
Make delicious cheese at home. How to make cheese

How to make cheese at home - TOP 8 recipes with photos from the magazine website

Cheese is a unique dairy product. It is rich in vitamins - A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E, PP, and the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in it is perfectly balanced. It is also very valuable that the nutrients contained in cheese are absorbed by the human body by 98-99%.

People have been making cheese since time immemorial. It was most likely invented by accident, in the 8th millennium BC, during the period when sheep began to be domesticated: milk, when stored in the stomachs of these animals, was converted into cottage cheese and whey thanks to rennet.

Today, store shelves are replete with different types of cheeses. Soft and hard, creamy and melted, smoked and moldy... However, many cheeses contain flavorings, thickeners, preservatives, and therefore resemble a natural product very vaguely.

Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation: you can learn how to make cheese at home, tasty and healthy, without harmful industrial additives. We invite you to try your hand at making homemade cheese. We will tell you a few secrets on how to make it delicious and share the most delicious homemade cheese recipes.

How to make homemade cheese

Recipe 1.

You will need: 1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 egg or 2 yolks, 1 liter of milk, 120 g of butter, 2-3 teaspoons of soda, 1 coffee spoon of salt and spices (dill or cumin seeds) as desired.

In a large saucepan, bring the milk to a boil. Place the cottage cheese in the milk and cook, stirring constantly, for about 4 minutes over low heat until the whey separates. Then take clean gauze, soak it in water, fold it in two layers and line a colander; Pour the hot curd mixture into it. When the whey has drained well, tie the gauze tightly and hang it over the sink. While excess liquid is draining, beat softened butter, salt, soda and egg (or yolks) in a separate bowl. When the whey has completely drained, transfer the cottage cheese into a clean bowl, combine with the yolks and butter, and mix well. If desired, add dill, cumin seeds or other aromatic herbs to the cheese to taste. Boil a small amount of water in a large saucepan. Place another, smaller bowl on top, and place the prepared curd mass into it. Cook in a water bath for about 9 minutes, stirring continuously. When the curd mass begins to melt and becomes viscous, transfer it to a mold greased with butter, press lightly on top and let it stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Remove the finished cheese from the mold and serve, cutting into pieces.

Recipe 2.

You will need: 1 kg of homemade non-grain cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, 100 g of butter with a fat content of at least 82%, 3 eggs, 1 liter of milk with a fat content of 3.2%, 1 teaspoon each of soda and salt.

Boil the milk, add the cottage cheese and cook for about 30 minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. Place a colander in another saucepan, lay gauze folded in 2-3 layers on it and lay out the prepared cottage cheese. After the whey has drained (by the way, very tasty pancakes are made from it), put the cheese mass in another, clean bowl, add well-beaten eggs, softened butter, salt and soda. Combine all the ingredients well, cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly, and place the curd mass in a deep bowl greased with butter, carefully level with a spoon, and when the cheese has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Remove the finished Adyghe cheese from the bowl, turning it over. Serve by cutting into beautiful slices.

Recipe 3.

You will need: 1 liter of milk, 1 tablespoon of coarse salt, 3 eggs, 200 ml of sour cream, spices to taste.

Add salt to milk, stir, boil. Mix the sour cream well with the eggs and pour into the hot milk in a thin stream. Cook over low heat, stirring, for 3-4 minutes. Immediately after large flakes form, you can add your favorite spices, herbs that you like, or garlic to the curd mass. This is a simple and at the same time win-win, wonderful recipe for homemade suluguni. The finished cheese tastes like tender cheese. You can also make it with cilantro, dill, paprika, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, walnuts - any additives you like. After cooking, strain the cheese through a fine sieve (or gauze folded in 2-3 layers), place in a bowl and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipe 4.

You will need (for 1 kg of finished product): 1 dessert spoon of natural wine vinegar, 10 liters of milk + 200 ml of milk for the starter, 1 g of pepsin for the starter (you can buy it at the market or at the pharmacy).

