
Reference book of medicines. Directory of medicines Auxiliary components included in the nasal spray

In recent years, Momat Rino Advance has become increasingly popular. It belongs to the class of glucocorticosteroids and is designed specifically for topical use. It is on sale in several forms. You can buy a spray or drops. Momat Rino Advance is suitable for children and adults, has a minimum of contraindications, and the price is quite reasonable, about 200 rubles per pack. Does this wonderful drug have weaknesses? Who can and who cannot use Momat Reno Advance? Read more about this.

What is this about?

"Momat Reno Advance" in the nose is available in the form of a spray. Inside the compact and easy-to-use bottle is a thick substance. It can be completely opaque or half transparent. Hue - white or close to it. One package is designed for 60 or 120 uses, depending on the volume. The instruction "Momat Rino Advance", placed on the package, contains a mention of how many times it will be possible to use the bottle enclosed in a cardboard box.

The bottle itself is made of plastic and is necessarily equipped with a special device for metered distribution. One carton box contains only one package of medication.

What is it made from?

Tells what the spray "Momat Rino Advance" consists of, instructions for its use. It is indicated here that the main effect is provided by the active substance, namely mometasone furoate monohydrate. When used in accordance with the rules for one application, the patient receives 50 micrograms of this compound.

To improve the effect of using the Momat Rino Advance spray, additional substances have been added to the composition. Among them are cellulose and carmellose, represented by single crystals, forming avicel RC-591, as well as a number of chemicals that enhance the effectiveness of the product and simplify its use. An important component is water, which is necessary for the injection of the active ingredient into the mucosa.

Features of pharmacological action

The main component indicated in the instructions for Momat Rino Advance is mometasone furoate. This compound is completely synthetic and belongs to the class of glucocorticosteroids. It is designed to combat inflammatory processes, as well as eliminate the effects of allergies. The tool is designed for local use. A positive effect is achieved if the spray "Momat Rino Advance" (instructions for use for the spray is always included) is consumed in an amount that does not lead to the development of a systemic effect.

Due to the presence of mometasone in the substance sprayed onto the nasal mucosa, the body increases the generation of lipomodulin, which interacts with phospholipase A. This leads to a correction of the concentration of arachidonic acid to a lower side. The next element in the chain of influence is the reduction in the production of prostaglandins, cyclic endoperoxides, which normally appear in the body as by-products of the processing of arachidonic acid.

What does this lead to?

This effect of the spray, drops "Momat Rino Advance" allows you to exclude the marginal accumulation of neutrophils. This has a positive effect on the amount of inflammatory exudate (volumes are reduced). At the same time, the compounds produced by lymphokines also become smaller in volume. Macrophages stop actively migrating. Granulation, infiltration are slowed down and deactivated.

Reviews of "Momat Rino Advance" indicate that the correct use of the product allows you to prevent and stop an allergic reaction. This is ensured by the inhibition of the process of generating products obtained during the metabolism of arachidonic acid. In addition, the positive effect is due to a decrease in the concentration of free mediators, the source of which could be mast cells. If an inflammatory process has begun, under the influence of the Momat Rino Advance used in accordance with the instructions for use, it weakens. This is due to the inhibition of chemotaxis generation processes. The drug acts on late allergic reactions, alleviating the condition of a person.

Medication in the body: what happens?

It is important to use the Momat Rino Advance spray according to the instructions for use. The accompanying documentation states that the bioavailability of the active ingredient in the human body when used "in the nose" does not exceed 1%. To determine this indicator, a method was used, the sensitivity of which is 0.25 pg/ml. This describes the systemic availability of a substance.

When studying the effect of the drug on the gastrointestinal tract, it was found that absorption practically does not occur, only a small amount of suspension can enter the body after inhalation of the substance into the nose. All this volume is processed quite actively, and this happens before excretion with fluids excreted from the body (urine, bile).

When can it be applied?

Reviews of "Momat Rino Advance" are positive if the product was used strictly for its intended purpose. Doctors recommend resorting to this drug if:

  • polyps in the nose, which led to a violation of the respiratory process, loss of smell (recommended only for adults);
  • acute rhinosinusitis (for ages 12 years and older) with moderate, mild symptoms, in the absence of severe bacterial infection;
  • acute sinusitis at the age of 12 years and older;
  • chronic sinusitis at the age of 12 years and older, if an exacerbation has begun.

Reviews, instructions for use "Momat Rino Advance" note that the effectiveness of the drug is maintained when used at any age (over 12 years). The drug can be used in elderly patients. It is recommended to use a remedy for auxiliary therapy for sinusitis, when the doctor has prescribed a course of antibiotics as the main method of treatment.

When will it help?

The instructions for "Momat Rino Advance" also contain references to the effectiveness of the drug in the allergic form of rhinitis. It can be used both during the seasonal "attack" of the disease, and all year round. With allergies, the remedy can be used from the age of two. There is no upper age limit, as follows from the instructions for Momat Reno Advance.

The medication is considered an effective prophylactic when the allergy season approaches. If allergic reactions are characteristic in severe and moderate form, and the patient has already reached the age of 12 years, then the remedy is regularly used half a month or a month before the expected start of the allergy-causing season.

And when is it impossible?

