
Reduces the calf muscle at night causes treatment. How to treat calf cramps

Hello dear readers! In the article we discuss cramps in the calf muscles - causes, treatment, prevention.

Cramps in the calf muscles

Most people at least once experienced the state of “leg cramped”, they are familiar with the pain from a sudden cramp. Some people experience this condition more often than others. At such moments, the muscles experience involuntary prolonged contraction, which accompanies severe pain.

It happens that in a state between cramps, the calf muscle or the muscle of the foot cannot completely relax and muscle pain does not go away for several days.

Such a cramp can occur not only during wakefulness, but also at night in a dream.

In order to prevent such conditions or quickly eliminate them, it is important to know about first aid, causes, treatment.

Causes of cramps in the calf muscles

The treatment of cramps in the muscles of the legs relies on the causes of their occurrence, so first we will discuss why the muscles cramp. The main causes of seizures are:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes and/or clothing;
  • hypothermia;
  • violation of the conduction of a nerve impulse and / or blood circulation;
  • changes in metabolic processes in the body as a whole or in the muscle in particular.
  • Excessive stress on the calf muscle

    Often the cause of leg muscle cramps can be an unusual load for them. The calf muscle is involved in all types of vertical movement, sports and outdoor activities - walking, swimming, skiing, squatting, volleyball, running, jumping, etc.

    A long walk or an episode of intense physical exertion against the background of a habitual sedentary lifestyle can provoke a cramp.

    Cramping during exercise can be the result of dehydration. Excessive sweating leads to the loss of potassium and calcium along with sweat.

    Stretching the calf muscle

    If, after an unusual physical activity, the aching pain in the muscle does not go away for several days, then we can talk about a slight degree of stretching of the calf muscle.

    With a strong stretching of the calf muscle, acute pain immediately occurs, which significantly intensifies after the repetition of the action that caused it. In this case, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist who will prescribe a conservative treatment for sprain.

    Rupture of the calf muscle

    A rupture of the calf muscle, its tendon or ligaments is always accompanied by a characteristic sound, similar to a crack or click. The rupture is followed by acute pain and the loss of the ability to bring the foot, to stand on the leg. This condition requires urgent surgical trauma care.

    Uncomfortable shoes and clothes

    A high heel or an uncomfortable shoe last, forcing the foot to be in an unnatural position for it for a long time, can provoke cramps.

    If your legs cramp after wearing just such a pair of shoes, stop wearing them - this will eliminate the cause of the spasms.

    It happens that the legs are cramped due to temporary pinching of the blood vessels with uncomfortable clothing: too tight elastic on the socks, tight jeans, etc. Wear comfortable clothes that do not squeeze the body.

    Hypothermia of the legs

    Cold weather, shoes that get wet in rain or snow can also cause involuntary muscle spasms.

    Often brings legs together when swimming in the cold water of a pool or other body of water. Cold leads to spasm of arterial, venous and lymphatic vessels, which in turn complicates and slows down all metabolic processes in tissues.

    Impaired blood circulation to the leg muscles

    Such violations are due to changes in the structure of the skeleton:

    • injury,
    • joint dislocation,
    • flat feet,
    • congenital dysplasia,
    • birth trauma, etc.

    In these cases, the leg joints are not in the correct physiological position. The changed position of the bones causes the wrong position of the muscles and the vessels and nerves that feed them, which are attached to the bone base.

    In more complex cases, the cause of a violation of the conduction of a nerve impulse may be:

    • traumatic brain injury;
    • spinal injury;
    • diseases of the central nervous system;
    • congenital anomalies.

    Such cases are considered individually at the appointment with a neuropathologist, who will select an effective treatment.

    The causes of impaired blood flow can also be:

    • varicose disease of the legs;
    • inferior vena cava syndrome;
    • chronic venous outflow disorders caused by frostbite, thrombosis, polyneuropathy, atherosclerosis, etc.


    Pressing on the calf muscle is also effective. Feel the muscle that is cramped. It will feel very thick to the touch. Press firmly on it with your thumbs, clasping your leg with your hands in a ring. Press down, hold for a few seconds, release the pressure, then press again. A series of such movements will relieve the spasm.


    You can also stretch the muscle. This should be done with effort, and not “stroking”. Grasp the calf with both hands, as if you want to pinch the calf muscle, from the outside or from the inside. Massage the lower leg up and down with pressure until the spasm subsides.

    Any of these manipulations effectively relieves cramps in the calf muscle.

    Treatment of seizures with folk remedies

    It is often suggested to prick the leg with a needle to cause a stronger pain sensation “to switch” the nervous system. You can also “beat” the cramped muscle with the edge of the palm, but it is better to perform point pressure or kneading the muscle.

    Massage of the calf muscles

    After the spasm has passed and the pain subsides, massage your feet. Massage stimulates blood circulation, promotes the removal of metabolic products from tissues, and relaxes the muscles.

    It is useful to lie down for a while with your legs elevated to improve venous outflow or to give your leg a little physical activity to “disperse the blood”.

    Warm your feet, dress warmly, wrap your feet in a blanket, make a hot foot bath.

    Cure for leg cramps

    In the drug treatment of frequent severe convulsions, doctors use magnesium and potassium preparations, and, according to special indications, anticonvulsants.

    Do not use anti-seizure medication unless prescribed by a doctor.

    Now you know about the causes and treatment of calf cramps and can easily deal with them. Good health and good health to you. Click on the social media buttons, share useful information with your friends.

    Night cramps of the calf muscles - the causes of this phenomenon are often hidden in the irritation of the nerve roots as a result of the natural aging of the vertebral bodies. By themselves, such convulsions are not dangerous, however, if they are repeated regularly and for no reason, then you need to think about it, since this may indicate certain diseases. Thanks to a visit to the doctor, you can understand the reasons for calf cramps at night.

    calf cramp at night- this is an infrequent phenomenon, but it can bring significant discomfort to a person. This often happens to older people and pregnant women. The fact that a cramp is approaching can be recognized by severe pain in the calf and muscle. Subsequent muscle contractions are also painful and unpleasant, and they can appear in the calf itself, and also spread to the foot. During a cramp, it is problematic to touch the leg, because piercing pain occurs anywhere. In healthy people, this phenomenon is often provoked by a long stay of the leg in the same position, after some time spasms begin. Such cramps are not dangerous, as a rule, they are not frequent, they pass quickly if you rub your leg. And if they occur often, for no particular reason, then the body may be exposed to some serious disease. The most dangerous are convulsions in the water.

