
Weak lungs, what to do? Good advice on how to strengthen the bronchi. How to strengthen the lungs

Taking care of your health is the biggest investment a person can make in themselves. Few people know that colds, flu, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system can be prevented if the lungs and bronchi are strengthened in advance. This is easy to do when you know what is good for the lungs.

Strengthening the lungs and bronchus

1) Nutrition, which includes foods that are useful for the lungs and bronchi.

A properly composed diet is the basis of the health of the whole organism, and the respiratory system in particular. There are certain foods that strengthen the lungs and bronchi. They need to be regularly included in the menu.

2) Do breathing exercises to strengthen the lungs and bronchi.

With the help of special exercises, you can significantly increase the resistance of the entire respiratory system to diseases, expand its capabilities, as well as improve the functioning of the whole organism: improve heart rhythm, normalize metabolism, regulate the functioning of the nervous system.

3) Cleanliness in the house.

Regular wet cleaning reduces the amount of harmful dust, which, settling on the bronchi and lungs, can provoke an allergic reaction and impair gas exchange between the respiratory organs and the blood. Do not accumulate a large number of unnecessary things, papers: the more items in the house, the more dust settles.

4) Quit smoking.

Tobacco smoke poses a threat due to its high temperature, which damages the delicate lining of the respiratory tract; tobacco tar, settling on the bronchi and lungs, provokes the development of cancer, and hydrocyanic acid, contained in all cigarettes, damages the bronchial cilia, which causes the development of cough, sputum, wheezing, which eventually becomes chronic.

5) Eliminate incense and air fresheners.

Smoke from incense and aerosols contain substances that cause inflammatory reactions, irritate the mucous membranes and can cause allergies.

6) Breathe clean air.

For urban residents, this is most relevant. The air in the city is saturated with automobile exhausts and industrial pollutants. Try to spend at least weekends in nature, in the forest or near water bodies.

Useful products for the lungs

The mucous membrane of the respiratory system is a kind of sponge that absorbs harmful substances that make up the urban air. Oxidants accumulate, the activity of the respiratory system is disrupted. The main task of food is to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of harmful substances, that is, food should contain a large amount of antioxidants.

1) Vegetables and fruits of green, orange and yellow colors. Bell peppers, peaches, apricots, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, pumpkin, raspberries, avocados, etc. The required proportion per day is 40-60% of the total diet. These products serve as a kind of brush for the internal organs, they contain substances that remove toxins and harmful carcinogens.

2) Freshly squeezed beetroot, apple and orange juices. Beets cleanse the body of accumulated toxic substances, apples and oranges saturate with vitamins, strengthen overall immunity.

Also, natural juices help to lose weight, but those are as fast as eco slim, a natural-based remedy.

3) Sunflower oil from unroasted seeds. Oil needs the first cold pressing (it is easier to find such a product on the market than in a store). It contains large amounts of vitamins and fats necessary to strengthen the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchi.

4) Onions and garlic. Phytoncides contained in these products kill harmful bacteria and also help to remove accumulated mucus.

5) Rosehip. When fresh, it is very useful, you can also brew tea from it, carefully grinding it. Rosehip saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, increases resistance to harmful external influences.

Exercises for the lungs

The basis of such exercises is breathing exercises, and the simplest example is walking. When walking, it is important to track your breathing: for every second step, take a breath, and for the third - exit. It is best to walk in a quiet and clean place, outside the city or at least in a park, at a fast pace. This will help to expand each bronchus.

While walking, spend 6-10 minutes doing the following exercises:

  • stop and take a few deep breaths, raising your shoulders, and exhalations, lowering your shoulders;
  • inhaling deeply, lean to the right, with an exhalation return to the starting position, leaning to the left in the same way;
  • while inhaling, tilt your head back, arching the spine in the chest area, with an exhalation return to its original position.

Doctor's opinion. Egorova Elena Anatolyevna, general practitioner. Of course, if you lead a certain lifestyle, you can prevent even the most severe diseases of the respiratory system. Exercises to strengthen the lungs and bronchi are a good help for strengthening both the whole organism as a whole and the organs important for breathing in particular. Also, we must not forget about a complete and balanced diet, about the rejection of bad habits. Everyone who follows these simple rules visits doctors very rarely.


To strengthen the bronchi and lungs, refer to traditional medicine, use Golubitoks, it helps to boost immunity. By the way, if you are fond of alcohol, this is a minus for the work of the lungs. For dependent alcoholics, we recommend that you study: believe me, alcoholism heals at once.

Medicinal collection for the respiratory system, suitable for both an adult and a child: coltsfoot flowers and leaves, sage, pine buds and needles, plantain leaf, linden blossom, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, yarrow.

Mix in equal proportions, brew 1 tablespoon (for children 1 teaspoon) in 2 cups of water, leave for at least 2 hours. Take 1 glass in the morning 30 minutes before meals and in the evening before bed. The course is 2-3 months. This collection is used not only for prevention, but also in the treatment of pulmonary bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

In a calm state, a person takes 16-18 breaths per minute. Breathing is a natural process and almost imperceptible until it causes pain. Shortness of breath, cough, frequent colds with such symptoms remind weak lungs. What weakens the work of the "main natural filter" of our body?

Causes of weak lung function

Bad environmental situation

In big cities our lungs suffocate. The air, generously seasoned with exhaust gases, dust and harmful substances from enterprises, makes the respiratory system work with a double load. After all, oxygen must enter the blood clean, warm, moistened.

It is appropriate to recall professional risks. If a person regularly stays in a harmful environment (in factories, for example), he has a high probability of developing chronic respiratory diseases. The professions of a miner, a builder, a waiter working in smoky rooms, a seller of household chemicals, a cleaner and a hairdresser (due to frequent contact with chemicals) are classified as dangerous for the lungs. But bad habits cause even more harm to the human body.


It is no coincidence that the cigarette is called the number one enemy of the lungs. Smoking is highly addictive. Resins, getting into the respiratory system, settle, damaging the lung tissue, causing inflammation. Like a chimney in an oven, the lungs turn black. Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen content in the blood, which disrupts the nutrition of all organs and tissues. Hence sickness, loss of strength.

However, even those who have not tasted cigarettes, but are often in the company of lovers to smoke, are at great risk of lung health. Children are especially sensitive to tobacco smoke. Parents of young "passive smokers", showing a bad example, also significantly undermine the health of their children.


Extra pounds are not just an aesthetic flaw, but a serious burden on the respiratory system. Let's turn to anatomy: The accumulation of fat in the abdomen leads to a decrease in the movement of the diaphragm, the lungs are compressed, this also impairs their blood supply. In such a state, it is unlikely that it will be possible to breathe freely.

sedentary lifestyle

It is aptly said: movement is life. With hypodynamia, the lungs lose the habit of processing the required volume of air, being content with little, weaken and become more susceptible to infections.

Improper home hygiene

Polluted air circulates in a dusty, poorly ventilated area. Think about it, in a locked room, a person exhales 290 liters of carbon dioxide per night (about eight hours of sleep). And if two or three sleep in a room!

Rare walks in the forest or outside the city, too dry air (during the heating season) are detrimental to the respiratory system. Weak lungs are especially sensitive to overheating of the body and sudden changes in temperature. If in the cold season you stay indoors too warmly dressed for a long time and go outside, you can’t avoid a cold.

What threatens the weakening of the lungs?

Weak lungs are prone to frequent colds and. Almost all experienced smokers have an entry "" in their medical history, they suffer from coughing fits. A more detrimental consequence of bad habits becomes and. Obese people are more likely to experience shortness of breath. Oxygen starvation also affects the work of other body systems. It has been confirmed that lung function is closely related to digestion.

Pay attention to how your children breathe. Breathing through the mouth is just as unnatural as eating through the nose. Passing through the nasal cavity, the air is purified and warmed, which does not occur with oral inhalation. Improper breathing can slow down a child's mental development, cause adenoid growth, and increase the risk of colds.

Doctors offer a simple test for self-diagnosis of the condition of the lungs: put table tennis balls on the table and blow on them at arm's length. If you manage to blow it off without difficulty, then everything is fine. If not, remember about (the study must be done annually) and contact a pulmonologist. The following recommendations will help improve the condition of the respiratory system.

How to strengthen the lungs?

There is only one advice for smokers: if you want to breathe deeply, stop smoking! The main thing is to act decisively and not retreat. According to the observations of doctors, the first four weeks are the most difficult period. On average, it takes a year to restore the body. As a result, the sense of smell improves, the taste of food is more subtle, cough and shortness of breath disappear. In general, there is something to fight for.

Considered one of the best remedies for strengthening weak lungs. Entire complexes have been developed, but you can start with elementary exercises. The main thing is to do breathing exercises regularly.

First, practice diaphragmatic breathing. It is given to us by nature. When you inhale, the diaphragm lowers, the stomach protrudes a little, and when you exhale, rising up, it contracts the abdominal muscles. Many do everything exactly the opposite, using the chest. Go back to basics, learn how to breathe properly.

Perform the exercise in the morning and in the evening: lie on your back, bend your legs, hands on your stomach or along your body (then put a book on your stomach for control). After exhaling, inhale through the nose, sticking out the stomach. Pull it in while exhaling. The chest is immobile.

It is useful to inflate a balloon. Such children's entertainment perfectly trains the lungs.

Learn to lengthen the exhalation: after inhaling, begin to exhale, pronouncing the sound “zh”, “s”, “z”, until the air is completely out of the lungs.

Master the breath-holding exercise: take a full breath, then exhale and hold your breath. At the first urge, we begin to breathe.

Take care of your health: walk in the park more often, take trips to the forest and move more. Physical activity contributes to the full work of the diaphragm. Walking, swimming, cycling strengthen both the respiratory system and the whole body.

Watch your weight (when extra pounds go, excessive pressure on the diaphragm disappears). Eat food rich in vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), include bran in the diet, which is rich in magnesium. It has a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Red fish is good for the lungs.

Bath tones the respiratory system. But the steam should not be too (scalding) hot. People with weak lungs are not recommended to dive into the ice pool from the steam room.

In the apartment, do wet cleaning more often and make sure that the air is not too dry. When the batteries are hot, you can put a damp cloth on the radiator, or better use a humidifier. And ensure the flow of oxygen into the room. Ventilate daily!

Breathe easily and freely!

It is possible to develop your own respiratory system through systematic and rationally thought-out training.

This is facilitated by classes in those sports that involve aerobic exercise, as well as special exercises.

Aerobic sports include running, walking, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing, speed skating, biathlon, rowing, climbing and many others. Volumetric training loads characteristic of these sports contribute to the development of the heart muscle, an increase in the volume of the lungs, an improvement in the elasticity of blood vessels, and an increase in the supply of nutrients in all muscles and internal organs.

Swimming has a particularly positive effect on the development of the lungs.. Indeed, in the process of training, athletes are forced to hold their breath for a long time, which leads to an increase in the volume of the lungs and an improvement in the mobility of the chest.

As for special exercises, the following ones are recognized as the most effective.

Exercise for the rib muscles

It is the rib muscles, which are responsible for expanding the ribs, that allow the lungs to breathe in their entire volume. The exercise proposed by experts is extremely simple: to engage in any aerobic sport in a gas mask. And it's not a joke! For breathing in a gas mask, you will have to spend much more effort, for which the rib muscles are responsible. The effect, according to the assurances of experienced trainers, is simply amazing!

Exercises for the lungs

  1. Do very sharp and frequent breaths for 1 - 2 minutes. After some time, the duration of the exercise can be increased.
  2. Try to squeeze out the maximum amount of air from the lungs while exhaling, and then inhale in several steps at short intervals. At the end of inhalation, hold your breath for as long as possible.
  3. Take the deepest breath in and exhale the air in small portions and hold your breath as much as possible on the exhale until you feel that the lungs have shrunk in volume.
  4. While inhaling, count to ten, inhale some more air, and then count to ten again. Do this as many times as your lung capacity allows. Do the same on the exhale.
  5. Breathe in, counting to 30. As time goes by, it gets slower and slower.
  6. Inhale briefly and abruptly through the nose and exhale shortly and intermittently through the mouth.

Exercise while exercising

  1. Exhale only when lifting a heavy projectile. Inhale - only on lowering.
  2. Take a deep breath and inhale the maximum number of push-ups or squats. Do the same on the exhale.

yoga exercises

Yoga offers many breathing exercises that allow not only to develop the respiratory system, but also to improve the entire body. It is better to learn it from the masters, and we offer only the simplest of them, but, nevertheless, quite effective.

Cleansing the lungs

  • We take a full breath.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • We purse our lips, as if we want to whistle.
  • Without puffing out the cheeks, we exhale part of the air with considerable effort and stop for a few seconds.
  • We repeat this in several steps.

We hold our breath - the exercise is designed to strengthen and develop the respiratory muscles and lungs, expand the chest

  • Stand up straight and take a full breath
  • Hold your breath for as long as possible
  • Exhale forcefully through an open mouth.
  • We take a cleansing breath.

