
The most beautiful Israeli women (40 photos). There are miracles there, the devil wanders there

More than 70 thousand people subscribed to the “hot” Instagram of Israeli military girls April 6th, 2017

Instagram users actively subscribe to The Hot Israeli Army Girls page, which publishes pictures of Israeli military girls in swimsuits and military uniform. The account already has more than 70 thousand readers.

The popular British publication Daily Mail drew attention to instagram, which publishes photos of military girls from Israel. Each girl is dedicated to a separate collage, consisting of a photo in uniform in a swimsuit.

Israeli citizens are required to serve in the army after the age of 18: upon conscription, women serve for two years, men for a year longer. The law applies to Jews (and non-Jewish citizens of the state), Druze and Circassians. Bedouins, Christians and Muslims can volunteer to serve in the army.

The difference from many other armies is that the majority of women in the country serve in the Israel Defense Forces (women in Israel are liable for military service). However, about a third of women receive a deferment or complete exemption from the army (pregnancy, religious reasons). Upon completion of military service, most women are exempt from annual military training.

In the War of Independence of 1948, due to the difficult situation of the country, women took an active part in the defense of Israel. With the end of the war, women practically stopped participating in combat operations. Currently, the majority of women are conscripted into non-combat units. As of 2005, women are allowed to serve in more than 83% of the IDF units.

As of 2009, women serve in the artillery troops and the Magav border service. There are also infantry units where men and women serve together, such as the Caracal Battalion.

In 2001, the Office of the Adviser on Women in the Military was established at the General Staff, dealing with compliance issues equal opportunities to the IDF. The department was headed by General Suzy Yogev.

The Hot Israeli Army Girls page publishes pictures sent by subscribers; the account is already followed by 72 thousand people, and the number of subscribers is constantly growing.

IN modern form Israel was founded in 1948, making it one of the youngest states in the world. Moreover, the Kingdom of Israel with its capital in Jerusalem was founded more than 3 thousand years ago - in the 11th century BC. After the death of King Solomon in 928 BC. e. the kingdom was divided into Israel and Judah, the first of which was destroyed by Assyria, and the second by Babylon. Later, the territory of modern Israel was under the rule of the Persians and Greeks. As a result of their rebellion against forced Hellenization, the Jews created an independent Hasmonean kingdom for one century, which was conquered by Rome. After the revolt against Rome in 135 AD. many Jews were expelled from the country. However, the Jewish dispersion began much earlier - 4 centuries earlier.
The Jewish presence in the region reached its lowest point in its three-thousand-year history in the 7th century, after the conquest of Jerusalem by Byzantium and the beginning of Byzantine persecution of the Jews. After Byzantium, the land of Israel passed into the hands of Muslims - first Arabs and then Turks. After the breakup Ottoman Empire control over the territory of modern Israel and Palestine passed to Great Britain. By the time Palestine was divided into Palestine proper and Israel, Jews made up 1/3 of the region's population, and Arabs - 2/3 (for comparison, at the beginning of the 19th century, the Jewish population of the region was only 2%).
Currently, the population of Israel is 8.3 million people, of which 6.2 million are Jews, 1.7 million are Arabs, and there are also 359 thousand ethnic minorities living in the country.
This rating presents the most beautiful, in my opinion, Israeli women, that is, those who were born in Israel or have its citizenship. Everyone in the ranking is Jewish.

40th place. Ofra Haza / Ofra Haza(November 19, 1957, Tel Aviv, Israel - February 23, 2000) - Israeli singer and actress. Her parents were Yemenite Jews.

39th place. Yasmin Levy / Yasmin Levy(born December 23, 1975, Jerusalem, Israel) is an Israeli singer, known for performing traditional Sephardic songs (Sephardim are descendants of Jews expelled from Castile in 1492) in Ladino and her own compositions in Spanish. Yasmin Levi's father belonged to Turkish Sephardim.

38th place. Nina Brosh / Nina Brosh(born November 12, 1975, Ramat Yishai, Israel) is an Israeli model and actress. Her father is a Russian Jew (his last name is Fishman), her mother has Chinese roots. Nina Brosh was the face of Yves Saint Laurent. She starred in the video for "Femme Fatale" by Duran Duran. Nina's height is 174 cm, figure parameters 85-60-88. Now lives in the USA.