To make the starter, in a separate bowl, combine 200 ml of milk at room temperature with wine vinegar. Dilute pepsin in the resulting mixture. Strain 10 liters of milk through a fine sieve (or cheesecloth), heat it to a temperature of 30 degrees in a cauldron (or aluminum pan), pour in the starter and let it stand for half an hour in a warm place. Then place the bowl with milk on low heat. With clean hands, collect the mixture that curls up against the sides of the pan. The cheese curls in about 5 minutes. If you take the lumps out of the pan, place them in a prepared colander with gauze and squeeze out the whey, you will get young homemade cheese; it is already ready to eat. And for classic suluguni, you need to leave it to ferment in unsalted whey in a warm place for a couple of hours. To check the readiness of the cheese, cut a thin piece and dip in hot water for 1-2 minutes. If the cheese stretches slightly, you can begin further processing. The main thing is that it does not tear. Divide the prepared cheese into strips approximately 2 cm thick and place in hot water (about 85º). Melt it over low heat, stirring in one direction with a wooden spatula. When the mass has completely melted, remove it from the pan, glue it into a lump, giving the cheese the shape of a head. Classic suluguni is ready!

Recipe 5.

You will need: 200 ml of heavy cream, 800 ml of sour cream 20% fat, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Mix the cream (you can use full-fat milk instead) well with sour cream and heat to 75º over low heat with continuous stirring (but do not overheat, under no circumstances allow the mixture to boil!). Pour lemon juice into the hot cream and stir – the liquid will curdle. After this, immediately turn off the heat and let the cheese mass cool. Soak the gauze folded in several layers in water, place in a colander, transfer the cheese mixture and leave for at least an hour - the excess liquid should drain completely. After this, the cheese can be squeezed, and the better it is squeezed, the denser, more beautiful and tastier it will be. Homemade mascarpone should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6.

You will need: 5-6 liters of goat milk, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of soda, 100 g of butter, salt and spices to taste.

To prepare goat milk cottage cheese, pour it into a large container, preferably glass, and put 1 tablespoon of kefir, sour cream or a crust of black bread there. The milk will turn sour in a couple of days. When this happens, heat it directly in the jar in a water bath. There is one secret: the slower the sour milk is heated, the softer and more tender the cottage cheese will be. When the whey separates, drain the curd into a colander lined with gauze folded in 4 layers. After the liquid has drained, tie the corners of the gauze and hang the “bag” over some container. Leave it overnight. The next morning, melt the butter in a saucepan, beat in the eggs, salt, add soda and spices. Combine all ingredients well, add cottage cheese, place the pan in a water bath and heat over very low heat with continuous stirring. The cheese is ready when the curd begins to melt and becomes viscous. For complete readiness, while the cheese is liquid, pour it into a mold greased with sunflower oil and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7.

You will need: 1 teaspoon of soda, 400 g of homemade cottage cheese, 1 egg, 50 g of butter, salt and spices to taste.

To make the cottage cheese more tender, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it through a sieve. Then add butter, egg, salt and soda. Place the cauldron with this mixture on low heat and stir with a spoon until smooth. If desired, add spices - garlic, basil, dill, parsley, and if you want the processed cheese to acquire a beautiful yellowish tint, add turmeric. Stir the curd mixture continuously until it melts (bubbles should appear). The main thing is not to overcook it on the fire, otherwise the consistency will not be melted cheese, but something similar to feta cheese. Pour the resulting mass into a bowl, and when it cools down, the processed cheese is ready. When serving, garnish it with fresh herbs.

Recipe 8.

You will need: 2 liters of kefir, 50 g of butter, 1 egg, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of salt, 0.5 coffee spoon of paprika.

Build a water bath: place a cauldron with a small amount of water on the fire, and place a smaller saucepan or bowl of kefir on top, so that it does not touch the water. Keep the kefir in a steam bath until it turns into cottage cheese: when the whey separates, the kefir will begin to thicken. The main thing is not to overcook it, make sure it doesn’t boil. As soon as the kefir becomes dense, place it in a colander lined with three layers of gauze, squeeze out the excess liquid and leave in the “bag” for at least a quarter of an hour until it drains completely. After this, transfer the cottage cheese into the bowl in which the kefir was “steamed”, add salt, soda, paprika, butter and egg. Mash everything well with a fork and put it back in the water bath. The melting process will begin in approximately 3 minutes; Once this happens, start stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula. Stir continuously until you get a yellowish mass without lumps; this will take about 10-15 minutes. Grease a cheese mold (it’s better to take a bamboo bowl or a plastic container) with butter in advance, place the prepared cheese mixture in a thick layer and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. If desired, you can add your favorite spices, nuts, and aromatic herbs to the cheese.

