
Modern treatment of senile keratosis of the skin. Keratosis - what is it and how to treat the skin of the face and body

Many patients of a dermatologist complain about quickly, within a few days, the appearance of keratinization of the skin on the fingers. Since in the first period of the disease, most people try to eliminate this defect on their own, using warm baths and fatty creams for this, they only go to the doctor when deep painful cracks form on the skin. Hyperkeratosis is a generalized name for a whole group of diseases that cause such a symptom, some of them are very serious. This disease is characterized by disruption of the epidermis, the growth of a layer of dead cells and the formation of areas covered with a stratum corneum.

Causes of hyperkeratosis

The overgrowth of skin surface cells has many causes, both mechanical and pathological. Rough skin on the fingers is often observed in people whose professions are associated with daily pressure on these areas, for example, shoemakers or guitarists. Areas of the skin that come into contact with the strings become horny, forming a layer of cells and protecting the skin. Workers who constantly deal with tar, sand or tar suffer from excessive growths of cells on the fingers and palms, and this is dangerous because the degeneration of such cells can cause a malignant skin disease.

Age-related changes in the hormonal background entail keratoderma: during menopause, some women develop layers of skin on the palms and fingers, they are diffuse, and have a grayish or yellowish color. Sometimes keratinization is covered with deep painful cracks. Senile seals, plaques on the hands usually do not bother their owners, but there is a risk of degeneration of such cells into cancerous ones.

Horny skin on the fingers of children and adolescents is a symptom of a serious illness, so keratoderma is most often caused by a gene mutation. Provoking factors can be various viral diseases, hormonal disruptions, lack of vitamin A in the body, and the cause of the lack can be both external and internal. Poor nutrition and diseases of the digestive system, cancer and metabolic disorders are the main reasons for the incomplete absorption of vitamin A, which in turn provokes keratosis.

The cause of the proliferation of epithelial cells is sometimes an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product or washing powder. Excess consumption of food allergens also causes the appearance of horny cell layers.

Symptoms of keratosis

First of all, a patient with keratoderma notices that he has rough skin on his fingers, and skin softeners do not bring the expected result. Then, after a sufficiently long period of time, the layer of cells becomes thick, the tissue under it dies, the edges of the stratum corneum acquire a purple hue. In the thickening itself, deep, painful, bleeding cracks form, the nails become bumpy, irregular in shape.

The symptoms of professional or mechanical keratosis, which is the body's response to local skin irritation, are much less pronounced. Constant pressure on the fingertips leads to the formation of calluses, and then the skin coarsens, the surface cells of the epidermis die off, do not exfoliate, as a result of which keratinization occurs. Professional keratosis can also be accompanied by the formation of cracks in the stratum corneum, but it is limited only to those areas of the skin that are periodically injured without spreading further.

Follicular keratosis most often forms on the flexor surfaces of the extremities, but can also be localized on the hands. The patient notices that the skin on the hands is pimpled and tough. Follicular keratosis, in addition to a cosmetic defect, does not annoy the patient, but can spread throughout the body. One of the causes of this form of the disease is heredity: according to statistics, people whose parents had a history of follicular keratosis are more likely to get it at the age of fifteen to twenty-five.

Treatment of keratoses

Keratoses associated with the professional activities of patients, with exposure to toxic substances, such as arsenic or tar, are difficult to treat until the person stops doing this type of activity. The disease can last for years, and go away completely on its own when an employee is fired or changes their profession.

At the first signs of unreasonable roughening of the skin on the fingers, it is necessary to carefully adjust your diet, introduce vitamin complexes and an oil solution of vitamin A into it. Locally, thoroughly clean the skin on your hands every evening, lubricate the roughened areas with a nourishing cream with the addition of vitamin A. A good result is the use of gloves Spa Belle, they moisturize the skin, act gently and gently, highlighting the emollient and beneficial components of the gel impregnation. You can buy silicone gloves in the online store.

If the symptoms of keratosis are severe enough, then you need to see a doctor for a complete examination and identify the cause of the disease. It is possible that keratinization of the skin is caused by some disease, and its treatment will help eliminate the unpleasant symptom. Topically applied ointments and creams containing healing and softening components.