37th place. Yuli Ziv- Israeli model.

36th place. Hila Balilty- Junior Miss Israel 2013.

35th place. Ortal Manchovzky- finalist of the Miss Israel 2015 competition.

34th place. May Meler- Israeli actress.

33rd place. Amit Samson / Amit Samson- Israeli model.

32nd place. Shir Abramovich / Shir Abramovitch

31st place. Yamit Sol(born January 1, 1982, Haifa, Israel) is an Israeli actress.

30th place. Galit Gutman(born September 23, 1972, Herzliya, Israel) is an Israeli model, actress and TV presenter.

29th place. Nicole Raidman / Nicol Raidman(born June 11, 1986, Odessa, Ukraine) - Israeli businesswoman and producer. She moved to Israel from Ukraine with her family at the age of 10.

28th place. Tal Benyerzi / Tal Benyerzi, known simply by the name Tal- French pop and R&B singer. She was born in Israel on December 12, 1989 into a Jewish family (father is a Moroccan Jew, mother is a Yemenite Jew). When Tal (her name translates from Hebrew as “morning dew”) was not even a year old, the family moved to France.

27th place. Lynn Zuckerman / Lynn Zukerman- Israeli model, finalist of the Miss Israel 2013 contest.

26th place. Coral Simanovich / Coral Simanovich- Israeli model.

25th place. Miri Bohadana(born October 12, 1977, Beer Sheva, Israel) - Israeli model and actress, represented Israel at Miss World 1995, where she placed in the top 5. Her parents are Moroccan Jews. Height 175 cm, body measurements 88-60-90.

24th place. Shir Shomron- Israeli model and actress. She starred in the video for the song "Her Morning Elegance" by Israeli singer Oren Lavi. The clip was made using the technique of stop-motion animation and aroused great interest on Youtube, where it collected 30 million views.

Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance

23rd place. Daniela Virtzer / Daniela Virtzer(born October 20, 1983, Ramat Gan, Israel) is an Israeli actress, best known for the film “The Bubble” (Israel, 2006).

22nd place. Esti Ginzburg / Esti Ginzburg(born March 6, 1990, Tel Aviv) is an Israeli model and actress. According to the Forbes magazine rating, she ranks 3rd among the highest paid models in Israel. Height 173 cm, measurements 79-62-90.

21st place. Odeya Rush / Odeya Rush(born May 12, 1997, Haifa) is an Israeli actress, best known for the American films The Insider (2014) and Goosebumps (2015).

20th place. Shir Elmaliach-Cohen(born October 28, 1989) - Israeli model.

19th place. Esti Elias / Esti Elias- Israeli model. Ethiopian Jew.

18th place. Yael Nizri(born 1987, Kiryat Shmona, Israel) - Israeli model, Miss Israel 2006.

17th place. Amit Machtinger / Amit Machtinger- Israeli model.

16th place. Shavit Wiesel(born 1989, Ashkelon, Israel) - Israeli model, Miss Israel 2010.

15th place. Maria Domark / Maria Domark- Israeli model.

14th place. Shir Dremer- finalist of the Miss Israel 2013 competition.

13th place. Gal Gadot- Israeli actress and model, Miss Israel 2004. According to the Forbes magazine rating, she ranks 2nd among the highest paid models in Israel. Born on April 30, 1985 in Rosh HaAyin (Israel). Her parents are sabras, i.e. Jews born in Israel. In 2016, the film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be released, where Gadot will play the comic book heroine Wonder Woman.

8th place. Moran Atias- Israeli actress and model. One of the five most successful Israeli models. She was born on April 9, 1981 in Haifa (Israel) into a family of Moroccan Jews. Moran has a younger sister, Shani, who is also on this list.

7th place. Maayan Keren(b. 1997, Ashdod, Israel) - Miss Israel 2015. Currently serving in israeli army, so she could not represent the country at the Miss World competition.