As you can see, making cheese at home is very simple., the main thing is that all products are fresh and of high quality. Good luck to you in this exciting endeavor! And delicious homemade cheese!

I haven't bought cheese at the store for a long time. Because my homemade cheese is much better in all respects! I advise you to cook it too. I've tried different homemade cheese recipes, but this one... simple cheese recipe at home liked it the most. Making soft curd cheese from milk is simple and quick. And most importantly, it tastes much better than usual!

Preparing homemade cheese takes about half an hour plus time for cooling and hardening in the refrigerator - I usually leave it overnight, although it will be ready earlier.

Is it worth making your own cheese?
If we proceed from the question of how much homemade cheese costs and whether it is profitable to make it or not, then it turns out, let’s say, not cheap. If you compare it with the most common inexpensive popular one, it may be more expensive. But if you are used to buying expensive cheeses, you can get cheaper ones. But the main thing here is not the price! You can make delicious low-fat cheese at home, you will know what it contains, or rather, what is not there, and you will understand that your homemade cheese is not dangerous for children.

How many calories are in homemade cheese?
On average, regular cheese contains from 250 to 350 or more calories per 100 grams, but in calorie tables for homemade cheese they indicate a value of 113. I don’t know what kind of cheese they mean. I believe the calorie content of homemade cheese will depend on how high-fat cottage cheese and milk you choose. You can even make diet cheese with your own hands by taking the same recipe, but using low-fat cottage cheese and milk.

What you will need:

The color is always different

In order not to waste time going to stores, all the ingredients for making cheese with your own hands can be ordered at They select and transport the freshest goods!

Ingredients for making homemade cheese:
- 500 ml of milk (it is believed that the fattest is best, but I always buy 2.5%)
- 500 grams of cottage cheese (I take 2 packs of Piskarevsky cottage cheese 5%, although the recipe says 9%)
- 50 grams of butter
- 0.5 teaspoon of soda (put less)
- 1 egg
- salt to taste (About half a teaspoon is recommended, but this results in a very delicate taste of homemade cheese. I like it better when I add even more than a teaspoon. It somehow doesn’t taste particularly salty)

Sometimes I make a larger portion, then I take 3 packs of cottage cheese, a little more butter and 2 eggs.

Homemade hard cheese recipe:
I take an ordinary pan (nothing has ever burned before) and a wooden spatula.
Pour out the milk, put cottage cheese in it, and put it on low heat.

Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, then cook for another 15 minutes.

You will see whey separated from the milk. Make sure it doesn't burn or stick to the bottom.

We put it in a colander; if the holes are large, you can put gauze on it. Let it drain, but don’t pour out the whey right away.

In the same pan (I usually don’t even remove it from the heat, I cook it and keep everything nearby) add butter. As soon as it melts (stir), add the egg and a little soda. Mix well with the same spatula.

Immediately add the mixture containing the whey. And we continue to stir all the time - cook for another five minutes. The fire should be as small as possible. If the mixture is too thick, difficult to stir, or starts to stick to the bottom, add a little drained whey. For me, the consistency is often different, thicker or more liquid.

When everything is thoroughly mixed and brewed, immediately transfer it to the mold. Almost any dish can be used as a mold for homemade hard cheese. I sometimes use plastic plates, containers, and soup cups. I don’t lubricate it with anything, I don’t put anything inside. It is easier to remove from the plastic mold.

I wait until it cools down, cover it with cling film or a bag (otherwise it will air out) and put it in the refrigerator. It is important to transfer the homemade cheese immediately and compact it well into the mold, otherwise it will not be even.

Delicious cheese at home ready!!!

Even more of my recipes for cupcakes, cookies, gingerbread, cheese, etc. in the section

There is probably no better cheese than homemade cheese. No store-bought cheese can compete with homemade cheese. Plus, this great product is easy to prepare. Well, how to make it, read in this review.
Recipe contents:

If once upon a time making cheese at home was quite common, today it is a real feat that not all housewives can accomplish. Since the process itself, in principle, is not labor-intensive, but it does require a lot of time. But the result is worth it. The product is obtained with an incomparable taste, without harmful production components and additives. Therefore, we invite you to test your strength and make homemade cheese.

