
Shall we play solitaire? Ten exciting solitaire games. Solitaire pyramid

Since time immemorial, original mini-fortune-telling began to appear. They got the name - solitaire games. Usually, when laying it out, a person sets some goal for himself: to find out about the attitude of a loved one towards him, to predict the future, to make a wish.

Solitaire games can be either playful, comic, or very informative. Today there are several thousand types of solitaire games. We bring to your attention the most unusual and serious ones.

Solitaire "Love"

This is an ancient solitaire game suitable for women who want to learn a man's true attitude towards himself.
From a standard 36 card deck pull out all the jacks, queens, kings, aces. There should be 16 cards. We will use them to guess.

  1. Before playing solitaire, you need to make a wish full name a man you are interested in.
  2. Next, in accordance with each letter of this name, we lay out one card (face down). We lay out all other cards on top of them, sequentially or chaotically.
  3. Next, we all take the rightmost pile into our hands and move the cards from it to the rest of the piles. We repeat this with everyone in order until one big one remains.
  4. We place the resulting deck face down on the table, removing two cards at a time. We leave the cards of the same value, they will be the answer to your question. We put the rest aside. Now we begin the interpretation:

Dropped two aces they say that you attract your chosen one only in an intimate way, kings- he values ​​your inner world, ladies- impressed by your appearance, jacks- your figure. If there is no match, then the intended object is indifferent to you.

Solitaire "Vorozhba"

This solitaire game, which dates back to the 19th century, has hidden mystical meanings.
For the layout you will need a deck of 36 cards. Before starting fortune telling, you need to make a wish. So let's begin:

  • We lay out the deck sequentially for 5 piles of seven cards face down in each. There should only be one last card left, the suit of which will be the main one in solitaire.
  • Now open the first stack on the left. We begin to remove from above one card at a time of a non-primary suit or a major suit below ten.
  • Having reached a card of the main suit with a rank higher than ten, we stop removing cards from this pile, take the next one and proceed according to the same principle.
  • After all the piles have been revealed, we collect the remaining cards from the end; we put the penultimate one on the last one, and so on. The resulting stack is divided into four and opened in the same way. Then by three, then by two, in the end there will be only one pile left.
  • If after its disclosure there should be five cards of the main suit from ten to ace, then the solitaire game has worked out, and accordingly, your wish will come true.

Solitaire "Mary Stuart".

According to legend, Stewart decided to play solitaire before her execution, but it didn’t work out.
For fortune telling you will need deck of 36 or 52 cards.Place the top card face down on the table and place the next one next to it.. We do this with the entire deck.

  • If after the layout the card is between two of the same suit or value, then we shift it to the left one. We do this in all similar “neighborhoods”.
  • After laying out the sixth card, the jack of spades always ends up between the kings of clubs and the kings of spades. We transfer this jack to the king of clubs.
  • Next, the queen of clubs (third card) appears between the ten of spades and the jack of spades. We transfer the queen to the jack of spades.
  • In the end, this queen finds herself between two jacks - hearts and spades. We transfer it to the left card. There is no subsequent re-arrangement, so we take out subsequent cards.
  • The solitaire game is successful if, after such a re-arrangement, all the cards are arranged in pairs.

So, solitaire games can be not only entertainment, but also excellent predictors of the future.

If you have not yet encountered solitaire and do not know how to play solitaire, be sure to read this article.

Solitaire is a card game designed for one person. The essence of solitaire is that the player lays out cards, while adhering to established rules and pursuing a specific goal. The goal can be achieved thanks to the player's intellectual abilities, as well as chance. It is chance that allows you to use solitaire for the purpose of fortune telling.

Solitaire can also be played on a computer. This game differs from playing at a home table in that here you cannot move a card outside the rules. A very good example is the very common computer solitaire game "Spider".

Playing Solitaire: Guide

Let's look at how to play Spider Solitaire on a computer:

  • The rules of this solitaire game are very simple, but you won’t always be able to solve it. Even one wrong move can result in no moves left. As a result, you will have to start the game again.
  • In Spider Solitaire, the cards are laid out from left to right in 10 columns. The first four columns have 6 cards each, and the remaining 6 columns have 5 cards each. There are also 4 more groups of cards of 10 each on the right. They are used when there are no valid moves.
  • In this solitaire game you can choose the difficulty level. The level of difficulty depends on the number of suits chosen: one, two or four. The more suits you choose, the more difficult the game will be.
  • Solitaire using one suit is played out as follows. The card with the highest value is placed on the card with the lowest value. A complete group of cards begins with the king and ends with the ace, which is placed on the deuce. Complete groups of cards are removed from the playing field.