In this article you will find many photos of Israeli army girls. They amaze with their courage and strength. These young women have the right to fight for their country with dignity, just like men. And in some cases they show even greater determination and perseverance. What are these doing? beautiful girls in the Israeli army?

Warriors from Israel

A representative of the fair sex, dressed in a soldier's uniform and holding a gun in her fragile hands, is a fairly typical image of a modern Israeli woman. Today, there are a huge number of girls in the Israeli army - about several tens of thousands.

These young women follow established military duties and provide worthy competition to male soldiers. According to one of the founders of the Jewish state, joining the ranks of the army is the clearest proof of fulfilling one’s duty to the country, and until young people of both sexes can serve equally, there can be no question of widespread Lately the concept of equality.

Why do girls join the army?

Many people from different countries are asking this question. It would seem that the army is not a place for a woman. The participation of girls in the Israeli army can rightfully be considered a tradition. It was founded by a heroine named Deborah, who stood up to defend her homeland and took the machine gun into her hands at the moment when it was captured by enemies.

They decided to resume this historical tradition in modern Israel. If you believe the statistics, one third of the IDF personnel today consists of women. The mastery of the military profession by women makes it possible to assert that girls could potentially make up approximately 80% of the Israeli army.

About 25% of officer ranks in this country are held by girls, but they are usually distributed quite unevenly. Thus, among the lieutenants there are over 40% women, while among the colonels there is a maximum of 10%.

How does the service happen?

It should be noted that not long ago there were some changes in the rules of military service for women. Until recently, girls of the Israeli army were listed only in the rear units and were trained in the following specialties:

  • signalman;
  • chauffeur;
  • programmer;
  • nurse;
  • aircraft technician, etc.

However, today the maiden service has almost no differences from the male one, since any profession can be mastered by a woman just as well as by a man. As practice shows, girls cope well with assigned tasks, so in military affairs they are no worse prepared than guys.

Life of ladies in the army

Serving in the army is quite similar to working in an office, because on weekends you have the opportunity to leave the army and go to your home. There are also units where the following principle applies: if you live close to the unit, then you can come to serve in morning time and return home in the evening.

Almost every city in Israel has a so-called “beit chayalem” - a special hotel intended for soldiers. An Israeli army girl can spend the night or live in it until she returns to base.

Women here remain women, despite all the rigor and seriousness of the work they do. They are allowed to dye their hair, but the variety of possible colors is very limited. As for manicure, it is permissible to choose transparent, soft pink or beige polish.

Also, a girl in the Israeli army is required to carry a special army bag outside the base perimeter. It is important to follow this rule even if she already has her personal purse with her.

Who is subject to conscription

Israeli law stipulates that any local citizen must be drafted into the army upon reaching the age of 18. At the same time, young women under 26 years of age can be drafted. The service life for girls in the Israeli army is 2 years. To join the ranks of soldiers, a girl must not be married or have children. However, she must be an Israeli citizen or have a permanent resident visa.

How much do they pay for it

The minimum soldier's salary is usually 500 shekels (this figure is equal to 125 US dollars). In the case where a soldier got married before the army, the amount of allowance automatically increases to 3,000 shekels (over 750 dollars). If we talk about certain ranks, for example, ensign-super-conscript, then here the payment is from 5,000 shekels (over 1,250 dollars).

But there is one nuance: a girl in the Israeli army usually receives 10 dollars more than a man. This is explained as follows: the fair sex, as a rule, needs significantly more products intended for personal hygiene.

In addition to all of the above, military personnel have the right to full state allowance, as well as free use of transport.

A huge hello to all my viewers! I am very glad to see you on my channel. In this video I would like to chat with you in a very, it seems to me, very interesting topic. This topic: “The pros and cons of living in Israel for the fair sex.” As a representative of this fair sex, after four years of living in Israel, I came to some conclusions that in Israel there are both advantages and, unfortunately, disadvantages for girls, women, mothers and wives. In this video I want to tell you three pros and three cons of living in Israel for women.