We activate the processes in the lung cells

  • We stand straight and slowly and gradually inhale the air.
  • When the lungs are full, we hold our breath and hit the chest with our palms.
  • As you exhale, slowly tap your chest with your fingertips in different places.
  • We do a cleansing breath.

Transitional age, just fatigue - or inconsistency of parents?

A child has ARVI: an algorithm of actions for mom

The temperature has risen, the nose is running, coughing, the child is lethargic and capricious - for a mother, a cold in a baby is a real test. However, we need to get together and start acting. After all, the correctness of the therapeutic measures taken by the mother depends on how quickly her baby will recover. 1. Home mode Having noticed the first signs of illness, leave the child at home, do not send him to kindergarten or school. Even if the symptoms of SARS are insignificant - only a runny nose appeared, the state of health is not disturbed and ...


We also have a bactericidal lamp, we periodically turn it on when the child is sick, everything else is exactly the same as in the article

The most important actions to follow in case of SARS are listed. After all, in fact, it is worth behaving according to such a plan and the child will quickly get on his feet without a bunch of drugs.

How to strengthen the child's immunity.

HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNITY OF THE CHILD All mothers want their children to have strong immunity and get sick less often. But with chemicals in the form of tablets, drops and sprays from a pharmacy, you don’t want to stuff your baby. It is better to use useful and effective means from nature's pantry. 1. Give rosehip broth to drink Rosehip is a champion in vitamin C content, you can give it to kids from the age of four months. But keep in mind that this product, which is most useful for immunity, removes potassium from the body ...

Protection against diseases: face and ear massage, back massage for children up to a year


What a cute kid. I already heard about this massage from a doctor! I just didn't make it for my daughter! She has grown so strong! Yes, and I was lazy, I got tired a lot, because I was dragging everything on myself. Now everything is fine and I want a second one. The massage is very good and a must do, so don't follow my example. The child is more important than anything else!

It happens that the child catches a cold very easily. One has only to walk with him for an hour in cold weather, as the next day he starts to tickle in his throat, snot flows, a runny nose appears. How to strengthen the child's nasopharynx? To strengthen the nasopharynx, vitamin therapy is suitable, as well as inhalations and a visit to the steam bath. These measures will allow the villi lining the upper respiratory tract to more easily and quickly remove microbes that enter the body with each breath. Inhalations with propolis, eucalyptus, fir oil and tinctures will raise local immunity in the nasopharynx and oropharynx...
... How to strengthen the child's nasopharynx? To strengthen the nasopharynx, vitamin therapy is suitable, as well as inhalations and a visit to the steam bath. These measures will allow the villi lining the upper respiratory tract to more easily and quickly remove microbes that enter the body with each breath. Inhalations with propolis, eucalyptus, fir oil and tinctures will raise local immunity in the nasopharynx, oropharynx, trachea, and bronchi. For prevention, one procedure per day is enough - a bath or inhalation. But if you do a few unnecessary procedures, it will not hurt your child. How to protect a child from kindergarten colds? Think of germs as vampires. And vampires are said to be afraid of garlic. The fact is that phytoncides, which are secreted by honest ...


19.03.2019 19:47:49, Limonka565

I try to do wet cleaning three times a week. I often air my house. I force mine to wash their hands after walking and before eating. We also eat the baby bear formula vitamin C))) Price-quality) Children simply adore them))) (we call children orange maniacs now) They simply cannot live without citrus fruits in winter)

12.10.2018 20:22:46, Lenochka1997

"Not sparing your belly..." Restoring the muscles of the abdominal...

It also helps with lower back pain, which often bothers after childbirth. There are contraindications for wearing a postpartum bandage (some types of stitches after a caesarean section, diseases of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract), so before using it, you should consult with the obstetrician-gynecologist of the maternity hospital. In the first days after childbirth, some physical exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles are allowed. Gymnastics in the early postpartum period will help you recover faster. Here is a set of exercises that can be performed the very next day after childbirth and throughout the entire recovery period (the first 6-8 weeks after childbirth) 2-3 times a day. Starting position: lying on your back. Slowly inhale, while inhaling, draw in the stomach, then t ...

The upper respiratory tract consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. During pregnancy, a woman's body is rebuilt due to hormonal changes. The immune system starts to work differently. The expectant mother and fetus are two genetically different organisms. To prevent the baby from being perceived as a foreign agent, the mother's immune functions are suppressed. Against the background of a decrease in immunity, the likelihood of colds increases ...
... There are many of them in onions, garlic, radishes. These foods are best consumed raw as a dietary supplement. It is possible during the period of epidemics of colds to arrange plates with finely chopped garlic around the apartment, periodically changing them. Among the measures useful for the prevention of SARS is hardening. This procedure not only strengthens the immune system, but also tones the skin, normalizes vascular tone, and prevents aging. Daily tempering treatments may include a 5-minute contrast shower. Pour alternately warm (38-40 ° C) and cool (20-22 ° C) water for 30-40 seconds completely over the entire body (if you did this procedure before pregnancy) or only legs up to the knees (if you decide to try it for the first time). Finish the procedure always...

Intuitively, I did the right thing, and so after 15 minutes everything was gone. Our doctor, when he came, did not hear anything and prescribed us an antitussive. The daughter was breathing heavily, but there was no obstruction. Obstruction - spasm. Bronchi is a section in the lungs. Obstructive bronchitis - spasmodic bronchitis, is a spasm of the bronchi, in which mucus cannot go out and accumulates in the bronchi. The goal of treatment is to relieve bronchospasm, thin the sputum and bring it out. ARVI infection can affect any part of the body. When the infection enters the body, it enters the fight against the body's defenses ...
...The goal of treatment is to relieve bronchospasm, thin the sputum and bring it out. ARVI infection can affect any part of the body. When the infection enters the body, it enters the fight against the body's defenses, which are responsible for suppressing the virus. At this stage, it is necessary to support the body's immunity with such means as Interferon, Kipferon, Viferon and similar immunostimulating drugs that enhance and strengthen the body's work. Be sure to rinse the nasopharynx every hour. I didn’t do anything like that, and the doctor didn’t advise. The only thing we thought of was to breathe over a bath with pine extract. Well, they breathed, provoking a new attack of obstruction. It turns out that coniferous extract helps only 50%, and the other 50 is very harmful. No doctor who...

Methods for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles: Kegel exercises, vaginal balls, step-free therapy. Operative treatment and intimate surgery.


08/19/2016 07:08:18 PM, nuta12345

After the second birth, OHA9 oil helped me to recover well, it perfectly restores the microflora of the vagina in a short period of time. The herbalist, who is also the creator of the oil Fadeev, is simply a master of his craft, thank you very much.

08/04/2016 11:31:33, Annushka79

Therefore, therapeutic exercises (exercise therapy) is an essential component of the complex treatment of a sick baby. Exercise therapy improves the functioning of the respiratory muscles, bronchi and lungs. As a result, their functional state, disturbed by the disease, is restored. Gymnastic exercises make breathing deeper and more rhythmic, strengthen the respiratory muscles, and improve the drainage function of the bronchi. The ventilation of the lungs increases, gas exchange increases significantly, and the blood is better enriched with oxygen. The lung tissue becomes more elastic, pulmonary circulation increases, and the work of the heart is facilitated. The blood flow in the vessels is accelerated, the amount of blood circulating in the body increases, and the whole body is better supplied with nutrients.

And in many patients, it is also observed between periods of exacerbations, especially in severe asthma. An important difference between asthma and other chronic lung diseases is the reversibility of obstruction, which does not have a steadily progressive course. The degree of bronchial constriction can vary in the same patient at different periods of illness and even within one day. Outpatient care If the diagnosis of asthma is established, the child needs to see a pediatric allergist, for example, in the allergology office of the children's polyclinic in the community. Even in the absence of seizures, the child should be shown to an allergist once every 3 months. Children suffering from severe asthma are eligible for an investment...


my son (3 years old) has wheezing after walking in cool air, regardless of the season. sometimes just from physical activity. we were diagnosed with moderately severe asthma, there were no serious attacks of suffocation, at night too. Do you think there is hope that it will pass with age?

Sports are associated with increased physical activity. To withstand them, you need to have a developed respiratory system. If the ability of the respiratory system does not correspond to the level of physical activity, there are difficulties in providing the body with oxygen. The athlete begins to choke, loses speed and quickly gets tired. He is unable to perform the exercise with high efficiency. People who are seriously interested in sports, first of all, strive to strengthen their respiratory system - without this it is impossible to count on high sports results.

For what types of physical activity is it necessary to strengthen the respiratory system?

In sports circles, the expression "develop a breather" is widely used. Breather is a slang term used by athletes for the lungs or breathing apparatus. To develop a breather means to train the lungs, because a hardy respiratory system is needed in almost all sports, especially in athletics, rowing, swimming, skating and skiing.

Running fitness training is the most affordable way to develop your lungs. Running, like any aerobic exercise, not only increases lung capacity, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system, which improves the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Perfectly develop light swimming lessons. During swimming, the body's need for oxygen increases, while the swimmer has to constantly hold his breath, as a result, the body seeks to use each breath with maximum efficiency. The ventilation of the lungs gradually improves, their vital capacity increases, the number of alveoli increases, and the respiratory muscles strengthen.

Not only aerobic physical activity helps to develop the respiratory system: running, swimming, cycling. Special exercises to strengthen the intercostal muscles and lungs are also useful. Examples of such exercises:

  • Take frequent sharp breaths and exhalations for 1-2 minutes.
  • Expel all the air from the lungs. Fill the lungs in a few breaths, taking them at short intervals. Hold the breath. Try not to breathe for as long as possible.
  • Inhale deeply. Exhale in several steps, releasing air in small portions. After exhaling, hold your breath as long as possible.
  • Perform a breath. On the count of ten, inhale a little more, count to ten again, and so on until the lungs are full. Do the same, but on the exhale.
  • Inhale for 30 counts. Exhale. Try to count more slowly each time.
  • Having taken an intermittent breath through the nose, exhale also intermittently through the mouth - inhale and exhale shortly and quickly.

Some fitness fans use an extreme way to train the respiratory system: they perform exercises in a special fitness mask. Such masks restrict the flow of oxygen and create special conditions, reminiscent of being at high altitudes. In the highlands, as you know, the air is rarefied, and a person has to breathe more intensively in order to get the required norm of oxygen. The mask is equipped with several opening and closing membranes, which allows you to simulate being at different heights.

With the help of a mask, you can increase physical activity in a variety of exercises. The most commonly used types of physical activity are typical for aerobic training (running, cycling, etc.). If an athlete trains in a mask, his lungs have to expend much more effort to provide the body with oxygen. Such training increases the vital capacity of the lungs, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and develops the respiratory muscles. But you need to exercise in a mask with caution - such trainings heavily burden the body.

To strengthen the lungs, you can inflate balloons. This is a well-known method of breathing training, it is often recommended for bedridden patients and people with weak lungs. Exercise strengthens the diaphragm, develops the lungs, makes breathing deeper. Many useful breathing techniques can be learned from yoga. Sometimes this training method is used: take a deep breath (exhale) and, on a delay, quickly perform the maximum number of squats, lunges or push-ups.

The development of respiratory function is closely related to the increase in endurance. Often both of these tasks are implemented in the same training. This refers to aerobic endurance - the body's ability to work in an aerobic mode for a long time without fatigue and a noticeable decrease in performance. In an aerobic mode of operation, the body actively absorbs oxygen, which is immediately used to generate energy. Thus, the development of aerobic endurance is highly dependent on the capabilities of the respiratory system.

For the development of aerobic endurance, methods of continuous and interval training are used. The first method is characterized by long and uniform operation of medium and low power. An example of such training is a regular run. In interval fitness training, intervals of intense work alternate with intervals of rest. It can be a running workout, consisting of intervals of fast and slow running.

In addition to aerobic, there is anaerobic endurance - oxygen-free. When the body works in an anaerobic mode, the need for oxygen exceeds its intake, an oxygen debt is formed. As a result of such work, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles of the athlete. It is important for a person to develop different types of endurance, this is useful not only in sports, but also in everyday life. For the development of anaerobic endurance, high-intensity fitness training with reduced recovery periods is used. Anaerobic endurance is important in sprinting, which is characterized by short distances and maximum speed.

The respiratory organs perform not only the function of delivering oxygen to the blood. The lungs and bronchi contribute to the removal of toxins from the body, filter pollution, dust and microorganisms that are inhaled with the air, and also participate in the processes of thermoregulation. Maintaining the health of the respiratory system is very important, as the negative effects of diseases can affect the work of the whole organism.

Respiratory health can be affected in many ways.

Some of them will maintain smooth muscle tone, others will improve microcirculation in the body and cleanse the accumulation of harmful substances.

Any direction will give positive results, and with an integrated approach, a person’s well-being will improve significantly in a short time.