    What causes cramps in the calf muscles?

    The main causes of calf muscle cramps are as follows:
      this phenomenon may occur due to excess lactic acid that has not had time to transform; disturbances in blood circulation to the leg muscles;

      The response of the human nervous system to a long uncomfortable posture.

    In addition, convulsions may indicate more serious diseases, such as pathologies of brain development, hypoxia, inflammation of the meninges, brain tumors, fever, epilepsy, late toxicosis during pregnancy, drug poisoning, metabolic disorders, calcium and magnesium deficiency (for example , during heavy physical exertion, calcium is removed from the body along with sweat), rapid temperature jumps (immersion in cold water). Human heredity also plays a significant role, that is, if parents often have convulsions, then children can also be subject to similar spasms.

    How can I eliminate cramps in the calf muscles at night? Treatment of muscle spasms.

    Treatment for calf cramps will depend on their cause.. Infrequent, mild spasms can be left untreated at all, you just need to rub your leg and everything will pass. Sometimes you can use acupuncture - this helps with severe cramps, but it is preferable that this procedure is performed by a specialist who knows the correct points on the body to insert the needle. If spasms occur frequently, and they are very painful, they should be examined. Initially pay attention to the circulatory system, since in the case of narrowed or clogged vessels that create a deficiency of muscle oxygen, the problem must be eliminated.

    If cramps occur due to a lack of calcium, then initially you need to drink a vitamin complex, as well as more often eat foods that contain this trace element (milk, vegetables, oatmeal, liver and fruits). If spasms persist, an in-depth neuropathological examination is recommended. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs: Quinine, Baclofen or Diazepam. Massage is also used to treat cramps, which promotes blood circulation in the calf muscle and improves oxygen supply.

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    Sometimes a person may feel sudden muscle spasms that cause severe pain. Some people experience convulsions on a daily basis. Home remedies can help deal with this phenomenon. But in order to prevent recurrence of seizures, it is important to completely change your lifestyle. Let's take a closer look at what calf cramps are, why they appear, and what to do when they make themselves felt.

    Symptoms and types of seizures

    Cramps in the calves have the following symptoms:

    1. With tonic-clonic spasms, consciousness is suddenly lost, and the pupils become dilated. The convulsions last 10 seconds, the skeleton is tense, the eyes roll up. Then for another 40 seconds, the muscles of the body contract and relax sharply. At the end of the attack, the person falls asleep or feels a short-term stun. There may also be bloody foam flowing from the mouth, excessive salivation and biting of the tongue;
    2. Myoclonic spasms affect the entire skeleton, facial muscles, or fingers. Most often they affect children and adolescents. During an attack, a person may be injured when falling;
    3. With partial convulsive seizures, a person does not lose consciousness. During such convulsions, it reduces the calves of the legs, hands and face. The person feels pain and strong tension in the muscles.

    Factors that cause seizures

    If you have had calf cramps at least once, it is important to visit a neurologist, as they can indicate various serious and not very diseases.

    The main causes of seizures:

    1. Lack of vitamin D, magnesium and calcium;
    2. Hypothermia of the legs or the whole body;
    3. stressful situations;
    4. Getting injured;
    5. Inflammation in the body;
    6. Varicose veins;
    7. neurological problems;
    8. Diseases of the thyroid gland;
    9. Diabetes.

    In addition to these factors, there are also such reasons for the development of seizures as too much excitement, stressful situations, electrolyte imbalance.

    Having experienced the symptoms of seizures, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the exact causes of this defect in the body.

    An experienced specialist will find out why convulsions appear and prescribe the correct and effective treatment in a timely manner.

    Muscle spasms in children

    To identify why calf cramps occur in children, it is important to visit a pediatrician. The appearance of seizures are symptoms of a lack of calcium and vitamin D, the development of serious diseases or epilepsy.

    Often cramps calves during sleep. In case of a cramp, it is necessary to rub the child's leg with a warming ointment. The kid should stand on his toes. Be sure the diet of children should consist of cottage cheese, hard cheeses, dried apricots, raisins. What to do in the future with repetition of seizures should tell the doctor. He may also prescribe medication.

    How to take action to help yourself

    When it reduces the calves of the legs, the question arises, what to do? First of all, it is important to do the following:

    1. Ignoring the pain, you need to slowly pull the toes of the clamped leg towards you;
    2. Feel or scratch the stiff muscles and rub the leg with strong movements;
    3. You can also apply a warm mustard plaster to the convulsive place or send a hot shower to your leg, which your skin can endure.

    Having provided first aid to yourself during an attack of spasm of the calf muscle, it is important to call a doctor. The specialist must determine why the convulsion occurred by carefully examining and questioning the patient.

    Night cramps

    If at night the legs are cramped, the person becomes scared, and he begins to think in panic what to do in such a situation. You need to calm down first! Then try to get up and walk barefoot on the floor. If the spasm has not gone away, you can dip your feet in a basin of hot water or treat them with a warming ointment and put on warm socks. The heat will quickly relieve the cramp. Additionally, you can drink hot tea or milk. When you go to bed, be sure to place your legs below the level of your head.

    Traditional medicine and nocturnal leg cramps

    To get rid of night cramps of the calf muscles, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:

    Identification of the causes of seizures

    To diagnose serious diseases that reduce the calves of the legs, it is enough to check the pressure and take a blood test. In serious cases, the doctor may order a complete examination of all organs, which will tell you exactly why seizures occur.

    We treat seizures

    Having determined why calf cramps occur, it is important to begin treatment. It is necessary not only to train the calf muscles, but also to eliminate the causes that cause convulsions.