At any stage of the development of the disease in the inflammatory process, it is desirable to use ointments containing antibiotics and steroids. They are used in short courses to relieve inflammation, and then they use wound-healing drugs, such as Panthenol or Solcoseryl, which enhance tissue regeneration. Baths with astringent decoctions of herbs and compresses with plantain or aloe juice are also quite effective in the symptomatic treatment of keratoses.

Prevention of keratosis

The main treatment for keratosis of any etiology is the prevention of the development of the disease. But since it is not known for certain what is the impetus for the onset of the disease, you just need to observe general hygiene, not subject your hands to excessive stress and take good care of them. Sagging skin on the hands, calluses and redness is a signal for immediate action: stopping any diet, taking vitamins A and E, and cosmetic procedures.

People whose professions involve the development of this disease, or who have had cases of this disease in their family, are advised to carefully monitor their health, since keratosis, although it does not threaten human life, sometimes makes it unbearable. Horny skin reduces the sensitivity of the hands, interferes with fine work, and cracks make any movement impossible due to extreme pain. The duration and, sometimes, the failure of the treatment of horny growths is an occasion to think about measures to prevent an unpleasant disease.

Both adults and children are susceptible keratosis , which manifests itself in the thickening of the epidermis. A skin disease can be caused by a number of external factors, and the methods of its treatment are individual in each case. It is important to accurately determine the form of the pathology in order to understand its cause and prescribe competent treatment.

What it is

Under keratosis imply a whole group of dermatological pathologies that do not have a viral nature.

Under the influence of certain factors, the following changes begin to occur in a person:

  • skin becomes dry
  • on open areas, single and multiple neoplasms appear:
  • itching occurs.

Acquired plantar keratosis: photo

Sometimes keratomas are found on the soles of the feet, scalp, in the genital area. The size and shape of neoplasms can be very diverse, their boundaries are outlined. Their color is usually pink, yellowish or brown, and the surface is rough with a thin film.

At an early stage, the disease does not bring serious concern, only the appearance is spoiled. As the keratosis grows, a person feels more and more unpleasant symptoms.

Senile keratosis of the skin: photo

If you try to remove the tumor, blood will come out. Over time, the film becomes denser and covered with cracks, neoplasms rise more and more above the surface of the skin and acquire black or light blotches.

ICD-10 code

L 57.0- actinic keratosis.

L 11.0- Acquired follicular keratosis.

L 85.1 Acquired palmoplantar keratosis.

L 85.2– pinpoint view of palmoplantar keratosis.

L 82- seborrheic form.

L 87.0- Follicular and parafollicular keratoses.


It is not known exactly why skin keratosis appears.

In any case, it is not contagious and occurs as a result of exposure to several factors:

  • elderly age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • a large amount of fat consumed;
  • poor metabolism;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • prolonged exposure to UV rays;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • disorders of the endocrine and immune systems;
  • mechanical damage;
  • contact with chemicals.

The following groups of people are most susceptible to this disease:

  1. People with weakened immune systems.
  2. Elderly men and women.
  3. Light-skinned people with red hair.
  4. Inhabitants of hot countries.

Experts have found a link between cancer and keratosis. After all, neoplasms on the skin are benign, and sometimes malignant in nature. It is possible to distinguish a keratoma from cancer only with the help of histological examination.

The presence of many foci of the disease can indicate oncological pathologies of the internal organs. According to statistics, among 9 thousand people with keratoma, 10 percent have various types of skin cancer.


Depending on the symptoms, keratosis is divided into the following types:

  1. Symptomatic. Occurs against the background of other diseases, under the influence of negative environmental factors.
  2. Hereditary. It is formed due to a genetic predisposition and manifests itself immediately after birth or in childhood.
  3. Acquired. The exact reasons are not fully understood.

According to the degree of localization, two types of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Localized. It affects certain areas of the skin.
  2. diffuse. Covers a large area of ​​the skin.

The most common types of keratosis are:

Only an experienced dermatologist can determine this or that type of keratosis.


Before treating keratosis, you should undergo the necessary examination and take tests.

Diagnostic procedures include:

  1. Collection of anamnesis.
  2. Thorough physical examination.
  3. Carrying out a biopsy (taking a small piece of education for microscopic examination).

Therapeutic measures are aimed at reducing the number of keratomas, their softening and exfoliation. For this, external means are used:

Inside take vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators and drugs to improve blood flow. It is forbidden to use scrubs, peels, and also rub the skin with a hard washcloth.

