
Presentation on the topic "Family in the life and work of L. Tolstoy"

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Purpose: To draw students' attention to family problems, cultivating a respectful attitude to the positive experience of family life L.N. Tolstoy and Tolstoy's heroes, build relationships with parents on an adaptive basis. Objectives: To show that Tolstoy's ideal is a patriarchal family with its sacred care of the elders for the younger and the younger for the elders, with the ability of everyone in the family to give more than to take; with relationships built on "good and truth". To organize the intellectual and cognitive activity of students in the process of working on the topic of the lesson. To develop individual abilities and creative abilities of students. To form stable moral and moral-ethical norms of relationships in the family and teach children to follow them in everyday life.

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“What is needed for happiness? Quiet family life…with the ability to do good to people.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

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1st group: systematizes the material about the mother and father according to the read chapters of the story "Childhood". 2nd group: studies materials related to traditions and legends in the family of Leo Tolstoy. 3rd group: analyzes scenes showing family life in the novel "War and Peace". Individual task: The theme of the family in Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina".

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What is family? This word is clear to everyone, like the words "bread", "water". It is absorbed by us from the first conscious moments of life, it is next to each of us. A family is a house, it is a husband and wife, it is children, grandparents. These are love and cares, labors and joys, misfortunes and sorrows, habits and traditions.

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“This morning I go around the garden and, as always, I remember my mother, about “mother”, whom I don’t remember at all, but who remained a holy ideal for me ... ”(L.N. Tolstoy). “... The whole day a dull, dreary state ... I wanted, as in childhood, to cling to a loving, pitying being and ... to be consoled. But who is the being that I could cling to like this? I go through all the people I love - not one is good. Who to cling to? To become small and to my mother, as I imagine her to myself. Yes, yes, mother, whom I have never called yet, not being able to speak. Yes, she is my highest idea of ​​pure love - but not cold, divine, but earthly, warm, maternal. This was my best, tired soul. You, mother, you caress me. It's all crazy, but it's all true."

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“Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood!” L. N. Tolstoy.

Task: Systematize the material about mother and father according to the chapters of the story "Childhood" read. Epigraph: “Early childhood is that period “in which everything is illuminated by such a sweet morning light, in which everyone is good, you love everyone, because you yourself are good and you are loved.” (L. N. Tolstoy).

Slide 8


What events take place in the chapter "Maman"? What kind of mother do we see here? What is the overall impression of the mother in this chapter? Why does L.N. Tolstoy not give a clear portrait of his mother? Is Natalya Nikolaevna happy in her personal life? How does she meet her near death?

Slide 9


What do we learn about the father from the chapter "Daddy"? What two passions does Tolstoy note in his father in the chapter "What kind of man was my father"? How does the father treat people? Did those around him love him? What did he love in life? What brought him joy and happiness? What does this person live for? In what atmosphere did Nikolenka live?

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Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy and his family.

Epigraph "Happy is he who is happy at home." L. N. Tolstoy. Task: To study materials related to traditions and legends in the family of Leo Tolstoy.

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Leo Tolstoy recalls his childhood as something especially bright, beautiful, harmonious. “If I were given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can only imagine, but only so that there are no children, or such people as now, but with constantly arriving children, I would choose the latter,” wrote L .N. Tolstoy in his diary. Such, inhabited by children, was his house.

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"Family Thought" in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Task: Analyze scenes showing family life in L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Epigraph: “This is not a novel at all, not a historical novel, not even a historical chronicle, this is a family chronicle ... this is a true story, and there were family ones.” (N.Strakhov). "There are eternal songs, great creations, bequeathed from century to century." (A.I. Herzen).

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Rostov family.

What variant of family, tribal ties is acceptable for Tolstoy? What type of family do the Rostovs belong to? What does parental home mean to them? In what situations do we meet with the Rostov family? What is the relationship between parents and children? Pay attention to the ethics of these relationships. What will the family mean in the life of Natasha - mother?

Slide 14

Bolkonsky family.

What is the relationship between members of the Bolkonsky family? Do they constitute a "breed" like the Rostovs? What do they all have in common? What is hidden behind the external severity of the old man Bolkonsky? The brightest, in your opinion, details in the image of the internal and external appearance of the Bolkonsky. How will Princess Marya embody her father's ideal of a family? How are the Bolkonskys' house and the Rostovs' house similar?

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The Kuragin family.

What ethical principles guide the members of the Kuragin family? Are there such concepts as “honor”, ​​“nobility”, “clear conscience”, “sacrifice” in their system of values?

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What kind of family is the ideal for Tolstoy, what kind of family life does he consider “real”?

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“Tolstoy’s novel differs from the usual family novel in that it is, so to speak, an open family, with an open door - it is ready to spread, the path to the family is the path to people.” (N.Ya. Berkovsky).

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And with its ending, “War and Peace” resembles an open book: the last words of the story are the dreams of a child, plans for a life that is all ahead. The fate of the heroes of the novel is only a link in the endless experience of mankind, all people, both past and future, and among them is the person who today, at the beginning of the 21st century, 139 years after it was written, reads “War and Peace ” with the hope of finding answers to “eternal” questions in it. And now “the young man, clenching his mouth, redefines: for what does he live, for what does he suffer? What is love? Where does conscience reside? And all - not in the eye, so in the eyebrow, in the very soul, that is. (A. Yashin).

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“The theme of the family in the novel by L. N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”.

Epigraph: “For a work to be good, one must love the main, main idea in it. So, in “Anna Karenina” I loved the family thought ... ”(L.N. Tolstoy).

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Each family is a big complex world with its own traditions, attitudes and habits, even its own view of raising children. Children are said to be echoes of their parents. However, in order for this echo to sound not only due to natural affection, but mainly due to conviction, it is necessary that customs, orders, rules of life be strengthened in the house, in the family circle, which cannot be transgressed not out of fear of punishment, but out of respect for the foundations of the family, to its traditions. Do everything so that childhood and the future of your children are wonderful, so that the family is strong, friendly, family traditions are preserved and passed on from generation to generation. I wish happiness in the family, in the one in which you live today, which you yourself will create tomorrow. May mutual help and understanding always reign under the roof of your home, may your life be rich both spiritually and materially.

