
Chemistry test for a high school course. Printable Chemistry Tests

There are only 26 questions in the tests. The question and the correct answer are given.

Tests for the school curriculum in chemistry

Liquid metal?


What are substances consisting of atoms of the same type called?


Color of phenolphthalein in alkalis?


Combustion gas?


What is the name of the smallest particle of a substance that determines its properties?


Volume of one mole of gas?


Who discovered the law of conservation of mass of substances?


Gas used for cutting and welding metals?


Smallest indivisible particle of elements?


What is the most abundant element on Earth?


What are the salts of sulfuric acid called?


Who discovered the periodic law?


What gas is most abundant in the Earth's atmosphere?


Which acid is saltier, sulfuric acid or carbonic acid?


Composition of a water molecule (water formula)?


What is the valency of oxygen?


Formula of nitric acid?

( HNO-3)

Lightest gas?


What is the name of the number that is written in front of formulas?


Specify the acid-free acid: sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric.


Substances that change the rate of chemical reactions?


How many states of aggregation does water have?


Unit for measuring the amount of substance?


At what temperature does pure water boil?


Gas needed for breathing?


Formula of oxygen?


Chemistry test

I. Reveal the essence of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic law in the light of the theory of atomic structure.

1.Indicate the name of the element forming amphoteric compounds:

c) sodium.

2. Designate the element that is part of the main subgroup:

a) calcium,

b) iron,

3. Determine the number of electrons that can be contained in the f – sublevel of the electron shell:

4. Establish a correspondence between the number of electrons in the external energy level and the name of the chemical element:

a) 1, 1. potassium,

b) 2, 2. chlorine,

c) 3, 3. phosphorus,

d) 5. 4. aluminum,

5. Establish the sequence of increasing charge of the nucleus of the elements:

b) sodium,

c) rubidium,

d) sea anemone.

6. Match the element symbol and its name:

a)Al, 1.magnesium,

b) Na, 2. nitrogen (nitrogen),

c) N, 3. mercury,

d) Hg. 4. aluminum,

5. sodium.

7. Indicate the elements that can exhibit valence II:

a) sodium,

b) calcium,

c) aluminum.

d) magnesium,

d) bagriy,

d) iron.

8. Designate the element of the second group:

b) carbon (carbon),

c) aluminum,

9. Determine the molecular weight of the compound CaCo3:

10. Select a characteristic of the composition of a molecule of a simple substance:

a) consists of atoms of the same type,

b) consists of atoms of different types,

c) contains only two atoms.

d) contains only one atom.

11. Indicate the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom numbered 20:

II Methane. Describe the structure of molecules, properties and applications.

1. Designate the valency of carbon in organic compounds:

at four,

2. Designate the homological difference in the homologous series of alkanes:

3. Specify the molecular formula of methane:

4. Indicate the possible products of methane combustion:

a) oxygen,

V) carbon dioxide,

5. Indicate the properties characteristic of methane:

a) gaseous,

b) liquid,

c) explosion hazard,

d) lighter than air,

e) good solubility in water.

6. Indicate possible products during the decomposition of methane:

a) molecular hydrogen,

b) atomic hydrogen,

7. The characteristic reaction of methane is:

a) substitutions,

b) accession,

c) exchange.

d) polymerization.

8. According to the molecular structure, methane is:

a) alkyne,

b) an alkene,

c) alkane,

d) cyclans.

9. Indicate the general molecular formula of the homologous series of alkanes:

b) Сu H2n – 2bb

d) Сu H2n – 4.

10. Label the compounds with which methane reacts:

11. Methane is used as a raw material in processes:

a) oxidation,

b) restoration,

c) polymerization,

d) synthesis of new substances,


Option 1

Part A assignments are scored 1 point, Part B – 2 points, Part C – 3 points. Total points that a student can score is 24 points.

Part A

    A chemical element has the following atomic structure scheme +18 2)8)8). What position does he occupy in the PSHE?

a) II period, VII group; b) III period, VIII group; c) IV period, I group.

