You can bury in the nose up to 6 times a day.
Sea salt A small amount of salt dissolves in a glass of warm water. The resulting solution rinses the nose at least 3 times a day. This method helps to quickly get rid of nasal congestion.
cabbage juice Finely chop the white cabbage, then squeeze the juice out of it. Bury in the nose 2-3 times.
drops of garlic Finely chop the garlic, pour it with any sunflower oil. The mixture should be infused for a day, after which a small amount should be dripped into the nostrils.
Beet juice Grate the beets and squeeze out the juice with cheesecloth. You can bury in the nose as much as you like, there are no restrictions on the number of times.
Warming up with salt Heat sea or ordinary salt in a pan, then pour into a bag and apply to the wings of the nose.

For those who want to be treated in folk ways, there are many recipes. They are aimed at eliminating all the symptoms of a cold, while they have no contraindications. If drug treatment does not bring improvements, then the following methods should be added to it.

Boil the lemon for 10-15 minutes, then cool and squeeze all the juice out of it. Add a small amount of glycerin, which is intended for internal use. Then add honey and mix well. Leave the mixture for two to three hours, then consume in small portions.
Turmeric with honey Turmeric and honey are mixed in the same proportions, use a thick mass of a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
Horseradish Horseradish is finely rubbed on a grater, then wrapped in gauze or a rag and applied to the chest.
Mustard oil Heat the oil and lubricate the chest with it, then put on warm clothes.
radish Coarsely grate or cut, add sugar. Squeeze out the juice and take it as a cough syrup.
Milk with butter Melt a piece of butter and add to a glass of milk. Drink at night, it will help cure the cough.
Decoction of dates Boil dates for 30 minutes in water or milk. Eat the fruits separately, and consume the decoction throughout the day in small portions.
Honey Honey is one of the most effective cold remedies. Cough use one teaspoon at night.

Those who decide to be treated with folk methods should remember that a cold can cause complications. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use traditional medicine as an alternative to medicines. Treatment in such ways is allowed only as part of complex therapy.

Possible complications of colds

If the treatment was carried out incorrectly or started out of time, then the following complications are possible:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Pneumonia.
  3. The emergence of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  4. Degenerative changes in the joints.
  5. Sinusitis.

To avoid this, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to treatment. If you notice a deterioration in the condition, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of diseases is much easier than their treatment. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of a cold infection, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Often be in the fresh air and regularly ventilate the room. Air has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthens it. Frequent walks in the fresh air increase resistance to viral and bacterial pathogens. It is also recommended to use humidifiers indoors, since dry air is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Drink plenty of clean water. It is responsible for many processes in the body, so it is considered normal for an adult to drink at least two liters per day. Water normalizes metabolic processes, fights the symptoms of intoxication, promotes the rapid removal of microorganisms and removes their waste products. Water is the most accessible medicine.
  3. Use essential oils. They have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended to regularly arrange home aromatherapy sessions using essential oils. They are one of the most effective means not only for the prevention, but also for their treatment of colds. From essential oils, it is better to give preference to fir, rosemary and a mixture of various oils.
  4. Stick to a proper and balanced diet. It is better to give up fatty, fried and sweet foods. If it is impossible to refuse completely, then it is necessary to minimize their use. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals and light soups. These products contain a large amount of vitamins and macronutrients that strengthen the immune system and help avoid the cold.
  5. To live an active lifestyle. At least minimal physical education strengthens the body as a whole, making it strong and resistant to various viruses.
  6. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages negatively affect the immune system, weakening all the protective functions of the body.

You should always remember about preventive measures. The best prevention is a healthy lifestyle. In this case, the immune system will always be normal and effectively fight any viruses, preventing the development of the disease.


1 Instructions for the medical use of the drug AntiGrippin.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Updated: 24.09.2018 16:07:07

Judge: Boris Kaganovich

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

When a person, coming to a pharmacy, asks for something “for a cold”, then such a question will not take an experienced pharmacist by surprise. In any pharmacy there will always be interferon inducers, antipyretics, sputum thinners and other medicines that a person with a respiratory viral infection and a cold needs. But even in such a situation, a pharmacy worker will definitely ask what symptoms are observed and advise choosing a drug based on the patient's complaints, although, according to the law, pharmacy employees should not advise, this should be done by a doctor. And that's why.

Usually the most banal cold that occurs due to hypothermia or lack of immunity is caused by viruses that are tropic to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. For example, these are adenoviruses and similar reoviruses and rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus. But in some cases, it may be SARS, and the debut of influenza in an unfavorable epidemiological situation.

If the patient, even with a common cold, has been ill for several days, then the bacterial flora joins the viruses, and then in typical cases the temperature rises again, a wet cough appears, and mucopurulent or even purulent sputum begins to depart. In this case, it is already necessary to prescribe antibiotics, call a doctor, and treat a bacterial complication of a cold. In order not to bring the situation to complications, it is recommended to treat ARVI starting from the first day. What cold medicines can help with this, and what products are currently available to fight viruses, high fever, and can be used in adults and children? This rating contains the most popular and effective means for these purposes. And the first of them will be considered etiotropic agents, or drugs aimed at combating infectious agents.

Rating of the best remedies for colds and flu

Nomination place Name of product price
Best antivirals for colds 1 1 073 ₽
2 285 ₽
3 380 ₽
4 166 ₽
5 173 ₽
The best antipyretics for colds 1 94 ₽
2 155 ₽
3 49 ₽
Best Cold Remedies for Adults 1 179 ₽
2 216
3 372 ₽
The Best Cold Remedies for Kids 1 89 ₽
2 149 ₽
3 306 ₽

Best antivirals for colds

Currently, there are several groups of antiviral drugs. First of all, these are vaccines, but they are not suitable for the treatment of acute diseases, but only for their prevention and prevention.