    Treating calf muscle cramps:

    1. If the cause of seizures is impaired mineral metabolism, the treatment will be to change the diet. That is, the patient should consume more foods rich in vitamins and minerals. In serious situations, the doctor is forced to resort to the introduction of special drugs into the body;
    2. If the cause of convulsions is varicose veins, it is important to treat the vessels of the venous bed;
    3. If the cause of seizures is epilepsy, anticonvulsant drugs are taken. For example, a doctor may prescribe a course of phenobarbital, phenytoin, valproic acid, or lamotrigine;
    4. If the body does not receive enough oxygen to relieve the spasm, it is necessary to saturate the blood with oxygen by inhaling it through a special mask;
    5. If spasms are provoked by malformations of the brain, anticonvulsants are used;
    6. If the patient has suffered from meningitis, antibiotic therapy is performed to prevent the development of seizures;
    7. To cope with febrile vascular spasms, it is necessary to take an antipyretic agent that will lower the high body temperature and normalize breathing;
    8. With dehydration, convulsions are removed due to the infusion of fluid through the veins. It is important to normalize the volume of circulating blood;
    9. In some situations, an experienced specialist to relieve spasms in the leg resorts to acupuncture. During this procedure, all needles must be carefully processed, and the doctor must know how and where to inject the needle.

    Treatment and prevention of calf muscle cramps also include special massages that warm up the muscles and increase blood flow in them. To strengthen the muscles of the legs, it is useful to do gymnastics.

    If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additionally, take medications that include calcium and vitamin D.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent the recurrence of calf muscle cramps, it is important to carry out prophylaxis, which consists in the following:

    1. Change your menu. Eat fresh fruits and greens. To enrich the body with calcium, it is useful to feast on cottage cheese, cheese, other dairy products, and almonds. To make up for the loss of magnesium, walnuts, legumes and buckwheat are recommended for use. Potassium can be found in dried fruits, dried apricots, seeds, beets and garlic;
    2. In addition to a proper and balanced diet, you can drink a vitamin-mineral complex;
    3. In order to prevent leg cramps, on the recommendation of a doctor, special exercises are recommended;
    4. To relieve pain and discomfort in the legs, you can resort to massage, which you can do yourself or visit a massage therapist;
    5. Every day it is useful to walk on your heels for a couple of minutes.

    Leg cramps are not dangerous. But, if spasms are repeated systematically, they can signal some kind of serious illness. In this case, why there are convulsive seizures, the doctor should figure it out.

    A sharp, spastic contraction of the muscles, not amenable to conscious will - these are convulsions. They can occur in any group of striated muscles. Cramps of the calf muscles occur in people of any age, gender, regardless of occupation.

    Causes and pathogenesis

    The patient feels a cramp as a painful contraction of the muscle group, which makes it impossible to move in this area. There is a spasm of the calf muscle, both in men and in women, children, adolescents, less often - people of senile age.

    The causes of the state of convulsive muscle contraction may be the following:

    • insufficient content of calcium and potassium in the blood serum;
    • insufficient amount of the liquid part of the blood;
    • the use of drugs that remove trace elements from the body;
    • administration of blood and plasma preparations;
    • alcoholic liver damage;
    • varicose veins;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • hyperthermia;
    • pregnancy;
    • diabetes;
    • smoking, especially perennial;
    • violation of the formation of the correct arch of the foot;
    • intoxication;
    • poisoning;
    • bites of poisonous insects;
    • pathology of the central nervous system;
    • trauma.

    The pathogenesis of the development of spasms of the calf muscles depends on the cause that caused them. A common factor contributing to the appearance of a painful spasm is a violation of nerve conduction in the zone of innervation.

    Low blood calcium leads to insufficient speed of transmission of electrical impulses in neuromuscular synapses. Calcium is a natural signal speed enhancer. Insufficient calcification of the blood serum leads to the leaching of calcium from the bones of the skeleton. The thinning of the bone tissue makes the usual muscular efforts in this part of the body excessive in relation to it.

    Dehydration is a dangerous condition for any age and gender. In childhood, an insufficient amount of fluid in the body leads to impaired nerve conduction not only in the striated muscles of the skeleton, but also in the heart. Often, dehydration in young children quickly leads to death, as the heart cannot cope with thickened blood. For an adult, blood clotting does not lead to tragedy quickly. However, a small amount of the liquid part of the blood - plasma, makes the heart work hard, blood stagnates in the lower body. Edema appears, which may be accompanied by cramps in the calf muscles.

    Uncontrolled and thoughtless use of diuretic (diuretic) drugs, which, together with excess fluid, remove potassium, calcium often leads to cramps in the calf muscles. A special role in the occurrence of seizures is played by an insufficient amount of magnesium not only in the blood plasma, but also deposited in the tissues of the body.

    Magnesium can be excreted from the body while taking diuretics or not absorbed enough from food. This occurs during treatment with enveloping and antacid drugs. In order to avoid such a result, it is necessary to simultaneously prescribe the introduction of microelements into the body to compensate for losses.

    It is for this reason that we must remember that self-medication is unacceptable. Only a doctor should prescribe any medication!

    Alcoholic destruction of the liver contributes to the violation of hematopoiesis and blood destruction, blood circulation through the main vessels. These disorders lead to insufficient blood supply to the lower body, which increases congestion, nerve conduction disorders.

    During pregnancy, the lack of calcium is especially pronounced. Pregnant women often complain of discomfort caused by cramps in the calf muscles. Also, in the last stages of pregnancy, circulatory disorders appear, which contributes to spasm of muscle groups.

    Diabetes mellitus leads to a persistent violation of the peripheral blood supply, especially to the lower extremities. Violations of the absorption of nutrients from the blood in diabetes mellitus lead to irreversible consequences for the vascular wall, nerve endings. The lower extremities may lose sensation, which leads to periodic spasms of the calf muscles.

    Regular intake of nicotine into the blood poisons the body, and the action occurs at the level of the small vascular network of capillaries. Often smokers with experience complain of convulsive pain in the calf muscles. This is due to the loss of elasticity of the vascular wall, increased permeability, and malnutrition of the tissues of the gastrocnemius muscle.

    Injuries, flat feet physically interfere with the normal flow of blood into muscle tissue. Constant muscle tension or vasospasm, compression of nerve fibers lead to cramps in the calf muscles. They can occur periodically or annoy the patient at night.