Various ointments and compresses with yeast, aloe, castor oil, propolis or potatoes are used as alternative medicine. However, folk recipes can only be used as an additional method of therapy.


Solar a type of keratosis is treated in the same way as other forms. The doctor selects a therapeutic method individually for each patient. It can be:

  1. Cryotherapy. Freezing of affected cells.
  2. laser impact. Laser burning of pathological tissues.
  3. Dermabrasion. Layered skin resurfacing.
  4. Radio wave therapy. Evaporation of the neoplasm under local anesthesia.
  5. Electrocoagulation. Excision with an electric scalpel.

Before and after treatment: photo

Surgical intervention involves the use of a curette to scrape the affected tissue. At the site of keratosis, a visible scar can form, therefore, keratosis of the skin of the face, which can also be treated with the help of surgery, is eliminated in other ways. The prognosis is favorable in most cases.

If keratosis is observed in a child, the famous TV doctor Komarovsky offers the following treatment:

  1. It is necessary to take baths with sea salt.
  2. Moisturizing creams and ointments should be used.
  3. It is recommended to follow a diet.

A well-known pediatrician believes that roughness on the skin, which does not bother the child in any way, does not require radical treatment. Sometimes they go away on their own with age.


With the formation of a keratoma, you can not resort to self-medication. As a preventive measure, it is advised to periodically undergo an examination by a dermatologist, be in the sun only at the allowed time, and moisturize the skin more often.

Skin keratosis is considered the generalized name of a number of diseases that are characterized by excessive keratinization of the epidermis(top layer of skin).

Keratosis of the face can have both limited localization and extensive.

In most cases, neoplasms are benign. But the larger the area of ​​the lesion, the greater the likelihood of keratosis transformation. into malignant.

The disease is progressive in nature, so it is necessary to consult a doctor in time and start therapy. Otherwise, it threatens development of complications.

Today unequivocal opinion, what is direct factor in the development of keratosis, does not exist. It is known that the pathology does not belong to the viral, and is not contagious.

Allocate such main reasons, due to which the formation of keratomas is possible:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • dry skin due to the use of drying care products;
  • deficiency of vitamins responsible for skin health (A, E, C, B);
  • exposure to UV rays in the abuse of sunburn;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver due to malnutrition;
  • stress and nervous tension, causing the loss of vitamin B;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • metabolic disease.

Particularly at risk for keratosis are people over 40(senile keratosis).

Types and symptoms of keratosis on the face

Keratosis on the face can be of several types, depending on the etiology and the process of its development.

actinic- most often associated with prolonged exposure to UV radiation.

First, irregularities appear on the face, which progress to scaly patches various shades (from skin color to red-brown). The sizes of formations can be different.

seborrheic- oval formations, for which characteristic slow growth. First, a spot of about 2-3 cm of a yellowish tint appears, which gradually thickens, becomes covered with greasy crusts. They can be easily separated from the skin.

progressing, the formation increases in diameter. The crusts are layered on top of each other, darken. Moderate bleeding from the formation due to the appearance of cracks is possible.

- characterized by the formation of a node with clear boundaries of a pale flesh or pink hue. The diameter of the formation is not more than 1.2 cm.

Its surface is slightly bumpy, in the center there is a depression or a flat silvery scale. Such a keratoma is usually observed on the cheeks, nasolabial fold or border of the lips.

Senile It usually develops after 50 years of age. The first symptom is the appearance of a yellowish spot, resembling a highly pigmented skin area. Over time, the formation becomes darker, grows in diameter.

The structure of the keratoma becomes softer and looser. Later, roughness and peeling appear. Dimensions of education can vary from 1/2 to 6 cm.

Treatment of keratosis of the skin of the face

At the first manifestations of the disease prerequisite is a doctor's consultation. He will conduct a visual examination, prescribe tests to determine the cause and exclude the malignant nature of keratosis.

Only then will he be able to determine which treatments will be effective in each particular case.

conservative methods

The goal of conservative treatment- reduce the number of keratomas, their symptomatic manifestations by destructive methods. More often, local applications of keratolytics with a urea content (12-30%) are used to exfoliate and soften formations:

  • Ureaderm.
  • Keratosan.
  • Ureatop.
  • Akerat.

Products with salicylic and lactic acid:

  • carac.
  • Efudex.
  • Fluoroplex.
  • Imiquimod.
  • Fluorouracil.