Also, drugs are used that prevent the development of a viral infection, blocking specific enzymes of the pathogen that prevent its penetration into cells, or reproduction, or replication of viral particles. On sale there are drugs that stimulate the immune system and promote the production of interferons by the patient's body, which have antiviral activity, reduce the symptoms of colds and SARS. It is the last two groups of funds that are presented in the rating. And since the flu is one of the most dangerous and serious diseases that begins very similar to SARS, the first remedy presented in the rating will be the highly effective antiviral drug Tamiflu.

Tamiflu (Influcein, Tamides)

Tamiflu is a monopreparation, that is, a remedy with a single, but very effective component. This is oseltamivir. Its mechanism of action is based on blocking one of the influenza virus aggression enzymes, which is called neuraminidase. The task of this enzyme is to facilitate the release of newly created viral particles in the human body from the affected cells. Therefore, Tamiflu can be considered a means of pathogenetic treatment, but not any SARS or colds, but only “suspicious” flu. Indications for use as an exception will be the treatment of an acute respiratory viral infection that occurs during the epidemic influenza season, which is more severe than the common cold.

This is a situation when the patient immediately and clearly manifests on the first or second day not only fever, and catarrhal manifestations in the nasopharynx, but there is pronounced weakness and loss of strength, there is a headache, and diffuse myalgia, or muscle pain.

The second indication of this drug is the specific prevention of influenza. If there was an outbreak of influenza in a school, in a team, then everyone else should use this drug in order to avoid illness.

Tamiflu is used with or without food. The course of treatment for adults, as well as for children over 12 years of age, is one tablet 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 5 days. It is necessary to start treatment no later than the second day after the onset of typical symptoms. It is not necessary to increase the dose even with a severe course of the disease, since this will not lead to an increase in the expected effect.

For prevention, this remedy is taken one tablet 1 time per day for a week. The conditions for taking it are exactly the same: after a possible dangerous contact, no more than 2 days should pass, otherwise the effectiveness of the drug will drop sharply. This wonderful and very effective drug is produced by Hoffmann la Roche from Switzerland, and its cost will be the highest in our rating. The average price of one package of 10 capsules, just calculated for a course of admission for 5 days, is 1.170 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Tamiflu is its high efficiency, recognized by the international clinical community, which can significantly reduce the duration and severity of the infection, and also dramatically increases the patient's chances of not getting the flu. But, such efficiency is occasionally accompanied by side effects. Most often it is nausea and single vomiting. They appear on the first day, and then pass without any additional changes in the intake or discontinuation of the drug.

Unfortunately, in most cases, people in the first two days after the onset of symptoms are not inclined to immediately spend more than 1,000 rubles on a highly effective drug, and this can only be done by someone who is initially sure that he has the flu, or immediately, on the first day, called a doctor for house. Therefore, if there is no epidemic situation in the area, and it is not a "season", then this drug should not be taken. To accept it, there must be a reasoned decision.

Grippferon refers to immune preparations that contain a highly effective protective interferon, alfa-2b. Interferon is considered a highly effective antiviral therapy, it is produced in the human body. If endogenous interferon is not enough, then it is introduced from the outside, being a means of passive immune treatment of ARVI and the common cold.

Grippferon is indicated for various acute respiratory viral infections, for influenza, as well as for prevention. For example, during the epidemic season and the height of the flu and SARS, the preventive use of Grippferon as a means of prevention in public places in combination with a disposable mask can reliably protect any person from SARS and influenza, and other "colds" diseases. It is produced in the form of a nasal spray and drops, Grippferon is used in three dosages in each nasal passage no more than 6 times a day for adults. For prophylactic purposes, this drug is prescribed one dose in each nasal passage 2 times a day.

Grippferon is produced in the form of a nasal spray by the domestic company Firn, and the average cost of one package of 10 ml is 340 rubles. In addition, Grippferon is also available in the form of nasal drops, and the cost of one bottle of the same volume is 260 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using Grippferon include great convenience, low price and no overdose. Also, this remedy can be used for colds and SARS, starting from birth, with dose adjustment. The disadvantages of this drug include the recommendation not to combine it with vasoconstrictor drops, as this can cause drying of the nasal mucosa. Also, there are no large and international studies that would unequivocally speak about its effectiveness, all studies were conducted in Russia and on a small number of subjects.

Ingavirin is considered a monopreparation, it contains imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid. A substance with such a complex name enhances the production of interferon receptors, which increases the sensitivity of cells to signals that stimulate the immune response. As a result, interferon has a more complete effect, viruses are more quickly excreted from the body, the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and colds and the duration of the disease are reduced. Against the background of taking Ingavirin, the risk of complications is reduced. Viruses such as influenza and parainfluenza pathogens, enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, Coxsackie viruses and their other representatives are sensitive to Ingavirin.

This drug is indicated both for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections caused by viruses in adults and children from 13 years of age. It is necessary to use Ingavirin for treatment once, 90 mg per day, for a week. For prevention, the dosage is exactly the same, it does not change. It is produced by the domestic company Valenta, and the cost of a package of 7 capsules, designed for a course weekly intake, averages 500 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Ingavirin include convenient intake, since most drugs with antiviral activity must be used several times a day, convenient packaging designed for a course of both treatment and prevention, and a mild physiological effect. It does not introduce any chemical substance into the body, but simply increases the activity of hereditary mechanisms, activates genes and increases the production of certain cellular structures - receptors. Also, Ingavirin is not metabolized in the body, and does not affect chronic diseases. However, there are some contraindications to it - it is not used for SARS in pregnant women, in nursing mothers, and also in children under the age of 13 years.

The antiviral drug Arbidol, from the point of view of pharmaceutical chemistry, is called umifenovir, and it is indicated for influenza, SARS, as well as for symptoms of rotavirus diarrhea, and to create immunity against influenza. The tool produces, in addition to antiviral, also an immunostimulating effect. Arbidol is available in capsules, tablets and powder for suspension. It is necessary to use Arbidol for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and colds - one capsule twice a week for a month, and for treatment - one capsule every 6 hours for 5 days. Arbidol is produced by the domestic company Pharmstandard, and the cost of 10 capsules of 50 mg, or 10 single doses, averages 160 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most pronounced advantages of Arbidol in the prevention of SARS. It then needs to be taken only twice a week, for example, on Tuesday and Thursday. For treatment, it is used, of course, much more often, but even then one package of the drug is enough for two and a half days of treatment. And two packs will be enough for the entire course, and at the same time its cost will not exceed 320 rubles. Sufficient efficiency and affordable price makes it possible for this drug to participate in the rating of antiviral agents for ARVI.