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We stopped rejoicing, but the worst thing is that we stopped being surprised. To be surprised at everything: the birth of a child, the sunrise, the arrival of spring. Do not be rude to the elderly, feed him something tasty, even if he has no teeth; before death, say the last kind word. Give your time and pay attention to the child. Have pity on the woman. And the woman - be patient a little if the husband is worthy of it. Turn to your friends. Return to the traditions of home gatherings, visiting each other, joint holidays. The starting point in the process of our revival is the home, the family. I believe in it." People's Artist of the USSR Olga Volkova

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About the authors:

Venina Vera Alexandrovna - teacher of Russian language and literature, head of the School of Russian Language and Literature Teachers of the Municipal Educational Institution "Topkanovskaya Secondary School"; Savinova Valentina Mikhailovna - teacher of the Russian language and literature of the municipal educational institution "Topkanovskaya secondary school"; Fedorova Nadezhda Alekseevna - teacher of the Russian language and literature of the municipal educational institution "Topkanovskaya secondary school"; Shiryaeva Irina Ivanovna - educator, teacher of English, MOU "Topkanovskaya secondary school".

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Sections: Literature

Class: 10

Target(slide 2): draw students' attention to family problems, cultivating respect for the positive experience of family life L.N. Tolstoy and Tolstoy's heroes, build their relationship with their parents on an adaptive basis.


  • Show that Tolstoy's ideal is a patriarchal family with its holy care of the elders for the younger and the younger for the elders, with the ability of everyone in the family to give more than to take; with relationships built on "good and truth".
  • To organize the intellectual and cognitive activity of students in the process of working on the topic of the lesson.
  • To develop individual abilities and creative abilities of students.
  • To form stable moral and moral-ethical norms of relationships in the family and teach children to follow them in everyday life.

Equipment: portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, book exhibition, decorated board, TV, DVD, DVD disc "Literature 5-11 grades", DVD disc with the feature film "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", audio tape recorder, audio cassette with music recording.

Epigraph:(slide 3) “What is needed for happiness? Quiet family life…with the ability to do good to people.” (L.N. Tolstoy).

Preliminary tasks for the lesson(slide 4)

  • The 1st group systematizes the material about the mother and father according to the read chapters of the story "Childhood".
  • The 2nd group studies materials related to traditions and legends in the family of Leo Tolstoy.
  • The 3rd group analyzes the scenes showing family life in the novel "War and Peace".

Several students prepare an individual task using the presentation: The theme of the family in Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina".

Each group has its own leader, a strong student prepared in advance, who summarizes the material on the topic. At the end of the lesson, he hands over sheets with preliminary estimates of the answers of the students in his group.


1. Introductory speech of the teacher(slide 5).

- What is family? This word is clear to everyone, like the words "bread", "water". It is absorbed by us from the first conscious moments of life, it is next to each of us. A family is a house, it is a husband and wife, it is children, grandparents. These are love and cares, labors and joys, misfortunes and sorrows, habits and traditions.
And today we will talk about the role played by the family in the life and work of L.N. Tolstoy.

2. Teacher's word:(slide 6)

“This morning I go around the garden and, as always, I remember my mother, about “mother”, whom I don’t remember at all, but who remained a holy ideal for me ... ”(L.N. Tolstoy).
L. N. Tolstoy, who lost his mother at the age of 18 months, carefully collected and kept in his memory everything that he managed to learn about her from his relatives. In "Memoirs" he wrote: "...everything I know about her, everything is fine ..."
Maria Nikolaevna possessed an outstanding creative gift: she was an excellent storyteller - she composed fascinating magical stories and fairy tales, an excellent musician, wrote and translated poetry.
Maria Nikolaevna and Nikolai Ilyich sought to give their children - they had five of them: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry, Lev and daughter Maria - a free, humane, patriotic upbringing. The moral and intellectual image of the parents, the family happiness they achieved - this is what determined the special atmosphere of Yasnaya Polyana, where those sources of “purity of moral feeling” were laid, which later delighted N.G. Chernyshevsky in the first works of Tolstoy.
Lev Nikolaevich always fondly remembered his parents, whom he lost in early childhood. He captured the features of their life and characters in his works. The appearance of Maria Nikolaevna is guessed in the poetic image of Maman in the story "Childhood".

The work of the first group(slide 7)

“Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood!”(L. N. Tolstoy).

Epigraph:“Early childhood is that period “in which everything is illuminated by such a sweet morning light, in which everyone is good, you love everyone, because you yourself are good and you are loved.” (L. N. Tolstoy).

To systematize the material about mother and father according to the chapters of the story "Childhood" read.

MOTHER (slide 8)

1. What events take place in the chapter "Maman"? What kind of mother do we see here?
2. What is the overall impression of the mother in this chapter?
3. Why does L.N. Tolstoy not give a clear portrait of his mother?
4. Is Natalya Nikolaevna happy in her personal life? How does she meet her near death?

FATHER (slide 9)

1. What do we learn about the father from the chapter "Daddy"?
2. What two passions does Tolstoy note in his father in the chapter “What kind of person was my father”?
3. How does the father treat people? Did those around him love him?
4. What did he love in life? What brought him joy and happiness? What does this person live for?
5. In what atmosphere did Nikolenka live?

(Assistant summarizes).