All contraindications are listed in the instructions for Momat Rino Advance. First of all, it is necessary to note the injuries received recently. If the nasal mucosa has been damaged, the spray is not allowed. Similarly, the restriction applies to those who have recently undergone surgery. It spreads until the wound is completely healed. In addition, the restrictions on use are as follows:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

Children's age does not impose an absolute ban, but creates certain restrictions: from two to 12 years old, the spray can only be used for allergic rhinitis. If polyps are detected, Momat Reno Advance is used only by adult patients. You can treat sinusitis with this remedy when you reach 12 years of age.

Use, but be careful

In some cases, as indicated in the instructions for the drug, it is necessary to use Momat Rino Advance very carefully, with regular monitoring of the patient's condition. The choice in favor of this spray is made if the indications are strict, but alternative medicines have proven to be ineffective or not applicable to a greater extent than Momat Rino Advance. The doctor necessarily assesses the possible risks of such therapy and notifies the patient about this, only after that treatment begins.

The list of situations forcing the use of nasal spray "Momat Rino Advance" is categorically accurate:

  • active local infectious tissue damage affecting the nasal mucosa;
  • tuberculosis of the respiratory tract (it will be equally dangerous to use the drug in both latent and active forms);
  • systemic infection with flexible, virus, bacteria;
  • Herpes simplex infection, accompanied by affected areas.

How to use correctly?

How to correctly apply the spray, drops "Momat Rino Advance" can be found in the instructions. The medication is intended for intranasal use. The packaging is not only a plastic bottle with the active substance, but also a special dispenser that simplifies the correct use.

Before using the spray for the first time, you need to calibrate the bottle. To do this is simple, just press the nozzle for dosing the substance 10 times. By the tenth press, splashes will appear. As soon as the agent has begun to flow, the vial is ready for use. If the use of the medication is irregular and more than two weeks have passed since the last time, before re-using it is necessary to first press the vial dispenser twice, checking that the splashes appear in the normal volume.

Practical application: it couldn't be easier

Before introducing "Momat Reno Advance" on the nasal mucosa, tilt your head. Then a medication is injected into each nasal passage. As a rule, the doctor, prescribing the medicine, gives recommendations on injection, in particular, on the number of doses. Usually sprayed one or two times into the nasal passage, this has a sufficient effect on an adult.

From time to time, the dosing unit must be cleaned to ensure correct operation and the correct volume of suspension to be dispensed. The process is pretty simple. First remove the protective cap, then remove the tip. These parts are washed under running warm water, rinsed, dried carefully, all the time controlling the ambient temperature (it is impossible to expose to frost or direct sunlight in summer). Dry and clean parts are fixed in reverse order on the bottle: first the tip, then the metering aerosol.

We follow the rules

The manufacturer draws attention to the fact that piercing the applicator and opening the bottle with sharp objects damages the packaging and may cause incorrect dosing of the medication during use. This applies even to such a small and seemingly harmless object as a needle.

When the cleaning of the bottle is completed, you can not immediately use the medication, you first need to calibrate the spray. To do this, double-click on the vial dispenser. The spray of the suspension is directed into the air, not onto the nasal mucosa: this is important!

Each new use of the drug "Momat Rino Advance" begins with a thorough shake of the vial.

What can be replaced?

There are currently no absolute analogues of Momat Rino Advance on sale. There are products that contain the same active ingredient as the described medication. These are the trade names:

  • "Desrinitis".
  • "Nasonex".

Analogue (instruction for "Momat Rino Advance" is similar to the rules for using this tool) "Allergodil" is known for its good therapeutic effect in case of an allergic reaction. Its main difference is a different active ingredient. This medicine is based on azelastine.

Allergies: seasonal and all year round

Statistics show that most often they resort to the help of Momat Rino Advance spray and drops because of an allergic reaction. If the remedy is used as a preventive measure, and the patient has already reached the age of 12, then the medication is used once a day, injecting a double inhalation into the nasal passage. In total, a person receives 200 mcg of the active ingredient per day. Allergy treatment is done in a similar way.

If the condition of a patient suffering from an allergic reaction has improved with Momat Rino Advance, then the volumes are halved. This allows you to maintain a therapeutic effect, does not cause addiction, does not lead to negative effects. In total, in one day the patient should do one injection of the Momat Rino Advance spray into the nasal passage. In total, 100 μg of the active substance enters the body in 24 hours.

What to pay attention to?

In some cases, the recommended dose for treatment (200 mcg per day) does not give a pronounced therapeutic effect. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that, in agreement with the attending physician, it is possible to double the volume of the drug, up to 400 mcg. The tool is also used once a day, but the medication is injected into each nostril four times. When allergy symptoms begin to decrease, the volume of the drug used is reduced to the standard therapeutic dose.

The effectiveness of "Momat Rino Advance" can be seen half a day after the initial use.

Age features

If "Momat Rhino Advance" is used to treat patients aged 2-11 years, then the dose for 24 hours is only 100 mcg. It is introduced into the body in one approach, one spray into the nasal passage. At a younger age, the child cannot introduce the remedy correctly on his own, the help of the elders is needed.

Sinusitis: acute, exacerbated chronicle

In these diseases, "Momat Rino Advance" is used as an auxiliary medication to enhance the therapeutic effect of the course of treatment. Suitable for use by ages 12 and over, no upper limit (can be used by the elderly). Treatment, prevention of sinusitis (including chronic exacerbations) require the use of a suspension twice a day. Two injections are made into the nasal passage. In total, 400 mcg of the active substance enters the body per day.