Secrets of making cheese at home

  • It is advisable to make cheese from homemade or farm cottage cheese. Supermarkets often sell low-quality cottage cheese, which looks more like a cottage cheese product. This will not make good cheese.
  • Also, to achieve a good result, you need to use high-quality farm milk. It is better not to use sterilized and ultra-pasteurized milk from packs and plastic bags. If you can’t find homemade milk, then buy it in the supermarket, but the fattest one and with a minimum shelf life.
  • Ready-made cheese usually contains a lot of fat, so to prepare it, the original product must also be more tender and oily.
  • The cheese will ripen only when its weight is at least 500 g.
  • Homemade cheeses are generally softer than store-bought ones. Its hardness depends on strong press pressure. Therefore, the heavier it is, the harder the cheese will be.
  • If you don’t have a special mold for cheese, you can use a deep fryer, a regular colander or a mesh.
  • The finished cheese is stored in a cotton towel or paper bag in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • The remaining whey can be used for baking pancakes, for yeast dough or for whey-based okroshka.

Technology for making cheese at home

Making cheese is actually much more real than it seems at first glance. Only hard cheeses require special equipment, equipment and ingredients, which are not available in every supermarket. But making soft cheeses yourself is not difficult. There are two technologies for this:
  • Melting dairy products.
  • Mixing milk with lactic acid bacteria and clotting enzymes.
The first method is quite widely used at home. You can use it to make soft cheeses. The second method makes hard cheeses and is rarely used in home cooking. Although, if you wish, you can purchase rennet (acidin-pepsin or pepsin) in pharmacies and markets where spices are sold.

Interestingly, it is easiest to make cheeses at home, which are not cheap in stores. For example, Mascarpone cheese is used for cheesecake and teramisu, Philadelphia cheese is used for rolls and sushi.

Of course, homemade cheese is not cheap, especially when compared with an inexpensive popular product. However, if you are used to buying expensive cheeses, then homemade cheese will be much cheaper. But the main thing is not the price, but the content of the ingredients and the confidence that the product is not dangerous, especially for children.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 113 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 600 g
  • Preparation time: 30 minutes to cook, 3-5 hours to cool


  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste


  1. Pour milk into a cooking pan with a thick bottom (so that nothing burns), add cottage cheese and place on the stove over low heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  2. When you see that the whey begins to separate from the milk, pour the mixture into a colander or sieve and leave to drain. Do not discard the whey (use it for some dish).
  3. Place the butter in the same pan. When it melts, beat in the egg, add baking soda and stir.
  4. Add the curd mass to the pan and continue stirring for 5 minutes over low heat.
  5. When the mixture is brewed, transfer it to a special form or any container and compact it.
  6. Cool the future cheese, cover with cling film (to prevent it from chapping) and place in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Cheese - a classic way of cooking

Natural homemade cheese, firstly, is much healthier for the body, and secondly, it surpasses meat in energy value, because it retains absolutely all the beneficial enzymes and qualities of milk. In addition, natural cheese is rich in minerals and vitamins, as well as protein, which is much better absorbed than milk (98-99%).

Ingredients (yield 700 g of pressed cheese):

  • Milk - 6 l
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 lemons (can be replaced with 3 tsp citric acid)
  • Salt - to taste
  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and boil with the lid closed.
  2. When the milk begins to rise and boil, remove the pan from the stove and add lemon juice (a curdling agent).
  3. Stir the products for about 1 minute and leave for a couple of minutes to curdle. At this time, the sponge-like paneer will immediately separate from the whey. If the whey is not transparent, then put the pan back on the stove, add a little more coagulating agent and heat it up.
  4. Line a colander with gauze, strain the resulting mass, collect the cottage cheese and tie the gauze tightly.
  5. To make the cheese hard, place pressure on top of the mixture. The longer the cheese is pressed, the harder the paneer will be.

Many people believe that making cheese requires expensive equipment, a bunch of obscure ingredients and, of course, many years of experience. But in reality everything is much simpler. Now you can see for yourself.

To savor homemade cheese, you don't need more tools than you have in your kitchen. The ingredients you will also need are those that you have been familiar with for many years. Well, in terms of experience, we can say that even a ten-year-old child can handle making cheese.

If you are ready to start something new for yourself, then we advise you to start right now. We will help you not only with advice, but also with step-by-step instructions. Today we will make cheese from milk. First, let's do the classic recipe, then we'll try to use goat's milk. After this we will make two types of hard cheese. Their difference will be that one of them will be missing eggs.