    R 2 O 5

a) first; b) fifth; c) fourth.

    Which substance has an ionic bond?

a) LiCl; b) HBr; c) O 2; d) CO

    Zn + O 2 ZnO:


a) O; b) N; c) Na; d) F.

6. At the beginning of each period there are atoms:

a) metals; b) non-metals.

7. 2 -, are called

8. The class of alkanes includes hydrocarbons with the following composition:


a) 2-methylpentane; b) 2,2-dimethylpentane; c) 2,4-dimethylpentane; d) 2,4-dimethylpentene.

10. A qualitative reaction to phenol is its interaction with:

a) copper (II) hydroxide; b) an ammonia solution of silver (I) oxide; c) iron (III) chloride; d) hydrogen.

11. General formula unsaturated hydrocarbons:

a) C n H 2 n; b) C n H 2 n+2 ; c) C n H 2 n–2 ; d) C n H n .

Part B

a) when boiled, protein loses its enzymatic, protective and other functions;

b) sodium is alkali metal;

c) element organic chemistry– hydrogen;

d) carbon dioxide is used to make fizzy drinks and to produce soda;

e) a solution of phenol is called carbolic acid or carbolic acid.


A) Sulfuric acid 1) H 2 SO 4

B) Barium hydroxide 2) BaSO 3

B) Barium sulfate 3) BaO

D) Barium oxide 4) BaSO 4

2. Matchbetween the name of an organic compound and the class of substances to which it belongs:

A) butene-1 1) acetylene ac/v

B) butanol-2 2) unsaturated hydrocarbons

B) butine 3) alcohols

D) butanal 4) aldehydes

6) ketones.

Part C

    Solve the problem: Find the mass fraction of glucose in a solution containing 280 g of water and 40 g of glucose.

    Using a qualitative reaction, prove the presence of starch in bread.

Differentiated credit in the discipline "Chemistry"IwellIIsemester

Option 2

The test consists of parts A, B, C. Part A includes 11 tasks, part B – 3 tasks, part C – 2 tasks.

A grade of “3” is given if the student scores at least 12 points, “4” - at least 16 points, “5” - at least 20 points.

Part A

For each task in Part A, several answers are given, of which only 1 is correct. Choose the correct answer in your opinion.

    A chemical element has a 2-8-7 distribution of electrons across the electron layers in the atom. What position does he occupy in the PSHE?

a) II period, VI group; b) III period, VII group; c) IV period, I group.

    Formula of the highest oxide of a chemical elementR.O. 3 . Which group of the main subgroup of PSHE does it belong to?

a) second; b) fifth; c) sixth.

    Which of the following substances has a covalent nonpolar bond?

a) H 2; b) Cl 2 O; c) PCl 3; d) MgO.

    Specify the type of chemical reactionAl(OH) 3 Al 2 O 3 + H 2 O:

a) decomposition; b) connections; c) exchange; d) substitutions.

5. Symbol of an element forming a simple substance - metal:

a) Ag; b) C; c) N; d) F.

6. The only liquid metal is:

a) aluminum; b) zinc; c) magnesium; d) mercury.


a) homologues; b) isomers; c) radicals; d) molecules.

8. The class of saturated hydrocarbons includes:

a) C 7 H 12; b) C 7 H 16; c) C 7 H 6; d) C 7 H 8.

9. Name of the hydrocarbon below according to systematic nomenclature

a) 2,2-methylpentane; b) 3,3-dimethylpentene-1; c) 3,3-dimethylpentane-1; d) 3,3-dimethylpentanol-1.

10. A qualitative reaction to a protein is its interaction with:

a) copper (II) hydroxide; b) an ammonia solution of silver(I) oxide; c) concentrated nitric acid; d) hydrogen.

11. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are substances with the general formula:

a) C n H 2 n; b) C n H 2 n+2 ; c) C n H 2 n–2 ; d) C n H 2 n –4 .

Part B

In task B1, choose the correct statements. Write down the selected letters in alphabetical order.