The rules of solitaire, which involves two or four suits, remain unchanged. Only when stacking the columns, the colors (red/black suits) must alternate.

For hundreds of years, people have been under the spell of fortune telling. Cards help you look into the future or answer a pressing question. Some layouts give a detailed answer, others simply: “yes” or “no”. To master the art, you need to gain certain knowledge. For example, what do suits and their combinations mean? Fortune telling solitaire will tell you the details and tell you whether you should hope for fulfillment.

Human mind unable to understand how ordinary cards lay out data from the future. Even mathematical laws are powerless; After all, every person is unique and has his own destiny. Life is an endless string of random events, meetings, separations, actions, emotions. This contributes to the inevitability of consequences and patterns.


  • Guess alone. This sacrament does not tolerate prying eyes.
  • Take a new deck of 36 cards.
  • Tune in. Before the action begins, warm the deck with the warmth of your hands, think about the secret question.
  • Tell fortunes on a table or other flat surface.
  • Guess in good mood, believe in what is happening.

How to play solitaire with 36 cards for fortune telling

There are many layout options. Mostly girls resort to solitaire. They are interested in the appearance of the groom in their life. Consider a solitaire game called “fate is not fate.”

Step by step plan

  1. Draw 36 cards.
  2. Make a wish for a guy.
  3. State the name in full. Count the number of letters. For example: Vladimir.
  4. Depending on the number of letters, lay out the same number of cards, with the pictures facing up. In this case there are 8 of them.
  5. If among them there are paired cards, remove them (two eights, two jacks, two queens, etc.). The remaining ones are shifted to the left onto the vacant cells, and the row is reported from the deck. If there are no paired cards, distribute the second one under the first row.
  6. Continue removing pairs. Remove those that stand in the same line next to each other or are located in adjacent rows above or below, just not obliquely. Remove paired aces regardless of their position in the rows (next to each other, diagonally, on top).
  7. If you get several different pairs, first remove those on the left and above. The card to the right is moved to the vacated area in order. Moved to the top row from the bottom row.
  8. When removing the next two cards of the same type, first make all the movements, and then take on the next two.
  9. Do not forget to lay out a new row if there are no paired cards.
  10. When the entire deck is laid out, summarize. If there are six or fewer cards left, it will be your destiny. If more, look for another candidate.

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Popular card solitaire games for fortune telling

Gypsy Solitaire

Take a deck of 36 cards and make a wish. Mix and place 9 cards in 4 rows, face down.

Cards of the same suit are selected in each row: clubs, diamonds, hearts and the last one - spades. The layout goes from top to bottom in increasing order, from six to ace. The card that is in the last row, from the bottom, to the right, is turned over face down. It is transferred to a place corresponding to its suit and value. From this place another card is picked up and turned over, which is transferred to the place allocated for it. As soon as the ace of clubs is in hand, it is placed in the place where the first card was taken.

If all cards are open before the Ace of Clubs is revealed, the wish will come true. If there are any left unopened, a count is made. The first row means years, the second - months, the third - weeks, the fourth - days.

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"Yes" or "No"

Another simple layout will answer the question “yes” or “no”. Lay out 36 cards in 9 piles, face down. The top cards are revealed and two pairs are thrown out. Those under them are turned over and the steam rooms are removed again.

If by the end of the fortune telling you managed to discard all the cards, the answer to your plan is yes. If they remain unopened due to the lack of a pair, the wish will not come true or will come true later.

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Difficult interpretation

Solitaire, where a broader interpretation is possible, using decoding of card symbols.

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle, take some of them towards you with your left hand (if a woman, then a queen, if a man, then a king). Then lay out the deck of 9 pieces in 4 rows. Find your card and look at the ones that fell nearby. The interpretation occurs as follows.