The teacher summarizes. (The teacher uses this material both when summarizing during the work of the group, and in the final generalization). In this work, Tolstoy does not give a clear portrait of the mother, since he only has general impressions of something very kind and affectionate in his memory.
The mother pours love and tenderness on the child. And, like any mother, she is afraid to leave him an orphan: “So you love me very much? See always love me, never forget. If your mother is not around, will you forget her? Don't you forget, Nikolenka? She kisses me even more tenderly.
Maternal tenderness gives rise to feelings of endless love and happiness in Nikolenka's soul; and tears of love and delight flow from his eyes in streams" to the "darling" and "darling" mother.
And this ardent childish love for the mother rips out from the soul of the child the first, pure, heartfelt prayer for mother and father: "Save, Lord, papa and mama."
Let's read the parents' conversation: after all, this is a dispute on the verge of conflict, but how tactful and delicate it is! And the father shows a sense of tact, ending the conversation with a smile and a joke. How is the mother behaving? Delicate and firm at the same time, with a sense of dignity. She knows how to defend her opinion and the right to her inner life.
What kind of person was the father? For dad, convenience and enjoyment in life are the main thing, he has no business that would occupy him (we see what a landowner he is), no serious hobbies, no goal in life, he did not even make a military career. He lives for himself, for his own pleasures, and is happy with this (although he loves his wife and children in his own way, but he loves himself more, the children notice).
Primordial purity, freshness of feelings, gullibility of a child's heart, sincerity of love for one's neighbors - that's what childhood happiness is for Tolstoy. But Lev Nikolaevich does not hide the shady sides of childhood. Nikolenka, the protagonist of the trilogy, guesses about the troubles in the relationship between his parents, that life is not as cloudless and joyful as it seemed in those days when his mother's love protected him from all adversities. He is deeply upset when faced with manifestations of cruelty, insincerity. It is hard and unpleasant for him to find these qualities in his relatives - his grandmother and father, in his tutor. Nevertheless, Tolstoy always saw in childhood the best time of a person's life.
In what atmosphere did Nikolenka live? It is an atmosphere of love, joy and happiness. Everyone loved Nikolenka: mother, father, Karl Ivanovich, Natalya Savishna. The boy is surrounded by love, lives in a kind, good family (all the difficulties of adult life are revealed to him in years), probably, and life should be easy, carefree and happy.
According to the writer, everything that happens to a child, as he grows up, depends entirely on education, on the influence of the environment and circumstances on him.

The work of the second group(slide 10)

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy and his family

Epigraph:"Happy is he who is happy at home." (L. N. Tolstoy).

To study materials related to traditions and legends in the family of Leo Tolstoy.

(Assistant summarizes).

The teacher summarizes(slide 11). Leo Tolstoy recalls his childhood as something especially bright, beautiful, harmonious. “If I were given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can only imagine, but only so that there are no children, or such people as now, but with constantly arriving children, I would choose the latter,” wrote L .N. Tolstoy in his diary. Such, inhabited by children, was his house.
Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya created, took care of this house, "stood guard" of it. The mistress of a large house and estate, the mother of fifteen children, an inexorable assistant in her husband's literary affairs, Sofya Andreevna could rightly be considered the true keeper of the hearth of Tolstoy's house. The children knew what their mother was doing for them: she looked after the food, sewed shirts for them, darned stockings, “made” dolls or made a herbarium, and she scolded if her boots were soaked in the morning dew.
But the children didn't know that at night she often spent three or four hours over her father's manuscripts, that she copied chapters of "War and Peace" and other works many times with her own hand.
The children were sure that mother could not be tired or out of sorts. After all, she lived for Serezha, for Tanya, for Ilyusha, for Lesha, for all their brothers and sisters.
Only later, as adults, did they realize what an amazingly selfless woman, mother, and wife she was.
And here is how one of the sons of Lev Nikolaevich, Sergey Lvovich, recalled about his father: “In childhood, we had a very special relationship with our father. For us, his judgments were unquestioning, his advice was obligatory. I could not stand the look of his inquisitive small steel eyes, and when he asked me about something ... I could not lie. We always felt his love for us, although Tolstoy, the father, did not have the usual caresses. He did not spoil the children with kisses, gifts, or overly affectionate words. And yet the children always felt his love!”
Sergei Lvovich wrote: “In childhood, our first pleasure was that our father would take care of us, that he would take us with him for a walk, housework, hunting or some kind of trip, so that he would tell us something, do something with us gymnastics. Father never punished: he never beat, never put him in a corner, and he rarely got annoyed. He corrected, made comments, hinted at shortcomings, jokingly made it clear that the behavior at the table was not so hot and at the same time told such an incident or an anecdote that contained a corresponding hint. He could look so intently into the eyes that this look was stronger than any command. The punishment was usually expressed in “disgrace”: he doesn’t pay attention, he won’t take him for a walk.
The family had a strong tradition of reading aloud. Lev Nikolaevich attached great importance to the selection of books for reading. He advised not to rush to read the masterpieces of the classics, believing that, having matured, they would be better able to feel them. Therefore, children read Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol quite late. My father offered to read what he loved himself.

The work of the third group(slide 12)

"Family Thought" in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Epigraph:“This is not a novel at all, not a historical novel, not even a historical chronicle, this is a family chronicle ... this is a true story, there were family ones.” (N.Strakhov).

Analyze scenes showing family life in L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Teacher's word.“There are eternal songs, great creations, bequeathed from century to century” (A.I. Herzen). Among such creations is the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". We open the pages of volume 2, where Tolstoy contrasts the senselessness and inhumanity of the war of 1805 with the life he calls "real". Being himself in a relentless search for truth, the writer believed: “In order to live honestly, you have to get confused, fight, make mistakes, start again and quit ... And fight and suffer forever.” What is bad, what is good? Why live and what am I? Everyone must answer these eternal questions for himself. A subtle researcher of the human soul, Tolstoy argued that "people are like rivers": each has its own channel, its own source. This source is the native home, family, its traditions, way of life.
The world of the family is the most important "component" of the novel. Tolstoy traces the fate of entire families. His heroes are connected by family, friendship, love relationships; often they are separated by mutual hostility, enmity.
On the pages of "War and Peace" we get acquainted with the family nests of the main characters: the Rostovs, the Bezukhovs, the Kuragins, the Bolkonskys. "The family idea" finds its highest embodiment in the way of life, the general atmosphere, in the relations between close people of these families.
You, I hope, having read the pages of the novel, visited these families. And today we have to figure out which family is ideal for Tolstoy, which family life he considers “real”.