A) carbon monoxide it is very poisonous, because when it enters the blood during respiration, it quickly combines with hemoglobin, thereby depriving hemoglobin of the ability to carry oxygen;

b) butter contains protein;

c) a solution is a homogeneous system;

d) a substance or element that donates electrons is an oxidizing agent;

e) an indicator showing the presence of H ions in a solution - litmus.

AT 2. Match. Write the answer in the following form: A-4, B-1, etc.

    Match the name of the substance with the formula of the compound:

Name of substance: Compound formula:

A) Copper oxide (II) 1) Cu 2 O

B) Copper (II) nitrate 2) HNO 3

IN) Nitric acid 3) Cu(OH) 2

D) Copper (II) hydroxide 4) Cu(NO 3) 2

2. Match the name of the substance with the class of organic compounds to which it belongs:

Name of compound: Class of substances:

A) ethanal 1) acetylene ac/v

B) methanol 2) alkadienes

B) ethin 3) alcohols

D) benzene 4) aldehydes

5) aromatic

6) ketones.

Part C

    Solve the problem: What amount of copper oxide substance (II) contained in 120g of its mass?

    Using a qualitative reaction, prove the presence of protein in milk.

Differentiated credit in the discipline "Chemistry"IwellIIsemester

Option 3

The test consists of parts A, B, C. Part A includes 11 tasks, part B – 3 tasks, part C – 2 tasks.

Part A assignments are scored 1 point, Part B – 2 points, Part C – 3 points. The total number of points a student can score is 23 points.

A grade of “3” is given if the student scores at least 12 points, “4” - at least 16 points, “5” - at least 20 points.

Part A

For each task in Part A, several answers are given, of which only 1 is correct. Choose the correct answer in your opinion.

    A chemical element has a 2-8-6 distribution of electrons across the electron layers in the atom. What position does he occupy in the PSHE?

a) IV period, II group; b) II period, VII group; c) III period, VI group.

2. Formula of a hydrogen compound of a chemical elementRH 4 . Which group of the main subgroup of PSHE does it belong to?

a) fourth; b) third; c) second.

3. Which of the following substances has a covalent nonpolar bond?

a) H 2 O; b) S 8; c) CaH 2; d) C 2 H 6.

4. Specify the type of chemical reactionFe + CuCl 2 Cu + FeCl 2 :

a) decomposition; b) connections; c) exchange; d) substitutions.


a) Mg; b) Cu; c) Na; d) F.

6. At the end of each period there are formulas:

a) metals; b) non-metals.

7. Substances that have the same empirical formula (having the same quantitative and qualitative composition), but different structure, and therefore different properties, are called

a) homologues; b) isomers; c) radicals; d) molecules.

8. Belongs to the class of alcohols:

a) C 7 H 12; b) C 7 H 16; c) C 7 H 6; d) C 3 H 7 OH.

CH 3 –CH 2 – CH – CH 2 – CH 3

a) 2,2-methylpentane; b) pentanol-3; c) 3-hydroxopentane; d) pentanol-1.

10. A characteristic reaction for aldehydes is interaction with:

a) iron (III) chloride; b) an ammonia solution of silver (I) oxide; c) bleach; d) sodium carbonate solution.

11. Acetylene hydrocarbons are substances with the general formula:

a) C n H 2 n; b) C n H 2 n+2 ; c) C n H 2 n–2 ; d) C n H 2 n –4 .

Part B

In task B1, choose the correct statements. Write down the selected letters in alphabetical order.

a) Proteins have primary, secondary and tertiary structure;

b) the mass of a substance is expressed in g/mol;

c) hydrolysis is the interaction of substances with salts;

d) glycerin is used as a component cosmetics for face and hand skin care;

e) the process of decomposition of a substance into ions is called electrolytic dissociation.

AT 2. Match. Write the answer in the following form: A-4, B-1, etc.