You can strengthen the bronchi in the following ways:

  • Limit the entry of harmful substances. To do this, you need to breathe fresh air, avoid dusty rooms, stop smoking, and carry out wet cleaning at home every day. The less unnecessary substances enter the respiratory tract, the better they will be able to perform their functions.
  • Do exercises to strengthen your lungs. They will be discussed in more detail below. Respiratory gymnastics trains the respiratory muscles and makes the lungs with bronchial tubes more resilient. The advantage of exercise is that you do not need to allocate separate time for them, but you can do it on the way to work or while lying in front of the TV.
  • Use medicinal herbs. Combinations of useful substances that are present in plants have a complex effect on the respiratory tract and affect various mechanisms of pathology. Herbs manage to make sputum more liquid, improve its excretion, remove the inflammatory process, expand the lumen of the respiratory tract, and more.
  • Maintain proper heat transfer. The lungs and bronchi need moist and cool air, so it is recommended to lower the temperature in the apartment, but dress warmer so as not to freeze. Do not be afraid of the cold, start tempering in the summer. It is much more dangerous to overheat than to freeze. The immune system, which also needs to be supported by a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, will help not get sick in cool weather.

How to check the bronchi?

There are many factors that negatively affect the condition of the bronchi.

Among them are past respiratory diseases, smoking, working with chemicals, hereditary predisposition, unfavorable environmental conditions and others.

For a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the bronchi, the following are carried out:

  1. Bronchoscopy. A special device is inserted into the respiratory tract, which displays an image of the inner surface of the bronchi, and, if necessary, takes a biopsy for further examination.
  2. ECG. Cardiac diseases often provoke violations of the respiratory system. The treatment tactics in this case will be different, therefore, in case of problems with the lungs, patients must undergo a cardiogram.
  3. Blood test. The results will show the presence of an inflammatory process or an excess of blood cells, which indicates a microbial infection. One of the important indicators is hemoglobin. A blood test is also carried out on the ratio of the gas composition, which shows the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide. According to these data, one can judge the operation of the respiratory apparatus and its ability to provide the necessary gas exchange.
  4. Spirometry. It is carried out using a special device that evaluates the completeness of the patient's inhalation and exhalation. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to calculate the efficiency of the lungs, their working volume and other parameters.
  5. x-ray. Visually displays the area and nature of the lesion of the respiratory tract.
  6. Radiological examination. It is prescribed as an additional method for detecting morphological changes in the respiratory organs.

Exercise for sickness

During respiratory diseases, it is more difficult for the respiratory organs to perform their functions due to the presence of an inflammatory process and narrowing of the lumen. Help in the form of special gymnastics will facilitate the work of the respiratory tract and speed up their recovery.

  1. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, make hissing sounds. The respiratory muscles will have to make efforts to push through the air, which will improve sputum discharge and increase muscle tone.
  2. Restore your natural breathing rhythm- inhale should be 2 seconds, and exhale - 3.
  3. Take any solid stick. As you inhale, raise it above your head. And as you exhale, bring it as far back as possible. A similar exercise exists with dumbbells, where men can further strengthen their arm muscles. Dumbbells need to be raised to the shoulders while inhaling, and lowered at the exit. In this case, it is allowed that the back rests on the wall.

There is a muscle layer in the structure of the respiratory organs, so you can strengthen them with special workouts that need to be performed regularly. Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method gained great popularity. Here are some exercises:

  1. The body is relaxed. As you inhale, tilt it forward, as if you are smelling flowers, as you exhale, come back. The exercise is performed calmly with breathing through the nose.
  2. Raise your bent elbows to shoulder level. With a sharp inhalation, cross your arms, while exhaling - spread back. Do 16 sets with nasal breathing and 16 through the mouth.

After strengthening the bronchi with breathing exercises, doctors recommend doing a chest massage, which activates blood circulation and promotes sputum sticking from the walls of the bronchi. You can also increase the effectiveness of physical education by swimming in the pool.

Video on gymnastics for the lungs

Why does the respiratory system suffer?

Most often, respiratory diseases affect people over 45 years of age, as well as children under 3 years of age. This is due to a decrease in the protective properties of the mucosa and weakness of the respiratory muscles. In the case of adults, the cause is an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of care for the organs of the respiratory tract. In children, on the contrary, the lungs and bronchi have not yet gained residual strength and are not able to withstand viruses and other adverse factors.

In the absence of proper attention to the condition of the respiratory system in adults, the situation can worsen, leading to tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, respiratory failure and other problems.

How to improve health?

Many people know how to strengthen the respiratory system, but not everyone understands how important it is to follow the doctor's recommendations.

  1. Avoid breathing harmful vapors. This applies to both smoking and working with chemicals. Smoke and toxins pollute the bronchial mucosa and small bronchioles, which worsens the filtration function and gas exchange.
  2. Walk outdoors. All this time, your respiratory organs will heal, restoring the structure of the mucous membrane and saturating the body with oxygen. Do not forget to also air the house several times a day.
  3. Breathe right The exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. Avoid too hot and too cold air, as it can damage the mucosa.
  4. swim. During swimming, the body is heavily loaded, which makes the respiratory organs work more actively. This leads to endurance training, as well as strengthening the muscles of the chest.

The ideal diet for the bronchi

How to strengthen the lungs and bronchi with nutrition? If you have weak lungs, the main thing for them is not food, but the quality of the air you breathe and exercise.

However, the right daily diet can increase the effectiveness of training and speed up the recovery of the mucosa after illness or other damage.

A few rules that you need to follow if you want to strengthen the respiratory system, get rid of cough and improve overall well-being:

  1. Eat often, but little by little.
  2. Eat more protein to strengthen the respiratory muscles and boost immunity.
  3. Include in the diet foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which eliminate bronchospasm and normalize tissue elasticity.
  4. Eliminate spicy and salty foods, as this contributes to the formation of edema.
  5. Be sure to use vitamins in food or as part of pharmaceutical preparations. It is very important to get enough ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol. What with bronchitis, read in our other article.
  6. Drink 2-2.5 liters of pure water per day. This will provide moisture to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and make the sputum less viscous.
  7. Of the trace elements, you should pay attention to potassium, magnesium and calcium, which will reduce the inflammatory process and relieve spasm of the respiratory tract.

Folk remedies

The gifts of nature and wildlife have a positive effect on the respiratory system. They are easy to use at home, both as preventive and therapeutic agents.

badger fat

The tool can be used as a basis for rubbing or compresses, as well as taken orally. Badger fat can be bought at the pharmacy in liquid form. It is melted in a water bath with butter, cocoa is added, and then they wait until it thickens. You can use it with bread, spreading like a sandwich.

The healing power of nuts

Pine nuts are boiled in wine. The resulting medicine is taken orally in a teaspoon three times a day.

pine milk

Resin and pine cones are poured with boiling milk and infused for several hours. After that, the agent is filtered and taken in the morning, 1 glass. Medicinal milk is useful both for a child with bronchitis and for adult smokers. To remove old sputum, it takes about 2 months to be treated.

Pine jam

Pine cones are poured with water and boiled for several hours. Then sugar is added to the mixture in a ratio of 1:1 to raw materials and boiled for some more time. Jam is taken 2 tablespoons before meals. This is one of the most delicious and effective methods on how to strengthen the bronchi of a child.

Cleansing viburnum

Viburnum berries are poured with hot honey, insisted for several hours and taken in a tablespoon with meals for bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. The tool can be used for adults and children.

Garlic onion syrup

The aggressive essential oils of the ingredients have a strong bactericidal effect and relieve acute and chronic diseases. Onion with garlic should be finely chopped and covered with sugar. The resulting syrup is taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

Vegetable cleansing

Freshly squeezed juices of carrots, beets and black radishes are taken in an amount of 500 ml. They are mixed with the same amount of vodka and kept under a closed lid for about 90 minutes. Adults take the drug 50 ml for a month.

stigmas of corn

The plant helps to get rid of residual effects or chronic cough. Raw materials can be bought at a pharmacy, take it in crushed form in a tablespoon three times a day.

Violet and oregano

The combination of herbs exhibits antiseptic properties and promotes healing of the bronchial mucosa. Raw materials are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused. The liquid is drunk three times a day.

Milk with oats

A good remedy for removing pathological mucus, especially in smokers. A glass of oat grains is mixed with 500 ml of milk and boiled over low heat until gruel. After that, add a little more oats, rubbed through a sieve. The prepared remedy is taken fresh before meals at a time. The duration of treatment is a week.

Marshmallow officinalis

The recipe helps both strengthen the lungs in a child and increase overall immunity. Three tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted overnight. You need to take a whole glass three times a day before meals.

Means based on Cahors

Crushed aloe leaves are mixed with honey and insisted on Cahors for 5 days in a dark place. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

spruce shoots

Coniferous trees are very useful, as they are endowed with a rich vitamin composition and essential oils. They effectively relieve bronchospasm, and also exhibit an antiseptic effect. The shoots are placed on the bottom of the jar, covered with sugar and crushed. The jar is placed in the refrigerator for three weeks, and then the resulting mixture is filtered. Green syrup is taken one spoon three times a day. This folk remedy is very useful and tasty. Therefore, the child will be happy to drink syrup on schedule.


What is the best way to strengthen the bronchi - with medicines, hardening or folk remedies? Regardless of the composition of the therapeutic agent, the best way to deliver it to the respiratory tract is inhalation.

You can breathe liquid medicines, herbal preparations, mineral waters.

With the help of special devices - inhalers, the medicinal substance will be delivered directly to the lesion, while the effectiveness of treatment increases, and the likelihood of side effects decreases. Read more about here.

Inhalations can quickly stop bronchial spasm, facilitate breathing in obstructive conditions, remove sputum that is difficult to separate, kill the infection and achieve other positive effects.

What to do with weak lungs? There is no magic pill for this condition. The desired result can be achieved by gradual and regular progress towards the goal.

If the lungs are not in order, the person is definitely ill. Yes, often respiratory diseases are first of all reflected in the very process of breathing, but the symptoms of lung disease are far from always obvious. Your body can send you signals for help in different ways. Learning to recognize these signs will help you heal your lungs and breathe with pleasure.

What is the main cause of lung problems? First of all, it is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (). In Ukraine, 1% of the population is sick with this disease, which can lead to death. These are the statistics for 2013.

Globally, COPD is the fourth leading cause of death and will soon be number three on the so-called death blacklist, says Lauren Goodman, MD, Assistant Professor of Pulmonology and Critical Care Medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. (USA).

Typical diseases that are included in the general concept of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are as follows:

  • emphysema;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis).

Emphysema is a pathological condition that is characterized by excessive air retention in the lungs due to the expansion of the alveoli, which leads to their destruction. Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease in which a protein mutation occurs, resulting in disturbances in the work of the exocrine glands. These glands secrete mucus and sweat. The mucus produced by the glands of external secretion is necessary to moisturize and protect individual organs from drying out and infection with harmful bacteria, which is a mechanical barrier.

With cystic fibrosis, the mucus becomes thick and sticky, it accumulates in the excretory ducts of the bronchi, pancreas and clogs them. This leads to the multiplication of bacteria, as the cleansing function disappears. Cystic fibrosis mainly affects organs such as:

  • lungs;
  • intestines;
  • paranasal sinuses.

Interstitial lung disease affects the tissue between the air sacs in the lungs. This is also a serious respiratory disease.

If you find at least one of the symptoms described below, do not try to ignore them. These signs and changes in well-being indicate that it is time to see a doctor.

1. You are always low on energy.

You climbed the stairs to the third floor, and at the same time the feeling that you ran a marathon? Do you find that you are completely unable to do your usual things at home on a day off if you can’t sleep during the day? Your cells need oxygen to produce the energy that will keep your entire body going throughout the day. When there is not enough oxygen in your cells, you start to do everything slowly. In addition, if you have a low level of energy, then a kind of vicious circle is formed: due to fatigue and weakness, you cannot exercise normally. And at the same time, due to the lack of physical activity, it is difficult to replenish the supply of vitality. Remember what is possible.

2. Breathing problems, and the cause is in the lungs

You may think that as the years go by, as a person ages, the type of breathing changes, and it often becomes difficult, but this is not so. If you can clearly say that long gone are the days when you breathed easily and deeply, then perhaps it's time for the doctor to listen to your lungs.

Shortness of breath is a violation of the frequency and rhythm of breathing, which is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. Shortness of breath can be associated with various pathological conditions leading to difficulty in inhaling or exhaling. With insufficient oxygen supply to organs and tissues, the body tries to compensate for this shortage by increasing the activation of the respiratory muscles, which leads to an increase in the frequency and rhythm of breathing.

According to Goodman, sometimes a person feels that it is difficult to release air from the respiratory system, and at the same time too much air accumulates in the chest. Even if it is not difficult to make a full exhalation, then due to the weakened lungs, the patient has difficulty breathing. As a result, the lungs do not cope with their main job: they cannot deliver enough oxygen to the blood.