With the low efficiency of such a scheme for the use of "Momat Rino Advance", it is allowed to double the dose for 24 hours, up to 800 mcg. Twice a day do four inhalations of the suspension. As soon as the pronounced symptoms of the disease subside, the dose is again reduced to the recommended 400 kg per day.

Acute rhinosinusitis uncomplicated by severe bacterial infection

Treatment of this disease with Momat Rino Advance is allowed when the patient reaches 12 years of age. The initial dose is twice a day, two injections into each nasal passage. If you feel worse, you should contact your doctor to adjust the treatment regimen.


If polyposis has been identified, "Momat Rino Advance" can be used by adults. The initial dosage is twice a day, two injections into the nasal passage. For a situation where the symptoms at the indicated concentration of the active substance in the body gradually disappear, the dose is halved: Momat Rino Advance is used once every 24 hours, making two inhalations.

Troubles: what to be prepared for?

In some cases, people using the Momat Rino Advance spray according to the instructions for use experience side effects. The negative reactions of the body described below relate to the use of the medication in accordance with the instructions, the recommendations of the attending doctor, observing the age restrictions on the admissibility of therapy.

Quite unpleasant phenomena are known from the side of breathing. Up to 10% of patients undergoing Momat Rhino Advance therapy experience nosebleeds. As a rule, this accompanies the elimination of polyps and is observed only when the medication is used twice a day. Quite often (up to 10% of cases), patients complain of irritation of the mucous membrane, which is expressed by burning. Sometimes the mucosa is covered with small ulcers. Bloody discharge is likely: both bleeding and the separation of mucus, stained with an admixture of blood.

It is extremely small, but there is a possibility There is no exact information about the possibility of this side effect, because doctors do not have enough data to draw up objective statistics.

What else is possible?

From the side of the central nervous system, the most unpleasant of the possible reactions is a headache. This side effect is quite common, about 10% of those treated complain about it. The gastrointestinal tract reacts to the use of "Momat Rino Advance" with irritation of the pharynx. This consequence is more common with active treatment of polyps (use of the drug twice a day).

In some cases, you may experience a weakening of the sense of smell, a violation of the taste buds. Due to the low frequency of cases, there are currently no clear medical statistics on these side effects. It is also not known how large the percentage of deviations from the visual organs is. It is known that those undergoing therapy with Momat Rino Advance nasal spray have a small risk of:

  • cataracts;
  • glaucoma;
  • increased pressure inside the eye.

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 01.07.2018

Filterable List

Active substance:


Pharmacological groups

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images


Description of the dosage form

White or almost white suspension.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antiallergic, glucocorticoid, antihistamine.


azelastine hydrochloride, a derivative of phthalazinon, is a long-acting antiallergic agent. Azelastine is a selective H 1 -histamine blocker, has antihistamine, antiallergic and membrane stabilizing effects, reduces capillary permeability and exudation, stabilizes mast cell membranes and prevents the release of biologically active substances from them (including histamine, serotonin, LT, platelet activating factor ), causing bronchospasm and contributing to the development of early and late stages of allergic reactions and inflammation.

mometasone furoate is a synthetic GCS for topical use. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects when used in doses that do not cause systemic effects. Inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators. It increases the production of lipomodulin, which is an inhibitor of phospholipase A, which leads to a decrease in the release of arachidonic acid and, accordingly, inhibition of the synthesis of metabolic products of arachidonic acid - cyclic endoperoxides, PG. It prevents the marginal accumulation of neutrophils, which reduces inflammatory exudation and production of lymphokines, inhibits the migration of macrophages, and leads to a decrease in the processes of infiltration and granulation. Reduces inflammation by reducing the formation of chemotaxis substance (influence on the late stage of the allergy reaction), inhibits the development of an immediate allergic reaction (due to inhibition of the production of arachidonic acid metabolites and a decrease in the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells).


Azelastine hydrochloride. Bioavailability after intranasal use is about 40%. C max in blood plasma after intranasal use is reached after 2-3 hours. When applied intranasally at a daily dose of 0.56 mg of azelastine hydrochloride, the average C ss of azelastine hydrochloride in plasma 2 hours after administration is 0.65 ng / ml. Doubling the total daily dose to 1.12 mg resulted in a sustained mean plasma concentration of azelastine of 1.09 ng/mL. However, despite the relatively high absorption in patients, systemic exposure after intranasal use is approximately 8 times lower than after oral administration of a daily dose of 4.4 mg of azelastine hydrochloride, which is a therapeutic oral dose for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Intranasal use in patients with allergic rhinitis causes an increase in plasma levels of azelastine compared with healthy subjects. Other pharmacokinetic data have been studied with oral administration. Communication with blood proteins 80-90%. It is metabolized in the liver by oxidation with the participation of the cytochrome P450 system to form the active metabolite desmethylazelastine. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys as inactive metabolites. T 1/2 azelastine - about 20 hours, its active metabolite desmethylazelastine - about 45 hours.