2. Match the name of an organic compound with the class to which it belongs.

Name of compound: Class of substances:

A) butane 1) unsaturated hydrocarbons

B) propene 2) limiting u/v

B) ethanal 3) alcohols

D) benzene 4) aldehydes

5) aromatic

6) ketones.

Part C

    Solve the problem: How many atoms are there in 5 moles of phosphorus?

    Using a qualitative reaction, prove that the substance given to you is phenol

Differentiated credit in the discipline "Chemistry"IwellIIsemester

Option 4

The test consists of parts A, B, C. Part A includes 11 tasks, part B – 3 tasks, part C – 2 tasks.

Part A assignments are scored 1 point, Part B – 2 points, Part C – 3 points. The total number of points a student can score is 23 points.

A grade of “3” is given if the student scores at least 12 points, “4” - at least 16 points, “5” - at least 20 points.

Part A

For each task in Part A, several answers are given, of which only 1 is correct. Choose the correct answer in your opinion.

    A chemical element has a 2-8-3 distribution of electrons across the electron layers in the atom. What position does he occupy in the PSHE?

a) IV period, II group; b) III period, III group; c) II period, V group.

    Formula of the highest oxide of a chemical elementR.O.. Which group of the main subgroup of PSHE does it belong to?

a) fifth; b) second; c) third.

    Which of the following substances has a metallic bond:

a) Zn; b) S; c) C; d) KH.

4. Specify the type of chemical reactionBa(OH) 2 + HNO 3 Ba(NO 3 ) 2 + H 2 O:

a) decomposition; b) connections; c) exchange; d) substitutions.

5. Symbol of an element forming a simple substance - a nonmetal:

a) Hg; b) C; c) Na; d) Fe.

6. The most ductile metal is:

a) Al; b) Cu; c) Au; d) Pb.

7. Substances that are similar in structure and properties, but differ from each other in composition by one or more -CH groups 2 -, are called

a) homologues; b) isomers; c) radicals; d) molecules.

8. To the class carboxylic acids applies:

a) C 7 H 12; b) C 17 H 35 COOH; c) C 7 H 6; d) C 3 H 7 OH.

9. Name of the hydrocarbon below according to systematic nomenclature

a) 2-methylpropane; b) propanol-3; c) propanoic acid; d) propanol-1.

10. Glycerin in aqueous solution can be detected using:

a) bleach; b) copper (II) hydroxide; c) iron (III) chloride; d) sodium hydroxide.

11. Saturated monohydric alcohols are substances with the general formula:

a) C n H 2 n; b) C n H 2 n+1 OH c) C n H 2 n–2 ; d) C n H 2 n –4 .

Part B

In task B1, choose the correct statements. Write down the selected letters in alphabetical order.

a) You can live without protein;

b) the first representative of the homologous series of alkanes is methane;

c) bases are electrolytes that dissociate into metal cations and anions of hydroxyl groups;

d) the hay that the cow eats contains vegetable protein;

e) an indicator that shows the presence of OH ions - litmus.

AT 2. Match. Write the answer in the following form: A-4, B-1, etc.

    Match the name of the substance with the formula of the compound:

Substance name: Compound formula:

2. Establish a correspondence between the name of a substance and the class (group) of organic compounds to which it belongs:

Name of compound: Class of substances:

A) methanal 1) acetylene ac/v

B) propyne 2) limiting u/v

B) ethanoic acid 3) carboxylic acids

D) benzene 4) aldehydes

5) aromatic

6) ketones.

Part C

    Solve the problem: A hydrocarbon whose vapor density for hydrogen is 39 contains 92.31% carbon and 7.7% hydrogen. Find its molecular formula.

    Using a qualitative reaction, prove that the substance given to you is glycerin

Key to the test

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

1 mol-6.02x10 23 atoms, then in

M=39x2=78 g/mol



J 2 = violet color

yellow coloring

violet coloring

violet coloring

cornflower blue coloring

Instructions for performing the test

This test includes material on the discipline “Chemistry” for 1 year for the specialty 02/34/01 Nursing (basic training) on ​​the basis of the main general education. The work is intended to test the knowledge of 1st year students in the discipline “Chemistry”. The test lasts 60 minutes and consists of 4 options of 15 questions.