    Intoxication, poisoning do not always lead to nervous or vascular disorders. However, some poisonous substances have a predominantly nerve-paralytic or spastic effect. This can be expressed at the level of convulsions of any muscle group, including the calf.

    Diseases of the central nervous system can be expressed in blocking the conduction of a nerve signal in muscle fibers. These pathologies can be of tumor origin, which affect certain brain structures responsible for movement. This may be a stroke or ischemia of the structures that coordinate the blood supply or innervation of muscle groups.

    Other causes or a combination include many factors such as:

    • temperature changes, such as taking contrast showers or baths;
    • stress, including physical;
    • long stay in an uncomfortable position.

    All of the above reasons, their combinations lead to cramps in the calf muscles. Often there is a nocturnal form of manifestation of pathology.


    It is customary to distinguish several clinical forms of convulsive contraction of muscle structures: spastic, clonic, tonic, partial, alcoholic, myoclonic. The form of manifestation depends on the cause of the convulsions, the level of the disorder, the muscle group that is affected by the convulsive changes.

    Common subjective symptoms for any seizure are:

    When a seizure occurs, the patient feels a sharp pain. It is acute, spastic in nature, some describe the sensation as from contraction by a foreign pressing object from the outside. Skin sensitivity is impaired. There comes a feeling of numbness, the ability to produce conscious movements of the limb is temporarily lost.

    Movement of the legs in this state is difficult. Patients have a disturbed gait, there may be a violation of coordination, instability in a standing position. They take a forced position of the body until the moment when the convulsive sensation releases.

    Extraneous sensations are present in most patients. It can be chaotic spasms, crawling, tingling or tingling sensations. Such manifestations are not always pleasant, they can be quite strong, cause discomfort after the seizure has passed.

    Often such symptoms of seizures are accompanied by the course of epilepsy of various forms. The convulsion can be of such strength that the patient loses consciousness from pain, faints, involuntary urination and defecation may occur.

    Often convulsions are pursued at night. This is due to the fact that at night the control of the brain weakens, the muscles relax, the accumulated metabolic products irritate the fibers of the nervous network. After a spasm, a feeling of pain remains, often quite strong. For some patients, the pain after the attack is much more noticeable than the cramp itself. Muscles hurt after the disappearance of convulsive spasm because pathological decay products accumulate in them, blood stagnation occurs, the muscles do not receive sufficient nutrition.


    Help should begin with a thorough search for the cause and analysis of the frequency of occurrence of seizures, connection with provoking factors, concomitant diseases. In case of seizures, first aid must be provided:

    Treatment should further include the rationalization of the diet. The inclusion in its composition of products rich in trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of neuromuscular synapses. These are vegetables, fruits, seaweed, nuts, pectin products. It is especially important to introduce a sufficient amount of meat, liver, buckwheat, dairy and sour-milk products into the diet.

    Physical activity must be brought into line with the needs and capabilities of the body. With their lack, increased attention should be paid to this issue, in the presence of excessive training or physical labor, reduce the intensity to reasonable limits. Bringing the weight to normal levels will also unload the calf muscles.

    Pregnant women should pay special attention to the intake of calcium and magnesium from food. It is necessary to use cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, nuts, bananas, fish, raisins, dried apricots, at the same time limit carbohydrates, sweets, salty foods.

    Be sure to make up for the lack of trace elements of potassium, calcium, magnesium due to vitamin-mineral complexes, which contain a balanced composition. These drugs are designed in such a way that the amount of vitamins and trace elements contributes to maximum absorption and be in a bioavailable form for integration into metabolic processes.

    Treatment of convulsive tendencies necessarily involves the treatment of underlying diseases in which convulsions are a secondary symptom. It is necessary to carry out therapy under the supervision of an endocrinologist in the presence of diabetes mellitus. A surgeon's consultation will help to establish varicose veins or thrombophlebitis. With these diseases, it is strictly forbidden to massage to relax the muscles that have been cramped. It is better to bandage the leg with an elastic bandage to exert the correct pressure on the venous wall and normalize blood flow.

    Sharp, painful symptoms, the inability to stand up or move the fingers of the lower limb - all this means that your calf muscle cramped at night. Such spasms most often occur during sleep, because at this time the muscle corset is completely relaxed, and when the body lacks such fundamental minerals as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

    Pregnant women and adolescents during their puberty suffer from this in seventy percent of cases. However, when this often happens in other people, then most likely this means the occurrence of a disease - the so-called

    Possible reasons

    Cramps are quite a serious disease, it is always preceded by something that reduces the calf muscle at night. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite extensive: violations of any metabolic processes, as a result of which useful minerals are not absorbed, gradually developing epilepsy, hypoxia, meningitis, or any complications during pregnancy.

    All kinds of stress and too much excitement can lead to the fact that the electrolyte metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, and this, in turn, causes the convulsive syndrome itself. If you feel that your calf muscle has cramped at night, and at the same time there are no diseases listed above, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, most likely your body has chosen this method to warn you of an internal “malfunction”.

    Wrong posture for sleeping

    Also, another reason for this may be an uncomfortable posture in which sensitivity is lost and nerve endings are pinched. If this happens constantly, then the body may not have enough calcium, which leads to varicose veins in the lower extremities.

    Poor circulation of blood

    The condition, when the calf muscle cramped at night, occurs if the blood vessels narrow very sharply and, thus, do not allow blood to circulate. In this case, the muscles are usually overstressed. It can also reduce the leg during excessive physical exertion. Every athlete knows that you always need to warm up and prepare the muscles first before you start exercising. With increasing loads, the calves reduce quite often. Therefore, before you start exercising, ask your trainer to show you some warm-up exercises.

    We are always interested to know why we had a cramped calf muscle at night. There are quite a few reasons for this. However, only a doctor can tell you exactly which of them is your option, and even then only after a complex of studies and analyzes.

    Another reason

    During pregnancy, the risk of a nocturnal "surprise" doubles. This mainly happens in the third trimester, the weight of a woman grows, as a result of which the load on the legs becomes greater. In addition, due to the growth of the uterus, blood does not get well into the lower extremities, because. partially occluded vena cava. Therefore, pregnant women often complain that they reduce the calf muscle at night.