3. You have confusion

Did you know that the brain only uses 15%-20% of the oxygen that enters the body? For the proper functioning of the brain, a person needs O2 to think adequately. Oxygen levels drop rapidly when the lungs cannot properly deliver oxygen to the blood, and as a result, confusion is often observed. Low levels of oxygen and too high levels of carbon dioxide have a serious negative impact on the ability to think quickly. According to Goodman, “Sometimes it makes a person sleepy.”

4. You are losing weight

A progressive lung disease leads to a lot of problems in the human body, and because of this, a person may not even notice how many kilograms he has lost weight. And it's not always the fat you got rid of. According to Goodman, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, there is often an inflammatory process in the body, and as a result, the muscles lose mass. In such cases, it can even be difficult for a person to eat a lot at one meal if he has difficulty breathing - because the body gives a signal that the stomach is full.

5. Cough for more than three weeks

If a cough persists and is present all the time in a person's life, this is a serious cause for concern; especially if:

  • coughing up blood;
  • heat.

Smoking against the background of such formidable symptoms is another cause for concern, because such signs listed above often mean the onset of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Call your doctor if your cough lasts more than three weeks, especially if you find it difficult to breathe.

Taking care of your health is the biggest investment a person can make in themselves. Few people know that colds, flu, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system can be prevented if the lungs and bronchi are strengthened in advance. This is easy to do when you know what is good for the lungs.

Strengthening the lungs and bronchus

1) Nutrition, which includes foods that are useful for the lungs and bronchi.

A properly composed diet is the basis of the health of the whole organism, and the respiratory system in particular. There are certain foods that strengthen the lungs and bronchi. They need to be regularly included in the menu.

2) Do breathing exercises to strengthen the lungs and bronchi.

With the help of special exercises, you can significantly increase the resistance of the entire respiratory system to diseases, expand its capabilities, as well as improve the functioning of the whole organism: improve heart rhythm, normalize metabolism, regulate the functioning of the nervous system.

3) Cleanliness in the house.

Regular wet cleaning reduces the amount of harmful dust, which, settling on the bronchi and lungs, can provoke an allergic reaction and impair gas exchange between the respiratory organs and the blood. Do not accumulate a large number of unnecessary things, papers: the more items in the house, the more dust settles.

4) Quit smoking.

Tobacco smoke poses a threat due to its high temperature, which damages the delicate lining of the respiratory tract; tobacco tar, settling on the bronchi and lungs, provokes the development of cancer, and hydrocyanic acid, contained in all cigarettes, damages the bronchial cilia, which causes the development of cough, sputum, wheezing, which eventually becomes chronic.

5) Eliminate incense and air fresheners.

Smoke from incense and aerosols contain substances that cause inflammatory reactions, irritate the mucous membranes and can cause allergies.

6) Breathe clean air.

For urban residents, this is most relevant. The air in the city is saturated with automobile exhausts and industrial pollutants. Try to spend at least weekends in nature, in the forest or near water bodies.

Useful products for the lungs

The mucous membrane of the respiratory system is a kind of sponge that absorbs harmful substances that make up the urban air. Oxidants accumulate, the activity of the respiratory system is disrupted. The main task of food is to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of harmful substances, that is, food should contain a large amount of antioxidants.

1) Vegetables and fruits of green, orange and yellow colors. Bell peppers, peaches, apricots, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, pumpkin, raspberries, avocados, etc. The required proportion per day is 40-60% of the total diet. These products serve as a kind of brush for the internal organs, they contain substances that remove toxins and harmful carcinogens.

2) Freshly squeezed beetroot, apple and orange juices. Beets cleanse the body of accumulated toxic substances, apples and oranges saturate with vitamins, strengthen overall immunity.

Also, natural juices help to lose weight, but those are as fast as eco slim, a natural-based remedy.

3) Sunflower oil from unroasted seeds. Oil needs the first cold pressing (it is easier to find such a product on the market than in a store). It contains large amounts of vitamins and fats necessary to strengthen the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchi.

4) Onions and garlic. Phytoncides contained in these products kill harmful bacteria and also help to remove accumulated mucus.

5) Rosehip. When fresh, it is very useful, you can also brew tea from it, carefully grinding it. Rosehip saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, increases resistance to harmful external influences.

Exercises for the lungs

The basis of such exercises is breathing exercises, and the simplest example is walking. When walking, it is important to track your breathing: for every second step, take a breath, and for the third - exit. It is best to walk in a quiet and clean place, outside the city or at least in a park, at a fast pace. This will help to expand each bronchus.

While walking, spend 6-10 minutes doing the following exercises:

  • stop and take a few deep breaths, raising your shoulders, and exhalations, lowering your shoulders;
  • inhaling deeply, lean to the right, with an exhalation return to the starting position, leaning to the left in the same way;
  • while inhaling, tilt your head back, arching the spine in the chest area, with an exhalation return to its original position.

Doctor's opinion. Egorova Elena Anatolyevna, general practitioner. Of course, if you lead a certain lifestyle, you can prevent even the most severe diseases of the respiratory system. Exercises to strengthen the lungs and bronchi are a good help for strengthening both the whole organism as a whole and the organs important for breathing in particular. Also, we must not forget about a complete and balanced diet, about the rejection of bad habits. Everyone who follows these simple rules visits doctors very rarely.


To strengthen the bronchi and lungs, refer to traditional medicine, use Golubitoks, it helps to boost immunity. By the way, if you are fond of alcohol, this is a minus for the work of the lungs. For dependent alcoholics, we recommend that you study: believe me, alcoholism heals at once.

Medicinal collection for the respiratory system, suitable for both an adult and a child: coltsfoot flowers and leaves, sage, pine buds and needles, plantain leaf, linden blossom, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, yarrow.

Mix in equal proportions, brew 1 tablespoon (for children 1 teaspoon) in 2 cups of water, leave for at least 2 hours. Take 1 glass in the morning 30 minutes before meals and in the evening before bed. The course is 2-3 months. This collection is used not only for prevention, but also in the treatment of pulmonary bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Many grandparents do not have a soul in their grandchildren. And the worst thing for them is when the long-awaited baby starts to get sick almost from birth. The main thing is not to panic! First of all, you need to understand the reasons, show wisdom and patience. It was about such a case that K.I. Doronin. So the story of a family...

An honest feast for the wedding

Alexander worked in the homicide department of the Moscow police. Once people had a problem, and he rang the doorbell of their neighbors. Witnesses were needed.

It was a young woman who opened the door to him, so beautiful that at first he was dumbfounded, but he managed himself, introduced himself and explained the essence of the matter. She extended her graceful hand with long fingers and said: “My name is Alena. Mom and dad will help you, but I have to go to work. It was early in the morning. Alena said that she worked nearby, in a greengrocer's shop, to which she had the keys, so it was time for her to run.

Alexander collected evidence and soon detained the bandits in hot pursuit. All this time, Alena did not get out of his head. And once he nevertheless decided to go to her store to get to know her better. He invited him to a restaurant, but she did not agree, because she was very tired: “The whole day on her feet ...” However, she invited him to her house for a cup of tea.

Alexander flew on a visit as if on wings. He borrowed money from colleagues, bought good sweets for tea and the most beautiful cake.

It was clear that the people did not live well. Alena's parents, quiet pensioners over the age of 60, suddenly somehow fussed and put a bottle of vodka on the table instead of tea. Immediately there appeared already sliced ​​raw smoked sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried potatoes.

Alexander still asked for a cup of tea: he has to go to work in the morning, and in general he is not fond of this. Everyone began to drink tea with cake, and after that the hosts gradually began to drink vodka and noticeably cheered up. Alena also drank and laughed uncontrollably after every joke of Alexander. On a visit, he stayed until late at night.

Soon Alexander invited Alena to the registry office and brought him to his home, where he also lived with his parents. Nadezhda, his mother, was at first worried that she did not even have time to really get to know her daughter-in-law. But after the wedding she calmed down: she is so polite, she agrees with everything, and the hostess is not bad, and beauty, of course, is unwritten. And when Alena became pregnant, Nadezhda's joy knew no bounds.

Very strange behavior

During pregnancy, Alena was tormented by toxicosis, but she coped with everything. I finished working until the decree in my vegetable store and for 2 whole months before the birth I was at home.

Even in this state, she managed the household chores perfectly. No girlfriends, friends. And she visited her parents very rarely, although she was their only child.

Alexander was promoted to the rank of captain, and the workload increased markedly, so that he disappeared there from morning to night. A few days before the birth of his wife, he had to go to work in the house where her parents lived. Of course, I decided to visit the old people at the same time, but they were not at home. Grandmothers, chatting on a bench near the entrance, said that they had gone to the store. And one laughed and said: “Now they will come, bring a bottle of Stolichnaya and crush it by evening.”

Here's what Alexander found out. Quiet, calm, Alena's parents never quarreled with anyone, but they were not friends either. They got together after the orphanage, where both were brought up, got married and got this apartment. Mother worked all her life as a nurse, father worked as a turner at the factory. When they get drunk, they go to bed. Alena was born when they were already over 40.

The girl grew exemplary. She studied mediocrely, but she was able to enter a trade college and graduate from it. She was not a careerist, she did not aspire to anything, she worked as a seller, and at home every day a bottle of vodka was waiting for her on the table. Parents and Alena from an early age taught to drink. Gnawing nuts or something else - and no smell. Always tipsy.

Alexander did not wait for Alena's parents, and the whole working day after that conversation, thoughts about his wife did not go out of his head. You never know what the grandmothers on the bench gossip about ... But really, Alena always meets him as if tipsy! He never argues, does not enter into conflicts, sleeps a lot and is not interested in anything. What he buys, he rejoices - everything is fine with her. And then he realized the reason for this behavior: in fact, she was simply indifferent to everything in the world, except for vodka.

Alexander was discouraged, but decided not to find out anything and not to do anything for the time being - there were only a few days left before the birth of his wife.

Diseases from birth

A few days later Alena gave birth to a boy. He weighed only 1 kg 900 g, he was born very weak. This often happens if the expectant mother drinks. The baby even cried rarely and refused breast milk, so even in the maternity hospital they switched to mixtures. A few days later they were brought home. The boy was named Vanechka. He put on weight poorly, but Alena treated this with some coolness and very rarely took her son in her arms, although she tried to keep him clean.

Most of all, his grandmother Nadia, Alexander's mother, took care of him. She immediately fell in love with the long-awaited grandson. And Alexander, when he had even the slightest opportunity, ran home from work to see the baby. I was worried because the child began to get very sick even before the age of one. So the problems with his wife receded into the background.

Vanya suffered pneumonia, but not once, but by the age of 3 he began to choke. The diagnosis was made. No medicine helped him, the attacks happened more and more often. So they suffered for 2 years. Finally, my grandmother Nadezhda, an old friend of mine, called and asked for help.

When the immune system fails...

A very thin, almost transparent boy came out to meet me. Vanya looked 3.5 years old, although he was already 5 years old.

I examined him. He was breathing very heavily and was constantly using an inhaler. Nadezhda said that the child has been grinding his teeth in his sleep since he had teeth. And somehow I immediately thought that, most likely, he had roundworm worm larvae in his lungs. Such a weakened child can easily pick them up. Also from here are endless, bronchial tubes. Hope convinced me that my grandson did not have any worms - they checked. However, prophylaxis and repeated tests did not interfere.

What are the benefits of cetraria and chanterelles?

We decided to treat Vanya with herbs, including Icelandic moss (cetraria). In folk medicine, this plant is considered very valuable, and here's why.

Well, our treatment lasted 5 months. My assumption about worms was confirmed, but the tests showed that the selected remedies help. And attacks of bronchial asthma happened less and less. During these months, the boy grew up and gained another 5 kilograms in weight, a blush appeared on his cheeks.

And what about Alena? Soon her parents died one after another, and Nadezhda and her husband, who learned about her misfortune - alcoholism, treated her like their seriously ill child. At first, Alena claimed that she was not at all. Like, I don’t get drunk, I lead a normal life. I'm just relaxing. And in general, I got used to it from childhood, for me this is the norm ... Then she realized what such “relaxation” leads to. Addiction primarily affects the health of children. It is not easy to cope with alcoholism, especially for women, but over time, the maternal instinct and the good attitude of relatives still won.

When Vanya got stronger, Alena was able to return to work in her store. The boy was treated by Baba Nadia, who had just retired. The wise woman had enough patience and love to make everything work out in the family. Nadezhda devoted her life entirely to caring for her grandson. Now he and his grandfather take him to the pool and to different circles.

The boy grew up and got stronger, became cheerful and mobile. he completely stopped.

Mr. "Medical Letters" No. 17, 2017

The lungs - the organs with which we breathe - are quite voluminous, they occupy almost the entire chest cavity, adjacent directly to the ribs and diaphragm. Lung tissues are unlike any other tissue in the body - they are porous, like a sponge, because they are made up of many tiny air sacs called alveoli. The lungs are covered with a membrane - the pleura, which allows them to freely contract and expand when breathing.