But before we begin, I would like to make two points. The first is that some facts, points that I will talk about today, have their downside. After all, our world, our lives are not divided only into black and white. In this video, I will try to cover the topic of pros and cons in Israel in a non-one-sided way, and I will also tell you about the other side of these facts. The second point is, as usual, that everything said in this video is my purely subjective opinion, based on my experience, my knowledge, my observations, and outlook on life. And my opinion may categorically disagree with yours. Be sure to write your opinion in the comments, whether you agree with me or not. Maybe you have some additions or corrections. I am always very happy to receive feedback from you. My only request is: let's respect each other and express our opinions in a polite manner. Of course, I understand that my request is unlikely to have an effect on some of the personnel who sometimes look at my channel, but still I tried.

And let's start with the positives. The first plus is equality in all spheres of life. What does it mean? It is logical to assume that women in Israel have the same rights as men. I’ll even tell you that in some cases women have even more rights than men. I’ll tell you exactly what moments a little later. How does this manifest itself in practice? For example, you cannot be denied a job just because you are a woman, just because someone thinks that this is not a woman’s job. Many vacancies even say that this vacancy is suitable for both women and men equally, even this is the vacancy of a loader, truck driver or security guard. It’s the same in family terms. Of course, someone else's family is in the dark, we will never know what happens behind closed doors, but I’ll tell you what can be seen from the outside. But, for example, a woman will never be told where her place is, like “be quiet, your place is in the kitchen, men talk here.” For example, a husband is unlikely to tell his wife: “I earn money, and that’s where my family responsibilities end, and you have the house, children, etc., don’t bother me with these women’s questions.” If both adults, husband and wife, work in a family, then household chores are also, as a rule, distributed equally. Very often you can see fathers walking with their children in the park, or husbands doing some household chores. In Israel this is par for the course. Therefore, thanks to this attitude towards women in Israel, Israeli women are very independent, very self-confident and independent.

The second advantage is the protection of women by law as a representative of the physically weaker sex and the protection of the mother. Regarding the point, I meant that women in Israel sometimes have more rights than men. For example, in Israel, after a divorce, a child almost automatically remains with his mother. Although it is worth noting that recently the situation has begun to change, and children are not given to mothers as blindly as before, which, in my opinion, is correct. But still, given equal conditions between husband and wife, father and mother, the court will always be on the side of the mother. Also, if the father evades paying child support, then the mother and father will receive this child support from the National Insurance Center. And the father’s debt will grow not to the child and his mother, but to the state.

Let me now give a couple of examples of how a woman, a member of the weaker sex, is protected by law in Israel. If a woman reports an attack on herself or rape, then the man she pointed at is immediately arrested and dealt with only later, even if she pointed the finger at her own husband. Cases of domestic violence are quite rare here. If a woman goes to the police with a bruise, no one will tell her: “Take care of your household affairs yourself.” Moreover, I can tell you that a woman can sometimes remain silent, but if neighbors hear or see something suspicious, then they do not have the right to remain silent by law, and they are obliged by law to report to the police so that the police can figure out what the problem is, why a woman walks around with bruises, or why some screams are heard at night. It also doesn’t matter which man the woman points her finger at, be it an ordinary ordinary worker or a high-ranking politician, official, or military man. Very often in the media you can see cases where generals, city mayors, etc. are accused of such crimes. What is important is that in such cases the name of the victim is always hidden, which cannot be said about the name of the suspect. Unfortunately, there is back side medals, and very often some dishonest women take advantage of this and falsely accuse men. Her name will still be hidden, and a man could lose everything because of a false accusation: career, family, reputation, etc.

The next plus is that there is little competition when it comes to communicating with the opposite sex. Now I will explain what I mean. Unfortunately or fortunately, there are quite a few beautiful women in Israel, and many Israeli women are not feminine at all. In addition, there are fewer young women in Israel than young men. Therefore, Israeli men, Israeli guys are practically not at all spoiled by female beauty, femininity, female attention, such as Russian men. In Israel, any girl, even a completely unattractive one, will find herself at least a boyfriend, and a more or less attractive, slender, lonely girl here will enjoy quite a lot of attention from the opposite sex. But this also has its downsides, because in the absence of competition, very often, although not always, women stop taking care of themselves and begin to look even worse. Of course, it cannot be said that there are no beautiful women in Israel; of course, they exist. Most of the beautiful women in Israel come from the CIS countries. You can also meet drop-dead beautiful Israeli women who were born here and people from other countries. But still, no matter how you look at it, there are very few beautiful Israeli women. Plus to this point, in Israel there are quite a lot of attractive men, I would even say handsome, who take care of themselves and play sports. And very often in Israel you can meet very interesting couples, when the man is handsome, an athlete, and his companion is, to put it mildly, not a top model.