    Eat potassium and magnesium, if necessary, contact a specialist and do not get sick!

    There are several versions causes of cramps in the calf muscle or in the thigh muscle. Western scientists, neurologists put forward their theory, according to which it is a protective mechanism of the body. A person may think that he is able to run at a distance of, for example, 10 kilometers. And the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain that is responsible for motor activity “asserts” that this person cannot run more than 5 kilometers. As a result, after the 5 kilometers set by the brain, even if a person believes that he has enough strength to run further, the brain sends a signal through the nervous system, ordering the muscle to contract. And as a result - calf muscle cramp.

    Another version partially complements the first. It is based on the fact that the nerve impulse entering the calf muscles does not always go smoothly, sometimes they seem to “stumble”. This may be due to a lack of microelement salts (potassium, sodium) in the body. Since these substances are responsible for the passage of impulses, and if there is not the right amount of them, the impulse does not have enough “current”.

    The disappearance of trace elements from the body is a rhetorical question. The modern world offers so many incomprehensible foods that it is simply difficult to find useful food there. Salts are washed out of the body along with the outgoing fluid, for example, sweat. Pregnant women are more prone to convulsions due to a lack of trace elements, since all the useful goes to the life support of the fetus.

    Another version is based on the fact that cause of calf muscle cramps banal circulatory disorder. That is, the blood goes down the legs through the arteries, and must rise up through the veins. But due to the predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work of a modern person, this does not happen, there is not enough push to the “pump” that would drive the blood through the veins. This can also lead to varicose veins. If you do not stretch your stiff legs in time, then the result is the same - convulsions.

    If the legs do not bring down often, literally once every couple of months, then this is not a reason for concern and upholstering the thresholds of clinics. This can be banal fatigue and here you just need to give your legs a rest, for example, raise them above your head. But if this begins to happen more often, then it is worth considering and running to the doctor. Because it could be a sign of a disease. By the way, do not pay attention to cramps that occur in cold water. They carry only the danger of drowning (which should not be forgotten), but are not a sign of a disease. This is due to vasospasm with a sharp change in temperature, there is a violation of blood flow and convulsions.

    Treating calf cramps

    Deal with what's coming calf muscle cramp possible in different ways. A pin will also help if you stick it into the contracted muscle. It is only worth remembering that the needle may be non-sterile, and there is a risk of piercing some large vessel. Throwing your feet on the wall and just relaxing will help. But this technique will not work with severe cramps, because it is difficult to relax with severe pain. And it’s not so easy to do this during the day, in an office environment, for example. A simple massage can be a more effective method, because the most important thing when a cramp occurs is to warm up the “problem” muscle. It is also helpful to do stretching exercises.

    On the onset calf muscle cramps the most important thing is to restore normal blood circulation in the problem area as soon as possible And not to panic. And try to do something to "let go of the leg."

    Hello, my dear readers! My today's article will be devoted to the analysis of the situation in which almost every person fell into - reduced the calf muscle. What to do in this case, how dangerous it is for human health and the main preventive measures for such cases, you will find answers to these questions in this article.

    It is difficult to meet a person who, at least once in his life, has not encountered the problem of cramps in the calf muscles. In addition to a feeling of discomfort, a spasm also brings quite painful sensations. So what does this painful process that takes place in our legs look like.

    A calf cramp is a kind of spasm caused by involuntary contraction of muscle tissue. Speaking in an accessible language, it looks like this: the muscle contracts sharply, but cannot return to a relaxed state on its own. The main problem is the sudden onset of a cramp, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and pain in any leg.

    Causes of seizures

    It is often believed that leg cramps can be earned by swimming in cold water or torturing yourself to exhaustion on sports grounds is not entirely true. Yes, the listed factors are among the most common causes of seizures, but besides this, there are a number of other points that you should pay attention to:

    1. Hypothermia - here the risk factor is not only cold water, but also corny insufficiently warm shoes
    2. Incorrectly selected shoes - at this point, you should pay attention to the shoes that you use in everyday life
    3. – deformation of the main arch of the foot leads to an incorrect redistribution of the load on the muscles of the legs
    4. A large load on the muscles of the legs during the working day - this is usually typical for people whose specific work is associated with constant being on their feet
    5. Lack of essential trace elements for the body
    6. Stressful condition - often causes muscle tension, leading to convulsions
    7. Pregnancy is a purely female “problem”, accompanied by an increased load on the legs

    All of the above factors (we leave pregnancy out of the equation) are easily eliminated. It is worth noting that when selecting the necessary microelements, you should not self-medicate, but you should consult with a qualified specialist who will be able to select the necessary complex, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

    If convulsions occur in a single amount, then this problem can be dealt with independently. Much more difficult is the situation in which cramps in the calves of the legs are regular. Usually, this indicates the following:

    1. Leg vein problems (leg varicose veins)
    2. Inflammatory processes in the body
    3. Injuries received, not fully healed
    4. Problems in the thyroid gland
    5. Complex of neurological diseases

    If you have problems of a similar nature, you should contact a general practitioner who will prescribe a set of necessary tests to find out the causes of the disease.

    Options for emergency (momentary) help with leg cramps

    The main advice in this situation is quite banal - try to relax as much as possible. If this does not help, then you should perform a series of actions that will help you relieve painful muscle tension:

    • Straighten your legs, lift the reduced leg up, pulling the foot towards you as much as possible.
    • Gently massage the calf muscles, paying special attention to the most painful part of the body. During the massage, movements should be done from the bottom up, from the heel to the knee.
    • Raise your legs, put a roller or pillow under them. Hold your legs in this state for several minutes.
    • One of the most radical methods is an injection into a cramped muscle with a pin or needle. The main thing is not to overdo it.

    After you have coped with cramps, you should apply a warm compress for the legs or take a warm bath.

    Prevention measures

    The main thing to pay attention to is the right choice of shoes. Your shoes should not be too tight; for the winter season, a sufficiently warm version of the shoe must be selected. Regular hypothermia of the legs is the first step to the appearance of cramps.

    The next point to pay attention to is the time spent on your feet during the day. If the specifics of your job is to be on your feet for a long time, try to find time during the day for a little massage.