Mometasone furoate. When administered intranasally, the systemic bioavailability of mometasone furoate is<1% (при чувствительности метода определения 0,25 пг/мл). Суспензия мометазона очень плохо всасывается в ЖКТ , и то небольшое количество суспензии мометазона, которое может попасть в ЖКТ после носовой ингаляции, еще до экскреции с мочой или желчью подвергается активному первичному метаболизму.

Indications for MOMAT RINO ADVANCE

Symptomatic treatment of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis.


hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;

recent surgery or trauma to the nose with damage to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - before the wound heals (due to the inhibitory effect of GCS on the healing process);

age up to 18 years.

Carefully: tuberculosis infection (active and latent) of the respiratory tract; untreated fungal, bacterial, systemic viral infection or infection caused by herpes simplex, with eye damage (as an exception, it is possible to prescribe the drug for the listed infections as directed by the doctor); the presence of an untreated infection with involvement in the process of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Appropriately designed and well-controlled studies of the drug in pregnant women have not been conducted.

Azelastine hydrochloride is capable of causing intrauterine toxicity in mice, rats and rabbits.

The use of the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Side effects

In general, Momat Rino Advance is well tolerated. Side effects are usually mild and usually do not require discontinuation of the drug.

In a clinical study conducted in 560 patients aged 12 to 65 years with seasonal allergic rhinitis, 282 patients received azelastine hydrochloride + mometasone furoate (nasal spray) for an average of 14.94 days. In general, the safety profile of azelastine hydrochloride + mometasone furoate (nasal spray) was comparable to the profiles of the individual components used as monotherapy in the study, and was also consistent with the available published data on monotherapy with the individual components of the combination. A total of 18 adverse events associated with the use of azelastine hydrochloride + mometasone furoate (nasal spray) were reported in 11 of 282 patients. The most common adverse reactions reported in the study were headache (5 cases) and dysgeusia (5 cases). Other adverse reactions were drowsiness (3 cases), lethargy (2 cases), nausea (1 case), dyspepsia (1 case) and sneezing (1 case). Most of these adverse events were mild in severity and no serious adverse events were reported during the study.

In accordance with WHO data, undesirable effects are classified based on systemic organ classes according to the frequency of their development as follows: very often - ≥1 / 10; often - from ≥1 / 100 to<1/10; нечасто — от ≥1/1000 до <1/100; редко — от ≥1/10000 до <1/1000; очень редко — <1/10000, включая отдельные сообщения; частота неизвестна — по имеющимся данным установить частоту возникновения не представляется возможным.

The following are the adverse drug reactions reported with the individual components of the fixed dose combination.

Azelastine hydrochloride

When using azelastine hydrochloride (nasal spray), registered adverse reactions were observed with the following frequency.

Often- after application, a bitter taste specific to the substance may be felt (often due to an incorrect method of application, namely, excessive tilting of the head back during administration), which in rare cases can cause nausea.

Infrequently Mild, transient irritation of the inflamed nasal mucosa may occur with symptoms such as burning, itching, sneezing, and epistaxis.

Rarely- hypersensitivity reactions (such as rash, itching, urticaria), anaphylactoid reactions, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, weakness (may be caused by the disease itself) have been reported.

mometasone furoate

According to reports from clinical studies in allergic rhinitis, epistaxis was usually self-limiting, mild in severity and occurred more often than with placebo (5%), but at a similar frequency or less often than with the studied control nasal corticosteroids (up to 15% ). The frequency of all other adverse events was comparable to that of placebo. In patients treated for nasal polyposis, the overall incidence of adverse events was similar to that observed in patients with allergic rhinitis.

When using nasal corticosteroids, systemic effects may occur, especially with prolonged use of high doses of these drugs.

Treatment-related adverse reactions (≥1%) reported in clinical trials in patients with allergic rhinitis or nasal polyposis, as well as in the post-registration period, regardless of the indication for use, are presented below.

Reported treatment-related adverse reactions are presented by system organ class and frequency.

Infections and infestations: often - pharyngitis, infections of the upper respiratory tract *.

From the immune system: frequency unknown - hypersensitivity, incl. anaphylactic reactions, angioedema, bronchospasm and shortness of breath.

From the nervous system: often headache.

From the side of the organ of vision: frequency unknown - glaucoma, increased IOP, cataract.

From the respiratory system, chest organs and mediastinum: very often - nosebleeds**; often - epistaxis, burning in the nose, irritation in the nose, ulceration in the nose; frequency unknown - perforation of the nasal septum.

From the gastrointestinal tract: often - sore throat ** (sensation of irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx); frequency unknown - disorders of taste and smell.


In the pediatric population, the incidence of adverse events reported in clinical trials, such as epistaxis (6%), headache (3%), nasal irritation (2%) and sneezing (2%), was comparable to placebo.

*Reported infrequently with twice-daily dosing regimen for nasal polyposis.

**Registered with twice daily dosing regimen for nasal polyposis.


No special interaction studies have been conducted with the active ingredients of the fixed-dose combination preparation of azelastine hydrochloride and mometasone furoate. In addition, since both azelastine and mometasone are metabolized by different routes, no drug interactions are expected for this fixed dose combination. Below are the data on the interaction of the active ingredients of the combined preparation.

Azelastine hydrochloride. With intranasal use of azelastine hydrochloride, no clinically significant interactions with other drugs have been identified.