The pleura is adjacent to the lungs with its inner surface, and is attached to the chest with its outer surface; therefore, when the chest expands, the lungs expand, and when they narrow, they contract.

When we breathe, air passes through the respiratory tract - the nasal cavity, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, connected to many tubes - bronchioles, which, like numerous branches of a tree, "sprout" into the lungs themselves. In order for air from the bronchioles to enter the alveoli - the air bubbles that make up the lungs, empty space must form in these bubbles, and for this the lungs must expand. To expand the lungs, in turn, it is necessary that the chest expands. When you inhale, this happens - first, the muscles between the ribs contract and begin to pull the chest up and to the sides, and after that the lungs stretch, making room for the incoming air, which is easily drawn into the empty space, filling the alveoli. When you exhale, the pectoral muscles relax, the chest falls and the air comes out.

Video about how the respiratory system works

Signs of lung pathology

Respiratory system disorders are primarily associated with infection, which can lead to inflammation of the airways and the lung tissue itself. The most common symptom of respiratory distress is coughing. Other signs may include shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Most often, a cough is a symptom of a cold, an infectious viral disease of the respiratory tract, especially if it is accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat. Such a cough usually resolves fairly quickly, within one to two weeks. If the cough lasts a long time and is accompanied by expectoration of sputum, this may indicate chronic bronchitis - persistent inflammation of the walls of the bronchi. A dry cough that lasts more than a month may indicate inflammation of the tracheal mucosa, which is often the result of smoking. If the cough continues for several months and becomes stronger, this is a reason to suspect serious diseases such as tuberculosis or even lung cancer. Cough with shortness of breath, difficulty breathing may indicate acute bronchitis or pneumonia. Bronchitis and pneumonia can be accompanied by chest pain. Wheezing with fever is also a sign of acute bronchitis. If breathing is wheezing and so difficult that a person suffocates, this is most likely an asthma attack. A very dangerous sign is wheezing with expectoration of frothy white or pink sputum: this is a sign of pulmonary edema, a life-threatening condition caused by heart disease. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance and deliver the patient to the intensive care unit.

Sometimes trouble in the lungs and airways does not manifest itself so sharply and clearly, and then it can be judged by indirect signs. Persistent reddening of the cheek corresponding to the affected lung may indicate disorders in the lung. Also, with inflammation of the lungs, there is a very red tongue. Bronchitis is indicated by redness of the wings of the nose. Chronic disorders in the lungs are manifested in the effect of "sticky shoulder blades", when when the hand is placed behind the back, the shoulder blade does not rise, but remains as if stuck to the back. Pulmonary disorders may indicate soreness when pressed under the right clavicle. Violations in the lungs can be triggered by congestion in the nasopharynx, in which case it helps a lot.

To the pathologies of the lungs, as well as all other organs, very often lead to congestion in them. At first glance, it would seem that there should not be any congestion in the lungs - after all, we all constantly breathe, which means that the lungs are always in motion, they either expand or contract, and this movement does not stop throughout life. However, this movement can be different - complete and inferior. Most people breathe in such a way that the movement of the lungs is not complete. The lungs do not expand as they should. Insufficient movement of the lungs also contributes to hypodynamia - a lack of movement. In physical education classes, we breathe more fully than at rest, but the misfortune of our time - the sedentary lifestyle of most people - does not allow the lungs to work as they should by nature.

For the full functioning of the lungs, not only the muscles of the chest should work well, but also the diaphragm - the muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavity. Rather, it is the diaphragm that should work well first of all, because it is it that sets the muscles of the chest in motion, which causes the lungs to stretch and contract. An untrained, poorly developed diaphragm in most people works poorly, incorrectly, as a result, the chest and lungs do not stretch enough and only a small part of the air that could fit into them enters the lungs. In addition, overly tense, tight chest muscles also do not allow the lungs to fully work. As a result, only the lower part of the lungs is filled with air, and the air does not reach the tops. And oxygen does not get there, which means that stagnation begins there. Where there is stagnation, there is always disease. Tissues that are not fully supplied with oxygen and nutrition are primarily susceptible to infection. All chronic diseases always indicate congestion. Because where there is no stagnation, the infection is very quickly washed out by the flow of blood and lymph, normal metabolism is restored, which means health. If there are diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, this only means that there is no full-fledged movement, that the lungs and respiratory tract do not move, do not work as nature intended for them.

Visceral therapy eliminates all congestion in the lungs and respiratory system. Simultaneously with visceral therapy, it is necessary to do breathing exercises, learn to breathe correctly, fully breathe and cleanse the lungs.

Indications for visceral lung therapy: chronic bronchitis, moderate bronchial asthma, recovery period after pneumonia. Visceral therapy is also indispensable for the prevention of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract in healthy people.

Contraindications for visceral therapy in the lung area: pneumonia in the acute stage, any neoplasms (including benign ones) in the area of ​​stimulation, fractured ribs and other injuries in the chest area, pulmonary edema.

Visceral lung therapy is carried out similarly to cardiac therapy. It is performed lying down, standing or sitting. If you do this while standing or sitting, you need to lean your back against the wall or the back of a chair to create support when pressed. First of all, you need to carefully feel the chest area not only from the front, but also from the sides and determine the presence of pain zones or simply zones of increased sensitivity. It is in these areas that therapy should be carried out. First, gentle gentle pressure is applied to this place with the base of the palm. When the first, even the slightest pain sensation inside the chest appears, the pressure stops and the hand is fixed in the position already reached for up to three minutes. During this time, the pain in most cases either disappears completely or dulls. If during the pressure delay the pain intensifies, visceral therapy should be discontinued.

After relieving pain in the pressure zone, you need to move your hand in search of the next sensitive zone and do the same work there. Thus, all sensitive areas of the chest are pressed both in front and from the sides until complete anesthesia.

In the presence of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, it is also useful to make percussion of pain zones. It's done like this. The palm is placed on the painful zone with the back side up and the fingers of the other hand are tapped on the back of the first hand. Where pain appears inside the chest, it is necessary to tap for longer (but no more than two minutes in one place), seeking to eliminate pain.

If the effect of “sticky shoulder blades” is observed, an assistant is needed who will conduct visceral therapy from the back. In this case, the patient lies on his stomach, and the assistant with four fingers of one hand pushes the area along the edge of the shoulder blade, achieving pain relief and relieving muscle tension. Pressure is produced inward and deep, under the “sticky” scapula.

You can help with pressure with the base of the palm of the other hand, placing it on top of the pressing fingers. With each subsequent session, the mobility of the shoulder blades will increase, and at the same time the respiratory function of the lungs will improve.

Breathing exercises

To prevent congestion, and hence lung diseases, it is very important to learn how to breathe correctly. But breathing properly does not mean breathing deeply, trying your best to inflate your chest as wide as possible. Such breathing is just wrong. With deep breathing, when we excessively, sometimes convulsively strain the muscles of the chest, the lungs do not begin to work better at all, on the contrary, they suffer from such breathing, receiving as a result, strange as it may seem, very little oxygen. Deep breathing is, as a rule, tense breathing, it causes excessive tension in both the muscles and the lungs, and the tense lungs cannot expand properly, the alveoli do not open and do not let in air. Proper breathing is free, relaxed, light and silent breathing. Elastic, able to relax and easily move from relaxation to muscle tone - the main condition for normal healthy breathing.

In order for breathing to become like this, one must learn to control one's diaphragm. As we have already said, normal healthy breathing begins with the movement of the diaphragm, and already it sets in motion the chest, which eventually moves as if by itself, easily, effortlessly. Most people, when breathing, expand and narrow the chest with a practically motionless diaphragm. From this, the shoulders and chest rise, but the required saturation of the lungs with oxygen does not occur, because the main component of breathing is missing - the full movement of the diaphragm.

Therefore, in order to learn how to breathe correctly, you need to master the most optimal and healthy way of breathing - diaphragmatic breathing.

The following exercise will help you with this.

You need to lie on your back and put a book on your stomach. The chest is completely free and relaxed, there is no tension in it. Take a calm slow breath so that the book on your stomach moves up when you inhale. You can imagine that the air enters directly into the stomach, and from this the stomach rises along with the book. At the same time, a free and relaxed chest will also move - but it will move easily, freely, without tension, as if by itself, while the shoulders and chest will not rise convulsively, the movement will be barely noticeable, but the stomach will move very noticeably. While exhaling slowly, calmly, imagine that the air is coming out of the stomach, and make sure that the book on the stomach falls. The exhalation must be longer than the inhalation, the lungs must be completely freed from the air present there during exhalation, otherwise they will not be able to fill with fresh air. The chest will fall quietly and almost imperceptibly, and the stomach should be pulled in noticeably. Take a few more such breaths and exhalations, then repeat the same without a book on your stomach, then sitting, then standing. You will feel that it is much more pleasant to breathe this way and you get more satisfaction from inhaling, because the diaphragmatic type of breathing allows you to fill the entire volume of the lungs with air. You need to learn to breathe like this constantly, and then congestion in the lungs will go away.

To train harmonious, full-fledged breathing, and therefore, for the prevention of pulmonary pathologies, it is recommended to perform the following exercises daily. All of them are performed while standing. Breathe with diaphragmatic breathing.

Exercise 1. Performed during the first week of classes. Stand up straight, relax, relieve muscle tension. Inhalation is made intermittently, in jerks, then the breath is held, then a smooth exhalation without shocks. You need to breathe calmly, naturally, rhythmically. In the first three days of classes, inhaling, you need to count up to three, while holding your breath - also up to three, exhaling - up to four. On the rest of the week, inhalation is done for four counts, a delay for three counts, and exhalation for five counts. Do it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 5-10 breaths.

Exercise 2. Performed during the second week of classes. In the first four days, an intermittent, jerky breath is taken from one to five, a delay from one to three; smooth, without jerks exhalation - from one to six. The remaining days of the week, intermittent inhalation for a count of six, a delay for a count of three, exhalation is now also intermittent, with jerks for a count of eight. It is performed in the morning and evening for 2-5 minutes.

Exercise 3. Performed during the third week of classes. In the first four days, inhalation is done for a count of five with pushes, holding the breath for a count of five, exhaling for a count of eight smoothly. In the next three days, inhalation is done for a count of eight with pushes, a delay for a count of six, exhalation for a count of ten smoothly. Perform twice a day for 4-6 breaths.

Exercise 4. Performed during the fourth week of classes. In the first four days, the inhalation is done smoothly, evenly for a count of five, the breath is held for a count of five, the exhalation is also smooth, uniform for a count of eight. For the next three days, inhale smoothly, evenly for a count of six, hold your breath for a count of six, exhale smoothly, evenly for a count of ten. Perform morning and evening for 4-6 minutes.

Phytotherapy to help the lungs

In case of acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma (if it is not associated with an allergy to plant pollen), it is recommended to take an infusion of coltsfoot to alleviate the condition: pour three tablespoons of dry crushed leaves and flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for two hours, strain and drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, relieves spasms, facilitates coughing.

With tracheitis and bronchitis, a decoction of licorice root helps: pour two tablespoons of crushed dry root into 0.5 liters of boiled water, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, insist for two hours, strain, drink a quarter cup 4-5 times in a day.

With inflammation of the lungs from the first days of the disease, the following remedy should be taken: mix 300 g of honey, half a glass of water and a finely chopped aloe leaf, simmer for two hours, cool, stir and take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

The following collection will help to alleviate the course of pneumonia: mix knotweed grass, anise and dill seeds, pine buds, thyme, chopped licorice root in equal parts; 4 teaspoons of the mixture, pour one and a half glasses of cold water, leave for two hours, then put on high heat, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Cool, strain, drink half a cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

With a strong cough, tea from the roots of angelica will facilitate expectoration: pour two tablespoons of crushed roots into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, drink during the day, you can warm it up and add sugar.

For lung diseases, an infusion of oregano is useful: pour three tablespoons of dry chopped grass into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for two hours, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

In pulmonary tuberculosis, a decoction of young spruce shoots in milk has a beneficial effect. You need to take 30 g of young crushed shoots (light green tops of branches along with buds) and boil for 10 minutes, pour 1 liter of milk, leave for two hours, strain and drink one glass 3-4 times a day. It also helps with colds and other respiratory diseases.

Folk remedy for cough - radish with honey. Grate the peeled radish, squeeze out the juice and mix with one tablespoon of honey, take this mixture 2 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Folk remedy for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases: mix 100 grams of honey, goose fat and cocoa powder in an enamel saucepan, add 15 ml of aloe juice, heat, but do not bring to a boil, mix, put in a glass jar, close with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon, diluted in a glass of hot milk, in the morning and evening an hour before meals.