The questions are divided into several blocks:

Questions 1 to 7 (inclusive) are test tasks with one correct answer;

Questions 8 to 11 (inclusive) are questions with a free (arbitrary) answer that must be written (in words);

Questions 12 to 13 (inclusive) are test items with multiple correct answers;

Question 14 is a question in which you need to evaluate the correctness of the statement;

In question 15, you need to match the formula with its name or class of compound to which it belongs.

The correct answers are entered into the Answer Sheet table:

In test tasks, the letters of the answers that you think are correct are entered;

In questions with a free answer, the word of the correct answer is written;

For question No. 14, write the letter of the correct answer in your opinion;

For question No. 15 - write a letter and a number separated by a dash correct ratio(write the list separated by commas).

The test is scored using a point system:

Questions 1 to 7 (inclusive) - 1 point for one correct answer;

Questions 8 to 11 (inclusive) - 3 points for one correct answer;

Questions 12 to 13 (inclusive) - 1 point for one correct answer;

Question 14 - 4 points for one correct answer;

Question 15 is worth 5 points for one correct answer.

The maximum number of points that can be scored = 30 points. Based on the sum of points, grades are given:

“Excellent” - 26 - 30 points

“Good” - 21 - 25 points;

“Satisfactory” - 15 - 20 points;

“Unsatisfactory” - less than 15 points.

Final test in chemistry for 1 semester

Option 1

1. Oxides include the following compounds:

A. KCl, CaS, LiHSO4

b. CuOH, NaOH, Al(OH)3

g. CaO, MgO, ZnO

2. Hydrocarbon with the formula C6 H5 -CH3 belongs to the class:

A. alkanes

b. alkenes

V. alkynes


3. Particles in molecules are connected by covalent polar bonds:

A. hydrogen

b. ammonia

V. gland


4. In proteins, a peptide group is called:

A. NH 4 OOS-

b. NH 2 OS-

V. -СО-НН-


5. The maximum number of electrons at the s-sublevel is:

A. 14

b. 2

V. 10

city ​​6

6. General formula of alkenes:

A. WITH n H2 n +2

b. WITH n H2 n

V. WITH n H2 n -2

city ​​C n H2 n -6

7. The solution environment is expressed through:

A. pC

b. рN

V. pO

g. pH

8. In the Periodic Table, the vertical row of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic nuclear charges is __________________

9. Alenes have a ____________________ bond in the carbon chain

10. Compounds that have the same qualitative and quantitative composition, but different structures are called ______________________

11. Substances whose formula is CH3 -CH=CH-CH=CH-CH3 belongs to the class _______________

12. Most natural fats contain:

A. saturated higher carboxylic acids

b. unsaturated higher polybasic acids

V. unsaturated higher carboxylic acids

d. saturated polybasic acids

13. Alkynes are characterized by next view isomerism:

A. carbon skeleton

b. multiple position

V. functional group positions

d. spatial

A. Dissolution is a chemical process.

B. Dissolution is a physical process.

A. A - yes, B - yes

b. A - yes, B - no

V. A - no, B - yes

d. A - no, B - no

Final test in chemistry for 1 semester

Option 2

1. Salts include the following compounds:

A. KCl, CaS, LiHSO4

b. CuOH, NaOH, Al(OH)3

V. H, Na3, H2,

g. CaO, MgO, ZnO

2. Chemical reactions accompanied by the following phenomenon:

A. freezing of a reservoir

b. rusting of iron in moist air

V. evaporation of water from the surface of a reservoir

d. cloud formation

3. Hydrocarbon with the formula CH2 (OH)-CH(OH)-CH2 (OH) belongs to the class:

A. ethylene glycols

b. glycerols

V. monohydric alcohols

g. phenols

4. An element that accepts electrons and increases its oxidation state is:

A. oxidizer

b. catalyst

V. reducing agent

g. inhibitor

5. General formula of the homologous series of ketones:


b. R-SON

V. R-CO-R"

g. R-OH

6. Main function of DNA:

A. transport

b. storage of hereditary information

V. informational

g. ribosomal

7. Particles in molecules are connected by covalent nonpolar bonds:

A. hydrogen

b. gland

V. water


8. Chemically inert compounds are __________ethers

9. In the Periodic Table, the horizontal row of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic nuclear charges is ________________