AceAn unexpected letterThe wish is not destined to come trueWrong actionSomeone cares about you
KingIllnessPossible deceptionFriendEverything will come true
LadyDream come trueOffense, insultA worthy rewardDon't show your feelings
JackWaste of effortHassles related to financesThe business started will be successfulGood guest
10 IllnessPleasant surprise, unexpected giftReceipt of a large amountLove
9 Losing a friend or loved oneLetSad newsDeclaration of love
8 Trouble ComingGood newsIllness of someone close to youSomeone will decide your fate
7 ArgumentTreason, betrayalNews from a government institutionDanger is imminent
6 The road in vainJoyful RoadThe journey will be in vainTrouble
  • Take a new deck or one that you have never played on.
  • When making a layout, think about the wish you made.
  • Shoot with your left hand towards your heart.
  • Choose a day when your soul is good and joyful.
  • Best time for fortune telling - Friday, as well as the 13th, Christmastide.
  • A bad day for the schedule is Monday.
  • No need to ask about known facts, for verification purposes.
  • If the answer turns out to be negative, there is no need to repeat the schedule; it is better to do this in a few days.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

  • Not a serious approach.
  • In a negative scenario, repeated attempts to achieve desired result.
  • Lack of faith.

Some play solitaire at home for fun, while others play fortune telling. Despite their simplicity and unpretentiousness, with their help you can get an answer to the most pressing question, a warning about danger and prepare in advance, and maybe even avoid it altogether. unpleasant moments.

If you don’t believe in solitaire games, their positive aspect is that they help develop attention, logic, and patience, which is also not bad.

Solitaire is a type of card game for one player. Solitaire layouts have become one of the standard entertainments of the famous operating system. There are layouts for 52 and 36 cards; the article will describe several varieties of the game and provide rules on how to play solitaire (36 cards).

Solitaire games are a great way to relax and pass the time. There are not only playing, but also fortune-telling types of layouts. Although in this way you can only get “yes/no” answers to very simple questions from the cards.

How to play Solitaire "Klondike" from 36 cards

Klondike is one of the most popular and famous solitaire games around the world. This type layout was included in the standard set of games in the widely used operating system. The rules of the layout are extremely simple.

For the layout, decks of 36 and 52 cards are used. To play solitaire (36 cards), as in every other card game, you need to know the rules. There is a variant of a large layout with 104 cards from two decks (52 cards). For this version of the game, 10 rows are laid out, for playing on one deck of 52 - 6 rows, for a regular playing deck (36 cards) the rows are reduced to 5. The cards are laid out face down. The first row lays out 1 card in each column, in the 2nd row they lay out a card in only 5 columns, in the third - in 4, and so on. The last card in each column is turned face up.

The remaining cards are set aside and used when the options for moving the layout run out. You can flip through the deck three cards at a time. The last one in the three is considered active; the middle one can only be taken after the one closest to the player. In the Big layout, you can turn over the deck only once; in the 36-card layout, the use of coupon cards (from the deck) is not limited. To simplify the game, beginners can take one card from the coupon.

Rules of the game (36 cards), how to play Klondike solitaire:

  1. Aces serve as the basis for building a deck by suit. When opening an ace, it is laid out separately; further collection of suits is carried out in an ascending order, from least to highest.
  2. After moving the active card of a column, the next one must be turned face up.
  3. You can only place cards on top of each other in playing columns different colors, for example, spades on hearts or diamonds on crosses.
  4. The layout of cards in columns is carried out in a descending direction - from the king to the sixes.
  5. A king of any suit can be moved with the entire stack to the place of the vacated column.

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That's all the rules. Solitaire is considered played when all the cards are collected on aces appropriate suits.

How to play Spider Solitaire into 36 cards

Spider solitaire is rarely used playing deck. It can be played with one, two or four suits. To play, take 2 or 4 decks at once, depending on the desired complexity.

Step-by-step instructions for 4 decks of 36 cards on how to play Spider Solitaire:

  1. Lay out cards of 6 pieces in the first 4 rows and 5 pieces in the rest. There should be a total of 54 cards on the playing table.
  2. Lay out the last row face up - these are the active cards.
  3. The remaining 80 cards can be folded into a deck - a coupon, or can be laid out to the side in 8 lines of 10 cards each, face down.
  4. Cards are laid out on top of each other in order from high to low of the same suit. The Ace is considered the lowest card!
  5. If there are no more options for moving cards, you need to take one of the set aside rulers and place one card face up on each row in the game.
  6. In place of the empty column, you can move any card or a continuous combination of them, starting with the highest one.
  7. If in a column it is possible to collect a sequence from king to ace of the same suit, such a combination is removed in a pile to the side of the layout. The goal of the game is to clear the field of cards.