Another remedy used for pulmonary tuberculosis: mix a glass of honey, a glass of interior pork fat, 1 tablespoon of birch buds, heat over low heat to melt, but do not bring to a boil, leave for two hours, strain, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

For asthma, bronchitis, you need to take 5 heads of fresh garlic, grind in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice from ten lemons and mix with garlic, add 1 kg of honey and refrigerate for a week. Take 3-4 teaspoons before bed, taking a break for 1-2 minutes after each spoon.

With a tendency to lung diseases (“weak chest”), Russian healers recommended chopping wood. It is especially good if this is done with a sonorous exhalation when hitting a log with an ax. Modern medicine confirms the benefits of this exercise for the lungs: with sharp movements of the arms up and down with effort and weight (with an ax in the hands), the lungs are very well ventilated, since they are forced to expand and contract, and a sharp exhalation helps to clear the airways and remove sputum from them .

The state of the whole organism depends on the health of the respiratory tract, therefore it is important both to strengthen the lungs and bronchi, and to treat them correctly in case of illness in order to prevent the occurrence of serious chronic ailments.

Strengthening the broncho-pulmonary apparatus for the prevention of diseases

The most predisposed to diseases of the bronchi and lungs are children and adults over 40-45 years old. In children under 2-3 years old, the respiratory apparatus is still not sufficiently developed, and the lumen of the bronchi is often not enough to ensure the normal drainage function of the respiratory tract. This complicates the course of colds, directly related to inflammation of the respiratory system. In adults, over the age of 40, involutive processes begin in the respiratory system. Among the main diseases associated with impaired functions of the bronchi and lungs, one can note:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma.

To a large extent, you can prevent their occurrence and give yourself and your children health by adhering to simple measures to strengthen the lungs and bronchi:

  • Leading a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits (smoking and alcohol) negatively affect all body systems, and tobacco smoke can affect not only the smoker himself, but also his immediate environment. Dust and chemical air pollution force the bronchial mucosa to work to the limit, and what enters the lung alveoli most often remains there, accumulating throughout life. Age-appropriate physical activity helps to grow and develop the bronchial "tree" in childhood and eliminate congestion in a mature body.
  • Healthy food rich in vitamins (A, C and E), trace elements (magnesium, potassium, calcium) and polyunsaturated fatty acids helps to strengthen the tissues of the lungs and bronchi, providing organ cells with the necessary nutrients and strengthening the immune system. Colds are more easily tolerated, and complications after SARS or influenza occur much less frequently.
  • For the prevention of respiratory diseases, traditional medicine recommends herbal preparations, which may include pine buds, primrose grass, plantain, thyme, coltsfoot, licorice, common soapwort (saponaria), yellow clover, lungwort. The collection is made up of several types of raw materials, taken in equal proportions. Take 1.5 tablespoons of the finished mixture per glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours and filter. Reception of infusion is best done before bedtime, in a warm form.

    Back to zmistuHow to strengthen the bronchi in case of diseases?

    If you still couldn’t avoid the disease, you can help your lungs and bronchi with the help of the following measures:

  • Simple gymnastics will help restore the necessary rhythm of respiratory movements. You can perform such exercises in bed, for children they are also useful for the development of the speech apparatus. Taking a deep breath, on a slow exhalation, you need to pronounce any hissing sounds (zh, z, s, f, sh). At the same time, exhalation is difficult, which makes the smooth muscles of the bronchi tense, improving sputum discharge. Pronouncing the sound "r" creates a vibration, acting as a gentle massage, and can relieve bronchospasm. Deep and even breathing (inhale for a count of 1-2, exhale for 1-2-3) will restore the natural rhythm of breathing. You can start classes from 5 minutes and bring them up to 25 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  • Manual therapy, massage can also greatly alleviate the course of the disease, but these procedures should be carried out by an experienced specialist.
  • After the disappearance of all symptoms of an acute illness and on the advice of a doctor, swimming in the pool will help strengthen the bronchi and lungs. Physical activity will increase the vital capacity of the lungs and improve blood circulation.
  • In addition to these methods, you should refrain from excessive salt intake, which worsens bronchial patency.

    Exposure to the body of food and chemical allergens, which can provoke swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, should also be avoided.

    Good health and easy breathing to you!

    Collage of Larisa Vetlugina.

    11.03.2014 15:27:10

    Why are some people able to run a marathon only slightly out of breath, while others cannot walk ten steps without starting to spit out their lungs? Where does the air go when you pick up a bucket of water and carry it into your country house? Why do you start to choke at the very thought of having to get up from the couch and go to the store for bread? You can ask the doctors at the medical examination about this. Get a huge number of explanations, the same number of prescriptions for expensive medicines, an offer to go to the Caucasus and a recipe for a decoction of nesting dolls. But no one will name the main reason - you have weak lungs.

    Of course, the lungs themselves cannot be either weak or strong. These are just wrinkled bags of a thin film that separates blood from the surrounding air, and a broom of tubes. And it will be right - weak breathing. The intercostal muscles are responsible for it - exhalation, the back muscles - inhalation with effort (there is also a passive breath), the diaphragm - "belly breathing", the difference in volume during inhalation and exhalation - the vital volume of the lungs (roughly - the circumference of the chest) and the amount of hemoglobin in blood. By influencing any of these factors, you can increase breathing.

    It is worth noting that control over your own breathing is a very useful thing. Knowing the specifics of the process, you can literally rebuild and treat your body.

    First, when you inhale, the muscles of the whole body relax. At the final moment of inhalation and exhalation, the muscles “remember” their position and tighten. This allows you to stretch the muscles, ligaments and tendons. For example, have you ever tried to sit on the splits? In most cases, this will take a long time, and in some it will not succeed at all. Now try the same thing, but do sagging while inhaling. You will achieve results several times faster.

    Or you want to tighten your stomach. As you inhale, draw it in as far as possible. As you exhale, maintain this position and on the next inhale, retract. Several such breaths and the stomach will “remember” this position. Of course, the effect will be only temporary, but if you include it in the training complex, the result will remain.

    Secondly, the breathing process is very well connected with the circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems. The qigong system is based on this property. In fact, this is an alternative to acupuncture, or shiatsu massage. But if you cannot stick a needle into the brain, or a finger into the eye, so as not to feel all the delights of such entertainment, then breathing exercises can achieve the same effect without subsequent inconvenience.

    Thirdly, the process of breathing is an excellent indicator of relaxation. The more relaxed your muscles and brain are, the less oxygen you consume. Well, given that the brain consumes over 70 percent of oxygen, learn to turn it off. And then staying under water from one and a half to three minutes will not be the limit for you.

    The above is only a part of all the properties of breathing. To name everything, you have to write a whole book. And I don't get paid for it. So let's get back to training.

    There are different methods to train breathing, from swimming to yoga. However, it is unlikely that anyone will want to change their lifestyle for this and waste time on all sorts of nonsense. Therefore, all these methods come down to three points.

    1. Training should take place in a state of active oxygen consumption, that is, during or immediately after an active load. This gives a good stimulus to the work of the chest - the speed, strength and depth of breathing.

    2. You need to breathe through your nose. Why? It's all about the quality of the air that enters the lungs. In the nasal cavity, the air is cleaned of dust and aggressive compounds, heated and humidified. That is, it becomes the most convenient for gas exchange. In the case of breathing through the mouth, air bypasses the complex process of preparation, and gas exchange worsens.

    3. Breathing should be deep. That is, when inhaling, the chest should go forward and up as much as possible, and the stomach forward and down. On the exhale, on the contrary - the chest is maximally recessed, the shoulders come forward, and the stomach is tightened. This is what doctors recommend. Why? With such breathing, the most complete filling of the lung cavity with air and the straightening of the "lazy" pleural cavities in the area of ​​the diaphragm occur.

    However, during training, the stomach should be excluded from the breathing process. There are several reasons for this: with such breathing, the abdominal muscles are stretched and its volume increases; the spine in the lumbar region bends forward, which over time can lead to osteochondrosis; the abdominal muscles take on the load, weakening the work of the chest. Therefore, during breathing training, the stomach must be kept retracted.

    Deep breathing should be done only as long as it is necessary. As soon as the need for oxygen is satisfied, and you begin to experience discomfort, we immediately move on to normal breathing. Otherwise, it can lead to various disorders, up to loss of consciousness.

    Breathing training cannot be independent, therefore, it is done only in combination with another workout or during hard physical work.

    A very simple but very useful exercise was popular in the Union: while inhaling, raise your arms through the sides up, hold your breath for a second and lower it as you exhale. It is interesting in that it allows you to increase the volume of the chest. To increase efficiency, it needs to be slightly changed: while inhaling, raise your arms to the sides up - hold your breath - lower your arms - press your elbows to your sides - exhale.

    This is a purely masculine version. It is contraindicated for women, as it increases the width of the shoulders. In this case, the “support” is the air locked in the lungs, so the old version remains for them. In the process of training, it will not be superfluous to alternate these two exercises.

    At first, the chest will ache. This is fine. Over time, learn how to inflate a heating pad and win races, receiving certificates, cameras and curlers. However, strength would not hurt. But this is a topic for a separate discussion.

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    If you want your lungs to be healthy, first of all, you should stick to healthy habits. Don't smoke, stay away from toxic or polluted places, get at least a minimal amount of exercise, and keep your immune system healthy. All these are undoubtedly vital things for maintaining lung health.

    But sometimes the lungs, such important organs of our body, can be subject to serious diseases, such as bronchitis, asthma, or infections requiring special treatment.

    Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

    In addition to the advice that your doctor will surely give you, the help of these natural healing drinks, which we will now tell you about, can be very useful. We are just sure that they will help you.

    Pour them into your favorite mug and enjoy them hot!

    1. A medicinal drink made from thyme and

    This drink is perfect for cleanse and strengthen. Do you want to know why?

    • Thyme is possibly the most effective herb for lung health.. It is commonly used to relieve coughs and respiratory infections. This is an excellent expectorant and antiseptic, which is ideal for both brewing herbal teas and inhalations.
    • Nettle is a medicinal plant which has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of health problems, and one of its main properties is the ability to “cleanse” and heal our blood and lungs. This herb contains many vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon… It is just the perfect remedy for people who are anemic or recovering from an illness.​


    • 30 g thyme
    • 30 g dried nettle
    • Glass of water (200 ml)
    • One tablespoon of honey (3o g)


    • These medicinal herbs, nettles and thyme can be easily purchased ready-to-brew at any natural food store or drugstore. As a rule, they are sold in packages from 300 to 500 grams and are quite inexpensive.
    • The first thing we will do is boil a glass of water. As usual, we recommend using a ceramic or glass teapot, as medicinal plants may lose some of their beneficial properties in a metal container.
    • After the water boils, add thyme and nettles to it, and cook for about 15 - 20 minutes. After that, let the broth brew for another 10 minutes.
    • Add a tablespoon of honey and drink in small sips, inhaling the steam from this decoction, it also has healing properties. It's a very enjoyable process. You can treat yourself to two cups a day.​

    2. Medicinal infusion of plantain and lemon balm

    Delicious and healing, that's exactly what you can say about this herbal drink. This tea is one of the most effective ways to cleanse and detoxify our lungs and is a must for smokers who need to not only clear their alvioles but also relieve symptoms of infections such as coughing. Now we will tell you exactly what the “magic” properties of tea from these plants are:

    • Plantain: This is a plant that is expectorant and helps to clear mucus and phlegm from the lungs that interfere with normal breathing. In addition, plantain acts as a good anti-inflammatory drug, which is ideal in the form of a decoction or, you can even prepare hot compresses on the chest.
    • Dill and lemon balm: The combination of these two medicinal plants will help you remove toxins from the lungs and, in addition, relax. Often when we have lung problems, it is because we experience extreme fatigue and a feeling of tightness in our respiratory system. Lemon balm tea will help us feel much better.​


    • 20 g lemon balm
    • 20 g plantain
    • 20 g dill
    • One glass of water (200 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons honey (60 g)


    • To begin with, as always, boil a glass of water. After it boils, add herbs: plantain, lemon balm and dill. Let them simmer for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for another 10 minutes.
    • We should warn you that this tea has a rather sharp taste due to the presence of psyllium in it, so we recommend that if you find it not very pleasant, add two tablespoons of honey. Despite this slight inconvenience, we advise you to take this decoction three times a day, since, as we have already written, it is just perfect for cleansing the lungs and relieving inflammation.

    3. Healing drink of green tea and lime blossom

    This very tasty tea serves primarily for prevention, prevention of lung problems, for their strengthening and optimization of function. This herbal tea is a kind of "vitamin" that we can drink daily for breakfast.. If you suffer from any lung diseases, then the teas described above will be more effective.

    • We chose green tea for this infusion because of its high antioxidant content, which was especially evident in a study by the "University of Maryland Medical Center" in the United States a couple of years ago. They have proven that green tea is effective in protecting against lung cancer. Of course, it will not be 100% effective, but the chances of getting sick will decrease if you drink it every day.
    • Lime blossom has an antispasmodic effect and is easy to find in any natural food store. It will help to relax, breathe better and improve our lung health. It is fragrant, has a pleasant taste and goes well with any herbal teas.