By the way, a variety of products can be added to cheese, as well as to baked goods, to diversify the taste, aroma, and appearance. These can be nuts, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, spices and a variety of spices that you like. Choose everything to your taste, everything to suit you.

The most commonly used vegetables are tomatoes, green peas and sweet peppers. Herbs can be dry or fresh dill, parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme and more. It is better to add walnuts or peanuts from nuts. Other types of nuts may turn out tasteless because their taste will be overwhelmed by the cheese. Dried fruits can be prunes, dried apricots and raisins. Curry, turmeric or paprika will make your cheese bright and unusual.

You are reading this text here and now to learn how to make homemade cheese, right? There's really nothing complicated about it. Sometimes it seems that making cheese at home is much easier than going to the store to buy it. Want to try it yourself?

For this you will need milk first. It must be heated and seasoned with salt to taste, and then the desired ingredients must be added to it. For example, it could be pepsin (rennet), citric acid or lemon juice, soda. If you want cheese with additives, you will have to add them to the still hot milk so that they can be evenly distributed throughout the cheese.

In principle, this is the entire process of making homemade cheese. Next, we will tell you in more detail about each recipe so that you can easily please your loved ones with new items on the dinner table.

Homemade milk cheese

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

The easiest recipe for making homemade cheese. You can buy pepsin at any pharmacy or in the spice department of any supermarket.

How to cook:

Tip: You can use lime juice instead of lemon juice.

Savory homemade goat's milk cheese

This cheese will be richer, richer and fattier than cow cheese. Try cooking it yourself and you will understand how delicious it is.

What is the calorie content - 65 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the lemon under running water, cut it in half;
  2. After this, squeeze the juice out of it and set aside;
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan, place on gas;
  4. Add salt and stir;
  5. Stirring, heat the milk, but only until bubbles appear on the surface. It is important to remember that milk should not be boiled at this stage;
  6. When the goal is achieved, remove the milk from the heat;
  7. Pour lemon juice into hot milk, add basil and stir;
  8. After ten minutes, the mass will finally divide into two parts;
  9. Place several layers of gauze in a colander or sieve;
  10. Place it over a clean bowl;
  11. Pour the contents of the pan onto cheesecloth and let the whey drain for thirty minutes;
  12. When time has passed, collect the ends of the gauze and squeeze out the serum like a bag;
  13. Remove the cheesecloth and the cheese is ready. You can store it in a hermetically sealed container, with the addition of whey.

Tip: Instead of basil, you can use any other spices to your taste.

This cheese cannot be called a good alternative to a store-bought product. You will understand this immediately after you try the first bite.

How much time - 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 120 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the cottage cheese from the packaging, pass it into the pan using a sieve;
  2. Pour in the milk and place the container on the stove;
  3. Heat the mixture, stirring, until the cottage cheese begins to form lumps;
  4. The curd needs to become dense and the liquid will be yellow;
  5. Then pour the resulting breasts into a sieve or colander with gauze;
  6. Leave until all the whey has drained;
  7. Place oil in a saucepan and place it on the stove;
  8. Add cottage cheese, salt, soda and eggs;
  9. Start mixing this whole mass with a wooden spatula until you get a homogeneous consistency. Don’t worry if it doesn’t work out, as the process should normally take at least twenty minutes;
  10. Next, transfer the cheese into any container, up to a plate;
  11. Transfer the future cheese to the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

Tip: you can also use quail eggs. But in this case you will have to take twice as many of them.

Recipe for hard homemade milk cheese without eggs

Because of the butter in the ingredient list, the cheese turns out incredibly tasty and even tastes a little creamy. It's worth a try!

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 153 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil;
  2. During this time, beat the cottage cheese with a blender into a homogeneous mass;
  3. Add it to the milk and stirring, bring it all to a boil;
  4. And then cook for ten minutes;
  5. Place a colander or sieve on a clean pan;
  6. Cover the top with gauze and pour out the contents of the pan;
  7. Wait a little, collect the edges and squeeze the cheese from the liquid;
  8. Place it in a bowl, add salt, soda and gently butter;
  9. Beat it all to a fluffy consistency;
  10. After this, transfer to a saucepan and turn on low heat;
  11. Stir until the cheese begins to pull away from the sides;
  12. Remove from heat and wait until the temperature is such that the cheese can be touched;
  13. Then roll it into a ball or circle, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

Tip: for taste, you can add spices in the form of paprika or curry. You can also add fresh herbs.