Mometasone furoate. Combination therapy with loratadine was well tolerated by patients. At the same time, there was no effect of the drug on the concentration of loratadine or its main metabolite in the blood plasma. In these studies, mometasone furoate was not detected in plasma (with a sensitivity of the method of determination of 50 pg / ml).

Dosage and administration

Intranasally. Inhalation of the suspension contained in the vial is carried out using a special dosing nozzle on the vial.

1 spray dose (azelastine hydrochloride - 140 mcg / mometasone furoate - 50 mcg) in each nostril 2 times a day in the morning and evening.

Dosing Vial Instructions

1. Remove the protective cap.

2. Before using the nasal spray for the first time, it is necessary to calibrate it by pressing the dosing device (about 10 times). If the nasal spray has not been used for 7 days or longer, recalibration is required by pressing the dispenser (about 2 times or until spray appears when pressed). It is necessary to place the index and middle fingers on the sides of the nasal adapter, and the thumb on the bottom of the bottle and, while inhaling through the nose, press. Do not pierce the nasal adapter. When spraying, do not direct into eyes.

3. Before use, if possible, clean the nasal passages. Close one nostril and insert the end of the nasal adapter into the other, keeping the vial upright. Press the adapter quickly and sharply. Do not spray on the nasal septum.

4. Exhale through your mouth.

5. Repeat the steps described in point 3 for the other nostril.

6. Wipe the nasal adapter with a clean cloth and put on the protective cap.

Nasal Adapter Cleaning Instructions

1. Remove the protective cap.

2. Carefully remove the nasal adapter by pulling upwards.

3. Rinse the nasal adapter with cold running water on both sides and dry. Do not use any auxiliary objects (such as needles or sharp objects) to clean the adapter in order to avoid damaging it.

4. Rinse the protective cap with cold running water and dry.

5. Replace the nasal adapter. Make sure the vial stem is placed in the center of the nasal adapter.

6. Calibrate by pressing the dosing device 2 times or until a fine dispersion comes out steadily when pressed. Do not spray into eyes.

7. Put on the protective cap.


At the moment, cases of drug overdose with intranasal use are unknown.

Symptoms: in case of an overdose of azelastine as a result of accidental ingestion, disorders of the nervous system (drowsiness, confusion, tachycardia, hypotension) may occur.

Treatment: The treatment of these disorders is symptomatic.

With prolonged use of corticosteroids in high doses, as well as with the simultaneous use of several corticosteroids, inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system is possible. Due to the low systemic bioavailability of the drug, it is unlikely that in the event of an accidental or intentional overdose, it will be necessary to take any measures other than observation, with a possible subsequent resumption of taking the drug at the recommended dose.

special instructions

Momat Rhino Advance contains benzalkonium chloride, which can cause irritation of the nasal mucosa and bronchospasm.

The following are specific instructions for the active ingredients of the combination drug azelastine hydrochloride + mometasone furoate (nasal spray).

Azelastine hydrochloride

There are no special instructions for the use of azelastine hydrochloride in the form of a nasal spray.

mometasone furoate

Immunosuppression. Mometasone furoate (nasal spray) should be used with caution or should not be used in patients with active or suspected tuberculosis infection of the respiratory tract, or untreated fungal, bacterial, or systemic viral infections. Patients treated with corticosteroids have a potentially reduced immune reactivity and should be warned about the increased risk of infection for them in case of contact with patients with certain infectious diseases (including chicken pox, measles), as well as the need for medical advice, if such contact occurs.

Local nasal action. After 12 months of therapy with mometasone furoate (nasal spray) in a study in patients with chronic rhinitis, there were no signs of atrophy of the nasal mucosa. In addition, during the treatment of mometasone with furoate, there was a tendency to return the state of the nasal mucosa closer to the normal histological phenotype. However, patients using mometasone furoate (nasal spray) for several months or longer should be periodically examined for possible changes in the nasal mucosa. If a localized fungal infection of the nasopharynx develops, it may be necessary to cancel mometasone furoate (nasal spray) or prescribe appropriate treatment. An indication for the abolition of mometasone furoate (nasal spray) may be a constantly present feeling of irritation of the nasopharynx.

Mometasone furoate (nasal spray) is not recommended for use in the presence of perforation of the nasal septum. In clinical studies, epistaxis occurred more frequently than with placebo. Nosebleeds were usually self-limiting and mild in severity.

Systemic effects of GCS. When using nasal corticosteroids, systemic effects may occur, especially with prolonged use of high doses of these drugs. Similar effects are much less likely to occur than with oral corticosteroids, and may vary in individual patients and when using different corticosteroids. Potential systemic effects may include Cushing's syndrome, the development of Cushingoid features, adrenal suppression, growth retardation in children and adolescents, cataracts, glaucoma, and, much less frequently, a range of psychological or behavioral effects, incl. psychomotor hyperactivity, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression or aggressiveness (especially in children).

Cases of increased IOP after the use of intranasal corticosteroids are described.

During the transition from treatment with systemic corticosteroids to treatment with mometasone furoate (nasal spray), some patients may experience initial withdrawal symptoms of systemic corticosteroids (including joint and / or muscle pain, fatigue and depression), despite a decrease in the severity symptoms associated with damage to the nasal mucosa. Such patients need to be specifically convinced of the advisability of continuing treatment with mometasone furoate (nasal spray). Switching from systemic to topical glucocorticosteroids may also reveal pre-existing, but masked by systemic corticosteroid therapy, allergic diseases such as allergic conjunctivitis and eczema.