    • 20 g green tea
    • 20 g lime blossom
    • One glass of water (200 ml)
    • One tablespoon of honey (30 g)


    • Everything is very simple. Boil a glass of water and then add green tea and linden flowers to it. Let the broth boil again a little, and then leave for 10 minutes to make it better infused. Pour this magical herbal tea into your favorite mug and add a tablespoon of honey to it. This delicious and healthy drink is perfect for breakfast!

    Knowing how to strengthen the bronchi, you can not only maintain good health, but also prevent disease. Therefore, it is very important not only the correct treatment in case of damage to the respiratory tract, but also preventive measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening them, in order to prevent acute and chronic diseases.

    Why does the respiratory system suffer?

    The risk group for respiratory diseases primarily includes children under three years of age and adults over 45. The bronchi grow with a person.

    In children under the age of three, the formation of the respiratory apparatus has not yet been completed, so the bronchi do not always cope with the drainage function of the respiratory tract, which can exacerbate colds.

    After 45 years, involutive processes begin in the bronchi. This can lead to a number of diseases, such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, bronchoconstriction, broncholithiasis, pneumonia. As a result, knowledge of the possibility of self-strengthening of the bronchi is extremely useful.

    An important factor in this case is not only the state of the human immune system, but also the surrounding ecological situation: working and living conditions.

    Try to get rid of bad habits as much as possible, lead a healthy lifestyle. Tobacco smoke, dusty, polluted air, nitrates - all this causes harm to the entire body, primarily the respiratory system suffers.

    How to improve health?

    By following a set of simple rules to strengthen the bronchi and lungs, you can easily give health to yourself and your loved ones:

    • Quit smoking. Remember that tobacco smoke harms not so much the smoker as his environment. Children are especially affected by passive smoking.

    • Spend more time - fresh air and rhythmic walking will help strengthen the bronchi and lungs.
    • Learn to breathe properly. Do not overcool, do not forget that a sharp drop in temperature has a negative effect on the bronchi. Eat healthy and wholesome food.
    • Take up swimming. It is especially useful to swim breaststroke. The pressure of the water on the chest in this case will help to exhale correctly. By exhaling underwater while swimming, you can increase the vital capacity of the lungs and saturate the blood with oxygen.

    Strengthening the bronchi contributes to the annual vacation on the coast. Sea air has a beneficial effect on the state of the respiratory system. And if you combine it with swimming, then the therapeutic effect will be maximum.

    Many breathing exercises have been developed to strengthen the bronchi and lungs. Almost all of them do not require special training. All it takes is diligence and daily practice.

    On average it takes about half an hour. If you can't make 30 minutes of your busy schedule healthy, that's bad, but there's a way! A simple and effective way to strengthen the respiratory system is walking. Just on the way home or to work, pay attention to your breathing. Breathe in for every two steps, then breathe out for three steps.

    The ideal diet for the bronchi

    Not many of us thought about the fact that it is possible to strengthen the bronchi and lungs not only through exercise, but also thanks to. By slightly changing your daily diet, adding more healthy foods to it, you can significantly increase the protective properties of the bronchi and lungs without much effort.

    To strengthen the respiratory system, you need to switch to a fractional and balanced diet with a good protein content. Try to eat foods that are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They can be found in abundance in vegetable oil, nuts, fatty fish.

    The influence of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the health of the bronchi can not be overestimated, they normalize bronchial tone, help relieve spasms.

    Salty and spicy foods should be abandoned, which negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, making them more fragile and brittle.

    Also in the diet should be foods high in vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the bronchi. Vitamins A, C, E and trace elements potassium, calcium and magnesium are the most important elements for the normal functioning of the bronchi.


    • Vitamin A - affects the trophism of the mucous membranes of the body, thereby increasing its resistance.
    • Vitamin C - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases the body's resistance to all kinds of infections.
    • Vitamin E - contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes at the cellular level.

    Trace elements:

    • Potassium - makes the lungs and bronchi function better, reduces their excitability.
    • Calcium - suppresses inflammatory processes in the body.
    • Magnesium - has a tonic effect on the bronchi and lungs.

    List of useful products for the bronchi:

    Full breath

    Experts believe that most problems with the respiratory system are caused by congestion in the lungs, which occurs when breathing is not correct. The person breathes without thinking. But very often he does it wrong.

    Most of us choose one of two types of breathing:

    • chest (upper) breathing, the so-called female type;
    • abdominal (lower) breathing, male type.

    The remaining methods are ignored, due to which the vital volume of the lungs decreases, the body receives less oxygen, and immunity deteriorates. All you need to do is learn how to breathe properly!

    Complete breathing is a breathing exercise that combines all types of breathing (upper chest, middle and abdominal). Such breathing will help not only strengthen the respiratory organs, but also have a stimulating effect on the entire body.

    Despite the fact that you can perform this exercise from any starting position (standing, sitting or lying down), it is better to start mastering full breathing while lying on a hard horizontal surface. Relax, exhale vigorously, while the stomach will be drawn in.

    Breathe through the nose. Start inhaling with your belly, first filling the lower abdomen, gradually moving to the upper one. This is the phase of abdominal (male) breathing, in which air gradually fills the lower sections of the lungs.

    The lungs are the main participants in the gas exchange system in the body. It is thanks to them that a person receives oxygen and is released from carbon dioxide. According to their anatomical structure, the lungs are two independent halves. The right lung consists of 3 lobes, and the left of 2. Next to the left lung is the heart.

    The lung tissue consists of lobules, each of which includes one of the branches of the bronchi. The bronchi then transform into bronchioles and then into alveoli. It is thanks to the alveoli that the function of gas exchange occurs.

    • The respiratory surface of the lungs, due to its structure, is 75 times larger than the surface of the human body!
    • The weight of the right lung is much greater than the left.

    Useful products for the lungs

    • Carrot . Contains beta-carotene, which nourishes and strengthens the lung tissue.
    • Milk and dairy products. They contain organic calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the lung tissue.
    • Rosehip and citrus. They are rich in vitamin C, which is involved in protecting the lungs from pathogenic microorganisms.
    • Broccoli . A good source of vegetable protein, which is used as a building material for lung tissue.
    • Onion garlic . Also, like citrus fruits, they contain vitamin C, plus phytoncides that destroy bacteria.
    • Beet . Improves the drainage properties of the bronchi and, as a result, enhances gas exchange.
    • Olive oil. An indispensable source of polyunsaturated fats, due to which the normal functioning of the lung tissue occurs.
    • Buckwheat, linden and coniferous honey. Thanks to the vitamins and microelements contained in it, it tones the bronchioles, improving sputum discharge.
    • Hawthorn. Contains a large amount of useful organic acids that thin the mucus in the lungs, contributing to its further evacuation.
    • Seaweed. Thanks to the iodine contained in it and the polychondral component, it copes well with sputum discharge.
    • Green leafy vegetables. The magnesium contained in them is a good prevention of overexcitation of the lung tissue.
    • A pineapple . The enzyme bromelain, which is contained in pineapple, successfully fights such a microorganism dangerous to humans as a tubercle bacillus.

    In order for breathing to always remain easy and relaxed, it is very important to follow certain rules developed by physicians. The normalization of the work of the lungs, as well as the entire respiratory system, depends on the fulfillment of the following requirements:

    • Diet;
    • Cleansing;
    • Compliance with the doctor's recommendations.

    Nutrition, if possible, should be fractional, with enough vitamins and healthy fats. In addition, it is necessary to consume foods rich in organic calcium (cottage cheese, milk, kefir, etc.). Products must be natural!

    Folk remedies for cleansing and restoring lung function

    For the prevention and treatment of lung diseases, there is a good prescription for this organ. It is called - Kalmyk tea.

    To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 liters of milk. Put it on fire. When the milk boils, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of black tea. Boil until the milk is a light cocoa color.

    Separately, in a 0.5 liter mug, add 1 pinch of salt, 1 pinch of soda, a little butter and honey.

    Then, filter the milk, which has acquired the color of cocoa, and pour it into a mug with the prepared composition. Stir and drink hot at night.

    Harmful foods for the lungs

    • Sugar. Helps slow down the healing process.
    • Salt. It impairs the functioning of the bronchi, as a result of which sputum is poorly discharged.
    • Tea, cocoa, spices, fish and meat broths. Contain allergens that contribute to the secretion of mucus and cause swelling.

    When it starts to rain outside the window, the sun rises higher and higher into the heavenly heights and the birds fly south ... It seems to be solid poetry. So no - the prose of life, because it means nothing more than the approach of the season of colds, which in turn obliges us to be as careful as possible about our health. Even a mild and inconspicuous at first glance cough can outgrow bronchitis with subsequent complications. If the disease is already on the threshold, you need to immediately resort to accelerated treatment, and in order for various ailments to stop bothering you at all, you need to know how to strengthen the bronchi.

    How to strengthen the bronchi on your own.

    In addition to various infections and cold viruses, the general condition and health of the bronchi can be affected by tobacco smoke, dust, nitrates, polluted or polluted air. Therefore, in order for your airways to always remain in excellent condition, start strengthening the bronchi with a total change in lifestyle. Down with bad habits, take a deep breath of clean air, eat only healthy and wholesome food.

    To strengthen the organs of the respiratory system in general, and the bronchi in particular, there are a huge number of simple but effective exercises. All these complexes are based on the principles of breathing exercises and mainly suggest how to strengthen the bronchi. Of course, the easiest and most effective way is walking. To do this, you should not specifically allocate time, enough on the way to work, study, or just going to the grocery store, carefully monitor your breathing. You need to inhale for every two steps, and exhale for every three.

    Another exercise to strengthen the respiratory system will require you to have certain equipment. Take the most ordinary wooden stick (if there is none, a home-made mop for cleaning is also suitable) and for each breath lift it high above your head, try to bring it far behind your head as you exhale. Then everything is on the knurled, as they say: one more breath - we lift it up, exhale - we lower it down, winding it up behind the heads. It is better to repeat the exercise several times. To perform exercises, you can also take weights - dumbbells. From this there will be only a double benefit for the body. For example, take one dumbbell in each hand and perform circular rotations in the elbow joint. At the same time, you can breathe absolutely arbitrarily - as it will be more comfortable for you. Next, come close to the wall, straighten your back and inhale lift the dumbbells to shoulder level, and exhale lower them back

    Remember that all exercises for the development of breathing should be performed exclusively with closed lips, in no case should you breathe with your mouth open.

    We exhale slowly. During exhalation, with both hands simultaneously draw geometric shapes in front of you (triangles, squares, circles).
    To complicate the exercise, figures are drawn from different points.

    Ascorbic acid, which is part of the rosehip berries, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cleanses the vessels of cholesterol plaques, thereby preventing the rapid aging of the body, the occurrence of problems with the cardiovascular system and the brain.

    With hypertension, regular intake of rosehip-based decoctions normalizes blood pressure indicators, stimulates the activity of the heart, improves the hematopoietic function of the body due to the thiamine that is part of the berries of this plant. Thiamine is indicated as part of the complex treatment of hypertension.

    It is useful to eat rose hips for varicose veins, as they contain rutin. This vitamin increases the elasticity of the vascular wall, prevents the development of thrombophlebitis. However, in the presence of blood clots, products containing rutin are recommended to be excluded from the daily diet.

    Treatment of vascular diseases with wild rose

    Infusion based on wild rose from atherosclerosis

    Pour pre-washed and dried rosehips (2/3 of the volume of the container) into a half-liter container, pour vodka on top. Preparation time is 14 days. After their expiration, strain the resulting infusion and take it according to the following scheme:

    1 day - 5 drops;
    - 2 day - 10 drops;
    - Day 3 - 15 drops, etc.

    The maximum dose of the drug is 100 drops. Having reached it, it is necessary to reduce the intake of the remedy daily, also 5 drops per day:

    1 day - 100 drops;
    - Day 2 - 95 drops, etc.

    The course of vascular treatment is considered completed when the daily dose of the drug is 5 drops.

    Rosehip decoction for hypertension

    Pour dry or fresh rose hips with boiling water, based on the calculation: 2 tbsp. spoons for 200 ml of water. Take regularly 100-200 ml 30 minutes after eating. This decoction can replace tea or morning coffee. A decrease in blood pressure and an improvement in well-being are observed already in the first days of taking the decoction.

    Infusion of wild rose and hawthorn to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol

    In 200 ml of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of rose hips and hawthorn. Let the product brew and cool, take regularly 200 ml per day, preferably at bedtime.

    Contraindications to taking rose hips

    Rosehip is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, gastric ulcer, endocarditis,
    thrombophlebitis, high blood clotting. You should not get involved in decoctions based on it during pregnancy.