Finally, in conclusion, we will consider a drug that, at first glance, has nothing to do with ARVI pathogens. This is acyclovir, aka Zovirax. Yes, this remedy only works on herpes viruses. But it often happens that a respiratory viral infection that occurs against a background of reduced immunity leads to the activation of a herpes infection, which immediately “spills out” on the patient’s lips. If no action is taken, then such rashes against the background of reduced immunity can appear in the area of ​​​​the external auditory canal, and cause an extremely unpleasant neurological complication - Bell's palsy, or paresis of the facial nerve. Therefore, with herpes during a cold, it is necessary to fight immediately after its slightest occurrence.

For this, there is acyclovir cream, or Zovirax. After the first appearance of burning sensation, discomfort and the appearance of blisters, it is necessary to immediately, every 4 hours, or 5 times a day, apply this cream to the affected area, as well as to the surrounding intact skin. The course of treatment is at least 4 days. Zovirax cream is inexpensive, one small 5-gram tube on average costs about 180 rubles. It is produced by the English pharmaceutical company Glaxosmithkline.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using Zovirax in local forms include their rapid action, blocking the spread of herpes infection to other areas of the skin, the "spreading" of the rash in the projection of nerve fibers, as well as good tolerance. The disadvantages include the impossibility of prevention when using local forms of drugs, such as ointment and cream. But, nevertheless, antiherpes drugs should always be in the same medicine cabinet with the means for the treatment of a respiratory viral infection. Indeed, as practice shows, in 10-15% of cases, herpes is activated during SARS, and you need to be prepared for this.

The best antipyretics for colds

There are some restrictions, or rather wishes, to the use of antipyretics. Everyone knows that it is necessary to bring down the temperature only when it reaches at least 38.5 degrees. In some recommendations, you can read that only a temperature of about 39 degrees and above should need treatment with antipyretic drugs, and this is correct. If a person is healthy in principle, and he does not have chronic lesions of the heart, blood vessels, no arterial hypertension, he does not suffer from epilepsy, then these recommendations can and should be tried to be followed. If the patient has diseases, increased convulsive activity, or intolerance to high temperature, then he needs to start taking antipyretic drugs, starting with a temperature of 38 degrees, and even lower. But, even against the background of an increase in fever, it is necessary to drink as much warm and vitamin liquid as possible, and in some cases, use physical methods, such as rubbing. Currently, there are many effective antipyretic drugs based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most effective and popular ones are listed below.

The drug Ibuklin, produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddis, is considered a highly effective combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol. Each of them in itself is already capable of exerting an antipyretic effect, and in combination they work even better. Blood antipyretic effect, this drug also helps to relieve pain, for example, with diffuse muscle pain during the flu, with a headache that often accompanies SARS. It is necessary to apply Ibuklin 2 hours after eating, one tablet three times a day, but not more than 3 tablets. Without a doctor's prescription, you can be treated for no more than 3 days, and then only after consulting a doctor. The cost of the drug Ibuklin, containing 10 tablets in one package, designed for 3 days of use, is, on average, 130 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this tool include high activity, ease of use and inexpensive price. But each of the components has side effects and contraindications. Most often they appear in patients with stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis, in the form of nausea, heartburn and vomiting. There may be headache, skin rash, sweating, and other side effects. Therefore, it is still advisable to consult a doctor before starting the reception, and if this is not possible, then you should not use Ibuklin on your own for longer than 3 days.

Efferalgan - effervescent tablets

Efferalgan contains paracetamol, and is perhaps the leader in the ratings of antipyretic drugs in terms of its safety. No wonder so many different commercial forms of paracetamol are available for use in children. Efferalgan contains 500 mg of paracetamol and is available in capsules and effervescent tablets for adults. In addition to lowering the temperature, Efferalgan also has an analgesic effect, so along the way it treats diffuse muscle pain with flu, reduces sore throat, and reduces the severity of headaches. All of these symptoms are also often present in respiratory viral infections.

It is necessary to use Efferalgan by dissolving one effervescent tablet in a glass of warm water, and the daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets in an adult, and the maximum single dose should not be more than two tablets. But usually, in uncomplicated cases, a daily dose of 3 g works very well for the patient. Without a doctor's prescription, it is not recommended to use this drug for more than 3 days as an antipyretic. Produces Efferalgan pharmaceutical company Upsa, a derivative of Bristol-Myers Squibb, France. The average cost of one package of 16 effervescent tablets, designed for more than five days of administration, does not exceed 150 rubles in a retail pharmacy chain in September 2018 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of Efferalgan is its good tolerance, mildness of action, wide therapeutic range, as well as the ability to use it in children, for whom it is available in the form of rectal suppositories, oral solution and powder. Also, low cost is a fairly effective argument in favor of choosing this drug. However, overdose symptoms are possible, especially if the patient has liver pathology. This is manifested primarily by nausea and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Also, the drug can cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions and dizziness. But these symptoms are dose dependent, and if the patient does not exceed the recommended dosage of 3 g per day, then these conditions occur very rarely.