In addition to drugs for external use, funds are prescribed for oral administration:

  • Vitamins A and C or Aevit.
  • Vitamins B2, B6.

Folk recipes

Non-traditional methods can only be used as an auxiliary measure in complex treatment. In this case, the use of each remedy requires prior approval from the doctor. Popular recipes:

  • Mix 1:1 tar and butter. Make dressings at night for follicular keratosis.
  • Do soft yeast brew. Let it rise a little and form a cake. Apply it to the formation on the face for 2 hours. After that, rinse with warm water. The procedure should be done within 3-5 days at the first signs of the disease.
  • cook decoction of burdock(2 tablespoons of raw materials per 0.5 l of water). Treat problem areas 2-3 times a day, do not rinse.
  • Apply to keratoma fresh aloe leaf for the night. Top with gauze and film, secure with a plaster. In the morning, remove the compress and treat the formation with salicylic alcohol.
  • Pour onion peel 200 ml of vinegar. Insist 2 weeks in a dark cool place. Strain the remedy and make lotions for half an hour. Be careful not to burn healthy facial skin.

Hardware treatment of keratosis on the face

If traditional methods do not work, most often radical methods of removing formations can be prescribed, which are carried out in stationary conditions.

  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryotherapy (exposure to liquid nitrogen);
  • laser removal;
  • deep chemical peeling;
  • dermabrasion;
  • photodynamic therapy;
  • surgical removal.

Which method to choose, the doctor determines in each case individually. It all depends on the type of keratosis, the size and shape of the formations.

If you suspect malignant character keratomas, it is recommended to remove it only surgically, using a laser or radio wave method. All other methods are not effective enough. They are not able to eliminate all malignant cells, which causes their rather rapid growth after the procedure.

If education is benign character and causes discomfort, as a cosmetic defect, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, deep chemical peeling are used. The use of acids and ointments with cytostatics is effective in solar keratomas, which are shallow and small.

Thus, from keratosis on the face, you can get rid of fast enough if identified and corrected in a timely manner.

You can not self-medicate keratosis. Only an experienced doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, identify the causes of the pathology, and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Keratosis is a condition associated with pronounced thickening and keratinization of the skin. As the pathology grows, discomfort increases, painful sensations, bleeding cracks, and erosion appear. Keratosis is a group of diseases with characteristic signs of impaired keratinization of the skin.

Reasons for the appearance

Researchers regularly conduct research aimed at studying the etiology of keratosis, but the exact causes of it have not yet been established. The main reason is considered to be regular exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. It affects the epidermal layers, dermis, vessels, melonocytes, sebaceous glands. Gradually, under the influence of the sun, the disturbances increase, leading to the peak of the disease.

Factors contributing to the development of pathology:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the effect on the skin of chemicals (sand, oil, resinous substances and others);
  • weakened immunity;
  • transferred infectious diseases, the result of which is keratosis;
  • age-related changes (more often the disease affects people over 50 years old).

Carriers of AIDS, people with problems of the endocrine, nervous system, patients who have undergone complex operations, chemotherapy, are more prone to developing keratosis due to the inability of the immune system to cope with the consequences of diseases.

Today, young people are often exposed to some types of keratosis. In most cases, they are fair-haired or red, with gray, green or blue eyes. Studies show that by the age of 40, 60% of individuals already have at least 1 element of keratosis. And after 80 years, everyone suffers from some form of this pathology.

Types and symptoms of keratosis

A person may not notice the initial stage of changes in the skin. He may have imperceptible roughness, irregularities in different parts of the body (nose bridge, cheeks, forearms, ears, scalp, etc.). At first, the formation is small, hard to the touch, brown or red. Around the affected area, the skin may peel off, itching appears. At the site of the appearance of the keratoma, the hairline is disturbed.

There is no single classification of the types of this disease, since it has not yet been fully studied.

According to the etiology, keratosis is classified:

  • Congenital - manifests itself at birth or in early childhood. It occurs very rarely.
  • Acquired - occurs in adulthood (sometimes in adolescence).
  • Symptomatic - the causes of its appearance are external factors.

The affected area can be local (individual single areas are affected) and diffuse (extensive areas of the skin are affected).

According to clinical manifestations, several types of pathology are distinguished.