Rostov family(slide 13)

1. What variant of family, tribal ties is acceptable for Tolstoy?
2. What type of family do the Rostovs belong to?
3. What does parental home mean to them? In what situations do we meet with the Rostov family?
What is the relationship between parents and children? Pay attention to the ethics of these relationships.
What will the family mean in the life of Natasha - mother?

(Assistant summarizes)

The teacher summarizes. LN Tolstoy stands at the origins of folk philosophy and adheres to the folk point of view on the family - with its patriarchal way of life, the authority of parents, their concern for children. The author denotes the spiritual community of all family members with one word - Rostovs, and emphasizes the closeness of mother and daughter with one name - Natalya. Mother is a synonym for the world of the family in Tolstoy, that natural tuning fork by which the Rostov children will test their lives: Natasha, Nikolai, Petya. They will be united by an important quality laid down in the family by their parents: sincerity, naturalness, simplicity. Openness of soul, cordiality is their main property. Hence, from home, this ability of the Rostovs to attract people to themselves, the talent to understand someone else's soul, the ability to experience, sympathize. And all this is on the verge of self-denial. The Rostovs do not know how to feel “slightly”, “halfly”, they completely surrender to the feeling that has taken possession of their soul.
It was important for Tolstoy to show through the fate of Natasha Rostova that all her talents are realized in the family. Natasha - the mother will be able to educate in her children both the love of music and the ability for the most sincere friendship and love; she will teach children the most important talent in life - the talent to love selflessly, sometimes forgetting about themselves; and this study will take place not in the form of notations, but in the form of daily communication of children with very kind, honest, sincere and truthful people: mother and father. And this is the real happiness of the family, because each of us dreams of the kindest and most just person next to him. Pierre's dream came true...
How often Tolstoy uses the words "family", "family" to designate the house of the Rostovs! What a warm light and comfort emanates from this, such a familiar and kind word to everyone! Behind this word is peace, harmony, love.

Teacher's word. And now we will stay a little at the Bolkonskys, in the Bald Mountains.

The work of the third group on issues.

Bolkonsky family(slide 14)

1. What is the relationship between members of the Bolkonsky family? Do they constitute a "breed" like the Rostovs? What do they all have in common?
2. What is hidden behind the external severity of the old man Bolkonsky?
3. The most striking, in your opinion, details in the image of the internal and external appearance of the Bolkonskys.
4. How will Princess Marya embody her father's ideal of a family?
5. How are the Bolkonskys' house and the Rostovs' house similar?

(Assistant summarizes).

The teacher summarizes. Distinctive features of the Bolkonskys are spirituality, intelligence, independence, nobility, high ideas of honor, duty. The old prince, in the past Catherine's nobleman, a friend of Kutuzov, is a statesman. He, serving Catherine, served Russia. Not wanting to adapt to the new time, which required not to serve, but to serve, he voluntarily imprisoned himself in the estate. However, disgraced, he never ceased to be interested in politics. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky tirelessly makes sure that children develop their abilities, know how to work and want to learn. The old prince was engaged in the upbringing and education of children himself, not trusting and not entrusting this to anyone. He does not trust anyone, not only the upbringing of his children, but even their fate. With what "outward calmness and inner malice" he agrees to Andrei's marriage to Natasha. And the year to test the feelings of Andrei and Natasha is also an attempt to protect the son’s feelings from accidents and troubles as much as possible: “There was a son whom it is a pity to give to a girl.” The impossibility of being separated from Princess Mary pushes him to desperate acts, vicious, bilious: in the presence of the groom, he will tell his daughter: "... there is nothing to disfigure yourself - and so bad." He was offended by the courtship of the Kuragins “for his daughter. The insult is the most painful, because it did not apply to him, to his daughter, whom he loved more than himself.
Nikolai Andreevich, who is proud of his son's mind and his daughter's spiritual world, knows that in their family between Marya and Andrey there is not only complete mutual understanding, but also sincere friendship based on the unity of views and thoughts. Relationships in this family are not built on the principle of equality, but they are also full of care and love, only hidden. The Bolkonskys are all very reserved. This is an example of a true family. They are characterized by high spirituality, true beauty, pride, sacrifice and respect for other people's feelings.
How are the Bolkonskys' house and the Rostovs' house similar? First of all, a sense of family, spiritual kinship of close people, patriarchal way of life, hospitality. Both families are distinguished by the great concern of parents for children. Rostov and Bolkonsky love children more than themselves: Rostova - the eldest cannot bear the death of her husband and younger Petya; old man Bolkonsky loves children passionately and reverently, even his strictness and exactingness come only from the desire for good for children.

Teacher's word. Against the background of the characteristics of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys, the relationships in the Kuragin family will sound in contrast.

The work of the third group on issues.

The Kuragin family(slide 15)

1. What ethical principles guide the members of the Kuragin family?
2. Are there such concepts as “honor”, ​​“nobility”, “clear conscience”, “sacrifice” in their system of values?
3. As Tolstoy proves his idea, "there is no moral core in parents - it will not be in children either."

(Assistant summarizes).

The teacher summarizes. Actually, the Bolkonskys and Rostovs are more than families, they are whole lifestyles, each of which, for its part, is fanned by its own poetry.
Family happiness, simple and so deep for the author of War and Peace, the very one that the Rostovs and Bolkonskys know, it is natural and familiar to them - this family, “peaceful” happiness will not be given to the Kuragin family, where an atmosphere of universal calculation and lack of spirituality reigns . They are devoid of generic poetry. Their family closeness and connection is unpoetic, although it certainly exists - instinctive mutual support and solidarity, a kind of mutual guarantee of egoism. Such a family connection is not a positive, real family connection, but, in essence, its negation.
To make a service career, to “make” them a profitable marriage or marriage - this is how Prince Vasily Kuragin understands his parental duty. What are his children in essence - he is of little interest. They need to be "attached". The immorality allowed in the Kuragin family becomes the norm of their life. This is evidenced by the behavior of Anatole, the relationship of Helen with her brother, which Pierre recalls with horror, the behavior of Helen herself. In this house there is no place for sincerity and decency. You noticed that in the novel there is not even a description of the Kuragins' house, because the family ties of these people are weakly expressed, each of them lives apart, taking into account, first of all, their own interests.
Pierre said very precisely about the false Kuragin family: “Oh, vile, heartless breed!”
(slide 16)

The teacher summarizes the material


Kazimagomedova Naira

Class 10 "B", school number 6, Kaspiysk

Saidova Violeta Borisovna

scientific adviser, teacher of the Russian language, school No. 6, Kaspiysk

About the life and work of the brilliant writer L.N. Much has been written about Tolstoy. These are studies by N.O. Lerner, L.M. Myshkovskaya, P.A. Boulanger, B.S. Vinogradova, U.B. Dalgat, Z.N. Akavova and many others. Each researcher complements the previous one, at the same time introducing something new and thereby replenishing the image of the great creator and sage.