Let's now talk about the cons. The first disadvantage is a very short decree and the state’s lack of thought regarding the issue of kindergartens. Paid maternity leave in Israel lasts three months. You can also negotiate with your employer to extend maternity leave for another three months at your own expense. But after six months, if mom doesn’t want to lose her workplace, she must go to work. And since usually in the average Israeli family, to maintain normal financial situation Since both adults must work, a woman often goes back to work three months after giving birth. In addition, three months is the duration of the entire maternity leave. That is, if a woman, for example, wants to go on maternity leave two weeks before giving birth, then after giving birth she will only have two and a half months left. Therefore, women in Israel often work until the birth itself and very often go to the maternity hospital straight from their workplace. I don’t see anything wrong with working before giving birth. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, if the pregnancy is healthy, then this is even a plus, because the woman does not sit at home and is not bored. As a mother, I know what I'm talking about. Three months after giving birth, it seems very early to me to tear such a small, such a tiny little thing from my mother. In fact, I don’t think that maternity leave should be very long, like for example three years in Russia. It seems to me that the ideal period for maternity leave is about a year. Just by the age of one, the child becomes more independent, he, as a rule, knows how to walk, he is already interested in communicating with other children, and at this age the child can already be sent to kindergarten.

We smoothly moved on to the topic of kindergartens. Despite the fact that in Israel paid maternity leave lasts only three months, and often the family has no choice but to send the child to kindergarten at this age, kindergartens become free only from the age of three. At the age of three, you can send your child to a municipal kindergarten, but until the age of three, you can only send your child to a private kindergarten, which is very expensive, often half the salary of one of the parents. I'm not even talking about the cost of a nanny.

The next minus is also a minus for men, but still for women this is probably a more important point, at least for most women. These are expensive and low-quality shoes, clothing and accessories. Yes, it’s no secret that in Israel many goods are much more expensive than in many other countries, but often you get a fairly high-quality product for the money. For example, products in Israel are very expensive, but they are also of very high quality, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about clothes and shoes. If you want to buy high-quality leather shoes, then first of all, you will have to look hard for them in Israel, and when you find them, be prepared to pay at least 70-80 dollars, if not more, for some simple sandals. You can buy exactly the same shoes somewhere in Europe for 20-30 euros maximum, if they are not a branded item. 99% of the shoes that are sold in Israel seem to be made of paper; this doesn’t even evoke any other associations for me. It's the same with clothes. There are a lot of cheap clothes in Israel, but cheap clothes in Israel are such Chinese trash! These are protruding threads, these are crooked and slanting seams, and for more or less high-quality clothes in Israel made from natural fabrics, be prepared to shell out a decent amount of money. There are also many international clothing brands in Israel. Let's take Zara for example, because everyone knows it. So in the Israeli Zara, clothes and shoes are many times more expensive than in Russia, I’m not talking about Europe.

Deborah, the wife of Lapidot, was inspired by God. She sat under the Deborah tree, and men came to her to ask for a fair trial. These were troubled times, when the Jews recently left Egypt and found their homeland - the Land of Israel. And hordes of neighboring conquerors sought to seize the young state. The Canaanite king Yabin threatened to completely destroy Israel and sent his general Sisera on a campaign against the Jews.

The Jews were in despair. And Deborah, looking at this, wanted to lead the Israeli army herself to fight the conquerors. I wanted to, but I couldn’t because I was a woman. And then she began to look the right man, who could lead the army instead of her. But there were no such heroes. The desperate woman herself had to get into formation and lead the campaign.

The fact that the Jews were led by a woman who passionately believed in victory and in her country inspired the Israeli army, and they completely defeated Sisera.