Follicular keratosis
Horn plugs form in the hair follicles. These are dead cells that have shed off the top layer of the skin. They close the growth of the hair, forming nodules. Most often appears on the face, abdomen, shoulders, neck, buttocks, in the armpit. Its manifestations are characteristic of the cold season, by the summer the signs of the disease may disappear, leaving a trace of the keratoma. This type is also called pilar keratosis. When the nodule grows more than 3 mm, pain may appear. Exacerbation of the inflammatory process can cause the use of allergenic products.

seborrheic keratosis
It is characterized by nodular or plaque-like formations that have a warty surface. From above, keratomas are covered with black or brown keratinized matter. More common in people over 50, also called senile keratosis. The usual places of appearance are the face, neck, chest and others. Does not happen on soles and palms. The development of this form of the disease occurs slowly, in most cases becoming chronic. Seborrheic keratosis does not degenerate into a malignant formation. But a cancerous tumor can masquerade as keratosis. With rapid growth, bleeding and inflammation of the affected area, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. (We have an article about seborrheic keratosis).

actinic keratosis
Occurs on open areas of the body. At first, the keratoma has the appearance of uneven skin, rough. Gradually develops into a scaly, scaly, indurated patch that can range in color from skin tone to brownish. Formations can rise above the skin in the form of growths. The skin of the neck, face, chest is mainly exposed to keratinization. Actinic keratosis tends to transform into malignant tumors. So Regular follow-up with a dermatologist is essential.

Treatment of the disease

Keratosis therapy should be carried out by a dermatologist. The first appearance of keratomas should be the reason for a visit to a specialist. It is important to exclude their malignant nature. Treatment of the disease is long, includes a complex of therapeutic measures.

Conservative therapy

The goal of medical treatment is to reduce the number of keratotic elements before using radical methods of removal. Therapeutic agents relieve the course of keratosis, reduce symptoms, but do not cure completely.

To soften keratonic areas, applications of preparations with different urea content (12-30%) are used:

  • Ureaderm;
  • Ureatop;
  • Keratosan;
  • Akerat.

Preparations for the therapeutic treatment of keratoses:

  • Efudex cream;
  • Fluorouracil;
  • Imiquimod (Aldara);
  • Diclofenac gel 3%.

For keratosis of the scalp, special shampoos have been developed. Aggressive detergents will not work for her.

For oral administration, retinoids are prescribed to slow down the growth of formations, vitamins A, B, C. Additionally, courses of physiotherapy are carried out.

Folk remedies and recipes

To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, you can use folk remedies.

  • To freeze agave leaves for 3 days. Take it out of the refrigerator and lay it on the affected area overnight. After removing the compress, treat the keratoma with salicylic alcohol. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  • Apply to the affected area grated raw potatoes. Top with a clean cloth and polyethylene. After 40 minutes, remove the bandage, rinse the remains of the potato with water.
  • Take 2 spoons dried celandine leaves and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for several hours. The tool can wipe the skin or make lotions.
  • Pour 1 spoon onion peel with a spoonful of vinegar. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain and make a 30-minute lotion. It is important to avoid getting acid on healthy areas of the skin so as not to cause a burn.

Attention! Before using folk remedies, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.

Radical Methods

Since conservative therapy does not guarantee a cure for keratosis, in many cases it is necessary to resort to drastic measures - the removal of formations. Especially if there is a risk of degeneration into cancer.

  • Cryodestruction - freezing with liquid nitrogen.
  • Radio wave removal - excision of the formation with a radio knife under the influence of radio waves.
  • Electrocoagulation - cauterization by electric current of high frequency.
  • Laser destruction - the use of a point effect on the keratoma of a carbon dioxide laser.
  • Photodynamic therapy is the application of methyl aminolevulinate to the affected area, followed by exposure to a light wave of a given length, leading to tissue necrosis.
  • Surgical removal - cleaning the surface of the skin with a curette (a special surgical instrument).
  • Dermabrasion - removal using an abrasive brush.

Diet for sickness

To improve the condition of the skin with keratosis, you must follow a diet. The products consumed must necessarily contain vitamins A, E, B, ascorbic acid: greens, vegetables, cereals, oily fish.

Include cold-pressed vegetable oils in your diet:

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • pine nuts;
  • walnut;
  • amaranth.

Daily use of oils can nourish the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which promote cell regeneration and are a good prevention of keratosis.

Exclude from the diet rich, flour products, fried and fatty (based on animal fats) dishes.