Cefekon-N is a special antipyretic agent, since it is produced in rectal suppositories, but it is used not in children, but in adults. The composition of Cefecon-N includes the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen, which is relatively rarely used in clinical practice. In addition, candles contain caffeine and salicylamide. In the aggregate of effects, these candles anesthetize, reduce the temperature, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The presence of caffeine invigorates, reduces drowsiness, has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs, and reduces the symptoms of a primary allergic reaction in ARVI. This drug is shown as a common antipyretic for banal colds. It is necessary to use Cefekon-N after a morning bowel movement, by inserting one suppository deep into the rectum from one to three times a day, and after this manipulation it is necessary to lie down quietly for half an hour. You can use this remedy on your own, but not longer than 3 days. The domestic pharmaceutical concern Nizhpharm produces Cefekon-N in candles, and the average cost of one package of 10 candles is about 120 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cefecon-N is the drug indicated, albeit with caution, for patients with erosive-ulcerative gastritis and gastric ulcer, since it is applied rectally and does not irritate the gastric mucosa. In addition, due to the caffeine contained in it, the remedy reduces daytime sleepiness and a feeling of weakness, which often occurs in the early days of both flu and SARS. Also, this tool is widely distributed, and has a low price. But it must be remembered that the drug is contraindicated in patients with high blood pressure, with renal failure, with insomnia and angle-closure glaucoma. That is why it is advisable to consult a specialist before starting treatment.

Symptomatic therapy

Turning to the means of symptomatic treatment, we can say that the antipyretic drugs described above also belong to this group of drugs, but they were singled out separately because of their particular popularity. Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, and, above all, dangerous flu, consist of high fever, a feeling of weakness and headache, nasal congestion, or, conversely, dryness. Sometimes with viral infections, rhinorrhea occurs, or the well-known "snot". The patient is worried about dry cough, and general weakness.

Therefore, to combat these unpleasant symptoms with a cold, such groups of drugs as antipyretics and analgesics to combat fever and symptoms of intoxication, sprays and solutions to moisturize the nasal mucosa and anticongestants to eliminate rhinorrhea, sputum thinners, as well as drugs for effective her removal. Medicines belonging to these categories will be discussed in this section. Most of them can be used in both adults and children. But still, the rating of drugs for treating the symptoms of a cold in children includes those drugs that are indicated for use in childhood, and the dosage of which is selected in a special way to be used in pediatric practice.

Best Cold Remedies for Adults

To treat the symptoms of a cold in adults, the entire arsenal of modern drugs is used, but this rating includes those drugs that do not have an antipyretic effect, since these drugs were discussed above. But the list will still include a drug that reduces, among other things, the symptoms of fever. And let's start with a review of just such a tool. This is a well-known effective anti-cold drug Theraflu.

Theraflu for flu and colds contains 4 effective ingredients. This is paracetamol from the NSAID group, which has antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects, alpha-adrenomimetic phenylephrine, histamine receptor blocker pheniramine, and vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Such a unique combination of constituent components allows, in addition to the antipyretic and analgesic effect of Theraflu, to have an anti-allergic and anti-edematous effect. As a result, the remedy will be indicated not only for a respiratory viral infection, with symptoms of fever, intoxication, and aches throughout the body. Theraflu successfully fights nasal congestion, sneezing and runny nose. Therefore, in the event that there is a full range of such symptoms, then you can save on medicines, since Theraflu for flu and colds is a whole “small pharmacy”.

Theraflu is used by dissolving 1 sachet in a glass of hot boiled water, and you also need to take it hot. During the day, you can take no more than three packages. It will be most comfortable to take the remedy if you take it at night, since the antihistamine that is part of Theraflu has a sedative effect. Theraflu for flu and colds is produced by the French company Farmat, and the average cost of one package of 10 packages, designed for 3 days of use, is about 290 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big benefit from acquiring this drug will be the fact that for less than 300 rubles you get a whole range of drugs. It is an analgesic, antipyretic, nasal drop substitute, and allergy medicine (itchy nose and sneezing). However, the downside of this good cold medicine can be side effects such as drowsiness, allergic rashes, dry mouth, abdominal discomfort, reflex urinary retention, and other unpleasant symptoms associated with a side effect of histamine receptor blockers. But on the other hand, if you do not exceed the recommended dosages, and use only one sachet at night, then this can significantly alleviate the course of a cold and SARS.

Otrivin complex is a modern and highly effective combined anticongestant. These are, in simple terms, nose drops in the form of a nasal spray. The composition of the drug includes ipratropium bromide and xylometazoline. As a result, the agent has not only a vasoconstrictor effect, but also an anticholinergic effect. From the action of xylometazoline, a narrowing of the capillaries of the nasal mucosa occurs, which reduces swelling and hyperemia, and facilitates nasal breathing. And ipratropium bromide reduces the severity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and as a result, rhinorrhea stops. The tool acts within 5 minutes, the effect of a single application lasts at least 6 hours.

Otrivin complex is shown, as a rule, on the 2nd and 3rd day of the disease, when catarrhal phenomena join the symptoms of malaise and colds. Sometimes it happens the other way around: at the beginning, a person begins to experience nasal congestion and only then a general malaise occurs, so there is no single recipe for use here. For adults, the agent is injected into each nostril 3 times a day. Otrivin complex should not be used again more often than after 6 hours, and the indicated number of intranasal instillations should not be exceeded more than 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is not more than 7 days without a doctor's recommendation. The Otrivin complex is produced by the Swiss company Novartis, and one 10 ml spray package will cost 225 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this highly effective drug will be the speed of action and duration, therefore, despite the relatively high price for intranasal drops, they are used very sparingly. However, in order to avoid the development of adverse reactions, the recommended dosage should not be exceeded, otherwise, such unpleasant symptoms as tachycardia, dryness of the nasal mucosa or burning sensation up to nosebleeds, dry mouth, and difficulty urinating may appear. This is all a consequence of the side effects of both an adrenomimetic and an anticholinergic in a high dosage. Therefore, if the patient initially has chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, other diseases, for example, chronic renal failure, then a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Flutidec (carbocysteine)

In a typical course of acute respiratory viral infections, patients begin to cough after a few days, and then measures must be taken to evacuate accumulated sputum from the lungs, as well as increase its formation in order to avoid stagnation and infection of the mucosa no longer with viruses, but with microbes. Therefore, mucolytics and expectorants are used to prevent bacterial bronchitis. And such drugs include a highly effective drug - carbocysteine ​​​​under the commercial name Fluditec. It comes in the form of a syrup and is produced by the French company Innotek.