Deborah was the first woman to go to fight for Israel. A few centuries later, another Jewish woman, Esther Arditi, accomplished no less a feat.

When a Mosquito plane crash-landed at Hazor Air Base in 1955, Esther was the first to rush to the rescue. Already on the ground the plane caught fire. Squadron commander Yaakov Talmon remained inside the cabin. He was injured and could not leave the plane on his own. And then Arditi burst into the already burning cabin and carried out the wounded pilot.

For this feat, the government awarded Esther Arditi the Itur Hamofet medal - for courage worthy of being an example. Esther became the first woman to receive such an award. However, it is far from the last.

Law is law

The Jewish woman has always been a warrior. Since the formation of the State of Israel, this tradition has been enshrined in law. Another one of the founders of the state, David Ben-Gurion, called military service the highest manifestation of civic duty, and “until women and men are equal in the performance of this honorable duty, one cannot speak of their true equality.”

In the Second world war Jewish women volunteered en masse for the front and fought as part of the British air force. In 1948, the Women's Corps was created as part of the army in the newly formed Israel. Only female volunteers served there.

In 1959, the authorities finally took a decisive step forward, equalizing the right of men and women to serve their country equally. The government introduced compulsory military service for both men and women over 18 years of age.

All women for whom the army does not contradict moral and religious principles are conscripted into the army for compulsory service. Girls who managed to get married and give birth to a child are not drafted.

Those who do not serve in military units undergo military service civil service.

Initially, women served for 1 year and 9 months (for comparison, military service for men lasts 3 years). However, over time, women became more and more equal in their rights (Israeli feminists contributed greatly to this).

Since 2003, Israeli women pursuing military specialties that require more long preparation, serve for 36 months - the same as men. First of all, specialties in the air defense forces, border troops, artillery, tank, aviation, naval commandos and medical units.

And who and in what troops to serve is determined by the commission. At the age of 17, every girl in Israel is required to appear at the military registration and enlistment office and go through medical examination, psychological tests and interviews. Based on the results of these tests, the commission will decide which units and units the future soldier should be sent to serve. Or don't call at all.

Women's Corps

As already mentioned, the Women's Corps was created in May 1948. Its first commander was Colonel Shoshana Gershon. She was born in Russia and gained combat experience in the British Army and the Haganah.

Until 1995, women did not have the right to serve in combat units or serve where there was fighting. They couldn't receive military ranks on an equal basis with male officers, and most of their service took place in the rear - providing life for the military, headquarters, etc. Only in some cases did women volunteers achieve the right to receive a combat military specialty and serve on an equal basis with men.

The Supreme Court in Israel in 1995, by its decision, allowed women to serve in combat units and undergo training in officer schools for naval commanders and pilots. And this was the beginning of the formation new philosophy IDF.

Within two years, the first woman, her name was Ellis Miller, became a flight cadet at the Air Force Academy.

In 2001, Roni Zuckerman, with the rank of lieutenant, received the rank of fighter pilot for the first time in Israeli history.

That same year, another girl, Shosh Kahlon, was appointed commander of a motorized infantry battalion with the rank of lieutenant colonel for the first time in the IDF.

It was originally planned that the Women's Corps would serve separately, according to special program, but it soon became clear that this was not necessary. And women began to serve together with men. Only separate leadership of the corps was retained.

In 2001, the Women's Corps ceased to exist as a separate unit. Instead, the Office of the Adviser on Women in the Military was established under the command of Major General Suzy Yogev at the General Staff.

This meant only one thing: the final equalization of the rights of women and men in the army and the increased influence of women in the armed forces.

Women and the army today

Currently, 35% of IDF personnel are women. They have access to 80% of all military specialties. And they have virtually no restrictions in career growth, which greatly motivates them to choose the military path.

True, not everyone has risen to high epaulettes yet. 44% of women serve at the rank of lieutenant, and only 10% reach the rank of lieutenant colonel.

However, the trend for women to move higher up the military career ladder is increasing.

“The Israel Defense Forces should rely on professionals, and the selection of people should be carried out based on professional qualities, and not on gender. Women in Israel can do anything, they can do anything, and therefore all military units will be open to them,” said Susie Yogev .