Therapy at doses higher than recommended may cause clinically significant adrenal suppression. Therefore, during periods of stress or planned surgical interventions, when the need for taking doses higher than recommended is obvious, the possibility of additional use of systemic corticosteroids should be considered.

nasal polyps. The safety and efficacy of mometasone furoate (nasal spray) has not been studied in the treatment of unilateral polyps, cystic fibrosis polyps, or polyps causing complete nasal obstruction.

The use of the drug in unilateral polyps that are characterized by an unusual or heterogeneous appearance, especially if they are accompanied by ulceration or bleeding, needs further study.

Nasal symptoms. Although intranasal mometasone furoate (nasal spray) provides control of nasal symptoms in most patients, the concomitant use of appropriate additional drugs may reduce other symptoms, especially ophthalmic.

Hello everyone!

My son is 8 years old and he has been suffering from allergies for the second year. The main surge is in spring, in particular on birch pollen ...

During the month we have:

  1. Red eyes that itch intermittently;
  2. stuffy nose;
  3. Sneezing is constant;
  4. Irritant cough.

After passing the tests and consulting an allergist, we were successfully prescribed a number of medications, including injections, drops in the eyes, spray in the nose, pills to drink.

Nasonex spray was recommended to us, but it is expensive ( as much as 800 rubles) ... In the pharmacy, a kind aunt recommended us MOMAT RINO, with the same active ingredient as Nasonex, only two times cheaper - 400 rubles ...

And I bought it ... not only because of the cost, but also because a pediatrician prescribed us such a spray a year ago and we successfully treated them with allergic nasal congestion .... and then we somehow forgot about it. ..

What do not say, but the difference of 400 rubles is OBVIOUSLY!

The manufacturer is just different.



Pretty nice box with clouds and mountains, when you see such a landscape you will definitely forget about the "sores"...

Shelf life-2 years.

The format of the drug is a spray, designed for 120 doses, 50 mcg / dose.

The atomizer is almost invisible.

A light press and the spray quickly sprays in the right direction, so keep it away from the kids.


a potent synthetic topical glucocorticosteroid (topically as an ointment, cream, lotion, solution, and intranasally as a spray) to reduce inflammation. It is a prodrug that decomposes in the body, forming mometasone, which has an effect. At the same time, in the form furoate it is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a central effect inherent in glucocorticoids


Momat Rino has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

It is prescribed for:

For inhalation use: basic therapy of bronchial asthma of any severity; COPD

For intranasal use: treatment of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis in adults, adolescents and children from 2 years of age; acute sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic sinusitis in adults (including the elderly) and adolescents from 12 years of age (as an auxiliary therapeutic agent in antibiotic treatment); acute rhinosinusitis with mild to moderate symptoms without signs of severe bacterial infection in patients aged 12 years and older; prevention of seasonal allergic rhinitis of moderate and severe course in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age; nasal polyposis, accompanied by a violation of nasal breathing and smell in adults.

In our case, allergic rhinitis with suspected asthma.

It’s hard for the child to breathe, but such a diagnosis as asthma has not yet been made, since they said that we are still under observation and in one year no one will make the right decision yet😏 Or maybe it won’t be confirmed and won’t be ???


With allergic rhinitis, the child often sneezes, only after visiting the street, when pollen enters the nostril.

Well, of course, congestion is annoying and interferes with sleep at night ... The child becomes nervous and irritable ..

Momat Reno we sprayed one dose (injection) into each nasal passage once a day, often in the morning, but on days of exacerbation of allergies, we could puff twice ..

We treat the nose in this way for two spring months, during the days of active flowering and swelling of the foliage.

Did I see results?


The result, by the way, is noticeable almost instantly.

1) The son sneezes much less, even sometimes we do without it at all;

2) His nose is not stuffy, breathing is easy, and as a result, the child is calm and sleeps without problems;

3) Of course, this is reflected in his general condition, behavior and adequate communication, without nervousness and psychos.

But I would note that the treatment of allergies is a complex action and one spray in the nose is not enough ... here only a completely prescribed treatment gives a result.


  • Adequate cost;
  • Almost instant results;
  • Efficiency in full complex treatment.

_______________________________GOOD AFTERNOON_______________________________


I am an experienced allergy sufferer. The first time my allergy manifested itself in 2005, it seems that our cat was already 10 years old and by old age she began to shed heavily, the skin began to secrete a secret due to which the coat began to look greasy and I started having an allergy.

The symptoms have always been the same:

Sneezing + stuffy nose

Red spots on the face

Severe itching in the eyes with pus

Because of this, in 2012, I began to live in an embrace with drops Galazolin because the nose was permanently stuffed up. My whole family went through it in turn, first mom, then dad, and finally me. I sat on drops from 2012 to 2016 . The mucosa was burned, all inflamed and red, dripping 3 to 5 times a day. My cat lived for another 10 years and I somehow learned to get along next to her without severe attacks (I washed my hands after contact with her, did not let me into my room), at the end of her life I was covered twice by severe pre-asthmatic attacks, once even an ambulance was called because instead of inhaling, I had a cough and the strongest wheezing from the lungs.