Its task is to activate a special bronchial enzyme called sialic transferase. As a result, the fluidity of the bronchial secretion improves, and its discharge to the outside is facilitated. Along the way, this drug increases the secretion of class A immunoglobulins, which help in the fight against microbial infection.

Fluditec is indicated for bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, as well as for the treatment of various diseases of the sinuses of the skull, such as sinusitis, and in the pathology of the middle ear. Adults need to take the drug 15 ml of syrup 3 times a day, the best would be an hour before a meal, or 2 hours after a meal. Without consulting a doctor, you can take the drug yourself for no more than 10 days. The cost of 125 ml of syrup containing 5% carbocysteine ​​is, on average, 380 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of this drug is its combined effect not only on the bronchial secret, which manifests itself in an increase in its fluidity, but also in strengthening the local protection of the surface of the bronchial mucosa by increasing the concentration of secretory immunoglobulin A. Therefore, it is carbocysteine ​​​​(Flutidek) that is best able to prevent the transition bronchitis and cough in ARVI to microbial colonization of disturbed structures of the bronchial tree, preventing the development of secondary bronchitis.

The Best Cold Remedies for Kids

As you know, there are no special medicines for children that adults would not use, since both the body of a child and the body of an adult are based on the same physiological and biochemical principles. It's just that children's drugs have no contraindications for taking in childhood, and their dosages are specially selected in such a way that the therapeutic agent is absorbed by the child's body, without exceeding the dose. Finally, a convenient dosage form can be considered a feature of a children's remedy: either in candles, or in the form of a suspension, or in the form of a delicious fruit syrup. The most popular and loved by all parents remedy for colds will be children's Nurofen. This is where the review begins.

Children's Nurofen contains a mildly acting and relatively safe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen, and it is indicated for babies with pain syndrome, with fever with chills, with catarrhal phenomena in the throat, with muscle pain and with acute infections of the respiratory tract, not to mention influenza and SARS . The suspension is available with an orange smell, or with the smell of strawberries, and it is necessary to apply it depending on the age of the baby. The earliest period in a child's life when this can be done is three months of age. But, whatever the age and body weight of the child, more than 30 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight should not be given per day. So, children aged 1 year, who weigh about 9 kg, should not be given more than 10 ml of suspension per day, and a single dose should be 2.5 ml, three or four times a day. Detailed instructions are included with the product. Nurofen for children is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Rakitt Benzikker, Great Britain, and the average cost of one 150 ml suspension bottle will be 180 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Nurofen can be considered high safety, and a mild antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but only if the parents do not exceed the recommended dosages. In addition, there are clear contraindications, one of which is the combination of bronchial asthma in a child with aspirin intolerance, renal failure, or congenital disorders of blood clotting. Therefore, it is advisable to get the recommendations of the attending pediatrician before the first use of the product. Also, the drug should not be given to a child whose body weight is less than 5 kg.

Viferon in candles is a popular remedy for increasing immunity in a child. The main active ingredient of Viferon is recombinant interferon Alpha-2b in combination with vitamins: alpha-tocopherol, and ascorbic acid. Viferon is used for the complex therapy of various infectious diseases, starting from the first days of a baby's life, and both for treatment and prevention. Viferon is used not only for acute respiratory viral infections, but also for other infections, including childhood: measles, whooping cough, mumps and others.

It is necessary to use Viferon rectal suppositories one suppository twice a day, that is, after 12 hours. The course of treatment is at least 5 days, and candles have different dosages, from 150 thousand units to 3 million. Therefore, the primary recommendation for the use of this drug in a child should be given by a doctor, at the choice of an individual dosage. Viferon is produced in candles by the domestic company Feron. The cost of one package of candles (10 pcs) in a minimum dosage of 150,000 units is, on average, 250 rubles. It is necessary to store Viferon candles in the refrigerator.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of these combined immune suppositories is the ability to use them in children with a variety of diseases, starting from the period of prematurity. They help not only with SARS, but also with manifestations of a herpes infection, with childhood viral diseases such as chickenpox and measles, they can be used for prevention. The disadvantage of this drug may be an insufficiently large number of randomized trials, and the lack of experience in the use of this drug abroad.

In children, as well as in adults, one of the first symptoms of respiratory viral infections and colds is nasal congestion and swelling, rhinorrhea. But in children, the water content in the body is greater, the mucosa becomes looser than in adults, and the symptoms of congestion are more pronounced.

The most popular and safest of all means that are indicated for irrigation of the nasal mucosa for colds in children is pure sea water. It contains all the necessary salts, iodine for disinfection, and the most typical representative of such natural medicines is Aqua Maris baby. It is intended for washing and irrigating the nasal cavity in children. Aqua Maris Baby is used for all acute respiratory viral infections, bacterial infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis, allergic lesions, dry mucous membranes, dusty air, and other wide range of indications.

It is necessary to use Aqua Maris baby for washing each stroke, on average, 5 times a day, daily in the treatment of colds, and for prevention - 3 times a day. In the event that the child has not yet reached the age of two, then a special explanation is attached to the instructions on how to properly rinse the child's nose.

Sea water is produced in a special metal bottle, which is under pressure, and the volume of the bottle is 50 ml. It is produced by the French company Jadran, and the average cost of this spray is 290 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This spray would be good for everyone, if not for its very high price. According to the producers, "water is taken from an ecologically clean region of the Adriatic Sea, from a depth of more than 10 m." But in any case, the cost of 50 ml of even the purest sea water should not be 5 times the cost of a liter of milk, even taking into account retail laws. This fact is a significant psychological barrier for many categories of parents. And at the same time, they will not spare any money for medicines for the health of the baby, but they are not going to spend on water. But in the event that this barrier is avoided, then this remedy will be an excellent substitute for anticongestants containing adrenomimetics and other substances that have side effects.