10. The order of alternation of amino acid residues in polypeptide chain protein determine its ________________ structure

11._______________ is the space around the nucleus of an atom in which the electron resides 90-95% of its time.

12. Polysaccharides include:

A. starch

b. glucose

V. sucrose

g. cellulose

13. Qualitative reaction on the aldehyde group - this is interaction with:

A. copper(II) hydroxide

b. inorganic acids

V. silver oxide

d. halogens

14. Do you agree with the following expressions?

A. Dispersed systems are heterogeneous solutions.

B. Dispersed systems are homogeneous solutions.

A. A - yes, B - yes

b. A - yes, B - no

V. A - no, B - yes

d. A - no, B - no

15. Match the formula with its name

Final test in chemistry for 1 semester

Option 3

1. The following compounds belong to hydroxides:

A. KCl, CaS, LiHSO4

b. CuOH, NaOH, Al(OH)3

V. H, Na3, H2,

g. CaO, MgO, ZnO

2. Amino acids include substances with the general formula:

A. R-CH 2 -CONН2

b. R-CH 2 -COONH4

V. NH 2 UN


3. An element that donates electrons and lowers its oxidation state is:

A. oxidizer

b. catalyst

V. reducing agent

g. inhibitor

4. Hydrocarbon with the formula C3 H6 belongs to the class:

A. alkanes

b. alkenes

V. alkynes


5. The theory of the structure of organic compounds was proposed by:

A. Butlerov

b. Mendeleev

V. Lomonosov


6. Biological functions performed by enzyme proteins:

A. regulatory

b. catalytic

V. transport

g. protective

7. The maximum number of electrons at the d-sublevel is:

A. 14

b. 2

V. 10

city ​​6

8. During alcoholic fermentation of sucrose, ___________alcohol is formed

9.________________ is a reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.

10. ___________ bond is the interaction force that holds particles near each other.

11. A particle that lacks one hydrogen atom to form a stable form is called____________________.

12. The reaction as a result of which a polymer is formed from monomolecules6

A. synthesis

b. polycondensation

V. polymerization

g. connections

13. From a chemical point of view, an atom consists of:

A. proton

b. electron

V. core

g. neutron

14. Do you agree with the following expressions?

A. If the solution is acidic, then the pH is less than 7.

B. If the solution environment is alkaline, then the pH is greater than 7.

A. A - yes, B - yes

b. A - yes, B - no

V. A - no, B - yes

d. A - no, B - no

15. Match the formula with its name

Final test in chemistry for 1 semester

Option 4

1. Hydrochloric acid formula:


b. HBr

V. HCl

Mr. HF

3. Atoms in molecules are connected by hydrogen bonds:

A. ammonia

b. water

V. hydrogen

g. hydrogen bromide

3. The maximum number of electrons at the p-sublevel is:

A. 14

b. 2

V. 10

city ​​6

4. General formula of alkanes:

A. WITH n H2 n +2

b. WITH n H2 n

V. WITH n H2 n -2

city ​​C n H2 n -6

5. Soap is called:

A. mixture of higher carboxylic acids

b. sodium and potassium salts higher carboxylic acids

V. magnesium and calcium salts of higher carboxylic acids

d. mixture of lower carboxylic acids

6. Cracking is a reaction:

A. thermal decomposition

b. electrical decomposition

V. physical decomposition

g. chemical decomposition

7. The addition of hydrogen halides to unsymmetrical alkenes is carried out according to the rule:

A. Wurtz

b. Zaitseva

V. Kucherora


8. The double helix of two intertwined nucleotide chains in the DNA molecule constitutes its _________________structure

9. ______________groups - functional group alcohols

10.____________ is a particle that lacks one hydrogen atom to form a stable form

11. A chemical bond formed by a hydrogen atom of one monomolecule and a strongly electronegative atom of another monomolecule is called _____________________