Forecast and prevention

The sooner treatment is started, the better the prognosis of the disease. But if you do not follow certain recommendations, relapses are possible.

Prevention measures:

  • Complete nutrition necessary to obtain the "building" elements of the skin.
  • Use of moisturizers (especially for dry skin).
  • Limit exposure to the sun so as not to injure the skin with excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF.
  • When working with chemicals, protect the skin from their effects.

Keratosis is a skin condition that requires constant monitoring. In addition to an aesthetic defect, in certain cases, formations can degenerate into malignant ones. In order not to miss this process, it is necessary to regularly examine and monitor the nature of changes in the skin.

From the following video you can learn all about keratomas on the skin:

Keratinization (keratosis) is a thickening of the epidermis that develops with non-inflammatory skin pathologies. It appears both with excessive growth and with insufficient exfoliation of the stratum corneum.

Localization and prevalence

Keratosis can be located anywhere on the skin. Most often, the palms and feet, the scalp and areas of the body squeezed by clothing are affected.


The cause of keratosis can be:

  • Post-traumatic healing of skin lesions
  • Prolonged UV exposure
  • Lichen
  • Constant chafing of certain areas of the skin
  • Skin exposure to irritants
  • erythroderma
  • Excessive pressure on the skin of clothes, shoes and jewelry
  • Flat feet and overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Puberty and menopause
  • genetic predisposition
  • Hypovitaminosis
  • Local allergic reactions

Symptoms and types

Keratosis is often accompanied by:

  • The appearance of dark brown or gray scales on the skin
  • Excessive keratinization of the skin of the palms and soles
  • Formation of knots and growths
  • Cracking of the affected skin
  • The appearance of yellowish spots on the skin, eventually transforming into bumps

According to the type of occurrence, 2 large groups of keratoses are distinguished:


  • Symptomatic - occurs as one of the manifestations of damage to the endocrine or nervous systems
  • Professional - representatives of professions are sick, which involve frequent skin contact with irritants and traumatic factors
  • Paraoncological - occurs with oncological diseases, affects the hands and feet
  • Venereal - occurs when infected with a sexually transmitted disease


  • - a pathology in which dead skin cells form plugs that clog the hair follicle. At the same time, small nodules up to 3-4 mm in size are formed on the skin of the shoulders, buttocks, neck, abdomen and armpits. They can spontaneously disappear and reappear in cold weather.
  • Seborrheic keratosis - small brown or black benign tumors, ranging in size from 1-2 mm to 1.5-2 cm. Lesions are often flat or convex, located mainly on the chest, neck and face. The disease develops slowly, sometimes over several years. Transformation to a malignant tumor is extremely rare.
  • Actinic keratosis - the disease begins with the appearance of roughness, which then turns into a dense spot. The lesion is covered with scales, the color varies from flesh to brown. Keratinizes mainly the skin on the face, neck and chest. This form of keratosis can transform into a malignant tumor.
  • Keratoderma - brown-yellow layers with a purple border appear on the heels and palms. The lesions are often symmetrical and may spread to the skin of the hands, feet, knees, and elbows as the disease progresses.
  • - systemic keratosis caused by diffuse violation of keratinization. It is characterized by the formation of small gray-black scales on the skin, tightly adjacent to each other. The skin pattern becomes very pronounced. In severe cases, the teeth, nails, eyes, cardiovascular and nervous systems are affected.


Statement and differentiation of the diagnosis is carried out using:

  • External examination and history
  • Histological examination of lesions
  • Skin biopsies


For the treatment of skin keratosis, the following methods are used:

  • Electrocoagulation - removal of growths using high-frequency electric current
  • Chemical peeling - reducing the thickness of the epidermis with the help of special preparations
  • Hydrodermabrasion - removal of dead tissue with water
  • Cryosurgery - exposure of the affected skin to low temperatures
  • Curettage - scraping off lesions
  • Laser therapy

Prognosis and complications

With a benign course of the disease, the prognosis is favorable, with the transition to a malignant form - cautious. Keratosis can be complicated by bacterial eczema, skin cancer, tooth loss, decreased vision, and pathologies of the nervous system. With ichthyosis, the prognosis is always cautious towards the unfavorable.


To prevent keratosis, a number of recommendations should be followed:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on unprotected skin
  • Avoid contact with irritants
  • Use moisturizer for dry skin
  • Avoid prolonged squeezing or rubbing of the skin