About mucolytics for children

In the rating of drugs for colds for adults, a mucolytic - carbocysteine ​​​​was named. According to modern international studies, it has been proven that mucolytics should not be used in babies. These include acylcysteine, Ambroxol, Bromhexine and many others. It turned out that many children experienced severe complications after regular use, and since April 2010, mucolytics for children have been banned in some countries, in particular, in France. According to modern and undeniable data, such simple activities as a plentiful warm vitamin drink, washing the nasal passages, and regular humidification of the air in the room can get rid of sputum with the same efficiency, but without any risk.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.


A cold can overtake each of us when it is completely unacceptable to get sick. When you want to be as focused and full of energy as possible, suddenly starts to flow from the nose, sore throat. They are followed by sneezing, coughing, accompanied by weakness, high fever. In this situation, urgent action is required. A quick-acting cold remedy will get you back on your feet in time.

How to quickly cure a cold at home

The key to quick healing is the application of all necessary measures at the first alarm bell. If the disease arose for an obvious reason, due to inattention to immunity or hypothermia, and the symptoms are not a manifestation of the flu virus, then you can use the following tips for home treatment and quick-acting cold remedies.

  1. Measure the temperature. If the mark on the scale has not reached 38 degrees, then you should not drink antipyretics for colds.
  2. Vitamin C. At the beginning of the disease, a large dose of ascorbic acid will effectively help the body with a cold for a speedy recovery. The best option would be an effervescent vitamin - it is absorbed faster and warms. Five oranges a day will be a natural alternative to pills or capsules and will help cure a cold.
  3. Drink plenty of water, tea, compotes, fruit drinks. They must be warm, this will help remove toxins, which is important for colds.
  4. Sleep as much as possible. After drinking a warm drink and crawling under the covers, putting on warm socks and clothes, sleep as much as possible. Sweating during sleep is an important element in the recovery from a cold. It is better to observe bed rest in the hospital.
  5. If it is not possible to observe bed rest during an illness, one has to deal with weakness, and there can be no talk of effective work and concentration of attention. To avoid such a situation, it is worth paying attention to cold medicines, which are effective not only against symptoms, but also against general weakness. For example, the modern anti-cold drug Influnet helps to get rid of the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, but also due to the succinic acid included in its composition, it helps to cope with lethargy and loss of strength.
  6. The room should be well ventilated.
  7. Get warm. If there is no high temperature, then you can steam your legs and take a hot shower.
  8. Take vitamins. Such support will be useful to the body during a cold. It is best if he gets it from fruits, but if this is not possible, they should be replaced with pills from the pharmacy.
  9. Medicines for the treatment of colds. Fast-acting cold remedies are suitable, sold in the form of diluted teas, powders that should be poured into hot water. During the day, it is permissible to use three or four such bags, but the course should not last more than three days. Powders for colds with "Paracetamol" reduce the temperature, eliminate chills, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Immunostimulating drugs will help in the treatment. Antiviral drugs for colds and flu help to destroy the infection. If the disease persists, switch to antibiotic injections.
  10. Remedies for colds, coughs and sore throats. If the sky hurts, then you can choose either lozenges or potions, rinses and sprays. Drops will help to cope with a runny nose, among which it is better to choose not powerful vasoconstrictors, but medicines that have herbs in their composition. A solution of sea salt will be useful for rinsing the nose. With a cold, sputum often does not form, so ordinary cough suppressants will suffice. If sputum still appears in the bronchi, it should be used to remove it.
  11. Fluid intake. Warm tea, compote or juice promotes sweating and recovery, while removing toxins that prevent the body from fighting a cold. Plain water will not be the best remedy, and carbonated drinks will not help recovery. You should drink as much as you feel necessary, without overpowering yourself.
  12. Vodka. Alcohol should be warmed up a little and rubbed with it all over the body. This tool will help to quickly remove the heat.

List of the best new generation cold and flu medicines

  1. Teraflu, Coldrex, Ferveks, Antigrippin, Grippferon, Anvimax, Influnet (antipyretic and sore throat, against influenza and SARS)
  2. "Acetylcysteine", "Ambroxol", "Bromhexine", "Carbocysteine" (expectorants)
  3. "Butamirat", "Glautsin", "Prenoksdiazin", "Levodropropizin" (remedies for dry cough).
  4. "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin" (antipyretics).
  5. Drops based on xylometazoline, naphazoline (vasoconstrictor with a cold).

Review of fast-acting remedies for colds on the lips

A cold that occurs on the lips is often herpes, the Herpes simplex virus, which affects 95 percent of the world's population. Once in the body, it exists imperceptibly and “turns on” when the human body is weakened by hypothermia, a lack of vitamins, nutrients, or other diseases. There are many effective ointments to fight herpes. These funds should be applied to the areas of the lips affected by the cold several times a day, the course is no more than 5 days.

You can not use your fingers when applying the product because of the risk of transferring the virus to another place. Among the common names of ointments for colds in the ranking of the best are Acyclovir, Gerpferon, Zovirax, Gerpevir. The main active substance in them is acyclovir, which prevents the reproduction of the virus. There are ointments based on tromantadine, such as Viru-Merz.

What antiviral drugs can children take

If a child shows symptoms of SARS and if, for some reason, a doctor is not available, measures should be taken to combat the disease in order to prevent complications. If, after all the simple remedies have been tried, the disease does not recede, you will have to resort to antiviral drugs, but only those that are designed specifically for children. Acceptable are Tamiflu, Remantadine, Relenza, Amantadine.

If bronchitis occurs in infants, then Ribavirin will help, and if the child's body is weakened or there are heart problems, Synagis will be the best choice. "Tamiflu" is acceptable for use by children from the age of one year, "Arbidol" flu tablets can be given from the age of three. "Interferon" for the solution is used at any age, as well as homeopathic preparations such as "Aflubin", "Anaferon", "Ocillococcinum". To lower body temperature, Paracetamol or Nurofen, Ibuprofen syrups are suitable.