Nevertheless, when discussing the artist's creative heritage, the researchers somehow lost sight of his individuality: who he is as a person, and what is his evolution. All this prompted us to engage in modest research and the desire to once again touch the world of Tolstoy. This is the reason for the relevance of our study.

The main difficulty in studying the personality of L.N. Tolstoy, diverse opinions of the writer, their inconsistency was in the contradictory views of genius(underlined by us - V. Saidova and N. Kazimagomedova).

In our opinion, the book “Memoirs of a Young Prisoner” by Magomed-Sabri Efendiev, who personally came into contact with the Tolstoy family and life, will help to supplement this list and draw up an objective portrait of L. Tolstoy and his family.

The object of the study is four volumes of M. Efendiev's book "Memoirs of a Young Prisoner" in manuscript. We focus on the study of motives that reveal the features of the worldview, worldview and worldview of the Tolstoy family.

Magomed-Sabri Efendiev, who, by the will of fate, ended up in the Tula province as a fifteen-year-old boy and, by a lucky chance, ended up in the Tolstoy family in Yasnaya Polyana, told about the years spent next to the great man in his book of memoirs “I knew Leo Tolstoy and his family”. We turned to the available literature on the subject of interest to us, and this is, first of all, the book of memoirs by M. Efendiev, published in Makhachkala in 1964, but never republished.

The beginning of this story takes March 22, 1906, as we learn from the manuscript of M. Efediyev "Memoirs of a young prisoner"; in the Dagestan village of Ashaga-Tsinit, a tragic incident occurred: during the holiday, a man was killed, the killer disappeared. The tsarist judges condemned four without any evidence. Among them was Magomed Efendiev, who was only fifteen years old. The sentence was severe - twelve years of exile in the Tula province.

The young prisoner “ended up in the city of Krapivna, where he was sheltered by the mayor Yudin, who did not believe that the young man could become a murderer.

Once at the Shchyokino station, where young Magomed arrived with Yudin at the post office, they saw two horsemen.

The conversation continued for several minutes, which Magomed Efendiev remembered for the rest of his life. At the end of the conversation, Lev Nikolaevich asked:

Do you want to learn Russian literacy?

Soon Tolstoy began to fuss about the transfer of the young exile to Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy's son Andrei Lvovich took Magomed to the estate.

In Yasnaya Polyana, the young Lezgin was greeted hospitably. They introduced me to all the household members, took a separate room.

The training of Magomed, at the direction of Lev Nikolaevich, began on the very next day after arrival. His teachers were the daughter of the writer Tatyana Lvovna, the family doctor Dyushan Petrovich Mokovitsky and the teachers of the Yasnaya Polyana school. And when Tolstoy's son Lev Lvovich returned from Paris, Magomed began to study drawing.

Lev Nikolaevich was interested in the course of the classes, asked what they were writing about from home. “Do not be bored, do not lose courage, my dear,” he said, “everything is ahead of you. And now try to study well”: (the material was kindly provided from the personal archive of M. Efendiev).

Magomed spent about four years in Yasnaya Polyana, learned a lot, understood a lot, learned a lot.

Kindly recalls the author of the manuscript we are examining of a conversation with the doctor of the family, Dyushan Petrovich Mokovitsky; describes in detail conversations with Tolstoy's daughter Tatyana Lvovna, drawing lessons, which resulted in the paintings painted by Magomed Efendiev during his years in Yasnaya Polyana and Konchanskoye - “The First Meeting”, “Departure for the Hunt”, “Tolstoy’s Departure from Yasnaya Polyana”, “Georgian ".

After the death of Tolstoy, the governor of Tula recalled Magomed again under police supervision. But at the urgent request of Sofya Andreevna, he was bailed out by the heiress A.V. Suvorova L.V. Khitrovo. And again, the "young prisoner" had a chance to directly come into contact with history. He lived in Konchansky - a mansion that once belonged to A.V. Suvorov, there were also two house-museums. Moreover, Magomed Efendiev, whose passion for drawing was noticed by the heirs of A.V. Suvorov, participated in the restoration of the Suvorov House-Museum, personally copied old historical exhibits from handwritten art works of the youth of the great commander A.V. Suvorov. And the restoration work was accepted by the academic commission from St. Petersburg without any claims.

In 1917, 11 years later, Magomed Efendiev again saw his native Dagestan. But before leaving for his homeland on December 7, 1917, he visited the grave of the great writer. And he already expressed his feelings for the teacher in Russian, immediately writing farewell verses:

Forever in the heart - Yasnaya Polyana! I will take to the villages of Dagestan

Farewell, father, dear teacher! Your image is unforgettable - Leo Tolstoy! .

Although the memoir literature about Tolstoy is plentiful, but Efendiev’s memoirs, in our opinion, are special and original, because the author sets himself the task of recalling and telling the smallest details of communication with Tolstoy and his family with the utmost accuracy, notes the weather of a particular day, details of life, even food. He tries to completely recreate the conversations that he had with Tolstoy and his relatives, invariably telling about such conversations strictly “in order”, without fail starting with “Good morning” or “Hello, Magomed”. Every detail associated with the image of Tolstoy worries the author:

“... He (L.N. Tolstoy) bent down, picked up a small twig with still preserved leaves from the path and, holding it in his left hand, continued to walk again”:.