12. Chemical composition salt:

A. acid residue

b. oxygen atom

V. metal

d. hydrogen atom

13. With complete hydrolysis of a DNA molecule, the following is formed:

A. nitrogenous bases

b. phosphoric acid

V. ribose

g. deoxyribose

14. Do you agree with the following expressions?

A. Cellulose dissolves in any solvent.

B. Starch dissolves in water.

A. A - yes, B - yes

b. A - yes, B - no

V. A - no, B - yes

d. A - no, B - no

15. Establish a correspondence between the formula and the class of mineral compounds


1. Oxide

b. Na2O

2. Complex

V. H3PO3

3. Hydroxide

g. Mg(OH)2

4. Acid

d. Na3

5. Salt

Answer Sheet

Final test in chemistry for 1 semester

Last name and first name of the student ____________________________________________________________


groups _____________ Date _____________________


Correct answer

Standard answers

Final test in chemistry for 1 semester

Option 1


Correct answer


one double



a, c

a, b, d

a - 3; b - 4; in 1; g - 5; D 2

Option 2


Correct answer





a, c, d

a, c

a - 2; b - 4; at 5; g - 3; d - 1

Option 3


Correct answer






Correct answer





a, c

a, b, d

a - 5; b - 1; at 4; g - 3; D 2

This resource is intended for chemistry teachers when studying the topic "Carbohydrates" in the ninth grade. This material can be used to test students' knowledge. The test work was compiled in accordance with the educational and methodological set O.S. Gabrielyan, Chemistry, 9th grade. The test contains 7 questions and answers are provided.

The target audience: for teacher

15 options

The options are created for high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam 2018 in chemistry. Can be used for independent test exams in schools.

At the end of each test there are answers to all tasks, as well as criteria for checking the difficult, second part of the test.

There are 8 in development thematic tests(12 options each), designed for 15 minutes. The content of the assignments corresponds to paragraphs 36 - 42 of O.S. Gabrielyan’s textbook and is aimed at repeating and summarizing knowledge from the 8th - 9th grade chemistry course and preparing for the OGE.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 35 tasks. Part 1 contains 29 short-answer tasks, part 2 contains 6 long-answer tasks.
3.5 hours (210 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination paper in chemistry.

The work is presented in four versions. Answers, solutions of the second part and evaluation criteria are attached.

Target audience: for 11th grade

CDR assignments will mainly test the assimilation educational material in chemistry respectively typical mistakes graduates for 2016.

Diagnostic work is carried out with various types tasks for which the format in the 2017 KIMs has been changed.

When performing work, the periodic system is used chemical elements DI. Mendeleev, table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water, electrochemical voltage series of metals.

For calculations it is allowed to use an unprogrammed microcalculator.

Target audience: for 11th grade

The test was developed for 8th grade students on the topic “Simple Substances”. The test consists of 3 parts, 13 tasks included different levels difficulties. The first part of the test (closed test tasks) consists of 10 tasks for which you need to choose only one answer option. The second part consists of only one matching task. The third part (open test tasks) consists of two tasks, which you must answer yourself by performing the necessary calculations.

Target audience: for 8th grade

Target audience: for 10th grade

Currently, the most relevant form of verification is tests. In addition, the Unified State Exam for the course has been introduced in educational institutions high school and state final certification of 9th grade graduates (in a new form), the tasks of which consist of tests.
In this test, the content corresponds to 3 topics that were studied in the 1st half of the year using the textbook by G.E. Rudzitis and F. G. Feldman “Chemistry. 8th grade" (Enlightenment). These topics are “Initial chemical concepts”, “Oxygen”, “Hydrogen. Water. Solutions".
This test consists of 3 parts and includes 25 tasks.