Effective folk remedies and herbs

  1. Grind dried blackberry leaves (1 tbsp), pour boiling water, strain after a couple of hours. Drink 30 minutes before eating. Good cough remedy.
  2. Herbs (cough medicine). One tablespoon of wild strawberry leaves, raspberries, three tablespoons of blackberry leaves, dry crushed tricolor violet (1 tsp). All this must be mixed, a tablespoon of the composition should be used in a glass of boiling water, let it brew in a closed form for half an hour, strain. Reception: a couple of times a day for a glass.
  3. Potato. This vegetable will help bring down the temperature. Grate two raw potatoes, mix with a tablespoon of vinegar (apple). Use the mixture to make compresses on the forehead.
  4. Kalina and honey. Mild remedy for colds and runny nose. Mix one tablespoon of viburnum juice and honey, take half an hour before meals.
  5. Nettle, sage and lemongrass. Herbal collection is good for colds and flu. Mix dry chopped nettle leaves (3 tbsp), the same number of shoots of Chinese magnolia vine and sage (1 tbsp). Pour a teaspoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water, strain after a couple of hours. Reception: one glass in the morning and in the evening. Honey can be added if desired.

What is an inexpensive and effective remedy for the prevention of colds

Very often, a cold in an adult occurs as a result of a weakened immune system. Exposure to external factors, malnutrition, lack of vitamins can lead to a loss in the effectiveness of the immune system and increase the likelihood of infections entering the body. To avoid this, interferon inducers can be used. They will ensure the production of natural defenses by the body, which will allow it to successfully resist the common cold. These types of drugs include:

  • "Arbidol";
  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Amixin".

At the first "bells" from colds and flu, you need to take Oscillococcinum as soon as possible. With timely use, the drug activates the immune system and allows you to painlessly cope with infectious and viral diseases.

Why Oscillococcinum? It's simple: it can be used by children, it is easy to use, works quickly and has a pleasant taste. Do you need more reasons?

Need to support the body with vitamins. For the prevention of colds, Vetoron, Gerimaks, Aevit will help. Preparations that help to cope with the influence of the external environment - adaptogens - include extracts of magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, leuzea. Immunomodulating, such as "Bioaron S", "Immunal" "Likopid", will help restore strength to the immune system, will be useful for the prevention of colds and flu.

Antiviral drugs used to prevent colds will help give the body extra strength in the fight against pathogens. The best are "Grippferon", "Viferon", "Arbidol", "Amiksin". Do not forget about honey, vitamin C - they will not allow the development of a cold. Echinacea is a cheap, simple remedy for prevention. Get more rest, give up cigarettes and do not forget about the seasonal intake of vitamins.

Video: what to do at the first sign of a cold

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Fast acting antivirals

A change in the weather is often accompanied by an outbreak of acute colds and flu.

Malaise, cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever, lead to the pharmacy and face the choice of all kinds of cold pills.

What cold pills to choose, how to treat acute respiratory infections and flu in order to quickly cope with the infection?

All cold medicines are conventionally divided into two groups:

  • remedies that eliminate the symptoms of a cold - symptomatic drugs;
  • drugs that act on the virus and strengthen the immune system - antiviral, immunomodulating agents.

The most common symptoms of a cold- headache, runny nose, fever,. The choice of which pills to drink for a cold depends on the main symptom of an acute respiratory disease (ARI).

If the most pronounced symptom of acute respiratory infections is high fever, antipyretic tablets are needed.

With severe muscle or headache, painkillers help, vasoconstrictors and antihistamines save from the common cold.

Read also about other cold medicines in the article.

Pain medications

Solpadeine helps with headaches, acts quickly thanks to codeine, caffeine, which are part of it.

Panadein is characterized by a similar composition and action. Panadeine tablets contain codeine, paracetamol, quickly help with headaches, lowers the temperature.

Analgin helps with pain, with feverish conditions. These cold pills are not prescribed for children. Amidopyrine is used for headaches, reduces fever, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Antihistamines reduce swelling, relieve itching, runny nose.

For colds, tablets of Pheniramine, Promethazine, Chlorphenamine are prescribed.

Antipyretic drugs

A well-known antipyretic is aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). The drug is allowed for children, but has a number of side effects, it is taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Aspirin - Oops - effervescent tablets for colds contain aspirin and vitamin C. The tablet is dissolved in water. Children are appointed after 4 years.

Alka-Seltzer effervescent tablets contain, in addition to aspirin, soda and citric acid. The drug is allowed for children after 3 years.


Restoration of free breathing, reduction of secretions is achieved by the use of vasoconstrictors - phenylephrine, Nazivin, Otrivin.

From the common cold, Sinuforte aerosol, sprays: Pinosol and Xymelin help. Vibrocil and Pinosol nasal drops help well.

Reduce runny nose ointments Dr. Mom, Evamenol, Pinosol.

Combination cold pills

Most symptomatic treatment drugs have a combined effect, eliminating several symptoms at once. These drugs include paracetamol, nurofen.

Nurofen tablets have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce pain, and reduce fever during colds.

Symptomatic drugs include Theraflu, Codrex, Fervex.

Fervex has the fewest contraindications. The drug is produced in powders and lozenges.

Anti-inflammatory pills help with colds:

  • efferalgan;
  • panadol.

Panadol contains paracetamol and should not be taken with other medicines containing this compound. Panadol is produced in the form of a syrup, pleasant to the taste, for children, tablets, suppositories for adults.

Efferalgan also contains paracetamol, which effectively fights cold symptoms, reduces fever, and improves well-being.

Chinese pills

Symptomatic combination preparations include granules of the Chinese drug "Ganmaolin Kelly" 999. Each tablet of the Chinese cold medicine contains paracetamol, caffeine and plant extracts.

The composition of the Chinese remedy includes a string, mint oil, eudia root, Indian chrysanthemum.

The tool has an antipyretic, analgesic effect, reduces congestion, helps with sore throat.

Symptomatic treatment cannot act on the virus that causes colds and flu. Antiviral agents help suppress the effect of the virus, which pills to take for a cold also depends on the age of the patient.


Viral infections cause disease by reducing their own defenses. To strengthen the immune system, hardening, sports, and a balanced diet are useful.

There are effective drugs that positively affect the state of the body.