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You can play with fewer decks, then the number of rows must also be reduced. So, for 3 decks (36 cards) you need to make 8 columns, one half of which has 7 cards each and the other half has 6 cards each. Playing with fewer decks isn't as fun.

The first four are considered, if in each column there are cards of the same value, they are put aside, attention moves to the next four. For example, in the first column there is a nine of spades, and in the second there is a nine of crosses; they can be located opposite each other or diagonally. The final result should be two cards suited up and two cards face down. The wish will come true if the paired cards are in the same column. If the layout reaches a dead end earlier or cards of the same value end up in different columns, you should not expect the plan to be fulfilled.

Solitaire "Vorozhba"

“Divination” is another way to play solitaire (36 cards) based on a wish. You need to make a wish and shuffle the deck. The cards are laid out face down in 5 piles of 7 each, the last one is revealed. The exposed card becomes the intended suit.

Next, the stacks must be opened sequentially one card at a time. A suit that does not match the intended one and cards with a value of less than 10 of any suit are removed from the solitaire game. For example, if the last card is a cross, the stack is opened until a ten, jack, queen, king, or ace is found. The action is repeated with each column. Found and not opened cards are collected from the end - from the last one to the open one, the deck is already laid out into 4 columns without shuffling. The entire sequence of moves is repeated until there are 5 cards left in the hands. Solitaire is successful if all five cards are of the desired suit and have a value higher than 10. In any other case, there are obstacles on the way to the fulfillment of a wish.

Solitaire “Loves - does not love”: layout

Solitaire is a type of card game for one player. Solitaire layouts have become one of the standard entertainments of the famous operating system. There are layouts for 52 and 36 cards; the article will describe several varieties of the game and provide rules on how to play solitaire (36 cards).

Solitaire games are a great way to relax and pass the time. There are not only playing, but also fortune-telling types of layouts. Although in this way you can only get “yes/no” answers to very simple questions from the cards.

How to play Solitaire "Klondike" from 36 cards

"Klondike" is one of the most popular and famous solitaire games around the world. This type of layout was included in the standard set of games in the commonly used operating system. The rules of the layout are extremely simple.

For the layout, decks of 36 and 52 cards are used. To play solitaire (36 cards), as in every other card game, you need to know the rules. There is a variant of a large layout with 104 cards from two decks (52 cards). For this version of the game, 10 rows are laid out, for playing on one deck of 52 - 6 rows, for a regular playing deck (36 cards) the rows are reduced to 5. The cards are laid out face down. The first row lays out 1 card in each column, in the 2nd row they lay out a card in only 5 columns, in the third - in 4, and so on. The last card in each column is turned face up.

The remaining cards are set aside and used when the options for moving the layout run out. You can flip through the deck three cards at a time. The last one in the three is considered active; the middle one can only be taken after the one closest to the player. In the Big layout, you can turn over the deck only once; in the 36-card layout, the use of coupon cards (from the deck) is not limited. To simplify the game, beginners can take one card from the coupon.

Rules of the game (36 cards), how to play Klondike solitaire:

  1. Aces serve as the basis for building a deck by suit. When opening an ace, it is laid out separately; further collection of suits is carried out in an ascending order, from least to highest.
  2. After moving the active card of a column, the next one must be turned face up.
  3. You can only place cards of different colors on top of each other in playing columns, for example, spades on hearts or diamonds on crosses.
  4. The layout of cards in columns is carried out in a descending direction - from the king to the sixes.
  5. A king of any suit can be moved with the entire stack to the place of the vacated column.

That's all the rules. Solitaire is considered played when all the cards of the corresponding suit are collected on the aces.

How to play Spider Solitaire into 36 cards

A playing deck is rarely used for Spider Solitaire. It can be played with one, two or four suits. To play, take 2 or 4 decks at once, depending on the desired complexity.

Step-by-step instructions for 4 decks of 36 cards on how to play Spider Solitaire:

  1. Lay out cards of 6 pieces in the first 4 rows and 5 pieces in the rest. There should be a total of 54 cards on the playing table.
  2. Lay out the last row face up - these are the active cards.
  3. The remaining 80 cards can be folded into a deck - a coupon, or can be laid out to the side in 8 lines of 10 cards each, face down.
  4. Cards are laid out on top of each other in order from high to low of the same suit. The Ace is considered the lowest card!
  5. If there are no more options for moving cards, you need to take one of the set aside rulers and place one card face up on each row in the game.
  6. In place of the empty column, you can move any card or a continuous combination of them, starting with the highest one.
  7. If in a column it is possible to collect a sequence from king to ace of the same suit, such a combination is removed in a pile to the side of the layout. The goal of the game is to clear the field of cards.