Then, I went to live with my husband, our cat died, BUT after almost a year, my husband and I decided to get a cat. I purposefully went for it and knew what was waiting for me. But everything turned out to be even worse, we got a cat in September 2016 and the first month just turned out to be hellish for me. I turned to an allergist when once, for two weekends, I sneezed non-stop even at night. My eyes itched almost every day, and the fact that my nose did not breathe at all, I will not say anything.

The doctor said that it was time to get off Galazolin and prescribed me drops that did not vasoconstrict, but relieved nasal swelling in allergic rhinitis - this is the diagnosis that the doctor made to me after a picture of the sinuses.

She prescribed me a nasal spray The scheme of treatment is 1 month.

2 weeks 1 spray in each nostril in the morning and evening. Then a gradual cancellation - pshikat 1 time per night.

I used it according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor and, lo and behold, the swelling went away, but I didn’t remember about the drops again ... until the fall of this year. I had allergic rhinitis again and my nose stopped breathing, I suffered for two weeks and went to the pharmacy for a drug I already knew.

I must say right away - the price is very biting for this nasal spray, from 450r before 600-700r. I buy it in the pharmacy network Capitals. Last year the price was 493 rub., already in this 507r.

What is Allergic Rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This causes a runny nose, sneezing and swelling of the nasal mucosa, itching. There are two types of allergic rhinitis: seasonal hay fever or pollen allergy) and year-round (reaction to household allergens: house dust, animals, etc.).

Allergic rhinitis occurs when allergens (grass, plant and tree pollen, house dust, etc.) get into the eyes and nasal passages of a person sensitive to allergens.

I have a very strange AR, not in the flowering season (spring) but in the fall, well, let's just say, in the spring I don’t feel allergy symptoms, I don’t have a run from the nose, eye itching and other “joys” of an allergic person. In the fall, I also took skin tests for allergens

It turned out that in addition to cat hair and skin secretions, I am also allergic to house and library dust, bed mites, human hair, pollen from trees and grasses 0.o

The list is certainly much longer than I expected.

But back to , drops I have bought or purchased at once. And I started using it right away. Regarding analogues, the doctor prescribed a spray as an analogue Tafen Nazal , Dezrinit, (from 300 rubles to 400 rubles) Nasonex (from 300 to 600 rubles)

Azelastine-based drug - Allergodil. The drug is unique in that it contains two active substances, one of which is antihistamine and the second is anti-inflammatory, which means that you do not need to take antihistamines separately (tablets).

At that time, they were not in the pharmacy I needed, so I took MRA . But these three analogues are much cheaper MRA . I do not know yet if I will buy them as an alternative if MRA the price goes up to 1000. maybe I'll try

The spray bottle is in a cardboard box, inside there is also an instruction. The box contains the composition, information about the manufacturer and expiration date.

Shelf life 2 years.

Made in India.


active substances:

azelastine hydrochloride 140 mcg

mometasone furoate 50 mcg

Excipients: MCC (Avicel RC-591) - 0.91 mg; carmellose sodium - 0.021 mg; dextrose - 3.5 mg; polysorbate 80 - 0.0175 mg; benzalkonium chloride - 0.014 mg; disodium edetate - 0.035 mg; neotame - 0.0007 mg; citric acid monohydrate - 0.0105 mg; sodium citrate - 0.021 mg; purified water - up to 70 mg

Contraindications, method of application:

The drug is in a bottle with a dosing nozzle and a protective cap, which is very convenient, you will not inject more than the required dose into the nose.

The manufacturer claims that in the bottle 150 doses, which means it will last for a long time.

The cap protects the nozzle from damage and dirt, but it must be washed frequently and dried naturally.

The dosage of the remedy for allergic rhinitis is 1 dose in each nasal passage twice / day (morning, evening). The duration of the course is 14 days.

This is ideal, but the doctor prescribed a different treatment regimen for me.

1 month, one spray in each nostril in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. The other two weeks, 1 puff and once a day (in the evening).

Overdose and side effects

The instructions have a diagram of how to properly use the spray. It states that it is impossible to spray on the nasal septum, it must be directed to the left and to the right relative to each nostril. As the doctor explained to me, puff with your left hand at an angle into the right nostril, and puff with your right hand at an angle into the left nostril. So that the remedy does not flow down the throat, but into the sinuses.

My experience of using

As I already wrote, I did not undergo treatment with the drug according to the instructions, but on the recommendation of a doctor - for a month. 2 weeks 2 times a day, and 2 weeks 1 time a day. No withdrawal effect was observed. I immediately refused vasoconstrictor drops, well, somehow I set myself the setting “I DON'T DRINK EVERYTHING”, and you know it works! Yes, the first days were difficult, I only instilled it once before going to bed in order to sleep normally, while MRA puffed at the same time. About a week later I noticed the first changes, I caught myself thinking that my nose was breathing throughout the day!

But at night it still stuffed up my nose a little, I stubbornly puffed for a whole month, after 2 weeks I began to reduce the dose, I dripped only at night. The main thing was not to get into the throat, almost always pshika correctly, in the bosom. By the way, after application, I noticed that the inflamed and burned mucous membrane, which was all red after 4 years of Galazolin, acquired a normal pinkish tint.