    In some vascular diseases, the use of wild rose should be limited. So, with hypertension, it is not recommended to take infusions from the berries of this plant and vodka or alcohol. Such funds, as a rule, contribute to an increase in blood pressure, which in this case is unacceptable.

    Excessive consumption of wild rose in food can lead to a deterioration in well-being, congestion in the liver, nausea, and a sharp change in blood pressure.

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    If the mucus is not eliminated, it will not disappear by itself, but in critical situations it will cause inflammation and new diseases.

    To prevent this unpleasant factor, it is worth going through a course prescribed and approved by a specialist, aimed at cleansing the bronchi and lungs with folk remedies.

    These are effective and safe methods based on natural and affordable ingredients.

    As a rule, it is enough to carry out several procedures to feel significant relief. The patient begins to fully breathe, gets rid of chronic prolonged cough.

    All this has a positive effect on overall well-being, since a large amount of oxygen enters the blood and brain. A person feels a surge of strength, his performance increases significantly.

    To achieve a positive result, it is important to consult a specialist before conducting a course of treatment with folk remedies. It will also help prevent unwanted reactions associated with allergies and side effects.

    Purification of the respiratory organs from accumulated mucus is indicated not only for smokers, but also for people who often suffer from colds, those who have been suffering from asthma and bronchitis for a long time.

    Most recipes are an ideal prevention of pulmonary pathologies, and also help strengthen the immune system.

    As for possible contraindications, there are none, with the exception of an individual allergic reaction to a certain component. In this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor, and he, deciding how to clear the lungs of sputum, will select the optimal replacement.

    Methods for self-cleansing the lungs

    Traditional medicine offers a lot of different methods of cleansing the lungs from accumulated mucus. Among them, without any problems, you can choose a tool that will be at hand and will give the most positive effect.

    Here are the most popular and effective recipes that can quickly solve the problem of how to clear the lungs at home.

    Pine milk treatment is considered one of the most effective.

    The tool is ideal for people who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases. To prepare the composition you will need to take:

    • a small piece, the size of a 5-ruble coin of pine resin;
    • three still green pine cones;
    • 500 ml of milk.

    The ingredients are mixed with boiling milk and left to infuse for 4 hours.. You can take after straining.

    Milk is drunk in the morning before meals, one glass each. In especially severe cases, a glass of funds can be taken immediately before going to bed.

    The total treatment time lasts approximately 60 days. This is one of the most effective recipes, which helps to quickly get rid of the oldest mucus and sputum.

    Many doctors, in the process of developing a treatment regimen aimed at resolving the issue of how to clear the bronchi of mucus from sputum, prescribe pine jam to their patients.

    This tool ideally removes various harmful substances and components from the body, helps to cleanse the lungs of the oldest mucus, and also seriously alleviates the condition of smokers.

    The preparation of the therapeutic mixture is carried out by the following method:

    1. Green pine cones, on which a white coating has already appeared, are thoroughly rinsed in cold water.
    2. The raw material is filled with water so that it is about 20 cm higher.
    3. The mixture is cooked for about 8 hours over low heat. If necessary, remove the foam.
    4. The resulting composition is filtered, covered with sugar in a ratio of approximately 1: 1 and boiled for another hour.

    Take 2 tablespoons of jam before meals. If such a reception causes discomfort in the stomach, it can be taken after lunch and dinner.

    This treatment option is well suited for children, since after boiling the composition does not smell like pine cones, but real raspberry jam.

    Kalina is a unique remedy for coughing and removing accumulated mucus.

    The process of preparing this effective remedy is as follows:

    1. To one glass of fruits of the collected viburnum, you need to add a liter of boiling water.
    2. The composition is cooked for 5 minutes over low heat.
    3. Three tablespoons of linden honey are added to the mixture.
    4. The decoction should be infused for 4-5 hours.

    The composition is used 3-4 times a day, 100 ml. This is one of the most effective means, which is able not only to eliminate the old accumulation of mucus and sputum, but also to strengthen the body's defenses.

    For treatment, you will need to use the essential oils of these products. They contain phytoncides, which are characterized by unique cleansing and antimicrobial properties.

    At the same time, such unique properties of products as a significant strengthening of the body's defenses can be noted.

    To obtain a remedy, you will need to take an onion head and a few cloves of garlic. All this is finely chopped and covered with a small amount of sugar. The mixture should be left for about two hours to make a syrup.

    The remedy is taken three or four times a day, one tablespoon. In case of exacerbation of diseases with the respiratory system, the remedy will need to be applied for 6-7 days.

    The tool can be used as a preventive measure. The only contraindication is stomach problems.

    This is a unique treatment that solves issues related not only to diseases. It allows you to solve the problem of how to clean the lungs of dust. The tool ideally cleanses the respiratory system, as well as other body systems.

    To prepare the composition, you need to do the following manipulations:

    • you will need to take 500 ml of vodka;
    • juices of carrots, beets, black radish are prepared separately, the total amount of which should be 500 ml;
    • everything is mixed and closed with a lid;
    • the container is tightly closed with pre-prepared dough to prevent air penetration;
    • you need to simmer the product in the oven for 90 minutes.

    The product can be taken after it has completely cooled down. You need to use the composition three times a day before meals.

    The amount should be approximately 50 grams at a time. The general course of treatment is 30-35 days. In more advanced cases, the course of treatment can be repeated, but only after a 10-day break.

    stigmas of corn

    Corn stigmas help with the acute form of a variety of lung diseases, with an old cough, including.

    For treatment, you will need to take dried corn stigmas, grind them thoroughly to a powder state. To obtain a positive effect, you need to add honey to the mixture in a ratio of 1: 2.

    The remedy is used one spoonful 3-6 times a day, depending on the complexity of the situation.

    Tea with medicinal components such as oregano and violet has ideal antiseptic properties. The product effectively protects against allergies. In addition, the composition contributes to the activation of the epithelium of the bronchi.

    To prepare a medicinal mixture, you will need to take a tablespoon of each herb, pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. The composition is taken after it has been infused for an hour. Tea should be drunk without sugar three times a day.

    After a relatively short period of time, the lungs are completely cleared of resins, dust, sputum and pus. This is a fairly comfortable method of cleansing, since during the treatment there is no cough reflex that interferes with sleep and lead a full-fledged lifestyle.

    Oats with milk for cleansing the lungs is just perfect. The remedy is prescribed both for smokers and for those who have a large amount of mucus in the body due to a cold.

    To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to perform the following steps:

    1. It is necessary to take a glass of oat grains and mix them with half a liter of milk.
    2. The product must be simmered over low heat until the total amount of the mixture is reduced by half.
    3. Oats are rubbed through a sieve and added to the prepared liquid.

    You should get about half a glass of the finished product, the consistency of which resembles gruel.

    Ready broth is drunk at one time before food is taken. The number of applications per day is three times, while the product must always be fresh, that is, just cooked. The duration of the course should last at least a week.

    As a rule, after 7 days, the cleansing process starts in the body. This is manifested by bouts of severe coughing, which can last up to 30 minutes. It is at this time that sputum begins to depart.

    Cleansing with medicinal marshmallow

    This is another remedy that is ideal for congestion in the bronchi and lungs. To prepare the composition, you need to take three tablespoons of the product, pour them with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for one night.

    A glass is drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening, preferably before meals and warm in half a glass. A full course of cleansing with this remedy should average one and a half months. If necessary, after a break of three weeks, the course of treatment can be repeated.

    Red wine is ideal for combating various colds, it contributes to a rapid increase in immunity.

    The lung cleanser is prepared as follows:

    1. 250 grams of aloe leaves (before harvesting raw materials, it is advisable not to water the plant for two weeks).
    2. The leaves are carefully wiped with damp gauze and finely chopped.
    3. The mixture is poured into 500 ml of Cahors.
    4. 350 grams of honey is added.
    5. The resulting composition must be removed in a protected place for at least two weeks.
    6. After you need to strain the composition and squeeze.

    The prepared infusion should be consumed three times a day, one spoonful three times a day. The total duration of the treatment course is based on the amount of formulation prepared. It must be consumed all the way to the end.

    Treatment with nuts and honey

    You can prepare another fairly tasty remedy made on the basis of nuts and honey. The composition perfectly cleanses the lungs of sputum, eliminates the most chronic cough.

    Cooking pine and hazelnuts is quite simple, everything is carefully crushed and mixed with honey. Pine nuts are often used, previously boiled in red wine.

    To prepare this recipe, you will need to take 50 grams and half a liter of wine. For 20 minutes, the composition is cooked over low heat. The medicine is used one tablespoon three times a day.

    Coniferous trees have unique disinfectant properties. For this reason, it is so easy and full to breathe in spruce and table forests.

    Essential oils are present in the needles, the inhalation of which contributes to the effective liquefaction of sputum and its removal. Shoots for the preparation of a remedy should be used those that are collected in the period from the end of May and the beginning of June.

    It is desirable to collect raw materials in those places that are as far as possible from the highway. The shoots at this time are very tender, have a bright green color, they are soft and not prickly at all.

    A layer of collected shoots must be laid on the bottom of a liter jar, covered with a layer of sugar. All this is tightly trampled down with an ordinary wooden pusher. The jar is refrigerated for at least three weeks.

    After that, the composition is filtered through gauze or a sieve. As a result of these actions, a green syrup is obtained, which should also be stored in the refrigerator.

    You need to take the remedy three times a day, one spoon. After treatment, the lungs and bronchi will clear up very quickly and it will be possible to breathe deeply.

    If such treatment is carried out at least once a year, toxins and harmful substances will not accumulate, respectively, health will be ensured.

    Badger fat is indispensable for certain problems with the lungs..

    The drug is taken orally about 2-3 times a day and preferably an hour before meals. The time of treatment with fat should be 30 days, no less.

    If a person's disease has become chronic, it is advisable to carry out such a course about 2-3 times a year. Between courses, you must take a break of 2 weeks.

    Before using fat, it must be melted in a strictly natural way, it should not be heated.

    To effectively clear the bronchi of mucus and accumulated sputum, it is worth doing special physical exercises daily for cleansing. Do breathing exercises.

    Walking in the fresh air, short runs and exercise can quickly disperse the blood, which will automatically start the process of cleansing the respiratory system. Outdoor exercises help a lot.

    A visit to the salt cave also gives a positive effect. Great help inhalation with essential oils. They not only help with colds, but also cleanse the lungs of dust and other consequences of modern civilized life.

    In this case, it is worth using marjoram, eucalyptus and pine oil.. Such pairs need to be breathed for at least 10 minutes, while they need to be inhaled as deeply as possible.

    The total treatment time for such inhalations should be 2 weeks.. Inhalations should be done in the evening and immediately go to bed.


    To be healthy, it is not necessary to spend large sums of money on treatment. It is enough just to use the correct recipes in the prescribed dosages.

    The advantage of treatment with folk remedies is their safety, as well as the ability not only to get rid of the disease, but also to protect against its occurrence in the future.

    Treatment with folk remedies strengthens the immune system, and systematic cleansing of the lungs will be the key to the health of the entire respiratory system as a whole.

    • Functions of the lungs and bronchi
    • How to strengthen the lungs
    • How can you strengthen the bronchi
    • Exercise for sickness

    Not everyone knows how to strengthen the bronchi and lungs, and even fewer people realize the full benefits of these simple exercises. But strengthening the bronchi and lungs is a very important practice. It is an excellent prevention of a wide variety of diseases, from the common cold to tuberculosis and asthma. Strengthening will also help to quickly overcome diseases that have already begun.

    For example, with pneumonia, it is recommended to perform simple exercises, for which you do not even need to get out of bed. This method works in the same way for muscles: the lungs are “stronger”, the less they are “attacked” by bacteria and viruses.

    Functions of the lungs and bronchi

    The lungs are the most important human organ. In addition to breathing, it also performs many equally important functions.


    1. Gas exchange. It is thanks to this organ that the blood is enriched with oxygen, which then transfers throughout the body.
    2. Measurement of PH in the blood. Due to this, changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide are more easily tolerated by the body.
    3. The transformation of one substance into another. For example, angiotensin I (a hormone that is constantly produced by the kidneys and causes vasoconstriction and the release of another equally harmful hormone) is converted into angiotensin II by the lungs.
    4. Heart protection. All mechanical damage that the ribs could not prevent, the lungs take on.
    5. Development of immunity. The lungs secrete immunoglobulin, which protects the body from infections and viruses.
    6. Voice function. It is the lungs that form the air flow, thanks to which a person can speak, and animals can make any sounds.
    7. A place to store blood. They contain up to 9% of all blood that flows through the body. Sometimes a large loss of it is compensated by emissions from the lungs.
    8. Thermoregulation. Water evaporates from their surface.

    The bronchi are located in the lungs and are an integral part of them, therefore, all the functions described above are also true for them. In addition, they are an important defense system against all infections transmitted by airborne droplets. All harmful particles immediately move up and do not enter the body. Their mucus contains many antimicrobial components.