You can play with fewer decks, then the number of rows must also be reduced. So, for 3 decks (36 cards), you need to make 8 columns, one half of which has 7 cards each and the second half has 6 pieces. Playing with fewer decks isn't as fun.

"Grandma's arrangement"

A very simple but interesting version of 36 card solitaire. The deck is laid out in 3 identical columns of fans of 3 cards each, as shown in the photo below. The goal of the game is to collect sequences of each suit from Ace to Six.

The active card is the top one in each fan. The dropped aces are immediately placed aside. You can only place cards of the same value on top of each other, but their number in a fan should not exceed four. In a deadlock situation, the deck is collected, shuffled and again laid out in threes. The solitaire game is considered completed if the combinations are completed in three hands.

Pyramid Solitaire

“Pyramid” is a very simple way to play solitaire (36 cards). You need to shuffle the deck and lay out 9 rows of 4 cards, the last ones in a column with the suit up. Next, you need to look for pairs of cards of the same value; such pairs are eliminated from the layout, and the cards under them are revealed. You can't do anything with empty column spaces. The layout is considered folded if all cards are eliminated.

Rules for fortune telling on cards

It's no secret that cards can reveal the future. How to play solitaire - fortune telling from 36 cards? There are several simple signs and requirements for a fortune telling deck. You can't guess playing cards. Strangers should not touch the deck. It is better to keep several sets of cards, one for personal needs, the second for fortune telling for strangers. You should not ask questions to cards in a bad or depressed mood.

Each fortune telling deck should have its own storage place, for example, a beautiful velvet bag. You should not ask all the questions in one sitting; many answers will not be even approximately correct. Also, do not ask for help from cards over trifles and ask the same question twice. The most accurate layouts are made for a period of time no more than 3 months.

Alignment according to desire

There are very simple fortune-telling solitaire games (36 cards) based on desire. How to lay out one of them is described below. Before starting the layout, you should hold the deck in your hands, thinking about your desire. Next, you should mix the deck well and lay out two cards face down next to each other. The remaining cards are laid out equally in 2 rows, suit up; you need to start the layout with the last ones laid out.

The first four are considered, if in each column there are cards of the same value, they are put aside, attention moves to the next four. For example, in the first column there is a nine of spades, and in the second there is a nine of crosses; they can be located opposite each other or diagonally. The final result should be two cards suited up and two cards face down. The wish will come true if the paired cards are in the same column. If the layout reaches a dead end earlier or cards of the same value end up in different columns, you should not expect the plan to be fulfilled.

Solitaire "Vorozhba"

“Divination” is another way to play solitaire (36 cards) based on desire. You need to make a wish and shuffle the deck. The cards are laid out face down in 5 piles of 7 each, the last one is revealed. The exposed card becomes the intended suit.

Next, the stacks must be opened sequentially one card at a time. A suit that does not match the intended one and cards with a value of less than 10 of any suit are removed from the solitaire game. For example, if the last card is a cross, the stack is opened until a ten, jack, queen, king, or ace is found. The action is repeated with each column. Found and not opened cards are collected from the end - from the last one to the open one, the deck is laid out into 4 columns without shuffling. The entire sequence of moves is repeated until there are 5 cards left in the hands. Solitaire is successful if all five cards are of the desired suit and have a value higher than 10. In any other case, there are obstacles on the way to the fulfillment of a wish.

Solitaire “Loves - does not love”: layout

When the deck runs out, the remaining cards are collected in order from the last one laid out to the first. Then the layout is carried out on 5 cards in two rows, without interfering. The actions are repeated sequentially, reducing the number of cards in a row to two.

Solitaire “Loves - does not love”: interpretation of the result

The result of fortune telling depends on the number of remaining pairs on the table. If there are two cards left, you can order a dress and look for comfortable wedding shoes. Two non-elimination couples talk about strong feeling, three - about interest, four indicate melancholy young man According to fortune telling, five pairs mean slight interest, six - treason. If there are seven or more pairs left on the table, the solitaire game is not successful, you need to try to play it again.