By the end of the month, I even noticed that I no longer need to fill my nostrils at night. NOSE BREATHE! For a person who experienced 4 years of panic attacks, if the drops in the nose ended or were lost - it was like Manna from heaven, honestly.

For a whole year I lived without drops with a breathing nose, although the ENT assured me before that that my septum was curved, and only Rhinoplasty would save me from constant nasal congestion. It turned out that rhinoplasty and a septum were out of the question.

I didn’t experience any side effects, well, except perhaps weakness and lethargy, but I attribute this to general fatigue and melancholy in the fall.

Unfortunately, a year later everything happened again, but now I already knew what to do, so I immediately started MRA treatment, and at the moment I am finishing it. The nose breathes again and at night I bury it every other time.

Do not get sick and let the autumn blues bypass you, given that in a month already NEW YEAR!

Thank you for your review, Anya


Other drug reviews:

pharmachologic effect

Preparation for external use.

Mometasone is a synthetic GCS with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-exudative action. GCS induce the release of lipocortin proteins that inhibit phospholipase A 2 , which control the biosynthesis of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, leukotrienes) by inhibiting the release of their common precursor, arachidonic acid.



Absorption of ointment and cream Momat is negligible. 8 hours after a single application of the drug to intact skin (without an occlusive dressing), about 0.7% (ointment) and 0.4% (cream) of the active substance are found in the systemic circulation.


Mometasone is extensively metabolized in the liver.


It is excreted mainly by the kidneys and in small amounts with bile. T 1/2 mometasone from Momat ointment is approximately 5.8 hours.


For cream

- inflammation and itching in dermatoses amenable to glucocorticosteroid therapy.

For ointment

- inflammation and itching in dermatoses (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis), amenable to glucocorticosteroid therapy, in adults and children over 2 years old.

Dosing regimen

Outwardly. A thin layer of ointment or cream Momat is applied to the affected areas of the skin 1 time / day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by its effectiveness, tolerability of the drug, as well as the presence and severity of side effects.

Side effect

From the endocrine system: when using external forms of GCS for a long time and / or for treatment on large areas of the skin, or using occlusive dressings, especially in children and adolescents - adrenal insufficiency, Cushing's syndrome.

Dermatological reactions: rarely - skin irritation, dry skin, burning sensation, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acne, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, skin maceration, secondary infection, signs of skin atrophy, striae, prickly heat; less than 1% of cases - the formation of papules, pustules.

Allergic reactions: rarely - itching, allergic contact dermatitis.

Contraindications for use

- rosacea;

- perioral dermatitis;

- bacterial, viral (Herpes simplex, chickenpox, Herpes zoster) or fungal infections of the skin;

- tuberculosis, syphilis;

- post-vaccination reactions;

- children's age up to 2 years (for ointment);

- pregnancy (use on large areas of the skin, long-term treatment);

- lactation period (use in high doses and / or for a long time);

- hypersensitivity to corticosteroids or to the components of the drug.

With caution the drug should be applied to intertriginous skin and facial skin, used with occlusive dressings, on large areas of skin and / or for a long period of time (especially in children).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The safety of using mometasone furoate during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) has not been established.

GCS penetrate the placental barrier. Long-term treatment and the use of high doses during pregnancy should be avoided due to the threat of negative effects on fetal development.

GCS are excreted in breast milk. In the case when the use of corticosteroids in large doses and / or for a long time is expected, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Use in children

Contraindication: children under 2 years of age (for ointment.

With caution should be used with occlusive dressings, on large areas of skin and/or for a long period of time (especially in children). Due to the fact that in children the ratio of surface area and body weight is greater than in adults, children are at greater risk of suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and the development of Cushing's syndrome with external use of corticosteroids. Long-term treatment of children with corticosteroids can lead to impaired growth and development. Children should receive the minimum dose of the drug sufficient to reduce the effect


Symptoms: inhibition of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, including secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Treatment: symptomatic, if necessary, carry out a correction of the electrolyte balance, drug withdrawal (with long-term therapy - gradual withdrawal).

drug interaction

Studies of drug interactions of the ointment and cream Momat with other drugs have not been conducted.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C; do not freeze. Shelf life - 2 years.

special instructions

When applying the drug to large areas of the skin for a long time, especially when using occlusive dressings, it is possible to develop signs of suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and the development of Cushing's syndrome.

Avoid getting Momat ointment and cream on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Propylene glycol, which is part of Momat, can cause irritation at the site of application. In such cases, stop using the drug and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It should be borne in mind that corticosteroids can change the manifestations of some skin diseases, making it difficult to make a diagnosis. In addition, the use of corticosteroids can cause delayed wound healing.

With long-term therapy with corticosteroids, a sudden cessation of therapy can lead to the development of rebound syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of dermatitis with intense reddening of the skin and a burning sensation. Therefore, after a long course of treatment, the drug should be discontinued gradually, for example, switching to an intermittent treatment regimen before completely stopping it.

Pediatric use

Due to the fact that in children the ratio of surface area and body weight is greater than in adults, children are at greater risk of suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and the development of Cushing's syndrome with external use of corticosteroids. Long-term treatment of children with corticosteroids can lead to impaired growth and development. Children should receive the minimum dose of the drug, sufficient to reduce the effect.