    Give a few minutes of attention during the day to the calves, feet, toes and the problem of cramps will disappear from your life. At the end of the working day, do a contrast foot bath. Keep in mind that this option is only suitable for those people who do not have problems with blood vessels. Mint or valerian can be added to the induced water.

    Perform a simple set of exercises to strengthen the ligaments:

    1. Toes on yourself, hold for 10 seconds in this position, then straighten. Do this exercise several times
    2. Get up as high as possible on your toes, and then drop sharply. Perform within 45-60 seconds
    3. Light, jumping movements on the toes


    You should also pay special attention to your diet. The occurrence of seizures usually leads to a lack in the body of trace elements such as,.

    Milk, cottage cheese, legumes are perfect for replenishing calcium deficiency. Walnuts will help solve the problem of magnesium deficiency. Well, for replenishing potassium reserves in the body, fruits and fruits available to everyone are perfect.

    For athletes and people actively involved in sports and physical culture, attention should be paid to maintaining the necessary water balance in the body. Avoid possible dehydration in the body, during training and sports, drink the required amount of water.

    The implementation of the above tips will allow you to avoid pain and various kinds of inconvenience associated with the situation when you have reduced the calf muscle. Now you know what to do in this situation.

    On this I say goodbye to you. I hope that the information obtained from this article will be useful to you. Subscribe to blog updates, share links to this and other articles with your friends. I look forward to your comments. See you soon!

    Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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    The calf muscle is actively working. Therefore, when any unpleasant sensations appear in it, a violation of motor activity occurs. Cramps of the calf muscles can be observed in absolutely all people. The reasons for this state of affairs are numerous.

    What to do if the calf muscle has crumpled

    If a person has sharply reduced the calf muscle, then the following symptoms appear:

    • Quite intense pain;
    • Feeling of fear;
    • Panic attacks;
    • Violation of motor activity. A person cannot even move his leg, let alone walk.

    A spasm usually occurs suddenly and takes the person by surprise. Its manifestations are intense, therefore, first aid is required to alleviate the patient's condition and get rid of severe pathological manifestations of this condition. When the leg is sharply and severely cramped and the leg hurts in the calf muscle, you need to do the following:

    • Try stretching your muscles. This is the first thing I recommend doing in this case. You can stretch the muscles of the lower leg in several ways, for example, walk on toes or in the supine position with an extended straight leg, pull the toe of the foot towards you;
    • Apply cold to the area where the pain is localized;
    • Do a self-massage. Leg massage in the calf area is carried out from the toes to the knee joint. It is recommended to knead and pinch the muscles;
    • Prick the muscle with something not very sharp, for example, the core of a pen or pencil;
    • When the cramp has passed, but the pain still remains, then heat exposure to the affected area is recommended.

    Why cramps the calf muscles

    Cramps in the calf area occur for various reasons. The etiological factors in the development of this unpleasant condition can be both physiological and pathological. The pathological causes due to which the calf muscles are reduced are as follows:

    • Dehydration. This is a common cause of seizures. Fluid loss occurs with profuse diarrhea and frequent vomiting. In this case, there is a violation of the water-electrolyte balance;
    • Uncontrolled intake of diuretics also lead to electrolyte imbalance;
    • Diabetes. This condition leads to damage to small arteries, which disrupts the nutrition of the muscle tissue of the lower extremities;
    • Varicose disease. There is stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, there are swelling, pain and cramps in the muscles of the lower leg;
    • Poisoning of various etiologies often accompanied by convulsions. This is due to the effect of the toxin on the central and peripheral nervous system;
    • Smoking. Nicotine contributes to the development of spasm of the walls of blood vessels;
    • A sharp increase in body temperature, as well as persistent hyperthermia in young children is often accompanied by convulsions;
    • Damage to the lower spine(osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia);
    • Vitamin D overdose in young children;
    • Pathology of the liver and kidneys.

    Physiological causes include conditions that are quickly and easily corrected and are not manifestations of diseases:

    • Prolonged standing. This applies to people of certain professions (sellers, teachers, surgeons);
    • Swimming. The legs are actively working and the lower the water temperature, the more likely it is to bring the leg together;
    • Pregnancy, especially its second half, when the load on the lower limbs increases significantly;
    • Long walking, active sports (especially in the absence of a good warm-up);
    • Dehydration due to hot weather.

    Causes of frequent seizures

    If a person has a single spasm, then this indicates the physiological cause of this condition. There is no need to worry in this case. You just need to eliminate the cause of the pathological condition.

    If it constantly (often) reduces the calf muscle, then in this case it is necessary to be alert. This pathological condition occurs against the background of various diseases:

    • Pathology of the central nervous system (damage to the brain by toxins, the development of infections such as meningitis, encephalitis);
    • Damage to the kidneys and liver;
    • Damage to the blood vessels of the lower extremities.

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    With frequent leg cramps, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Otherwise, this condition will only worsen, because the etiological factor has not been eliminated.

    First of all, you need to visit a therapist or pediatrician if the child has convulsions. The therapist will interview and examine the patient, prescribe the necessary examinations (blood and urine tests, angiography, ultrasound of internal organs, and others). If necessary, the patient will be referred to narrow specialists:

    • To the phlebologist if you suspect the presence of pathology of the blood vessels of the lower extremities;
    • To a neurologist if the central nervous system is affected;
    • See a toxicologist if poisoning has occurred.

    Muscle spasms during pregnancy

    Any person can reduce the muscles of the legs. However, this happens much more often in pregnant women. This is due to a number of physiological changes that occur in a woman's body.

    Muscle cramps occur in pregnant women more often in the second half of pregnancy and at night. At the same time, in a woman, the muscles of the lower leg become hard, as if made of stone. There is a sharp pain, due to which the woman cannot move her leg.

    If a pregnant woman cramps the calf muscles, then it is necessary first of all to identify the cause of this condition and, if necessary, to carry out appropriate treatment.