To obtain cheese that contains cottage cheese, we recommend taking dry and fatty cottage cheese. It is from this that the most delicate consistency of the future product will be obtained.

If you need to finish the cheese mass on the stove, we recommend using a saucepan or pan with a thick bottom and the same walls. In a regular pan, the mixture will stick to the bottom and you will end up with cheese that smells burnt.

The entire future product depends on the quality of milk. That is, not only its aroma, but also its taste and appearance. To do this, choose the freshest milk, preferably homemade, not store-bought.

To make homemade cheese, you will need simple ingredients and tools. This will only take an hour of your time, but you will save a lot of money. After all, you can get a piece of cheese that is twice as big as store-bought cheese for the same price. Do not spare your strength and your time. Believe that it is truly worth it. You'll understand it when you try it. But to do this, you first need to cook. Good luck!

The basis of cheese is milk: cow, goat or sheep. You can add cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, and butter to milk. It is best to use farm products with high fat content: ultra-pasteurized milk will not curdle, and skim milk will simply not make very tasty cheese.

Excipients are certain bacteria and enzymes that accelerate the process of separating milk into whey and curd. They can be bought in a store or ordered online.

Lemon juice, citric acid solution or vinegar do the same job.

Bacteria and other microorganisms also affect the taste and texture of cheese. But you can prepare it without a special starter - at the initial stage it is better to do so.

In addition to the main and auxiliary ingredients, you can add additional ingredients: nuts, herbs, mushrooms, vegetables or ham. You can also use spices such as turmeric, which will give the cheese a yellow color.



Prepare cheese in clean containers and on clean work surfaces. If you touch something foreign, be sure to dry them with a fresh towel.

If these rules are not followed, harmful bacteria may enter the cheese and it will spoil.

In addition, cheese easily absorbs foreign odors, so there is no need to use perfumed products before preparing it. It’s also not a good idea to cook other dishes at the same time: the cheese can absorb the flavors of the food.

Cooking process

Cheese is made by separating milk into curd mass and whey. To do this, pour milk into a non-stick pan and bring to a boil. Usually other dairy products and auxiliary ingredients are added at this stage. The milk is then continued to be heated until the curd mass separates from the whey.

The separated curd mass is filtered through clean gauze and a sieve.

After this, the future cheese, still wrapped in cloth, is pressed down with a weight or hung to finally rid it of whey. In this position, the cheese usually ripens from several hours to a day.

Under pressure they become harder. It is believed that the heavier the load and the longer the mass lies under it, the denser and richer the cheese will be. It is optimal to use a load of 10 kg.

Store homemade cheese in the refrigerator for about a week.



  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry herbs;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.


Bring the milk to a boil and add the remaining ingredients. When the mixture boils again, remove it from the heat, strain through cheesecloth and squeeze. Place the mass under the weight. When the cheese has cooled, you can cut it into pieces and serve.


  • 1 liter of heavy cream;
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice.


Place the cream over medium heat and heat, stirring, but do not bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, remove the pan from the heat and, while continuing to stir, add lemon juice.

Return the pan to the stove, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 10 minutes. When the mixture turns into a thick cream, pour it into a sieve lined with gauze.

Leave the mixture for about an hour or hang overnight. When all the whey has drained off, you can taste the cheese.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g sour cream.


Bring the milk to a boil. Without reducing the heat, add salt, beaten eggs and sour cream. Cook the mixture, stirring, for about 5 minutes. When the whey begins to separate, drain the mixture into a colander lined with gauze. Hang the cheese for 3 hours, and then put it under the press for a few more hours.


  • 3 liters of milk;
  • 2 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • salt - to taste.


Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Add cottage cheese and stir. After this, reduce the heat to low and simmer the mixture, stirring constantly. When the curd mass separates, place it in a colander lined with gauze or a cotton towel.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, put the resulting cheese in it, add the egg, soda and salt. Prepare the mixture, stirring constantly. When it begins to acquire a creamy consistency and turn yellow, remove it from the heat. Place the cheese in a mold, press down with a weight and put it in the refrigerator for several hours or a day.

The resulting cheeses can be served as an independent snack or used to make sandwiches, salads, etc. The separated whey can also be put into circulation: for example, you can use it to make okroshka or pancakes.