In his memoirs, the author says absolutely nothing about his spiritual development, about his attitude to Tolstoy, to his artistic and instructive writings, in general, about the influence during his stay with the Tolstoys on his worldview, although, of course, it was precisely these years from 16 to 26 they are very important in this regard. The author recalls the thinker's family and Tolstoy himself, not so much as a great writer or founder of "Tolstoyism" (all this remains outside the memoirs), but as a sincere and sympathetic person. It seems to us that the author deliberately limits himself, apparently considering any reminiscences about himself as immodest, trying to focus on "documentary" details related specifically to Tolstoy. Apparently, he also did not want to "modernize" his memories, bringing into his memories what, perhaps, had already been realized, deepened, understood much later. Apparently, he sought to tell about Tolstoy exactly as these meetings seemed to the then unsophisticated youth from the Caucasus. The more reliable and valuable, in our opinion, this manuscript, because it gives us the opportunity to see a sincere look at the personality of L.N. Tolstoy.

There is a lot of "idyllic" in the memories. But it is precisely this seemingly one-sidedness of memories that gives them their originality and special value. The "naive" purely "documentary" manner of these memoirs creates an expressiveness that is hardly possible under the pen of any memoirist striving for reasoning and sophistication.

He does not claim in the slightest evaluate qualities of certain people who surrounded Tolstoy. He only notes the details. And yet sometimes there are very characteristic episodes. Like, for example, an episode that reveals the attitude of the writer to his 80th birthday. The day before, Tatyana Lvovna said that on September 9 there would be many guests with congratulatory visits. M. Efendiev recalls that Tolstoy got up early and, walking in the garden, received the first congratulations from the family doctor Dyushan Petrovich Mokovitsky, a very finely educated man, with a very calm character and honest heart, and Magomed Efendiev.

The main thing is that the memories recreate the perception of the eyewitness, the authentic atmosphere of those years. Efendiev was in Yasnaya Polyana at the moment when Sofya Andreevna found out about Tolstoy's departure and read his letter. He participated in the search for Tolstoy: he went to find out at which station Lev Nikolayevich took a ticket. I was at Tolstoy's funeral. He guarded Tolstoy's grave, in view of "bad talk about the possibility of desecration of the grave by opponents of his ideas." There are many details in the memoirs of all this, which are possible just when the memoirist, as it were, completely forgets about himself, and concentrates entirely on memories. The controversial figure of Sofya Andreevna, at least this is how her image is given in many memoirs, Efendiev is a good-natured, caring person who patiently shares all sorrows and joys with the writer. It was she who, after the death of Tolstoy, took an active part in the fate of Efendiev, bustling about his device. And it is to her that M. Efendiev comes to say goodbye before leaving for Dagestan.

Published in Dagestan in 1964 with an edition of only 3,000 copies, I Knew Tolstoy and His Family became a bibliographic joy. In the archives of M. Efendiev, we found letters from all over the vast Soviet state.

Written by people of different professions and nationalities, pioneers and pensioners. For five years, as Efendiev M. himself writes in response to the writer Gennady Ivanovich Markin, “I received 380 letters from all regions and regions of the Soviet Union with a request to send the book.” As long as there was an opportunity, the author sent books, as evidenced by the grateful responses of his readers. But even we, working on this study, and having access to the archives of M. Efendiev, had to get acquainted with the memoirs only in the reading room of the National Library of the Republic of Dagestan.

Separate excerpts of the book are published in one of the national newspapers (“Lezgi newspapers”), although in the archive of M. Efendiev we found Magomed Gamidovich’s repeated appeals to the director of the Dagestan book publishing house Magomed Rasulov with a request to include a corrected and supplemented edition of the book, from which one could learn a lot interesting information about Leo Tolstoy's inner circle (V.F. Bulgakov, Popovkin, Professor Gusev, A.V. Suvorov's great-granddaughter - L.V. Khitrovo, etc.), into the publication plan. And these requests are dated 1967. And in 1983, Efendiev's son, Said Magomedovich, asked to include Magomed Efendiev's manuscript "The Young Prisoner" (254 typewritten pages) in the long-term plan for publishing in 1985 or 1986. But so far, unfortunately, neither one nor the other has been published.

Thus, as a result of studying the “Memoirs of a Young Prisoner” by M. Efendiyev, we are presented with the image of an ordinary sincere person with unusual thinking and a heart capable of containing care and pain for the suffering and fate of others, coupled with the need to always help, and, importantly, there are no contradictions between in word and deed. M. Efendiev's book is all lit up with love and the deepest respect for the personality of the great thinker, gratitude to his family. This book is not a fairy tale, it is a true story. Therefore, we, following the author, see the living image of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana ... and hear his encouraging voice: “- Nothing, nothing, my dear, do not be bored and do not lose vigor. You are still a young man, your whole life is ahead of you…!”

Despite the fact that the memoir literature about Tolstoy is plentiful, Efendiev’s memoirs, in our opinion, are special and original, since the author sets himself the task of remembering and telling the smallest details of communication with Tolstoy and his family with the utmost accuracy in the context of the historical events of that time and indicating personalities involved, which makes the book useful for historians as well.


1. Archival materials, documents, photographs, letters.

3. Efendiev M. I knew Leo Tolstoy and his family, Makhachkala. 1964.

4. Efendiev M. Memoirs of a young prisoner (in manuscript).

There are still disputes about this couple - so much gossip has not been circulated about anyone and so many speculations have not been born, as about the two of them. The history of Tolstoy's family life is a conflict between the real and the sublime, between everyday life and a dream, and the spiritual abyss inevitably following this. But who is right in this conflict is a question without an answer. Each of the spouses had their own truth ...


Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in Yasnaya Polyana. The count came from several ancient families, branches of Trubetskoy and Golitsyn, Volkonsky and Odoevsky were woven into his genealogy. Lev Nikolaevich's father married the heiress of a huge fortune, Maria Volkonskaya, who had sat out in girls, not out of love, but relations in the family developed tender and touching. Little Lyova's mother died of a fever when he was one and a half years old. Orphaned children were brought up by aunts who told the boy about what an angel his late mother was - both smart and educated, and delicate with the servants, and taking care of the children - and how happy the father was with her. Although it was a kind fairy tale, but it was then that the future writer's imagination formed an ideal image of the one with which he would like to connect his life. The search for an ideal turned out to be a heavy burden for the young man, which eventually turned into a pernicious, almost manic attraction to the female sex. The first step towards discovering this new side of life for Tolstoy was a visit to the brothel where his brothers had taken him. Soon he will write in his diary: "I committed this act, and then I stood by the bed of this woman and cried!" At the age of 14, Leo experienced a feeling, as he believed, similar to love, seducing a young maid. This picture, already being a writer, Tolstoy will reproduce in "Resurrection", revealing in detail the scene of Katyusha's seduction. The whole life of the young Tolstoy passed in the development of strict rules of conduct, in spontaneous evasion from them and in a stubborn struggle with personal shortcomings. Only one vice he cannot overcome - voluptuousness. Perhaps admirers of the great writer's work would not have known about his many passions for the female sex - Koloshina, Molostova, Obolenskaya, Arsenyeva, Tyutcheva, Sverbeeva, Shcherbatova, Chicherina, Olsufyeva, Rebinder, the Lvov sisters. But he persistently entered into the diary the details of his love victories. Tolstoy returned to Yasnaya Polyana full of sensual impulses. “This is no longer a temperament, but a habit of debauchery,” he wrote upon arrival. “Lust is terrible, reaching the point of physical illness. He wandered about the garden with a vague, voluptuous hope of catching someone in the bush. Nothing stops me from working."

desire or love

Sonechka Bers was born in the family of a doctor, a real state councilor. She received a good education, was smart, easy to communicate with, had a strong character. In August 1862, the Bers family went to visit their grandfather at his Ivica estate and stopped at Yasnaya Polyana on the way. And then the 34-year-old Count Tolstoy, who remembered Sonya as a child, suddenly saw a lovely 18-year-old girl who excited him. There was a picnic on the lawn, where Sophia sang and danced, showering everything around with sparks of youth and happiness. And then there were conversations at dusk, when Sonya was shy in front of Lev Nikolayevich, but he managed to get her to talk, and he listened to her with delight, and in parting said: “How clear you are!” Soon the Berses left Ivits, but now Tolstoy could not live a single day without the girl who won his heart. He suffered and suffered because of the difference in age and thought that this deafening happiness was inaccessible to him: "Every day I think that it is impossible to suffer more and be happy together, and every day I become crazier." In addition, he was tormented by the question: what is it - desire or love? This difficult period of trying to understand oneself will be reflected in "War and Peace". He could no longer resist his feelings and went to Moscow, where he proposed to Sophia. The girl gladly agreed. Now Tolstoy was absolutely happy: “Never so joyfully, clearly and calmly did I imagine my future with my wife.” But there was one more thing: before getting married, he wanted them to have no secrets from each other. Sonya had no secrets from her husband - she was pure as an angel. But Lev Nikolaevich had plenty of them. And then he made a fatal mistake that predetermined the course of further family relations. Tolstoy gave the bride to read diaries in which he described all his adventures, passions and hobbies. For the girl, these revelations were a real shock. Sofia Andreevna with children. Only the mother was able to convince Sonya not to refuse marriage, she tried to explain to her that all men at the age of Lev Nikolayevich have a past, they just wisely hide it from their brides. Sonya decided that she loved Lev Nikolaevich strongly enough to forgive him everything, including Aksinya, a yard peasant woman, who at that time was expecting a child from the count.

family everyday life

Married life in Yasnaya Polyana began far from cloudless: it was difficult for Sophia to overcome the disgust she felt for her husband, recalling his diaries. However, she gave birth to Lev Nikolaevich 13 children, five of whom died in infancy. In addition, for many years she remained a faithful assistant to Tolstoy in all his affairs: a copyist of manuscripts, a translator, a secretary, and a publisher of his works.
The village of Yasnaya Polyana. Photo "Scherer, Nabholz and Co." 1892 Sofya Andreevna for many years was deprived of the delights of Moscow life, to which she had become accustomed since childhood, but she meekly accepted the hardships of a village existence. She raised the children herself, without nannies and governesses. In her free time, Sophia copied the manuscripts of the "mirror of the Russian revolution" in white. The countess, trying to live up to the ideal of a wife, which Tolstoy told her about more than once, received petitioners from the village, resolved disputes, and eventually opened a hospital in Yasnaya Polyana, where she herself examined the suffering and helped, as far as she had enough knowledge and skills.
Maria and Alexandra Tolstoy with peasant women Avdotya Bugrova and Matryona Komarova and peasant children. Yasnaya Polyana, 1896 Everything she did for the peasants was actually done for Lev Nikolaevich. The Count took all this for granted, and was never interested in what was going on in the soul of his wife.

Out of the frying pan into the fire...

After writing "Anna Karenina", in the nineteenth year of family life, the writer had a mental crisis. He tried to find solace in the church, but could not. Then the writer renounced the traditions of his circle and became a real ascetic: he began to wear peasant clothes, conduct subsistence farming, and even promised to distribute all his property to the peasants. Tolstoy was a real "house builder", having come up with his charter for later life, demanding its unquestioning implementation. The chaos of countless household chores did not allow Sofya Andreevna to delve into her husband's new ideas, listen to him, share his experiences.
Sometimes Lev Nikolaevich went beyond the bounds of reason. Either he demanded that younger children should not be taught what was not needed in simple folk life, or he wanted to give up property, thereby depriving the family of their livelihood. To wanted to renounce the copyright to his works, because he believed that he could not own them and make a profit from them.
Leo Tolstoy with his grandchildren Sonya and Ilya in Krekshino Sofia Andreevna stoically defended the interests of the family, which led to the inevitable family collapse. Moreover, her mental anguish revived with renewed vigor. If earlier she did not even dare to be offended by the betrayals of Lev Nikolaevich, now she began to remember all past insults at once.
Tolstoy with his family at the tea table in the park. After all, whenever she, pregnant or just given birth, could not share the marital bed with him, Tolstoy was fond of another maid or cook. Again he sinned and repented... But from his family he demanded obedience and observance of his paranoid charter of life.