In order to choose the right pills to treat a cold with, you need to visit a doctor or, at least, read the instructions carefully.

The drug Immunal is also used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Immunal tablets are taken to strengthen the immune system and in the treatment of a cold caused by a virus. Immunal children are allowed after 4 years.


The tool is used for prophylactic purposes, for the treatment of influenza, colds.

Based on interferon, several pharmaceutical preparations are produced: Arbidol, Cycloferon, Amiksin, Groprinosin.

Means stimulate a person's own immunity.


Tablets are used as an antiviral remedy for colds, flu, as a prophylaxis for influenza in adults.

The antiviral agent Tamiflu is a strong pill that helps with colds.

The drug is approved for children older than 12 months, adults, may be prescribed with caution by a doctor during pregnancy.

The use of Tamiflu reduces the duration of the disease, reduces the likelihood and severity of complications after influenza, acute respiratory infections.


The antiviral agent Arbidol is low-toxic, the tablets of the drug can be used for prophylaxis when in contact with a sick person with the flu or a cold.

Arbidol tablets will help prevent the recurrence of herpes with a general decrease in immunity, the drug is effectively used in complex therapy against influenza, pneumonia,.


Amiksin tablets have an immunomodulatory effect, effectively act against influenza and viruses that cause acute respiratory infections. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, as well as for children under 7 years of age.

The drug is taken according to the scheme, in a dosage, according to age. For children over 7 years old, for flu and colds, 3 tablets of Amiksin are prescribed: one every 1, 2, 4 days from the start of the intake.

In case of a severe course of a cold, it is enough to take 4 tablets for a course of treatment, take one in 1, 2, 4, 6 days after the start of treatment.

Oxolinic ointment

An excellent prophylactic is oxolinic ointment.

This inexpensive cold remedy works just as well as expensive pills in brightly colored packages.

Oxolinic ointment treats a runny nose of viral origin, helps with herpes.

Find out about other ointments against the common cold in our article.


With a cold on the lips, tablets and ointment of the antiviral drug Acyclovir help.

Details about a cold on the lips and treatment methods in our article.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take drugs that stimulate the immune system.

Especially strictly this rule must be followed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

All antiviral tablets for colds during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the appropriateness, expected effect and possible risk to the fetus.

Paracetamol is taken as an anesthetic, these pills are not dangerous for pregnant women, they help with colds, and lower the temperature.

Do not do it take pills containing aspirin, ibuprofen, codeine during pregnancy. You can not take antiviral drugs without the supervision of a doctor.

Instead of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, they are limited to washing the nose with sea salt, Aquamaris, Pinosol.

Cold pills for children

Effective cold pills for children are:

  • children's Anaferon;
  • antiviral agent Arbidol.

Arbidol strengthens the immune system, is used to treat and prevent viral infections. The drug is allowed for children from two years.

Anaferon is allowed for newborns from one month. Lozenges help to cope with a viral infection of the respiratory tract, serve as a prophylaxis for flu and colds.

From a cold with a cold, children are prescribed syrups and tablets, their names are algirem, arbidol, rimantadine. With an allergic rhinitis, claritin, erius, diazolin are prescribed.

cheap cold pills

The difference in prices for expensive drugs and their analogues is significant. So, in Ukraine, treatment for a cold with expensive pills and substitutes differs several times.

It is not necessary to treat a cold with expensive new drugs. Side effects of many drugs are detected only after a while, after the start of their use.

The most famous cheap cold pills are acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, analgin, echinacea tincture, ibuprofen, galazolin, ambroxol.

Septefril- a drug with antiseptic properties that suppresses staphylococci, enterobacteria, viruses, yeast-like fungi, acts on strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

The drug is produced in the form of lozenges, up to 6 tablets can be taken per day, for children under 15 years old - up to 4 tablets. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

From a cold

Expensive vasoconstrictor drops Nazivin and Otrivin can replace cheaper ones: Rinazolin and Farmazolin, and Marimer, Humer are used instead of Aquamaris spray.

Against cough

Lazolvan can replace its cheap counterparts Abrol and Ambroxal.

An analogue of the drug ACC, which thins sputum, Acetal no less effectively breaks and promotes the excretion of sputum, softens the cough.

The antibacterial drug Summamed has a cheap analogue of Azithromycin.

For sore throat

The drug Strepsils can replace Neo-angin, Angi sept, Rinza lorcept.

Septifril absorbable tablets have a similar effect, and the price of this effective cold remedy is much less.

Instead of Givalex spray, you can use Ingalipt, Oracept.


Instead of Arbidol, Arbivir and Immustat are used. Viferon is replaced by Laferobion, and Echinacea-ratiopharm is replaced by Echinacea-lubnyfarm.

The price of expensive cold pills can be many times higher than the cost of an inexpensive analogue. So, the cost of Arbidol tablets is much higher than the price of a drug with a similar effect of Remantadine.

Amixin can be replaced with lavomax, instead of Fervex, paracetamol tablets can be used.

List of complex drugs for colds

Most often, colds are treated with complex preparations, such remedies include tablets and powders from the list:

  • Antigrippin- a drug based on paracetamol, relieves pain, lowers the temperature.
  • Immunal- antiviral, immunomodulatory drug.
  • Coldrex- improves well-being, effectively suppressing the symptoms of a cold.
  • Theraflu- Eliminates the symptoms of colds, flu.
  • Viferon- antiviral, immunomodulatory action.
  • Fervex- a combination drug intended for symptomatic treatment.
  • Arbidol- antiviral medicine.
  • Grippferon- an antiviral drug.
  • Anvimax- Eliminates the symptoms of a cold.
  • Oscillococcinum- homeopathic medicine.
  • Kagocel- exhibits an antiviral effect.
  • Anaferon- homeopathic medicine.
  • Ingavirin- an antiviral agent.
  • Amiksin- an antiviral drug.

When treating a cold, you need to remember that prolonged uncontrolled use of drugs can cause addiction, side effects, complications of varying severity.

Any drug treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.