    Causes of the pathological process

    Reduce the calf muscles in pregnant women can for several reasons:

    • Violation of mineral metabolism. Pregnant women often experience an imbalance of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These substances are necessary for the development of the fetus, and if they enter the body in the usual amount, then the female body may experience a deficiency;
    • The use of diuretics. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy with gestosis (severe swelling, protein in the urine), these drugs are often prescribed. They, in turn, remove potassium, which also provokes the occurrence of metabolic disorders;
    • congestion in the veins of the lower extremities. It is during pregnancy that women develop the first signs of varicose veins of the lower extremities;
    • Pregnant uterus pressure(especially in the later stages) to the inferior vena cava, as a result of which the outflow of blood from the lower extremities is difficult.

    What to do if reduces the calf muscles during pregnancy?

    If cramps of the calf muscles are observed, then it is necessary to inform the attending obstetrician-gynecologist about this. You can get rid of this pathological condition only by finding out and eliminating the etiological factor.

    If a pregnant woman has reduced the calf muscle, then her condition can be alleviated by performing a few simple manipulations:

    • Do a leg massage. At the same time, it is good to knead the calf muscle;
    • Rub the muscle;
    • Pull the foot towards you, while stretching the muscle.

    Only the treatment prescribed by the doctor will help to completely get rid of seizures:

    • Diet. Nutrition should be varied and rich in essential trace elements;
    • Cancel diuretics or replace them with potassium-sparing ones;
    • The use of venotonics and consultation with a phlebologist.

    Treatment of pathology

    Treatment begins with the elimination of the causes of muscle cramps:

    • If the cause is a disease, then it is treated;
    • If convulsions occur in connection with dehydration, then it is necessary to eliminate the infections that cause it. It is also necessary to drink enough water and not stay for a long time in the heat;
    • With overstrain of the muscles of the lower extremities, it is necessary to rest more often, adjust the training plan.

    To avoid another attack, it is necessary follow a few simple preventive rules:

    • Do a good warm-up before playing sports, as well as before going to bed (if you suffer from frequent night cramps);
    • Taking a contrast shower. Alternate exposure to the body of cold and warm water promotes spasm and relaxation of blood vessels, this makes them more elastic, relieves heaviness and fatigue;
    • Local foot baths with sea salt. The water must be warm. This procedure must be performed daily or every other day;
    • The use of vitamin and mineral complexes.


    Drugs are prescribed when the cause of seizures are pathological processes. Often the following medicines are prescribed:

    • Muscle relaxants- These are drugs that relieve muscle spasm (Tizanidin, Baclofen and others);
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs). They are prescribed for the development of the inflammatory process in the veins and soft tissues. They are used both in the form of tablets, and in the form of ointments and gels;
    • Drugs that restore electrolyte balance(Panangin, Asparkam). They enrich the body with potassium and magnesium. The drugs are available in the form of tablets and solutions for injection;
    • Vitamin and mineral complexes, dietary supplements. Magne B6, Magnelis B6 are often used.

    Proper nutrition

    If you often reduce calf muscles, then you should reconsider your diet. It should be complete, varied and regular. Products that should be present daily in a person’s menu:

    • Fresh fruits and berries;
    • Fresh and cooked vegetables and herbs;
    • Meat, poultry, fish, seafood;
    • Milk and dairy products;
    • Cheeses;
    • Cereals;
    • Nuts and dried fruits;
    • Legumes;
    • Vegetable oils.

    Method of cooking: boiling, stewing and baking. Such nutrition will help to fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. It is also necessary to establish a drinking regime. Namely, give up sugary drinks in favor of clean water. A healthy person needs 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

    Leg hurts for several days after muscle spasm

    Pain after seizures persists for some time. This is due to a strong and prolonged spasm and tension of muscle fibers. As a rule, pain can last from several minutes to several hours, sometimes discomfort persists for several days.

    Prolonged pain after convulsions are observed in the elderly, as well as in debilitated people. If the calf muscles are cramped and the leg hurts for several days, this may be due to the following pathologies:

    • Hypoxia of muscle tissue(oxygen starvation). When insufficient oxygen enters the body, the blood, therefore, is not able to deliver it to the tissues in an adequate volume;
    • Violation of the movement of blood through the arteries. In this case, the nutrition of muscle tissue is disrupted;
    • Chronic dehydration. Healthy muscles should be well supplied with water, and if it is lacking, they are easily injured. That is why, after muscle cramps, pain persists;
    • Stretching of muscle fibers during prolonged or frequent convulsions, pain is manifested;
    • Accumulation of a large amount of lead in the body;
    • Cirrhosis of the liver.
    This is

    To avoid prolonged pain:

    • Monitor the condition of the blood vessels of the lower extremities. This is especially true for people who have a sedentary lifestyle, work "on their feet";
    • Often walk in the fresh air, ventilate the room. This will help avoid hypoxia;
    • Control drinking regimen. An adult, in the absence of kidney disease, needs to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of pure water;
    • Timely treat diseases of internal organs;
    • Eat a balanced diet.

    The appearance of convulsive syndrome during walking and running

    Walking and running is an active motor act, in which the calf muscles are tense and in some cases a person has convulsions during movement. Why does the calf muscle contract when walking or running?

    As a rule, it reduces the muscles of the lower leg suddenly at the time of walking or running. In this case, the person feels a sharp pain and the inability to step on the foot. With a strong cramp, he may fall.

    When walking and running, the muscles are overloaded, especially during prolonged movement. And with the addition of certain etiological factors, a convulsive seizure is inevitable. This occurs in the presence of such predisposing factors:

    • Varicose veins of the lower extremities;
    • Diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    • Violation of the water and mineral balance;
    • Dehydration.

    In the morning reduces the calf muscle

    In some cases, seizures may occur, as it seems to a person for no apparent reason, for example, in the morning. Why reduces the calf muscles on the legs in the morning? In the morning, the human body is rested, so the occurrence of a sharp muscle spasm can be frightening.

    If it reduces the muscles of the legs in the morning or at night in the elderly, then this is a manifestation of the aging of the body, or rather the spine and spinal cord. If such manifestations are not frequent, then they should not be afraid.

    In the event that convulsions become frequent or daily, then a doctor's consultation and treatment of the underlying disease is required.