Letter from beyond

Tolstoy died during the journey, which he went on after breaking up with his wife at a very advanced age. During the move, Lev Nikolayevich fell ill with pneumonia, got off at the nearest major station (Astapovo), where he died on November 7, 1910 in the house of the head of the station. Leo Tolstoy on the way from Moscow to Yasnaya Polyana. After the death of the great writer, a flurry of accusations fell upon the widow. Yes, she could not become a like-minded person and an ideal for Tolstoy, but she was a model of a faithful wife and an exemplary mother, sacrificing her happiness for the sake of her family.
While sorting through the papers of her late husband, Sofya Andreevna found his sealed letter to her, dated in the summer of 1897, when Lev Nikolayevich first decided to leave. And now, as if from another world, his voice sounded, as if asking for forgiveness from his wife: “... with love and gratitude I remember the long 35 years of our life, especially the first half of this time, when you, with your motherly energetically and firmly carried what she considered herself called to. You gave me and the world what you could give, gave a lot of motherly love and selflessness, and you cannot help but appreciate you for this ... I thank you and remember with love and will remember for what you gave me.”

Lev Nikolaevich from his youthful years was familiar with Lyubov Alexandrovna Islavina, in marriage Bers (1826-1886), loved to play with her children Lisa, Sonya and Tanya. When the daughters of the Berses grew up, Lev Nikolaevich thought about marrying his eldest daughter Liza, hesitated for a long time until he made a choice in favor of the middle daughter Sophia. Sofya Andreevna agreed when she was 18 years old, and the count was 34 years old, and on September 23, 1862, Lev Nikolayevich married her, having previously confessed to his premarital affairs.

For some time in his life, the brightest period begins - he is truly happy, largely due to the practicality of his wife, material well-being, outstanding literary creativity and, in connection with it, all-Russian and world fame. In the person of his wife, he found an assistant in all matters, practical and literary - in the absence of a secretary, she several times rewrote his drafts cleanly. However, very soon happiness is overshadowed by the inevitable small disagreements, fleeting quarrels, mutual misunderstanding, which only worsened over the years.

For his family, Leo Tolstoy proposed some “life plan”, according to which he intended to give part of the income to the poor and schools, and to significantly simplify the lifestyle of his family (life, food, clothing), while also selling and distributing " everything is superfluous»: piano, furniture, carriages. His wife, Sofya Andreevna, was clearly not satisfied with such a plan, on the basis of which their first serious conflict broke out and the beginning of it " undeclared war» for a secure future for their children. And in 1892, Tolstoy signed a separate act and transferred all the property to his wife and children, not wanting to be the owner. However, together they lived in great love for almost fifty years.

In addition, his older brother Sergei Nikolaevich Tolstoy was going to marry Sofya Andreevna's younger sister, Tatyana Bers. But Sergei's unofficial marriage to the gypsy singer Maria Mikhailovna Shishkina (who had four children from him) made the marriage of Sergei and Tatiana impossible.

In addition, Sofya Andreevna's father, medical doctor Andrei Gustav (Evstafievich) Bers, even before his marriage to Islavina, had a daughter, Varvara, from Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva, the mother of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. By mother, Varya was the sister of Ivan Turgenev, and by father - S. A. Tolstoy, thus, together with marriage, Leo Tolstoy acquired kinship with I. S. Turgenev.

From the marriage of Lev Nikolayevich with Sofia Andreevna, 13 children were born, five of whom died in childhood.

  • 1. Sergei (July 10, 1863 - December 23, 1947), composer, musicologist.
  • 2. Tatyana (October 4, 1864 - September 21, 1950). Since 1899 she has been married to Mikhail Sergeevich Sukhotin. In 1917-1923 she was the curator of the museum-estate Yasnaya Polyana. In 1925 she emigrated with her daughter. Daughter Tatyana Mikhailovna Sukhotina-Albertini (1905-1996).
  • 3. Ilya (May 22, 1866 - December 11, 1933), writer, memoirist. In 1916 he left Russia and went to the USA.
  • 4. Leo (May 20, 1869 - December 18, 1945), writer, sculptor. In 1918 he emigrated, lived in France, Italy, Sweden; died in Sweden.
  • 5. Maria (February 12, 1871 - November 27, 1906). From 1897 she was married to Nikolai Leonidovich Obolensky (1872-1934). Died of pneumonia. Buried in the village Kochaki of the Krapivensky district (modern Tul. region, Shchekinsky district, village of Kochaki).
  • 6. Peter (1872--1873).
  • 7. Nikolay (1874-1875).
  • 8. Varvara (1875-1875).
  • 9. Andrey (1877-1916), official for special assignments under the Tula governor. Member of the Russo-Japanese War. He died in Petrograd from a general blood poisoning.
  • 10. Mikhail (1879-1944). In 1920 he emigrated and lived in Turkey, Yugoslavia, France and Morocco. He died on October 19, 1944 in Morocco.
  • 11. Alexey (1881-1886).
  • 12. Alexandra (1884--1979). From the age of 16 she became an assistant to her father. By will, she received copyright for his literary heritage. For participation in the First World War, she was awarded three George Crosses and was awarded the rank of colonel. She left Russia in 1929 and received US citizenship in 1941. She died on September 26, 1979 at Valley Cottage, New York.
  • 13. Ivan (1888--1895).

As of 2010, there were a total of more than 350 descendants of Leo Tolstoy (including both living and deceased), living in 25 countries of the world. Most of them are descendants of Leo Tolstoy, who had 10 children, the third son of Leo Nikolayevich. Since 2000, Yasnaya Polyana has hosted meetings of the writer's descendants every two years.