    Reduces muscles at night and in the morning and in pregnant women. This is due to compression of the pelvic veins by the growing uterus. There is stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. In such a situation, upon awakening, any movement of the leg (muscle tension) provokes its spasm.

    Nocturnal calf cramps are a common occurrence in people older than middle age that manifest themselves at night during sleep, preventing proper rest.

    A spasm is a spontaneous muscle spasm, accompanied by severe pain. A common location of manifestation is the legs (calves and shins). The convulsive contraction lasts for a few moments or minutes, causing the muscle to harden and deform. The sharp onset of convulsive contraction is accompanied by acute pain, relieved exclusively by painkillers. Pain lasts up to a day, reaching a peak at night.

    Regular nocturnal seizures are the body's signal of the presence of a serious disease or abnormality.

    Finding the cause is a sure step on the road to recovery. Nocturnal cramps of the calf muscles are a kind of indicator of the general condition of the body, the manifestation of which is a weighty excuse to see a doctor.

    The main causes of leg cramps are:

    • Non-systematic intense physical activity;
    • Cold;
    • Disruptions in metabolism;
    • Diseases of the nervous system;
    • Stress;
    • Insufficient amount of minerals in the body;
    • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
    • Excessive excitability of the neuromuscular system;
    • Epilepsy;
    • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
    • Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, flat feet;
    • Side effect of taking medications (diuretics, statins);
    • Lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body;
    • Diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, liver cirrhosis;
    • Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Improper nutrition;
    • Endocrine system disorders, hormonal disruptions;
    • muscle tension;
    • Long stay in an uncomfortable position;
    • Hidden leg injuries.

    Often convulsive contractions of the calf muscles appear at night. During sleep, metabolism slows down, only the heart and brain work at a normal pace. Muscles are relaxed at night, the blood supply to the limbs slows down, leading to oxygen deficiency, causing convulsions.

    To alleviate the condition during convulsive contractions, a special action plan has been developed.

    Immediate Help

    1. If the calf on the leg is seized by a cramp, you should squeeze it with an effort, press your finger into the center for half a minute. The method helps to improve blood flow to the muscle.
    2. To relieve spasm, it is recommended to press firmly on the center of the lower lip for thirty seconds.
    3. It will be useful to carry out a light massage in the calf area - stimulation of blood circulation.
    4. Raising the leg up improves blood flow.
    5. A sharp sharp spastic pain is relieved by a sharp injection into the affected area.
    6. To relieve convulsive symptoms - pulling, stabbing sensations - hot and cold compresses are alternately applied.
    • Training on sports simulators, a treadmill is suitable. Riding a bicycle in combination with gymnastic exercises for the legs will be useful.
    • Regular muscle stretching, relaxing massage.
    • Reduce the amount of diuretic foods in the diet, alcoholic beverages and coffee.
    • Take magnesium and vitamin B12 supplements in moderation.
    • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration if strenuous exercise is expected.
    • Eat foods rich in potassium. These are fish, tomatoes, grapes or bananas.
    • Keep your feet warm at all times.
    • Maintain normal weight, obesity is the reason.
    • Control a disease that causes nocturnal muscle contractions (epilepsy, varicose veins).
    • Wear comfortable shoes so that your feet do not hurt after wearing.

    During the period of intensive growth and development in a child, as in an adult, nocturnal cramps of the calf muscles can appear. The phenomenon is provoked by the following conditions: flat feet in a child, hypothermia, lack of minerals and vitamins in the blood, a long stay in an uncomfortable position. The cause of the seizures is determined by the doctor. With regular convulsive attacks, the most likely factors are flat feet and a lack of vitamins.


    If leg cramps have become regular, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Convulsive phenomena are dealt with by therapists, in some cases by neuropathologists.

    To determine the cause of seizures, a blood test is performed to determine if the patient has an imbalance of hormones or minerals. The state of blood circulation is diagnosed by measuring the pulse of the leg.

    Treatment of calf muscle cramps

    The phenomenon of convulsions is well studied by medicine, the appointment and the treatment process do not cause difficulties.

    If doctors are unable to accurately determine the cause of seizures, the symptom is due to an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in a person’s blood. After examinations, Magne B6, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Asparkam, Calcemin Advance, Panangin, Mydocalm, Diphenylhydramine Hydrochloride, Aralen, Dilantin, Quinine Sulfate are prescribed. The listed drugs are indicated for use under the strict supervision of the attending physician and only after finding out the reasons that explain the cause of convulsive muscle contractions in the legs. No medicine guarantees the complete removal of the syndrome; moreover, it can cause complications in the body, negatively affecting the healing process.

    Medicine allows with the use of physiotherapy sessions, reflexology, deep professional massage, which favorably affects blood circulation in the problem area.

    If the calves are regularly reduced during sleep, in addition to drug treatment, it is strongly recommended to change the diet by adding more foods rich in vitamins: lean meat, liver, seafood, broccoli, honey, legumes, dried fruits, dairy products, nuts, herbs, bran. Please note that simply fat-free foods will not bring the desired effect, they lack a number of vitamins that help in the treatment of seizures.

    Caused by low levels of hemoglobin. The condition is dangerous for the mother and child; to normalize the condition, appropriate medications are prescribed only by a doctor.

    An additional reason for convulsions in pregnant women is a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are excreted from the body due to toxicosis, sometimes involving frequent vomiting. Involuntary contractions are observed in late pregnancy, which is associated with the peculiarities of the exchange of vitamins and trace elements between the female body and the body of the unborn child.

    The uterus, greatly enlarged in size, presses on the inferior vena cava, the outflow of venous blood from the legs is disturbed, which causes a painful attack.

    Preventive gymnastics against seizures

    To get rid of night cramps, constant training and strengthening of the calf muscles are required. The following exercises have been developed for this:

    • Sitting on a chair, place your feet flat on the floor and rest on them with effort from the inside, sit like this for half a minute, then pause for a few seconds, repeat again. The exercise is performed several times a day.
    • Flexion and extension of the toes.
    • Alternate walking on toes and heels.

    Night cramps of the calf muscles do not pose a danger to human life, but cause pain and other discomfort. For the treatment of convulsive syndrome, the causes of occurrence are first established, then the doctor's prescriptions are followed without fail.